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Energy Work and Sleep

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I've been having somewhat of the same problem, although it may be becuase I'm still new to NEW.  I do what cainam_nazier said he does, and I just can't fall asleep.  I feel wide awake.



I also have been noticing that. I guess the increased energy levels decrease the amount of sleep needed, but I have a feeling that it should stabilize after a while and sleep should resume as usual.
On that note, I have really just started the method about 2 weeks ago and last night, I got my feet tingling and buzzing so strong, it was almost uncomfortable. Incredible.


I've heard that 45 minutes of meditation equall 4 hours of sleep. When meditating, your re-energizing, the same with sleep, but with meditation your focusing more, thus doing more.

"Look within, thou art the Budda"


I'd be careful not to generalize like that. Nobody should get the idea that they can go without sleep, and meditate for 90 minutes to get the equivalent of a full night's sleep, but I imagine a good "power nap" can come in handy often.


I think that 30 minutes of meditation may be equivalent to the first 90 minutes of sleep (have heard many figures), but this is only because in the first 90 mins the body is still dropping off into deep sleep (the type in which REM activity occurs). It is apparently veeeery important to get to deep sleep, as lighter versions just don't cut it. I am not sure whether if you were able to get into a deep trance (delta level, equivalent of deep sleep) this would be enough, but suspect you could theoretically spend a whole night at this level and get up the next day just as rested as if you had slept. I have read that in a delta trance REM can occur, which makes this more likely.
Personally I always go into a trance before sleep, meditate a little, which may well help the body to get into deep sleep quicker than usual therefore increasing the "efficiency".
That said, some people do something called "power sleep" where they nap for 30 minutes at a time 3 times a day, reckoning that the first 30 minutes are most important, eg Margeret Thatcher. But some medical type people I know claim that the first 2 hours are sleep are virtally unproductive so I don't know who is right (but look at the state of maggy lol!)

(!!!Formerly known as Inguma!!!)
You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are vaster than the universe and more powerful than a flaring supernova. You are truly incredible!!


You need more than 2 hours of sleep at a stretch to remain healthy, there's no doubt about it.  I've seen firsthand the effects that a sleep disorder which prevents this can have on a person.

REM sleep gets the most press--if you don't get dream sleep, then you will go insane and start hallucinating.  But REM isn't all you need.
The deepest stage of sleep is called Delta.  Delta is the sleep in which almost all of your functions shut down, leaving just enough of the lights on to keep the system operating, as it were.  This is the true, deep rest that your body needs.

For a person with sleep apnea, when they hit this stage, they have to wake up, because the total muscle relaxation causes their palate to collapse and block their airway.

The result is extreme fatigue, weakness, and increasingly irrational levels of irritability.
It takes several hours for a person to transition into Delta, and it's absolutely necessary.

--Winged Wolf
"I will stare at the sun until its light doesn't blind me, and I will walk into the fire, 'til its heat doesn't burn me, and I will feed the fire...."
--Winged Wolf
"I will stare at the sun until its light doesn't blind me, and I will walk into the fire, 'til its heat doesn't burn me, and I will feed the fire...."


The thing of it is that when this happens to me anyway I go the rest of the normal, until my next sleep cycle.  IE. Instead of going the normal 16 hours before sleep I end up going 22 hours to get back to the normal sleep time for me.  There have been times when this has happened several days in a row with no noticable side effects.
So then is it possible that because of the meditation and energy work prior to bed I am dropping straight into delta sleep? Because of the often high level physical relaxation I hit through meditation?

The question also came up with REM sleep, or dreaming.  It is very rare that I have a dream that I can remember.  It has been almost 3 years in this state VS. when previously I had been able to remember dreams all the time.  Any one's thoughts on that.

David Rogalski


Last week I had totally relaxed and listened to a past life regression walk through cd.  In it, it instructed me to get totally relaxed and I stayed that way long after the cd ended.  I either fell into a trance and then meditated for an hour, or i fell asleep in the deeply relaxed state.  Whatever it was, I felt more awake and alive than I had the past two years!

It was amazing.  I'm wondering if i was sleeping, or in trance--or both together, increasing the effect.



Edguidry- I didn't mean to imply that sleep should be replaced with short mediations, nor do I think that anyone should do it. I was just putting forth some information that I had heard. Sorry to anyone who I gave the wrong impression to.

"Look within, thou art the Budda"



Last night for the first time, I tried some stuff from Robert's Book.
I bounced energy in my legs, arms, and spine.  Then I did the full body energy circut, to my surprise, my feet and toes lit up like torches! Very hot and tingling, I moved it up my body and it evenly dissapated. I wasn't tired anymore and felt more awake then when I went to bed. This all happened in ten minutes.

I then tried to start the OBE proccess. Body fell and heavyiness, vibrations and energy waves started. Tried to roll out and shoulder was stuck. Tried to peel out feet first, nothing. Tried head first, nothing.

Seems like it held me in, all that energy work.  But I did have some very vivid dreams that night, so good that I could recall the entire dream, every conversation and detail, so I filled a page in my dream journal!    

 Just my thoughts on day-one of energy work...




 Back to the original question.  When beginning to work consciously with energy, especially before sleep some interesting side effects occur, so to speak.  Personally, I would wake up multiple times in the night, get uncomfortable surges of energy, etc.

This is all due to the new expansion of energy flowing through your body, and as Robert states in his treastie, that it can cause some rather uncomfortable symptoms.  I suggest riding it out, as it will soon begin to digress in strength, and you can do more productive things in your project.




I never really found it a problem other than I often get board because of being up so much.  And it is something that has been happening but has only increased in frequency since the energy work.

David Rogalski


Okay, I always do my energy work before I go to bed.  I have always meditated at this time and found it easier to do the energy work also at this time.  I do about 15-20 mins. of work and then usually happily fall asleep.  I have been finding myself more and more after doing this, sleeping for about 2 hours and then waking up fully awake as if I had 8-10 worth of sleep.  Now this used to happen before I started the energy work so I am used to it but it has increased considerably since.  Does any one else have problems sleeping after energy work?  Why?

David Rogalski