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let's agree

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Thanks for the chuckle, Fred. :)

You are funny!




I agree too.... or maybe i just need more posts so I can get my first star.[8)]
the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing in the face of it.


No Fred, you're wrong!  If we all agree, then we have no conflict.  If we have no conflict, then we have no entertainment.  If we have no entertainment, then we are bored.  If we are bored, our minds go numb and society falls into the pit of mediocrity.  Thus an agreement board would be our downfall.  Or I guess we could agree to disagree that agreeing isn't as fun as disagreeing but then wouldn't that be the same as agreeing? Do you disagree?...oh no I've gone cross eyed.

Terry B

I don't actually understand your post Psypunk. (do you agree with this statement?)

However, I respectfully agree with whatever you say, or trying to say.


I was being quasi-factitious


Ow... my brain hurts.


Excellent, Smithers... Ah, that was an EXCELLENT excellen...


this thread is being started for anyone who has a problem w/ the other thread 'let's argue.  instead of wasting your/our time stating how you disagree about what's going on there, you can come here, agree about something, then go on your way.

now to find something that there will be a universal agreeance upon.

how about :  it's really nice when things are going well in my life.

i've always been a big fan of having things turn out well in my life.  sometimes they don't and i notice that i dislike that and would rather have it the other way.  

once i thought that maybe i didn't like it when things went well.  boy was i wrong.  as soon as they started to go wrong i disliked it very much.  a few minutes later when they panned out, i immediatlely felt better.  to this day when things go wrong, i find myself thinking 'boy, i sure would like it if things were better'.

anyone else?