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'SIRIUS' The Movie

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 Here's a small teaser trailer to hold you over until the Movie is released sometime in the spring of 2013.

It looks like it is going to be a very interesting Movie.

Hopefully it gets the backing to be released Globally in Major theaters, but unfortunately I doubt that will happen!  :-(


Yeah, can't wait for this.
Can't help but be really curious about that little alien creature, was it real? Could it be real? D: 
Reminds me of the supposed alien corpse found in Puerto Rico in 1979, can't remember if that was a hoax or not.

The Astral Pulse Astral Police Cop Department. (APAPCD)
Keeping you safe from old hags with pillows since 2011


Yeah, it's about time it came out now. I've been following Greers work for a while now and also am looking forward to it.

However, I doubt it will change a lot. The mass of people is just too inert to change and too programmed by media, society and politics. They'll look the other way.
Don't want to play the role of the all-out pessimist here, but there's no hope for humanity as long as the "general public / mainstream" still prefers to watch merely fictional and exuberantly video-game-CGI-like special effects action-packed horror hostile invading alien movies (such as e.g. 'Battle L.A.') instead of the REAL (and therefore even much more thrilling!) stuff and facts about ET life around us. They prefer to remain asleep.

Btw, here's a very interesting thread I made on this probable little alien corpse and Greer's work with links given to his blog and website, but also the very interesting (yet controversial) "Starchild Skull" and the according website, check it out, it's worth it:

Ah, and here is my favorite thread on Mars 'anomalies' which I wrote a lot on:

Have fun.


 Volgerle, Thank You for these links. Great info to be found there.

I have never been to that website before. I see our good friend CFTraveller is there also. I wondered where she went. I'm glad her talents are not being wasted!  :-)

She is sorely missed here!  :-(


I have to take Greer with a grain of salt though... he has been making his spiel and saying disclosure is near since 2001 and before; some of his witnesses seem credible, and at least some of the message may be true- I don't doubt much is hidden from the public, and we are lied to at every turn; but I have not made up my mind about he the person yet.

He hosts those workshops for fairly large sums of money where people essentially go out into the desert and look at the stars, and make movies of aircraft lights. He has been at that for a very long time, and he always has those videos titled "UNDENIABLE ET contact and landing", and you watch them and they are distant planes in the sky; I can only take so much of that before I question what he is running, but then some of his information might check out, so it is a tossup for me.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Greer Bedini to name two are looking for someone with a money making product. They sell themselves as the boys in the know. Neither of them have anything that works or even close. Their choice of words need.attention as there's a scape goat inherent.
Bedini is reaping cash on a free energy device that cannot function as its operation is 63% reclaimed energy in a form almost unusable. Others are having far more success including myself.
Professor Searle is doing his work correctly and he gets denounced by the gift of the gob self proclaimed heros.
Anyone who's been successful has been bought out or mysteriously died.

A Chinese elder once said, "Never trust a man who smiles all the time".
Greer always smiles where theres free money.

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: Stillwater on January 27, 2013, 03:26:57
I have to take Greer with a grain of salt though... he has been making his spiel and saying disclosure is near since 2001 and before
Actually, I think that "Disclosure" is defined as the act or admitting it by governments and "officials", so it is not really up to him, he (and others) does what he can to work towards it. He's doing Disclosure on his own 24/7 on 365 days per year, as it seems. I think he's an idealist and not out for making a lot of money with it. That does of course not exlude that he earns sth by it but he was a doctor and could have easier and less dangerously earned money.

Quote from: Stillwater on January 27, 2013, 03:26:57
He hosts those workshops for fairly large sums of money where people essentially go out into the desert and look at the stars, and make movies of aircraft lights.
I wouldn't be so sure they are all aircraft lights as they also photographed UFO-looking craft and some of the lights (if you refer to the night footage) give signals in response to him. There is also one pic of an extraterrestial 'materialising' somehow shortly beamed to the ground. There was a video up on YT where this was shown but it was taken down again. Maybe (if it was his team) it's because they want the best pics of this also to be shown on the movie.

But I agree that it is all a little fuzzy still and does not hold up entirely to the exuberant descriptions given by him beforehand. When I watched it I was also a little disappointed in the end because I had hoped for still clearer material.

Quote from: Szaxx on January 27, 2013, 07:07:45
Greer Bedini to name two are looking for someone with a money making product. They sell themselves as the boys in the know. Neither of them have anything that works or even close. Their choice of words need.attention as there's a scape goat inherent.
I don't know if you mistake his mission here. I think Greer is still more about ET disclosure and ET tech disclosure, not about producing it himself, just getting out the info and science. I have not yet found anything that shows he wants to develop and sell these free energy products for himself. He just reports on others who do that (already now all over the world, ignored by the blind mass media) and that ET tech can help us even more. So it's part of this entire disclosure / gov. conspiracy thingy.

Quote from: Szaxx on January 27, 2013, 07:07:45Anyone who's been successful has been bought out or mysteriously died.
That, unfortunatley, is very very true. It feeds the conspiracy a lot. There are too many strong interest groups that have no interest in the devlopment or "discovery" of free energy.

Quote from: Szaxx on January 27, 2013, 07:07:45A Chinese elder once said, "Never trust a man who smiles all the time". Greer always smiles where theres free money.
Well I don't know but I would be a little fairer towards him. He's putting himself in the line of fire of so many enemies (the entire political establishment puppets plus their masters in the background). I think he leads a life as dangerous as the many inventors of free energy. In interviews he also tells how he lost many friends to certain strange circumstances. Also there are many pics where he does not smile but looks more seriously, I find. His smile is just always like a grin and all over the face which makes it memorable. He also has some humour but maybe that is what you need in his position and by what he does.

And let's not forget the main asset now: an alien corpse is .. an alien corpse is ... an alien corpse ... so it MIGHT be evidence if they can prove it's genuine, and this will also be much better than just lights in the sky and occasional ET apparitions. Therefore let's wait and see. I, for my part, am looking forward to the movie. Let's not prejudge here and just see what's coming.


There are some sites where certain names have been filtered out as offensive words.
The one in particular (not named) does this research into said technology. There may be an ego problem there too. It seems apparent between some members but these names and others related are always starting religious type debates.u
I'll wait and see for myself. Things change as do peoples views once the truth becomes apparent.
He may be THE person who's mixed up in the conspiracy thats genuine. Guilty by association is a poor representation of an assesment. It seems that way unless he ticked off someone, that would explain lots. I believe bedini did.
Time will tell as always.
Its a great healer after all
Can't wait for the film, very interesting.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


The one undeniable ace in the hole for Greer is the alien corpse candidate they found in South America.

I think I should stress that tiny "aliens" like this have been studied in the past, and turned out to be shriveled up jungle monkeys that were poorly identified; but he has been at this corpse stuff for a few months aparently, so we will see where it leads. I just hope it isn't a publicity stunt to sell this movie, lol.

"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


 Here's some more info I found on the movie and the EBE that was found. You really need to read this article and any by David Wilcox with a "see through" mentality. But, this is by far the most indepth info found on the subject. Unfortunately he intertwines the financial conspiracies of the world between tidbits of EBE news.

The good part really starts half the way down the page!  :wink:


I'm intrigued to see what this documentary will be like.

There've been so many smoking guns that have been blown out in the past that I am slightly underwhelmed by this sort of thing.

The little corpse is interesting but I can't see anything unusual with it that doesn't look like a tiny preserved skeleton of a human foetus. When I first saw this I thought it looked interesting with the weird crest on its head and little pointy jaw. But these pictures... especially the Xray seem to show a human baby with its head squished in at the sides... the soft skull and fontanelle causing that weird crest by folding over each other. The ribs and 7 separate cervical vertebrae seem very human also.  :|

Anyway.. we shall have to wait and see. :)


I read once that if when we find other intelligent species, they will be strinkingly like us.

This seems almost too close though... all the major structure is the same... one upper arm bone, 2 lower, for a pivoting and twisting wrist like we have.... same ribcage structure... same shoulder scapulas...

If this isn't an earth chordate mis-identified I would be astounded with how close it is- almost to the point that it suggests we have somehow a common lineage.

But I am still leaning toward the monkey-mummy or miscarriage option too.

"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


 If you want to read an interesting book that actually explains the human form as being "manufactured" on purpose, check out "Alien Interview".

Here it is in PDF version:

It is based on the Roswell Incident and told through the eyes of a supposed nurse that was being used by the EBE to communicate with via telepathy.

It's a good read, no matter what your belief on the Roswell case may be. It does explain quite a bit about our existence here on Earth, even though it is extremely hard to swallow.

The words "see through" are definitely needed here.


I'm still waiting for more 'Skinny Bob' footage to surface.

I saw this same 'alien' in different footage back in 1995/6 before decent digital CGI technology was available. It is an unmistakable design and as a film industry and special effects professional I still stand by the claims that it's the real thing.

It's 2 years old now and still no one has come out of the woodwork to claim they did it. No film or documentary has been released showing a reason for such (if fake) AMAZING quality digital and practical effects.

No one has debunked it satisfactorily and anyone who claims its CGI needs their eyes washing out with soap and water.

The footage is misleading in the sense that it isn't a russian caught 'EBE'.

Also I did a light blast on Photoshop that revealed its eyes to be not as big as the video looks.


I think 1995 was around the time Toy Story was released, which for cgi artists is sort of a watermark moment because it was just about the first time a fully cgi movie could be accepted as a feature film; people still remained highly critical of cgi in live action films though, often arguing that puppettry and animatronics still produced better results at that time. I think even to this day people still argue they prefer those means over cgi in live action settings- so I agree that being cgi seems less likely, and high budget if it originiated from that time.

But why not latex moulds, like you are skilled in? I am sure someone could have made some pretty convincing work in a few months if they were motivated to for some reason, no?
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Don't forget about the GENETIC analysis they will hopefully do - or are doing now. So it's not just about anatomy/physiolgy and back-enginereeing it towards the hypothesis of either traumatic / deformed /pathological or evolutionary prehistoric humans or animals.

Again, maybe no one read my link above, so I want to stress again that the other one, the "Starchild skull", has been tested genetically and it was reveled to be VERY different from any so far known earthly animal species (includes us or prehistoric humans). Many experts also rule out deformities etc. completely.

Of course it could be another unknown prehistoric humanoid species, but some DNA facts allow for a different interpretation as it is far removed from human and other animal DNA in certain respects.


Jurassic Park was 1993 but there was no off the shelf, available to the public software at that time. If it is digital it's modern and is done using motion capture.

You are right... I know plenty of people who could make a decent animatronic puppet.

If you wanted me to create that... even now... it would cost over £2,000 in materials alone. It would be about 3 moths work... there's a few disciplines going on there... sculptor, mould makers, engineer... at least the work of 3 people. Oh then there's the footage of the crashed saucer in the first video. That would have required a set or some sort of back drop. Maybe some digital matte work. Probably about £6,000 if it was 1 puppet. The problem is there would have to be 2 puppets. Called 'shot specific'. One for the sitting bit.. one for the standing bit and some kids in suits for the 3 we see at the end.

Basically that video would have had a few people involved... not one. So there's 3 or 4 peoples mouths to keep shut for over 15 years... even 2 years is stretching it (if I am mistaken and it's modern).

Anyway... this dude is the real thing. I am 100% certain. If the footage I saw surfaces... people will literally crap themselves.


Have you seen:
and this
it would be good to have more 'experts' analyse this being but interesting so far...
on you tube they're suggesting it could be some type of monkey. This could be excluded with DNA results so stay tuned :wink:

I tried to get onto: yesterday and it was down. It's still down today about 24hrs later???

I just get

You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."


Quote from: Bedeekin on February 04, 2013, 12:41:02
Basically that video would have had a few people involved... not one. So there's 3 or 4 peoples mouths to keep shut for over 15 years... even 2 years is stretching it (if I am mistaken and it's modern).

Anyway... this dude is the real thing. I am 100% certain. If the footage I saw surfaces... people will literally crap themselves.

Hi Bedeekin,
What footage are you referring to. Do you have a link? A copy of the file? Video?


Quote from: newmethod on February 14, 2013, 11:04:09
Have you seen:
and this
it would be good to have more 'experts' analyse this being but interesting so far...
on you tube they're suggesting it could be some type of monkey. This could be excluded with DNA results so stay tuned :wink:

I tried to get onto: yesterday and it was down. It's still down today about 24hrs later???

I just get

You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."

maybe it's because they seem to have a new website here:

well, those youtube "experts" are for the most part of the usual scoffers fraction, you always get comments like that

of course it could turn out to be a monkey (deformity seems to be ruled out now for good), so let's wait and see what the DNA will show


Quote from: Bedeekin on February 14, 2013, 11:38:21

here are the 3 videos I compiled.
I've seen the 2nd video. The skinny bob.
Never seen the one with the three of them walking.

Do you think it is real? It's damn good but i'm not convinced. Sorry.

Quote from: Volgerle on February 14, 2013, 15:29:16
maybe it's because they seem to have a new website here:
Thanks for the link :-)


 The Sirius Documentary World Premiere has begun.

You can see a couple of Red Carpet and introduction videos here.


you can go right to the website a check new info posted there.


I am sort of taken aback that in order to see this documentary online I need to pay 10$ USD- that is almost double what a cinema charges for a hollywood flick.

I will watch it on youtube when it is up, haha.

I am very suspicious of Greer, but I guess I will hear what he has to say at least one time more, lol.

They are claiming now that the alien-corpse-candidate has new and unknown DNA sequences, and they are going to test the proteins in the tissue to see if the DNA matches.

There was a case very similar to this in Mexico, where a similar corpse was recovered; it ended up being a monkey which was doused in a coctail of chemicals which scrambled its DNA in an odd way, and it took them years to figure that out. I think if Greer was responsible, he would admit it was at least somewhat likely this was a case of the same thing.

But I guess we will see  :wink:
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


I seem to recall some years ago a story about a guy who said he shot an alien and stuffed it in his freezer - I think that guys name was Greer and I recall there were a few not so obvious at first reading -  holes in his story at the time - I wonder if it is the same guy?

Think With The Heart - Feel With The Mind