How to achieve an out-of-body experience: 777 VTS, Ch. 5

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spirit affinity

 Commentary on the Author's personal OBE methodology: Over the years I have sought to further understand as well as to better explain what it is that metaphysically, physically and spiritually occurs during the initial stages of an out-of-body state of awareness, esp. in reference to my own astral and other paranormal experiences. Many of my personal accounts of astral projection parallel with extrapolations of astral phenomena in the Classic Theosophical lexicon.

(Out-of-body phenomena) can occur naturally, without any effort, or such may be induced by intentional means. An out-of-body state can be accomplished as the result of practicing transcendental meditation methods, hypnosis and hypnotically induced entrancement, sudden near-death trauma, nervous-system strain, sensory deprivation, fasting or entheogens. Pointedly, I have experienced naturally occurring out-of-body states as well as soberly induced OBE's since long before I had ever experimented with shamanic entheogens or witches herbs of any kind. I was experiencing OBE states much before I even vaguely understood the basic chakra system. Moreover, in reference to my personal experiences with out-of-body phenomena, I punctiliously ascertain that the validity of an entheogenic catalyst induced out-of-body state is fervently no less pertinent than the implicit credibility of a genuine out-of-body state that was either naturally occurring or soberly induced.

If you are a spiritual minded person then you would most likely concur with me that human beings are undoubtedly embodied spirit-entities, and especially that out-of-body experiences are emphatically not hallucinations, utterly to the appalled disdain of the typical Atheistic Western scientist.

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

In supplement to the above statement, the Author ardently emphasizes that out-of-body states vastly contribute to the emotional well being of the human experience as a whole, thereby reminding us of what we truly are as embodied spirit-entities, as well as healthily balancing our conscious sense of discrimination between physics and metaphysics.

How to soberly induce an Out-Of-Body Experience:

Stage 1: Firstly, to begin this exercise, it is advisable that you should wilfully entrain yourself to awaken during the cusp of early twilight; OR one may optionally arise between 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., as some Hindu Brahmans suggest. It is most conducive to feel considerably sleepy upon forcing one's self to awaken from a deep slumber, for it is quite imperative that you must be tired enough that you can easily fall back asleep again; yet the trick to fulfilling the OBE goal is to not lose consciousness when returning to sleep again. Comfortably lie down on your back with your arms at your sides and just relax as you intently try to retain your awareness and catch yourself at the verge of losing consciousness, just as you feel yourself begin to drift back to sleep; for therein exists a powerful gateway to consciousness that vibrates beyond the physical body. At this phase of your exercise one should direct focus upon the mid-brain region. Practicing a rhythmic breathing exercise is optional here. You may alternate your focal points between your frontal lobe and midbrain if you wish.

Within a relatively short duration of time you should begin feeling a sense of light headedness; and once felt, pay very close attention to this sensation as it originates. Specifically meditate upon wherever within the brain that you are feeling any sensations of light-headedness arise; the stronger the feelings of euphoria the better. You may feel mild waves at first, but their intenisty will exceedingly increase with extended persistence towards maintaining concentration. Gradually, you should detect feelings of electromagnetic or electric-shock like spurts of vibrations in which tingle up the mid and upper brain regions, similar to euphoric, recurring head rushes. If your concentration falters then the intensity of these electromagnetic sensations may suddenly decrease to the degree of ceasing entirely, and then you may be required to recommence the above exercise from the beginning.

You should soon notice the remarked tingly, electricity-like vibrations accompanied with euphoria beginning to elevate from the mid-brain to the upper-brain. Now, carefully shift your focus to therein. As these awesome feeling sensations persist they should drastically intensify, and when this occurs you might feel predisposed to fearing that there might be something direly wrong, or perhaps that you could be experiencing the nascent symptoms of a seizure; but fear not! These feelings are directly affiliated with alterations of those electromagnetic phenomena which moderate the spirit-ground release mechanism that the brain force-centers ordinarily seal closed. Experiencing pre-out-of-body phenomena can feel exceptionally frightening for the unprepared mind. Do not surrender to fears of the unknown lest you lose your attentive focus over the endeavored task of going OOB - (out-of-body).

Despite your apprehensions, continue to intently meditate upon the aforementioned phenomena sensitivities, and then proceed to graduate your attention to the region of your aura that is about an inch ABOVE the top of your head. Meditative visualization will greatly assist in this process.

Yes, you will soon begin to notice similar tingling perceptions of electro-static-like phenomena just above the top of your head. At this current stage you may even feel an electromagnetic pull; or otherwise rising, upward moving feelings amid euphoric ecstasy: Herein is the gateway of exit through which the prana mingled supernatural-electricity bond that intercedes between your astral crown chakra and the grounding brain force-center bond can be broken with unyielding determination.

Intently thrust your mind-spirit consciousness principle and astral crown into the perceived source from whence the sensations of rising are felt circuiting through the your area of your spiritual aura that statically vibrates just above the head of your physical-vehicle. Your astral crown will become dislodged from the brain force-center receptors which interface your consciousness through the mind-spirit grounding processes of the physical brain.

The dislocation of the astral crown chakra is sometimes associated with an electromagnetic snapping of popping sound, though this is not a physically audible sound.

Stage 2: Your higher Sahasrara crown and spiritual-consciousness-thread have finally separated from the force-center grounding EM-field of the brain and its inner-ethereal third-eye shield. There is yet one final phase to fully achieving freedom from your physical-body: At this stage, where I begin to feel a strong polarity of magnetic resistance within the naval region of my physical-vessel, and or within the center of my astral body. Some people feel this phenomenon manifesting from the heart chakra region of their physical body. In the past I have felt only minor phenomena associated with the heart force center but very rarely upon astral projecting. Now, shift your focus to the auric area that is between your physical and astral centers. You might notice a feeling of magnetic tension, pulling or the stretching forth of energy between your astral body and the inner-ethereal EM-field of your physical body, thus as your spirit separates from your earthly form: This initial level of out-of-body phenomenon culminates into manifesting what I refer to as the astral-umbilical-cord, encompassing a Sutratma-thread shift within the polarity of one's astral body.

Euphoric waves of subtle vibrations will rush through the supernatural umbilical cord, traveling between your astral center and your ethereal/ physical nervous system. Like a tractor beam, the nervous-system aspect of the inner-ethereal aura will resist against, and possibly preclude, the outward departure of your astral body if you allow it to. You should notice both protracting and retracting sensations of polarity within your astral tether. Concentrate upon the protracting vibrations in order to propel your astral body away from the ethereal tractor-beam of your physical body's nervous-system EM-field.

-    To move your astral-vehicle: Intently concentrate upon the inner center of your astral-vehicle and "will" your spiritual-self forwards; or likewise meditate upon and the protracting feelings in which you may notice within your the astral cord, whilst willing your astral-vehicle to propel forth.

-    To return to your physical-vehicle: Wilfully focus upon aligning your spiritual center with the retracting sensations which occur within the astral-umbilical-cord; doing so can resultantly pull your spiritual being back into a state of embodied cohesion with your physical-vehicle.

The astral hands: Both Robert Bruce and Carlos Castaneda had emphasized upon similar methods for implementing the astral-hands. For practicing this exercise one may optionally wear a "dreaming ring" in order to hypnotically entrain one's subconscious mind into spontaneously becoming consciously aware that one is dreaming during an ordinary dream state. This technique for mental entertainment is to instill or program a natural tendency of casually glancing at one's dreaming ring and hands during one's daily routines and amid instances of waking consciousness, which objective goal is to program one's subconscious psychic into arbitrarily at one's astral hands during ordinary dreaming states, thus resulting in lucidity. As you periodically glance at your dreaming ring you should mentally ask yourself, "am I dreaming?" One day you will find yourself in an ordinary dream as you happen to gaze down at your hands as you mentally ask yourself, "am I dreaming?" Upon doing so you become conscious that you are dreaming.

Etheric-projection and becoming stuck half in and half out-of-body:  Note that sometimes a total separation between the astral the physical and physical bodies does not occur during out-of-body states. This condition may be perceived as acutely disturbing, as one might feel as if they are paralyzed between the physical and astral planes. This unfortunate semi-OBE status may occur if the ethereal security system has been stalled during the astral cord extraction process, if the practitioner fails to break free from the ethereal EM-field during the initial phases of astral projection; or also if an astral entity is attempting to usurp possession over one's physical-vessel.

Out-of-body flight and astral cord phenomena: Whilst flying amidst an out-of-body state have you ever noticed feelings of buoyancy, or protracting, retracting, springy, or tension-like sensations in which surge along your astral lifeline; especially as you "will" your astral mind-spirit body forwards? And have you ever noticed any slight to severe nervous-system convulsions or tremors from within the midsection region of your physical-vehicle upon being jolted back to embodied cohesion with the physical vessel, after being spiritually dislocated amidst an out-of-body state? Further, have you ever experienced feelings of energetic resistance within the naval region of your physical body during the initial phases of astral projection? Clearly, the astral lifeline is a critical element of the ethereally moderated, spirit-grounding security-system defenses of the physical vessel. Once activated, the ethereal security system then triggers a tremendously powerful electromagnetic polarity through the astral cord, of which resonantly harnesses and extracts one's dislocated astral spirit-vehicle.

The art of tripping the astral umbilical cord: An OBE can be obstructed if another person disturbs the comatose physical body of an astral projected being; such interference may thereby stimulate an extempore surge of electromagnetic polarity that channels through the astral cord, thus extracting the dislocated astral vehicle back into a state of embodied cohesion with the ethereal security system of the physical-vehicle. Another means for causing an astral cord extraction is by intently or forcibly tugging against, or otherwise tampering with, the astral-cord. Toying with a dislocated ethereal double is yet another means for triggering an ethereal security system reaction that will retract the astral cord.

Feeling versus seeing the astral-cord: As for many OBE practitioners, perceptually detecting astral-cord phenomena can be rather fleeting or obscured. Depending upon one's conscious degree of sensitivity to astral vibrations and psychic frequencies the astral cord can be either seen or felt. For whatever reasons, some OBE practitioners have only the capacity to feel astral cord as opposed to seeing it, but feeling its presence may be just as effective as seeing it.

In accordance to the vast composition of information in which the Author has gathered concerning the astral-cord experiences of "numerous other OBE authors", he thus observes that the astral cord most reportedly manifests from either the naval or the heart chakra regions of the physical vessel. Perpetual controversy as to which chakra center that the astral cord manifests from yet continues amongst opposing OBE authors and Theosophists. In parlance, what if both differential astral cord paradigms of this OBE debate are applicably correct, for there could be pertinent metaphysical explanations for expounding as to why the astral-cord can be either felt or seen as emitting from different force-center locations. According to the Author's personal astral-cord related OBE experiences, he therefore perceives that his own astral cord tends to manifest from through the naval center. With adamant desire, the astral cord can be wilfully manifested from a different force-center than what the OBE practitioner normally perceives as being its source of origination.

Examples of various reports concerning astral-cord phenomena:

1. According to many out-of-body practitioners, an astral-cord can be either felt or seen as exuding forth from between the naval force-center of the physical body and its correspondent astral chakra. Naval cord phenomenon might be attributed to the fifth ray of consciousness according to one theory.

2. Numerous other adepts of astral projection have reported that an astral cord phenomenon can be either felt or seen as protruding forth from between the heart force-center of the physical body and its correspondent astral body chakra. In one theory the manifestation of the heart cord might be attributed to the practitioner being aligned with the fourth Ray of consciousness. Of course, not every OBE practitioner attests to feeling or seeing this particular astral cord type.

3. Some insist that they can neither see nor feel any astral-cord related phenomena during OBE states, often speculatively surmising with uncertainty as to whether the astral cord exists or not.

4. And yet there are those who believe that an astral-cord manifests from wherever one believes, thinks or wills or that it will manifest from.

5. Also, seldom spoken of, certain OBE officiates have mentioned of a mysterious throat chakra cord.

6. Additionally, rare accounts postulate that the astral-cord manifests in correlation to an energetic interplay that may occur between two or more chakra force-centers.

7. Finally, a few yet proclaim that an astral-cord can manifest from through the back of the head; but rumor has it that only an enlightened master can astral project without breaking the resonant bond of magnetism that grounds the astral Sasrara chakra and golden Sutratma-thread to the brain of the physical vessel. This "head-thread" phenomenon might be sustainable, but such an astral cord phenomenon is likely to be exceedingly rare in the Author's fervent opinion.

The silver-cord vs. the golden-Sutratma or spiritual-consciousness-thread: The spiritual-consciousness-thread, technically referred to as the golden Sutratma-thread, should not be confused with the astral-umbilical-cord, as these threads are but two different astral cord phenomena. In the Author's perception, certain Theosophists have attempted to discredit the silver umbilical cord by asserting that it was confused with the golden Sutratma or head-thread. This is not a plausible theorum for anyone who has directly experienced the naval cord for themselves; for though these astral cord phenomena may be interconnected within the interior of the astral vehicle they are not the same. Stately, the Author believes that the head-thread is merely a bunk, short lasting cord phenomenon for most astral travelers, as it is a phenomenon that quickly begins to weaken the further away that one ventures from one's physical-vehicle, until it finally snaps.

The Author's bunk head-thread theory: For those readers who profess to regularly experience a head-thread cord during the initial phases of astral projection:

1. Firstly, when an astral projection phenomenon occurs, the crown force-center of one's astral body will begin to elevate with will, thereby dislodging from its cohesive bond of magnetism with the ethereal-crown-chakra-inlet.

2. Next, the resistant bond between the astral crown force-center and the crown-force-center-inlet of the ethereal double, which interfaces a Sahasrara link to the brain of the physical body, is so great that it is difficult to break its resonant crown bond. During the initial phase of going out of body, the astral crown force-center partially dislocates the ethereal crown force-center inlet, pulling away from the brain interface and from the top of the head of the physical-vessel.

3. Then, a weak cord of (prana melded with fohat-electricity mingled ethereal-matter then stretches forth between the Sahasrar crown force-center and the crown chakra inlet at the top of the head of the physical body. At this stage the astral Sahasrar force-center has not yet dislocated from the crown force-center-inlet of the ethereal-double; with intent, the Sahasrar continues to separate from its energetic bond with the head of the ethereal body.

4. After that,, the astral crown begins to break its bond with the ethereal crown inlet, and an energetic cord like phenomenon then stretches forth between the dislocated astral crown force-center and the ethereal-crown force-center inlet, but temporarily. This bunk thread may weakly extend to the head of the physical body for a limited duration.

5. In resultant succession, the fohat-electrified ground that binds the head-thread cord will quickly begin to diminish in its substantial strength as the astral crown chakra continues to separate even further in distance from the brain of the physical vessel.

6. Soon thereafter, the electro-magnetism of this head-thread cord will then suddenly snap and dissipate. Hence the astral crown force-center, intact with the spiritual-consciousness-thread or golden Sutratma circuit, has finally broken free from the resonant bond of magnetism that once bound it to the spiritual-consciousness-thread-ground or brain of the physical body. Moreover, A total state of astral projection has not yet fully occurred, for the astral body has not been completely freed from the grounding magnetism in which grounds the lower astral chakras to the force-center inlets of the ethereal security system! Lastly, the astral body must be freed from the ethereal aura in order to become wholly dislocated from the physical vessel. The algorithm for this process was described in stage two of the Author's technique for achieving an out-of-body experience.

7. Finally, the spiritual-consciousness-thread, together with the astral crown chakram, will break free from its cohesive bond with the consciousness-thread-ground force-centers of the physical brain! As the bunk thread link snaps the true astral-cord begins then to manifest from the naval region of the physical-vessel, or from the heart area in others. Moreover, the dislodging of one's astral-crown chakra is sometimes accompanied by a popping or snapping sound; one may or may not notice this sound.

During the typical OBE, the golden Sutratma-thread temporarily breaks its threaded link to the brain interface of the physical vessel but remains threaded between the astral crown and the higher Koshas or spirit-bodies, interpenetrating downwards into the interior of the astral body. As with concerning physically embodied states, the Sutratma thread thread convenes directly into and along the Sushumna nadI; as with OBE states the Sutratma thread adjoins into the central or midriff interior of the astral body, in connection with the silver cord. From thence the Consciousness-thread meets with the specific astral center from which the astral cord thereby projects outwards "as an umbilical cord-like thread."

In the Author's perspective, it is misleading to believe that in order to preserve astral memory that it is unduly necessary to sustain a thread between the head of the astral body and the head of the physical body. No, the memory transfer between the disembodied mind and the physical brain occurs via subtle vibration reverberation phenomena, of which transpires when the astral head and crown chakra returns to embodied cohesion with the brain of the physical vessel; and this phenomenon has been discussed at great length by various authors of classic theosophical literature.

Exchanged frequency transmissions and reverberations of vibrations subconsciously relay transferences of consciousness and secondary forces between the astral and physical spirit-bodies, via the naval cord link, or through the heart cord link for some, whichever has manifested for the OBE practitioner. If maintaining unobstructed OBE consciousness were solely reliant upon sustaining a head-thread cord between the brain of physical vessel and the dislocated astral head, then how is it that a ghostly entity, being one who has no physical brain, can yet retain consciousness on the astral plane? A ghost has a mental discernment but no brain! Think about it! In tandem, please compare this notion with my literature on spiritual consciousness versus the physical brain for further elucidations.

The supernatural substance of the astral-cord: The Author confidently propounds that the metaphysical substance of the astral-cord conduits a current of Kama-Manas prana mingled supernatural electricity. Additionally, the astral sub-matter of this spiritual cord convenes into fohat-electricity charged ethereal sub-matter at its base, where it grounds to the magnetism of the physical vessel.  Hence the astral cord channels very subtle signals of consciousness, frequency and vibration between the astral body and the ethereal security system. Moreover, the supernatural electricity melded prana that currents astral cord is possibly polarized by the Kosha magnetism generated between one's spiritually divided astral ethereal & physical spirit-body resonances.
Amid the initial phase of an out-of-body experience, kundalini burns-open the cord-chakra seal between the ethereal and astral force-centers, esp. from whence the astral cord begins to manifest. Together, as the astral and higher spirit-embodiments separate from the physical vessel a polar shift perhaps occurs between the defusing astral and ethereal chakra connections, hence the manifestation of the astral cord. Fohat-electricity charged ethereal sub-matter forms the base substance of this astral cord. Its paranormal substance gradually tapers off into an exceedingly subtle string of astral matter in which conduits a circuit of [supernaturally electrified prana], thus extending as an astral spirit-body tether in which penetrates the sub-atomic matter of one's correspondent inner ethereal aura. According from the majority of OOB reports, this cord most commonly manifests from either the naval or the heart chakram regions of the body. An intermittent equilibrium of exchanged frequencies subconsciously transmits information through the astral-cord, as reverberations consisting of supra subtle vibration messages are transferred between one's detached astral and physical spirit-embodiments.

Astral cord defense phenomena is moderated by the autonomic security system moderation functions of the human vessel. The ruling elemental forces which maintain the health of one's physical vessel are closely interactive with the ethereal security-system sensitivities of the human body, thus monitoring most astral cord transmissions, of which reverberate as signals between astral and physical vehicles. Any disturbance of the physical vessel tends to trigger an astral retraction related cord response that initiates a tractor-beam of magnetism that surges through the astral cord from the ethereal or physical security system. Sometimes an astral interference, a psychic attack or even a distressed Kama emotion can cause cord transmissions or reverberations in which the ethereal security system sensitivities detect from through the astral cord, thus triggering the astral cord extraction defenses of the ethereal security system.
We are already well aware that prana passes through each of the force-centers from the astral to the ethereal, so prana must also stream through the astral cord, too. Also, we are further aware that kundalini magnetism regulates that prana flow in which passes between the astral and ethereal force-centers, as well as that kundalini electricity is but always subtly active within each of the force-center functions – before it is fully or even partially stirred into a state of awakening by means of pranayama meditation, or etc. Kundalini electricity is said to be present on ALL spiritual planes as well as within the Kosha spirit-bodies. You haven't studied your Theosophy if you are unaware of the above information. Kundalini is a paranormal force in which can be projected forth from its sender.

Madame H.P. Blavatsky: "KUNDALINI SAKTI. The power or Force which moves in a curved path. It is the Universal life-Principle manifesting everywhere in nature. This force includes the two great forces of attraction and repulsion. Electricity and magnetism are but manifestations of it."

If the physical body is disturbed the cord security system response will be to execute an instantaneous retraction the disconnected astral spirit body; or if the physical body signals a strong enough urge to urinate, for example, instead of releasing the urinie amidst the person's OBE state the astral cord defenses will attempt retract the dislocated astral body so that the denoted bodily function may be accommodated for. Sometimes the ethereal security system will not prevail at ripping the dislocated astral body back to the physical vessel, so it may alternatively replicate a distinct sensation to urinate within the astral body. In this event the astral body may in some instances become partially melded to state of resonant cohesion with the ethereal double of the physical vessel, but without fully returning to a state of embodied cohesion with the physical vessel. In such a case the astral body might tend to subconsciously slip back into the astral plane, possibly dreaming of urinating or likewise feeling the urge to do so. After all, one senses are felt by virtue of the astral chakras, for it is not the physical body that feels but the astral and higher spirit-bodies.

Various Eastern esoteric systems emphasize that if the physical body is disturbed during a "fully conscious" out-of-body state that one's astral cord can possibly be snapped or otherwise injured, which influence might resultantly be the cause of a seizure, nervous system trauma, or even physical mortality. Via astral cord absorption, a malevolent ghost or astral spirit-entity may choose usurp an anchoring point for taking possession of a comatose human vessel; or an evil spirit might attempt to feed from the auric energies of the incarnate spirit-being by vamping lifeforce energy from through a victim's astral cord. Also, a maleficent spirit-entity might also instigate causing discordant astral cord disturbances for the sake of doing harm to an astral projected human being. The astral umbilical cord is an expedient Occult catalyst that serves as a gateway for ceasing upon a vulnerable physical vessel.

In Theosophical Yogic teachings, a centralized, inwardly flowing current of prana enters each of the seven primary force-center vortexes, thus entering them in right angle fashions; and a series of evenly spaced prana rays emit from within the force-center vortex, undulating around the central prana stream like the spokes of spinning wheels. It is the central stream of prana that currents inwards, from the ethereal vortex receptor to into the astral vortex.

An astral umbilical cord theory: Regarding the naval force-center, there are ten outwardly flowing "rays" or spokes of prana which emit forth from around a central current of inwardly streaming prana: During the manifestation of the astral naval cord, do the ten aforementioned outward flowing prana rays possibly wrap around the inward stream of primary prana, thus channeling through a current of supernatural electricity? Is this astral-cord concept not too dissimilar to the underlying principles of an extension-cord? The Author hasn't yet observed such a theory in any other Author's out-of-body cord literature.

A possible example of an astral-cord portrayal in Vedic spirituality: Brahma is perhaps depicted in a Yantra as being spiritually disconnected from his body, thus residing within a lotus flower that is connected by a thread that recedes to the Manipura force-center of his body. Perhaps this depiction symbolizes a disembodied state that maybe emulates an astral-umbilical-cord?


I have to ask. Are you serious about this?

A silver chord, not to mention that it can be cut
spiritual possession.
astral vehicle or body located in the solar plex then will your spritual self forward.
fifth ray of consciousness.
fourth ray of vibrations.
astral umbilical chord.
prana abridged electricity bond that intercedes between your astral crown chakra and the brain force-center
Ethereal aura-absorption, ethereal-aura melding and ethereal withdrawal....................................................................

What does this stuff mean? Where did you get it from? It reads like someone has melded all the beliefs and competing theories about AP and tried to make them all work together, which failed IMO.

This needlessly over complicates things. Way over, I mean this goes out of it's way to sound confusing. Nevermind the ridiculous arguments over possession.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


I felt i was in an exam reading this, AND IF I GOT SOMETHING WRONG I WOULD BE POSSESED.

"DAMN" to late. Who said that?

I believe "simple" is better.

Thats why i like those who frequent AP :-D


QuoteA silver chord, not to mention that it can be cut
spiritual possession.
astral vehicle or body located in the solar plex then will your spritual self forward.
fifth ray of consciousness.
fourth ray of vibrations.
astral umbilical chord.
prana abridged electricity bond that intercedes between your astral crown chakra and the brain force-center
Ethereal aura-absorption, ethereal-aura melding and ethereal withdrawal....................................................................

The available literature for this stuff has changed dramatically in the last 12 years or so. I think it has a lot to do with the internet, actually.

If you were looking for information on projection prior to 2000, it was always couched in a vehicle of mysticism, and for good reason. The most authoritative works on the subject have always been, until very recently, ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts. Small spurts of research have gone on intermittently, and are starting to gain enuogh rigor to replace these earlier sources, but still not entirely. Knowing terms like those, albeit outdated ones, helps to navigate the waters of available information.

Although admittedly we also now have a harvest of new-age terms which have little to no meaning thrown into the mix too  :-P
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on April 22, 2013, 09:22:22
The available literature for this stuff has changed dramatically in the last 12 years or so. I think it has a lot to do with the internet, actually.

If you were looking for information on projection prior to 2000, it was always couched in a vehicle of mysticism, and for good reason. The most authoritative works on the subject have always been, until very recently, ancient Hindu and Buddhist texts. Small spurts of research have gone on intermittently, and are starting to gain enuogh rigor to replace these earlier sources, but still not entirely. Knowing terms like those, albeit outdated ones, helps to navigate the waters of available information.

Although admittedly we also now have a harvest of new-age terms which have little to no meaning thrown into the mix too  :-P

That makes sense. In 2001, I was looking for a simple method that wasn't steeped in mysticism. I was at one of the largest university libraries in Texas and only found one out of about thirty texts that simplified the process enough. Everything else read like this in ways but not nearly as confusing. Admittedly, it's only confusing because I don't prescribe to the teachings enough to learn them but even if I did, man...that's one heck of a headache.

I wish I could remember who the author was. But if I remember correctly, it was still mystic in nature.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain



Edgar von Oostrum, chaos magician , timelord....
Written in the old school or a variant of it. Its the old system twisted with some modern additions, nice with a slice of scarey spice.
Yep its gone silly.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.

spirit affinity

Quote from: Astralzombie on April 22, 2013, 03:03:11
I have to ask. Are you serious about this?

A silver chord, not to mention that it can be cut
spiritual possession.
astral vehicle or body located in the solar plex then will your spritual self forward.
fifth ray of consciousness.
fourth ray of vibrations.
astral umbilical chord.
prana abridged electricity bond that intercedes between your astral crown chakra and the brain force-center
Ethereal aura-absorption, ethereal-aura melding and ethereal withdrawal....................................................................

What does this stuff mean? Where did you get it from? It reads like someone has melded all the beliefs and competing theories about AP and tried to make them all work together, which failed IMO.

This needlessly over complicates things. Way over, I mean this goes out of it's way to sound confusing. Nevermind the ridiculous arguments over possession.

You failed to defeat me.

spirit affinity


spirit affinity

Quote from: sunshaker on April 22, 2013, 07:58:56
I felt i was in an exam reading this, AND IF I GOT SOMETHING WRONG I WOULD BE POSSESED.

"DAMN" to late. Who said that?

I believe "simple" is better.

Thats why i like those who frequent AP :-D


spirit affinity

Quote from: sunshaker on April 22, 2013, 07:58:56
I felt i was in an exam reading this, AND IF I GOT SOMETHING WRONG I WOULD BE POSSESED.

"DAMN" to late. Who said that?

I believe "simple" is better.

Thats why i like those who frequent AP :-D


spirit affinity

Quote from: Astralzombie on April 22, 2013, 03:03:11
I have to ask. Are you serious about this?

A silver chord, not to mention that it can be cut
spiritual possession.
astral vehicle or body located in the solar plex then will your spritual self forward.
fifth ray of consciousness.
fourth ray of vibrations.
astral umbilical chord.
prana abridged electricity bond that intercedes between your astral crown chakra and the brain force-center
Ethereal aura-absorption, ethereal-aura melding and ethereal withdrawal....................................................................

What does this stuff mean? Where did you get it from? It reads like someone has melded all the beliefs and competing theories about AP and tried to make them all work together, which failed IMO.

This needlessly over complicates things. Way over, I mean this goes out of it's way to sound confusing. Nevermind the ridiculous arguments over possession.

Moreover, why is it that so many classic Buddhist, Taoist, Theosophical and Yogic spiritual writings have mentioned of that possession CAN occur with correlation to out-of-body states, and esp. astral cord concepts? It is the watered down, New Age astral projection literature that often tends to reject the possibility of spiritual possession, and etc. Though OBE's have been acknowledged by virtually all peoples and spiritual belief systems throughout the world, a great portion of what your New Age heroes have "over simplified" was extracted from Hindu knowledge. I rest my case.


I want to apologize for offending you. I was clearly wrong and for that, I'm sorry. :-)
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


 I am going to move this to an area where it belongs. This is a "how to", not a new member greeting.


Spirit affinity, I am not an atheist, far from it. I believe in a creator or creators but I simply use the word God like most people. I don't think that any religion has a true understanding of God and I don't like to place any limitations or labels on God.

I learned to project on my own so I was very ignorant to the old way of doing things ( and the new ways for that matter). I came to the belief that it is easier to go it alone so that you don't place any unnecessary obstacle in your way but I understand that this isn't true for everyone.

If someone believes that they need to do something in order to project than they are right because their belief will make it so. It really was wrong of me to attack your beliefs and I am sincere when I said I was sorry. I'm never afraid to admit when I am wrong though it may take me a long time to understand that if I do at all. In any case, I hope you have not been turned off from being a member here since there are plenty of people who would benefit from your philosophy. :-)
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


Quote from: Astralzombie on April 22, 2013, 03:03:11
I have to ask. Are you serious about this?

A silver chord, not to mention that it can be cut
spiritual possession.
astral vehicle or body located in the solar plex then will your spritual self forward.
fifth ray of consciousness.
fourth ray of vibrations.
astral umbilical chord.
prana abridged electricity bond that intercedes between your astral crown chakra and the brain force-center
Ethereal aura-absorption, ethereal-aura melding and ethereal withdrawal....................................................................

What does this stuff mean? Where did you get it from? It reads like someone has melded all the beliefs and competing theories about AP and tried to make them all work together, which failed IMO.

This needlessly over complicates things. Way over, I mean this goes out of it's way to sound confusing. Nevermind the ridiculous arguments over possession.
AZ, please DO NOT apologize for this post.  You are speaking your mind.  I see nothing offensive in your post at all. 
If spirit affinity chooses to be offended that is their problem and they should be looking within for why that is.
Each point you made above is exactly what I was thinking as well.

spirit affinity,
Do you have any personal experience with ANY of what you've stated above?  Or are you just another parrot in the chorus?

You've ignored one important question AZ asked you: Are you serious about this? 

Instead of spewing this huge post (that honestly doesn't make much sense)... Tell us YOUR experience of this subject?  What have YOU experienced?
That's of much more value than anything you can parrot from a book and is, ultimately, more impressive.


It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain

spirit affinity

God bless you AstralZombie! I was wrong for questioning as to whether you were a spiritual person or an atheist in the manner by which I had chosen. Actually, I was meditating upon this correspondence throughout the day, and perhaps I was a bit too extreme in my return to you... Anyway, Xanth, all that I wrote within the above posting ardently consists of my own metaphysical theories, of which were solely based upon my personal OBE experiences; though many cross references with others' OBE perceptions were communicated in order to present a statement in which others have feigned to execute. You asked me to write about my own OBE experiences? I have already shared my personal technique, which methodology was cultivated by means of my own astral experiences. If you don't believe me then I will not fret, though I speak the truth. And you wish to hear of my astral experiences? I was more interested in sharing my technique and my astral cord theories. I've already explained my reasoning within the literature. The idea of elucidating upon my astral travels does not concern me at this time, as none of them will be included within 777 VTS.

Yes, I have experienced an astral umbilical cord related astral phenomenon when out of body; and I've noticed that many authors have repeatedly attempted to debunk one another on the premises of abstract differences between their astral cord experiences, but what about the commonalities between our astral cord experiences? My intention for making comparisons was not to discredit others, but rather to unite us. All that you read within the above information was derived from MY OWN WORK, by which aspiration I was impelled to relate with others' experiences, which I believe to have succeeded in doing. Nothing above was fabricated; but perceive me as you will, as I have decided not to indulge in feelings of despondency despite being misunderstood.

You have no clue as to how much personal energy that I had poured into this work in its composition... Candidly, because my writings are sincerely genuine, though perhaps because my Occult writings are not known well enough within the underground that others would not surmise to accuse me of forging my own notes. What I conveyed above is ALL that of my own work, regardless of the fact that I had referenced the perceptions of other authors, seeking a common truth and hoping to better understand what I have personally experienced.

Aqain, the provided formula for how to achieve an OBE is/ was my own, and if it happens to reflect the techniques in which other authors have written about then such is even further evidence of the relevance behind my own accomplishments. As I have said before, there is a common truth that is expressed between many individuals, which victory empowers them as much as it does myself.

Stately, my work must have some pertinence if you, venerated Sir, are accusing me of forgery. With regards to the theosophical addendum unto my esoteric manuscript, being that I am an adamant Theosophist, in seeking further understanding of my own astral and other paranormal experiences I found many correlations between my personal OBE experiences and certain classical Theosophical knowledge. Wow, what a compliment!

Additionally, I am convinced that the astral cord is real; and haven't found any past Theosophical references in which explain the metaphysical dynamics of the astral cord, as I take it literally as being a genuine phenomenon; and, in my perception as a modern Theosophist, I am endeavoring to elaborate upon metaphysical descriptions in which the Classic Theosophists did not explain. Hence the paranormal substance of the astral cord, e.g. supernatural electricity mingled prana or chi.

Anyway, I don't mean to mock or patronize you Xanth, but it inspirational when another accuses you of being a forger for merely conveying his own mind, merely for having derived his own theories based upon various correlative comparisons between his own accounts of astral and paranormal experiences and those of others. Thank you Xanth, and I mean what I say! I must definitely be on the right path to have been confused for forging my own work. Thanks again!


 Spirit Affinity. I enjoyed hearing what you had to say, but now you are starting to "tread on thin waters" here.

Stop the sarcasm and enjoy the Forum. Your point was already made Now let sleeping dogs lie.


I had made several posts but delayed to add to the topic. Your findings SA are very close to that which my uncle teaches. Most of the old school ways Hindu ect are a major part in his work that I've recently experienced.
Some of your post re the crown, I too have had similar experiences with long ago. It was nice to be reminded of this.
Originally I had the idea that everyone entertained themselves with these nocturnal flights of fancy. I realised after a handful of years this was not so. In the 60's I too learned a great deal from personal experiences and this learning still persists.
It's a pity the art fell short of its grandeur due to the press and it's misgivings with Leadbeater ect long ago.
Perhaps we are a revivalist movement without the then indoctrinated complexities of having to be a member of some secret society lol.

I'm glad the misgivings have been tidied. After the work you posted it seemed out of sorts. A sense of humour added and all's well.
I enjoyed the read.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 Thank You for "editing" your post Spirit. In the end, we are all here to learn and share together.  :-)



do you know Kurt Leland? He also writes his experiences down and aligns them with theosophic thought.

I find his writings (and some of his books I read) very inspiring and interesting.

Here is a good summary by him from his website on the Theosophy take on Astral Projection.

He also, like you, always compares it to his own experiences. He seems a very proficient APer since he reaches many higher planes and remembers long experiences with a specific technique. He also developed many techniques and exercises for the beginning experiencer in the book "The Multidimensional Human" which I highly recommend.

spirit affinity

It's my pleasure Lionheart, thank you for allowing me to the privalige to be here... Yes, Volgerle, I was aware of Kurt Leland's amazing contributions to Theosophical philosophy, OBE studies, and etc; as I am an admirer of his work, and I would be most honored to have to have an opportunity to meet him someday. And thank you for your compliments Szaxx, I am immensely honored! It is always interesting to meet others who can relate their astral experiences to those of my own, as I thoroughly believe that there are many universal truths in which we spiritualists can reflect upon together. All of you, thanks again for posting. David.


Thank you for your kind words.
A quote,
No, the memory transfer between the disembodied mind and the physical brain occurs via subtle vibration reverberation phenomena, of which transpires when the astral head and crown chakra returns to embodied cohesion with the brain of the physical vessel; and this phenomenon has been discussed at great length by various authors of classic theosophical literature.
This is an interesting and enigmatic study that deserves more investigation.
Your views would be greatfully recieved upon this quotation.
As a natural, I have found by experiment, a method which increases the recall drastically if utilised. Set against an adventure of the same caliber without this 'intervention' the recall is mostly of the actions that emotionally embrace your psyche.
The method involves immediate awareness of the 'timing out' when the experience termination is imminent.
At this point, a method of tactile interaction with the environment aids your awareness and gives you your last transient of clarity. This, I hope is recognised with ease as it is your cue to phase back to the physical. As you are aware of the return and possessing the extra clarity, you recall everything you can from the experience. This will be very clear in your mind as the physical becomes activated and you wake. The recall is far greater and many finer details are easily remembered.
I hope your experiences can relate to this method.
As other authors have an explanation ranging from keeping your conciousness within the externalised body until returned, to the second body downloading the memory of the experience, I wondered if you have a comment on this aspect of recall that could help many to progress in this.
We have many posts asking the same and a commonality of all the data through experience is worth far more than mere words with little methodology.

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.