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Why does my headkeep shaking?

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Hello and thanks for reading :)

So I have been practicing astral projection and this has been bugging me for a while now. When I am attempting it I sometime listen to guided meditation videos, and in one of them the person says something like to "emanate love", so basically when do something like this and I can't really now what i do but I do that lol. My head will start to shake like a little bit but that little bit just puts me off course :(. Also sometimes my fingers or legs will be still as I am practicing and all of a sudden one of my fingers would just 'jerk' a little bit, do you guys know why that happens?

Also people often say that when attempting you should feel limp, and for me only my arms and legs feel limp, my head and chest doesn't seem to be affected, why? And just one more, how do you guys breathe when practicing? Do you let your shoulders move up and down or just your stomach?

Thank you guys  :-D :-D


Fwewyu Tìomumä

My limbs sometimes jerk too, that's just due to the fact that your body is asleep. Every once in a while a random "contract" command goes to a certain muscle group. Or something like that, I'm no biologist.

The goal is just to relax. When I practice, I try to get my body to completely relax-my head and chest don't really feel different, but what you can do is something called progressive relaxation-Concentrate on a single muscle group (including the eyes and the muscles of the skull and face!) and get them to relax.

As far as breathing goes, I just breathe normally and let my body decide what moves and what doesn't.

Hope this helps! (And correct me if I'm wrong in something)


I'm not sure if I understood you correctly or not, but did you mean when you emanate love your head shakes?  Interesting.  I've never heard anyone say you should emanate love during the trance before.  If its making your head shake then don't bother doing it.  You need to be completely relaxed.  You could practice emanating love before you begin the trance, then just relax and breath normally. You don't need to worry about whether your body is limp enough.  Just lying there relaxed is good enough.  Good luck!


Your description of what you're doing is a little vague.  :| I'd hate to diagnose from an underinformed vantage point, but I'll give it a go, regardless.
I'll take a stab at asking if you were focusing upward, toward your crown chakra area, preceding the shakes. Are you? If so, you're jumping the gun. Wait to be in a deeper trance before shifting your focus in that direction. It's helpful that you can do that, just save that trick for a little later. It'll come in handy.  :wink:


PS. I say this because sometimes when I focus my 'energy' up there I get the shutters and that could be what you're talking about. :-)


Thanks guys

Fwew - I have never heard of progressive relaxation-concentrate, thanks for suggesting it ;D I guess as I do more research I will become familiar with more techniques.
Soarin - Well the video tells you do it half way through the meditation I guess, but I guess ill just stop it. I also noticed if kept my breathe steady then it generally eases down a bit. I like to do this because I feel when I do this my body becomes limp more quickly, or so it feels like that.
Contento - What you told me, not to focus on the head worked, wow. I focused anywhere but my head, like my stomach and I didn't feel much of the shakes. :D

I also want to ask what you guys think of Pranayama, its an excerise that helps the person concentrate and if you have guys do any of these?