Hollow Earth = The earth inside earth!

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Its said there is earth inside our earth. There are people who live there.

Is it real or only a fantasy?

Anyone here have OBE to the hollow earth?




I myself find this real but I cannot say for sure it's just a feeling or something I want but there is also much physical proof for it.
I would really like to go there sometime in the future when this World is more openminded and find out about this.

I myself have Always thought since the ice on both polar sides of Earth is melting it might be cause our World is spiritually evolving and the ice melts to open the gateway/door into the Earth more and more the more we evolve and the Close we get to the golden era. Thats just something a Think though.


The title triggered a 1975 recall. I'm not saying anything in detail but your doorway to, is within your heart.

There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


This is a nice thought, a "hollow earth" --lol. Why don't cha' go check it out? I've ventured through the caverns of the Earth a great many times, and do quite recommend it.


I think its more caves/ caverns and under ground instlations . Some think there alien basses down there . Like dulce base in the US state of NM .  The guy that flew over the north pole in the early 1900s said he saw a forrest/jungle over the north pole .  Personaly I think he had been flying a bit too long , but others think it was some kind of door to an inner earth .  
p.s. Dulce is Spanish for candy
In this wiki post is only the flight of Byrd , I dont see any thing of what he saw while over the poll.
3 of many




and article


the more I read the more I become curious. I never thought there is life below the sea


 Default Mammoth Cave in Kentucky leads to Inner Earth world

For those not familiar with Astral Projection, Astral Projection is the process of the "soul" leaving the body (while still being attached to the physical body by a "silver cord") and being in the astral realm (or should I say "spirit realm"). Then the soul returns to the body and the person is back in the physical realm.

So, I had astral projected for a while now and yesterday I got intrigued by the Hollow Earth idea and decided to check out for myself if it exists. Mammoth Cave in Kentucky was rumored to lead to a Inner Earth world. So, I astral projected to Mammoth Cave last night and decided to go "all the way" in it and see where it leads at its deepest. There were many cave systems and sometimes water everywhere in the cave(s). The cave dragged on I estimate like 900 miles or so. Eventually, I came to an opening into another world. Similar to the surface Earth world but more wild animals everywhere and bigger mountains and trees. I saw some buildings and they look Greek/Roman in architecture. Saw many different species of humanoids that are not human. Also saw humans. Some were very tall. There was really a Sun in the center of this Inner Earth world but it was not as bright as the Solar System Sun. It appears there is no night there either. I was in awe.

At this point I decided to return and let this sink in and report it to you guys. Some of you won't believe it and find the idea that there is another world beneath the surface of the Earth laughable. It is alright. I am just stating my experience and what I saw when I decided to go "and explore Mammoth Cave and where it leads to at its deepest" when I astral projected.
Last edited by Hakan : 11-01-2013 at 04:03 PM.


Always remember that while you're projecting, WHAT you experience is objective... but HOW you experience it is subjective.


Quote from: Xanth on August 13, 2014, 12:17:35
Always remember that while you're projecting, WHAT you experience is objective... but HOW you experience it is subjective.

give me an example of what you mean. It sounds good but it doesn't make sense to me. You can creat a flying turtle with your mind that another projector alongside you might not be able to perceive so the turtle (the 'what') is subjective to you only, rather than objective.


Quote from: LoLmart on August 13, 2014, 20:16:42
give me an example of what you mean. It sounds good but it doesn't make sense to me. You can creat a flying turtle with your mind that another projector alongside you might not be able to perceive so the turtle (the 'what') is subjective to you only, rather than objective.
I'll use your example...

You create a "flying turtle"... and as you said, they might not see your flying turtle or, and this is more likely, they'll see it as something entirely different.  They might end up seeing your flying turtle as a flying tank... just as an example.  The objective experience is that there is "something" flying there... the subjective experience for you is that it's a "flying turtle", while the subjective experience of your friend is that it's a "flying tank".

That's why I say that WHAT you experience is objective... but HOW you experience it is subjective.


I just read article and THERE IS LIFE inside the earth

There is a city called Telos, and they were spiritual people.

Many of their people can actually ASTRAL PROJECT anytime!


soon they will come to the surface of the earth.


I am very lucky to have my soul going inside the earth

the conclusion is:


I have met the people there, and they are very spiritual person


I think there will be a certain amount of subjectivity with what people see inside the core of the earth. I have attended TMI's X27 program which guides you into the earth core and a predominant theme that comes through is that of a huge crystalline structure. There seem to be many intelligences down there as there are everywhere throughout the universe.

On one of the exercises I asked to explain the significance of Stonehenge and what I saw was a huge energy vortex or portal under the stones that descended downward to the core of the earth and the crystal structures that are there.