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Hi Mark
I'm not into the martial arts, but I do Golden Shield. We are fortunate to have a center here in Fairfield, Iowa. Ed Fleishman tells us what we can expect when we get the (chi/prana/energy/etc) into the higher centers. I know I come out of class feeling like I can almost fly. Seeing auras and other phenomena are common place among practitioners.


My name is Daniel Todd and I am 23 years old.  On July 6th I will marry my sweetheart, Sarah Carter, in the LDS Temple in Los Angeles.  I am a young man, but I had my "spiritual" eyes opened early in life and strive daily to love and learn more.  I study at UC Riverside and my Sarah is in nursing school.  We are both very active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  We try to dedicate a great deal of our free time to serving others (ie. visiting the elderly and befriending those who are having a tough time in life...this makes us happier than anything else.)  We are excited to have children in a few years.

My hobbies include: reading and writing, scuba diving, computers, hiking/backpacking and meditation.  

I hope to be an active member in this forum for as long as possible!


PS-I hope others come here and offer a brief bio about themselves...

fides quaerens intellectum
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


Hello all- My name is Dave and I'm 23. I live in San Diego California and work for an housing apprasial review company. I am orginally from Boston Massachusettes, I moved out here after graduating college in 2000 with a degree in Studio Art. I love art, design, feng shui, being outdoors, traveling, snowboarding, and modifying cars. I got into this astral stuff by stumbling onto a webiste with peoples stories of experiencing symtoms of OBE's such as seeing through closed eyelids and realized I had been doing that my whole life. Well after much searching and research I came upon this lovely webiste and have since read as much as I can by Robert. I have to say, I'm here to stay!

"Look within, thou art the Budda"


Hi im Steve!
Im a student at the Uni of South Aust, doing business, I've trained in Karate, Wing Chung Kungfu and recently Aikido. I'm begun to move towards something more soft yet deeper possibly Taichi or QiGong.

I love to talk but am young and inexperienced as far as projections, OOBES and regular Lucid dreaming is concerned.

I find I can fill or feel my whole body with energy of somesort, and until finding this site and reading of other peoples experiences I was never sure wether this was, how you say, 'real'.

Ive recently been clearing my heart chakra (a lot of baggage form th epast) and having had experienced some amazing senesations. I feel lucky to have found a girl who is open not only to me but to the similar vein of ideas.

My beliefs are slowly but surely beginning to form and I hope to find ways to contribute to this community,
hope you can bear with me, because I am new to the whole net thing and look forward to talking too you soon



I'm Brandon,

I'm from Mesquite, Texas, and I'm 18. I ran into Robert's work from the newsgroups, and from here I ran into hermetic philosophy. I like to go hunting and atv-ing in Colorado. Starting college this summer, and plan to go into aeronautical science. I've had three consious projections, and have had them spontaneously as a child after riding roller coasters all day.

Qui-Gon Jinn


   I´m Richard, 22 years of age (23 this October), living in the southern parts of my beloved (but a bit cold, like warmth) Sweden, a few hundred metres from the ocean which is the only "thing" I´m really "addicted" to.

A student uptil a few weeks ago, dropped out of what I think you in the states call College, going back in August though but to a new school.

Practising Martial Arts seems to be common amongst the individuals here on the forums, I´ve done a little bit of Judo myself, but it was some years ago now, regret I stopped practising (all my mates stopped because we couldn´t kick... lol.. kids) - but I guess it´s never to late for anything is there?´
I definately see the value in Martial Arts, and not only to be able to defend oneself better, it has so many benefits so keep on doing/living it all of you.

Then who am I?  I always find it a bit hard to describe myself, but I´ll give it a GO - I am a calm person, guess I could appear as a metaphysical oddball to some "normal" people, has the word metaphysical written all over my forehead probably.

But that´s me.  

I am into Zen simplicity, almost preffering a mattress on the floor (but still sleeps in a bed, wonder how long;). In other words, you won´t find me waiting in a long line of people outside a store, to get my hands on the newest carphone modell .....

I´ve developed a very strong interrest in the human/spiritual potential we all carry within ourself (there really is no limits is there?) - and that interrest influence most of the things I do/think.  Not religious, not a "typical" (don´t ususally use that word) New Ager, but still a full-time searcher.  

Hoping to be a part of these excellent forums for a long time ahead, and to be exchanging experiences and thoughts with all of you...

  Oh yea, someone asked me here before where I got that name from, I guess I could answer that one here. Q-G J is a character in the last Star Wars flick (the long-haired dude played by liam neeson), my mates thought I look like the character, so they started calling me Jinn (which I have learned could mean a neg entity or so in "muslim", but that hasn´t stopped them so...;)

In friendship //Qui-Gon Jinn

- Your focus determines your reality -


Hi,  My name is Brian.
I live in Bullhead City, Arizona. I have a wife and three young children. I'm 36 years old and for the most part I'm quiet, kind of a loner, don't talk much, only when necessary.

Started having OBE's at 14, didn't know what was happening till I started reading about them by accident. Then my experiences really took off, and so did my interest in the subject.

Took interest in cars and became a transmission technician for 15 years.  Now I work for the city as a service tech for the water department.  

Hobbies are:
Golfing, fishing, boating, and prospecting for gold...

Love spending time with my kids and having fun.


Hi, I'm Jeni.

I'm 24 years old, from Upstate NY in the US and I work as an assistant at a local historical society. I graduated in December of 1999 with a BFA in Graphic Design. Being bit by the bad economy bug just as I graduated from college, I am still seeking a position as a graphic designer and will hopefully get one once the economy turns around.

I discovered this site after reading Robert Bruce's Treatise on Astral Projection. I think it is an excellent work, and I ahve referred many people to it.

I am also a member of, a message board devoted to all things mysterious. My alias is MissJeni and my author number is 33256.

My biggest passion is art. I am nearly equally passionate about music, as I like to sing, play the keyboard, and write lyrics and music. I also like to travel and have been to England, Italy and Israel. I am also into acting and puppetry, and would to do some voice-over work (was a DJ in college for a bit). I occasionally appear on Rapid T. Rabbit & Friends, an underground puppet show in Manhattan. I work out three times a week and will hopefully get to some hiking this summer.

I recently had my first OBE that I am 100% sure of. I've also had many experiences that possibly could be considered astral-related and I may post them here in the future. I've done a lot of studying and a lot of practicing. I hope to learn a lot and have many more!

I look forward to having many discussions here. Nice to meet everybody! :)

Take care,


Choose empathy. It costs nothing.
Curious about #Welsh? Learn with us!


Hey Kodemaster whats up- I read your from upstate NY- I've spent lots of times there in Albany, Saratoga Springs, Newburgh, Syracuse(where my sister goes for architecture), and of course the city. I wish i had concentrated on Graphic Design as I would have gotten a better job, but my passion are oils. Welcome to the forums!

"Look within, thou art the Budda"


Nice to read other people's intros!

I'm Rick, 33 years and living in New Zealand.  I am quite keen on astral travel but find it really hard to do the regular practice.

Got into metaphysics because there have been a few weird psychic things in my family (past life memories, lucid dreams where people met recently deceased relatives, etc) and I decided there must be something to all this and that OBEs were definitely the most exciting!

My interests are fooling around in the garden, half-arsed attempts at astral travel and reincarnation - especially people who have past lives in Nazi Germany.

My advice for everyone: grow cranberries!  They're lovely small bushes and the berries are so damned yummy.  

(Must check out that Golden Shield stuff!)


The sort version.

Names Dave.  Been dealing with this stuff most of my life.  I'm 25.  Also born in Oct.  Libras rule.  I hold very true to my birth sign.  I seek balance in all things but at times I can be exsesive.  I often have problems with making decistions because of this.  It is too easy for me to see both sides, I tend to..waffle..I think that the right word.  Also know as a fence sitter.  Found this sight only a few months ago but I am loving every post of it.

I think I'll shut up now.

David Rogalski

distant bell

Hi !

My name is Felix, I´m 24 years old and live in the southern tip of Sweden ( the same cold country as Qui-Gon Jinn comes from). I am a universtity student, studying religionhistory/religion. I have always been interested in metaphysics and philosophy.

I share my apt with my dog, a seven years german shepard.

I spend alot of my free time out walking with the dog, bodybilding,
reading, meditating, or just listning to music- preferably ambient.
As many of us spiritual searchers I am a bit introspective and pretty quiet. Don´t like to have to many people around.

Lately I have spent far to much time on the internet- and I bet you can al guess why  VIVA LA forum!

Qui-Gon Jinn

Felix, I know what you are talking about, the internet bill skyrocketed last month...  I pay per hour, arghhh!!  ;)
 Take it easy with those shoulders - I to was into body building a few years ago, but I overloaded my shoulders bigtime and had to break it up pretty much..  now I´m slim like DiLeva, hehee... (only you and me who know who he is I reckon)
 VIVA LA Forum!

- Your focus determines your reality -

distant bell

Somehow I think Di Leva would fitt in on this forum. He has to be the oddest guy around. I am actually wery slim to- I eat to little.

Well to ad to the discussion I would like to say that really, Aquarius is the only thing to be



Hermits Unite


G,day everyone

My full name is Daniel Robshaw-Vincent,although I go by either or
both names,depending on legal requirements & most of my friends &
family call me Dan or Danny,all of them (the names) don't bother me.

I'm a 31 year old as of two days ago,which makes me an Aries/fire sign
depending on which astrology you use I guess.I live in Brisbane,
Australia with my fianc'e Michelle who is 27 & I am currently
studying science & ethics at Queensland University of Technology.
I am 2 years into my studies as I have had to have a major change in
life after having a work accident in 1998 while working as a

My involvement with astral travel began when I was 6 years old &
I am not sure what triggered it but it was probably due to either
1) my parents divorce at 3  2)being hit by a car at 5 or 3)being
molestered when I was 6.
My mum remarried to an ambulance man when I was about 7 or 8 & we moved all around Sydney ending up in Katoomba.This is basically
when things took off for me as to the learning path of the Astral,
Metaphysics,Occult,clairvoyants,tarot readers,psychics & eccentrics.
At 10 I got into tai-kwon-do,judo,arnis & kendo (stopped arnis & kendo after 2 years) continued with tai-kwon-do & kickboxing until about 25.

I picked up a guitar when I was 16 as everyone I knew in Katoomba
played some sort of instrument,so I thought I better get amongst it.
I formed a band at 25 with a close friend,we broke up,but are back
together & recording soon for our new C-D & will be playing around
Brisbane venues for the time being.

I love my books,music & collect all sorts of things.I heard of
Robert Bruce through a guy on another site I,m on called vml,which
is mainly graduates from the monroe institute.I was on there for a
couple of years before I found out about this site & am much happier
here,although I'm still a member there.

I,ve started doing yoga in a class recently as I have been doing it
on my own & other stretches every night anyway & so far so good.

Good to hear from you all & I think we have a pretty cool little
Astral community,hope I was not to heavy for everyone.

All the best on your journeys




Hey Kodemaster whats up- I read your from upstate NY- I've spent lots of times there in Albany, Saratoga Springs, Newburgh, Syracuse(where my sister goes for architecture), and of course the city. I wish i had concentrated on Graphic Design as I would have gotten a better job, but my passion are oils. Welcome to the forums!

"Look within, thou art the Budda"

Hey what's goin' on?

I don't live too far from Syracuse, in fact only about 45 minutes away! I was just there yesterday, in fact. A couple of my friends are hardcore rail buffs and we were videotaping trains. :)

Nice 2 meet you!

Take care,


Choose empathy. It costs nothing.
Curious about #Welsh? Learn with us!



It was great to find out more about the man behind the name!  (smile) I always enjoy your posts.  

I hope everyone keeps them coming.  The only complaint I have about forums is that many members seem shy or reluctant to introduce themsleves fully...I guess it's part of the mystery, but who doesn't like to find out more about their friends!!??


fides quaerens intellectum
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum



Hi all, I haven't posted here much so far but thought I'd add something here anyways.

I go by the handle Shimewaza here, and am 26 years old. I'm in Adelaide, South Australia. I have been training in Ninjutsu for the past few months, and am considering starting Wing Chun as well (looking at Felix Leong) in the city.

Steve, could you tell me how you have found Wing Chun so far..? I have asked around and friends of mine who practise Mantis style Kung Fu say Wing Chun isn't so good. Yet other people I have talked to have recommended it.

I am currently practising the Hermetic Initiation steps as detailed in Franz Bardons IIH and I will be integrating what I have learnt into whatever martial arts I practise. As I get more advanced, both in my Hermetic studies and Ninjutsu.

- Shimewaza.


I know I'm not Steve but I have a thought.

As far as what style is better than another is all relative.  The only thing that matters is what you are comfortable with.  Wing Chung may work better for you than say Kempo, or Kung Fu.   You really can't compair one style verses another it is all dependant on the practictioner.

My main style is a warped Chines Kempo, with Judo, MuyTi, NinJitsu, and old fasion street fighting thrown into the mix.  In my opinion the only way a person can become truely good at any style would be to be exposed to as many as possible so that they are well rounded first and then able to choose a style that suites them best.  That is one of the reasons there are not too many true masters since, when strongly devoted to one style it takes a certain kind of person to be exceptionally good at it.

So try what ever style that you want, and as many as you can until you find the one that is right for you.

I reccomend Bruce Lee's book if you have not read it yet.  He mentions a lot of things like that.  There is some really good karmic and philisofical advice for practictioners.

"Be like the nature of water."

David Rogalski



My name's Mark. I'm 21 years old and I'm third year student majoring in Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Illinois here in the States. I've been into martial arts for about 10 years, I love to read, and I'm interested in constructed languages.

My dad's experimented with alternative means of healing for a long time. When he started doing something called Golden Shield Qigong I became interested, but didn't have the time to practice myself. And, frankly, people punching and hitting each other with sticks seemed a little too intense for me.

But anyway, I found Spring Forest Qigong a few years later and practiced for about a year, until I found NEW.

I was looking for information on visualization on the web, and found an article by Robert Bruce. I found it to be well written, and his discussion of energy agreed with my own experience in Spring Forest Qigong. When I read about Astral Projection, I freaked out. If he says energy is for real, and my experience confirms this, then maybe AP was real too.

So here I am.

I'm interested in energy work, defense and understanding of unseen influences, projection as a tool for understanding and exploration, healing, spirtual advancement, and doing cool things with my mind to freak my friends out. (Nothing yet!) And I just want to understand the nature of the greater reality.

Sound off, people! Who else is out there?
