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Bad Moon Rising

I tried asking my pendulum some questions today. I started out by asking " Pendulum, may i ask you some questions". I got a no. I then tried asking several more questions and  the pendulum wouldn't move at all. I then asked " Is this a good time to ask questions. I received a definite NO. Matatnik, what would make it a bad time to ask questions? This has happened a few times in the past. I don't understand why it would be a  bad time to ask. Most of the time I do get answers so I know it works.
Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

There is a difference in knowing the path and walking the path.-


Okay, I decided a piece of string tied to a nut just wasn't working for me. So I put in a little more mental input.

I took a piece of bamboo about half an inch in diameter and cut about 3 inches off. Then I made a "U" shape piece of wire and stuck it into the end; to which I attached a length of strong cotton thread. I gave the bamboo a fine sand and I'm waiting until tomorrow for the varnish to dry.




Thanks for your input on those pendulum boards.
What you said about a white board is a great idea.

When my pendulum with board arrives I will probably experiment with the board a little bit.  But then I'll probably run out and get me a little whiteboard to get more creative with.

What I was mostly curious about was what you thought about the "effect" of the board art on the whole process.

I was wondering if using the same board with it's mystical artwork would add a level of ritualism about the use of the pendulum which might subconsciously help one to achieve success with it.

Similarly, I was wondering if you thought some of the artwork might be too distracting and have the effect of confusing things or shading the whole process with unnecessary symbolism.



Man Frank, that makes my buttons and sewing thread sound.....somewhat pathetic. [;)]

But that's ok. I'm still getting answers easily enough. So I guess simple works for me!
Reality is what you perceive it to be.

horizen oak

Mayatnik superb post, i have a question to ask - would a piece of thread and a needle be ok to use, or would i need something with more weight.


I thought the same way as you did Frank.  The first one I made did seem to work either.  So I used some thing that symbolizes me a little more.

I piece of a metal light pull chain and a couple of washers on the end.  It seems to work a lot better for me.  SO I made two more just like for later use when/if this one breaks or get worn.


Great info!  I just sent my hubby to get me some string..can't believe there is no string in the house..[:P]  Can't wait to give it a go!!

I'll let cha know how it went

Nay. [;)]


Ok it seems that some are picking up from my post that im implying WORSHIP...

i can asure you there is no worship involved atall,as im sure the person who replyed to my post shud be aware of,im trying to give infomation to 100s of people who want to try it, so im trying to give a base principal for everyone to understand, so they know how to go about the 3 steps.
yes your very correct that Guides know you as a person (hence having a guide myself) but people whud soon learn that for themselves. im just trying to help people with the starting qeustions. the rest they learn for themselves. its cald over-infomation so people dont get concernd with the little things-hence so the little things carnt happen.

Rember its not the pendulm your talking to, Its the person on the other side.
good health all



Just to reply to horizen oak.
use anything, string plus weight, i tied sum string around a key (big heavy key)

dont over think on thease exercises, overthink is the killer


And also to reply to NOVICE. my advice to u on the big qeustions is to not fully trust your ansers.
you will be taught many lesson. also lessons about what you can and cannot be told. after being told my baby wud be jue on the 10th of next mounth my girlfriend went into labour 2days ago.

meaning of the lesson. i cannot be told what will happen.
i know that falls into the principal of being told what will happen tommorow, but i feel your qeustions about karma and other such big (Hard core)qeustions fall into the same catergory.

try asking things about your guide. that i found was the best way forward. knoldege is the key to progreesion (Relivant knoldge)
Rember its not the pendulum were talking to, its the person on the other side

Goodluck Novice

Samuel [8]


Hi, I'm stoked with the response from my leather thong and
bronze medal - about the size of a 10cent coin - excelent.[:)]


I'm stoked with the response from my leather thong

Isn't that kind of personal...   [:P]



Hi Everyone,
I've only slept a few hours – and when I got back online there have been such a lot of posts since for me to catch up on.  My guide says she is very pleased at the increasing and varied responses to this Pendulum thread.

We were particularly impressed to see the initiative by NOVICE in starting his 'project' to investigate Karma, and to involve everyone in checking themselves concerning this.  The participation of everybody  in this will be very beneficial – both in terms of practice, and also the new perspectives that will (as NOVICE hints at) be revealed.  I don't want to say too much about this for the same reason, that I want to avoid the possibility of 'suggestion' by giving anything away, so I had intended to remain quietly in the background and observe – only jumping in if there came a necessity to clarify some issue, or give guidance as to other 'angles' of suitable questioning that would be helpful to the <Karma project> and and give ideas for lateral and oblique investigations in general with the Pendulum.

However, I notice at the top of page 5 here, that SeekingAnswers has made reference to the Karma project, relating it to his own experience (that is, a 'personal' enquiry about the futur) in his guides' training of him thusfar:

SeekingAnswers writes:
<<"[this is the].....meaning of the lesson: i cannot be told what will happen.
i know that falls into the principal of being told what will happen tommorow, but i feel your qeustions about karma and other such big (Hard core) qeustions fall into the same catergory."

While SeekingAnswers is right in every respect, from the position of the 'status' assigned to him so far – Karma is a completely separate issue (for reasons that I don't want to go into here and now, in order to leave the 'field' open for free investigation; all will be revealed soon enough) and Karma does not relate to concrete 'events' as such.

It is apposite, in relation to the Pendulum or Channeling, to explain a little more about the word 'status' that I referred to earlier, since a few words about this will help clarify (and even make questioning easier) this whole issue of 'knowing' or "not having the 'status' to know" (as the guides put it).

I bring this point up here, because with some reflection  the members may be able to formulate lines of questioning regarding Karma that would not otherwise seem obvious, and so be able to gain a better perspective by glimpsing a little of the 'big picture'.

Basically, people are not allowed to 'know' the future, because they are meant to walk into it, not use a 'map' to navigate round it !  There is a Higher Purpose, a Grand Plan – but, within the framework of that there is also Free Will.  Notwithstanding, all will entually be according to the Plan by the Weaver of The Tapestry of Life.  Within that scheme of affairs, falls the individual lessons that have been set to be learned in each lifetime, along with 'karma' (a separate thing, but having links in what we know as 'time').

When a channeler (or Pendulum user) has been given sufficient 'status', then they are allowed to 'know' what has been pre-planned, or will occur by 'Fate' as a consequence of the weave; but they are NOT permtted to pass on this information.  It is given to such a  channeler solely for the purpose of knowing the overall picture concerning the individual or event – and this is because they are passing on other approved information not available otherwise but deemed by the guides necessary to impart at the time.  Because the channeler's job is to avoid giving the 'answers' on a plate, but rather giving the maximum of beneficial guidance in the right direction, then Free Will is not interfered with.  If people were to be given the 'answers' then human nature would design ways to skirt round any problems that would prevent getting to the 'destination''; at the very least, they would simply wait until the 'destination' came in sight, and ignoring all other options and the myriad avenues of free exploration that are presented for man to explore and experience.  So, an integral and essential part of the true Channeler's training involves many tests along the way, in order to reach each 'status' point.  At the end of full training, the channeler will have passed all tests given to them, which are rigorous (and, believe me, they get tougher with each stage!); the tests are necessary because of the enormous level of responsitity required in keeping the Secrets of Destiny; as an example, one of the earlier tests when passed confers 'stutus' to access the Akashic Records of a living individual's life if necessary for whatever purpose the guides may deem appropriate for the 'vehicle' (as the the channeler is called) to know for the job in hand.  Higher status confers deeper and deeper access into the 'computer' where all is organized --- and so on.

I hope these insights, that I am permitted to reveal at this time, will help clarify points which otherwise may be clouded.

With Pleiadian Love and Light,


Mayatnik - thank you very much for this!! [:)]

I made a simple pendulum with string and a quartz crystal, performed an improptu blessing and prayed for my Higher Self to reveal itself to me through it. It started responding as soon as I began using it. The length of the string is about 7 inches. I found the responses take from 5 to 10 seconds to start, and I know it is super-physical because the pendulum arc grows wider and wider (normally impossible when still) and I can feel the movement increasing. I make special effort to keep my fingers, hands and elbow perfectly still. At it's peak, the arc is about 1 inch from point to point. On the few times I shook, I asked the pendulum to be still and then give me the signal again. Midway through my first session, I asked for us to agree on a "maybe" signal - something to indicate either I was not supposed to know the answer or there was no clear yes/no available - perhaps the answer was contingent on something else, etc. It started circling instead of forward-backward or side-to-side - this is now our agreed maybe/unclear signal [:)]

I asked questions that honoured my higher pursuits, and only asked one mundane question on behalf of a family member. I was impressed with the answers and will establish through real life application the integrity of it all. I have high hopes though, and my intuition tells me it is the valid. By the way, this method of HGA communication is given in Bardon, Step 4 (I think). Myself and other family members have been exposed to various forms of direct divination for a while, but I never had a complete method available before trying this. My girlfriend has tried the pendulum before without results. During my session, I felt energy movements throughout both hands...a good sign.

Thanks again friend!


Seeking Answers, I appreciate your concern and agree, that future events cannot be definitively foretold, due to free will. However, I beleive general questions that attempt to define a word/concept that has been one of the foundations of many religous beleifs is not dealing with the future. But rather allowing for a better understanding of how we live each day.

And on a more personal note, it allows me to validate some of the other stuff I'm being told through the pendulum.

Oh, one more question. Does anyone else find themselves guided into questions and knowing the answers before they arrive?? This is part of what prompted my "karma project" as Mayatnik called it. (and thanks for the support Mayatnik!) I'm now trying to figure out if I'm somehow unintentionally influencing the responses, because I seem to know most of the answers before I get them. Although I'm trying really hard not to.

Just for those who are still having problems of what to ask. I also began asking questions from my dreams. So that might prompt some interesting dialogue, if you are looking to 'jump start' some feedback.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.



Just a couple stray thoughts :-
- re: knowing the answer mentally - I don't have this happen myself, but my sister is quite talented at a similar divination method using ouija. Her usage is vastly different from typical group-ouija sessions in that the information is of very high quality, validated, and the planchette moves incredibly rapidly in her hands. I say this because she gets the answer in her head 19 times out of 20 to the questions we/she asks. Both pendulum and ouija are forms of HGA communication given in Franz Bardon's IIH, so I see the methods at least as valid, whether or not the individual communications each person gets are proven so. He mentions that people occassionally do receive the answers mentally while the physical is catching up - I assume this in itself is mental contact with the Higher Self at a peripheral level, and grows over time. Some people do away with boards/pendulums and can use this method alone, having entire mental conversations with their 'guardian angel'.

- re: the types of questions. Myself, I have asked personal questions on life issues, spiritual growth, and methods for ascent. I have also asked predictive questions, and would like to see these validated as a final confirmation of the authentic nature of the pendulum. I asked about a job offer for my mother, and will be able to validate the answer this week I guess. I also asked whether it was only the Higher Self that could communicate to me via the pendulum, or whether astral/mental beings could - the answer was only the Higher Self. However, one could always argue that self-affirming answers are not verifiable, and I do admit the possibility of other entities using it to communicate with me, so I think validation over time is the only sure method.

Would appreciate Mayatnik's input though [:)]...



Thank you very much for your time.

I do have a question. I began using a pendulum last night, but I have encountered a problem. It seems the pendulum answers my questions too quickly, often it will answer me before i've finished asking the question, often it will answer at the exact instant that i've thought of a question to ask without giving me a chance to begin to ask at all. Is this normal?


hi walter
yes that perfectly normal walter. dont forget ur not talking to the string. its the person your talking to.

they are well aware of your thoughts, when i was rellying on the pendulum i was told she preferd me asking with my mind.
now try making the pendulum spin with ur mind.
well done learning things like this is the way forward. you are growing beter at your new found skill [:)]
perfectly normal m8

goodhealth and goodluck


Risu no Kairu

If you're uncomfortable with that, why don't you ask that it waits until you finish asking the question before answering?

It will probably listen.
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


Hello "13",

EDIT NOTE:  I had just finsished composing this reply and was ready to post, when I noticed that you had posted again.  Since I try todeal fully with each post, I shall post this 'as as' and reply separately to your second post as soon as I am able to do so.

Thank you for your input, and descriptions.

I would like to draw attention to one part in your post that could confuse, where you say:
<<"Midway through my first session, I asked for us to agree on a "maybe" signal - something to indicate either I was not supposed to know the answer or there was no clear yes/no available - perhaps the answer was contingent on something else, etc. It started circling instead of forward-backward or side-to-side - this is now our agreed maybe/unclear signal.">>

This change of the <SEARCH> indicator (circling movement) by reporgramming is not advisable !  It's the equivalent  of removing all the mirrors in your car – you need to have all round vision, especially as you advance to greater speed in use !  In fact, removing the <SEARCH> indicator will actually limit your progress.

Let's just examine exactly what the problem is here.

You wanted something to indicate if
1 --- You were not permitted to know the answer
2 ---   No clear YES or NO available
3 ---   The answer was contingent on something else

In the case of (1), the Pendulum is designed to stop movement, and you can NOT reprogram that.  All you can do is go on to the next question.

In (2), the situation would not arise – an answer is always 'available' to the source that the Pendulum is connected to, though whether you would be permitted to know the answer is another matter (in which  case it applies to category (1) of your 'definition').
So this definition is ambiguous, and therefore meaningless.

In (3), the case of the answer being contingent on something else, then the solution demands 'searching' for other necessary factors to be completed – since an answer was requested in the first place !

So, what you are really specifying here is <SEARCH> mode.  But, as you say, you've decided to call it something else – and that something else you define as a <MAYBE> signal to indicate 1,2 or 3 above.  Therefore you are reprogramming the Pendulum to ABANDON the <SEARCH> it would do, and throw away the answer that is being sought.   That makes the whole exercise a waste of time!

I would very strongly suggest, that if you want to use the 'advanced' method of using the Pendulum which is described in this thread, that you keep the <SEARCH> function displaying what it is doing.  If you do, then you can progress to more advanced methods, otherwise you remain at the level of the simplest answers.

Many questions depend on various factors, and it may take a few seconds for the search to be completed – in some cases (and this has happened with me many times when exploring complex issues during the course of my training), that the Pendulum may need to search for over a minute to find the data you have requested.  If you really want to know the answer, then you must have patience.  But, I suspect that you may have missed some posts in this thread – because all of this has already been ecxplained in detail – along with the fact that the Pendulum  may pause briefly from time to time during a search also, and this is an indicator that some 'partial data has been found so far.  When the Pendulum comes to the end of a search (after whatever time it takes) then it will swing 'yes' or 'no' to display the answer.   But don't take this post as full explanation; it is a summary – so, if you have not read every post, then you will need to do so, if you wish to learn the 'advanced' method of using the Pendulum.

This method has been given to me by my Pleiadian guide.  It is not obtainable anywhere else.  It is the FULL method, as used many thousands of years ago, and which was lost to man ----- hence the corrupted and incomplete (and certainly misunderstood) method called Dowsing, which also confuses the <SEARCH> mode.  The 'advanced' method, as taught to me by my guide and now passed on here in this thread will not give errors, nor can it be uncertain – which is the requirement for TRUTH..... But it can only function properly if it is let to function properly, and in proper trained hands.  So, following the exact instructions will give success every time.

With Pleiadian Love and Light,


Hi everybody,

I would like to share with you the story of how i found my pendulum.

After reading the great articles Mayatnik wrote (thank you very very much for being here with us!), I started experimenting with a rose quartz crystal hanging from a string, which worked quite well. Because of its shape I couldn't prevent the string from slipping off, so I replaced the rose quartz with a donut shaped rock crystal I normally wear around my neck. At first, it didn't respond as well as the rose quartz, but then it worked fine. I didn't want to continue using this stone it as a pendulum because it signifies different things to me. I asked where and when I would find my pendulum. I live in Vienna, but I'm not from here. "Will I find my pendulum in Vienna?" YES, double-checked by asking if I'll find it in my hometown (NO), and started to narrow down the area where i could find it.

First, I needed to know the district where my pendulum was. I asked "is it between 1 and 15" (NO), then "between 15 and 30" (YES), and so on until I knew the number. Then, I pointed so several points on the map of this district until the pendulum gave me a YES.

"Will I find it in a shop?" YES
"Will I find it in an esoterics shop?" YES

After some more time I managed to find the first character of the street the shop was supposed to be in, and I also got to know the street number (29) by using the same type of binary search as with the district. There were 2 streets in this area whose name has an "R" in the beginning, and the pendulum said YES to one of them.

I still felt a great insecurity... i couldn't really believe that I would just go there and pick up my pendulum. I wanted more information to be sure:

"Is my pendulum made of metal?" NO
"Is my pendulum made of glass?" NO
"Is my pendulum made of crystal?" NO

For some seconds I pondered what materials you can make a pendulum of.. then wood came to my mind:

"Is my pendulum made of wood?" YES

"Is it pointed?" NO (i thought of a cone-shaped pendulum at this moment)
"Is it rounded?" YES
"Is it longish?" YES

Ok, fine. I still felt not sure about it and asked more questions, like if I'll recognize my pendulum when I enter the shop (NO), if I'll have to try out some pendulums until I "feel" the right one (NO), if there are more than one made of wood (NO)... at this point I slowly got the impression that my quarz crystal pendulum was kidding me because I was asking so many questions :)

So eventually I got up and went to the place where I expected my pendulum to be. But... there was no shop in sight, nothing at all.

So I was quite confused. Was it all nonsense? My subconscious playing tricks with me? I didn't feel like that, I knew that there was something behind it all, there must be something behind it. I looked around, walked around without knowing my destination, bought something to eat.. I had nothing to do, I didn't know this area of Vienna, so I was there and said to myself "OK, I won't give up! I will now follow this road until I find my pendulum!" I walked for some 15 Minutes, and was about to give up and return home frustrated. But then ... on the other side of the street there appeared an esoterics shop... "let's give it a try", and in I walked. There were some pendulums haning there.

"A metal cone... a metal coil... hmm, everything made of metal. Hey! There's a single wooden one at the end of the row! It's ... long and round. Could it be ...?"

I held it in my hand and felt a _very_ strong surge in my whole body, like I was passing out or something... a very intense sensation. I was sure I found it, nevertheless I let it hang loose and asked "Are you my pendulum?" - it responded with a cheerful YES...

After I was back outside I checked the shops house number... not 29, but _290_! The name of the street doesn't begin with an "R...", but with a "Br..." I could barely resist jumping around / crying / laughing / whatever :-)

So this is how I found my pendulum.

Some people might say you can find a wooden pendulum in almost every esoteric shop, and an esoteric shop almost everywhere, so it's only "coincidence". I believe that nothing happens at random, what we call "randomness" is only the result of laws we don't know (I read this somewhere ... it feels true). Second, I see it as a test, like .. "you didn't expect to find your pendulum without any effort at all, did you? If you want to have it, go and search it! I'll tell you roughly where you should look and what to look for, but you have to do it yourself!"

After all, I don't think this pendulum which I found is special, more powerful, or better than others, as even a nut tied to a shoelace would do the job fine. But it is special to _me_, I made an effort to find it, it has a meaning for me. A bathtub sink is a bathtub sink, but this wooden pendulum now is more to me than a piece of wood. I strived to find it, I felt uncertain anticipation when I went out to find it, I felt baffling confusion when I didn't find it there, I felt blissful when I held it in my hand. So now I really see it as my companion, there IS something between us which is unique. You see, it doesn't matter at all whether I was guided there or not... I know I was, I felt it, and I think this day started a period of learning and experiencing many new and great things.

I have a wonderful feeling using this pendulum... this feeling is changing and developing slowly... I'll try to post more about that when I have gained further experience.

Isn't this world a wonderful place?

With all my love,
it's love you're looking for


Greetings Frank

Originally posted by Frank

MAYATNIK: The thought came to me your post would be a good one to upload to the Astral Pulse library. I found your post an interesting read. I like to tinker with mechanical devices and have quite a collection of old machine nuts. So I'm going to tie one to a piece of string and give it a go.


I agree entirely about making this excellent article available in the article library, and so I have added it myself on behalf of MAYATNIK.

While I was about it, I also added your own excellent article on Gateway Wave 1 pointers.

Did you manage to get any nuts and bolts together to have a go at this?

Pendulum divination is indeed a fascinating subject.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


THanks so much for the feedback.

My pendulum also said that the material coming through it was from my higher self. I asked that question several times in several different ways over 2 days and was given the same answer each time. I also asked if any other entity/being/whatever could communicate to me through the pendulum and the response was also NO. So the responses to that appear to be consistent. But my thought was the same as yours, how can you tell?

I also posed several questions and was told I would get some kind of 'sign' to them this week. So we'll see.

Reality is what you perceive it to be.


ok iv got a strong feeling now its time to wright This post.

im glad we are all picking up on the pendulum and were all doing so well, but many dont seem to be aware that theres MORE to the pendulum than the ansers we recive,
1st off id like to clarify for fact, this is not you "spirit" guide
nor your "subconcios"
nor the gravermetric pulls from the earth.
and exspecialy NOTHING to do with angels or SATAN/QUIJI BOARD!!!

many still belive otherwise, but i am in full mental cumnication with my guide (MASHWAY) so belive me i know a anser or two.

but isnt it time we all thourght about the next step. this isnt a peace of fun to play with (as fun as guides are)there are many journeys awaiting all of ov you. its time to except that the pendulum works, but why can i speak to my guide now with out a pendulum???
i know why. its time everyone learnt why but i cannot just tell you (dont think Mashway wud be to happy with that[:)]) but its time all who have sucseded started to learn about the person behind the pendulum, because belive me it has nothing to do with the piece of string that moves.

so you all are able to speak to your guides. mabye its time we all started asking how do we progress.
i've now come to a point werve iv witnessed and seen and felt things i never knew to be possible. im NOT special in anyway, i am the same as you (iv never even been able to project or anything like that, i always failed)
but now im developing abilities not researched in any book nor heard of ever,
its time to move on and except that were talking to our GUIDES. learn about them, learn what THEY want to TEACH you.

and in time you will experiance things that will change your world (in a magnificent way). this of course does not apply to people still having difficulties with the basics (but if u read my post on the 3 steps then you shud be rolling)

i feel i kneed to post this because people are getting it to work and being happy with that. getting the pendulum to work is 3% to walking the path that YOUR guide has in store for you.

id also like to add that there is no connection to the way you hold it, its just how easy you make it for your guide to move it, either way theres still a anser.

we are all the 1st breed to learn this thanks to the "wonderful" Teacher himself MAYATNIK and his "wonderful" guide KAREK. who have helped me get to the level i am

so lets move on, lets discover, lets not be happy untill weve learnt all that has to be taught,
a guide is a teacher
be taught.

please please please please if you have "any"-problems just email me
or instant message me,
me and Mashway are MORE than happy to "help" you ALL with any problem you may be expreiancing.

i wish good luck and good health to all
[8]Samuel Bicknell[8]

THIS post has been channeld thru me by my guide MASHWAY. Guides are clever so think about it.


Zdravstvuitye NOXERUS !

Thank you.  I am so pleased that you find the article of "immense value" to you, because in the world of today and what money can buy it is so refreshing to hear that something I have offered freely from zolotaya sertza moya is appreciated, because my greatest joy is to bring joy, love and peace to others.  And it has filled my heart with joy to see so much interaction in this thread wehre everyone can now learn what was given to me, and which I share from my my guide who giave this information that the world might know if they but seek.

The nickname MAYATNIK (my real name being Edward Angulu)is very appropriate yes, but it also has a connection to a memory as strong and as poignent as Edi's Pendulum has to her.  Maybe one day I might share that memory, because it speaks of the hert of one who had the  sad Russian soul like mine, someone I once knew.  And seeing that you come from Israel, reminds me once again of Russia, for the many wonderful televised concerts that the Russian Satellite NTV broadcast from Tel Aviv and Haifa.

Nu, davai ko dyelo !  To your questions:
1. Can I rest my elbow on a hard surface while working with the pendulum? If I just hold my arm in the air it tires quite quickly
There is a post further up the thread that deals with this in considerable detail. But briefly, it doesn't matter where you rest your arm, as long as the Pendulum is free to move correctly and so long as you are comfortable since 'chatty' sessions are the most productive and once you gain a rapport with the Pendulum they can go on for hours like two very good friends talking.

2. I know 3 languages (English, Hebrew and Russian) and I'd like to know if it'd matter which language do I use, in case I'm proficient the same with all 3?
The Pendulum can understand fully any language on Earth.  The only important thing is to use correct syntax and avoid the use of idiomatic expressions unless needed (for example when reading statements from books and asking questions of them) in which case you should say "[expression] or [correct usage] in other words".  I have tried words in Spanish and French and asked, "Does [Frenchword] in French mean [Englishword] in English?" and the Pendulum will correctly answer, YES or NO.  And, obviously, I have asked complete questions in Russian.  The Pendulum has no difficulty whatsoever.

To link the Pendulum with Russian still further, a remarkable book on the Pendulum is available from St Peterburg (c) 1999 by Aleksandr Sviyash, called "Kak Poluchat' Informatsiu iz tonkovo mira".

As I have mentioned in my article, Divination is a University subject in Russia that carries a degree, and Aleksandr Sviyash - an eminent psychologist is one of the best if not the best who espouses the use of and in fact utlizes in his field of work in addition to the psychic field the best of the Peundulum.  The book (one of several published by him) has similarities to the advanced method taught directly to me by my guide, and this is for two reasons:  firstly, Sviyash is a channel himself, and secondly the use of the Pendulum has not been distorted as much as it has in the West, so writings such as mine and Sviyash's are accepted quite openly and with enthusiasm in Russia.  His book is beautifully written with soul, and covers the background, practical examples 'talking with his angel' and the etheric realm is covered in great depth and clarity.  Unfortunately the book is only available in Russian.  I mention it here primarily for Noxerus because I know he will find it fascinating to cross-compare and use to experiment with the Pendulum.  But its mention here also serves to illustrate how, if the soul is free and unconditioned, it can be embraced and its knowledge be nourishment for the soul.

Hope to hear more from you Noxerus, especially about your cross-cultural adventures with the Pendulum !

Poka !

PS> EDI !  what a beuatiful, beautiful story !  It touched my soul, and my words are inadequate !

With Pleiadian Love and Light,