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Raditus's Dream Journal

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December 14, 2014

Detectives And Monsters

I was in my kitchen, lights were dim. The computer I usually use was on, and a scene from some kind of video was paused. I get up to the computer, but do not sit down in the chair. The movie starts playing. Two guys are on the video, it looks like they are both detectives moving through a dimly lit crime scene. The so-called main detective is standing with his back to the "camera", off to the right. The other guy, also seeming to be a detective is standing to the left, standing in such a way that I could see his profile.

I come up and hit play, the action starting up. Both men start slowly walking. Without warning, the man standing to the left hiss/growled. At the same time he did this, his opened his mouth, somehow unhinging his entire lower jaw, making his mouth go much wider than a Human. His eyes go all crazy looking and the inside of his mouth and teeth are a sickening, deathly black color! This effect reminds me quite of when The Mummys from the Brenden Fraiser films.

When this happens, it is quiet the jump scare and I am completely unnverved by it, leaving me to quickly try to exit out of the movie player. However, I cannot as the computer systems chooses just then to lag, freezing on that creepy scene. I wake up.

I go back to sleep not even two minutes later. I am physically standing in that same room that the two guys were in. It looked like the main detective was there. This place was more like an apartment than a whole house. The scary guy is gone, but the main guy is shaken up. Not even two minutes later, I see red and blue lights flashing, meaning backup cops showed up.

"Might as well as tell them what happened." I hear myself mutter even as I start to turn to go for the door.

The scene changes instantly. I am in this room with some sort of police-like medical guy. I realize that after the freaky thing, me and the main guy have to get checked over. I am with my clothes on, laying back on an examination bed. The medical guy checking me over looks about late forties/early fifties. He had a short bear, hair is peppered. We are discussing candidly, while he checks me over,  about the creature that the other detective apparently was.

"This has been some circus like you'd never believe." I mutter. "That guy, it was so sudden. He's normal looking, then his mouth opens like it did."

"Yeah," He begins. "The kind of neat thing about them is that they can unhinge their lower jaw on both sides." He says.

Suddenly, right near me, he roars and does the mouth thing; He was one of them! I woke up quickly.

December 18, 2015

Supernatural: Driving Lessons

I saw Crowley from Supernatural. He talked to me in daylight, just having an okay chat.

Later that night, I woke up in my room. I went outside. It turns out that John Winchester, from Supernatural was giving my sister driving lessons! 

They wanted to go shopping as well, so I watched the rear headlights of the Chevy Impala as it went down the neighborhood road.

spike spiegel

Can you tell me how you trigger such amazing dreams?
See you space cowboy.


Sometimes, I try legal herbs. The only ones so far have been Mugwort and Calea Zacatechichi.

Sometimes, I end up tinkling off some . . . interesting creatures in astra. Most of them target through dreams, makes you have what they think are nightmares as punishment.

Some of that factors in less though, and lately it has to do more with stress; family, money, etc.


December 24, 2015

The Challenge

I was outside my house, in the yard in dusk. The dusk was even darker, due to cloud cover. This guy, who was a bad guy was after me! Sometimes he was invisible (Don't know how) and sometimes he would pop into view. I knew he was chasing me, and I best not let him get his hands on me! I ran through the back yard, the whole time with the guy hunting me,  running after me, snarling and growling! That was audible to me, even when he went see-through! The growling and snarling sounded like a mix between an enraged rhino and warthog!

I ran all of the way back to the half-path where a travel trailer used to be, but has long since been pulled out in RL. There is another one back there in the dream, not the original one. I reach it, the black door handle visible in the dim light. Right when I reach my hand out and touch the handle, I get this sudden horrid thought that if I go in, I'll discover a dead body! I drop my hand away from the handle as if I'd been burnt, whirling around. The guy lunges around the corner from the back end of the trailer! He is flickering now, still snarling that hair-raising sound! Instinctively, I hiss back at him loudly, as an old timey vampire would hiss at threats in the films! The guy pops back into view, startled, blinking in surprise, the same surprise etched into his features! His shock lasted only for a few mere moments, him bearing his teeth in anger at me, suddenly rushing at me!


It is back at my house, this time in broad daylight. There is is this rumored guy who is also supposedly a bad guy was going to show up. I had a funny feeling through, that he wouldn't target me. Later, he showed up, with a bevy of trucks that looked like it was military! I hid the best I could, watching these trucks pull into the driveway and the front yard! I saw others pull around to the back of the house. I had a nagging feeling that the people were trying to hunt down the guy who was hunting me down in the dark earlier for god only knew what!


December 25, 2015

The Woge, The Arrow, and The Snake Bite

I was on a bus or train in daylight, with people sitting across the isle from me. One person in the middle of that row starting giving me some crap about something. Right then, I decided I wouldn't put up with their crap. I said some verbal things, this got the person and their friends' attention. They jeered me.

I had the sudden urge to Woge. I did the herd jerk, failing the first time. I did it right after the failed attempting, this time doing my Woge into Blutbad! I felt my face shift, adding additional facial hair even for a female Blutbad! Their jeers turned to screams of shock and fear. Snarling animalisticaly, I lunged for the loser I originally was after!

Right when I lunge, the scene shifts. I am alone except for my Watcher. Zoe and I are standing on a empty beach, close to some very short grasses. I saw a Hummer slowly making it's way onto the beach, towards us. I knew, using 'dream-knowledge', that this was The Arrow and his group. They wouldn't be in costume right now, but as their 'normal' selves. I tensed up, already getting myself pumped up to go all 'game-face and take them on!

Before I stomp forwards even as the Hummer stops and the team gets out, Zoe slams one arm across my chest blocking me from advancing. 'Cool it!" She hisses at me. In a lowered tone so they wouldn't hear, she adds, 'We really don't need to make any more enemies."

The scene shifts and because I held off attacking at Zoe's insistence, I learned that the group wasn't here to attack me. Rather, they heard something of me and needed my help.   I wasn't sure after I woke up what the task was, but in the dream it was of the utmost importance to do! I had to travel with the group and at one point, I entered a huge travel trailer. The main part of the trailer was huge, as big as my living room! It had benches and pillows strewn about. Stuff like books and what looked like potions also laid around, making the place remind me sharply of Nick Burkhardt's Aunt's trailer! This place was one of many owned by The Arrow.

Later, we all are outside again. I discover snakes and accidentally get bit by one. We still go on, me making sure to not scratch the snake bite, no matter how burning and itching it got – knowing I'll damage my skin. This reminded me sharply of when I got bit by a spider for real.   We, as a team, went to a couple more places and later, my hand got worse and one of the group said that they needed to get me somewhere to get that looked at.


December 28, 2015

Luther: The Trap

I was working at the police department that is in the Luther TV show. I am not really a detective, but more like a paper sorter. I had got up from my nearly hidden corner desk, marching to where I knew unsorted papers stuffed in folders were. On the way there, I happened to see John Luther himself making his way towards where he needed to be. His gaze met mine and I managed a polite nod before grabbing a bevy of the folders and went back the way I came. I stopped for a minute, across the way was this guy. This guy was a strange and he'd frozen on the spot as well, staring back at me. Weird as it sounded, it was like when he was staring me down, he was somehow scanning me, as a whole. I was the first to break contact, dismissing his appearance, making it back to my little desk.

Rose Teller passed by, looked inside the filing cabinet, looked up and then asked the whole squad room, "Who grabbed the latest batch?" Meaning the folders.
I held up one hand, saying, "I did."

"Oh, you started in on them already?" I nodded. She nodded once, "Good." She went into her office. Seconds later, that strange tall guy went into her office. He looked sort of smug, and also dismissive of everyone else. I was at work when Rose stuck her head out of her doorway. "Lichtman?" When I looked, she waved me in.

I got inside her office, to see that she was already seated behind her desk. The man was standing. "Yes, is there something wrong?" I asked.

"How would you mind running an extra task for us?" Rose asked. I caught her unsure look at the man. "It's just . . . irregular, that's all." She added to him, "We normally don't do this sort of thing." She turned her attention to me, adding, "We have some files on him," meaning the man, "And he'd like them at his place."

I gazed over at the man, who was no less than three feet from me. I saw him glancing down at my legs, then flicking his gaze up until he met my eyes. His gaze seemed . . .lacking, as though something about me let him down. I kind of felt let down in myself for some strange reason.

"It will be real quick." The man stated.

I turned back to Rose. "I . . I feel funny, like you do. But its part of my job, so I will do it gladly."

We got in his car outside, me volunteering to hold his folders of papers in my lap. During the ride to his place, we got into small talk. Blather about our lives and stuff. We get to his place and he invites me in with his paperwork. I get just a bit of freaked out feeling at this arraignment, thinking I was going to do nothing more than hand him the folders then head back to the PD. I stepped in, resolving myself only to have a couple of minutes chat then leave. I saw there was steps leading to the second level.
"I have a friend, who stopped by not too long ago."  The man stated. "He's upstairs, he'll enjoy meeting you."

I made my way to the steps, feeling on edge, slowly ascending the steps. I got up them midway when an upstairs door opened and here comes the guy's friend. This other guy eyes me in pleased surprise.

"He has turned lazy." The man said from downstairs. "I end up having to bring his victims to him."

My heart turned to ice at his words, as did my stomach! I whirled around and started to charge down the steps. The original man stood right at the bottom of them, barring my flight! The friend grabbed me, hauled me into the room! The friend started to menace me, but soon I heard violent sounds from downstairs! The friend grabbed a gun and ran out of the room, leaving me behind! I heard shouting, things breaking and booming!

I tore out of the room, then downstairs – only to see John Luther himself wailing on the first guy! John tore me out of the place and got me in his car, bellowing into his phone even as he drove for backup. The guy's friend has lunged into the middle of the road, shooting the gun at the car, causing John and I to have to duck even as we blasted down the roads!

I was shocking, maybe going into shock. All I know is that I found myself dazing out, john yelling, "Come on, stay with me!"

"Sorry," I say as I snap out of it.

"It's alright, you're just in a bit of shock."

Within twenty, we pulled up, outside the PD. Cops were already out, as was Martin Schenk. John filled Martin on what happened and Rose came out of the building.

"Are you alright?" Rose asked me worriedly.

I thought of lying, brushing it off, then I deflated, "No; It was a trap. The sicko told me he'd already caught other victims for his 'friend.'" At this point, I woke up.



The Channeling

*Sorry if I posted this before, search came up nothing on forums.*

This was many of my early forays into using Raditus talisman years ago. I was in England, in the woods. There was something that had gone on, and there was a small encampment. It was in the Dark Ages. Another place, a small camp as well, had been ransacked, many people taken prisoner. I had been one of them, and it was only after I had been fully ensconced inside the enemy camp, I realized the horrid truth of it all. The leader was a British boy, 17 or 18 and was some sort of astral thing.

At this time, I thought I was still doing this with the talisman, but I had fallen asleep for the last bit. I helped the others flee. Here comes that boy, back into camp, sullen as his gang and him got routed when trying to sack more camps.

"We ALWAYS lose," He grumps.

"Here's one more thing you lost." I speak out, after making sure all the captives have fled. He glares at me. "Toodle-loo!"

I wake up in the dark room, on the floor where I started the thing. I felt a creepy feeling inside that very same room. Instantly, when everything else happened, I started speaking. I heard what I was speaking, and knew what I was speaking, but couldn't stop!

"You don't know who I am?" It was a question that was asked in pure indignation. I asked this question again, in the same offended tone! The voice wasn't even mine. Without straining my vocal cords in any way, I completely had the the voice of that British man from earlier! This even included his accent, flawlessly!

I was aware of what I was saying. I was also aware that it never occurred to me to say anything different. It seemed as if I not only had his voice, but his mind as well! that creepy feeling was around when all this was going on.

My mom rushed into the room I was in. The act of her rushing in like that broke the whatever that was making that moment happen, ending it – the question, the other voice coming out of my body, and also the creepy vibe. Later, she told me that she heard such a different voice from the back bedrooms that she thought I was watching something, so came back there thinking she could watch it with me.

January 5, 2016

The Failed Spell

I was outside, hanging around on the last bit of driveway that ends at the corner of my house. I am hanging around a guy in a suit. Only saw a part of him, as I saw him out the corner of my eye, but knew it was a guy I ran into in AP. When the guy was in AP, he was bad to me, trying to hunt me down. In the dream, he seemed way cooler with me.

I knew he was smoking, with a cig hanign out his mouth. A regular one, not a joint. I was smoking to0, also a regular cig. I pull it out of my mouth, saying 'Want to seeing something cool?" I think, then say, "How about Sons of Anarchy? I haven't seen that in some time."

I think of how it would be then, for him and I to shift through to their reality. The same address, house and driveway, just in their world. I do nothing else but stand, arms open, "Omni, maximus, penetro, infinitio, bentidoct, luminoct." I wait for a few moments, realizing then with disappointment, that my spell didn't work.


January 6, 2016

Image Dipping and The Ministry of Magic

I have a skill where I can take a picture, paper or digital. I gaze at it, let my wonder "wander" into the picture. I brush my mind up on building materials, people's skin and clothing. I can feel textures and stuff, as if I am touching them with my fingers. I think back on this and think that maybe that I was astrally putting myself halfway in these pictures.

I was trying to AP, but couldn't get anywhere with my usual way of getting out and about. I had a destination all set out before hand. I wanted to go to the Harry potter reality and visit Britain's Ministry of Magic. While being relaxed to the point of feeling like I am starting to float up, I picture in my mind the street and everything, including the red phone booth that is the visitor's entrance to the M.O.M. 

I then use my gift to 'touch' the image. I take my time with this image, feeling the nearby stones, the street, the booth itself. I feel funny, severely lightheaded, then I realize I done it; I am not Astral, in this reality and location, reaching out with two perfectly formed arms and hands! I waste no time, I go around the booth's front, start to go inside. I know I have to punch a number code (Magic) to use this way in.

"Oi! Get back out here!" I recognize the voice and turn around while leaving the booth. It is Albert Runcorn, movie version, glowering at me. "Do you have business with the Ministry?"

"No, just figured I'd pop by, see what's what and then go home."

He still glowered down at me even as he asked the next question. "Are you a Muggle?"

"No, not at all." I felt the topic was in familiar territory as I replied,  I have done magic and spells and stuff before." I flippantly added, "i am doing astral projection right now."

"What's that?" he was still guarding, but not looking really grumpy-bear like earlier.

"I separate my mind and essence away from my body elsewhere." He looked nearly horrified. "I travel, then go home back to my body." I put in, "I am from a different reality."

"So it's like Apparting? But you leave your body behind?"  It seemed as if he was curious, but also still horrified.

"Kind of." I sighed, "I got to go. Don't try to follow me home; I doubt you can get there."

Busted Driveway

There was snow outside, coating the yard and nearly everything. But it wasn't snow. Somehow, I knew that during the night, we had a large ice-storm. This was gross ice everywhere. I knew what it looked like, as we got one years ago in RL. Down at the bottom of the hill, I see a bunch of people and a CAT bulldozer like thing digging up a swath of neighborhood drive. I go out of the house and go down there.

Turns out the the ice, when it started melting from everything, ruined a huge area in the neighborhood drive. One of the neighbors rented the machine to stir up the dirt and stuff from that area to later relay first down, thus repairing it.


January 19, 2015

The Supposed "Real" Reason

I was at home at night when my family heard a strange, loud noise above our house on the outside! We ran back into my room, lights off and watched out of my window. A huge jet thundered overheard, quite low then seemingly crashed far off, accompanied by a large and very sudden fireball!

Later that night, we get a phonecall. It is the neighbor across the woods from us. He says that "We weren't doing the clearing out of our stuff for the last few days because of the impending Eviction, but that we 'knew' that the Jet was going to have an "accident.""

The phonecall gave us tremendous anxiety, as we knew the truth that we didn't know any Jet was going to do that! As for the neighbor, we knew he'd lie to the police, as we've had experiences of him lying to the law before when it dealt with us!

School-Like Building And Cafeteria!

I had a hasty tour of something that looked like a school plus its Cafeteria. During the bcafeteria scene, as I walked in, I saw who looked either like William Hartnell or the 1st Doctor sitting alone at one of the tables, reading a book! Whoever it was, was wearing the 1st Doctor costume.


February 5, 2016

The Mission

I was in my backyard with Irisa, from Defiance T show. Joshua Nola had gone missing and her and I tagged up to find him. Karl Von Bach was after us, bad guy fashion, for some reason. We fled my yard from him on one of the motorcycle Runners from the game.

We got to what used to be my old High school. It was intact, but mostly a large emergency shelter. The cafe was still there. Von Bach comes in later while Irisa and I are sitting at one of the huge, round lunch tables, eating with some other people. Karl jumps up in the air next to our table and seemingly vanishes.

"He's on top." Irisa says, looking up with this WTF look. I get up from my seat and look. Sure enough, he's sitting in mid-air, crosslegged, right above us, like there was an invisible dome over our lunch table!


February 10, 2016

The Trips

To begin with, I usually have been using just headphones and mp3 player to listen to all of the astral sounds. This time, I placed the laptop in bed with me, played one of the sounds, having it able to play louder than what I normally listen to.

I was able to exit by dragging my double to the corner of my bed, flopping onto the hard floor. I went from each room in Astral, teleporting in and out of each one quickly. I even was in the kitchen, seeing my mom, but had her back turned. One last time I was in the house, I went back to the kitchen. Some guy was in the doorway of the kitchen that leads off into the living room. He looked menacing and was taller than me.

I go to town astral to find people in the town square. That menacing guy is there, keeping everyone in line. He glares at me a few times, like he wants to rip my face off or something. He is the type to shout people down for not moving fast enough or talking too much. He wanted to scan us or something to find something out.

I get yelled out by him for talking or even asking him a question! I get mad and sick and tired of his carrying on like a spoiled child. "Shut up," I grump at him. He shuts up, but looks at me in this sly, shock and offended way, quiet like he couldn't ever believe I told him off!

I get bored and leave.

spike spiegel

Quote from: raditus on February 11, 2016, 00:57:44
February 10, 2016

The Trips

To begin with, I usually have been using just headphones and mp3 player to listen to all of the astral sounds. This time, I placed the laptop in bed with me, played one of the sounds, having it able to play louder than what I normally listen to.

I was able to exit by dragging my double to the corner of my bed, flopping onto the hard floor. I went from each room in Astral, teleporting in and out of each one quickly. I even was in the kitchen, seeing my mom, but had her back turned. One last time I was in the house, I went back to the kitchen. Some guy was in the doorway of the kitchen that leads off into the living room. He looked menacing and was taller than me.

I go to town astral to find people in the town square. That menacing guy is there, keeping everyone in line. He glares at me a few times, like he wants to rip my face off or something. He is the type to shout people down for not moving fast enough or talking too much. He wanted to scan us or something to find something out.

I get yelled out by him for talking or even asking him a question! I get mad and sick and tired of his carrying on like a spoiled child. "Shut up," I grump at him. He shuts up, but looks at me in this sly, shock and offended way, quiet like he couldn't ever believe I told him off!

I get bored and leave.
Wait, I'm confused. Was this a dream, astral projection, or both? I've heard that dreams can take place on the Astral Plane.
See you space cowboy.


It was an astral projection, period.

Not sure what else can be said for it, except that I listened to the sound file, and then exited to start my local astral wandering - just sticking to inside my house for the moment. I am sorry for the confusion - I will place "Dream" or "AP" in my posts for now on.


February 17, 2016

The Metal Costume Wand


I went to to this huge house with my mom. This old guy was there and I learned he got struck with a age spell and cursed to become old! Through the old age, there was something . . . familiar about this guy.

I searched the house, which was nearly empty. I found one of those costume wands of the ground, the 'fairy princess' ones, with the star at the end. I have an idea, picking this up. It feels heavy and I realize it is not that lightweight toy material, this thing is metal – with some give, like a car antennae! It is thirteen inches long, at least. I go into this nearly empty, spacious room that the old guy was standing in. I call out, making him turn to me expectantly. I cast some sort of gibberish spell, swishing, twirling, and flicking the 'toy' wand at him, nearly mirroring the moves done by the people from live action Harry Potter movies.

An actual spell came out, moving over him. Instantly, he went back to his age, the curse broken. He was at least early fifties or late forties before the curse hit. Another thing, this guy was the same one from my Astral travel days ago, the one that was acting as the apparent guard dog in my house, then went from my house into town, acting evil! In this true dream, at the moment, he wasn't guarding anything or evil. Later, him and I are moving through this strange house, gathering up bad stuff to toss out, to finish cleaning the place.

spike spiegel

Quote from: raditus on February 17, 2016, 14:37:20
February 17, 2016

The Metal Costume Wand


I went to to this huge house with my mom. This old guy was there and I learned he got struck with a age spell and cursed to become old! Through the old age, there was something . . . familiar about this guy.

I searched the house, which was nearly empty. I found one of those costume wands of the ground, the 'fairy princess' ones, with the star at the end. I have an idea, picking this up. It feels heavy and I realize it is not that lightweight toy material, this thing is metal – with some give, like a car antennae! It is thirteen inches long, at least. I go into this nearly empty, spacious room that the old guy was standing in. I call out, making him turn to me expectantly. I cast some sort of gibberish spell, swishing, twirling, and flicking the 'toy' wand at him, nearly mirroring the moves done by the people from live action Harry Potter movies.

An actual spell came out, moving over him. Instantly, he went back to his age, the curse broken. He was at least early fifties or late forties before the curse hit. Another thing, this guy was the same one from my Astral travel days ago, the one that was acting as the apparent guard dog in my house, then went from my house into town, acting evil! In this true dream, at the moment, he wasn't guarding anything or evil. Later, him and I are moving through this strange house, gathering up bad stuff to toss out, to finish cleaning the place.
Maybe he is your spirit guide or subconscious mind telling you to clean out the negativity in your life.
See you space cowboy.


Quote from: spike spiegel on February 17, 2016, 23:13:40
Maybe he is your spirit guide or subconscious mind telling you to clean out the negativity in your life.

Yeah, I actually think so, definately since I had another dream about him last night. He was back in my place but had a van and other people with him.


February 19, 2016


Making Love

I ended up somewhere ran into a guy who was by himself. I got the sense he was an entity and not another traveler. We got to talking about stuff, then got to talking about how some people of the opposite sex of another wants to find out how pleasure is for the other sexes. 

We end up making love right where we were, the guy somehow 'making' me think back constantly on to my hometown, in this specific area right outside a historic building. It was as if during our love-making, he would accidentally scan this memory. He wasn't mean to me ever during the whole exchange, and there was no fear involved.


February 20, 2016

The Crescent Light

? (Don't know if this was a dream or Astral)

I was laying in bed on my side. I 'wake up' for a split second only to open my eyes. There is a space between the far wall opposite the one my closet is on. It was this wall I was staring at when I opened my eyes. Up in the air, about the same level in the air as my head would be, in that huge space between wall and bedroom was a crescent shaped light. It was if there was a miniature crescent moon in my room. It is floating past, medium speed. On the corner of my mattress earlier, I had placed a pair of big over-ear headphones. The thing got to this point, but then went slower as it passed by the headphones, as if it wanted see 'see' what they were. Afterwards, it floated through other wall ahead, the one that leads to the very outside of the house.


February 21, 2016

"Dad's Alive!"


I started off, going back to my basics of what I did years ago to AP. I had one place in mind, but lost focus and (thought) I had lost my AP session.

Later, I was in my room, laying on my bed, having been 'woke up', not knowing why. I felt a bit funny as well, the warm feeling I get when I am APing, or juts after goiing through an aborted attempt.

"Honey!" Came the voice from upfront. It was my dad. "Hon!" He called for a few seconds more. I heard, actually heard my mom leave the kitchen and go into the living room, where we used to have him in before. I heard her ask what he needed. I heard him tell her. (He had to cough, and needed tissiue or something to do it in.) I heard her get it, moving around in the living room. (Our house is a modular home, so sounds are easily heard from one part of the house to the other.) She asks or tells him something, and I hear him answer her.

I think nothing of it, the noises of the day of dad living at the house not forgotten at all, so it still seems natural. I turn over in bed, still feeling that thrumming heat, able to see my room in detail, especially my closed door. It's gritty visual though, with slight static and dimmer, backlit by a slight red color. Then it hits me; Dad's alive? I better get upfront! Maybe him dying I dreamt up!

I go to get out of bed, but then the next thing I know, I open my eyes and he is not here, still dead, his bed gone, etc.

I think what happened was that I shifted to a reality to where he didn't die, and maybe I partially went into the body of me over there. I think the reason why I couldn't go in fully, is that even though it was me, it still was a different me. The two personalities and life experiences could have been so different that my subconciousness viewed the process as completely alien, and thus refused to let the process go any deeper.


February 24, 2016

The Submissive


I met this guy in England. Him and I seemed to hit it off, and I even chose to be in a Sub/dom relationship with him. As the rules, he was the dom and I the sub. It wasn't about sex, just yet. It definitely was not going to have whips or anything, 

In middle of the dream, he buys a choker for me, a steel metal one. For some reason, in the dream, if it was Silver, I couldn't wear it. It wasn't our rules, but a personal one for me. If Silver touched me, I would suffer, like I was one of those many mystical creatures that Silver could kill. I never tell him this, instead thinking, If that's Silver and he makes me wear it, I'm toast! The choker itself is two bands of metal in a circle. In the front part of the choker, the two bands twist, so they are sort of touching and make an infinity symbol.

After it's fitted on me, he stands behind me, telling me of a feature, "And I had this metal loop placed on it. That way I can even fit a metal chain on it."

Later, I am in my house, the guy with me. He is making sit between his legs on a chair, with him behind me. Neither of us have clothes on. He is holding me in place, preventing me from turning my head around to face him. He is making delighted sounds, kissing, sucking and nipping the back of my neck! I like it, letting him do this to me. He trails these down to just at where the back of my actual neck ends. He starts making these other noises, creepy growling under his breath as he nips at this spot! I try to get up, as this is creeping me out now, but he suddenly grabs the back of the choker, hauling back, making me unable to move! He continues and I get so freaked out, I start hitting his nude leg, which wasn't out of range, with my hand. He starts making this dangerous hissing sound that made my hairs stand up on end! I start struggling, trying to really, with my body. He then takes his right hand and arm, reaches around quickly, holding me even tighter to him by my left shoulder and the front of my neck! I still try to struggle.

"I love it when you're fighting!" He says with relish. His voice wasn't sounding the way a Human should. It sounded like what you would think a disembodied spirit would; an ancient disembodied spirit!

I sagged forward a bit, letting him back at that spot on my back. He did so, making his inhuman happy noises as he did so. I reared my head back suddenly, catching him off guard, feeling the back of my head actually impact what felt like someone's forehead would feel. He hissed, but didn't let go, the hiss sounding like a clogged garbage disposal!  He went back to his gentle biting after awhile of this hissing. I did it again, this time earning an even louder hissing; he was more ticked off. I kept lashing out however I could at this point, even going back to hitting at his leg! He kept getting louder and menacing in his hissing! I could tell, somehow, that he was opening his mouth wider and wider – even more than a Human could!

At the same time, I wondered if this guy was the same as the other thing I've run into, the thing that shrieked in pure rage and flew around like an invisible mini-tornado! This scared me deep down and at that point, I didn't want to try to twist free, in case he gets angry enough to chomp down hard into my jugular or something!  The dream ended here.

spike spiegel

Quote from: raditus on February 24, 2016, 16:06:47
February 24, 2016

The Submissive


I met this guy in England. Him and I seemed to hit it off, and I even chose to be in a Sub/dom relationship with him. As the rules, he was the dom and I the sub. It wasn't about sex, just yet. It definitely was not going to have whips or anything, 

In middle of the dream, he buys a choker for me, a steel metal one. For some reason, in the dream, if it was Silver, I couldn't wear it. It wasn't our rules, but a personal one for me. If Silver touched me, I would suffer, like I was one of those many mystical creatures that Silver could kill. I never tell him this, instead thinking, If that's Silver and he makes me wear it, I'm toast! The choker itself is two bands of metal in a circle. In the front part of the choker, the two bands twist, so they are sort of touching and make an infinity symbol.

After it's fitted on me, he stands behind me, telling me of a feature, "And I had this metal loop placed on it. That way I can even fit a metal chain on it."

Later, I am in my house, the guy with me. He is making sit between his legs on a chair, with him behind me. Neither of us have clothes on. He is holding me in place, preventing me from turning my head around to face him. He is making delighted sounds, kissing, sucking and nipping the back of my neck! I like it, letting him do this to me. He trails these down to just at where the back of my actual neck ends. He starts making these other noises, creepy growling under his breath as he nips at this spot! I try to get up, as this is creeping me out now, but he suddenly grabs the back of the choker, hauling back, making me unable to move! He continues and I get so freaked out, I start hitting his nude leg, which wasn't out of range, with my hand. He starts making this dangerous hissing sound that made my hairs stand up on end! I start struggling, trying to really, with my body. He then takes his right hand and arm, reaches around quickly, holding me even tighter to him by my left shoulder and the front of my neck! I still try to struggle.

"I love it when you're fighting!" He says with relish. His voice wasn't sounding the way a Human should. It sounded like what you would think a disembodied spirit would; an ancient disembodied spirit!

I sagged forward a bit, letting him back at that spot on my back. He did so, making his inhuman happy noises as he did so. I reared my head back suddenly, catching him off guard, feeling the back of my head actually impact what felt like someone's forehead would feel. He hissed, but didn't let go, the hiss sounding like a clogged garbage disposal!  He went back to his gentle biting after awhile of this hissing. I did it again, this time earning an even louder hissing; he was more ticked off. I kept lashing out however I could at this point, even going back to hitting at his leg! He kept getting louder and menacing in his hissing! I could tell, somehow, that he was opening his mouth wider and wider – even more than a Human could!

At the same time, I wondered if this guy was the same as the other thing I've run into, the thing that shrieked in pure rage and flew around like an invisible mini-tornado! This scared me deep down and at that point, I didn't want to try to twist free, in case he gets angry enough to chomp down hard into my jugular or something!  The dream ended here.
That was disturbing.
See you space cowboy.


Quote from: spike spiegel on February 24, 2016, 23:13:03
That was disturbing.

LOL, no joke! Definately one I won't be trying to make myself dream of a continuation! Don't know what HEy that thing was, nor do I ever want to find out.


February 26, 2016

February 26, 2016



I was outside, George was nearby, an A. I played with a slinky, telekentically making it fly slowly around. I amused him for awhile by this, then made the the slinky blow up, causing it to split up into many copies of slinkies, each 'walking' around. George was still amused. I said I had to go, then made all of them combine back into one, now a normal slinky and walked away.



I had my basement back door opened, the one facing the northern end of the cleared part of the land. I saw a line way back, up in the air raise and fall. My mom was standing with me and she saw it as well.

"What the hell was that?"

There was a big roaring woosh as another 'line' popped up, closer this time. It was a tidal way, a really big one! "Close the door!" I bark. "It's a tidal-"

I was cut off as a big wall of greyish water race from the woods. Just before impact, the dream ended.


February 29, 2016


There was that thing with AAR. I am having a dream where I can feel him, in his supposed 'true-form' wrapped around my hips, feeling like a snake, or worm. I knew it was AAR, somehow and I was panicked to feel him/it thrumming, as if pleased as punch! I could feel emotion through whatever part of him it was supposed to be: Satisfaction at having me, and being able to capture me in this way!

I was filled with despair, running to the Ministry. I went to Harry Potter verse. I didn't tell them the truth, but showed them was had netted me. To say they looked horrified would have been an understatement! Apparently, the magics there running through everything makes them be able to see in all entirety that thing!They made me stay in one place, trying to use potions, spells, and jinxes to get it off. Each time, they failed, as he tightened his grip more, moving more of his mass start to wrap around other places. He grew more and more smug and satisfied to learn that not even the ministry could save me from him! Writing the ministry and Harry Potterverse as useless when it comes to such things as this, I ran from it, leaving. I came to some black void, AAR still having me in his clutches!

I grew annoyed at him and myself, "That's the way you want it?" I asked aloud of AAR, throwing my hands to my sides, "Then, so be it." Even as I said these words, I sucked in energy. Feeling it flow into my main chakras along my middle down from my crown – I was going to do a full-on cleansing. Instead of doing it chakra-by-chakra, as I learnt, I was going to do the sun-like burst, but do it through the bottom first, blazing through, "Firing my lasers," so to speak.

I did, the black void around me blazing to life of a void of white, intense light even as my 3rd and sixth chakras were flooded! I was blinded for a moment, but could feel the thick tendril of AAR immediately loosen and fall away, flash fried! The BBQ effect was so sudden that I didn't even feel that he registered the agony. All I felt was that my chakras stopped thrumming as a response to his 'uplink', and no more feeling his emotions!

The Little Memorial

I was in a little, quaint living room. There was something else on my back, but it was not plugged in like AAR was. It was just a 'little' Astral critter' hitching a ride. I couldn't get a visual. It had the body nearly like a centipede. It had bundles of claws like the pointy, but non-pinching crab legs, and could scuttle around like a crab, but more fast.

This living room wasn't really a living room, but some kind of memorial for an elderly man and wife that died together. There were cabinets you could look into. Two sets of jars filled with ashes. What had happened was that they had in their wishes that each part of their bodies be cremated separately, but one part of their ashed bodies be placed with the others in the jars. So, that's why there was two jars per cabinet. The whole time I was looking around curiously, the critter would move across my back, sometimes shifting it's body weight around to keep comfortable – just like a physical animal would! It seemed as if it would glance around from time to time as well. The whole time 'we' are looking, the place is playing a music box from somewhere. This kind of good, but old chiming music is playing.

There was a coffee table, low to the ground. This was another holding spot, the last one for us to look at. So I bend down, crawling on hands and knees around to where you look in. There isn't a spot, but a square cut hole, that you are limited to looking inside with your eyes. I get get closer, I see that a little banner is sticking out from the side of the coffee table, showing the same type of picture. The husband and wife, in open air, hugging each other, smiling brightly and facing the camera. I looked back towards the little hole, suddenly growing horrified that if I look into it, I'll be looking into the eye-sockets of one of their skulls!

The critter realized this too, for it suddenly chickened out, scuttling very fast even more towards my back, hidden from eye-line of the hole! I veered off, standing up, not blaming it at all. The critter, deciding that it had enough of the near-jump scares, jumped off my back. I didn't see this action, but felt it bunch up, then launched off my back. I could tell from the feeling alone, that it's jump was an impressive "Eff this, I'm out!"

spike spiegel

Quote from: raditus on February 29, 2016, 16:16:48
February 29, 2016


There was that thing with AAR. I am having a dream where I can feel him, in his supposed 'true-form' wrapped around my hips, feeling like a snake, or worm. I knew it was AAR, somehow and I was panicked to feel him/it thrumming, as if pleased as punch! I could feel emotion through whatever part of him it was supposed to be: Satisfaction at having me, and being able to capture me in this way!

I was filled with despair, running to the Ministry. I went to Harry Potter verse. I didn't tell them the truth, but showed them was had netted me. To say they looked horrified would have been an understatement! Apparently, the magics there running through everything makes them be able to see in all entirety that thing!They made me stay in one place, trying to use potions, spells, and jinxes to get it off. Each time, they failed, as he tightened his grip more, moving more of his mass start to wrap around other places. He grew more and more smug and satisfied to learn that not even the ministry could save me from him! Writing the ministry and Harry Potterverse as useless when it comes to such things as this, I ran from it, leaving. I came to some black void, AAR still having me in his clutches!

I grew annoyed at him and myself, "That's the way you want it?" I asked aloud of AAR, throwing my hands to my sides, "Then, so be it." Even as I said these words, I sucked in energy. Feeling it flow into my main chakras along my middle down from my crown – I was going to do a full-on cleansing. Instead of doing it chakra-by-chakra, as I learnt, I was going to do the sun-like burst, but do it through the bottom first, blazing through, "Firing my lasers," so to speak.

I did, the black void around me blazing to life of a void of white, intense light even as my 3rd and sixth chakras were flooded! I was blinded for a moment, but could feel the thick tendril of AAR immediately loosen and fall away, flash fried! The BBQ effect was so sudden that I didn't even feel that he registered the agony. All I felt was that my chakras stopped thrumming as a response to his 'uplink', and no more feeling his emotions!

The Little Memorial

I was in a little, quaint living room. There was something else on my back, but it was not plugged in like AAR was. It was just a 'little' Astral critter' hitching a ride. I couldn't get a visual. It had the body nearly like a centipede. It had bundles of claws like the pointy, but non-pinching crab legs, and could scuttle around like a crab, but more fast.

This living room wasn't really a living room, but some kind of memorial for an elderly man and wife that died together. There were cabinets you could look into. Two sets of jars filled with ashes. What had happened was that they had in their wishes that each part of their bodies be cremated separately, but one part of their ashed bodies be placed with the others in the jars. So, that's why there was two jars per cabinet. The whole time I was looking around curiously, the critter would move across my back, sometimes shifting it's body weight around to keep comfortable – just like a physical animal would! It seemed as if it would glance around from time to time as well. The whole time 'we' are looking, the place is playing a music box from somewhere. This kind of good, but old chiming music is playing.

There was a coffee table, low to the ground. This was another holding spot, the last one for us to look at. So I bend down, crawling on hands and knees around to where you look in. There isn't a spot, but a square cut hole, that you are limited to looking inside with your eyes. I get get closer, I see that a little banner is sticking out from the side of the coffee table, showing the same type of picture. The husband and wife, in open air, hugging each other, smiling brightly and facing the camera. I looked back towards the little hole, suddenly growing horrified that if I look into it, I'll be looking into the eye-sockets of one of their skulls!

The critter realized this too, for it suddenly chickened out, scuttling very fast even more towards my back, hidden from eye-line of the hole! I veered off, standing up, not blaming it at all. The critter, deciding that it had enough of the near-jump scares, jumped off my back. I didn't see this action, but felt it bunch up, then launched off my back. I could tell from the feeling alone, that it's jump was an impressive "Eff this, I'm out!"
Who is AAR?
See you space cowboy.