The Vehram System is truly brilliant!

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Re:  As per our last conversation via a PM, does your new book contain more application and how to, more then based on "theory"?

I took your comments to heart in our previous conversation and this book will indeed be sufficient on application (and will be much longer than previous works).  My main objective remains, however, to expose the science hidden from our physical senses.  As a scientist, my greatest contribution to readers from all walks of life, and varying degrees of technical background, is to share a straightforward explanation of what is occurring and the fundamental principles behind it.  I expect over time, and with greater distribution of this knowledge, others like yourself will discover uses that I have not (indeed, you have taught me some things about it that I did not know previously!).  I would like to emphasize an important point in use of the word theory (and I know Lumazza that you have read my previous books and are aware of this, but for general reader's purposes) - from a scientific perspective, this word carries much more weight than what the general public ascribes to it. In science, a "theory" is more than a hypothesis - it has been thoroughly tested and no observations have been made to show it is incorrect.  A theory is, definition-wise, equivalent to a Law.  In this vein, I use the word theory, and it should not imply that substantial doubts remain (most of mainstream scientists are ignorant about the VEA, but there are a number of distinguished professors and researchers with whom I have shared this information and none have found even a single point of contention with the theoretical framework I have presented them). It's easy for me, given what I have learned about quantum mechanical systems and the background of having my initial encounter with the VEA (not to mention many encounters since, and those reported by others who have learned to access it), to see the correlations between quantum mechanics and the Vehram Ethereal Array. Yet, an evolved understanding of the quantum mechanical aspects did not unfold until the latter half of my degree program, which has been since the previous publication.  A great challenge is to explain why quantum mechanics is the correct answer, and to do that, I must explain the subject matter.  This could take a book by itself, and many have been written.  More than likely it will take a few books to get it all out there!  Certainly no shortage of topics to write about, and I would love to write a purely application oriented guidebook.  First I have to share the complete science - it leads to everything else.  Really nice to know you are still active here! I very much appreciate your enthusiasm, passion, and dedication to the subject of oobe's and the VEA.  It is an inspiration to a great many, definitely myself included!  Keep in touch, keep exploring, and best wishes in all of your adventures!


 First off, Thank You for your kind words Vessen!  :-)

People that are new to this will find that it may be easier to hold your focus onto one direction or one point more than the others. When this occurs, go with the flow and just concentrate on that point for now. Don't fight it. That works against you. For now just use the one point or direction that you feel the most comfortable with.

Once you can attain that focus, hold it for a period of time and draw the energy from it, then and only then move onto the next one. There is no need to rush yourself. Soon you will see that you can "manipulate" this energy as well.

I see too many times people jump in and try to do everything at once. This won't work and will lead you to abandon the technique period. Just remember, you need to learn to walk before you can run. Pace yourself and you will be duly rewarded for your efforts.

Edit: A friend of mine and former Moderator here named Contenteo once said this " I feel deep down, that OBE's aren't something to achieve quickly. Fast food is rarely healthy." I have found this to be true as well.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Congratulations Vessen on your successful academic achievement. You now possess the ticket to get more attention from others that our art is in fact real. This speaks volumes and I hope others who have influence will accept this fact of the arts reality and do more to promote it rather than attach the 'para' prefix leaving it 'to be ignored at all cost'.
I hope your learning  included the existence of the Aether as for too long it's denial has stumped progress in science. The proposals from the likes of Dirac and others show its reality of existence to the ones declining to accept it.
When we venture into the NP experiencing many environments, there's such a diversity that it must be real, eg. highly detailed events yet to occur, being one thing that's way above a lucky guess, almost postulates its existence.
Taking look into the electromagnetics of our universe we find component energies are spaced vectorially at 90 degrees. This isn't understood fully but generally accepted. It's to do with spin essentially.
The value of 'c' (speed of light) is accepted as a result of the permeability and permittivity of 'free space'. This free space has to be the Aether, if there was nothing then how can 'c' be calculated? If light was to travel through a total void, would the inverse square law apply?
Sound can't travel through a vacuum as there's  no medium to interact with and light has that same characteristic.
Energy sources outside of known physics do exist and one day will power our planet with clean energy. This will be an interaction through the Aether and it's yet to be understood properties.
I hope your understanding of the Aether and its properties will change the world view and then mankind will progress beyond the 'selfish kid' attitude that prevails. A few trips into NP will awaken more than curiosity, it will awaken a change of mindset towards a better future for all.
I wish you the best success in your endeavours Vessen towards world enlightenment.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Thank you very much for the congratulations - it has been an extraordinarily difficult but equally rewarding journey to say the least!

Re: I hope your learning  included the existence of the Aether as for too long it's denial has stumped progress in science.

The Aether was a proposed substance that was postulated to provide a medium for light to travel through.  The Michelson-Morley experiment showed that the Aether does not exist by showing that regardless of the Earth's relative velocity to any potential medium (in this case the proposed Aether) light travels the same speed.  (The speed of light is c only in a vacuum - travelling through any other medium, it slows down). The interferometer Michelson built to test the hypothesis was extremely sensitive, and if any difference in speed of the returning lasers had occurred it would have caused an interference pattern between the beams. This experiment was performed at different times of the year when the Earth would be travelling in different directions relative to the sun, and presumably relative to the Aether.  This experiment simply proved that no medium is required for light to travel, except empty space.  Is space truly empty? No.  Scientist fully recognize that even the deepest void of space is not truly empty - a zero-point energy pervades.  This experiment disproving the Aether says nothing about the possible existence of other forms of matter, however.  The currently accepted theoretical model is called the Standard Model and the basic premise is that the universe is comprised of fundamental fields that permeate all of space.  Waveforms within these fields - perturbations, if you will - equate to particles.  For example, a single fundamental field gives rise to all electrons, another field to protons, so forth and so on.  Light is an electromagnetic wave and is self propagating because changing electric fields give rise to magnetic fields and changing magnetic fields produce electric fields - no medium is required except space - but space is comprised of permeating fields.  My aim is to show that other fundamental fields do exist.  If this may be interpreted as the Aether, one must be careful to not equate this to the original definition of what science believed it was.  It now has nothing to do with light and, in my view, should be interpreted as ethereal matter and energy.  Incidentally, one of the professors I presented this to, before I fully explained was like, "You know the Aether was disproven, right?" I replied, "Of course, this is completely separate and unrelated."  It's a natural inclination to relate this ethereal system to the more famous Aether, but they truly have no relation to one another.  To your point Szaxx, indeed the inability to recognize the existence of ethereal forms of matter and energy has been a major stumbling block for science.  I believe this was the sentiment you expressed by your statement.

Re: The value of 'c' (speed of light) is accepted as a result of the permeability and permittivity of 'free space'. This free space has to be the Aether, if there was nothing then how can 'c' be calculated?

The value of c is an independently measurable quantity (Trigonometry is used to calculate the distance to the moon, then a laser signal's travel time to the moon and back is measured - providing a highly accurate speed), but the mathematical formulation is a wave equation - which has a specific form, and one of the parameters in this equation is the velocity of the travelling wave.  That relationship is written in a calculus expression that is a bit too complicated to fully explain here or even write without special software.  If, however, one takes Maxwell's equations and performs the correct set of operations to solve, they end up with a wave equation that explicitly shows the velocity of the travelling wave: this is where the permeability and permittivity of freespace come into the picture, each of which are also independently measurable quantities.  When those values are measured, inserted into the mathematical formula, and the equation is solved, we find perfect agreement with the actual measured velocity of light.

Re: If light was to travel through a total void, would the inverse square law apply?

This is an interesting question.  The inverse square law arises because first, energy is conserved and second because the energy propagating from a point or spherical source expands from a particular location into a larger volume of 3-dimensional space - it's intensity further away from the source must diminish because the conserved amount of energy must fill a larger volume.  It is an inverse "squared" law (and not an inverse cubic law) because the wave can be thought of as traveling perpendicular to an imaginary spherical shell - equidistant at all points from the source - and the energy is crossing that boundary.  If you increase the size of the shell, you are increasing its surface area by a factor that is squared.  The total energy in the first shell is the same amount contained in the second shell and the energy diminishes in intensity by the same factor.  A complete void would in fact suggest no-space - nothing for light to expand through!  The medium it travels through is of course not a void, as mentioned above, but rather the fundamental fields permeating space.

Re: I hope your understanding ... will change the world view and then mankind will progress beyond the 'selfish kid' attitude that prevails

The second chapter in the new book I am writing is titled "In the Eyes of a Child" and, aside from sharing my own childhood outlook about life and death, this chapter metaphorically expresses the idea that science is still in its infancy - only through recognition that the universe is composed of a multi-band distribution of other forms of matter and energy will science be able to acquire a true understanding of how the universe works and how consciousness manifests itself within physical organisms.  Incidentally, I truly believe science is coming around.  While they would not state it in public, virtually all scientist I have spoken with each personally believed in a higher form of existence outside the physical universe.  Some are religious and some are spiritual minded.  They simply are careful to only publicly state as true that which science has proven or can prove.  I personally have much more freedom, but I do not step outside the boundaries either.  Scientists are responsible for maintaining a clear division between fact and fiction and personal belief has no place in scientific fact.  I state as fact what I know for certain, but I am also certain that this system is already scientifically proven.  The scientific community needs simply to be exposed to the information, but they must also take the time and explore the proof - the proof being the Vehram Ethereal Array itself - and time is something most scientist have precious little of.  I truly hope that enough people begin to explore this system that science is forced to address it.  I will certainly use the knowledge gained to continue the push.  Perhaps someone reading this will take a chance and look deeper - much research is still needed!!


Thank you for your well presented reply Vessen.
I now realise that the Aether re the Dirac sea has progressed somewhat since my A levels.
Your reference to ethereal forms of matter is correct. I missed this poor representation of the question in hand.
I'm aware of some studies on the wave structure of matter and the math presented is above my level. SU 3 calculus and complex numbers being my limit.
The instantaneous manipulation of elemental particles I've read about in quantum physics is very interesting. It may be related to ethereal travel as we can jump billions of miles to witness something that has been shown on a documentary 40 years later from one of our probes. Physically this is impossible in standard model physics yet it appears to be relatively easy in our nocturnal travels.
I'll do my best to obtain your book as I find the science behind our travels very interesting indeed.
I could ask many questions but these can wait. I appreciate your taking time to visit the Pulse and hope that the work you are doing meets with great success.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Hey this post honestly has really got my attention. I have created some theory's with some basic knowledge of physics and a little a quantum physics and a bit of particle physics. The theory is a bit incomplete still needs some work but the theory would explain how the 3rd and (4th dimension or aether) interact with each other. I was wondering if you would like to hear them out and if so see what you could make out of it. Some of these ideas were kind of shots in the dark but I want to see if maybe you could build something off of these ideas. I'll try to post some my ideas tomorrow if your interested. :-)


@funfire: Would be happy to hear!  I share a fairly comprehensive theoretical model for exactly how this occurs in the currently available book and the basic idea is that ethereal forms of matter, which are also malleable under conscious intent, may introduce potentials into the Schrodinger Wave Equation under certain conditions.  The resulting entanglement of ethereal particles and physical particles from a superpositional state directly affects the probability distribution of the particle's position and consequently is a displacement in physical space of physical particles (such as electrons) which then immediately seek a return to a state of equilibrium, thus undergoing an acceleration that produces radiation of photons.  This process occurs ultimately through superpositional states (where all quantum mechanical information is actually processed), when the corresponding wave equations overlap and can be used to explain a number of observed effects, such as the forced (i.e., consciously directed) quantum tunneling of electrons between the synaptic junctions of neurons. I use this theoretical approach to also expound upon existing theory (research the Orch-orr Model of consciousness, proposed by Dr. Hammeroff and Sir Roger Penrose) to explain how consciousness operates the brain through synchronistic neuronal firing, which is clearly a faster-than-light orchestration of neurons in which billions of neurons fire at the exact same time (around 40 times a second) and thus can only be the result of quantum entanglements between particles (in this case photons entangle with the walls of microtubules - extremely small hexagonal tubes located on the surface of dendrites - tens of thousands located on the surface of hundreds of billions of neurons) in the brain.  The Orch-orr model requires an external governor to actually work, something to direct the entanglement process into a coherent pattern that can be processed (understood), resulting in the conscious perception of a physically experienced moment (again, at about 40 moments per second), as well as providing a means by which one's own free-will is incorporated to make decisions and use the physical body's systems (for example, the decision and action of moving a limb) through conscious intent.  The existence of the VEA demonstrates consciousness' separation from the physical body and thus proves consciousness is a fundamentally separate entity from the brain (the external governor).  The ability to pull ethereal particles from the VEA (even if these are for example a form of ethereal light, or ethereal "photons" and thus may be referred to as an ethereal energy) into the physical body, resulting in the onset of the vibrational surge, is a clear demonstration of consciousness' ability to manipulate the ethereal substrate.  A direct demonstration that this is in fact what is occurring is not technologically feasible, however, until methods of ethereal particle detection are developed, but the underlying theoretical framework I believe is quite sound.


 Vessen, I can understand the vibrations as the etheric body is acclimating itself to the array. But how does the accompanying sound fit into your equation?

I have slowed the process down enough to be able to observe the entire process step by step. What I find is a "exit" doesn't occur until the "Astral winds" or pulsating sound becomes a constant. The same goes with the vibrations. Once the entire body is vibrating completely, a physical exit is imminent.

Now I know some people, like Szaxx for instance don't experience the vibrations. But I don' think they actively/consciously reach for the array either. Could this be something that is experienced "only" when using this kind of technique or approach? Those people do report the Astral winds though.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


In my experience you do only get the vibrations if you maintaining some kind of focus on the physical. If I use the lay completely still for a long time approach I will usually get the vibrations, particularly when combined with the "reaching".

On the other hand if I just take no approach in particular, it is always an instant transition into a mini dream with no sounds or vibrations at the crossover.


Quote from: ThaomasOfGrey on August 12, 2016, 01:05:06
In my experience you do only get the vibrations if you maintaining some kind of focus on the physical. If I use the lay completely still for a long time approach I will usually get the vibrations, particularly when combined with the "reaching".

On the other hand if I just take no approach in particular, it is always an instant transition into a mini dream with no sounds or vibrations at the crossover.
Interesting observation there Thaomas. I think this is the difference between a more proactive attempt and simply blending or should I say Phasing into "NP'. With Phasing you don't normally have any physical exit symptoms. If you do start to feel them, you need to actually change into more of a proactive attempt. I find that if you mix the two of them together that it is very confusing and normally will not yield favorable results.

I have been using Vessen's technique for about 3 years now. I have slowed the process and experimented with almost every way I could possibly think of to find the best and also fastest way to achieve. My goal being to find a fool proof method that works for all.

I have ways to utilize visualization to help. Just today I was working with some more breathing techniques to help increase the length of focus that someone new to this could hold. I found that if you first go through a simple progressive relaxation, to get comfortable, then follow it up with very calm and relaxed breathing, that I could inhale very slowly and deeply and on the exhale I put my focus on whatever point/direction I wished and drew the energy back to me to for the entire duration of that slow relaxing exhale. After a few minutes of this, you can cycle to other directions/points if you wish as well. You will find that by using this simple tech, that your energy body is revving up to speed quite quickly. The key is to keep your focus on the task at hand and not to keep looking back at what your physical body is doing. That is the hardest thing to do though, This is I find is exactly where people lose it and have to start all over again. Whether it's fear or curiosity, many people will take that "sneak peek" back and that's all it takes to lose control over that session.

Now for people that like to visualize the process, you can see a glowing orb of light and watch as the energy leaves the orb and approaches you. You could also create lines that just protrude from your body to the orb of light. Whatever you choose as your accompanying visual, make sure that it totally consumes your focus. You will find that soon there is no need to actually do any kind of exit technique, like climbing out of the body, etc. You will just be there. My first hint that I am "out" is I can see my immediate surroundings and watch as they become more vivid. The next thing I get is a feeling of motion, kind of akin to swaying, growing, expanding, rising, etc.

I believe that this technique can bring success to anyone. The focus on directional points has been taught by many of the AP authors. Fred Aardema (known as Major Tom on the Astral Pulse Forum) also created a directional method for achieving OBEs. Bob Monroe had his own as well that entailed drawing a line out from your physical body, then another one at the end of that line coming back at a 45 degree angle and ending above your head. All these authors of Astral Travel coming to the same methodology should show you that there is something tangible there that one can tap into.

But Vessen here is the first one I have ever seen coming at it from a 100% scientific (Quantum Physics) methodology, that is also backed up with a very well detailed Scientific explanation of what is occurring and why.

I am not that knowledgeable in the "nuts and bolts" of why, what and how of this, but I am a serious practitioner who has done quite extensive personal research in a attempt to unlock ways for even a new person to Astral travel to have enough success to prove it to themselves and see that there really is something there.

One last thing. I have to also give credit to Robert Bruce for his NEW (New Energy Ways). His NEW was what taught me how to create a strong etheric energy in the first place.

I hope that creating this reply with more of a hands on approach, helps other people achieve success in this field as well.
Thank You!  :-)

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


The vibrations are a purely ethereal manifestation and are perceived through the ethereal body's neural network.  A vibration requires oscillation and it would make sense that ethereal atomic structures, when in a decoupled state from the physical body, are oscillating about some position relative to the physical atomic structures, as a result of the presence of this energy within the ethereal body.  The vibrations are used explicitly for Ethereal Conscious Projection (ECP), which is achieved through mind awake - body asleep and is an exit of the ethereal body into the RTZ.  The other type of projection is Interdimensional Conscious Projection (ICP) and is a process of phasing one's focus directly into an alternate plane - no vibrations are required, and this is also the way dreams states are achieved.

The sounds one may hear are different for different individuals. Some, like myself, never hear any sounds - except for in the earlier days when I would hear random voices while in hypnagogic, something quite common.

A tuning process does however seem to be occurring, and I have in particular noticed that only when consciousness is in the proper state of focus (highly tuned into the ethereal substrate) does it really gain full access in terms of where one's conscious intent is directed.  This would certainly appear to be the product of the fact that ethereal matter is on a different matter/energy frequency band than physical matter.  Consciousness must both tune in and have the vibrational surge present throughout the ethereal body to attain a state of full separation.

Now, if the entire ethereal body does not possess the vibrational surge, then this part of the ethereal body remains coupled to the physical body.  The overall intensity of the vibrations can be great in one area and not present in other areas of the body (one can mentally manipulate the energy into different parts), and to successfully separate, one needs to spread the energy throughout.  The stronger the energy presence, the longer one can maintain separation.  Once it begins to weaken significantly, one begins to feel heavier and sluggish - return of consciousness to the body is eminent.  This raises the question of why?  Why does a lack of vibrations cause the ethereal body to be drawn back toward the physical body?  I believe it has to do with the seat of consciousness and how it connects to the physical body in the first place, and could also be caused if the two bodies are never fully disentangled in some way.

It is, however, interesting from a physics standpoint that the total energy seems to be conserved.  For example, pooled into a small volume of the body the vibrations may be quite strong - as the energy flows into other parts and begins to more fully permeate the entire body, the intensity goes down.  This is a quantum mechanical effect in that the vibrations really are the result of individual ethereal atomic structures set into motion - their acceleration and de-acceleration resulting in the emission and relay of ethereal "photons" that travel out and interact with adjacent ethereal atomic structures - these ethereal photons are quantized amounts of energy and the total energy is conserved.  This is how the electromagnetic field is propagated through a conductive medium - through the acceleration of electrons (physical atomic structures), photons are emitted from one electron and then absorbed by adjacent electrons' clouds, setting these electrons into a higher energy state.  Each electron spontaneously collapses back to the ground state and emits one or more photons equivalent to the energy difference between the excited and ground states.  (Photon numbers are not a conserved quantity, but the total energy is).  These photons travel away from their source and are absorbed by yet other electrons' clouds and the process continues to propagate the electromagnetic field through the material.

The vibrations will continue to weaken over time, however, as a result of radiation bleed-off from the surface of the ethereal body, where the travelling wave packets do not encounter adjacent ethereal atomic structures.  I believe the atomic structure of the ethereal body is set into oscillation about the physical atomic structure as a result of the presence of ethereal photon radiation from ethereal charged particles.  This is felt as a vibrational surge and signifies that the ethereal body is in a decoupled state.  Without the oscillation, the ethereal atoms are too close to the physical atomic structure and the attraction is too great to overcome - the ethereal body enters into a bound state and cannot separate. The mass ratios of physical matter and equivalent ethereal matter must be highly disproportionate - physical matter must be much more massive than ethereal matter and experiences little displacement due to the attractive force between the two.  Only through superpositional interference (actual overlapping wavefunctions) does significant spatial displacements occur to physical atomic structures, and this is the proposed mechanism by which consciousness can affect the physical substrate of matter (inside the brain, for example).

Obviously, all of this applies only to the ethereal body and essentially is why the vibrations have only to do with ECP type oobe's.  Consciousness must tune into the ethereal body in order to perceive its bio-feedbacks.


 Thank You for that thought provoking answer and well detailed answer Vessen!  :-)

I could understand the vibrational aspect of it according to what I know of Quantum Science. But the accompanying sound aspect of it had me perplexed.

I have seen many tests using sound to create patterns in water and sand crystals. So I can see the correlation between sound and vibration. I just didn't know how it all came together in this practice.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


The 40HZ frequency has been used before in ancient Egypt. It's the resonant frequency in some of the stone tombs a stone box if you like of specific dimensions that when you work out the speed of sound at the expected temperature it matches 40HZ precisely. It has also been mentioned by Bashar through a channeller. Perhaps there is far more than we know and Vessen is also mentioning this same frequency.
Interesting indeed.

One thing I found as a young child is the total lack of vibrations before my exits to my local environment, this has been perplexing for decades. I've assumed my ride to otherwhere is via a comfortable vehicle lol n
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


 Vessen, one more question. Could your hypothesis also be related to the Russian Torsion Field Theory/Technology?
This is also found outside of the physical form. But unfortunately is currently labelled by the Scientific Community as "Pseudoscience".
 A torsion field (also called axion field, spin field, spinor field, and microlepton field) is a feature of a pseudoscientific theory of energy in which the quantum spin of particles can be used to cause emanations lacking mass and energy to carry information through vacuum orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light. (

I have studied Scalar Waves and years ago I began reading about a healing device known as the "Scenar Device", that was created by Russian Scientists years ago. At first it was also known as "Pseudoscience". But now it is being used in Hospitals and Clinics around the World. The first time I saw it in the USA, the company selling it gave no acclaim whatsoever to the real creators of the device. To tell you the truth, at the time I had first seen it, you could find American websites that were claiming it to be a scam. So sad, so sad!  :-(

The same occurred with "Rife Machine" when it first introduced. So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised.  :roll:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


The 40 Hz cycle of the brain is a measured average frequency for the synchronistic firing of neural networks and is also a theoretically calculated value proposed in the Orch-orr Model for the number of times per second that the "quantum gravity" (a concept not proven yet in science) would cause spontaneous collapse of the wave functions for the particles comprising the walls of the microtubules, once set into a superposition state as a result of the entanglement with photons travelling through these hollow structures.  My theory proposes that the overlapping wave functions of ethereal matter has the potential to affect the spatial location of electrons  - as described previously.  It is well known that the geometry of the electrons's acceleration determines the polarization of the emitted photon, and light can be polarized three ways: up/down, left/right, and circular.  The Orch-orr Model notes that these three possible polarized states would allow for a much higher number of possible encoding sequences than what would be possible in a binary encoding system. Ultimately, this framework would explain how information is stored and retrieved in the brain, and also explain where at least some of the correlates of consciousness are to be found.  Interestingly, the 40 Hz frequency is a normal average, but frequencies of Tibetan Monks have been measured during meditational states at up to 80 Hz!

I am unaware of any relation to the Russian Torsion Field Theory (very interesting though), and my proposal would not require anything outside the currently accepted realm of quantum mechanics.  Only quantum tunneling and quantum entanglement are needed, and also of course a mechanical interface between consciousness and the systems involved within the brain.

Thank you all very much for your thoughtful posts and feedback!


Hey instead of me posting on this thread on my theory's i'm going to go to another topic so I don't derail this one. I'll have it posted in the next couple of days there's just a lot to talk about.


Some of the quantum entanglement perceptions are solidly based upon 3 physical dimensions plus time. The part that confuses many readers most often is the immediate proposed super luminal interaction of particles even if they were light years apart. Trying to reason with this confusion I apply a fourth dimension which has no distance or time as such within its existence as its a singular aspect. Then this can be looked upon as 'in or out' in addition to the 3 physical ones were familiar with. The open minded accept this idea as ghosts fall into this category in a somewhat related way. Physics has identified many more and 13 has been mentioned in what I've read. The work involved in this is unknown to me and it be from probability studies.
It's mind blowing for some to accept yet others seem to agree on the concept as nothing else seems to explain the instantaneous reaction. It would make communications with probes etc far more reliable if a method of utilising this effect could be made.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


The instantaneous "action at a distance" occurs in quantum mechanics because the particles are entangled - they must have become entangled at a previous time in order for the spontaneous collapse of the wavefunction to affect both particles.  It doesn't matter how far apart they are - the wavefunctions of both particles collapse into complimentary states instantaneously when one of the particles is measured or "observed" - in the scientific use of the word.

What this means is that when two particles interact with each other, and before any observation occurs, the two particles become entangled and enter into what is referred to as a "superpositional state."  I tend to think of the superpositional space as a higher dimension where information is processed by the universe's space/time rendering engine.  From this state, indeed time and space are seemingly irrelevant as far as exchange of certain information, and thus the universe is able to supercede the laws of relativity, where information must travel at a finite speed limit through space/time.  Because the particles are entangled, they share some connection in the superpositional space, and it is not necessary to relay through space and time whatever it is that happens to one of the particles (it being measured and how it collapses - into a wave or particle aspect).  The process of quantum tunneling also uses the superposition to allow a particle to travel through a barrier, and quantum teleportation uses a similar mechanism but allows for larger displacements in space.  Every time two particles interact (always via a force carrier and exchange particle) they become non-physical in that they enter a superpositionale state.

Szaxx you are definitely on the right path in thinking of it as a higher dimension...  You would be interested in looking at string theory and manifolds - scientist believe at least 10 and possibly 11 dimensions exist in total, and are necessary for the physical laws of the universe to work the way they do.  Most of us on this forum here would probably say that the number doesn't stop there!