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 Funfire, I am going to try to explain this to you again. What you are doing right now is known as "spamming". It is "EXTREMELY" annoying to people that are trying to read other posts here.

You could easily have grouped all of those links into a couple of different posts. But instead, you have chosen to repeatedly spam these posts here. I understand that this Anime talks to you. I have watched a few of your videos and saw that yes, they do have a bit of a "Zen" theme to them. You know the characters in these clips. Most of here don't and as I see, really don't care to either.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


can you possibly pin it so it doesn't spam. this is sorta of like my own personal therapy one could see it as. but if its really a problem I'll stop


Funfire - I hate hoping for a good conversation only to find links and more links. If you want to discuss then this is a good place. If you want people to support your YT channel then...


Sorry you guys are right I'll try to make a post that doesn't have any links probably sometime later today.


Thank you Funfire, I enjoy your discussions. :-)


Thanks  :-) I'm still working on a topic. I also still want to keep doing what I'm doing here just I won't spam if that's ok. Posting these videos with at least an illusion of an audience is very satisfying and its an interesting conciousness experiment well too me at least.



Quote from: funfire on May 19, 2020, 17:49:22
Thanks  :-) I'm still working on a topic. I also still want to keep doing what I'm doing here just I won't spam if that's ok. Posting these videos with at least an illusion of an audience is very satisfying and its an interesting conciousness experiment well too me at least.
Just curious, what is the actual experiment? I experiment often and am always open to new explorations!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Well have you ever thought of projecting you conciousness or recreating the desired scenario and be an active participant in shows, books and other types of media?

Theory sugest that if you have a strong enough soul one could find themselves inside said scenario, in some paradoxacal inception sort of deal.

since we are conciousness there's no rule saying we can't find our soul in someone else's creation since we all draw from the same stream of counciousness.

It's also just fun to imagine playing in such fast pace worlds.
just some fast pace anime fight.

it's very interesting what the soul can take form of when its proper belief and intent is in place. your soul doesn't have to just be you or a person it can be the battlefield or whatever you want I guess is what i'm trying to get at.


Quote from: funfire on May 20, 2020, 06:57:29
Well have you ever thought of projecting you conciousness or recreating the desired scenario and be an active participant in shows, books and other types of media?
Yes, I have experimented with that in the past and had some successes. But to make it a regular point of focus, no, that doesn't really trip my trigger, as they say.

QuoteTheory sugest that if you have a strong enough soul one could find themselves inside said scenario, in some paradoxacal inception sort of deal.
I would change your use of the word "soul" here to "will". If you have a strong enough "will" you would see there is no limit to what you can experience.

Quotesince we are conciousness there's no rule saying we can't find our soul in someone else's creation since we all draw from the same stream of counciousness.

It's also just fun to imagine playing in such fast pace worlds.
just some fast pace anime fight.

it's very interesting what the soul can take form of when its proper belief and intent is in place. your soul doesn't have to just be you or a person it can be the battlefield or whatever you want I guess is what i'm trying to get at.
There  are groups on the internet that you can find that go to the Astral to hunt down Demons and the sort. They confront and battle them when they find them. Their ability to ground themselves and hold onto that focus for a lengthy amount of time is commendable. Like I said "not my cup of tea" though. I would rather use my times in the NPR healing and helping, then fighting. Many of the people involved in those Demon hunter scenarios are avid Gamers. Which I am sure is par for the course. The problem is, things like that can quickly become delusional and cause some serious effects of the mind and well being. You have to watch out for that. I can see you are very strongly focused on this as well. There's nothing wrong with exploration. In the end, we came to this reality here to be "physical". I find it okay to "step out of those boundaries" once in awhile, but you have to be careful that it doesn't completely "consume" you!  :wink:

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on May 20, 2020, 20:25:09

There  are groups on the internet that you can find that go to the Astral to hunt down Demons and the sort. They confront and battle them when they find them. Their ability to ground themselves and hold onto that focus for a lengthy amount of time is commendable. Like I said "not my cup of tea" though. I would rather use my times in the NPR healing and helping, then fighting. Many of the people involved in those Demon hunter scenarios are avid Gamers. Which I am sure is par for the course. The problem is, things like that can quickly become delusional and cause some serious effects of the mind and well being. You have to watch out for that. I can see you are very strongly focused on this as well. There's nothing wrong with exploration. In the end, we came to this reality here to be "physical". I find it okay to "step out of those boundaries" once in awhile, but you have to be careful that it doesn't completely "consume" you!  :wink:

I completely agree that we should use healing and helping first when it comes to any entity, though some entitys do seek the thrill of battle for fun. It's very important to make peace with these demons or there is a lot of enternal conflict. Since i'm in my conciousness alot just incase I save spirits or characters in storys just incase no one thought to do so. I agree that I do need to be careful and not getting fully consumed by this endeavor but its all in good fun.



Quote from: funfire on May 20, 2020, 23:15:24
I completely agree that we should use healing and helping first when it comes to any entity, though some entitys do seek the thrill of battle for fun. It's very important to make peace with these demons or there is a lot of enternal conflict. Since i'm in my conciousness alot just incase I save spirits or characters in storys just incase no one thought to do so. I agree that I do need to be careful and not getting fully consumed by this endeavor but its all in good fun.
If you go looking for these Demons and negative Entities, you will find them. They are not a part of my reality, here or there, so I don't experience them. The saying "be careful what you wish for", applies here!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla



Like in this clip I would always prioritize the rescue of spirits.


I'd suggest setting up your own website to post these links/videos to.
Wordpress is extremely simply and easy to setup and use.  You don't even have to have a domain, as they will supply you with one.  :)


Ya i'll take a look at it


Hey I was curious if I could post videos here on something like a weekly basis. I post videos that sort of deal with whats going on with the world as a story through my eyes I guess you could say. I very much respect this forum very much. this is sort of like a form of divination in some way. I want to post here because I find the pulse to be the best audience to share my findings plus hahahaha I don't really have anyone else to talk too about projection. I know this may look like random spam but I assure you this is all very important. I have things I want to post on the pulse in deep detail about projection and what not I just don't feel ready to do so just yet, so this is the best I can do for the moment.

The imitation game | can machines think?^ link above

"It Means Life" Speech | The Pilot | Doctor Who. Link above^

Snail's House - Twinklestar (Official MV). Link above^


actually I'll stop doing this it would be better if I make more detailed posts hahaha sorry for all the hassle.