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Hello Astrals! I'm Mario, I've been reading the forum for a couple days and I decided to become a new member. I really would like to have out of bodies experiences and I'm thrilling to learn as much as possible on this beautiful world. I have very little background on the topic, I've read the first two book of the awesome Mr. Monroe and had in my life only couple lucid dreams. Any suggestion, book, techniques will be gratefully accepted, and in my little, I hope I will be able to help and give back as soon as I learn. I'm from Italy, so I'm sorry for my bad English.
Thank you to Ryan for having accepted my request and to anybody will try to help.

With loving loosh Mario.


Welcome to the Pulse Mario!
We hope you find a home here and the knowledge you are seeking.
In the first several Boards here, you will see at the top of each Board, highlighted, dark blue 'sticky topics' that are especially informative on the OBE process and what to look for.

A good start would be the topic by personalreality, "How I got out for the first time".

There are many techniques to achieving the OBE, including becoming more aware in your dreams, so don't neglect that possibility, especially if it may already show promise for you personally in achieving the Lucid Dream State.

Read some topics, try some techniques and then feel free to ask questions!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Welcome Mario,

Don't worry about your English skills, you'll be just fine. I see EscapeVelocity has already pointed you in the right direction. I highly suggest just reading for now. Often just reading something will trigger an experience. If something 'pops' for you re-read it as that might be where your attention needs to be.

Look forward to interacting with you.


Hey Mario,

Welcome! Italy is on my top bucket list to visit. I am interested specifically in Positano and Lake Como. Hopefully soon :)
Definitely check the stickies that are loaded with techniques. My suggestion is to read William Buhlman's books, pick a technique of his and give it a try with consistency for at least three weeks. Many people expect immediate results and give up after a few tries. For such a energy shift to occur, time is needed. If after a month of daily practice, a given technique doesn't work, then try a new one. I found Monroe's techniques do not work for me, as I need to be asleep in order to have full, long AP. Everyone is different though, so give a few techniques a try.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hello Guys! thank you all for the kind and warm welcoming! Really appreciated!


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on June 18, 2020, 23:14:41
Welcome to the Pulse Mario!
We hope you find a home here and the knowledge you are seeking.
In the first several Boards here, you will see at the top of each Board, highlighted, dark blue 'sticky topics' that are especially informative on the OBE process and what to look for.

A good start would be the topic by personalreality, "How I got out for the first time".

There are many techniques to achieving the OBE, including becoming more aware in your dreams, so don't neglect that possibility, especially if it may already show promise for you personally in achieving the Lucid Dream State.

Read some topics, try some techniques and then feel free to ask questions!

Dear EscapeVelocity, for sure i will soon read the topic "How I got out for the first time" by personalreality, if you and the guys have other hot topics to suggest they will be appreciated. And as you suggest won' t neglect any possibilities.
Thank you very much.


Quote from: Nameless on June 19, 2020, 01:14:24
Welcome Mario,

Don't worry about your English skills, you'll be just fine. I see EscapeVelocity has already pointed you in the right direction. I highly suggest just reading for now. Often just reading something will trigger an experience. If something 'pops' for you re-read it as that might be where your attention needs to be.

Look forward to interacting with you.

Dear Nameless, i'm reading and will continue reading for sure, i found interesting the declasified Gateway Intermediate Workbook freely avaliable from C.I.A F.O.I.A and trying this now and...also improve my english.
Thank you very much.


Quote from: LightBeam on June 19, 2020, 01:42:34
Hey Mario,

Welcome! Italy is on my top bucket list to visit. I am interested specifically in Positano and Lake Como. Hopefully soon :)
Definitely check the stickies that are loaded with techniques. My suggestion is to read William Buhlman's books, pick a technique of his and give it a try with consistency for at least three weeks. Many people expect immediate results and give up after a few tries. For such a energy shift to occur, time is needed. If after a month of daily practice, a given technique doesn't work, then try a new one. I found Monroe's techniques do not work for me, as I need to be asleep in order to have full, long AP. Everyone is different though, so give a few techniques a try.

Dear LightBeam, I will also read the William Buhlman's book, now i'm practicing another and if a tecniques won't work i'll go for another, i like challenges! Thank you very much! Glad you are interested in Italy, the are many beautiful places and landscapes. If you like any suggestion about places, just tell me i'll try to help. And if you're are coming to Lake Como tell me! I live only a couple hundred chilometers away, if you want we can meet and have a talk!


Quote from: astromario on June 19, 2020, 23:02:19
And if you're are coming to Lake Como tell me! I live only a couple hundred chilometers away, if you want we can meet and have a talk!

Oh awesome! That would be fantastic :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


 Welcome to the Astral Pulse astromario!  :-) I see you have already received guidance here courtesy of our friendly neighborhood Moderators here.    :-)8-)

EscapeVelocity created a thread years ago dedicated towards helping people when or if they found themselves "stuck". If you do experience problems, you can post a question there as well.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on June 20, 2020, 22:37:29
Welcome to the Astral Pulse astromario!  :-) I see you have already received guidance here courtesy of our friendly neighborhood Moderators here.    :-)8-)

EscapeVelocity created a thread years ago dedicated towards helping people when or if they found themselves "stuck". If you do experience problems, you can post a question there as well.

Dear Lumaza, thank you very much for your kind support.