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your Beneficial Beliefs list

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Karxx Gxx

Oops. Wrong link on one of them as someone pointed out to me. 2 late to edit but this is the proper link

Quote"We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

Stating your intentions for what you experience is going to serve you more than changing your beliefs. Your beliefs are all about the past. They are all about what you have come to conclude as a result of what you and others have experienced previously. So your intentions can defy your beliefs. They can be outlandish and impractical, and they can fly in the face of what society expects to occur.

When you allow your intentions to be yours and yours alone, and you don't ask anyone else for permission to hold your intentions, that is when you truly exercise your free will, and you step into the knowing of yourself as a Creator Being. When you state your intentions, notice what thoughts come up, what emotions you feel, and what responses you have to those intentions.

What we encourage you to recognize is that everything that you feel, and think, and believe about your intentions can shift in a moment. You have the opportunity to move right past the past in that moment. You have the ability to shift your perspective without anything else changing.

As the holder of an intention, you are also the holder of the vibration of that intention. And when you give more of your attention to the intention and less of your attention to your beliefs about it, that is when you are taking steps forward. That is when you are shifting into a new perspective on reality.

You are always embracing something. When you cling to what has been in the past because it is familiar and comfortable, you do not allow yourself to embrace what is unknown, what has never been before, and what defies what you have known in the past.

These are the times for you to be very clear about your intentions and to be very willing to abandon old beliefs. It is up to you. It is your reality, and when you state your intentions for it, you are in the mode of creativity.
Your way is The way

Karxx Gxx

The Power of Being in the Flow ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

"Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to share with you the following transmission. We have been noticing the very beautiful ways that all of you who are awake have been processing your emotions, and we notice that there is a greater understanding now than there ever has been before of how powerful and significant those emotions are, as you gradually expand your consciousness and become your higher selves. You are, in many ways, freeing yourselves from the bondage of being trapped by those unwanted, low-vibrational emotions.

And we see more and more of you soaring free without the baggage that you've been carrying. What you are also there to do is to recognize that you are never more powerful than when you are feeling something, no matter what it is. When you are letting the energy of emotion flow through you, that is when you are your most powerful. That's when you are in the flow, and that's what you are there to recognize at this time. It really is not about what you think, or what you do, or what you say. It is about what you feel.

When someone is talking to the public because they are a public figure, don't hang on every word that they are saying. Instead, notice what vibration the individual is holding and whether he or she is in the flow or offering resistance. You want to support those who are in the flow. You want to support expansion, no matter where you are on your journey. Whether you have a lot of emotions left to process or not, you are there to create the reality that is your ideal version of life on Earth.

And you can only do that through feeling. There's not enough time or energy to do it through action. It really is about letting yourself be in the flow of that creation, that version of reality that you want to experience. Anytime you are tensing up and in resistance, you are not allowing the flow of energy to empower you. And so, if you want to be of service to yourself and others, remember this transmission. Remember the power of being in the flow of what you feel and how necessary it is at times to let go of whatever it is you are resisting, so that you can just be in the moment with whatever it is you feel. You can feel more powerful than you have allowed yourselves to, up until now, and you can let your emotions guide you on that journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."
Your way is The way

Karxx Gxx

"Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are susceptible to beliefs, just like all of you are. We have experiences that create expectations. Now, our experiences are mostly about the ways that we have of being received and whether the help that we are giving is working on a particular group of beings. But these experiences that we have create certain beliefs within us nonetheless. So you see how easy it is for all of you to create belief systems and to get sucked in to unwanted beliefs. You can see how this could continue to happen, even after you are aware of the fact that you've been utilizing and succumbing to limiting beliefs, beliefs that no longer serve you.

And so, we have been investigating the different ways in which we can change our expectations, regardless of the experiences that we have had, and we want to share with you our findings. What is most important in regards to creating new expectations is that you only and always focus on the aspect of another person, or a group, or even yourself that is Source Energy.

If we focus on your egoic side, then it's easier for us to believe that you are going to have the exact same response to our offerings that you have had previously. But if we are paying attention and giving all of that attention that we have to give to the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, then the power that we have to create a new experience comes in and takes over.

This is how you can use this information we are giving you now to your benefit. Look at yourselves as Source Energy Beings, and feel for the truth that you are Source Energy Beings. See others as Source Energy Beings, and expect them to speak and think and act as such. And you will enter into a realm of greater expectation, which will create new experiences for you.

This is called holding space by many. If you hold space for the absolute best that a person, including yourself, has within you or within them, then you can co-create something magical, something new, and something less limited than if you focus on that person or yourself and hold the limiting beliefs that you've been holding. Play with it. Practice utilizing what we are talking about here, and we know that you will experience the results you desire.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."

Your way is The way

Karxx Gxx

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to share with you the following transmission. We have been noticing the very beautiful ways that all of you who are awake have been processing your emotions, and we notice that there is a greater understanding now than there ever has been before of how powerful and significant those emotions are, as you gradually expand your consciousness and become your higher selves. You are, in many ways, freeing yourselves from the bondage of being trapped by those unwanted, low-vibrational emotions.

And we see more and more of you soaring free without the baggage that you've been carrying. What you are also there to do is to recognize that you are never more powerful than when you are feeling something, no matter what it is. When you are letting the energy of emotion flow through you, that is when you are your most powerful. That's when you are in the flow, and that's what you are there to recognize at this time. It really is not about what you think, or what you do, or what you say. It is about what you feel.

When someone is talking to the public because they are a public figure, don't hang on every word that they are saying. Instead, notice what vibration the individual is holding and whether he or she is in the flow or offering resistance. You want to support those who are in the flow. You want to support expansion, no matter where you are on your journey. Whether you have a lot of emotions left to process or not, you are there to create the reality that is your ideal version of life on Earth.

And you can only do that through feeling. There's not enough time or energy to do it through action. It really is about letting yourself be in the flow of that creation, that version of reality that you want to experience. Anytime you are tensing up and in resistance, you are not allowing the flow of energy to empower you. And so, if you want to be of service to yourself and others, remember this transmission. Remember the power of being in the flow of what you feel and how necessary it is at times to let go of whatever it is you are resisting, so that you can just be in the moment with whatever it is you feel. You can feel more powerful than you have allowed yourselves to, up until now, and you can let your emotions guide you on that journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."

Your way is The way

Karxx Gxx

Quote"Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce to all of you that we see the way that you have been reaching new levels of consciousness through the tragedies and traumas that you have cleared, and we see you all making great progress towards that goal of becoming your higher selves. We want you to understand how beautiful it is for you to awaken and to do this work that you are doing consciously.

We talk about the different energies that come in and how they support you. We talk about the different helpers that you have from across the galaxy. We talk about opening portals that will grant you even more access to those beings and those energies, and none of that matters as much as the consistency with which you have taken on the chore of ascending.

Now, it can and it ultimately will be, a very beautiful experience for you all, but it will be that way because of your willingness to process and clear that which no longer serves you and that which has been weighing you down. You cannot make a leap in your consciousness evolution from being third dimensional to being fifth dimensional in a lifetime without going through these very unpleasant experiences of reliving and accessing trauma.

When you have an irrational fear, that is not the time for you to be harder on yourself. That is not the time for you to think of yourself as weak, not that there is ever a good time to do those things. But during the experience of an irrational fear, you do have to turn up the unconditional love and compassion for self in order to make it through that experience. You must allow yourself to be irrational in order to get past it.

Of course, you also want to notice when you are not allowing yourself to go there, and instead rearranging your life to avoid the circumstances that evoke that irrational fear. That is step one. Step one is awareness. Step two is being gentle with yourself to the extent that you need to be in order to get through the processing of that fear. Step three is a willingness to feel it all, especially when it feels like a bottomless pit, like there is no end to the feeling that you have tapped in to. And step four is that consistency that you need to keep going there until you've peeled away all the layers and gotten to the core of who you really are.

Who you really are underneath those irrational fears, that anger and that sadness, is your higher self, and you all are well on your way to knowing yourselves as that fifth dimensional aspect of you. This is something we see happening every day there on Earth, and we could not be prouder of you all. You are all leading the way to the ascension experience for humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."
Your way is The way

Karxx Gxx

"Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been explaining our approach to how we help all of you for quite some time, and we have even given you some tips for receiving the assistance that we provide. But we want you to recognize that you have your own way of receiving the help that you ask for, and many of you recognize this as something you call hitting rock bottom. When you hit rock bottom, that's when you have nothing left to lose, and when there's nothing for you to cling to, then there's no attachment that you are also holding on to very tightly.

So the trick for all of you to being in the receptive mode more frequently is to let go of what you've been clinging to in your lives. That means you first have to identify what you are attached to. Perhaps you are attached to a particular belief system, or you are attached to doing something in a very specific way. You can also be attached to the help that you desire coming to you from a very specific source or in a very specific way. And these are just a few of the attachments that you might be clinging to at this time.

As soon as you identify what your attachments are, we invite you to at least consider letting go of that tight grip. Sometimes this means that you have to let go of being right, or letting go of the possibility that you are right. Whatever it is that you are attached to has you holding more tension and anxiety in your physical body, and nothing repels help like tension and anxiety.

Therefore, this very simple exercise can help you quite a bit, if you are willing to engage in it. Make a list of your attachments, and then consider what your life might be like if you weren't so attached to those beliefs, those circumstances, or those ways of doing things. Just the idea of you letting go can get you to let go. We want you to empower yourselves by recognizing that you don't need those attachments. All you need is to be yourselves fully. And chances are your attachments are related to the idea that you are not enough by yourself. Your attachments are related to the concept of not being whole and complete and needing something outside of you to give you that feeling.

So as you let go, you are letting in more of who you are, and you are everything. You are Source. You are All That Is. Now is the perfect time to be focusing on what you want to let go of so that you can become more of who you really are and lead humanity into the higher consciousness of the fifth dimensional realm.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."
Your way is The way


 Is that you Daniel? When I read these posts, should I be using a disguised Arcturian voice too? I'm so confused!  :?
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla

Karxx Gxx

"It will happen"

A really great belief for the mind. The main reason being you wont need to worry about the how and what and so forth. AND the mind is all about linear time (future/past). Helps one let go, and if you worry less about how to get there, what it is you want, etc, the mind will have more time to delve into other areas. Incidentally, it brings you more to the present which is where you will be more likely to achieve what the mind wants.
Your way is The way

Karxx Gxx

"You dont need to know"

My brain always searches for thee answer. It's tiring. Coupled with the belief trust, it is easier to let go of finding the answers mind is looking for.

"You know"

There comes a time where there is a clear battle going on between yourself. The part that doesnt know wants to know. The part that does know isnt known to the part that doesnt. If the part that doesnt know can trust the words "you know" then YOU start becoming a person that is in the know. It is quiet difficult to comprehend, and experience will teach you better. It sometimes is impossible to lable something as , for example, the answer on what to do. Perhaps there isnt a word for it, or perhaps how you perceive the "right" word is in the wrong way. So any time you try to grasp on "it" with your mind, it isnt as accurate as "it" itself.
Its something you can play with; see how you become.

There will be a point of paradox that exists withen you at one point, as it is possible to hold onto 2 opposing beliefs at once (I believe there has been actual studies on this). None the less, these are some beneficial beliefs at the least and can imply more than what ive said.
Your way is The way


  Karxx Gxx, that was an excellent description of the Art/Act of "Knowing", which can also be known as "Gnosis".

Gnosis is the common Greek noun for knowledge (γνῶσις, gnōsis, f.). The term is used in various Hellenistic religions and philosophies. It is best known from Gnosticism, where it signifies a knowledge or insight into humanity's real nature as divine, leading to the deliverance of the divine spark within humanity from the constraints of earthly existence.
Gnosis is a feminine Greek noun which means "knowledge" or "awareness."
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla

Karxx Gxx

Your way is The way

Karxx Gxx

Just to not make other threads ill post here since the purpose of picking beliefs is to change.

These are preludes that are important to note.

1. Challenge yourself. That is basically saying there is a part of you that you want to change. That part is something "you" react to. Note: you react to identification generally " i dont feel like it, i dont care"    So some good ways to challenge yourself is to question yourself 1. 2 go beyond yourself. Making yourself do. Breathing is the easiest example. Or maybe wiggle your finder until you dont want to, and keep wiggling.

2. I have a good enough bar. This is a good tech for some, not for others. If my awareness level is at X (above doom scrolling for example) then it is good enough for me. It helps me be ok with doing it the 'wrong way' and I don't always subscribe to the bar.

Now here is something cool to ponder. Realization. A main ingredient is knowing. And the point of realizations is for change. A realization itself is a change. So the theory is the closer you are to the "know" the more you can realize. Now, what you do know is what is. Which brings me to the next two ideas that are SSS tier ideas. The highest of my tier list, the only ones that have that tier.

Experience what you are experiencing.

I think applying/remembering those really help, and I wont say why, in fact I cant say why. Your interpretation of those cant be mine. But there is a reason why this is SSS tier.

I just NEEDED to satiate my mind (by typing this) and now this is out of my way, i can continue on my journey. Hope it helps.
Your way is The way

Karxx Gxx

Reacting: When it comes to habits or things that you do, its hard to stop because how its percieved. When you say " I just cant help it, its just something I do" then 1. You believe it which is what really makes it harder. 2, you percieve it as you doing which makes it seems like you cant change it cause that's how you are. I will say you do believe things about yourself that arnt neccissarily true but believe to be. You just gotta be aware and question yourself further and further to get to the root and ask the right questions. Besides that, I like to view this habit in a different way.

If you want to change, you ask what you should do for that change. There are many things, but one of them you don't even need to know the answer "what do I want" as "what do I not want" is just as valid. You might not get what you want, but doing things you know  you don't want to do is a good step. It is closer to the experiences that you want in essence. You can take as many small steps towards that with simply stopping on doing things you don't want to do. And one way is to realize that you are more so reacting to an idea, and that idea is doing the do at that point. Ill react to the idea of gaming, go game, and once I do that, I just game. Its not like im continously reacting per say, but I am allowing something to be for me in a way.
So when you say " I just cant help but thinking about this addiction and  the urge to do it" that may be true, but you can not react to that urge, the idea, or even the I that chooses to take part in.
 Even the "I" may say 'I want to react to this' but then you counter and still don't react as you can go beyond the I, and do something beyond your wants
And personally, when you stop reacting to things you don't want to react to, you naturally start being different. Some type of expression or feeling will arise that you really didn't directly do in the same way you do many other things.
Language is tricky, and I don't feel like explaining it, but there are different ways to view the word do, and what does the do. Same with reacting and being and every other word. So if you feel you don't understand, try just viewing what I say in a way that resonates with you. And i just noticed i already posted something relative to this, o well
Your way is The way