The strongest method for prolonging the AP experience

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**For advanced practitioners!**

I wonder how many people practicing for months or more, just to have a single AP and to last only several minutes at best, they can feel such a disappointment, for sure I will.
There are a lot of good methods for grounding described out there, like touching the ground, feel the air or touching the nearby objects and focus on them, rubbing hands, but even then one can only extend the experience up to a hour, which is not a small achievement, but still not enough and the disadvantage is that you constantly need to rub hands, touch objects to remain stable.

Although my method is very good for grounding in the moment, I'm sure nobody had use it yet, because it is paradoxical in nature, although very simple it can be very powerful tool, what is important is the One Mindset.

The only thing you need to do first thing after projecting is to change your attitude towards the Astral world around you by touching nearby objects, while thinking how real are they and in fact you are in the physical world instead of the non-physical world, preserving a passive awareness about your state. Repeating that you are in the physical world aloud or in your mind and believe in your every word, you are gonna hack your mind into thinking everything is physical around you, which is gonna translate into real life like stability.

I must say that, I tried this only once to its fullest, which give me the ability to roam freely for about six real life hours. Now you are wondering why I tried it only once, if it is so good, because the projection was unable to end by itself, which lead me to panic, I tried all known methods for returning to my body without any result, the only way for me to end this super stable state was to commit suicide :-P, I jumped in front of a truck and only then I wake up in my bed. So this method is producing physical non-physical experience for endless exploration. Practically your astral body becomes a real body with all of the five senses, including to a lesser degree - pain. It can bring some anxiety :wink:, but the result is well deserved.

I'm still using it to a lesser degree for prolonging my experiences, I'm sure if you do the same, you can experience its positive effects without bringing the side effects which I suffered.


Very nice post, Alex.  :)

I made a similar post on my website several years back... haha when I used to actually update it.  I gotta get back to writing articles, I enjoyed it.

Extending your experiences is, as you've seemingly figured out, about bringing your awareness into the reality you're experiencing.
Have you ever been totally and completely wasted before?  Like DRUNK out of your mind!  And did you ever notice WHEN you were drunk?  You kind of had to try to keep a ground on physical reality or you would have passed out?  Well, it's really no different to projecting and staying within the reality you're in.

Bring your entire consciousness to bear within that reality and you will extend the experience.  :)


I'm a sobber man, no drinking, never, neither drugs. 8-) But yeah we are on the same page :-)


My OBEs 2009-2014 were spontaneously occurring, I made myself readily available for them but they were occurring without any additional effort on my part. During these years I had a number of experiences which were incredibly long in duration. A few that lasted, experientially, months in the additional reality. I reached multiple points of 'wondering' what lengths the experience would go to. How long I would be left to essentially live there in these other places. But I never reached a point of fear that would lead to me suiciding myself there. The fields were highly interesting, the people, the activity, what I was learning. I never lost touch with my Earth life, with the fact I have a body here, a life in play. But I did occasionally wonder if maybe I had died. I was always told that I hadn't, and that I would return.

Alex - you had no contact with your Inner self? with anything or anyone who would answer your questions?

Did you think to ask while you were in there, before taking the drastic measure?

That's a pretty WOW thing you did.


Quote from: omcasey on July 16, 2021, 23:19:50
My OBEs 2009-2014 were spontaneously occurring, I made myself readily available for them but they were occurring without any additional effort on my part.
By OBE you mean Etheric projection or RTZ, right. If you do all of them for me are taking place in real time, no time dilation. I have found those to be pretty rare, I have 3-4 in total.
During these years I had a number of experiences which were incredibly long in duration. A few that lasted, experientially, months in the additional reality. I reached multiple points of 'wondering' what lengths the experience would go to. How long I would be left to essentially live there in these other places. But I never reached a point of fear that would lead to me suiciding myself there.
I wasn't suicidal, I was totally rational. You see, when I'm on the other side my personality change, I can take cold blooded decisions on the spot, if necessary. I think that depends on how much I'm connected with my other Me.
The fields were highly interesting, the people, the activity, what I was learning. I never lost touch with my Earth life, with the fact I have a body here, a life in play. But I did occasionally wonder if maybe I had died. I was always told that I hadn't, and that I would return.
Are you sure you didn't fall in the trap of masters, I also have those where it's like I'm experiencing another life time, meet friends, get married, have kids, get old, but I think those are fake implanted memories of the entire event, masters just loves to mess with us or maybe is a test of sort. Actually other entities always are testing me to see my progression of growth.

Alex - you had no contact with your Inner self? with anything or anyone who would answer your questions?

Did you think to ask while you were in there, before taking the drastic measure?

My inner self, spiritual guides and my higher self are always showing up on their own, when they feel like it. Right now I can't connect my inner or higher self, because my inner world was invaded by special entities, they block me from connecting. They said my existence is too dangerous to be let to progress any further, now I'm in constant battle with them, two consciousness colliding.


By OBE you mean Etheric projection or RTZ, right.

By OBE I mean any conscious shift out beyond the 3D Earth life frequency bandwidth. So it could be a small jump into the RTZ, or a much larger jump. My time in, and experience with the RTZ is nominal relative to my total experience. This said, it fascinates me to no end. I rarely am located in a single place in my experiences. A sort of trademark of the way I experience expanded states is to be in multiple fields at once. I simply call it "synchronous states". Time dilation is something I experience fairly regularly. It is actually how my experiences began.

Are you sure you didn't fall in the trap of masters?..

Fairly sure, yes.. thank you for asking. Connection with my own Inner being is what allows my experiences to take place. In the way they take place. My main focus has always been on the experience of the expanded state itself, the fields themselves, not the data, the detail, the story playing out IN the field. Although I gather from all of these focuses, I rarely surrender the fundamentals of what is in play for the fodder. All fascinating, though. I just choose for myself to synchronize and hold it all at once. Otherwise there is not enough data for me.

Right now I can't connect my inner or higher self, because my inner world was invaded by special entities, they block me from connecting. They said my existence is too dangerous to be let to progress any further..

I think I see your difficulty, yes.. a large part of the work of bringing the wholeness of ourself into the Earth life frame is processing through our personal system what has been gathered, in a way that benefits the Earth life system. So to work at odds against our Inner focus can very easily go awry, 'against us' if you will. I can definitely acknowledge that Higher being oft enjoys the way all does process, the fits and starts we move ourselves to, lol. What will you do now?


Quotelol. What will you do now?

I have no idea what do you mean by that.

P.s. the experience I described in the first post was from ten years ago.