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Holographic Universe Theory

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Yes, the article mentioned by Person gives an excellent description of how contemporary science is approaching a better understanding of the greater, "higher" reality.  We should understand, however, that the hologram is only a metaphor to describe certain aspects of higher reality, particularly the fact that each part contains information of the whole to which it belongs.  Other aspects of higher reality are not represented by the hologram.  I have discussed this subject in my book "Understanding the Grand Design" which is mentioned below.
Jo Wolf


I had already read that article and it was one of those mind-expanding WOW moments.
It is possible to get a clearer, more accurate view by connecting the Holographic Universe theory with the ideas of a 4 dimensional space-time continuum (Einstein) and the ethereal plane. The WOW moment I had was the realization that the Ethereal plane Is the 4th dimencion.
This combined theory satisfies both science (quantum physics and superstrings) and metaphysics/spiritualism (out of body experiences). It has an additional (big) advantage of keeping the overall concept/theory very simple. That conservation of theories is important, especially to scientists.
The transcendant nature of the Holographic Universe, the 4th dimension of the space-time continuum and the 4th dimensional ethereal/etheric plane is described differently because of the differences in perception and points of view which gave rise to those varying theories. When looked at individually most of the theories seem to be contradictory and exclusive. Yet when all theories are viewed together it becomes clear that they use different words and terms to describe the identical plane/dimension/phenomena.


A very interesting theory that explains a lot previously unexplained. I think its more likely than normal science's explanation.


I have been researching this amazing theory for several years now. I believe I may have actually experienced part of the "implicate order" as described in the holograpgic theory. I few years back I had taken some LSD and then smoked some weed. I felt so wierd, it was very, very intense and I thought I might lose control. I felt a strong pressure between my eyebrows and thought it was "brain damage" (this was before I knew of the third eye). Anyway, I was sitting in my room trying to calm down, focusing on my breath, it wasn't working, it seemed like it was getting more intense, I sat back in my chair, looked over at another chair next to me, when suddely the chair "flickered" a few times and was suddenly made up entirely of colored, bending, interference patterns! (still in the shape of the chair)Right away it flickered again and was normal.

This same type of thing happened another time when I was on psilocybin. I was outside and I smoked some weed, felt incredibly sick, puked for 10 minutes. I got really twitchy and kept yawning over and over again, even though I wasn't tired. My eyes were closed when I was puking and I noticed the interferrence patterns again. I opened my eyes and saw more overlaped over my field of vision in the darkness. At the time I didn't know they were interference patterns, I later found out because I was looking one of those holograms you can buy at the mall. When I would turn the hologram so that I couldn't see the 3-D image I would see the these little squiggly lines which I later found out were interference patterns. (which is how holograms are made)[:O]

The interference patterns I saw looked like this: (only more tightly coiled and constantly bending and moving)


So nobody is familiar with these patterns??


This topic was also written in the latest issue of "Scientific American" which stated that the Holographic Universe, which was discovered through black holes, is a universe where matter and energy were incidental.  It said that the Universe is actually made with information inprinted onto a two dimensional surface.  Therefore, we percieve ourselves in a three dimensional world when this is not the case.  The information is stored in "bits" the size of four Planck units.  This theory also arises the issue of superstring theory and makes it obsolete saying that there is something even more basic.  They also said that black holes were created when too much information was gathered in one place and the surface area could not support the amount of information, therefore, creating a gravity distortion and a finally a black hole.

P.S. We've been down graded fellas', to the second dimension, and we were so close to getting to the fourth.


Thats a load of bullcrap. Its not a 2d surface projecting a 3d volume because the observable physical universe is 4 dimensional. Time is in fact a dimension that can be measured in distance.


Maybe time is just an illusion too? I mean, just because something can be measured does not disprove this aspect of the theory. Maybe I'm not understanding what you mean?


This is a thought that I speculated on recently and is not a well thought out theory or concept. Anyway perhaps reality only exists in geometrical-algebraic dimensions. That would be 1, 2, 4, and 8 dimensions.
One dimension is linear algebra (a line).
Two dimesnions is complex algebra and a plane.
Four dimensions is quartenonic (sp) algebra and is the 4 D space-time contnuum Holographic Universe. This would be the ethereal (etheric) plane.
Eight dimension is octonian algebra. This would be the current concept of 'higher planes and dimensions and would be the astral plane.

In other words we do exist on the 2nd and 4th dimensions simultaneously. The 3rd dimension is a holographic representation of the information that our minds perceive.     ([?]) [:)]


I think the fact that it explains so many "paranormal" events sugests that it IS a well thought out theory. I have read many books on it and, like I said above, I believe I have experienced it.



GTP, other theories explain paranormal events as well, perhaps even better.  The metaphor of the holograph is helpful but does not explain all aspects of higher reality.  I believe that the Holistic Logic of Quantum Metaphysics does, as explained in my book "Understanding the Grand Design: Spiritual Reality's Inner Logic".


GTP "Maybe time is just an illusion too?"

I agree. Thats why I said "OBSERVABLE physical universe". Most things we observe physically are very distorted.


Hi JoWo !
I'll have to give your book a read at some point, as like you, I don't think the holographic theory properly explains all aspects of higher reality.

But I disagree with your point that the theory is meant only as a metaphor. As I understand it, the holographic theory says that the universe we perceive is a result of different waves of energy interacting and creating interference, just as the ripples in a pond meld together. This is very consistent with the features of a hologram.

Intriguingly, it is also very similar to the picture of "higher reality" described by Carlos Castaneda in "the art of dreaming". In the book, Don Juan says that each person is just energy, and each person has an "assemblage point" - this is the home of perception. Typically, humans have their assemblage point fixed in one position during their waking lives, and as such they share the same reality, because they are all perceiving the same energy that passes through the assemblage point. Some individuals are able to move their assemblage point, to allow different energy to pass through it. This gives them an alternate reality to perceive.

At the same time, the energy from the individual interacts with whatever that person is perceiving - hence our concept of "subjectivity".

best wishes

I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


Hello Mark,

thanks for your comments.  As I understand it, no holographic universe theory exists in the strict sense of the term.  In other words, scientists have not come up with a scientific theory based on the holograph metaphor.  As far as I know, there is only a general comparison of quantum phenomena with certain aspects of the hologram, mainly its capability to reproduce images of a whole scene from only parts of the hologram.  This means that the whole scene is imbedded in each individual part of the hologram.  
This is indeed representative of universal reality, because the "nonlocal" whole of the universe is immanent in each part.  Immanent means inside but transcendent, like your soul is inside in but transcendent of yourself.

Now, to clarify what I said before, or at least what I meant to say, the hologram is only a metaphor, yet I agree with most ideas expressed loosely under what is called  "holographic theory".  These ideas never came together as a coherent scientific theory and the apparent paradoxes of quantum physics are still not fully understood.

Instead of the word "theory", I prefer "paradigm", which Ken Wilber used in his book, "The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes".  Wilber is one of the foremost living philosophers.  In the mid-80s, he coordinated contributions from many recognized experts, and here is his conclusion about the holographic paradigm, in his own words:
"It is a bad model, but I'm not sure it's even a good metaphor.  The holographic paradigm is a good metaphor for pantheism . . ., but not for the reality described by the perennial philosophy".
Wilber's perennial philosophy is a consensus-type unification of world religions and philosophies.  It just so happens that quantum metaphysics as described in my book comes independently to the same conclusions, using "Holistic Logic" supported by quantum phenomena and relativity theory.  It also agrees with Carlos Castaneda.



science re-discovered and re-named something vedic philosophy has taught for thousands of years? You don't say! :P


Yes, Tab, but most scientists do not yet accept this viewpoint.  As Max Planck, who initiated quantum physics, said:
"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."



cheers JoWo !! I agree that "paradigm" is a much better word.

any other reading that you recommend ?

kind regards,
I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


Thank you, Mark.  Re. other reading (other than my own book [:)]), here are some that I like:

Discussions of modern physics:
John Gribbin,  "In Search of Schroedinger's Cat, Schroedinger's Kittens."
Amit Goswami's books, for instance, "The Self-Aware Universe."

About multi-dimensional/spiritual communication:
Jon Klimo, "Channeling, Investigation on Receiving Information From Paranormal Sources."

Discussion of multi-dimensional reality (channeled):
Jane Roberts, "The Nature of Personal Reality" and other Seth books.

About spiritual Awakening (channeled):
Tom & Linda Carpenter, "Dialogue on Awakening, Communion With Jesus."
Bartholomew / Mary-Margaret Moore, "I Come as a Brother, A Remembrance of Illusions."

About enlightened living (channeled):
Neale D. Walsch,  "Conversations With God, an uncommon dialogue."  Others.

I have listed more channeled books because they describe the higher reality that I experienced better than scientifically based books.  The key is to change one's point of view.  Science is still based on the assumption that everything is based on physical reality, whereas all reality is based on the "Whole", that is the transcendent union of all that is.  It is possible to understand the relationship between the 'whole' and its 'parts', whereupon everything falls in place beautifully – at least is did for me.

Best wishes!


"The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light." -from the website that was posted


Can't energy travel faster than the speed of light? I'm probably wrong but if you were to take a pencil and push it on the desk, both ends would move at the same time. If you had a -really- long pencil, one that is a light-minute long, would both ends not move at the same time or would it take a minute for the kenetic energy between the atoms to reach the opposite end? I'm just puzzeling this in my head and would like to know what you guys think about it. By the way, I'm not talking about what it would look like, if the pencil would seemingly expand or contract, but what would physically happen.
- Skeptical until proven otherwise -


Lines, the light-minute long pencil (when pushed on 1 end) would take a minute before its other end moves any.


If you look at any fact you say to contradict the paradigm it can ultimately be connected back into the paradigm.

Does anyone else ehre think that when you close your eyes those trippy patterns of light have anything to do with this topic? I think they can be, considering the limitlessness.

Let me suggest this theory. That all the dimensions are interonnected, and without one the other wouldn't exsist. To me this is implied, but was it mentioned? *shrugs* just a thought. Dimensions can quite possibley be the order (as in order to chaos, not numbered in order) in which the information is processed from the whole giant spectrum of info that can possibley sprout from the 1st dimension. perhaps in order to understand any higher dimensions we have to move backward and realized the 1st dimension.


Here is my theory about dimensions:

They are a structure within some other structure. For every physical object or region of curved space that anybody or anything has ever paid any attention to, a "node" (arbitrary name) exists. Any node can be connected to many other nodes. Nodes have no position because they dont exist in a dimensional space. Nodes are usually connected to adjacent (from our view) nodes, but can be connected to any node (quantum entanglement). In (almost) flat empty space, they are connected in a grid shape. It takes a constant amount of time for something (like a photon) to get from one node to any node it is connected to, the speed of light. Time is where 1 group of nodes (the present) connectects mostly to an other group (the immediate future). Each "time" mostly connects to the next time. Nodes can connect to the past, future, astral, or different timeline. If they connect to the past (for example) the future would change. The future must change which could change the connection of the node in the future that connects to a past node. This causes the timeline to change many times. If each change is smaller than the last change, it will converge to a single timeline. If it doesnt, I dont know which of these will happen: the future-past node cant exist, or a new local (partial) timeline is created.

Edit: I forgot the most important part:
Nodes are connected (or created?) to what our spirits think about. I dont know most of the physics of these connections.


The holographic universe idea seems a good addition to our mental picture of reality. Like all ideas, it isn't an absolute. Sometimes I feel we are like the blind men and the elephant, each touching a part of the whole and theorizing on what we can grasp. You, my friends, are like a light in the darkness so I can see a bit more.



sweet I love arguing about this stuff,

that vedic philosphy where we're just like antennas swimming in a sea of frequencys, and these freequencys form into nodes, and create interference patterns

fractal infinite interference patterns,

everything is one and one is everything,

its really messed up shite, plus taoism, where the "light" ki settle above to form the heavens and the "dark" heavy ki is physicall structure,

everything is in crazy layers, its like a big oozing mass of infinite possibilities, that is somehow controled by another order of infinite to become coallesced into some pre-defined, constinually defined, always defined structure, like how crystals form

we pick up the "differences" of the patterns in our head, but we only select certain frequencys,

i think our brain is the only computer capable of calculating infinite,  

i think we percieve our world as it is, because it is simplistic, and provides a comfort,    

plus sacred geometry? the fibonacci (SP?) numbers, prime numbers,

so much to contemplate so little time
opinions are like kittens, just give 'em away