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And the truth shall be known - You'll see !

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"TruthSeeker you are defensive about Mayatnik."
Yes that is true to a certain extent. What is being done towards him, is not justifiable in any way. He does not deserve all the accustations he has been "given". By accusing him, I am also being accused indirectly. This has been explained before..

"The defensiveness and reactions I see through this entire thread indicate a serious problem to me and do not indicate peace of mind."
Would not you defend what you knew to be true? Also been explained before. The "serious problem" you are experiencing is nothing but your own perception.
And you are not qualified to measure of "peace of mind", as you are not "with us" and experiencing all the wonderfull things we do, you are not "neutral", but you are "against us". I can assure you I am very at "peace of mind".

I am done with this discussion unless something "pops" up that I can not sit back and watch passively.

Be well Timeless and everyone else.

With Pleiadian Love and Light,



This post is not directed at anyone, it is for everyone.

Ok, so...  I dunno why I felt compelled to say this, but I did.  We've all gone through a few rough times on these forums, and been lashing out at people for...well it has some basis. But not alot.  It sickens me.  

I live by this quote.

"You can never really know somebody, until you've taken a walk in their shoes."

Walk in each other's shoes for a bit.  See how it is for other people, especially the people you are in disagreeance with.  It's hard to imagine.  But just try it.  Seeing things in a whole other perspective can drastically change your life, and the life of those people whose shoes you've walked in.

Hey, if you wanna walk in MY shoes, lemme help ya out.  I wear a size 12 TEVA sandal.  They rock, but when I play soccer in them, they start to smell REALLY REALLY bad.  That's never good, so I wash them.  That works for about a day.  I'll wash em before you walk in them.  Sound good?

(sorry for that last joke! Hehee, I was trying to be serious until right then.)


PS - Teenagers know everything [;)] (That's a teenager's quote for ya)


Squeek, you're totally crazy [:)]

(and that's what I like most about you)
it's love you're looking for



your explanations are very useful and almost merged with what I think about this subject... I have an image of this in my mind, and I'd have to paint it, but all my attempts to produce a nice picture failed miserably up to now... I'll try to describe it:

I think we are on a certain 'time-line'.. one of several things played out in parallel. I see this time-line composed of many tiny little threads which can come from everywhere... and by what we do and think, we select and weave those threads together into one big experience, attracing to us those 'threads' or influences we choose. An 'outside' observer can therefore percieve everything of this time-line at once... the things already done (that's fix from our point of view), and possible influences which are yet to be choosen among many possible choices, the one more probable than the other.

It'll surely be totally clear what I mean :-)

I tried to do an ascii drawing, but it gets all mixed up here... never mind.

So there could be different time-lines, links or portals between these, and an 'outside' from where you could see the mess we all are living in.

So the question is, can we percieve this from the inside? Can we break out, and how?

Maybe I'll do a nice picture tomorrow.

Logically I think those time-lines are seperated (in a totally different space/time... one not reachable from the other), and only connected and linked by special portals, like 'tunnels' from one to another.

I didn't ask any guide or zeta about this, it's mostly an idle idea in my mind...

If there's much more to be said we could eventually start another thread - we'll see.

These were just some quick thoughts, goodnight for now,
it's love you're looking for



I am disgusted with what is being allowed to be posted on the Astral Pulse, now reaching hights of hysteria from members in character assassination of me.  Allegations are being made that have completely no substance, and are being made by people spreading what others (some even totally irresponsibly just by hearsay) misinformed and deluded have said – all of it LIBEL.

I quote from a post today:

Posted - 03 September 2003 : 17:16:10 --- by LUCI
(in ASTRAL CHAT .... <Reasoning>

p.s. Chill: Did I read correctly that Mayatnik has been roaming various cities on spiritual missions, counselling children who now follow similar spiritual beliefs? All this after his wife was murdered 8 years ago? Whatever happened to "professional distance", "non-disclosure"? Not to mention "trauma assessment" for counsellors? There are laws against this stuff aren't there? If I ever found my child's counsellor having their personal discussions on a bulletin board... far out... Where's he registered?

Members are spreading wild rumours that are are fuelling further unfounded and irrational attacks on me – and all this has been caused by certain members (namely Chill, Goingslow and Timeles) who clearly are allowed to make personal attacks, and any member who tries to defend their involvement with me is viciously attacked and upset with derisory comments that could be described easily as sadistic and repressive.

MerrillT --- Posted - 03 September 2003 : 02:38:47

dont know about the prophesy stuff but I have been to many sites where pledian cults are discussed. Most of the time they turn out to be a cult and detrimental to all involved. cults are dangerous and should be avoided
I believe you missed the most inportant aspects of goingslows post. They are dangerous and hurt more people than they help.

I have written extensively and in great detail against 'cults' and so-called channeling sites that encourage or even insist on a 'goup mentality with no right to individual Free Will', and I have often warned people against them (see <QEUESTION FOR MAYATNIK> p2, and elsewhere) yet members do not seem to know or take heed of this and simply 'follow' what  anti-Mayatnik 'cult leaders' say is the 'truth' about me, so leading to further personal attacks by members put in Fear and delusion.

Should I have to remind you yet again that this site is for discussion and debate of subjects not individuals?  I would expect Moderators to stop such thngs and set an example, instead of which they appear to clearly ignore in silence while one moderator actively pursues a personal campaign against me.  I refer to the following quote as the latest example from many such – and I ask you, why should my personal life be a subject for debate?


So he got shot on different occasions ? Interesting. Tell us more about this. Why did het get shot several times ? He was in the army ? He's a policeman ? He was a criminal ? Please elaborate. It's getting interesting. An almost-blind man, his wife murdered, is a therapist without having studied to be one, used to be a musician, channels something that has been channeled for I don't knwo how many years, the info is available for everyone to read all over the Net, it's been published

Emails should be private, unless specific consent is given by the writer to make public their contents – yet Chill posted contents of an email from me to her that was marked clearly <STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL> and Chill made it look like it was taken from a post, by writing "Here is a quote from Mayatnik"
........then a very long extract from that email, in which Daniel and Samuel's private life was made public by CHILL.  Following that sensitive long and detailed extract Chill added, "You will note that Mayatnik has made a chaneler of a 17-years-old"   I have not made a channeler of Samuel (who she refers to) and neither does she mention  that the the 17-year is married with two children, and not a child.  Furthermore, his mother endorsed his training.  I have spoken several times to Sam's mother, and she is delighted that I am his mentor and in fact Samuel was sent up to me by his mother yesterday (she paid the train fare for the 7 hour journey) to stay with me for 7 days to obtain further tuition and help with his dyslexia.  The reason why I had sent Chill the <STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL> email in tirst place was to try to calm her attacks (already underway in July!), because I was protecting Daniel's privacy that was being dragged into the publica arena then by her...and she made it further public!  And then she accused me of being a bad counselor, for supposedly revealing that (when all the while she made it public) and so she stirred up fear and hatred more for her 'hate Mayatnik' cause.  There are some very sick and sadistic members posting on your website, and nobody cares.

Chill followed that post up by trying to drive the point home further, by attempting to instruct Moderators to warn members about me and saying that I was counseling off-site, further attempting to smear my private life and prevent me from helping others......

But what did bug me was that Mayatnik told me that the reason why is not posting anything on the board now is that he's intensively 'counseling' some members on-line. He told me about one particular fellow who is much psychologically deranged, and who he has been counselling, with no success thus far. This is for moderators : I think you should post a warning about this. Mayatnik is even quite open about it. He is NOT a psychotherapist. And yet he 'counsells'. I am not talking about 'how to use the pendulum' etc. but counselling about personnal issues. I think that this can be dangerous. I wouldn't want any other kid to start chatting with this man on-line and talk about very personnal issues. When this man is openly recruiting on this board, I think that some action should be taken. I am not talking about deleting or editing any posts whatsoever, but just post some caution about the 'counselling' activities of Mayatnik.

I am a counselor and a therapist and I have sufficient quoalifications plus a wealth of experience todo this.  Chill shows a marked lack of understanding of what I do.  I am not a psychotherapist but I have comparative skills.  I do not have to justify myself, and no-one I have counseled has complained – in fact the reverse is true and I have a very high ethical standard.  In any event, it is none of Chill's business.

Chill states:
I asked Mayatnik to provide me with the first name of my biological mother. Mayatnik never said that Karek (his Pleiadian guide) did not have acess to that information. As a matter of fact, he told me that Karek would give me an answer when the time would be right. He sent me an e-mail to defend himself in 11 or 12 long paragraphs, then in one last short sentence, promised me that when the time would be right he would contact me about my mother. IN THE MEANTIME, he invited me to chat with him on MSM. How sweet.

It is highly unethical to give the name of a person to an interested party unless good reason is given.  And even then the person who's name is being sought may not wish this information to be known.  A 'chat' is therefore necessary at the very least to seek further reason why this name is being sought.  If it is the name of a mother, and the child was adopted then that name can not be given in any case without the mother's consent.  I would at all times need the fullest information before proceeding to answer such a request.

At some point, a thread was created by someone who was looking for a missing person near where I live. That was posted in the forum « Prophecy and divination ». That person used the pendulum to get some answers, posted those answers, and asked us to use our pendulum too. Well that thread was ignored by Mayatnik and all. Probably because it's better not to get involved ? Or it's not important ?That woman had disappeared for days

I recall the thread in question, and I was pleased to see someone taking that initiative and calling on members to use their Pendulums to try to locate the missing person.  I did not see any response from members, and I did not post myself because the Pendulum thread made it quite clear how to do this but also it pointed out that only if it was in the interests of the missing person would the Pendulum give an answer, since Free Will is paramount.  So, it is not about not wanting to get involved but hoping that members would get involved to try. since it was apparently a public concern.  There was no need for me to contribute, since it was an ideal opportunity for members to learn.  I fail to see why this has been brought up, if not to further point a finger at me.

I have not replied to any of the accusations because they are totally false and I note that any attempt to defend those allegations by others has resulted in personal attacks on them also.  Since I am seen as the 'ringleader' by the ringleaders of what I can only describe as a lynch-mob memntality among certain members, anything I might write would only fuel further attacks, so was counterproductive in this abysmal affair that is a disgrace to free speech and debate.

I write now only to make my position clearly known on this one occasion.   THIS WILL BE MY LAST POST, and I shall not be engaged in any further work for this site.  Those who wish me gone will be glad to hear this – and I shall be heartily glad to move on to clearner air.

As I intimated earlier, the revealing of strictly private information regarding a member should never be done without permission, and can damage people.  But, since enormous damage has been done to my credibility by certain members (Chill, Goingslow and Timeless) that was totally unjustified and unwarrented, due to falso information being spread, I give the following to redress the situation since I feel it is in the interests of all to do so.

Tonight I suddenly had the opportunity to spot Daniel (SilentWitness78) on MSN Messenger, and I had the following conversation with him appertaining to what has been going on in these threads, and which he has been noticeably absent from following his post from which much consternation arose.


I would like a word with you
Dannyboy says:
that's funny ...
Dannyboy says:
i just walked in ...
Dannyboy says:
saw ur name pop up ...
Dannyboy says:
was about 2 type ...
Dannyboy says:
but u beat me 2 it
Dannyboy says:
that picture makes me nervous
Dannyboy says:
it's looking @ me
Dannyboy says:
u there?
I'm here
Dannyboy says:
u angry with me?
As a result of what you wrote I have been sujected to character assasination since July...and I'm being accused of all sorts of things, the latest is of "prowling cities looking for young people" to ruin their lives like I am suposed to have ruined yours.....there's been thread after thread about you, people concerned about what I'm suposed to have done to you.. AND YOU HAVE NOT EVEN REPLIED...
Dannyboy says:
The time wasn't right
Dannyboy says:
I had half a post written but something inside of me told me to wait ...
so I must now leave the site, since there is nothing I can do to pursuade others that I am my work, and those helping me, is now completely ruined....because you did not speak up when I was accused of doing bad things to you.
Dannyboy says:
My work is now ruined, my character isnow destroyed......does that make you happy?
Dannyboy says:
in the end it will end up working out in your favour ... trust me
I have no credibility, thanks to you.
Others are also accusesed of 'following' me, and that I am a 'cult' leader who leads people - especially young people astray.
Dannyboy says:
I didn't write those words they just came ... i had no intentions of writing but i did and listen to what i heard inside my soul ... something u tought me to do
Dannyboy says:
it will work out in your favour ...
I am accused of pursuading you to leave your job....and also of ruining your family
Dannyboy says:
trust me ... i've trusted u in the past ... now i am asking u 2 trust me
I will be gone......discredited.....all my work of helping people ruined........I'm being accused now of picking up young children.
Dannyboy says:
Dannyboy says:
no u won't
What do you say I did wrong to you?
Dannyboy says:
i said nothing in the post that was not true ....
Dannyboy says:
i simply asked why the zeta's lied ... not u
Have you seen the amount of hate posts on the forums about me?
Dannyboy says:
hate is love wrapped in fear
The answer to what the Zeta put is on the Zeta site.....I didn't ask you to believe anything.....You have a mind of your own don't you?
Do you accuse me of anything at all?
Dannyboy says:
I did not accuse you of anything. I just wanted to know why.... u have to understand ... there are many others like me ... who wonder if it would be worth it all to give up everything ... their jobs, there material posessions, everything ... 99.44% of society would not ... i've given it all up Edward. I've survived THIS long. I did not think I would last 3 weeks. It's been almost 4 months ...
Dannyboy says:
I think God made me write that .... as a prequel for what is to come ...
Nobody has asked anybody to give up anything, let alone everything.......neither the Zeta site nor me.
Dannyboy says:
7 Fell ... I am to write a book on my journeys ....on all that is going to happen ... i am supposed to help people just like you...
Dannyboy says:
that is beyond the point ...
How do you propose to help me?
Dannyboy says:
the point is so what? i gave up everything because i had faith ... faith in god, faith in love, faith in truth ... and most of all .... faith in you. People will come to see the truth. This is only the begining
Who told you to write a book?  Do you have a guide or some sort?
Dannyboy says:
But I still need to know. Why? Why were we tricked?
'Blind faith' is not the answer.  Common sense is the answer...and that meant reading the site, where it clearly said that there would be ample signs, and that people should not leave their homes, jobs or families but to simply look for the signs.
Dannyboy says:
The only thing I can think of to say is that God told me to write the book and is telling me many things .... guide i do not know ... all i know is that God speaks 2 me
Dannyboy says:
I think you are wrong
I have not suggested any of those things to you.
Dannyboy says:
"Blind Faith" is the answer
Blind faith in what? In who?
Dannyboy says:
you being half blind should have figured that out  
Dannyboy says:
In God
Dannyboy says:
Dannyboy says:
Aum whatever u want to call it
So God told you to give up your job?
Dannyboy says:
the organizing intellgence
Dannyboy says:
Did I?
Dannyboy says:
I gave up my job because I was meant to
Why was you meant to give up your job?
Dannyboy says:
To go through what I have been through
Dannyboy says:
u have no idea edward what i have seen
Dannyboy says:
Dannyboy says:
Why did you imply that I was to blame, as Chill, gongslow and Timless suggest you did?
Dannyboy says:
it is their ego's who took my words and spoke for me
Dannyboy says:
i had written half a post in "retaliation" but i realized it would have been ego speaking so i did not post it
So they completely misinterpreted you, you are saying?
You were going to retalliate against goingslow, Chill and Timeless?
Dannyboy says:
timeless upset me ... but i knew it was not the right time
Dannyboy says:
his true colors will show and so will urs ... everything will work out
I have done nothing wrong
I have been vilified by Timless, goingslow and a result of how they interpreted your post
Dannyboy says:
Dannyboy says:
it is for the greater good
Dannyboy says:
somehow i know this
Do you think I have done something wrong then?
Dannyboy says:
Of course not
Dannyboy says:
u have helped me more than u will ever know
Then why do you say 'good'?
People don't think I have helped you.  They think I have led you astray, and ruined your life.
Dannyboy says:
because u are seing things from a different perspective ... i will show them all truth ... no worries ...  
Dannyboy says:
so let them think that? all the better. once the truth comes out it will only make them look like fools not u
Do you intend to post about that?
Dannyboy says:

Is that smiling face a Yes?
Dannyboy says:
God intends it of me .... I leave it in his hands
I am accused of all sorts of 'evil' things.  Those people believe your post, how they read it.....that I had led you astray.
Dannyboy says:
all the better
For what?
Do you like hurting people and destroying good things they are trying to do?
Why do you not speak up about the injustice to me, caused by your post?
Dannyboy says:
Think of all the attention it has brought you. Call it bad publicity if you will but when the truth comes out the perspectives will change .... a new light will shine on you, and those who speak so highly of themselves (timeless) will be shown in their true light
Dannyboy says:
I did not know why I wrote that post when it first came out ...
Dannyboy says:
It just came out ... it was sincere ... it was not meant to hurt anyone ... but now i see why it happened
Was it meant to attack me?
Dannyboy says:
not at all ... like i said in the post ... i was not angry when i wrote it .... not at all ... i just sincerely wanted to know ... i was reading all the great stuff that you were doing and i just started writing ...
Even Adrian the admistrator is being attacked for allowing me to remain..... Chill has asked for a warning to be posted about me, due to you.
Dannyboy says:
Well before they can do any of that they are going to have to here from me. And when it's all said and done they will be changing their tunes. It will work out. I ask once more for you to trust me.
People are being confused, hurt and frightened by what they see as my presence on the site......due to what they think I did to you.....I did nothing to you.
I NEVER gave you answers to believe in or did what you did because you wanted to do.
Dannyboy says:
it is their fear and jealousy towards you. Nothing more. It will come to light
Dannyboy says:
i did
Dannyboy says:
and i never said you told me to do anything
<p.s. Chill: Did I read correctly that Mayatnik has been roaming various cities on spiritual missions, counselling children who now follow similar spiritual beliefs? >
There are laws against this stuff aren't there? If I ever found my child's counsellor having their personal discussions on a bulletin board... far out... Where's he registered?
Dannyboy says:
you have lost confidence and faith in me but it is ok. time changes everything
My character has been assinated BY YOU.
Dannyboy says:
how so?
And others believe what you wrote
Dannyboy says:
what i wrote was true
Dannyboy says:
100% true
They say it is plain.....that I misled you.
They say I made you leave your job.,,,,,,, that you also said I ruined your life with your family.
Dannyboy says:
that is not what i said and u know it
Do you state that is true?  They say it is plain form what you wrote.
Dannyboy says:
because that is what they choose to assume ...
Dannyboy says:
it's good ... because they will learn lessons in the end
They assumed it, presumably by your words.
Dannyboy says:
have some "blind faith" in me old friend  
End of what?  When I have left the site?
Dannyboy says:
u  will not leave the site
I don't advocate 'blind faith'...... I tell everyone NOT to believe things, but to find out themselves, and use common sense.
Dannyboy says:
That is what I told you.
Dannyboy says:
but when u "find" the truth .... you live it in blind faith because you know it to be true
Dannyboy says:
knowing through experience
Dannyboy says:
not words
Dannyboy says:
not mayatnik
Blind faith is when a person does NOT know whether something is true or not.
Dannyboy says:
not anything but experience
Dannyboy says:
well faith in general then
Dannyboy says:
blind is a umm bad term i'm sure
I have 'hoped' for a long time that you would write and rectify the wrong assumptions people have made regarding your post.....but you didn't write.
Dannyboy says:
the time wasn't write <--- har har, it will be soon.
Did you want them to continue to make fools of themselves?
Dannyboy says:
i do not know the words that will come out of me but i know they will change not only the darklight they shed on you but they will change the course of history .... does that sound egotistical to u? for a long time i battled with it. But now I know it is true. I am here for some great purpose. This is only the begining. I am waking up. Words are my instrument. Our work together is not done friend
Dannyboy says:
I feel ...
Dannyboy says:
once I start writing again ... I may never stop. There is much to be said.
I have not told you to do those things.  I have not worked with you.  All this is your doing.  I have had nothing to do with that, nor have I talked about any 'guidance' that you say you have.
Dannyboy says:
It will all work out
It is never right to hurt people.  Your silence is hurting people - and it seems designed to hurt those who misinterpreted your post also.
Dannyboy says:
Things are not always what they seem
Then you should make it clear.
Dannyboy says:
You assume just like them
I KNOW that you are destroying my credibility and my character by your silence..that is not an is written in so many posts by Chill, goingslow and Timeless as a result of what you wrote.
Dannyboy says:
Why have you not replied?
It is a complete lie, there is nothing to refer to..except your post that started the accusation of me 'scouring cities looking for children'.
If you replied then you would show that their accusations about what I am supposed to have done to you are completely wrong....that is all that is needed from you.
.....since you say I have done no wrong.
Dannyboy says:
I do not understand. You say you know God will take care of you and have trust and faith in him so why can you not see that this will work out? Why do you fear the worst instead of having trust and faith that it will workout for the greater good?
It has gotten to the point of LIBEL against me now !!!
Dannyboy says:
do you scour the streets looking for children? ha No! so why can u not laugh at the sillyness of it all
The only one who can prove that I am inoocent is YOU.
People 'believe' what they hear......from Timeless, Chill, goingslow.........AND YOU.
Dannyboy says:
Hrmmm Ironic isn't it. The only one who can prove that you are innocent is the "silent witness" <--- har har har <--- come on! do u not see that God is a funny guy
What makes you think that God is telling you to do these things?
Dannyboy says:
i don't think ... i know
When I talked to you, you couldn't even get answers properly from the Pendulum.  How can you know you're talking to God?
Dannyboy says:
i can see now when my ego talks,walks,sqwaks bla bla bla but i can also see now when god is working through me ... i feel him, he helps me, guides me, sends me messages, he is definately a funny guy
What is all of that meant to prove?
Dannyboy says:
i am an instrument of the lords peace ... where there is hatred ...i sow love ... injury ... pardon ... doubt ... faith ... despair ... hope .... darkness ... light .... sadness ... joy .... i have let go ... i handed myself to him
Peace?  You have stirred up a war!
Dannyboy says:
my ego still fights me ... and it's hard sometimes ... but the difference is now he is in the light ... he cannot hide anymore .... sort of like that guy in lord of the rings ha, and i simply wrote what came to me ... and i still have not received an answer
What do you want an answer to?  Who is in the light?
Dannyboy says:
why? why would they say May and it's September now? if they are so highly sophisticated how the *bleeep* could they be off by so much? I never said anyone told anyone to do anything .... i simply wanted to know why? I think in my heart i was hoping u'd answer and u'd feel the same way I did. But in the end the answer shall somehow be unveiled for everyone
Dannyboy says:
i hope
Dannyboy says:
and my ego is in the light ...
The Zeta have given the ansswer on their website.
Dannyboy says:
which is?
The Zeta have explained FULLY about the May 'predictions' and why they were given.
I told you that several did not listen each time.
Dannyboy says:
The question was directed towards u
Dannyboy says:
not the zeta's
Dannyboy says:
i do not know any zeta's ... i know u
The Zeta site also told people NOT to give up their jobs, homes or families.
I told you where to find the answers.  You asked me about the Pole Shift.....and I told you where the information to that was too - is it wrong to answer a person's questions by pointing them to the information?
That WAS my point you to the source of the information you were asking for (both about the Pole Shift and then later anbout the date).
Dannyboy says:
I am asking you from friend to friend. Why were WE tricked? That is what happened is it not? We were tricked.
Dannyboy says:
Dannyboy says:
u assume that i am bitter or upset or angry over being tricked...
I did not try to pump information and Fear into you - which is what Timeless, Chill and Gongslow suggst I did.... You asked ME... and I merely referred you to where the information you sought was.
Dannyboy says:
you just cannot see the big picture right now. you will. ask your guide, if she's so smart she should know  
Each person must make up their mind from what they read on the Zeta site......nobody asks them to believe it.... it is not sensible to just believe things.   You feel 'tricked'....that is your perception of what you read or didn't read.
Dannyboy says:
well u were obviously tricked
Dannyboy says:
at one point you were sure it was oh so close. now? when is their next "date"
There is NO next "date" - they have made it clear.  Why don't you read, instead of assuming?  I didn't say anything about being sure.....I said the "date" (of May 15) was very close....that is all.
Dannyboy says:
You see I KNOW in my heart that something will happen ... i have known it all my life ... and i know in my heart i chose to come back here to help people, .... and i know everything is working out according to plan and I am HAPPY that i quit my job, have no money, put myself through much suffering etc etc because if I had not then the future would not be the way it will be ... but i just am
I am trying to help people....and you are destroyng it by not replying to those who accuse me of leading you astray.  What sort of 'help' is that???
Dannyboy says:
unsure as to what this whole "game" is about .... something is up ... something we are not being told ... the zeta's, pleideans, earthlings .... something is going on and i can't put my finger on it ... there is much time left i know this ... i can feel it ... maybe even a few years ... but why would they want us preparing so early? why would they want to "trick" us?
The Zeta have explained.... it is not to 'trick' us.....why don't you read what they have explained about it in their updates?
Dannyboy says:
well i'll read it tomorrow before i respond to your thrashings you dirty old child molestor  I'll make sure they know you don'
Dannyboy says:
t rape goats and small animals
Dannyboy says:
Even Adrian has posted a section from the Zeta site about the date and some explanation, and members were referred to the site to find out more.  The Zeta themselves have told members that all the explanations are on the Zeta site.... Have you not read the Zeta Converations in the Communication section of Phrophecy and Divination?
Dannyboy says:
no. until that day i had not even read anything on astral pulse. had no idea what was going on with anything
They are accusing me of totally misleading you, of destroying your family, of losing you your job..of putting fear into you.  Do you think I did any of those things?
Dannyboy says:
yes. my mother has run off with the milkman and my father has become a transvestite and it's ALL YOUR FAULT!!!
You can't find things out if you don't read about them.
Dannyboy says:
I don't really want to know anyways
Dannyboy says:
it isn't time
Dannyboy says:
at least for me
You are preventing other people from wanting to know things that I and others are trying to inform about via the Zeta, by you discrediting me with your post (according to how they read it).
Dannyboy says:
if they are that easily influenced then they are not meant to come to u
Dannyboy says:
if their search is for truth then that is what they will seek
Dannyboy says:
if they search for answers then that is what they will come up with
People are not supposed to believie me.....they are simply meant to have an open mind, to read, and think for themselves.
You have turned people against me, by your post.
I ask you to put it right.
Dannyboy says:
It already is right  u just don't see it yet
Dannyboy says:
thinks me crazy, it's alright everyone else does  
Was your post designed to make people assume I was misleading you?
Dannyboy says:
I know you think I am just some kid ... and no my post was not designed for anything. I told you. This is how it happened. I went to AP for the first time in a long time. I saw that big "banner" or announcement or whatever so i clicked on it and i started reading some of the posts ... next thing I knew my hands were moving and I had posted. I did not even think really I simply let the words come o
Dannyboy says:
out of me ... they just flowed like they used to ... it was the first real thing i'd written in months .... and it felt good. it was meant to be
They are saying that you 'followed' me from the other website.....and that I am your mentor
Dannyboy says:
Well they can say whatever they want. They have spoken for me for far too long. Tomorrow I will speak for myself and they will here me. Oh they will here me.  
I hope it will stop all the misleading assumptions tht people are posting as 'fact' then.
Dannyboy says:
Believe me "Cult Leader" ... you will have more "followers" once all this is through .... people will be drawn to my words ... you say you want people to have open minds, to be curious, to question etc etc ....oh they will be curious cause I will give them lots 2 be curious about .... now stop worrying and LIGHTen up, everything will work out
What you do is your own doing.  I have nothing to do with your actions.  I am not looking for 'followers', only for people to stop accusing me of things they feel your posts make clear.  I hape your post will be a lot clearer than the last one then.... because they are very lkely to misunderstand that too, otherwise.
And why can't you post it today?
They will point to the 'dangers' that can arise by me influencing such as yourself.
That is what they will ASSUME.
Dannyboy says:
Because it's 4:30 am in the morning and I have an important day tomorrow. You forget that we have spent many long hours chatting and getting to know each other and that I am your friend. I have nothing but good thoughts towards you and had no intentions of causing you problems but all i can say is that i did what you always told me to do and this is what came of it. You need not worry, you
What am I supposed to have told you to do?
Dannyboy says:
truely have lost faith in me or maybe your never had it to begin with ... but either way, you have no need to worry. You can choose to trust me or have doubts but i guess only time will tell
Dannyboy says:
to talk to myself ... to have conversations with myself .... to let the writing just flow ... and that is what happened ... it just happened ... i had no intentions of anything, the words just started to flow
Dannyboy says:
anyhow ... i must get to bed
And the words caused me to have my character assasinated....and you let it go on.... that is NOT the action of a friend...and you have not contacted me for months now.
Dannyboy says:
i have been in my cocoon ... i told u, this is only the begining. u shall see
Dannyboy says:
goodnight my friend
What I want to see on the site is an end to confusion....and peace.  Goodnight.
Dannyboy says:
It worked out perfectly once again. I accidently left the msn on. Tonights chain of events was synchronistically perfect to have me walk into the room, see your name pop up for the first time in months and then message me a split second b4 i got to. The pieces of this great puzzle will all fit together in the end. Stop worrying.
Dannyboy says:
Dannyboy says:

Make of that conversation what you will, and maybe tomorrow Daniel will post and give members the truth.  In the end the truth shall be known, but as long as personal attacks continue the truth will always be clouded and even supressed.

As I said earlier, THIS IS MY LAST POST ON THE ASTRAL PULSE – and those who wish me gone will be glad to have their way... while I shall be  heartily glad to leave and move on to where the air is healthy and clean because this site has sickened me to the core.

I hope that members will stop their personal attacks on people and remember that this is supposed to be a site for discussion and debate of any subject, but not a person.   If they do not stop then I have to say that although it is extremely hard to prosecute an individual, there is sufficient evidence for a Professional Risk Assessment to bring about the closure of  this site due to the fact that it is not adequately regulated to prevent such hysterical attacks as has been seen to obstruct my innocent work here in bringing information to the site for open-minded discussion.

So I ask you to stop it now, and give Love and Peace a chance.  That is your final warning.



I am a counselor and a therapist and I have sufficient quoalifications

What are your credentials then? Your true colours are showing. No true counsellor or therapist would drag in his clients to defend him/her. Where's the professionalism and integrity in that? Looks more like emotionalism & fear of losing followers/fans/clients.



[:(] wow, I am at a loss for words..  Dannyboy aka Silentwitness, is not playing with a full deck.  I am glad that you posted that conversation. When he said certain things it made my skin crawl.  He (Dannyboy) as lost touch with reality and may harm himself or others.
I keep getting the mental picture of this kid sitting in a dark room, crouching on the floor laughing crazily, waiting for the next transmission from God...
I hope he doesn't know where you live! He might just show up one day, announce that you shall follow him and bask in his power..ugh.

I am very appalled at the comment made by chill regarding you chasing small children..if that isn't a pesonal attack well, hell I just don't know what is!!  That could start a investigation, ppl do not take comments like that lightly!  I would sue if that ever came to be.
Tis called slander!  I would sue for every last dime she has.

Yuck! I hate starting my day with such anger in me... I LOVED these forums, I have made friends, learned and laugh but it has changed [:(]
Some seem to think they are the only ones with the true knowledge and were the hell did the humor go?????  
I know I am not the smartest tool in the shed and can't express myself like most ppl here but geez does that make me less spiritual?
Even now I am having a hard time explaining what I am feeling and!

Maya I want to say I have enjoyed our chats and thank-you for helping me get pass the anger, pain and guilt that my step-mother left me, when she killed herself in my room and left a letter saying I was to child of nine should have to go thru that.  The physical pain she inflicted was easy to overcome, twas the emotional that stayed with me for years.  Once again I thank-you!!
I hope you decide to stay on MSN at least so I may chat with you from time to time..
I wish you the best.[:)]

Nay [;)]


Celeste reply brings deep sadness as it seems typical of the attacks of late. Are we all to have our credentials in our signatures. To appease  the antagonistic cynic . Are we to past IQ test before starting threads. To appease the intellectual.
It is a sad day indeed


Timeless.. bless your heart!  I have spoken to you in chat and found your advice very good indeed but you were not as you are now.  I of course can't explain it.. You seem almost jealous of the fact that ppl are talking and listening to Maya instead of your words of wisdom.
There is a finality to your post's that make me feel as if you are the only one with the right answer and the right way.  Ya'll have been picking Maya apart for days and it is getting uncomfortable for me to read... YOU should look within yourself also and find the true reason why you are so overcome by the need to discredit him at every turn..I just don't get it!  Has he really done anything that bad?
I myself don't know about the Zeta and I really don't even talk about it with Maya when we speak, I just don't care to right now and he could careless that I care not too.
I am at a loss to all of this now..[:(]
I just don't get it..I don't get the anger that some are spewing..

Krome, well said mate!

Nay [;)]


Originally posted by kromeknight

Celeste reply brings deep sadness as it seems typical of the attacks of late. Are we all to have our credentials in our signatures. To appease  the antagonistic cynic . Are we to past IQ test before starting threads. To appease the intellectual.
It is a sad day indeed

I think she was responding to his claims of being a counselor and therapist.  If anyone is every counceling you under that guise you NEED to ask for credentials.  If he said I'm counseling as a friend that is different.

Mayatnik I dont think the threats were really needed.  I cant think of any board that would shut down a new age message board because they warned AGAINST people believing in the end of time prophesies.  People should only make threats that they have any chance of pulling off.

I did want to make one thing clear I guess I never made clear before.  I have never had any doubt from the moment silentwitness attacked Timeless for questioning you he was insane.  Or at least very unstable.  I did not point to his thread to champion him as someone who has learned and who in some way people here have a chance of being life.  It was to show the irresponsiblity of counseling a person who obviously needs professional help on these issues.  In order to really help him I personally would have told him he needs to get professional help.  Not counselling on how to find himself and about various truths of the zetas.  That has been the danger I have seen all along.  People with his profile finding this stuff.. which I honestly believe isnt that uncommon.

This is my first post as an unbanned name.  But Ill probably only make a few more for a good long while.  

You have called yourself a professional counselor.  To the rest who dont see why a person would ask for qualifications.  Do you know there are very strict laws on counseling?  You are in a position of authority in a sense.  And mixing counseling and your position as a counselor with end of the world, pleidian prophesies.  Well thats frowned upon in most states.

Nobody bother flaming me.  I wont be back to this thread.  I hate to hit and run but its time for me to move on for a while too. Thought I'd post on a few things before I take my own "time off".



With all due respect.  The attacking you see timeless and celeste and chill doing(which btw I see as addressing ISSUES brought up by mayatnik himself).  And the anger and defensivness you are now displaying.  You should ask yourself why this is coming out now.  Why this need to defend and tell anyone off who speaks up against mayatnik.  

You're the one getting a little personal, by saying her concerns are only being stated out of jealousy instead of even looking at what everyone is trying to say.  Why?  Is mayatnik not able to defend himself?  Or was she being a little irreverent.  If she was having a spat with some other person would you feel such a need to call her jealous etc.  This change in character of so many is what many of us were concerned about all along.

Course I've always been like this.. [;)]

K i happened to read nay's post but now I promise.



With all due respect. The attacking you see timeless and celeste and chill doing. And the anger and defensivness you are now displaying. You should ask yourself why this is coming out now. Why this need to defend and tell anyone off who speaks up against mayatnik.

You're the one getting a little personal. Why? Is mayatnik not able to defend himself? Or was she being a little irreverent. If she was having a spat with some other person would you feel such a need to call her jealous etc. This change in character of so many is what many of us were concerned about all along.

Course I've always been like this..

K i happened to read nay's post but now I promise.
I guess I shouldn't said "anger" I not spitting mad or anything.[:P] I didn't think I was "telling anyone off".. Why is it I am the one being defensive and angry? isn't that the exact same thing that Timeless, Chill, Celeste and yes you are doing? "Hello? Calling the kettle black on line one"  
Change of character? me?  I am as I always have been.  Maybe I am not laughing as much in this post..but eh, I am trying to be serious..(lol)<---oops that just slipped out!
I am a very independent woman who follows no one.  I am out spoken and will tell ya how it is or at least how I "feel" it is.  Take it or leave it.  Why is it that ya'll can point the finger at my short comings but not your own?
I guess in a way I feel like Maya is being ganged up on..and yes I feel the need to tell my feelings on the subject.. And I thought he WAS defending himself with the above post.. but once again ppl take what they want then mold that to their liking.
I never saw him say he was a Licensed Counselor..perhaps he should stop saying he is a counselor to stop the confusion.  I think he just means he has helped many ppl with problems..but I can't speak for him.
Personally I like advise (when asked for) from someone who has learned from the real world and not a bunch of books on the human psyche.. That is why we listen to our parents and grand parents because they have been there..they have done it.

Oh, well..this has been done to death.  But look at me just typing away.!  whooo hoooo..!
Geez, I hope I didn't waste my Gold star on this depressing topic..I wanted to make a happy

Nay [;)]


LOL..ya'll are posting so quick I can't keep up!

Yea, I stayed out of it for a long time too.. Don't know what the hell got into me this
I see both sides, really I do..
You are a kind and gentle soul Nay but too easily swung by sympathy

Yes, I agree I am kind and gentle..but I disagree with the easily swung part...hehehe it is funny how you can make a call on my personality as well isn't?..and you say it with such conviction!

Man oh man. If you think I am jealous you have me so way wrong you cannot imagine
Well, it looks like both of us are zero for zero..LOL

I will say that this is almost as good as my soap opera...I said ALMOST!...hehehe

I too am feeling the need of a break from the forums.  Maybe while I am away I will read some books on how to win friends and influence ppl
Don't laugh..I think there is a book out there called that..!

Nay [;)]


Emotions have been running extremely high on this subject. And most people have allowed these emotions to get the better of them when they post/respond. I personally really liked Timeless' analogy regarding the pendulum swing. I am not here to defend or accuse anyone. However, I'm a bit confused as to where some of the 'intel' regarding the accusations arose?

I don't really know what this board was like before Mayatnik's original post. He actually posted within a week or so of my joining. However, I did join this one over another one that I didn't feel comfortable on because of all the flaming and attacking. I personally think its a huge waste of energy for everyone involved.

I've read all of these threads regarding the pendulum, but have not gone back through them to re-read. However, I do have a fairly good memory (at least I haven't noticed senility setting in yet -- that I remember anyways!). I've also read a number (I can't honestly say all of them, but all that I found) from those 'against' Mayatnik.

I honestly don't remember Mayatnik stating he was a psychotherapist. I remember him stating he was a healer (Reiki I believe). And I personally hadn't been offended by the title of his first post. Although I thought it was a bit brazen, I decided to read what he had to say before forming an opinion. But after reading how and why Timeless reacted to the title of that post, I can easily understand why it would have ruffled feathers initially. So Mayatnik definately got off on the wrong foot here.

But I don't recall Mayatnik stating any specific Truth. The perception I gained from his posts was that the pendulum was a tool for assisting individuals in determining a Truth for themselves. I say 'a Truth' because I think everyone receives different responses based on who they are. I also think that everyone interprets these responses differently as a result of their own individuality. So while I believe that there is an ultimate Truth, I don't think anyone here knows what it is. Rather, I think we each interpret experiences and lessons differently in a way that we can understand them based on where we are today. I personally would like to think that I'm always learning and expanding my understanding of myself and the universe. Thus my understanding of the Truth is always changing. But I view that as a positive thing.

I still haven't quite figured out where the 'blind faith' thing came in though. In all of the posts he responded to regarding 'correct' answers from the pendulum, I always remember him saying that it was testing you. That it will give you incorrect answers. That you should not always trust everything that it says. But continue to question until you broaden your understanding. Then the answers will begin to make sense (I did a lot of paraphrasing here). If he did say trust the answers from the pendulum somewhere, then I missed that post.

Although I do agree with those that question why the answers are incorrect. I still haven't gotten my arms around this part. To me, intentionally giving me incorrect answers makes little sense. I don't suggest that all information be provided without any effort on our part. But in those instances, the pendulum, in my opinion, should simply not answer the question, instead of giving an incorrect answer. To me, this makes it practically impossible to believe anything that comes out of it.

And for me personally, I do need to know who it is I'm conversing with. I completely agree with others who have posted that not only 'good' entities/aliens/whatever can correspond through a channel, but 'bad' ones too. And, in my mind, if it is a negative/bad entity, I'm pretty sure they won't come right out and say so. So them telling me they're my higher self could be a lie. How am I to know what to believe. This is why I'm proceeding with caution. Until I somehow confirm who I'm conversing with and what its intentions are, I have no intention of believing any information I receive. I think this point was made clear several times.

Regarding the whole concept of followers and cults. I'm also keenly cautious about these things as well. And I do agree that if a cult formation is suspected, then an 'investigation' or whatever you want to call it by the board moderators/administrator should be recommended. While I don't perceive Mayatnik to be recruiting people or to be involved in a cult, I do understand Goingslow and Chill's concerns. I just personally don't think that those concerns are valid in this situation. Although I admit that I could be wrong. I honestly don't know what the policy is on moderating these things, if there even is one. But it would seem to me the first step in addressing it should be a private email to the moderators/administrators expressing your concerns and why you have them. I only suggest that because, unless you have proof, its only conjecture. ANd if its posted openly, could qualify as slander. (I'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal recommendation. I'm only stating my opinions here. )

One thing that I have noticed, that I would like to throw out for opinion. Barring the subject line of his first post, Mayatnik has not openly come out and claimed A truth (that I remember reading). However, Allanon has stated his Truth as fact on more threads that I can remember. He also actively encourages everyone to repent and convert to Christianity. AND he openly advocates 'blind faith'. While people debate with him, I don't sense the hostility or personal attacks on him as I've seen on Mayatnik. To me the issues appear to be the same. Yet, I don't see them treated the same. And I could be missing something, if so please let me know what it is.

I think a lot of the reason for concern in all this has been from people inferring meaning into posts. The inference will be colored, depending on what your current mindset is. I would respectfully request that if someone posts something offensive, before you respond with the emotion swelling inside of you. You log off, go for a walk, count to 10, meditate, whatever. Just allow yourself to cool off. Then re-read the post again and try to give someone the benefit of the doubt on what they were saying. If you are still offended, then post something as unbiased as you can and stop the escalation from continuing. It has to stop somewhere.

Those are just my thoughts/opinions on all of this. I don't like getting involved with this stuff, because there usually is never a winner, and I'm not 'in' to picking sides. I also did not pick sides in this post. The only reason I responded now was because I, too, am really tired of the negativity emanating here. I love debate and want to keep it alive. I just think if its done with malice, it looses any and all benefit. So can we try to start fresh and discuss/debate issues in an open and friendly manner?

These boards are beginning to read like a soap opera. "And today on As The Astral Pulses, when we last left Mayatnik...."

Reality is what you perceive it to be.



Nothing of true value can be destroyed.  I know how these accusations must hurt your feelings Mayatnik (and I am truly sorry for that), but any deeper truth in your work is not dependant on people's assessment of your credibility.  Anybody who is really ready to learn something will find it regardless of any obstacles.  Not everybody's opinion is shaped by other people's words.  Not everyone is ruled by fear.

I advise that you just keep doing the best you can to be honest and open, and try not to worry about any "attacks".  Trust that anybody who is ready for what you have to say will be capable of evaluating it objectively regardless of what other people say.  You have helped me, so I can only assume there are probably others as well.  There have been some really great and sincere questions asked by other members.  All I am saying is that despite the negativity that is present, some genuine value is still being generated by this discussion.  Maybe that is reason enough not to give up or quit?

Some things that have been said are truly hurtful.  I can not say with honesty that I would handle that any better than anyone else or be any less hurt by it.  What I can see clearly from my "outside" perspective is that anything that has been said hurtfully has been entirely generated by fear.  Fear seeing somebody very lost and believing Mayatnik had something to do with that (with no real evidence that this is actually "true" I might add).  Fear of other people being mislead, etc.  The worst things that have been said have been by people who are trying according to their own understanding to protect themselves and others from something they see as a genuine threat.  The manner by which much of that has been expressed is sad and unfortunate, but the underlying message is something I believe we ALL would agree with: "THINK FOR YOURSELF.  USE COMMON SENSE?"

It is my sincere hope that we can all agree to let that last message stand as a universal mutual agreement, and that no more "fighting" will need to be done trying to say it?  It is a simple message.  If some people are not ready to let it go, then let the rest of us consider just continuing to express ourselves as honestly as we know how with no intent to harm, and just do our best to ignore anything that lacks harmony?  The truth will still be there...all we need to do is quit focusing on the drama to see it more clearly...  :)



The replies to Mayatnik's final post give you the reason why I never speak my mind on these forums.  I KNOW for a fact...that if that EVER happened to me, I would go off on the person.  In blind rage I would leave the site...never to return again.  I would probably sign off MSN forever, just to make sure they never talked to me again.  I would leave AIM and Yahoo as well...  Break off any communication in the world, because that debate about my entire life would just kill me.

He only ever stated one thing for sure.  Use your common sense.  Common Sense right now is telling me not to yell too much, or I will just be seen as a fanatic whose opinion does not as to skip onto the next post.  If this entire thing was typed in caps, you wouldn't read it! I guarantee that.

Common Sense.  That little part in the back of your brain that tells you... "Look before you leap".  The thing that helps us make decisions. The thing we use everyday, and neglect in everyway.  USE IT.  

You can agree or disagree with any post here, but taking personal attacks on another person... I'm pretty sure that is NOT allowed.  You can disagree with their entire beleif system.  You can even post against their work.  But attacking them, in the way that so many have, sucks.  

If anybody ever attacked me personally... I would be floored.  the way he has kept his calm has astounded me.  

Look.  This may be the only time I am ever serious here.  This is something that has to be taken seriously right now.


PS - I back Mayatnik 100%. I always have.  I still cannot figure out how no personal attacks have been taken against me.


All I have to say is I agree with Squeek. No attacks towards people should be made. And it seems that many hear are not acting mature, and only think their way is the right way.




There is a problem here.

I have issues with a few of you here who have chosen to speak on my behalf.

I don't know about you, but in my world, speaking for someone you do not even know is not acceptable. [}:)]

I have sat back and silently witnessed as people such as timeless have spewed sewage all over these boards in MY NAME. You do not know me timeless. You have no right to speak for me. None.

The truth shall be known. Many of you use "spirituality" as a mask to hide the hurt, jealousy, and suffering you have inside of you. All will come to light.

I shall be silent no more.

James S

To Timeless and Mayatnik,

I write this as a friend to you both - I have spent time speaking with both of you on a personal level. The thing that both amuses and saddens me is you two would most likely get along very well together. You are both very much practical and down to earth people. you both have backgrounds in careers that required logical and analytical thinking, and both of you care about the people around you. The similarities I believe outweigh the differences. It would be nice it these similarities were to be explored.

To the other members posting on this topic,

I would ask for the moment for all to please BACK OFF!

There has been a little too much accusations and finger pointing all round. Nobody here is perfect. Nobody here has all the answers. NOBODY HERE CLAIMS TO!

Mayatnik has come under fire for his teachings and the subsequent interpreted actions of those who have followed his teachings, yet not once have I seen him say "This is the way you must follow".
He is a teacher, not a preacher. His information is given for people to use as they see fit, not to be taken as gospel.

It would be good if everyone here just stopped for a moment and looked at this whole topic for what it is - information. You choose what you do with it and leave others to choose what they do with it.

As to the title of this topic which has been such a source of contention - THE TRUTH THAT SHALL BE KNOWN IS THE TRUTH THAT YOU SHALL FIND FOR YOURSELF.

This is not an ambiguous deflection of a contentious issue. It is an attempt to ask you all to consider that truth for an individual really is subject to the individual's perspective. It remains valid.

Ok, now....

Kind regards,


I just read these last posts and can't believe this.

Just a question : you people who are so much against Mayatnik, you did not care about the fact that there might be some people interested in the subject here?

You expressed your point, fine, but was it so difficult to leave room for serious conversations about the subject instead of judging all the time? You are not interested in the topic, why do you stay here?

I am asking this seriously. Instead of trying to warn and to hurt all the time, let other people have their own judgement and choose if they want to know more or not.

You are not interested, it's fine. So why are you here????

Seriously, don't you think this has lasted enough?



I´m still waiting for a proof. If it is so important for the Zetas to help us, it would be great if they proof their existence and proof their contacts with Maya, Ed, etc. Maybe you can argue we must have faith and that we are the only one loosing something if we don´t believe, etc, etc. But you have to considerer 2 points:

- as y sad, if Zetas are interested in helping, they (and their contacts in earth) cannot have such attitude. If they want help, proof your existence.

- we cannot have blind faith and think "Well, Maya is swearing that is truth,so it is truth". There are many liars in the world, capable of creating the most amazing and and well founded (only in apperance) lies.

As Carl Sagan said once: "Great facts demand great proofs". I hope you can understand my point view, since i´m not atacking as you may think. I just want some proof, and i don´t expect answers like "Humanity is not prepared". Answers like that are just a way to escape to the real question. " I beilieve because it feels good" it is not a valid answer too. Feelings are just a  part on beliefs.

If i´m lying about something i will give such kind of sublime evasive answers.

Once again, i´m not atacking any one. Please, consider this point view, of someone that saw many lies in this world. Consider too, that if this are the days of the end, as many speaks, we must consider that it is the time of the "false prophets" and no one can believe in no one. Anyone could be a false prophet.

Maya, Ed and the others, what do you think on this ideas?

I love you!


I think one thing that was said many times over and over again is that no one is telling you to believe in anything. Whats going on is that an idea is being presented, and you can investigate it for your self. After your investigation is done then you can choose if you bealive it to be false or true. If my memory serves me it does not seem like ever in this thread that anybody is forcing anybody to bealive in aliens.



Yes, i agree with you, no one is forcing no one, but if they exist it would be of great importance if they could give us some final proof. "I want to believe", but i don´t want to believe in anything that it´s in front of me.

Does anybody here understanding my point of view?
I love you!


Hi Kazbadan,

I understand what you mean. But if you think about it, everything that is on a spiritual level is rather hard to prove.

The existence of OBE, of ghosts, of telepathy, etc. are things that are hard to prove. Even when there are proofs, people are not satisfied and still want something more concrete. Can you prove God exists, or that you'll live after your "death"?

I totally agree with bennypr2002 who says so well "an idea is being presented, and you can investigate it for your self. After your investigation is done then you can choose if you believe it to be false or true." Good posts bennypr2002.

Anyway, Kazbadan, your need for proofs was heard. Can you go beyond that now?



Hello astralpulse members.. friends :)
This thread is getting so BIG..

I was just wondering if the people who write things like "mayatnik is a cult leader" or "why couldn`t we all get alonf" or "the people who are against mayatnik should leave this thread" have really read all the pages of this thread.. because this things have been argued about a thousand times !!
