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Astral Swords

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Not me
I havent had *to many out of place things
Generally my obe's are low level, and very realistic

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/You must try some of my purple berries.
I've been eating them for 6 or 7 weeks now, haven't got sick once.
Prolly keep us both alive.

Mathias Jonsson

Hello Fenris!

I´m new to this technique, but to me it seems that the sword in some way has to be connected with the Spirit to be effective, or magically charged in some other way.

Some astral weapons might be more effective, Robert mentions a laser gun (which might be apt as the laser-beam easily might resemble the brilliant light that is needed), but the magical sword is symbolically connected to Spirit so it is a traditional symbol of defense, used in evocations, etc. I remember one attack I had in the past, in a sort of lucid dream, the negs were present as a grey-dark sphere and I visualized a long sword holding it against them and they reacted with something resembling rage.

Visualizing the sword with the point upwards and calling down brilliant light from the higher self/Kether is one way - this is also a ritualistic gesture that is used in invoking Spirit. A prayer to the higher self might be effective or the godname  and Archangel name of kether: EHEIEH METATRON, or the godname/ARchangel name of Mars/Geburah: ELOHIM GEBOR KAMAEL.
As the Archangel Michael is closely connected with exorcism his name might be used.

I haven´t tried using the Enochian godnames, although I´m very tempted as I´m very fascinated by this system, but one must be very cautious as Enochian is a VERY powerful system,  it  might be a bit hazardous maybe to experiment with it in this context, unless you are an experienced Enochian magician.

But whatever technique you try, the real key seems to be very concentrated, visualize as good as you can, hack at the damn negs with all your strength and you will succeed eventually.

Good luck and may the force be with you! :)
(I´m sorry, I couldn´t resist giving this silly quote as the Star Wars influence is becoming more and more felt)




Mathias Jonsson- thanks for the advice. I not experienced with the Enochian system (still fairly new to cerimonial magic) but I have always found working with Michael comfortable so I would perhaps be better off seeking its assistance for this type of thing.

Two points for the Star Wars quote" border=0>

Veni Vidi Vici


Fenris, a little OT, but where did you start? I too wish to start learning, but have no idea where to turn :P


- Ashfo


G,day Ashfo

Thats cool, I am compleatly comfortable with taking the topic off the wall" border=0>

Here is the long winded version!

Ok personaly my work with magic began when I was about 14 or so, I just felt an absolute urge to start learning, I could not ignore it! I started reading a lot on wicca and the wiccan religion and figured it was for me. You can find Wiccan books in practically any book store. I reached a point with wiccan literature that Id buy a book and learn nothing new from it, infact I started to really critically read into peoples work, it was at this point that I decided that I was ready to start reading into new areas. I basically was chating to one of the staff at what is probably one of if not the biggest estoric/New age book shops in the Southern Hemisphere. They had all of these books from another store which went bankrupt and were selling them for the US price (half price pretty much). Im not sure of the guys backgroud but he really knows his stuff, he basically pointed out a bunch of books which he felt were great for getting a feel for cerimonial magic. I bought two clasic books by Regardie, The middle pillar and Self initation into the Golden Dawn tradition. Hence my recent beginings with cerimonial magic.

There are plenty of books on basic cerimonial magic out there but I do feel that my background with wiccan magic has been invaluable. You see to put it simply ceremonial magic is very much done to the letter, and adepts and authours disagree over what might seem the most mundane things. Where as with wiccan magic (which draws from many traditions) self adaptation is almost preached. It is my personal opinion that once you get led to believe there is only one way to do somthing in magic you create a mental block which prevents you from doing well with other systems. For example if you have read a really elaborate way to cast a protective circle and you have always followed it to the letter, when the day comes that you dont have your ritual tools and you only have your own mind,  the circle you cast mentally will not be as effective as the persons who thinks that you cast a cirlcle how ever you want to. In a sence as soon as you believe that something is cut in stone you lose the ability to do otherwise, and that is a skill lost, its best to have good ideas than beliefs when it comes to magic (My opinion).

So if you are looking for somewhere to start look for specialist bookshops, but dont forget the limitless amount of knowledge on the web. Web sites will never go as indepth as a good book but there great for getting a feel for things. But most importantly dont settle for any one area of magic until you have looked at many. My personal  experience has only been with two broad areas of magic, but there are many others. I have not settled for any particular path and I have a lot of learning to do! There may be some other people on this forum with a lot more knowledge and experience than me who could perhaps contribute to this.

I could go on for hours, please ask any questions you have, the only stupid question is the one you dont ask! If you would like to you could open up something in the astral chat section where we can have a nice legit magical knowledge sharing place!

Best regards

Veni Vidi Vici


Thanks very much for your reply :) Im only 15.. going through what I guess you could call a "spiritual revolution".

I use the net for many things but so much of it is so amazingly incorrect that when your a novice at something it can be dangerous. Books generally tend to be more correct as they had to go through the whole publishing business and take a greater commitment (which would usually suggest someone who is more deeply involved).

I know what you mean when you talk of setting something in stone - I sometimes get worried that if I read up too much I'll become so involved in everyone elses theories that I wont have my revolutionary discoveries :P

Ill check into a bookstore this weekend and look for a book on Wiccan magic, any titles you might suggest?

This is perhaps one of the silly questions you mentioned: Is ceremonial magick the only type? Like, could someone who is powerful in magick perform spells without rituals instantaneously?

And is there any difference between magic and magick?

- Ashfo


Hey Ashfo

No! There are no stupid questions!!!! Sometimes stupid answers but no stupid questions" border=0>

--is there any difference between magic and magick?

Nup, a famous guy called Alister Crowley (think spelling is all good!) I believe was the first to call it magick, the basic idea I think was to clearly differentiate between stage show magic and the manipulation of energy to create change (spellwork more or less). Personally I usually use magic, and if Im writing to an intonated audience who use magick Ill spell it that way- its not something I get all worked up over!

Anything is possible! You will find that it is very easy for an everyday person to create change just by thinking about it! Thought ALWAYS creates change, the change is just usually too subtle to notice. One can learn to focus their intent and crank the intensity dial of their thought to create a more direct change. Ceremonial magic uses symbolism to communicate with the subconscious mind, and involves the invocation of deities and entities when to be nice and clear aid in the work being preformed. The concept of symbolism and the reasoning behind the tools and elaborate design of ceremonial  magic gets more complicated than this (as you would expect) but there is no need to fill your head with such information at this stage in your ed-u-mak-at-ion.  

I guess you probably meant can people work magic like on TV?, like Willow from Buffy for example (drool" border=0> ). Well to your annoyance I will say yes and no! And of course anything is possible! You can learn to do a lot of things with visualisation (which is imagination- don't let people give you the idea that you need a crystal clear image in your mind). For example you can create shields which protect you or make you hard to notice just by visualising it, but I am yet to meet someone who can say something in latin and make something appear.

Ive gota go, feel free to post more questions, or better yet you can email me anytime you like!

oh, try Scott Cunningham for a good place to start getting an understanding, his book Living Wicca is pretty good in that respect. But remember that wicca is a religion and you dont need to be wiccan for the skills you read in wiccan texts to work!


Veni Vidi Vici


heheh, thanks very much for your reply!

I was infact thinking more along the lines of LotR than Buffy (though it would be pretty cool if someone that sexy could also throw you across the room) but I think I'm starting to get a clearer understanding already :)

Basically Im worried about dabbling in the wrong thing to begin with; I dont want to close my mind off in any way (the reason Im practising NEW, looking for a teacher for Reiki and looking for a martial art to take up) and you suggested Wiccan magic is a more "open" school of magic in that regard, right?

I will buy a book soon and no doubt overwhelm you with questions then :)

So Scott Cunningham hmm? Alritey then.

- Ashfo


A hoy hoy Ashfo

If your worrid about chosing the wrong path to start with just remember this, dont believe everything you read, just because someones writes like an authority dosn't make them right. And also just read heaps, keep what ideas make sence to you and discard the rest. Come back to what you discard in a years time or so when you know heaps more. It may make sence to you then, and by doing this you have a safety net that you will never miss out on any really good ideas you ignored previously. As long as you just follow your interests and instincts, dont take anything as being set in stone and dont commit to any one path (via initiation or others influence) until you are crystal clear of what you are doing...You will land on your feet everytime and be A-O K!!!

But one thing I will urge you to always do is to follow the rule of 'and ye harm none' and develope an understanding of what this means very early (seek others opinions to help you). Dabling and playing around with magic is perfectly normal for people taking up this path, just follow this rule.

By all means ask me as many questions as you like whenever you want, if I cant answer it I can find an answer for you and we both learn!!! So ask anything you like. And the only stupid question is the one you dont ask!!!

Ill try and remember to email you some things soon that will help you out!

By Z by


Veni Vidi Vici


The way I understand it comes from another book on the subject of astral projection. It said that objects created consciously and deliberately need to be supported by the same sort of awareness. Calling for a sword causes the subconscious mind to create and sustain the object. It is better when fighting with a sword to be able to concentrate on fighting rather than concentrating on not letting the sword melt away.

Most of the other posts here are difficult for me to understand. Maybe someone else already said something similar or explained why what I think is wrong. I hope not.


Fenris, I went to the biggest bookstore in my town and there was nothing on the subject.

The closest thing I found at all was something on the Fatima sightings, which I bought anyway, but nothing on Wiccan magic.

If I had a CC id buy from Amazon, but I dont, so hmm... I guess I'll have to wait till I go to a bigger town and have a look there :)

- Ashfo


Ashfo" border=0> Hmmm well such is the way of your cold little country I guess" border=0>

Not to dispare I can help out until you find that better book shop, dont forget that it might be possible to find the publishers detailes for a book you want over the net and have your book shop order it? Just a thought.

In the mean time I will email you some stuff that will help with your understanding of it all. But some good advice I was recently given is that no matter what path you choose (eg wicca, cerimonial, martial arts ect ect ect) you will benefit from energy work and meditation. Even if you cant buy Roberts Astral Dynamics he has his tutorials on the main page which you could print out. If you arn't already I recomend that you start work with NEW now.

Ok Ill start soting through what I have on my computer and sending you whatever I think may help you  over the next few days.

Best regards

Veni Vidi Vici


Thanks very much Fenris.

I'm ordering RBs Astral Dynamics through Amazon as soon as my pa sends another order, and I have read through his NEW article and am starting to work with it :)

Thanks very much for all your help... it is really hard to get started on such things without help :)

- Ashfo


Your most welcome!

Im always only an email away, oh by the way be sure to check your hotmail account! (if you havn't already) I sent some stuff to you.

best of luck!


Veni Vidi Vici



Im curious about the astral swords RB discusses in Astral Dynamics, the way you 'call' for the sword makes it seem that it is more than just a visualisation, almost a kind of inheritance (for lack of better word). If anyone is familure with using a personal astral sword and knows if it is more than just a visualisation please tell!

Regards David

Veni Vidi Vici