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Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions

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In relation to Hale-Bopp, is the mothership what caused the whole "companion" or "satellite" hype whatever with the comet?  I did read somewhere that "they" (the comet enthusiasts) have discovered a satellite or companion type body orbiting the comet, but was supposedly covered up by NASA.  I also read that NASA keeps covering up the Planet X thing by covering up any discoveries that might leak, or shut down the SOHO LASCO and EIT feeds.  I tend to believe that the breaks in the data from SOHO is intereference, or the risk of malfunction when a CME comes this way, but however, they have noticed that whenever comets go by and cause a form of discharge from Sol, the feeds are cut. Like I said, I still believe thatthe breaks in the SOHO feed is just safety concerns with the spacecraft and nothing more.  However, I have noticed the solar cycle is starting to peak again.  What is the cause of that?  Solar Cycle 23 has been the most unique of ALL the solar cycles on record (it did produce two nice auroral shows here, 43 degrees north latitude, both out of God only knows how many I have missed)


Has anyone actually met any of these aliens on an astral trip?

I ask, because this actually happened to me again the other night. I didn't call for a guide and wasn't looking for alien contact though. But somehow, I got 'intercepted' while in the astral.

When I woke up, I asked the pendulum:

Had I simply 'made up' the scenario in the astral? No
Was I in front of the computer of some alien species? Yes
Was this alien species the Pleiadians? No
Were they the Zetas? No
Do I know the name of the species? No
Was this the same species I met the last time in the astral? No

I realize this thread is for conversations with the Zetas via the pendulum, but the questions that I asked seemed in line with questions that some people have asked here. So if you don't want me to post these anymore (if I have any more sessions with them) please let me know. You won't hurt my feelings at all. So please be honest.

I'm not sure if these are useful to you all or not. I honestly hadn't intended to try and gather information for public use. I was purely asking for my own personal curiousity. I've pasted an excerpt from my dream journal below, containing the events surrounding this experience:

Something happens next, but I don't remember what it is. I'm now in front of a huge computer screen. Its about 1/2 the size of the screens in movie theatres. I realize that it will answer any questions I ask.

I don't type in questions, but I think them. As I think them, they appear on the screen. Then I see the answer appear right after the question. I have some trouble controlling my thoughts. I tend to think a lot of things at once and they appear jumbled on the screen. The first several questions, I had to re-think several times before they appeared in some kind of coherent context.

I remember other people in the room with me, I didn't see them, but sensed them there. I remember also tuning them out as best as I could. I was focusing very hard on understanding and remembering every question and answer. I really wanted to retain what it told me. But, of course, I only remembered some of them.

Did Jesus die to forgive all of our sins? No was the answer.

Then the screen changed and I'm inside the image. There is a man that reminded me of Patrick Stewart. He was inside a large, hollow ball. The bottom half of the ball was red. The top half of the ball was all glass. The man was dressed completely in red. The circle was sitting on the very top of a very tall/thin structure. It reminded me of one of the amusement park rides I saw in Vegas on a show. There is a steeple on the top of one of the casinos and the ride sits you in these chairs and jerks you up to the top. You can see all of the city from there. Then it quickly drops you. I am on the outside of the circle, holding on so I don't fall. I was not fully conscious at the time. So I remember telling myself, I can't fall and if I do, nothing will happen. But the other half of me kept thinking this is REALLY high up in the sky and I didn't like it at all.

Anyways, the man said something about the answer to my question. I must admit that I was a bit preoccupied with my current position at the time, so I don't remember the details. But the gist was that everyone is responsible for their own actions. No one can negate (forgive or correct) your actions but you.

Then I'm back in front of the computer screen.

I mentally ask if Karma is a result of cause and effect? Yes.

Is karma a universal concept? Yes.

Do I have any karma left to atone for? I don't remember the answer to this one.

Did God create the devil? Yes. This answer confused me for a second. Then I remembered that everything was in God, was/is God's creation. So then I re-phrased my question.

Did God give man the free-will to manipulate energy and cause it to create what they want. Thus they created the current form of the devil themselves? Yes.

I had asked a lot more questions than this. But I can't remember the rest. I know I asked about the crucifixion. But I can't remember the answers or other questions.

During the last question I asked, someone behind me said that this will be the last question for this session. I asked something. The response was that the questions will become simpler and the answers more straightforward as I learn to phrase (think) the questions better.

Then there were 4 computer icons that appeared on the screen. They were in a row from left to right. The second monitor on the second one was black, like it was off. The first one had, I think, a white monitor. The third one had a bright blue monitor. I forget the color of the 4th monitor. But one by one, I tell each of the following icons to leave: 1, 3 and 4. I kept the 2nd one on the screen. I told it that I knew it was the only one that could respond. The best I can explain, is that when I say something, this one can respond to verbal commands. But I'm not sure that totally correct. I honestly forget the meaning of that.

Anyways, it then puts up a bunch of lines in a row from left to right (like hangman). Underneath each line, is a number. When I say a number from the number line, the computer will add in a different number that corresponds to the number I read, on the line above it.

Somehow I have memorized what numbers are associated to which ones. And we don't do this in order, although I don't know why. I skip around saying random numbers on the screen. As soon as I say a number, the computer responds just as quickly. Its fun, because we are doing very well. At one point, the computer gets a bit ahead of me and adds a number right as I say the number. That throws me off for a second. But then we complete the numbers. End of experience.

I don't know what the significance of the 'numbers game' at the end was. But I did get the sense that I would be back there sometime and allowed to ask more questions.

Reality is what you perceive it to be.



I have some questions too.............

Are these Zeta Reticuli the same Grey's that are described as being around 3feet 6inches in height ?

Are they the same Grey's that I have seen and had contact with since my birth ?

Who then do you say are the taller (around 5 feet in height) pale coloured Grey's ?

Would they describe the Higher-Self/Guide connections ?

Will the 'pole shift' follow the description layed out by Albert Einstien ?

If they are here to help us humans, then why is the information given so far been the same information that can be found in a multitude of other available sources ?

Why are these people involved in 'The Project' being assigned Guides who they do not meet face to face in order to truly know if the beings/entitiies that are responding are their True Spiritual Guides ?

Who has deemed themselves to be on a level where they can ASSIGN any humanly-incarnating Soul a Guide ?

I would appreciate honest answers to these questions from the 'Zetas'

Now, for the humans who are involved here, I have some questions......

Have any of you so much as studied the UFO and Abduction data that illustrates who and what the Zeta Grey are ?

Have any of the 'appointed' teachers had physical or astral contact with these Zetas ?

Have any of you really asked the BIG questions ?  

Like, what is really behind this phenomena?  

Why won't the Responder's to these questions supply answers that contain detailed information on the mechanics of the proposed 'shift' that they say is about to occur ?  And please don't fob me off with the standard answers here.

Why is it that the 'appointed' are people who came to the Pulse in recent months and who initially claimed no experience of Spiritual Journeys and other connections ?

Are any of you even slightly aware of the undercurrents and agendas that some people (who do not post here anymore) have felt ?

Why is it that a moderator here felt the need to reiterate three times that "there are no reasons to question this" ??  When the responsibility of his position should insist that he informs us to QUESTION EVERYTHING.

Why too are the 3 or 4 people who had trouble with what is presented here now reffered to as if they were problematic or foolish types, when the reverse was obviously true to many others ?

Please think well on these questions, and if you wish, then please go to page 28 of "And the Truth will be known..." and read the post I placed there  It provides a little more detail.

Thank you for bearing with me.

Love Always. Tayesin.[:)]


I really liked your questions. I can't answer for the others, but I'll give you my own responses. Addressing your first group of questions, to my knowledge, I have not contacted or been contacted by the Zeta or Pleaidians. So I will skip those.

Regarding your second set of questions. I had posted somewhere on these threads that I have never been a 'follower' of UFO sightings or abductions. I personally believe that there is intelligent life on planets other than Earth. I believe that some of the people who say they've been contacted or abducted could have been telling the truth. But I think a lot of the stuff reported is 'hype'. Again, I have no research to back this up. This is just my perception based on what I've read/heard. And as I said, I haven't felt myself personally attracted to that area, so I have not researched anything there.

My interest in the pendulum thread was purely for divining purposes. My goal was not to contact a spirit guide or an alien. My goal was to contact my higher self. That's still my goal.

I have been conversing with a being(s) via the pendulum. But again, as I've posted a few times, I still have not yet developed a comfort level as to the identity of the being with whom I'm communicating. It has never said that it was a Pleiadian or Zeta. Sometimes it says its my higher self and other times it says its an alien. The varying of these answers is one of the frustrating things I am facing right now.

I have posted on this thread, two astral trips involving what 'could' be aliens. I say could be, because I'm not positive. I do understand that in the astral plane, our thoughts affect the environment. In the first experience, I specifically asked if the beings I was with were aliens. They then 'turned' to aliens. So were they actually aliens, or did they change to adjust to my question? I don't know.

The second trip, I was not thinking of aliens at all. In fact, I was focused on a totally diffent goal and yet ended up with a group of beings who allowed me to 'research' my own spiritual questions using something in the astral that I likened to a computer.

I personally beleive that we each will describe the same astral experience differently because each of us are different individuals. And while the concept will be common, the impression of details will vary in such a way as to best be understood by each individual person having the experience. So, I while I know these experiences happened and I remember them very clearly. I can't say for certain that I met any aliens, let alone these specific ones, because they could have been simply other astral beings conforming to my mental focus at the time. But regardless, I shared them on this thread in case others found them useful.

I am not personally focused on the pole shift or anything catastrophic as related to your next few questions. Which is why I didn't ask them in my two astral trips. So I'll leave those answers to others.

I found this site a few months ago. In fact, I think Mayatnik first posted within a week or so of my joining. All I can say is that, for me personally, this was a coincidence.

I have made my views regarding the 'debate' on these threads known already and I don't want to re-hash it again. So I won't speak to those questions either.

I hope that answers some of the information that I personally have posted here for you.
Reality is what you perceive it to be.


Tayesin - nice set of questions.

If anybody has any questions, try to get them in so they can all be answered at once, as I have been told will happen.

After contacting Mayatnik and Edi online and working a little with telepathy will no real success so far, I should still naturally be undecided. A part of me is saying "this stuff is real, you just need to work at it," a smaller part is saying "this stuff is real and you should persue it all that you can," and the part that I feel most comfortable and natural with is saying "Hey.. lay back. You've got other things going on right now, and even if this stuff is real, it's not that important right now. If earthquakes start up and volcanos start erupting and the pole shift starts, head for the mountains, but until then, everything's fine."

Right now I'm going with that last 'feeling', as it seems most natural to me and is more 'me' than the other two. Going at this sort of thing full-blast and expecting to hear voices in my hear in a matter of hours doesn't seem right and I'm uncomfortable with trying. I'm still open-minded to all of this and for the sake of argument I often suppose it's accurate, but for the record, my personal results so far with telepathy.. haven't gotten me far. There was a time or two while I was talking with Edi when I felt as though something had entered my head that was totally not me and it was inspiring at the time, I guess, but at the same time I didn't feel like this voice needed to come through too urgently at this period in time for me. I would like to see answers to these questions, though.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


E: I am concerned about maybe not being able to answer questions in full detail if I myself miss some background knowledge. To what extent is it necessary that I know what it is that I ask about?
P: If you have absolutely no idea of it, it's sometimes more difficult to bring your mind into the right direction. In this case, you would have to ask some general questions first to get an idea about the topic, and narrow it down. When you got this first idea, this core idea in your mind, there will be a certain set of associations in your mind coming into your field of view, depending on how much you know about this topic. You can then easily respond to telepathic input in that area.
E: So if I know nothing about something I ask you about, I can only get a superficial description?
P: You can get into details of course, but it needs effort and active thinking from your side.
E: Okay... can we then let the Zetas answer some questions?
P: Yes, they are ready...
Z: Hi.
E: Hello.
Z: We would just start with the questions if you agree, there's nothing else to discuss at the moment.

no_leaf_clover: (1) Do beings that have visited Earth in the past inhabit the planet you spoke of, and if so, how exactly do they survive the extreme temperatures normally associated with 'deep space'?

E: I think this question referrs to Nibiru...
Z: Yes. Beings do exist on this planet. Normally, a planet that far from sun would be assumed to have very low temperatures, as they are measured on the outer planets in this solar system. The key to a well-temperated planet which can support life, is the atmosphere. If you look at Mercury, you have bot extreme heat and extreme cold, because it's atmosphere is in no way similar to the earths.
E: Does Mercury have an atmosphere at all?
Z: No. So you see, life on a planet far from sun would need an atmosphere which doesn't give off heat, in addition to technology which is able to increase the temperature. You find both on Nibiru.
E: Is it natural for Nibiru's atmosphere to keep it's temperature in the inside? I can't imagine how this would be possible.
Z: It is not natural, it needs to be kept this way by the beings inhabiting the planet. They are using gold particles which are placed in the outer edge of the atmosphere. This keeps the loss of temperature rather low. Additionally, this gold is heated up to some extent to keep the temperature almost constant.
E: How would they heat it up?
Z: It's comparable to microwaves. Some radiation which can be produced at the surface is sent up to give it's energy off to the gold.
E: Isn't the atmosphere already too thin up there for the gold to heat up something then?
Z: No. Consider first that this planet is several times heavier than the earth, which results in the atmosphere being denser than on earth overall. And even if the gold is in the outer edge, it's still like an 'electric blanket'.
E: Wouldn't this need lots of gold? I mean, HUGE amounts?
Z: Yes. This is why those people of Nibiru came on earth to mine some gold here.
E: What about light... if they have no sun near Nibiru, do they have lamps everywhere? Or fluorescent plants?
Z: No fluorescent plants. The gold in the atmosphere doesn't shine, either. This means they have to use artificial lighting everywhere.
E: Isn't this bad for their health?
Z: They are used to it, and their medicine can deal with possible effects of it easily.

(2) Who were those that the Sumerians called 'Annunaki'?

Z: You've heard that it could be translated as 'those who came from the sky'. It was not one single alien species.
E: Where did they come from?
Z: They came from the planet called Nibiru, mostly.
E: Most, but not all? Who were the others?
Z: Beings from all over the universe were on earth from time to time; but those the Sumerians refer to are essentially from Nibiru.
E: And what did they do on earth?
Z: They were here to mine gold.  

(3) If work published by Zecharia Sitchin is accurate, then there must be possibilities that 'Nibiru' is being ruled by either Enki or Enlil's side of Anu's line. Is this the case? If so, how will this race of beings be involved in the upcoming major events?

Z: Enki and Enlil are still living.
E: Does one of them rule over Nibiru?
Z: Yes. They do not rule together, although they came to terms with each other. The one who rules is Enki.
E: How will they be involved in possible upcoming events?
Z: We are not allowed to comment in too great detail about it.
E: Why not?
Z: Because humanity still has to make choices on its own. It would not be right to reveal everything that might happen because this would infer with the natural development. Similarly it wouldn't be good for most people if they knew the exact day they are about to die.
E: Are things like death totally fixed in advance?
Z: No. But there are some influences, which in the end determine when death occurs. Nothing like this occurs by accident - death does not strike randomly.
E: Please comment on Nibiru-beings' involvement with us, as far as this is allowed?
Z: They will reveal themselves. They are not about to bring destruction to earth, as this would not be allowed. Basically they will offer a way to go to humanity, which can be chosen or not. When this will be, we cannot say.

(4) Who really built the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx and why?

Z: They were built by the inhabitants of Nibiru as a navigational aid.
E: Did those beings visit earth from time to time?
Z: Yes.

(5) Are there still undiscovered structures underground Giza?

Z: No.
E: Are those structures known to the public?
Z: No.

Michael_E: 1. The leaders of our nations make obtaining money a priority, according to them how much money a nation has or is worth is the main indicator of that nations development. What would be some good alternative priorities for our leaders to set,now, to more accurately measure a nations development?

Z: The way of living of its people would be a possible measure... meaning if they are cared for medically, if everyone has access to enough food and other basic things necessary for living. If all basic requirements are met, one could measure the amount of luxury, free time, culture, science etc., and maybe the amount of conflicts.

2. Is the amount of physical disease in the world related to the conditioning that takes place to support our leaders priorities?

Z: Most of the physical diseases in this world are totally unnecessary. Conditioning to support leaders isn't the bad thing - the bad thing is that the supported leaders don't care for people's health.
E: What about 'Karma' here... aren't diseases necessary to fulfill personal karma?
Z: No. What you call Karma is basically just a notice, by some occurence, for a human to learn something, to pick up information necessary for his development. This could happen on other ways than physical diseases.

3. Do you think protests are a good way to bring about social or political change? Why or why not?

Z: What else would you do, facing injustice, than protesting against it? If you are certain of something, stand up for it when others try to control your life.

4. are the recently discovered active volcanoes in Chile directly related to or because of the pole shift?

Z: Yes... more volcanoes will get active in the time preceding the pole-shift; not only a few, but lots of, so it will be really clear when something is about to happen.

5. I hope this doesnt open a can of worms but... What are your thoughts on homosexuality?

Z: It is a naturally occurring form of sexuality which should be respected as all others.

6. How do you reporduce?

Z: By cloning. Yes, the classical image: taking some cells, mixing the DNA together, and growing them in a tube of liquid.

Novice: 1) I understand that we live in the 3rd density. But what is the 4th density, in our terms? Is it what we call the real time zone and can be seen from our ethereal bodies? Or is it somewhere in the astral plane? Can you give some examples of how life for us will differ in the 4th density?

Z: It is not the real-time zone. But it is very similar, only on a different plane. 4th density is not an existing place you will go to, but rather the reality you will be in after the photon belt has raised your vibration.
E: Will reality be solid, or just wobbly and easily be changed by thought?
Z: Reality will still be solid and appear physical as it does now, but thought will also become more 'solid' - this will as an example make levitation possible.
E: Will our perception of time change?
Z: You will still live in continuous time, although the subjective experience of going through time could be controlled to some extent by your intent - meaning by concentration you could be able to make the time you experience pass slightly slower or faster.
E: So things will appear the same, but our minds can influence them more easily?
Z: Yes... your mind will be able to interact better with the physicality surrounding you; telepathy among humans will be common and easier than today. Your mind will affect your bodies to an even greater extent than now already, regarding appearance and health.

2) There are many theories on our dreams; their source, their meaning, etc. ... can they elobarate on what dreams are and how they are used by humans and how other beings can affect/view them.

Z: Your descriptions of what happens in dreams do not exclude each other. When consciousness leaves the body, it normally has to process things that occured during the day. This can happen automatically, when the subconscious just releases whatever it wants to have processed by the conscious mind, so a dream forms in this case, which is essential for the subconscious mind to function properly. Things which are suppressed during the day can then surface in a dream. The idea of dream schools is correct - it happens regularly that you visit a certain scenario during your dreams which is not produced by your own mind. This means you are either experiencing a dream scenario which was specifically created for you to have a specific experience, or you are somewhere in the non-physical receiving instructions, advices and teachings for your life.
E: How do other beings affect our dreams?
Z: If it is a dream scenario created for you, it is like you were watching, or rather being in a video film. Technology to create such films is available to us and other species watching over the earth. If it is not such a video, and your mind is not in 'class' at the moment, it can be wandering around and exploring whatever region it is in, for example what you call the astral plane, more or less conscious.

3) Could you elaborate further on this 'merging' of the physical bodies (between Zetas and humans)? I must admit that one sounded like something out of a Stephen King novel to me. So could you explain as best as possible how you are currently achieving this? What are considered "the best" traits from each body to achieve or merge together? Who decides which is "the best"? If this merger is not by 'your' decision, then who instructed or explained to you that this should be done? I believe you mentioned that this was already underway. What signs, if any, can be seen or identified with these hybrid beings?

Z: We are still doing lots of research on how to create the best next physical vehicle. A big part of this is seeing how certain DNA combinations are doing in action - a few thousand humans all over the earth carry those genes in them (they agreed to this before they incarnated) and are watched closely. By this, we want to see what combinations are suited best for life on earth, and  how our own genes are able to be mixed with human genes. This will still need much time, and although we already are developing hybrids by fertilizing certain women and removing the unborn hybrid child after a few few months, your human body will still be the "normal" body for entities incarnating on earth for the next few hundred years.
E: What are the best traits of each?
Z: We will contribute mental capacity. You will contribute emotions.
E: Is this all?
Z: Of course not.. you will keep most things you like and are familiar with, as sexuality, your overall physical appearance and your individuality. We will bring long lifespan, intelligence, and lack of violence among ourselves.
E: Who decides which is "the best"?
Z: It is voted upon by us and beings which are not incarnated on earth at the moment but will be so in the future.
E: Who is behind this merger?
Z: It is common all over the universe for 2 species to merge at some point in their evolution by mixing their genetic material. This is part of the game you could call "fusion of opposites" - this universe is about polarities coming together to learn respect for each other, on all imagineable levels. There is a organizational structure we call 'Council of Worlds' which oversees all these developments, lays out rules to be followed by all who are involved, and give permission or instructions on what is to be done.
E: How can these hybrid beings be identified?
Z: It is not time for them yet to appear publicly. But if you see one then, it will be obvious. This will not happen for some time, though.

E: Okay... did I get everything you wanted to say, and did I write it down correctly?
Z: Yes. We would like to see this transcript published as is.
P: I can confirm the Zetas' approvement.
E: Good - thank you then for this conversation.
it's love you're looking for


The one who rules is Enki.

Greek Poseidon. [:D] Congrats to Enki!

Thanks for the information. It's greatly appreciated, Edi.
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?



I came across this site
Edi could you please check it out when you have some free time?


Risu no Kairu

OK, this "Fourth Dimension," you say it's kind of inbetween what we call our third dimensional reality, and the the real time zone?  Are out of body experince still able to happen once we're in 4D? Could we go back to 3D anytime we wanted? Are there any lower dimensions than our 3D? I don't mean things like "oh, yeah, 2D, where you have width and heigth," but,like, our  dimension, astral, higher, like that.

The Bible Code, is it real? If it is, who came up with it?

These other alien species on the ship, could you describe them? What does the ship look like? What's it orbit? Are there certain times that people can see it? Do you guys like chocolate?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


The Bible Code, is it real? If it is, who came up with it?

I just saw a program on one of the Discovery Channels about that, and it's really weird. We are told we are in control of our future, yet all of the big things that have happened through history (The World Wars, Einstein, even Sept. 11 and the recent war in Iraq) are encoded into the Hebrew Bible and even future events are predicted, like a big Californian earthquake in 2010, an outbreak of smallpox along with a rise in terrorism, and a comet slamming into Earth. And chocolate.. That's another good question. Chocolate has been around for thousands of years and has been proven to reduce pain for whatever reason.

What exactly was the Flatwoods Monster? Was that one of the species that's been monitoring Earth? Do you Zetas listen to music for entertainment or is that something that applies more to beings that have emotion?
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Wow.. Edi nice job.. I haven`t had the time to read all the post until now.. so i haven`t posted.. Now i have read it all and i have some questions too..

So here we go:

1). After the pole shift would it be some kind of a drastic change in our social life - what i mean is will we be living like we do now in houses and tall buildings or more like trees and something like that OR in  more advanced buildings..

2). Zeta tells us they are more spiritually evolved than we are.. They also say they lost their emotions and that they are based more on technology than on nature and mind thoughts creation or something like that.. How come - why do they need teachnology for ?

3). Zetas.. you told us that you can not give us a specific date.. but on zetatalk  it says that Nibiru is somewhere near Saturn and it also says that it takes 3 months for the Nibiru planet to pass through our Solar System.. So we have a date.. Logically the pole shift will appear in maximum ONE month.. Or are you not in contact with Zetatalk (you said you are)...  Where did you spread false information.. here or there ?

4). You want to unify the 2 species... The Humans have nothing to say about that ? I for example am against it..

5). You feel no love.. but are VERY intelligent.. you also want to use our DNA to help yourselves evolve.. You also said the pole shift is outside triggered.. and also that the pole shift will bring mass death.. That sounds EVIL in my opinion.. So it means your intentions in helping yourselves, is for you to evolve, not to help us (the main purpouse i`m refering to) ? - i am asking you.. not attacking - though if you feel nothing, can you take offence ?

6). What is you bussines on this site ? If you want to help people you aren`t helping many.. you could appear on TV and really help.. This internet propaganda (if i may call it like that) is not really helping your cause in my opinion, because the majority of people see it as mambo-jambo.. because HEY ! this is internet :)

7). (and the last one - sorry for the length of this post) Are there an infinite number of dimensions ? And what about below 1D ?? Is there 1D ? Or 2d ?

Thanks again Edi for your time spent on this,

Risu no Kairu

Are you sure it wasn't the History Channel?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


). Zetas.. you told us that you can not give us a specific date.. but on zetatalk it says that Nibiru is somewhere near Saturn and it also says that it takes 3 months for the Nibiru planet to pass through our Solar System.. So we have a date.. Logically the pole shift will appear in maximum ONE month.. Or are you not in contact with Zetatalk (you said you are)... Where did you spread false information.. here or there ?

If Nibiru is actually near Saturn, we can mathematically draw a rough estimate of when Nibiru will reach its perihelion based on the Sumerian's estimate on a 3600-year orbit and the size of the asteroid belt.

My estimate is that if Nibiru is truly near Saturn, then it is 6 to 12 years away from its perihelion (closest point to Earth). That's roughly sometime between 2009 and 2015, but that's only if Nibiru is truly near Saturn and the 3600-year period is somewhat accurate. Coincidentally enough, the average of 2009 and 2015 is 2012.

See .

Just thought I should add that according to the same page, Nibiru will take much longer than three months to pass through the solar system, unlike the information that was in question on the previous post. I must've missed that part before, or forgot to post about it. [:)]
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Dear all,

The communication here is a scam. Please research the available data online regarding so-called Zetas, and use your common sense, aided by a high-school level knowledge of physics, astronomy and psychology. If you would only make the effort to search the web and USENET ( for things like Nancy's e-mail, , you would hopefully be able to see in plain view how things are with Nancy and by extension, Edi. Can you first notice the gross delusion and total incompetence in astronomy and physics evident in Nancy's posts? Then go back to this forum and browse Edi's posts anew. It is evident to a person of good faith that they are making it all up, consciously or unconsciously; it doesn't matter how. In her particular case living under severe delusion for several years while posting plain nonsense to sci.astro newsgroups to advertise herself. Did you notice some of her very hateful posts supposed to be originating from the advanced aliens? What about the numerous statements that her predictions are never wrong? And the multiple missed dates on which something predicted by her was to occur and it did not?

My friendly advice to all who fell into the trap of believing Nancy and Edi: sharpen your filters. Especially the youngest of you. This is garbage, but you may have chosen to believe in it because it is camouflaged in positive generalities successfully de-activating the current spam filters of your mind. Improve your filters now. While the Zeta communications contain a lot of subject matter regarding love, talking about love does not justify talking also huge amounts of nonsense -- repeatedly for many years.

Man exists physically for the sole purpose of developing spiritually -- "Thiaoouba Prophecy" by Michel Desmarquet.
Have you also read "SHE AND I" by the same author? A great book about parenting.

James S

This is the unfortunate part of some of the channeled information that I have seen scattered over the internet - bad science. I won't dispute that there are people in contact with these alien races, what I do dispute is the quality of information being passed on.

I get the impression that a lot of what we see on the internet is the result of someone who has had some successfull communication with an alien race, but has then been pressured into getting more and more answers from them. Instead of stopping to learn and understand the kind of technology and theories that are being put forward by the aliens, which are likely to be either greatly in advance of ours or at least very different, they start misinterpreting things to the point where the only way to put it all together for the avid readers is to make the rest up.

What you end up with from these people's misinterpretations are holes in their theories so big you could fly a starship through them. It looks even worse when the theories being mangled are, as Vesko says, high-school level science. I've seen some "technical" explanations on some sites that are so bad they're actually really funny.



I'd like to make it clear: I'm in no way affiliated to the Zetas besides those transcripts I do here. I don't care about the credibility of the Zetas... if they f**k it up by a wrong answer they give - poor them. I won't stand up and fight for them personally like Nancy did. If you believe this is all made up - do it. I don't make it up, regardless of what other people say. I'm doing this in my spare time every few days, if I'm in the mood, and consider it a minor and temporary exploring activity. And although I happen to be the only one doing this here (others could), please don't see me in any further way connected to Nancy, because I am not. I do not intend to do this for longer than a few weeks, if people here are interested at all. If you say it's garbage - maybe it is? Who claimed the opposite? Did I or someone else ever ask someone to believe it? How could I, I don't even believe all of it myself [:)]
Garbage is all around us anyhow.

Vesko, if you think the Zetas have much to say or do in my life, you're off .. and I don't take it that serious as you ascribe to me.. it's ridiculous how people try to make a "boo-man" out of me. Boo! Scared? :)

If you question the method and say it's all made up - you've got your opinion, and that's it, okay.
If you question the content, if it looks like scam for you - why do you bother? Forget it.
If you are concerned about moral implications of doing such things, as in trapping other people in certain beliefs... I see the point here and admit that it DOES matter if people allow being influenced by such stuff. On the other hand, there's already every possible kind of information on the net, and enough arguments to support belief in ANYTHING, so what happens here makes no difference. We could discuss this in a seperate thread if you like, in my opinion this is the only point worth discussing, the rest is personal opinion.

Love and Sharp Filters [:D]
it's love you're looking for


James S

So far I've seen nothing from your communications that have been beyond your ability to comprehend. The answers they give you, you understand. Besides that, your last post indicates you're not staking your reputation (or livelyhood) on this, so I'm more inclinde to believe that you'll not make anything up just to please the readers.

This I think is the attitude more people channelling should adopt.



the zeta is apparently manipulating some trusting soul to do their bidding. To say the zeta and pleiadians are working together to do the mundane task of answering questons for earthlings entertainment, is just crazy. Has any one heard of a man named Eduard Billy Meier? In his book from the pleiades, he mentions Zeus more than the zeta r. Do not trust the zeta r, they are out to manipulate the emotions of humans for their benefit. For those of you who think  that i'm just a blow hard and that the zeta is Zeus in Billy Meier's book, you are way off base. It would be like saying that the Jews conspired with Hitler and the Nazi's to commit the Holocaust so that the state of Isreal could come into existance. WAIT, their are some out there in cyberland who actually believe that. For the zeta r. the Akahda's sword will find you soon, and to the pleiadians, Ramama is ticked.


Jesus christ, you apply science so directly to such a simple topic that you make this seem to complicated! Its seriously like reading simple english.  But then you incorporate such advanced grammar that it shrouds the simple message.

We really dont need to make anything anymore complicated than it already is. Edi is only one person here answering all your questions. You should feel honored to have someone with this ability to help you.

Love be with all,


>Jesus christ, you apply science so directly to such a simple topic that you make this seem to complicated!

There is no science being applied to this topic, the zeta's are simply a vicious and manipulative race that they have managed to tweek the simple minds.

>But then you incorporate such advanced grammar that it shrouds the simple message.

There was no "advanced grammar" used in my post, for I wanted to keep it simple.  

>You should feel honored to have someone with this ability to help you.

How can one feel "honored" when dealing with anyone who has dealings with the zeta's. A race that is being hunted and runs to earth to hide and then uses lies and deception to perpetuate mankinds enslavement. Have you ever had dealings in the real world with the greys. Do you not know that the pleiadians are members of a great gallactic union that does not have the zetas as members, but views them as renegades. The zetas have a true ally in this deception they are perpetuating on all of you, and that is the race known as the Dracos(or to keep it simple the 'Reptilians'). Do you see these alliens as your God?

Beware of Idols, for what you give power too, will be your doom!


First off... I'm not in cahoots with the "gang" here.  I'm there, but not "there" (for lack of better words).

I don't consider ANYTHING a god anymore.  I'm a Catholic without a god.  It's very odd, aint it?

There's alot we don't know in this world, in this lifetime...  What we all need to do is focus on what we know and expand on it.  Making statements about something you don't know and passing it off as true by making a post about it only tells me you are afraid of believing something.  I could care less if you did or if you didn't!  But let ME have some fun while I'm at it!  [:D]

I hope these verbal 'wars' end soon, and allow me to move on with my life one way or the other.  I'm not too appreciative of having to post things like this [xx(]



First off another great post by you squeek [:D]

what i cant help doing is laughing. I laugh at every comment that says that the Zeta have bad intentions. I laugh at every little 'war' that goes on in this forum. Ramaya, you do not know much about the Zeta i presume? And yet you accuse them of being evil? I dont know i think ill say that you have bad intentions and you are evil, am i right? (well lets hope i am) [:D]

i have not personally delt with the zeta and i do not intend to, just because i dont feel like it...and that it doesnt interest me. But i dont think that they are evil AND i do not worship them as idols...[?]
No body here worships them, they arent "higher" then we are, they just know more and are still learning...we are all the same. Your fear is what makes you so blind Ram, your fear of the zeta blocks you from the light that we are trying to shed onto you.

Now, you must understand that I am not trying to sway you in any direction and that i personally dont care what way you choose, but i want to guide you onto a more enlightened path. Is it so hard to embrace the zeta? I have done so...and many others have too! Why fear? There is no reason to fear anything at all! What is fear? It is the lack on knowledge.

I challenge you to just embrace the Zeta and not fear anything in this world. May it be physical or mental...everything can be overcome and in the end it is for the best.

Love be with all,


  Where you guys see verbal wars I see people expressing their own opinions. When I've made comments about testing "guides" etc.. some have taken it as an attack when it simply was not.

 Some of those posting have been exploring all this stuff for 10-15yrs or more. Their comments are not based upon nothing, some have been on a dedicated spiritual path for awhile and seen a few things--they are not newbies.   Anyway,this will all probably fall on deaf ears anyway.
