Proof Of OBE - and/or - How to Win 1 Milion $

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How long have you been projecting for? 10, 20, 30, 40 years?

I'm interested to see how long it has taken for you to get where you are now.

- Ashfo


Projecting without realising much of what was going on for about 3 years. Then spent around 5 years stuck in what I later termed the Training Ground. After which I've been projecting to the Astral proper for 10 years. So around 18 years in all.

I'm still not too sure where I am in the general scheme of things. That's why, about a year ago, I decided to try and make some real sense of it all: as opposed to simply looking at the Astral as a place to wander round and have adventures.



Mobius and Atlas's exchange on political views has some merit, as it brought up the issue of can or can we not have differing philosophies and still have OBE's. I occasionaly (albeit rarely) have OBE's, but I am with Atlas all the way. Sorry, I do not see at all that he is closed minded or predjudiced. In fact, of all the posters, he seems to have the most potential for not being fooled by the astral reality shifts that so many others are mislead by. I am surprised by all you posters who do nto recognize that it is precisely Atlas's arttitude that is necessary in order to avoid being mislead in the astral world!  He should be encouraged by this, not dismissed as a debunker, for christ's sake!

In my opinion (just opinion!) Mobius is the more bigoted and politically ignorant of the two of them, adopting the common anti-establishment pose of "if it's big, itis evil" and making the common mistake of confusing the abuses of a system for the system itself. Mobius, surely you would agree that TRADE is a good thing, no? If I made windchimes and you made digeridoos (sp?) and I wanted to trade one of mine for one of yours, surely THAT would be OK in your anti-establishment world view, no? If you would agree with that statement, then you do not understand capitalism at all, and I urge you to study it further as a philosophy rather than to mistake it for the results of man's abuse of politics and power.  If you would temporary abandon your predjudice to this deeply spiritual and karmically correct way of fairly exchanging goods and services, I believe that you may find that you have been mislead by your peers into thinking that Capitalism is McDonalds, or Phillip Moris. It is not. It is merely a transformation of trade, (yours for mine), up one demensional level to where this trading system works better and more efficiently for everybody! In other words, what if I do not want a digeridoo, but you DO want a windchime? Capitalism has done far more for humanity than any other system of creative expression and invention. Don't blame the virus's (abusers) for the great program they infiltrated (Capitalism)!

I truly believe that CIA and the NSA is abusing and misusing psychic abilities. Does that mean that the systems we use for inducing OBE's and psychic development are morally wrong? Of course not. In such as case, we clearly see where the blame lies. Not in the system but in the people! Don't make the same mistake with capitalism.

Atlas, keep shrugging.


Dashour,not sure if you have read all the posts, but looks like you defeated your own philosophy. Now I am anti-establishment,as well as communist & marxist,hmmm sounds like you are getting some good exercise from jumping to conclusions.

You answered some questions for yourself on our differing abilities to OBE & our different outlooks on life. I,ve been having OBE's since 6 years old,admitedly had no control until about 21,but had them regularly. I continue to have them when I choose now & put it all down to my beliefs & attitude.
It will be interesting to see if much success is achieved for those with beliefs firmly rooted in the physical,so keep us posted. I am not opposed to trade or the exchange of goods,just capatilism,given the nature of human beings,these days, your enthusiastic push to sell a product results in another country suffering,for no fault of their own.

Good journeys all

Mobius ( apparently now a bigot & ignorant according to dashour)
A rolling stone,gathers no moss


Mobius, forgive me if it was not you who originally called Atlas bigoted and ignorant. My statement was only an attempt to defend what I felt was an unfair statement against him. I have indeed tried to go back and read all the other posts, but my server is real slow here in Indo..........

I am tempted to explain further what I said about capitalism, because most people, as Atlas accurately said, misunderstands that this is a philosophy, not a movement. The definition of Capitalism is not "the effort of big multinational corporations to take over the world". I too, am vehemently opposed to this!  But, I am 100% a capitalist, because I have studied and every other choice, and realize that NO system is by itslef going to solve our worldy problems for us. Only by ourselves overcoming greed and dishonesty and pride and lust will we solve our problems. In a society of fully aware, honest, kind, sharing, compassionate and generous individuals, Capitalism is a beautiful philosophy, and the only one that makes spiritual sense. It does not matter to me that my New Age peers who have never say, read Ayn Rand, or seriously studied Capitalism as a philosophy, would prefer to just spout the latest accepted colloquial wisdoms.  

However: I will from now on stick to the subject related to OBE, as otherwise it is unfair to the other readers, so sorry everybody about previous deviations.

So, The question is: Can two different people have radically different political beliefs and still both be very successful at OBE? My answer would be absolutely, yes, no question about it. Anybody who presumes that one particular politcal stance is somehow more "spiritually correct" and therefore those with that stance will naturally be more sucessfull at OBE, IMHO, is sadly predjudiced and narrow minded. That reeeks of "my religion is better than yours, and God is going to prove it by giving me more access to higher states of consciousness than you will achieve"

I cannot for the life of me imagine a conscious universe that so limits our inate abilites in this way. Our success at OBE most certainly does depend upon our beliefs regarding OBE itself - nearly everybody with even a little experience with this knows the deep connection between one's subconscious programming and success. But to make a suggestion that another persons success would go much faster if he adopted one's own politics seems a bit immature to me. I am not accusing anybody here of doing such a thing, but some have come quite close to that in this thread.  

Love, devotion, surrender,


dashour, can you point me to the bit where I said Atlas was a bigot, can't seem to find it. More misquoting & insinuations, also as I stated before on this topic I don't have a problem with a person choosing to have a religion,each to their own & I never suggested that I have a better religion than any other as I have no religion,so I don't have a religion to compare with you & wouldn't want to convert you or anyone into anything.


" Only by ourselves overcoming greed and dishonesty and pride and lust will we solve our problems. In a society of fully aware, honest, kind, sharing, compassionate and generous individuals, Capitalism is a beautiful philosophy, and the only one that makes spiritual sense."

Yes I would like this too, but I live in a different world it seems,when are all those things going to happen? Honest,kind,sharing,compassionate and generous individuals, don't go with capatilism,how often do you see that happening? I wish people would & could be like that too,the fact is though, it won't be happening soon,so the  imbalance will continue.

dashour can you copy & paste the part of my last post where I suggested that someone would advance so much quicker if they adopted my politics?It does sound immature,that's why I didn't write that.

"But to make a suggestion that another persons success would go much faster if he adopted one's own politics seems a bit immature to me. I am not accusing anybody here of doing such a thing, but some have come quite close to that in this thread"

Good journeys all



Hey Mobius! Relax, take a deep breath! You really do need to read just a little bit slower my friend. I have gone out of my way to firstly apologize to you if indeed I mistook you for the person who used the words "bigoted and predjudiced".  I then offered an explanation of how and why I made that honest mistake. Then later on in the text, I specifically stated that I was not directly accusing any of the posters of anything.  Further, regarding religion, I used this as an ANOLOGY to the politcal stance issue, not as the example you treated it to be. It was a literary device, a simile. In other words, "This........., is like......"

This last post of yours gives me the impression that you have missed all that, and feel attacked.  Don't worry, I love you! Words are very powerfull symbols, as you already know, and I honestly think that it would benifit you to go a bit slower if you chose to reread all that. You are jumped to conclusions, and read things into my words that I did not mean, and reading an attack that I did not commit. I meant that bit about "immature judgements" in a general way, a statement relating to the issue that I wanted to comment on, not a reference to your personal comments. (!)

Love, Devotion, Surrender,


Dashour mate, I never batted an eyelid,found it all a good learning experience & took it quite lightly,I assure you.As far as relaxing goes I couldn't be more relaxed these days as I take 12hr slow release morphine for chronic back pain,so if I did get tense.....I never felt it.

We all have our differences & opinions,my aim here is to assist people in any ways to obtain an OBE relatively easily,with practice & I don't want to convert anyone to anything but reading.

Good journeys all



Thanks for your reply. I guess we better bail on this thread, too long, and it has become more of a personal dialog, but thanks for your continued responses.  Sorry to hear about your back, but sounds like you incorporate it all very well. Keep up all the good advice in this forum, I myself have gleened some very good things from many of your other posts. You and Frank are the two that have actualy inspired me the most!

Dashour (jack, actually)


Bailin' on the thread?  Just when it was getting interesting!  Just kidding!  Despite the "heated" debate, I really think a lot of interesting truths were brought to light and a lot of good points were made.  I am just glad everyone can agree to disagree and still be agreeable.

fides quaerens intellectum
We shall not cease from our exploration, and at the end of all our exploring, we shall arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T.S. Elliot
fides quaerens intellectum


G,day Daniel & Dashour

By the amount of pages this debate has generated & the number of times read, it's clear that this is a topic people are interested in & don't want to stop either. So thanks to people like Amir Noma, Atlas & Dashour for sticking your necks out on the chopping block & saying things a lot of others are probably thinking, but don't have the time or confidence or whatever reason, to put it in print.

I personally have learnt a lot of things out of this topic & wouldn't have even known about if it wasn't posted. Frank is right when he say's that this is an emerging science (OBE's), the ability to do it & the concept is ancient, but the science of proving it is new. When we develop machines able to measure more accurately the science of this phenomenon,there will be a spiritual revolution. I hope we get the chance to develop this technology before war or some dilemma plunges us back into the dark ages.

My studies, work & hobbies are leaving me time poor at the moment & I'd imagine other members are at this time of the year too. It deserves more attention this topic,but for me I'll have to wait a couple of weeks to clear up other matters occupying my mind at present.

We all want the same thing, but are coming from different angles, so some common ground must be found for us all to get to the bottom of this thing that everyone wants anyway.

Good journeys all



Proof Of Obe - And Reward


how to win 1,000,000 US$

      In the  Harry Houdini spend allot of his spare time during his performance tours to visit local psychics and mediums asking for proof of psychic phenomena in order to contact his late mother. He never found that proof. what he did manage was to expose many charlatans.

      Today his work is carried on by "The Amazing Randy". Randy picked up the glove that Houdini left when he died to prove or disprove the existance of psychic phenomena. Currently, he is offering 1.1 million dollars to one which will proove psychic phenomena.

       I am an astral projector but never have i been able to stay in the "Real Time Zone". where proof can be found.

      I ACCUSE Robert Bruce of being a charlatan. forcing him to raise the glove, and prove once and for all that Astral Projection is real. the experiment which i suggest is reported to have been accomplished once succesfully, the motive to perform it again is 1,000,000, 1 million United States of America Dollars. worth enough to fly to the US for.

       The experiment is as follows: a completely random number is written on a piece of paper without any living soul knowing the true number. it is placed in a place where only someone cheating or projecting can read it. the projector - And i am sure robert Bruce with his expertice will be succesfull in this - projects in the "Real Time Zone" and memmorizes the number and then recites it to the people overseeing the experiment who will be "The Amazing Randy" and his apprentices, which will make sure fraud is not optional.

       The projector in this case Robert Bruce or any one of you who can project in the real time zone, accomplishes 2 things:
   1. Proving to the world OBE is real
   2. Wins 1 million Dollar (Which should be contributed to welfare minus the  
       expenses of travel)

        Not Accepting this chalenges is currently considered by the rest of the world as disproof of psychic phenomena and OBE.

       More information about the 1 milliion US$ go to "The Amazing Randy"'s website.

                                                    Good Luck - the traveler - Amir Noma