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Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions

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I know what you mean, bomohwkl. I don't want to follow any cult or even religion. I could say I'm a Buddhist because I accept many of Buddha's teachings, most of which cannot be denied because they're simple facts based on common sense and not "superstitions". However there are some points I simply don't believe. Reincarnation as an animal for example, and the realms of devas, gods, devils etc. These are ideas that cannot be proved. But here a new question arises. It has been stated somewhere on these pages that Buddhism has changed since the time of Buddha or his followers. It shocked me. I thought if there was a religion that has not been corrupted by greediness and desire for power and more and more power it would be Buddhism. Guess I was wrong[:(]. So there is another question for the Zetas:

8. How has Buddhism changed since the time of Buddha?

With love in heart,



Looked at what Buddha had said. I am very sure that Buddha never mention about the realms of devas, gods, devils and even reincarnation, not even a human rebirthing as an animal.

The source of information is from `Sayings of Buddha` a publication by `An Asiapac Publication.

It is the same with Christianity. Look at what Jesus had said and throw away what other people has added. You will be amazed!
A good book is the Gospel of Thomas specifically translated by M Meyer


can i have contact with  guides on msn im not sure what to do so can some one help thanks


feel free to contact me on msn

or AIM



Hello everybody!

I've got some questions for the Zeta to answer:

1. Where does Atlantis fit in the Zeta's picture of Ancient times, when Sumer was still around? In this regard, can you give a chronology of all the civilisations that inhabited the earth up to this day? (Hope it's not too much to ask)
2. Why did Sumerians disappear?
3. How spiritually advanced were they?
4. Was this planet inhabited by any civilised species before humans?
5. Did the beings from Nibiru create any species through genetic manipulation?
6. Who created the Zeta?
7. Do you have a language of your own? If so, can you give a sample?
8. Was it your species that visited my cousin a long time ago? If not, what species was the being that visited her?

I would appreciate it if you could elaborate on each question a bit, if possible. Thanks to the Zeta and to Edi for all the great channeling.

Best Regards,


E: Hi Zetas.
Z: Hi.. you forgot the introduction, to write how you set up the link ... but never mind. This won't be a problem. We're glad you're continuing this now after a rather long break.
E: Yes.. it was about time. Anything more to add, or do we begin with the questions?
Z: Nothing to add, go on.

no_leaf_clover: The Bible Code, is it real? If it is, who came up with it?

Z: It's bovine excrement, bluntly said. There is much symbolism and structure in the bible, but not in the way that you find secretly embedded messages by looking at certain patterns. Concerning the overall reading-value of the bible: it's distorted. The things you find in it are mostly useful for emphasizing what you already know and feel to be true. To take it all literally would bring you further away from it's original purpose: to unify, not to seperate. People can use the bible as a justification for all sorts of actions, if gives them a cause to believe in god, but things like that shouldn't depend on a book. The overall message is clear, and putting too much attention in details will bring you nowhere.
E: Could you be more specific on the purpose of the bible?
Z: It was intended to be a transcript of Jesus' teachings and messages, and not a means of control and justification. Those teachings were good for the time then, and still have their value today, as long as they are read in context. It should lead people together, and help them realize their connection to everything that is.
E: Wasn't the Bible only made up of older teachings, believes and mythologies mixed together?
Z: Partly yes.
E: So how can the 'overall message' be useful, if big parts of the bible shouldn't be taken too seriously? What is this message?
Z: Two words: love and god. Which essentially are the same. We know that the bible and the church aren't regarded as great things by some people... and we agree here. Take the best and leave the rest. The overall message is what you get when you take those things that resonate with your own love and truth, and the rest shouldn't bother much. There's not much sense in talking about the value of such spiritual books anyway, because all they can do is to point to some direction, and leave the rest to you... and we emphasize again that you find the right way only inside of yourself. It's easy to justify your actions with the lines of a holy book,  but it's more difficult to stand up for it yourself.

RisuNoKairu: These other alien species on the ship, could you describe them? What does the ship look like? What's it orbit? Are there certain times that people can see it? Do you guys like chocolate?

Z: Oh, there are lots of species here... some humanoid, some not, there are the nordics, pleiadians, andromedans, we. The nordics are called so because of their appearance, which resembles that of nordic people... tall, muscular, light hair. The andromedans are too very human-like. The ship is, seen from the outside, big, metallish-gray, and 'block'-like.. meaning that it is no wheel or has no fancy turrets or towers.
E: Is it orbiting around the sun?
Z: Yes, at the same angular velocity as the earth. It's quite some distance away, so it couldn't be seen easily even if it was in the physical 3rd dimension.
Z: As far as chocolate is concerned, we don't have it up here. Sugar is not that important for our metabolism.

no_leaf_clover: What exactly was the Flatwoods Monster?

Z: It was mainly a big story. There was something going on there, but reports of it have been exaggerated.
E: Was it an alien?
Z: Yes. It was an accident.
E: Were you in any way related to it?
Z: No.
Was that one of the species that's been monitoring Earth?
Z: No species you know. And it didn't do 'monitoring' in the sense we do.

Do you Zetas listen to music for entertainment or is that something that applies more to beings that have emotion?

Z: We know music and use it ourselves to express harmony and beauty. For us it's a kind of art, as it is for you. Music can represent patterns, structure, chaos, information, and we use it to express ourselves.

Tao: After the pole shift would it be some kind of a drastic change in our social life - what i mean is will we be living like we do now in houses and tall buildings or more like trees and something like that OR in more advanced buildings..

Z: After the pole shift, social life will of course change. The outside manifestations, like houses, streets, infrastructure etc., will be rebuilt where needed and won't be that different from today, but what will change is how people relate to each other. Technological advances won't come suddenly, and the style of constructing buildings you are used to will probably continue.

Zeta tells us they are more spiritually evolved than we are.. They also say they lost their emotions and that they are based more on technology than on nature and mind thoughts creation or something like that.. How come - why do they need teachnology for ?

Z: We need technology in our daily lifes, for 'industry' (i.e. processing of raw materials to produce goods), for healthcare, for science. We are, in that sense, not living a pure natural life, but after all, technology is a part of nature, and as long as the rest of nature is respected and treated well, we see no problem in having technology very present in our lifes.
E: Why is technology a part of nature?
Z: Because we are. If a monkey uses a stone to crack nuts, this is consideres natural behaviour, or using a 'natural' tool. Everything is nature, but it can be more or less be in tune or in harmony.

Zetas.. you told us that you can not give us a specific date.. but on zetatalk it says that Nibiru is somewhere near Saturn and it also says that it takes 3 months for the Nibiru planet to pass through our Solar System.. So we have a date.. Logically the pole shift will appear in maximum ONE month.. Or are you not in contact with Zetatalk (you said you are)... Where did you spread false information.. here or there ?

Z: All things regarding the dates are the same... look what we say WHAT will happen, not WHEN, because the when will not be answered and it will be clear when it's time.

You want to unify the 2 species... The Humans have nothing to say about that ? I for example am against it..

Z: We don't affect you directly, in that we would shape your body anew or something like that... this change will be gradual, and it has been decided together with humanity, even if your consciousness doesn't know of it. We won't go around collecting votes on earth, this has been decided on a higher level.

E: Okay... I'd say we stop here, I'm getting tired.
Z: That's fine, we can continue at any time.

(Edited to improve formatting)
it's love you're looking for

Risu no Kairu

They didn't answer my final question...

"Do you like chocolate" is a yes or no answer question. All they said was they don't have chocolate on their ship.

Hmm. You (they) say we'll be able to fly when we shift... Sounds fun. Will we be able to fly into space and stuff without protective gear, also? What sort of rules of reality as we know them will be altered, forgotten, and stay the same?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


Zeta Conversation

P: Perena, are you there?
P: Yes, I am. Even if you didn't talk to me the whole day, the link is up and stable, you just have to use it.
E: Fine. Can you explain to me why I've got difficulties with certain questions?
P: The Zetas can probably explain it to you... it's their stage here.
E: Okay... are they ready for a conversation?
P: Yes, they've been waiting... I'll hook you up.

(I can see a room with several beings in it now with my inner awareness)

E: Hello?
Z: Hello, we are here. This is the same 'room' you've seen since the very beginning.
E: Is this a real room with doors, or just something which is visualized or imagined to have a certain 'frame' for us doing those conversations?
Z: No, this is a real room. We are operating near the physical plane, so it's natural that we have to walk around like you do, and not just going there with our awareness. Yes, we can go there with our awareness, whereever we like to, but not with our bodies.
E: But can't you walk through walls here on earth and stuff like that?
Z: Oh, it's not our 'normal' mode of operation. It's not that straightforward to do if our bodies are actually in the physical.
E: Does this mean you can take your bodies from the fourth dimension you are in to the third and back?
Z: Yes, exactly. We still have bodies up here, and if we want to do work in the physical, we have to lower our frequency, so to say.
E: I understand. One thing I am worried about is that I can't get straight direct answers to some questions... talking like this is easy, and your answers just come to my head, but when I come to questions such as "what exactly is xyz", some part in me blocks, or I just don't seem to be able to hear you as easily.
Z: That's partly because your mind tries to understand everything it processes, and if it doesn't have something to relate it to, it automatically thinks "well, in this case I just can't know that, I don't know where to put it". The other part is that you're afraid to making errors in public.
E: That's true. But anyway, that is getting better I guess... as long as you say I get accurate information it's okay. It's only that when such questions come up, I get stuck with details, and tense up mentally...
Z: Don't care about it. Get what you can, if it's not enough for people they can always give you more detailed questions to relay, so you can slowly build up the whole idea. For questions like how did buddhism change, it would be comfortable if you read some things about what is considered buddhism nowadays, so we can comment on it more easily, as you provide the framework in which we can work.
E: Okay.
Z: Don't worry too much, if something blocks go on and come back to it later... if you stare at the blockage, it won't go away. Relaxing is the key.
E: Then I'll relax and answer some questions.
Z: That's fine. One thing we have to add before we begin... there are no questions you have to be afraid of, it's us who give the answers, and as long as you can hear 'yes' and 'no' accurately there's no problem at all. You will notice that when you come back later to questions you avoided, you'll have a better approach now than you had some time ago.

"[...] the brain can be influenced from the outside [...]"

Ashen: Q: 1. What can we do to prevent/minimise these influences from outside?

Z: First of all, your brain is not you. Of course you can be affected if you blindly follow the patterns in your mind, but the best defense against such mind control is to be conscious. This control cannot really force you to do something you don't want to do, it rather makes you believe you want to do it. You subconscious can pick up messages, and even if your mind is full of junk, if you are aware of what is going on inside of you you always have to chance or possibility for not giving in to such subtle suggestions implanted into your head. You will notice that this sounds similar to the way guides work - nudging your mind into a certain direction, giving subtle ideas. That is true, it can be compared, that's why it's even more important to be self-conscious and to base your actions not simply on random junk in your mind. The first defense you can apply, in that sense, is awareness and consciousness. If you are weak and lazy, your naturally active mind could become more and more passive and unknowingly influenced by such things. But you can always let those messages come , with the intent to clearly see what they say, to recognize them, and to say yes or no to them, while staying fully aware of yourself. That's probably better than blocking them off into the unconscious, which doesn't filter them that way.
E: What about ... aluminium helmets, or whatever people use to shield themselves from that things?
Z: Such devices work, but they aren't necessary as long as you're not intensely and specifically bombarded with such messages... consider them like ear-plugs if your neighborhood is too loud. Too loud sounds can damage the ears.

2. Could you recommend any technique/excercise to radically quicken our spiritual development? :)

Z: You probably expect something like "move you energy from a to b, visualize a golden sphere, and boom your vibration increased by 20Hz". We have to disappoint you here, the answer is: live with enthusiasm, don't run away from things you should face, be down-to-earth and learn your lessons. Your spirituality is not seperated from your life on earth, and spiritual development comes through experience, not through techniques and exercises.
E: How does energy work affect our spiritual development?
Z: It can affect your perception of things, and it's similar to physical work-out, just on a different level. A strong and trained body doesn't make you more  'spiritual' than anyone other, and the same applies to other levels. If you are aware of energy (as more and more people are), it makes sense to train the body in that way, but it shouldn't be overdone, either. Natural, gradual development comes along automatically if you live close to your own nature.
E: It's like... people who sit and eat and do nothing else the whole week, and want to do some exercises in the weekend to keep their body fit.
Z: Exactly that's it. The best training of everything is achieved by using it in a natural way; maybe not the quickest training, but the safest and most stable one.
E: So if a thoughful diet and regular movements of all body parts gives you a natural body... what would be natural for the energy body?
Z: You always get messages from your body on what you should do. If you eat too much and feel bad - don't continue that way. On an energy level, if you feel weak or spaced-out or ungrounded or just uncomfortable in a part of your body, look at what you've done in the time before that, and see if you can find anything. If you spent time with a person who got on your nerves, how did you deal with that in that situation? Blocking, relaxing, accepting, denying - you will get to know how your energy level and body are influenced by your experiences in the world by that, if you make it a regular habit of looking at it.

Euphoric_sunrise: Music, as i'm sure you know, is a huge part of life. As i understand the Zeta feel no emotions, which, to me, is the core of music, but do they listen to music? Are there any types of music that give off negative vibes?

Z: Yes, emotions are for many people the core of music. But it can also be seen from different angles. You can feel the music in every part of you, you can dive into it, this is is what humans emphasize on... feeling, and experiencing through feeling. You can see it from a more mental perspective (to reinforce once again our image of cold, mental beings, which seems to be true from your side, but it still a bias and only a part of what we really are), and perceive the elements of the music in that way. Music doesn't make our bodies produce all those hormones which make you feel this or that way, but it's great nevertheless and we enjoy it. That doesn't mean we have an orchestra here, and some CD boxes from home for this long yourney, but music is nothing we don't know. About negative vibes: yes, music can carry negative 'vibes' as well. That depends on what is negative for a person, but there is music which is plain aggressive or similar... it's all determind by the ones composing and playing their music, as it was them who brought it to life, and their imprint is there.

I'm just wondering about the belief the Zeta have of an after-life. For example, i've heard of a theory from Bruce Moan (sp?) that humans create their own after-life according to their beliefs, and there are different zones of after-life which vibrate at different frequencies, or something similar. Could the Zeta give their thoughts on this issue?

Z: It's true that after you finish live, it needs some time to get used to your new surroundings, and many of the old believes you had your whole life are still with you then and superimpose themselves on your perception and awareness. This is why, on a higher level, where things manifest more easily, you first create your after-life according to your beliefs, if you need to still have a certain experience (to round off your life, so to say), or if you just don't want to let go yet. There are different zones, yes, where people can land, depending on their 'vibration'... they are attracted to those places, and live there until the move on. What basically happens between incarnations is that you review your past life experiences, integrate them in your whole being, which means that you get to see clearly the lessons you learned, and then you move on and prepare for whatever you do next. Most of the time (or most people) then just go straight on to their next life.
E: I've read one time that after death you go up and up, always higher until you get to some source, and then you start to descend again until you incarnate.
Z: How far 'up' you go, depends... some souls bring their awareness to higher levels for a period of rest, others don't; in general, from your point of view, you only go up one level, get things sorted out for the past and the future (learned lessons, next life), and then go down again. That's a rough schema, though.

E: I think I'll finish here. I really enjoyed this session, it flowed and flowed... probably because these questions were easy.
Z: Yes, they were, but nevertheless it's important to answer them. The easy questions are often the most important ones. That doesn't mean we don't care about details, only that it's good to have a general understanding before going too deep into details.
E: I totally agree :)
E: So... good night, it was a real pleasure to talk to you this time.
Z: So it was for us. Sleep well.
it's love you're looking for


Oh I have a question.  I don't know if it was asked or not though.  

Have there ever been beings on the planet that seem similir to humans, but have animal characteristics?

When the pole shift occers will everyone have better access to the astral?

Thanks if you ask them.  This is an interesting read.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison

Dark Knight

I can't believe I'm doing this....I'd like to have a conversation with the greys (I refuse to call them Zetas) if it can be arranged.

What's happenign to me?

PM me oe email me if you can.

Dark Knight


The Ra Material? Was channeled by Carla Rueckert from the Ra beings (Ra is a 6D group, not an individual "god").

Carla was severly punished by negs for channeling them and even contracted Lupis. I had conversation with her a few years back, but haven't spoken to he for some time. I could try to find her email address if you like?

No, I don't think that's why you asked the question...sorry[}:)]

Risu no Kairu

Hey, t'other day I was listening to C2CAM, and the host was, uh... some guy who wrote those "Journey Through the Sacred Garden" book or something. He's some guy with music that triggers out of body experience. ( I want his books and his CDs, they played samples and I could feel them starting to work)

Anyways, he said he communicated with beings that looked like how you describe yourselves (or how the people talking to you describe you). He said that they said that they're merely particles of consciousness that exist everywhere and that they're the builders of the universe. They keep things together, and that the tall, big ones that look like htem are hte destroyers, that try to take apart the universe.

You wouldn't happen to be either of these, would you?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/

Risu no Kairu

Got some more questions.

So, you guys have different groups with different tasks? Do you know what other tasks the other groups do?

Do you always stand in that room  waiting for these guys to talk?

How many other  aliens look like you guys?

Why do you guys have such a bad reputation?

How come none of hte other alien species on the ship ever come to your sessions? You should grab one and have him talk.

How many species are on the ship,l again?

So, uh, what exactly is the ship made out of since it can go back and forth between 3D and 4D?

How exactly do you guys do that?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


Here are some questions I've came up with that've been on mind recently and a while back.

1) What is behind the Chupacabra stories?

2) What is the cause of 'spontaneous human combustion'?

3) What are in the other galaxies of the physical universe and has each galaxy been designed to support a type of life?

4) How would you compare the kind of music you usually listen to with the kind of music we usually listen to and is it possible for 'Zeta music' to be transcribed into something we can hear?

5) Who built Stonehenge and from where did they receive their astronomical information?

6) Are tales of Atlantis based on a civilization that actually existed once?

7) From where did the 'seed of life' spread to Nibiru?

8) What happened to dinosaurs and what purpose did they serve here? Were they wiped out so Earth could start supporting mankind?

What is the sound of no leaves cloving?

Risu no Kairu

I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


Zeta Conversation

Another short one... I haven't been able to find much time for this lately, but at least I'm catching up with all the old unanswered questions now.

no_leaf_clover: Question for Zetas: What happened to Phobos 2?

Z: This probe was destroyed as it came near Phobos, the moon of Mars.
E: Why? Is there something on Phobos which doesn't want to be known?
Z: On Phobos, there are the inhabitants of Nibiru.  It's not allowed for mankind to meet them.
E: Who's preventing them from this?
Z: The same ones who are watching earth at this moment.
E: And who destroyed Phobos 2 then?
Z: Those on the moon Phobos. They want to remain undisturbed there.
E: Ok, so why isn't it allowed to meet them?
Z: Because of what happened in your past... basically, they used to use their physical strength and technological superiority to control humans and use them for whatever they liked, much like slavery. This got too much at one point (this was several thousand years ago), so this was put to an end by higher forces, so man could go on in his development undisturbed.

euphoric_sunrise: I'm just wondering about the belief the Zeta have of an after-life. For example, i've heard of a theory from Bruce Moan (sp?) that humans create their own after-life according to their beliefs, and there are different zones of after-life which vibrate at different frequencies, or something similar. Could the Zeta give their thoughts on this issue?

Z: After death, you have some time to sort out remaining issues... strong beliefs, denials and fears, convictions, all those attract you to a place where you can experience them until you have finished those lessons. You don't create this after-life from scratch, but rather get attracted and go to a place which is like this. After this is done, most people prepare for their next life, after reviewing the one they just had with special 'teachers', similar to a school.

I recently read a book by Whitley Strieber (sp?) called "Communion" where he remembers, through hypnosis, instances where he was abducted. I remember him mentioning something about the image of an owl as a memory he thought was to screen his mind from remembering what really happened. Do these screen memories exist, are they created by the ailens or the humans, and do the Zetas create the memories? If so, is this done so as not to scare the humans?

Z: Yes, those screen memories exist. Sometimes the human mind can't make much sense of a situation, but this doesn't happen to the extent of covering a whole experience like this with an image of an owl. So this image was not created by himself, but by the ones who initiated this experience. They were oriented positively, and got the message to his subconscious - he would have blocked off too much of it if he had kept it in his conscious mind. His memory was not erased, but only covered, because it wouldn't do good to force the mind to forget something it has already engraved in its neurons.
E: What is responsible for memory? The brain? Or is memory also stored somewhere else, e.g. in non-physical bodies?
Z: During your life on earth, your brain is the link to memory. It does not store the memory itself, but it stores the references to it. As long as you are operating in this body, you will most likely need the brain to access memory. Of course there are other forms of existence, where you don't have to remember, but have instant access to information.
E: Is it like this after death? Or do we work like this when we are enlightened, ascended, or whatever?
Z: After death, the senses of the physical body don't get in the way anymore. This makes more and more direct acquisition of knowledge possible... if you want to know something, you just direct your mind there and 'look' at it, or perceive it in any way. This is not feasible (and not necessary anyhow) while living in the physical - your bodies are made that way, and sometimes it is good not having everything present at once. It will at some point in your evolution be that you are not anymore concerned with _holding_ information, but with _understanding_ it, and realizing it in your life. At the moment this is mixed.

E: I'd like to finish for now, okay?
Z: As you wish. We're looking forward for the next time, when you're more relaxed... you weren't that focussed this time, but don't worry, you didn't get anything wrong. Good night for now.
E: Thank you, bye.
it's love you're looking for


Hi Edi,

I have a question to the zetas,

Sometimes I feel myself living in more than one dimension at the same time, that's one reason I believe why I could have precognition experiences, but what the zetas think about this?

Best regards
The fear is the first natural enemy that a man must defeat in the way of knowledge


Hey girls and boys,

I've just had a nice session with Glenn (ImmortalSource here on the forums) and his guide, and we ended up talking to the Zetas... which went just fabulous, so have fun reading this transcript!

Glenn in blue,
Edi in red,
Zetas in green and
Sherna, Glenn's guide, in maroon!

Glenn says:
Hey Edi
Edi says:
Glenn says:
Hows u?
Edi says:
Quite fine, I'm more relaxed now... earlier this evening, there were lots of things going on which kept my mind from focusing.
Glenn says:
Yes, im relaxed to, had a long chat with people, so im feeling good at the moment
Glenn says:
You wanna try anything?
Edi says:
Sure   If everything's quiet at your place (as it is here), I'd like to have a conversation with your guide here on MSN.
Glenn says:
The TV is on, but i block that out  
Edi says:
That doesn't matter if you're able to keep your focus here.
Glenn says:
Yes, sure thats ok then
Glenn says:
If im saying somthing wrong, because your more advanced than me, will you be able to tell and correct me please?
Glenn says:
So i know if im saying it myself
Glenn says:
Edi says:
I'll check everything you write with your guide, and add myself where it is necessary.
Glenn says:
Thats good then!  
Glenn says:
How will you have a conversation with my guide?
Glenn says:
You ask me the q's
Glenn says:
i tell you the answer?
Glenn says:
Ill put my status as away for now, so no1 bothers me
Glenn says:
Edi says:
We will have a 3-way conversation here, or 4 if we include my guide... you'll relay what I ask here to her, and write down her answers. At the same time, I'm in direct contact with Sherna to check how to proceed. Is that okay?
Glenn says:
AutoMessage: I'm not available
Glenn says:
Thats fine
Glenn says:
AutoMessage: I said I was not available
Edi says:
Ah, you could turn off your AutoMessage which says you're not available.
Glenn says:
Cant be doping with that
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
We could also post this on
Glenn says:
Edi says:
That would be good for the others there.
Glenn says:
Sure would
Glenn says:
Ill begin when your ready
Edi says:
Say hi to sherna from me
Glenn says:
She says "Hello Edi"
Glenn says:
ill put it as S: from now on
Edi says:
That's fine.
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Hello Sherna, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Glenn says:
S: its a pleasure to meet you two Edi, how are you doing?
Edi says:
I'm very fine now, thanks... this is another evening where I got 'caught' on MSN, there's always so much to talk.
Glenn says:
S: Yes there is, and Glenn is advancing quickly"
Edi says:
Yes, I was amazed by that... he's surely having a good start with you there.
Glenn says:
S: and im glad to, 16 years ive waited!
Glenn says:
S: Hes just still not sure on the part which many people get caught up on.......Is it him, or me
Edi says:
That's natural. I've seen it with so much people... but I guess only experience can show what it really is. And after all, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Glenn says:
S: He can see me, he keeps seeing me, he knows what i look like now, though he is not 100% sure of it
Glenn says:
S: you're dead right, there is nothing to be afraid of, but people just dont 'Accept' what is happening
Edi says:
Do you suggest we should do anything to improve his link, or just go on talking like this?
Glenn says:
S: I think gradually we need to improve hs link, so he can be 100% focused and sure of what is happening, because as of now, he is not, he belives its real, but cannot 'Accept' it 100%
Glenn says:
S: But he will do soon
Glenn says:
S: but for now, we shall talk like this
Edi says:
That's what you said directly to me, thanks for saying the same here  
Glenn says:
S: Its a pleasure
Glenn says:
Edi, i dont understand what you mean there?
Edi says:
You see, I too like to have confirmation and validation every now and then, even if I should have no doubts at all about it.
Glenn says:
<<<Just turniong the TV off
Glenn says:
Edi says:
... I've asked Sherna directly via telepathy if we should just talk on or play some game to improve the link
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
What does she say?
Glenn says:
S: Play a game?
Glenn says:
I think i got
Glenn says:
Im unsure
Edi says:
Like, if we should do some visualisations, or playing hide-and-seek...
Edi says:
Stay relaxed, you're doing fine
Glenn says:
S: Glenn was very good at hide and seek with mayatnik
Glenn says:
Im good at everything   Joke
Edi says:
Yes, I've read that... it's fun at first, especially when you discover that it's easy.
Glenn says:
S: Glenn knows its easy, he just needs to 'dig deap' and find his true self
Glenn says:
S: hes yet got a lot to learn
Edi says:
We all have to.
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
S: As Glenn just said.......True
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Glenn says:
S: Ahh, Glenn feels like he is getting better at this, hes becoming more 'focused on me'
Glenn says:
Yup, i sure am!
Edi says:
Talking like this on MSN really helps with this, because then you can't think too much about it, and just type.
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Sherna said that, forgot the S:
Glenn says:
S: never mind, it's Ok  
Edi says:
So now that it's rolling like that, would you two like to have a conversation with the Zetas?
Glenn says:
I get butterflies when you said that because it gets me excited
Glenn says:
S: dont get too excited Glenn, it can get you out of focus
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
S: Dont worry about it
Edi says:
It's just ... talking.
Glenn says:
S: But yes Edi, he would love to
Glenn says:
Edi says:
That's why I ask.
Edi says:
The Zeta representative is standing ready, and Sherna can connect you as soon as you're ready.
Glenn says:
Ok......Im ready!
Edi says:
I'll stay in the background and watch... feel free to ask them anything you like.
Edi says:
You can tell Sherna to connect you.
Glenn says:
Connect me please Sherna
Glenn says:
S: Okies
Glenn says:
I am seeing four, its this correct Edi? Please tell me if i am wrong, it will help me to progress.........
Glenn says:
Or two
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Ask them about it  
Glenn says:
S: Take your time Glenn
Glenn says:
Ok, Ok, Right now i will not be answering any questions from until im 100% sure, is this ok?
Glenn says:
Z: That is fine
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Z: Hello Glenn, glad to have you with us
Glenn says:
Im more glad to have you with me
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
I will start by asking, are you on the mothership?
Glenn says:
Z: yes we are
Glenn says:
Your'e the representitve yes?
Glenn says:
Z: yes
Glenn says:
Right, is there anything you would like to add to me at this time or to anyone?
Glenn says:
Z: Not right now.....Thats ok
Glenn says:
Z: Were here to answer your questions
Glenn says:
Z: And to help you as much as i can
Glenn says:
First off, planet X, nancy said you said this would happen may 2003, but this hasnot, how come?
Glenn says:
Z: It was a mis interpretation from nancy, we did not give that date, as we cannot tell when it is going to happen as of yet, but the people on Earth will know when it is going to heppen because of the signs
Glenn says:
What signs will these be?
Glenn says:
Z: Volcanoes, more hurricanes, Migrating birds to the wrong place, things like that
Glenn says:
Do you want to add anything Edi?
Glenn says:
S: id like to add Glenn, that your doing Very Well! very pleased for you
Glenn says:
Thanks Sherna
Edi says:
Yes... there was a purpose behind that date.
Edi says:
Try to find out more about it.
Glenn says:
What was the purpose behind that date?
Glenn says:
Z: the purpose was to see how the "Government" would prepare for this, we seen how they prepared, and i can tell you that they do not care about your safety
Glenn says:
Why dont they care about the 'peoples' safety?
Glenn says:
Z: Because they are interested in knowing everything first, before anyone else, this is how they work, they like to keep it a 'Secret'
Glenn says:
Im going to ask you something i dont know, to see how i am prgressing, to see what answer i get, and Edi and my guide can clarify this for me ok?
Glenn says:
Z: That is fine with us
Glenn says:
let me think.........
Glenn says:
Are there 'Aliens' On planet mars?
Glenn says:
Z: Not on the Surface
Glenn says:
Z: But underneath the ice
Glenn says:
Z: The whole which you see on mars were created from mining
Glenn says:
You said that another species created the pyramids, yet why would there be egyptian writing on the walls, and not your language or their language?
Glenn says:
Z: This is because when we built it, for rest, we left, we did not mark anything, nothing at all, as of what i know, yet when the Egyptians arrived, they carved into it, making it look like they built the pyramids, they did not intentionally do this to kake you think they did, they were just 'curious'
Glenn says:
A right, i get it now
Glenn says:
Thank you
Glenn says:
Z: its a pleasure
Glenn says:
Edi would you like to add anything as i have no further questions as of yet
Glenn says:
S: Dont worry about it Glenn, you've done really good
Edi says:
You're doing fantastic, yes.
Glenn says:
S: Whenever you want to end, just say the magick word  
Glenn says:
Well i dont want to waste their time, so i would like to end it here
Glenn says:
I thank you for your time and patience, would you like me to post this on AstralPulse?
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Ok thank you and goodbye
Glenn says:
Z: Goodbye...
Edi says:
Glenn says:
Ok Edi, that was real good, but first, i really gotta peeeeeeeeeeeeee
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
Im Back
Edi says:
Some remarks... as you have seen with the question regarding the date, it is important not to just finish with the first question, but to ask from other sides if something couldn't be clear yet... to ask about the surroundings of that topic, and whatever could be important.
Edi says:
Much can come in by that, and will give a much clearer picture than by just one question.
Glenn says:
Were the answers correct, or did it all come from me?
Glenn says:
Ill keep that in mind
Glenn says:
I feel tired after that for some reason why is this?
Edi says:
You've heard accurately what they said, as your guide can confirm.
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Emotional tension... you were stressing yourself because this is new to you.
Edi says:
I too needed to take some deep breaths after my first time  
Glenn says:
You can post this one Edi, just remember to tell them who i am Glenn, and on the forum ImmortalSource  
Glenn says:
Yes, i feel tired
Glenn says:
and breathless
Edi says:
Rest and breathe, you've done very well here.
Glenn says:
Thanks, i will
Edi says:
Your guide can arrange for such sessions whenever you like if you tell her in advance.
Glenn says:
Like tell her now?
Glenn says:
Before i even finishe, i got "yes yes yes yes yes lol"
Glenn says:
Thats the thing also Edi, when i am asking a question, i always seem to know the answer before i have asked it
Glenn says:
Its wierd
Glenn says:
Edi says:
I meant you can contact the zetas whenever you like, on your own (with your guide's help).
Glenn says:
Ok thank you, i will  
Edi says:
Sherna can tell you much about the mechanisms of telepathy... how the answers come, how the translation takes place and so on.
Glenn says:
Ill ask later on after ive rested
Glenn says:
Edi says:
I often get the answer the exact moment I begin to formulate the question.
Edi says:
You'll have time to do that.
Glenn says:
Yes, that how it works with me lol
Edi says:
Another thing... it's very good to (as you did) formally initiate the contact, and then close it again, to create the right 'frame' around it.
Glenn says:
I dont understand....
Glenn says:
Edi, will you please tell me a few things which you know that the Governemt does not want us to know, please?  
Glenn says:
After that contact with the Zeta's, im all shaky
Edi says:
I meant: you say "Please connect me now", and at the end you say "goodbye", and end the conversation with them that way... that's better than to just stop talking, and is the general etiquette that should be applied when talking to any being... make clear when it starts and when it ends.
Glenn says:
Yes, its also very polite as well, i understand what you mean now   thanks
Glenn says:
Edi, will you please tell me a few things which you know that the Governemt does not want us to know, please?   incase you mist it
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Hehe... I'm not government-basher, so I don't have much of that ready.
Glenn says:
Lol, but do you know anything they dont want us to know, even the smallest of thing?
Edi says:
I don't fight actively against the government/establishment by gathering facts and information... there are others who are in a better position to do this.
Glenn says:
Like Mayatnik, he knows a lot about them
Edi says:
They don't want us to know that 'aliens' exist.
Edi says:
For example  
Glenn says:
Thats true, but we know, butt holes
Glenn says:
Glenn says:
When are you going to post that on astralforum?
Glenn says:
Edi says:
Now, I'm just thinking about what to include... I think I'll put in everything from the beginning up to here, so readers can see the whole of it.
it's love you're looking for


Congrats Glenn!Insert

I have a few questions for the Zeti:

1-Can you give me a good reason to beileve you and not beileve any other theories about the afterlife and stuff like that?

2-Who is Prophet Mohammed to you and other saints and prophets?
3-Do you beileve in the existence of god?How do you worship God?
4-I've read that alot of people are gonna die,why are you choosing only specific ones?
5-I also heard and actually saw the effects that abductions have on people,some are really negative,actually I've seen a story here on this very forum.How do you explain that?

Ok thanks alot,those are all the questions I have.


Hallo mayatnik & edi

I have some questions for the Zeta:
1.Tell me some words about the picture, what will happen on earth in 20 years without your help.Tell me what will happen 20 years,if you help.

2.Don't you have nothing else to do?Why are you ruleing on earth?


Hello all
Me and my human guide Jopeha would like to comment on some of Aleshahs questions.
Comment on 'Why are you ruleing on earth?'
I first took some definitions from a dictionary to make it more clear what was meant (marked in red). I have from that question put out subquestions marked in green to explain it best way possible. Original questions also marked green but italicized. Aleshah, if you have a different idea of the question and dont feel that its answered, let me know.

Rule: the exercise of authority or control
Authority: power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior
Control : to exercise restraining or directing influence over

Are the zeta exercising authority on the planet earth ?

F: Does the zeta have power to influence on the planet earth ?
J: The zeta dont have immediate power to influence, but their presence gives them attention which can be percieved as power. The zeta are helping as well, and its this helping that gives the illusion of power, however it is not really power since the humans have to agree to be helped.
F: Attention which leads to tvshows and ufo clubs ?
J: Those are some of the directions the attention takes yes. Others percieve the zeta as a threat and tries to defend themselfs against them in anyway possible. For many its unknown and therefore something to fear. That is why its good to atleast get some information about the zeta and act on ones own opinion.
F: You said that the humans have to agree to be helped by the zeta. Could you explain further?
J: The zeta have a function in helping in many ways. The agreement does however take place in most cases on a higher level. That means that the guides have agreed on this help from the zeta. It happens though that humans are asked directly when it is needed.
F: Are the zeta commanding thought on humans ?
J: The humans have their own thoughts and ideas and are not commanded to think in any way by the zeta. It is for humans to decide what to think.
F: Opinions ?
J: The same goes for this one.
F: Behavior ?
J: Behavior is not commanded by the zeta. Guidelines can be put out to meet the most benifical result of an agreement between the humans in this case and the zeta. However free will are still in hands of humans so they could oppose to these guidelines and do what they want.
F: Would there be any consequences to such an opposing act ?
J: Well were not talking about diciplinary acts or such. So no harm would come to the opposing. The agreement however would have to be evalutated and further actions decided.

Are the zeta exercising control on the planet earth ?

F: Are the zeta exercising restraining influence on the planet earth ?
J: No, they are not.
F: Are the zeta exercising directing influence on the planet earth ?
J: They are doing this, but not without the cooperation of the humans.
F: And this cooperation includes the previous agreement mentioned ?
J: Yes

F: So are the zeta ruling the planet earth ?
J: They are not ruling as such. If you take our conversations in account, you can see that it is only by the humans agreement that the zeta can have influence. If the humans refrained from recieving help from the zeta then that would also be a possibility.

Comment on 'Don't you have nothing else to do?'

F: Don't the zeta have nothing else to do than help us ?
J: They do have other things to do and they are. Currently they are helping other species as well.

That concludes for this time.
I would like to know where you got the idea that the zeta are ruling earth, Aleshah [:)]. Especially if something on this thread has led to that idea. I hope this has cleared up some things though.

Light and Compassion
Fuzziwig and Jopeha


Hello there, I have a question if I may :o)

Does the so-called biblecode have any relevance to any of this?
Or any relevance at all which you may comment on? This is just a subject I find interesting :o) Thankyou for your time.
