help with sub-navel storage center

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It can be described as being a couple of finger-width bellow the belly button. When you are done raising energy, to store the extra energy in the subnavel storage area there is a method from taoist yoga. First place your right hand on your stomach and then the left hand over the right. Then make circles with your hands, 36 times in a clockwise direction followed by 24 in a counterclockwise direction. There are a lot of variations on this, but the general idea involves rubbing the area to draw your attention there. Any unattached energy will follow that attention and be stored there, given enough time. When it becomes more familiar you can stop using your hands and just direct the energy there mentally.


rodentmouse: try moving all of your energy (from lower and upper body) into your stomach, holding it there, and then moving it back out to the rest of your body. do this a few times. hope you feel the difference.


Secret of Secrets


I hardly ever feel energy in the subnavel storage centre as in the rest of the body .  I have on rare occasions experienced a heavy, cold feeling.


I just kept sending energy into the general area. Eventually I got a buzzing sensation. Now it's a distinct point that "fizzes" when I push energy in. General area is probably just fine.



hello,  i am having trouble finding my sub-navel storage center, i assumed it was where your stomach muscles/six-pack are,  even so  i cannot feel
the energy in it as i do with arms and legs and i have been practsing new for a few months.
am i there, or am i "looking" in the wrong place?