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Channeling God!!

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I have a math problem for god that has never been solved (many have tried):

You have a set of 1000 numbers.

K = some number that is approximately half the sum of the set

At most 1000^10 (exponent 10) times: You may compare, add, subtract, or do anything else (that takes a short time) to a number in the set.

Find a set of numbers (from the set of 1000) that sums to exactly K.

(This is an approximation of the problem, but the answer will probably be valid for the more complex version if it is solved)




As usual this is me
and this is God

Hello......God are you there
always there, all you have to do is ask
are you ready for a question
as I away
someone asked a question
I was Beavis knew..... ofcourse
yeah....I was waiting for you to find out
well what is the answer then
I am
you heard me the first time....I AM
I...I was expecting a number
I know , but you did not get a number...neither did he
but he asked for a number, the answer to an equation
no he did not
I saw it with my own eyes
you think you did
no I really did
you saw your computer screen and what he typed.  
well that was his question
well ok can you explain
he was asking me to prove myself, asking for a sign. But there shall be no sign given him.
He was asking.....are you real....and I answered.....I AM

Ohhhhh I see. sort of trying to trick you
sort of
wasn't that mean
not really, he is ok. Tell Beavis that sometimes the answers people expect are not always the answers they get. This is an important point
ok but just for the fun of about answering him anyway. It would be interesting
you are also doubting, right son
well........just a bit
I know its hard to believe but , he that comes to me must believe that I am, and that I am a rewarder of those who dilligently seek me

sorry......I want to believe
I know you do, don't worry about it[/blue]
ok bye then. I will get back if anyone else asks anything

ok bye[/blue]

Sorry Beavis that is all I have for you hope it means something to you

Regards Mustardseed

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Ok, I don't know loads of information on religion considering I'm only 14. But I do know that the Christian God hasn't been around forever. So my question to you God. Where were you for the couple million years people worshiped the storm clouds and sun gods?

Ceriel N

If one of the 1000 numbers is infinite then an exact answer cn not be given.
Is there a range of valid values for the 1k numbers, or are they arbitrarily chosen? And they are scalar, right?


And now my question:
Dear God, if you exist or not is not something I have an opinion on, but currently, entertaining the idea that you do, I'd like to know sometihing rather important to me. You see, I'm lost and need to know wich direction I should go. So I ask you; which way is the horizon?
"We work in the dark - we do what we can- we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."
- Henry James



yes I know
.....well what is the answer
Well it is in two parts. First what makes people think I am only the God of the Christians
well are you not
no ......I am the God of all flesh
but dont you love the Christians a bit more than the others
no, but I know what makes you think that
you do
becourse thats what they claim. But you see they are a bit spoiled and snooty.
so you are the God of everybody
yes.....and that makes that second question quite unnessesary
it does
I was ..... always
millions of years?
more than humans still believe you are the center of the universe and that everything revolves around does not!!!
what do you mean
it revolves around ....ME
so what about all the other Gods
what about them
well are they real
some are some are not
please explain that
First you should define GODS. There is only one of ME[;)], but many lesser creations. Some are angels, people mistake them for Gods a lot, some are demons people fear those and call them Gods, some are wishful thinking, some are fears and some are the fiction of your imagination
ok I get it
really dont but as I said...that is ok

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Channeling God

there is another question
so I noticed
the Horizon is all around, every direction. In the Spiritual it is in even more directions than that
but which way should he go?
thats not up to me....thats up to HIM
yes , but he is asking you for advise
and I am giving it to him
but you did not say where to go and he is lost
I want him to use his own mind....thats why I gave it to him
so you cant be more specific
I can tell him what I would like him to do, but he does not have to do it
thats fine

follow after LOVE, pray to me and I will lead him....with a still small voice , if he really wants to find my will for his life,he must have no will of your own but have faith in me[/blue]
thanks I will tell him


Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!

Steel Hawk

Here's my question all knowing one.


Ceriel N

Ooo... Good answer.
However, I must admit I suspected as much.

But I won't pray. I am I. Not only do I have a mind, but I have a free will of my own.

- My mind won't tell me where to go. I've tried that. (You won't fool me again. =p)
- Will is free because will is none. Like a vessel waiting to be filled.
- My will being free I'll end up wherever it may be. (Read signature.)
- Given the choise, I'd opt for a pair of wings and blue skies. =)
- As long as I continue walking I'll eventually end up at my goal.
"We work in the dark - we do what we can- we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."
- Henry James


Hmmm, sounds like a familiar inner dialogue - I believe I recognize that Voice! [:)]

Ceriel ... that's the very beauty of God, and the answer to your question! Your free will and mind is a gift from God who does not violate you. The answer is within you, yet you cannot, or will not, access it because you refuse to listen! You seem to be setting up a conflict that does not exist.

I was afraid to "lose" myself, yet when I let go of my "freedom" and self-will, I found, much to my astonishment, true freedom within, real life welling up, and my true self breaking out of the shell of falsehood that had me bound! This is what Jesus meant when He said (paraphrased), "the one who tries to save his life will lose it, but the one who loses his life for My sake will gain it," or "in order for a seed to grow and bear fruit, it must fall to the ground and die."

So, I pray, and I AM I in that Great I AM. I am no puppet for God, because he is not a puppeteer. To make Him one is simply to reduce that which is the Highest Good to a projection of our own selfishness and fear.

And He says to tell you He loves you and that you too, if you listen within, will hear that Voice of Love, the inner voice of God.


I asked that question for 2 reasons:

(1) If it was solved, some things done on computers that would take longer than the known universe has existed to finish, could finish in 1 minute. The fastest way known to solve that problem takes between about 1000^100 to 1000^1000 time, not 1000^10 or less, but it is suspected that it can be done, and has never been proven that it cant. If the size of the set increased by 1, it would take 100-1000 times longer to solve, using current methods.

(2) To test the intelligence of who Mustardseed was talking to (if anybody), not to test if it was god, because even if the correct answer is given, that does not prove it was god, only that its IQ is over 200.

I know now that who you were talking to is not god because it said
He was asking.....are you real....and I answered.....I AM instead of saying these 2 reasons.

Ceriel N If one of the 1000 numbers is infinite then an exact answer cn not be given. Is there a range of valid values for the 1k numbers, or are they arbitrarily chosen? And they are scalar, right?

They can be any finite number.

That was an approximation to a more complex problem, which I will describe more of here:

It must be solvable using the same method for ANY positive size (S) set of numbers. The time it takes to solve must be less than S^N, for any constant N. Current methods of solving take time proportional to N^S, which is very slow. This sounds easy since you can choose any N, but (N^S > S^N) will happen relatively fast as S increases, for any value of N.

It must be solvable for any number K. I gave the hardest K to solve for, one where about half the numbers would have to be used. It is also valid to determine there is no subset of numbers that sums to K. The answer (method of choosing the subset) must find the subset if it exists, or determine there is no valid subset.

This problem is one of many problems that are all called NP-Complete. They can all be converted to each other in a short time. If one is solved, they will all be solved.



what about know Beavis
what about him
he says you are not God
yep I heard that
he says if you were God you would have answered him differently
he did not like my answer, thats all
what do you mean
He has expectations. He assumes things and puts me in a box, telling me how I should do things answer questions all do at times
but why did you not answer as he wanted you to
becourse I am .......... God!
but what if he will get upset and tell lies about you, and say you are not really God and stuf
he that comes to me must believe that .......I am.....a rewarder of those who dilligently seek me
ohhh so it dosn't matter
not even a little bit.....don't worry about what people think
ok, thanks
don't mention it

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


how bout this, if this is truly god, please ask him to tell me what is my name?  No, not my nickname on this site, whats my real name that was given to me at birth.

If you can tell me something as simple as that, I'll believe you


How can I tell this is going to go in circles already?


Channeling God

they keep asking questions God
yes they do
well then !!!!are you gonna answer?
I will answer but as I said I will answer my way
sounds like you are not going to answer like he expects either
why don't you?
I have my reasons
please please explain this I dont understand and it sounds like a cop out
okay I am sorry
If I was to tell him his name what would be the next. Give me lotto numbers, and I will believe, good grades, healing, sex, money.Dont you see....It will never end. Even if I raised someone from the dead some would not believe, becourse it is not yet in them.It is not their time and their Spirits are not ripe. I seek for people who believe in me and trust in me without knowing. Without proof. Thats why it is faith. So.....can we leave this subject. This is why I asked you to put down the heading DO NOT DEMAND.....
ok, how do we proceed
lets just wait for a bit, someone is starting to think about this.....
and stop worrying about my reputation..I can take care of that myself
ok then

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!

Ceriel N

Lifebreath, please... Enough of that. You should know better... =/

Err... What logical relation does the equation represent? I hate math, but have not yet encountered a logical problem that I could not solve.



Yeah, it does mean something, but it's not conclusive. The information needed to generate and direct the sentence is easily obtainable, in fact readily availible, and all it requires is a little smarts. The question is, why would someone with smarts want to do it? No, I'd say this weights _against_ credability rather than for it. Besides the readily availible information there's more behind the scenes.

MS, if you are pulling a prank, please stop. If not, ask for a second opinion and someone to verify. Things are often not what they appear to be, and lies are abundant.
"We work in the dark - we do what we can- we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."
- Henry James

Steel Hawk

I retract my comments and leave this post be.


Ceriel N Err... What logical relation does the equation represent? I hate math, but have not yet encountered a logical problem that I could not solve.

It has many uses. One is searching more moves ahead in chess. If it were solved, enough moves could be searched ahead that when the first move was made, the computer might say "checkmate in 147". It allows many problems to be solved by solving only a few problems.

Mustardseed, its not that "god" answered in a way I didnt like. "God" answered incorrectly. "God" said I asked if he existed, but I was instead trying to determine his intelligence.



oh my that guy is upset
yes but dont get worried
why not ...he says you are a familiar spirit
but I am not ....he is just scared
scared...he does not seem to be scared at all
but he is. He is scared that he might not be as close to me as he thought
you know God maybe it was a bad idea maybe we should just not do this
whatever you say its your choice
he said I was consulting with Familiar spirits that worries me
thats what they say about anything they dont understand or have room for in their understanding
but maybe I will be damned for eternity
go with your gut my son
Why is it the people who believes the Bible who have the hardest time believing you are real
they have the most to lose
they think I love only them and they are jealous
and thats what makes them mad?
yes...its just that simple it has been this way since the beginning of time
some people are funny , they desire closeness with me and when they get it they doubt it. They pray to me and then reject what I tell them. The world is full of such people and they are all very very religious, and believe that I am theirs only and they want to rule over others with what they think is their superiour knowledge of my ways, they believe they are the chosen people and though they claim to believe in a God of Love they act like they serve a God of hate. Thats people. Thats humanity
pretty sad
yes but I use even this to fit in the big picture and it has a purpose
what shall I say to him the steel guy need to learn what it means to have love and mercy
ok well you allready said it but I will say ...ditto
you are feeling better in your stomach I see
yes I do thankyou
stay away from acidic food ok
ok thanks

Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!

Ceriel N

I ment a bit more abstract than that, like how the variables stand in relation to each other. Guess I need to study the actual problem a bit more until I actually understand it...
But would not the chess prediction require knowledge 'a priori', "before the fact", or something like that? Or am I missing someting? =/ Is that the very point of the algorithm?
"We work in the dark - we do what we can- we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."
- Henry James

Ceriel N

Just read MSs new post.
First I suspected, now I know. - Please either verify the source or cease and desist the charade.
"We work in the dark - we do what we can- we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art."
- Henry James


Oh God, please help me. My Dads waters have broke and now the baby is coming. What should we do? We cant let anyone know about this.

Thanks in advance.


Channeling God

God someone is setting up a thread to Channel Satan
yea I thought he was getting interested....anyway thats his game ...always copying. He cannot create only imitate.Leave him be

Sorry SH cant talk to you gotta leave you be
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!




God ....did you see that post
yes I did
well then.....?
I stick by what I told you and Job "I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me
ok then....the God of all flesh it will be
tell him that it is really not funny to call me satan ..he is nothing but my creation. I have allowed him to be looked on as the God of this world. The prince of the power of the air, but ...........I AM....the God of all flesh
ok will do ...bye
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!