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Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions

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E: Hi
Z: Hi Edi.. we've been looking forward to talking to you. You see, the thread about the reptilians is evolving, and it's good to see that so many things are discussed. This thread here is by nature different, so don't worry about that. We've been watching for a long time how all types of channelings are 'delivered' to earth, and how they were percieved. Contact with the higher spheres has been around for a very long time, but only in this modern society is there a general disbelief in the existance of such things. Yes, people became more independent of gods and priest, in whom they believed in former times, but now they believe in rationality, science, and a way of thinking that is blind about some things. What fuzzi writes about cycles and the development of mankind is interesting in this regard.
E: Indeed... that are questions that determine how we live and see our world...
Z: Many think that so-called 'rational' thinking, based on facts, strictly linear, or if you like to use another expressing, blind of the greater circumstances, is the way to totally accurate knowledge. People want proof, but they forget that every proof is also subject to interpretation. You have many people who research energetic phenomenons, the aura, laying on of hands, and those things slow very slowly into science. Although it is true that there are many things that are nonsense, and there were researchers who made errors in those things, this is no reason to dismiss such things at all, it would only be a reason to further investigate. People have the attitude of disproving others' beliefs, instead of trying to understand how the world looks through the eyes of someone else. So what science is all about at your current stage is proofing what you want to proof, and disproving what feels uncomfortable for you. This is the general attitude we see with many scientists. This does evolve, but slowly. Eventually, those things would of course come to surface, but even before that you can decide what to do yourself. In the same way that 'scientific' researches deny certain metaphysical things, there are on the other side people who are gullible to believe everything, and to have their heads in the sky with their feet stumbling around, having no stable stance in this world. Your belief always dictates how you act, and so you need to be careful and conscious about what you accept into your belief system. As long as you exchange those ideas with other people and discuss them, and you aim is to do good with it, there is not much danger though. You can avoid most pitfalls by common sense and communication, lots of talking and discussing. This is also a reason for the channelings here - we want people to discuss, because so many things are based on beliefs that aren't reviewed ever, and at the moment you debate often with a negative attitude, i.e. you go out from the basis that the other is a) wrong b) bad c) inferior and d) out to get you, which is normally all wrong. You need to get all on the same side, and to explore together what this reality is like. This world is a playroom you shouldn't fight in, and whenever you think someone is out to get you, that's most likely fear and conditioning. There are not many things to be feared, but you might think that way if you're alone and keep the things in your head instead of discussing them out aloud.
Z: Go on with the questions, this was just a gentle introduction, and you seem to be prepared well by such an easy flow of words before the questions by others. We'll do this more and more, commenting on the present situation, and giving your pointers and hooks in your mind (subtle at first, but you get them), so don't be surprised if we go on talking and don't stop for a while every now and then. Enjoy the ride.

Risu no Kairu: They didn't answer my final question... "Do you like chocolate"

Z: In fact, we don't like chocolate. It's something that's appropriate for your digestive system, and especially for your brain, because it makes you feel good and gives you a short kick. So we don't like it. We don't have any meals based on sugar, either... this processed sugar is bad for your health, and many problems result from it. There's nothing wrong with good natural products like honey, sweet fruits etc., but refining sugar, adding some other components and feeding it to children so they develop the taste of "sweet and artificial is GOOD" is wrong. Added to this comes the conditioning that for things the parents like, you get sweets as a reward. This is just one of several problems with human diet.

Hmm. You (they) say we'll be able to fly when we shift... Sounds fun. Will we be able to fly into space and stuff without protective gear, also? What sort of rules of reality as we know them will be altered, forgotten, and stay the same?

Z: You won't fly around as in your dreams, because levitation needs to be done carefully. You don't want to be flying around all over the place, bumping into each other because you go too fast. It's a skill that will be learned and trained, and it will be easy to do it compared to now. Really, feasible for anyone. But you won't just fly around the earth in 5 seconds. You also can't fly into space, because your body wouldn't make it. You still need air to breathe, and a certain air pressure to keep your organism running - you'd boil in outer space. Of course there are technologies to deal with that, but your body by itself isn't made for that... you're an organism that is linked closely to the ecosystem that is prevalent on earth. About the rules of reality: there'll be a gradual change, and you won't wake up and see that everything changed over night. We already commented a bit on that in earlier channelings, but in general the term to describe your next state of existence best is 'lighter' - meaning more transparent, easier to modify, and a more direct expression of your thoughts. This is also why telekinesis is possible then. This is also why you'll be more sensitive to your bodies' needs. Don't expect too big changes, forgot what you see of films and so on .. relating fourth dimensional experiences down one level is difficult. Your conscious awareness (and also your subconscious) will be more apparent to you. Healing will be done more by energetic means. You won't have to train hard for a long time (or get help from the guides) to learn astral travelling. Hopefully this brought it somewhat clearer to you.

[...] Anyways, he said he communicated with beings that looked like how you describe yourselves (or how the people talking to you describe you). He said that they said that they're merely particles of consciousness that exist everywhere and that they're the builders of the universe. They keep things together, and that the tall, big ones that look like htem are hte destroyers, that try to take apart the universe. You wouldn't happen to be either of these, would you?

Z: We're not those beings... what he talks about does exist, but he doesn't present it the right way. Regarding 'builders of the universe' - there's not such a thing (that question is somehow similar to the one about the midichlorians from star wars). So what he describes is neither us or any other race, but it was the symbolic interpretation the mind had ready for his experience. To clarify further: there are no little beings, particles, that are conscious and working here and there to keep the universe together. Those are 'energies' and streams of consciousness that work and direct at a much larger scale, down from God into the higher spheres, including many kinds of beings who all have their role in keeping the universe together. And as a polar opposite, you also have the tendency of things to seperate, but only to unify later on again... that's it for now about this subject, Edi.

MJ-12: 1. What really happened on September 11?

Z: September 11 was an incident that happened with full knowledge of some members of the united states' government. You see where it lead to ... new laws being passed to restrict the individual's freedom, exaggerated fear of 'terrorism', and making the devil out of people who fight for their freedom. Fighting is wrong, but so is pushing people to it. Both the involved terrorists and the american government (as well as other governments) are only puppets on a stage, so it was a scenario that was played out in order to further fear, confusion and separation. This incident was planned.

2. What is the Montawk project? What is their connection to it?

Z: The Montauk or Montawk project is the name for several smaller projects... including the philadelphia experiment, drugging people or trying to influence them with electromagnetic fields to affect their behaviour and make them mindless zombies, the geoengineering we talked about last time, and so on. There's a lot of information about it on the net, and it's pretty accurate. We have no connection to that project - there are service to self aliens behind it, though.

3. Why did the zetas tell people to kill their pets before the supposed pole shift?

Z: This is something you have to consider in the situation that is about to occur. Food will be scarce, and it will be necessary to decide what you take with you and what now. Leaving cattle and pets uncared for, in order to starve slowly or to die because of any adverse effect of the poleshift is more cruel than putting them to death in advance. With in advance we don't mean now or soon, but when the pole shift will be imminent and you're making plans and decisions on what to do. Whoever kills their pets before, when everything appears to be normal, and no clear signs of something like a poleshift to occur are visible by even the uneducated and unaided eye, should ponder well if he's just fear-driven and gullible, or considering seriously and with common sense what he should do with his live and his surroundings.

5. What is the zetas' relationship to the United States government?

Z: We were in contact with them once, and offered to be of assistance, but the US wanted bargains, technology, and so on, with the intent to use it for selfish means and to control people. This was not what we would agree on, so we have freezed contact with them. They know of us, and are aware of some of our activites.

6. What is Project Deep Shield?

Z: It's a shield built using rockets that are stationed in outer space in order to fend off anything that would come near earth... spaceships, asteroids, even planets like nibiru... that's the theory and the plan, but it doesn't exist.
E: That makes me wonder, because I read that it's about chemtrails and the likes...
Z: "Deep Shield" is the label which was put on that by people who researched it... it's nice to call everything a 'project', isn't it?
E: Okay. I was afraid I got this one wrong.
Z: This was the first time you thought seriously about that in this whole channeling... be reminded that we say exactly what is possible for us to deliver through you, and we would tell you if something comes through too foggy or unclear so that you're in danger of misinterpreting those symbols. So to state it again: the original plan for "Deep Shield" was different from what it's labelling today.

7. Who was Isis? Was she a channeled alien, or an embodied person?

Z: She was an embodied person, or if you like that expression better, an embodied alien, as all of you on earth are.
E: How do you mean this?
Z: Higher species incarnate on earth, and you all have you roots somewhere, you belong to the family of man.. but as you're young, you incarnate in 3rd dimension in order to gain experience, before you live among your parents out there in the galaxis.

8. What are the Pleadians, and the Zetas' respective relationships to Freemasonry, and various occult mystery groups that trace their lineage back to Egypt?

Z: Such groups were always heavily influenced by extraterrestrial intelligence. We cannot say clearly whether it was service to self or service to others because there were influences from all possible directions... but in general, such groups were the point where you world met the spirit world in an organized effort. In former times, this was more for the good for people, but the more occult and secret those groups get, the more they are oriented towards self. Concerning Freemasonry itself: we have our fingers out of there, and so do the pleiadians, because it's all about gaining power about others and having an advance by being part of that secret, mysterious group. It's a bit washed out at the surface, and people sometimes talk about it, but there's still a core that is unseen, and playing out some agendas.

9. What is MK Ultra?

E: Oh, I hate those questions where I get some cryptic words :)
Z: We understand that. So you could leave this question as well as the others for the next time, you've wrote exceptionally well until now, it's a good point to finish. Indeed, we thank you very much for this nice conversation.
E: I thank you too, kind regard to all you guys up there :)
Z: Thank you, it's appreciated. Good night!
E: Cya

- Edited to correct 2 spelling errors.
it's love you're looking for

Risu no Kairu

I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


I tought the zetas could say something about psychedelic drugs
are they good for discovering the "truth" or not?
I mean drugs like iboga,dmt,ayahuasca,lsd,magic mushrooms,mescalin?


Hello Edi, and the Zetas...

I have some short, and simple questions...The first one is:

1. I have been seeing things out of the corners of my eyes alot in my bedroom, and I feel that it might be some kind of benevolent intelligence of some sort...Is this you? Or anything else, or am I just seeing things?

2. Is SETI ever going to recieve radio signals from outerspace?

3. I believe I might have some connection to the Pleiadians somewhat...Because I was born on June 21st, and I have read that this is a important date for them..Is there any connection, just coincedence...

4. Would the Zetas be able to give me creative inspiration for creating music some how? Like a form of automatic writing?

5. And was that light in the sky I saw a UFO, and was it connected to the Zetas/and or Pleiadians?

Thank you for your time, and best regards,

Douglas Smith


Are/have the British Government been in contact with the Zetas?



Risu no Kairu

Hmm... How come there's a Zeta conversation  thread, and a Reptilian conversation thread, but not a Pleaidian (excuse me for the butchering) discussion thread?

I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


And a few more questions and I'll think I'll wait for things to catch up.

1) What's this: ?

2) When we die, how long does it normally take before we reincarnate again? When people communicate with people that've been dead for years, have those people just not reincarnated yet or is there a part of each person that stays around even after other parts move on to different lives?
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?

Risu no Kairu

Greetings, all!

So, uh, what's the deal with those Pyramids at Giza? I hear you've built them.



How did the Egyptians carve the tunnels through them?

Why do they match the stars of Orion's Belt?

Did you build other pyramids on Earth?


What other monuments did you guys, or any other nonhuman lifeforms build on Earth?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


E: Hey
Z: Hi
E: Everything alright where you are?
Z: All is running fine, thanks.
E: Great... let's continue where we stopped last time, okay?
Z: Of course, go on please.

MJ-12: 9. What is MK Ultra?

Z: It's again some project conducted in the USA by some groups, especially the CIA. The official government is not aware of those things, and not interested.. the CIA has a pretty free hand to do what it likes to.
E: What's it all about?
Z: We might say to the reader of this first that although those words are typed down directly, we discussed it also with the channel before he wrote this down so he has a clearer background and our words fall into place more easily. So although it looks only like fluent channeling, there needs to be some thinking and discussing beforehand in order to make a fluent conversation possible later on. This is because at the stage this channel is at, he has to be able to interpret the telepathic symbols, and with some questions that is easier than with others.
Z: Well, now that that's said: it's about psychological research, mainly involving the use of drugs, psychotropics, hypnosis, stress resulting from several things, and pretty everything that gets people out of their normal frame of mind. The aim of the research is to find ways to influence the human mind into either holding back information that the person carries, or giving out information the person would rather not reveal by his own will. This of course has many applications in war-like environments, for secret carriers or for questioning captives. Well, that's the basis of this project... do you have any specific questions?
E: Yes. To what extent did they succeed?
Z: Of course it's possible to treat humans so badly that they would do anything just to be free of hurt and pain - all those things are terrible, and violence happens wherever people are who would like power. But the point in all this, and that's an important point, is that you can't _directly_ change the will of a person, neither by violence nor by hypnosis. The human free will is absolutely set in stone, and you can only change the surroundings to give people less room to live their will, but in this case people still can decide on what they do. We would in no way want to blame people for decisions they made in the worst conditions imagineable, we blame all involved in those cases, but we stress again that you cannot modify the will of a person in any way. What you can limit is the possible choices you offer to them, and it's a general problem of society that needs to be addressed, if people are limited by force in the expression of their will. What's more, people should be encouraged to do as it is right for them - if you feel like it, do it. Now you could say that leaves room for lots of undesireable things to happen, because if everyone did as he liked, this world would be a big mess. That's at first view not so off, but then again you must consider what role other persons and all of your surroundings play - you're free to do anything you like and to treat everyone and everything exactly as you wish to, but you must also face the consequences, and you better be conscious of them in advance.
E: So this world is no big mess because many people wouldn't like it and so try to avoid it?
Z: That's about it. It could be worse, much worse, and humanity is indeed evolving.
E: How wide-spread are such attempts to mind-control people?
Z: You don't have to worry about it much. This is done barely outside of laboratory conditions, and there are much better ways to control people, for example the media.

10. How do the aliens respond to Defending Sacred Ground, especially the information concerning the August 12th, 2003 date?

Z: Generally, there is not much we need to do about that information.
E: I've read that was kind of a deadline for 'negative extraterrestrials' to leave earth.
Z: That's pointless, there is no such deadline, and there will never be one. Everyone can come to earth, as long as he doesn't infringe upon the law of free will. People (individually and as groups) can restrict their will if they want, and they can follow every outside influence, if they want to. The higher beings who watch over earth do not have to fight or threaten anyone, and they only take regulating measures if the overall evolution of mankind is in danger.

14. Why do the zetas continually show a callous disregard for human life, especially on the individual level on the zetatalk website, especially in regard to basically saying "oh well, sucks to be you" to India?

Z: There are several reasons for the way we present things. First, the ones that incarnated in India were aware of the general course of their lives before they incarnated, as is everyone. India has great possibilities and opportunities for life.
E: To me this land looks very poor, and not so comfortable to live in ...
Z: That's right but the soul living there learns a lot. Okay, the next reason is that we just present things as they are. It is not our job to 'save' anyone - in the case of a tidal wave that would submerge india, the rest of the world should be ready to accept everyone who would like to save his live, but this is not the case. Third, every human life is valuable and should be given the opportunities to unfold freely, but it is also necessary to accept dead when time has come, making peace with what has been and getting ready for the next cycle.

15. How far along are the various world powers in the field of scalar electromagnetics?

Z: The research on this is being done seriously and there will be some nice things to be discovered about physics. Although there are no big applications for it yet, everyone is trying to find some sort of secret discovery that can be used for military purposes, eventually. What is being found in the research laboratories (mainly in the US and Russia), is far from that, though, as the scientists don't know what they really have and how to use it. No one has devices which produce free energy, either.

16. What happens at Bohemian Grove?

Z: Oh well, people who are in power like to gather together, as it happens regularly there. Without journalists or any other 'disturbing' minds, it's easy to make plans about personal success. The people meeting there are mainly puppets and only out for personal gain, so although it's alarming that meetings like that exist, it's not as serious as some people picture it.
E: Why are you presenting all those things as if nothing of it is to be seen really serious?
Z: Because we want to give you the impression that you are not helpless and can in fact change things. There are of course a lot of things going on you can't see and never control, and a LOT is going on behind the scenes. But we like to concentrate on what you can do, and what helps you best.
E: Okay, thanks for that. I'm in a hurry now and need to rush off, is that fine for you?
Z: Sure post this, all is fine. See you then!
E: Bye, see you!
it's love you're looking for


E: Zetas, are you there?
P: One moment... here they are, there's time for another 'quickie' before you have to go.
Z: Hi Edi, nice to see you.
E: Hello, thanks for being available so quickly.
Z: You're welcome, we enjoy this work, and we've been noticing your intent to talk to us. Go on, please.

Arthelion: 8. How has Buddhism changed since the time of Buddha?

Z: The message of Budda was very easy and not complicated. What you all hear about realms of the devas, the scheme of the evolution of the universe, all the laws of spirituality like karma was added later on by others, who put buddha's teachings into a nice popular 'religion'. The original message was what you could expect after someone meditated for a long time without break, and who discovered what he came to earth for. He saw the suffering of people, where it comes from, and that it essentially is all self-created. He did not came about with theories about the universe, he did not came with a theory, but a practical approach to make the best of life, to get along with worries and to find a firm place in the universe. He was a spiritual mentor, a waypoint, a great influence in his time, and he set things up for a spiritual development in india. He was very down-to-earth in his teachings, and his purpose was to be a radiance of love, compassion and understanding that shows people how the spark of divinity inside of themselves can always be a lamp to guide through whatever dark times they are enduring. Buddha did NOT found Buddhism, it was the people around him who passed along his message who eventually made a system out of it. Buddhism is what formed around Buddha as the common interpretation to his message. It changed over time, and the original meaning was always a bit distorted here and there, there were interpretations added and it became more and more symbolic. We won't go into more depth about specific details, but if you're interested in that, and in what exactly changed, we can go deeper.
E: Yes... this would need that I learn a bit about Buddhism as it is today, to have you then comment on it.
Z: That's about it, yes. Next one, please!

Q(Van-Stolin): Have there ever been beings on the planet that seem similir to humans, but have animal characteristics?

Z: In what sense similar? From outer appearance, you have of course certain kinds of apes who seem to be very similar to humans, but who are animals. You're rather interested in the development of the human species by that question, and regarding that we can say that the human form was engineered from available genetic stock, but there were never animals on earth that were pretty the same as humans, but without souls.

When the pole shift occers will everyone have better access to the astral?

Z: Yes, we've already said that. Astral travelling will be easier in the future, but don't confuse the pole shift with developments that will take place later, i.e. the ascension of humanity into fourth dimension. The pole shift will be a purely physical occurance, and as such does not directly change the consciousness of humanity, as the gradual submerging in the photon band does. The pole shift will have tremendous effects on society and how people get along togeter, many things will change because of that, but it remains just a physical, geologic or planetary occurance, purely down-to-earth.

Risu no Kairu: So, you guys have different groups with different tasks? Do you know what other tasks the other groups do?

Z: Of course we know what tasks the other Zeta groups do. Regarding the other species, we can have that information also if we need to and if it's not anything sensible. We work together here. The other tasks are for example the flying of saucers, and assistance in the forming of crop circles by that. The classical case of contacting humans by 'abductions', although much less frequent than you would suppose, is also what is done by some groups. We have people in the background who are responsible for our technology, and we also have teachers among ourselves who help us to be able to improve our ways of interaction on earth. We also are guides for people. And, there's this group who's responsible now for communication.

Do you always stand in that room waiting for these guys to talk?

Z: No. This is a room for conferences, and we have other things to do than standing around the whole day. In fact, we're pretty busy.
E: In that sense, you'll be quite happy that I rushed through this so quickly now?
Z: Yes, that's nice. We didn't have time to get into more details and elaborate long on certain topics, but it is also fine that way. Kind regards to the Astral Pulse, we're happy to catch up with the latest questions.
E: Yes, it's less pressure... well, bye for now then.
Z: See you!
it's love you're looking for


Z: Good Morning. We'd like to begin with the question about the information we provide:
E: I'll past the whole question, I think it fits well here...


I'd like to discuss something with the Zeta.

You've already answered some questions about our little world, as who built the pyramids, what the governments do, etc. I suppose (you'll correct me if I'm wrong), that you answer to this type of question :
- because informations relating to Earth as we know it aren't something you (or any other higher authority) consider sensible,
- for the sake of the project, the point being more to communicate with us than to teach us (again, reguarding this type of question).

This is a fantastic opportunity for us. This thread could be easily filled with billions of single questions about our world, and I have a feel we are going that way. But then, it would be more effective to.. send us history books (sorry I couldn't find a better comparison).

I wrote this little introduction to make it clear that I understand you're not here to "teach" us, so that I don't want to offend you with the questions I shall now formulate.

1) What are the limits to the informations you can provide us concerning the overall knowledge of our world ? (like privacy, financial issues)

2) Would you agree, besides the project, and of course if this is possible (that I have no idea), to share these informations in an "appropriate" way (such as full texts) ?

Z: You see it right that this thread wasn't created to spread any kind of 'teaching', but to communicate and to gain experience in that. It is a valuable experience for all of you and for the channelers, because normally all channeled material is only spoon-fed to you with barely an opportunity to discuss things and to ask again and again if the answer was not satisfactorily. Here, the emphasis should lie on interaction and on discussion, because we represent for many the unknown and neither fear nor gullibility serve any purpose in getting to know the things that are new to you. Fear holds you back from seeing things as their are the same was as gullibility, both colour your perception and your expectations. For the channelers who were and are involved in this project (unfortunately not many chose to do this), it is a wonderful training experience in a rather calm and understanding environment and a great opportunity to learn about the process of channeling and the way those things are typed down. Because we liked people to learn about this process, we inserted some words about this here and there, and you can see how the 'regular' channelers on this forum evolved over the course of time, each in their own unique way, and also the audience evolved. You've seen how lots of fierce attacks and misunderstandings came up from the very moment on when the pendulum was introduced in the forum to be used for making contact to guides, following everything which developed from that. Those things were necessary to happen, because there was apparently something wrong - either the way things were presented or the way they were perceived. This of course provoked many reactions, and people learned a great deal by that.
We answer to questions about your 'little world' because you are entitled to ask, it's the world you've been on for ages. The viewpoint channeled material can add to life on earth should be considered. The intention should never be to suck these words up as a false religion or a thing to clinge upon to give you more sense in life you'd lack otherwise by telling you who you are in the greater scheme of things. Channelings can give you a sense and a purpose in the way that you then learn to find out what you can do yourselves, what actions you can take, how you can improve your lifes every day. You can of course learn about various subjects, metaphysical and spiritual, and if those give you a drive and more opportunity to be happy, that's always fine. After all, channeled material seems to come from far away - this contrast also reminds you who YOU are.
About teaching you we can say that we like to answer questions about just anything (most things can be discussed freely). But we don't want to come around as saying that things are so-and-so and expecting you to believe, after all that's up to you what you do with the things you read. We have our channels on this forum being accurate and expressing in the detail and depth that is possible for them the answers and contributions to various topics we would like to provide, the rest evolves from questions and personal viewpoints that are brought forward by members of this board.
The purpose is not, though, to only answer factual things about the world. If you're interested in things like the pyramids or ancient civilisations, we answer freely, but then again, such things are not always of direct relevance to your lifes. You will have access to all of this information regarding your past in some time in the future, not so far away, and then you can look up and research those things in all their detail. It will be very very interesting for mankind, when they finally reached the next stage of evolution, to see how they did in the last cycle of 26000 years, to see how they progressed through each of the ages of man and to analyze what they learned when and how. Mankind has indeed a very interesting history. We understand that some or many people would like to have printed books, ready to read, with all that information, like a giant magnificent library or encyclopedia of everything that happened on earth. This is not done by 2 reasons mainly: first, nothing is given too easily or without prompting at your stage, so it will be up to all of mankind to be interested in such things and to step forward and see where they can get this information from. What percentage of the population does approve of channeling, do you think? Information is brought forward on the whole world by channelers who also write those things into books, and those books can be readily bought or also read online in some cases. It is necessary that those things happen because humans are interested and trying to find out things by whatever means are presented to them. Second, factual information about the past is not what you need most, you need it only if it serves to understand better your present situation. Therefore, the way on this forum is to discuss things and not to write long elaborate texts that are not related to the interests of people here.
There are of course limits to the information we can provide. We are bound to rules of the Galactic Federation in our work and must follow those closely. Some of them are easily and directly intelligible, for example that we are not allowed to limit your free will by what we provide. Giving too much information would also limit your free will, because then you would have no choice over accepting what is presented to you. This is not only regarding to individuals, but to mankind as a whole. Another rule is that we may not help you over problems and issues that you need to heal on your own (or together as a human group). We always can give assistance in those cases and point into the direction where you can find the answers you're looking for, but then we can't directly give the answers in such cases because you problems and disturbances always serve a purpose, and you learn from those things. Yet another rule concerns what we tell you about the activities of other groups on earth, especially those that are working against us. That's called the rule of engagement, and we have elaborated on it on the zetatalk website, but to sum it up we can say here that when we talk about the actions of someone else, we may only talk in a general, non-accusing and non-finger-pointing manner - when we talk more, and reveal things the other groups wouldn't like to be known to the public, we 'engage' them, and that effectually means that we are in a kind of verbal war, and this 'war' follows strict rules that keep negative/service-to-self groups from taking too much advantage of other groups that are not used to fighting at all. So, the rule of engagement is about communication and interaction that takes place between differently orientated groups. The last rule we'd like to comment on for now, which will also be clear to you by common sense, is that we may not give sensible information that would lead to injury or death of people when revealed. There are secrets that are kept secret purposefully, because if such things were known, some people would pay for this, and this is not what we want. Things need to be forgiven and not avenged.

Z: We also would like to end here so this gets not to long and is still readable in a short time.
E: That's fine for me too.
Z: Thank you for typing this out, then.
E: You're welcome, thanks for being here.
Z: See you later.
E: Bye.
it's love you're looking for


I should have specified.  

What I mean is, if there were ever any aliens that have a human apperance, but have physical animal features.  Like standing bipedal, but still having a tail or mussel.
Thou shall not kill, remember?  What kind of church man are you? - Vash, Trigun

I will destroy Naraku with this Tessiaga! - Inuyasha, Inu-yasha

Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind. - Edward D. Morrison


I thank the Zetas for their kind and wise answer.

I hope there will be more and more "open discussions" like this one. I'd be interested in having their opinion on some wide questions. I'll try to find some to ask.

Best reguards.


Greeting to all, and thank you Edi for you beautiful work!
Zeta, Pleiadian, Reptilans and all other Unknown helper.

I have followed this three from beginning and have same questions to shootout.

As far as I have understood this, that the road to the pole-shift will bring much difficulty in our life very soon (in almost all matters).
And in the same way you (Zeta/Pleiadian/reptiles/....) offer us much information to prepare for those events (here & ...).

But I still miss same more specific knowledge about the time, and its not about when the pole-shift will occur, But rather when to "prepare-time seriously" should be taken. what I have understood so far is that the pole-shift will occur around 2012. But never knew how bad those following year from now (2004) until 2012 will be ?.
Where is the worst point of that period until then?. Many of us have schools and job. This mean automatically that we have to sacrifice much of that. not to mention those with family to care. All this need time in "Right Frame" to prepare for. I'm sure that you have already taken all this in account. But not sure if you are willing to reveal it for very good reason.

The hardest part will still be to convincing owns surrounding (the most in this forum is open-minded). but on the other hand the information should be available for everyone and they still have their choice.(Freewill) as you always mention.

But there is same issues which I still worried about. and its not about what will happen to me. Its more about what I should do for the other.
How much should we care about helping? actually you can still be same bit egoistic in this matter (keeping quite about everything you know and avoiding be ridiculous for at least several years), and in other way you can almost sacrifice your self to help other?

This difficult time which will approach us will put us in many unwanted situations. And I will mention one of this situation in hope you can give me/us same advices.

How do you handle a life-threatening situation by same person/group, when the most peaceful ways is excluded. And the most unwanted sensitive part [do we have the right to kill if it is REALLY necessary?]

   For example, Jesus advice was "Turn The Other Cheek Attitude".
   The modern law say: "you have the right to defence your self if necessary, but do not exaggerate".
   What do you (Zeta, Pleiadian ...) say?

You mentioned that our "higher-me" will choose to stay/live in service-to-self centred or service-to-other. Does I and my "higher-me" have the same opinion (are we aware of what we are in that matter, and can we change it dramatic)?

Same members (including me) have not been able to have same contact with their Guides (consciously or telepathically), Does it mean that they are not trying hard enough, or it is purposely avoided to concentrate in more important things to do?

Thanks in advance.
In hope to hear back from you again! [:)]


Z: Hi Edi
E: Hey, nice to see you, even if only telepathically.
Z: That serves the purpose, doesn't it?
E: Oh yes, of course
Z: Go on, we're eager to having you write some things down :)
E: Sure :)

Risu no Kairu: How many other aliens look like you guys?

Z: To you, many aliens look the same at first sight. But in fact, the Zeta are easily distinguishible from other if you look at the proportions of the body, head eyes and so on. So Zeta is Zeta, and you regocognize us as such (which doesn't say anything about the orientation, though... there are also 'black sheep', and not so few).
E: By not so few, do you mean that a larger zeta group is working against you?
Z: Oh yes, indeed. You may have wondered why there is such a bad reputations about us, which is also exactly the next question in line:

Why do you guys have such a bad reputation?

Z: This is because of several factors. One: fear of the unknown in general. Two: fear of 'extraterrestrials' in special. Three: conditioning by the media. Four: lots of stories that put all aliens into the same bowl and label them als 'evil'. Five: distorted accounts of abductions. Six: contact by 'negative' beings who have our appearance, i.e. a service-to-self zeta group.
E: I'm interested in this other group... can you tell me more about it?
Z: What do you want to know?
E: When did it split off?
Z: You see, there were always different attitudes among ourselves. When we - we already began talking about this sad issue in one of your first channelings here - made our planet uninhabitable as a result of our actions, there were the ones who learned from that the ones who didn't. It's clear that if you face the almost total extinction of your own race, watching how it goes down and down for years and decades, you ought to learn something from it, and a big part of us did. But not everyone, so this is why there have been different orientations since the beginning. It will be the same with you men on earth - in the upcoming years, you all have to decide on your orientation. You either decide to ascend with love and light, or you remain in the third dimension to play out another round of karma and control, basically. This is why it is important to live consciously, now more than ever.
E: Now there's something else I heard about you, something like a 'virus' infecting you, spreading from one to the next, and making you behave otherwise, somehow 'possessed' maybe?
Z: There is some truth to this story, but it is not as you describe it. First: it is not possible for a 'virus' to infect beings and totally change their orientation, or the way they want to behave.
E: Was there an outside influence that wanted to control the zeta?
Z: Yes. The annunaki for example.
E: Er... so there is a relation between the zeta (positive or negative) and the annunaki?
Z: Yes, there was contact between several groups for a long time.
E: Did they make something like a 'virus' to control you?
Z: No, not at all... they did nothing to our bodies, they basically just offered power and control.
E: And some of you accepted that offer?
Z: Yes, they did... you see, there are always individuals that are undecided. But in any case those wouldn't have been in any important position, so this decision for power was nothing that affected our work. We also are no "mass mind" as someone said, we just are in telepathic contact and function as a whole. That's why the group knows about every individual, and there are no 'hidden agendas' by individuals among us. They either do what is good for the whole, or they go their own way, and there are always other ways.
Z: The conclusion is: there are positive Zetas, and there are negative ones (you can also prefer to call the negative ones 'grays', but you also have to understand that even entities that choose service-to-self for the moment have to be seen with compassion and understanding).
E: Is there any way to differentiate between the orientations?
Z: Yes - mostly by behaviour. You might be sensitive to subtler energies to recognize the general intentions of a being towards you, but this is not the case for most people. But in any way no being can harm you if you don't agree to this. On earth this is quite difficult to see because things can need a lot of time to manifest, and you normally don't see the exact causes of what happens to you. Call it karma, or law of attraction, but you also _choose_ what happens to you on your life on earth. Now in subtler spheres this choice is more instant, and shows quicker effects. Whenever a non-physical being approaches you, it depends on you if it can interfere in any way with you. 'Astral wildlife' and malevolent beings HAVE to use your fear and negative emotions and negative energy in order to influence you. Now of course nobody is perfect, but even if you have smaller or bigger fears and emotional problems in your life, you will notice it pretty clearly if someone wants to take advantage of it. In those cases, you always decide if you give in to your fear or if you try to overcome it. It's as easy as that.

How come none of the other alien species on the ship ever come to your sessions? You should grab one and have him talk.

Z: Those conversations here are intented for the zeta to answer questions. Concerning the other species, it is not in our power to decide what should be channeled by whom, and they have their things to do.

How many species are on the ship,l again?

Z: If you're talking about the mothership, there are 18 species permanently on it.

So, uh, what exactly is the ship made out of since it can go back and forth between 3D and 4D?

Z: The material does not matter much when shifting densities. It's made of elements you also find on earth, mainly, but the technology is quite advanced.
E: The mothership was sponsored by the Arcturians, wasn't it?
Z: Yes, exactly.

How exactly do you guys do that?

Z: In your terms, we put a field around the thing we want to shift through the densities, we 'allocate' room in the target density (you wouldn't want things sticking inside each other), and raise or lower the 'vibration' of the object. This is a plastic description of what happens, and going into the exact technicalities of that isn't really possible.

What's the deal with crop circles?

Z: They represent a message that has yet to be completed. Some of them can be interpreted quite easily, others are also very nice to look at, and what they do to the one that sees them is that his subconscious gets certain memories... those crop circles basically tell you what is happening to earth now and in the near future.

moka: 1-Can you give me a good reason to beileve you and not beileve any other theories about the afterlife and stuff like that?

Z: You don't have to believe us.

2-Who is Prophet Mohammed to you and other saints and prophets?

Z: We respect them highly for what they are and what they have done. They are all emissaries from way above us, and brought to earth to anchor certain ideas.

3-Do you beileve in the existence of god?How do you worship God?

Z: We already talked about the existence before - regarding worshipping: we don't do that. We don't worship as in a cult or a church, but we acknowledge Him and have deepest respect of his plans.

4-I've read that alot of people are gonna die,why are you choosing only specific ones?

Z: We are not choosing anyone. There will be no help that would favour anyone, neither during the pole-shift nor at any other point. The fact that many people are going to die can not be changed by us. If you are expecting a fleet of UFOs coming during the next years, out to 'rescue' certain 'choosen' ones, you would rather let these thoughts fall quickly, because this is something that will not happen.

5-I also heard and actually saw the effects that abductions have on people,some are really negative,actually I've seen a story here on this very forum. How do you explain that?

Z: When you hear or read a story, you always have at least two filters the whole thing went through. The first is how the person in that situation perceived it, the second is how you perceive it. Both distort the truth, based on the way they interpret things. Things are not always as they seem, and the details are left for the persons to work out themselves, but what we can say to you about this is that the problem in those cases is not what is done to people, but how they react to it - the latter does the whole damage.

E: Can we stop here, please?
Z: Of course, we've done quite a bit.
E: Please excuse the jumpiness of my listening...
Z: Oh, you were quite relaxed and detached, and we're happy the way you did this. There doesn't have to be a long elaborate channeling all the time.
E: Fine, see you later then.
Z: See you.

That concludes this session... kind regards to everyone,  Edi
it's love you're looking for


First off I'd like to say how just completely odd it is to be having channeled beings answering questions in a forum on the internet. That out of the way, here are some questions I pose.

1)Lately I've been going mad, I mean completely insane. My lunatic logic is benefiting greatly from what I believe to be either insane paranoia dealing in circumstance to my own plane of being. Rather I'm beginning to believe things that on average a person might not think is a normal system of thought.
Basically I'm able to file away moments in time for myself and events, and then associate them with my life in relation to the filed moments and correlate them with numbers which deal with so many aspects of new age/ religious/ and spiritual subjects.
I'm wondering if madness over all should be embraced when the deepest of understandings seem to stem from the mundane.
I want to know if I should be fearing certain things, because there is always of risk of complete loss of control, but I think that somehow my mental capacity for such things over-shadows many others ability to handle mental extremis.

2)I'm wondering if there is anyway to rid ourselves of the future. Can we destroy knowledge of what the future is in order to protect it? Would we be able to store reasoning of time frame within an isolated bastille, perhaps some mental cryogenic icebox?
I feel that because we know of the future (Not the events occuring within those moments)that we are fated to destroy it.

3) If I can see an overall picture of the universe, the planets, the people on the planet and how they move, grow, adapt and react to the environment with perfect clarity and then use these scenarios, these methods as a theme in order to place smaller digits of existence into a better perception of reality, am I ok?

4) Numbers, all I can see are numbers. People walk through my head figured as figures in formulae and linear projections taking their time in the time line of things. Why is my mind so wrapped up in numerical perceptions when Im not even good at mathmatics nor arithmetic?

5) Heres one Im throwing out because the skeptical voices in my head tell me to, even though Im sure with this type of question, there could be so many reasons, excuses and results following why such a question could not be answered.
Do you know who I am? I mean do you really know who I am?

These questions are asked through the reflection of a skeptically impatient and unfettered mind, one that placates itself over and over, one that chooses to ignore nothing, to store all forms of sense, and that hides nothing. I ask these questions with both humor and love.
St. Augustine - "Don't you believe that there is in man a deep so profound as to be hidden even to him in whom it is?"



to everyone who's joined this thread lately and wrote some questions: it might take some time to answer all the questions that have been posed up to now, but I keep track of what has been answered and what not so nothing should be lost as I try to address everything. I hope to have the present queue finished by the next 1-2 weeks.

E: Hello Zeta!
Z: We greet you and the Astral Pulse.
E: Any comments, or do we proceed as usual?
Z: We will comment where it's necessary, there's nothing special we need to adress at the beginning of this channeling. Proceed with the questions if this is fine for you.

Hyperdimensional: Sometimes I feel myself living in more than one dimension at the same time, that's one reason I believe why I could have precognition experiences, but what the zetas think about this?

Z: Precognition is an ability that can be trained and developed to a certain extent. Precognition is the automatic consideration of present influences and having a feeling about what is going to develop from that, all this on a very intuitive level. There are limits to it, however, especially when the will of others is involved, but you can also get information regarding such things by subtle sings of others, starting with body language and going to subtler energetic emanations. The other possibility of precognition given to certain people by the guides is something that is not so uncommon now, but this is mostly about events or information those people need to think about. This is one way to 'prepare' people indirectly for the future, because they will handle a situation easier if they went through the process of processing it emotionally and mentally.
E: When are such things done by the guides?
Z: It all depends, but generally there is an agreement of the person who is shown things this way, either on a conscious level or on a soul level. Nothing is done that would push anyone too far. For example, if we knew that someone would be in a very difficult situation and have to make quick important decisions, we cannot obliterate the pressure that can't be avoided because a decision has to be made. But it is possible to give the person the necessary experiences in order to have little emotional and mental response that would only distract them from what is happening. This is done by situations ocurring in life, by dreams, by visions, or by certain precognitions regarding the future, all depending on the situation as many factors are involved.
E: And what's it in this case?
Z: Nothing of the latter ones. For Hyperdimensional, it is the development of a natural ability because of his interest in such things.

Mrsix: If you are not allowed to directly interfere with our development, why the warning about the poleshift, and the subsequent contact you have with us?

Z: We cannot take any decisions away from humanity, this is why there are limits to the information given. But you see how things are: we say something, and people can either believe it or not. There is nothing more to it, and all depends on personal evaluation and on the perception of the individual what he does with that. We do not have the intention to push anyone to wrong decisions, but we also won't prevent people from wrong decisions. The warning about the poleshift is given, and given by us, because one the one hand it is very important consider this event, and on the other hand people ask about it. Not interfering means not pushing or forcing anything on any of you. There are agreements, however, that make interaction possible and interesting for both sides. This is either a pre-birth agreement, as in the case when someone from us incarnates on earth and says "hey, look after me while I'm incarnated!" to the others that remain to guide him, or it is simple the wish of a person or a group to learn more about what we have to say, and then communication takes place openly.

The last two months, I have had almost uncontrollable sexual desires.. has energy work got anything to do with this?

Z: Indeed, sexual energy is one of the strongest motors of the human body. Energy work can disturb the natural development and unfolding and put the energy system out of balance, if things happen and not paid attention to. In order to control these desires, do something creative, anything that is good for you. Sexual energy by itself can grow very strong and uncontrollable and it needs some sort of controlling mechanism, which is spirituality. While doing energy work, don't neglect the other parts of you, because you are much more. With spirituality we mean grounded spirituality, as always. To give you an idea of what we are talking about: you do energy work; you open certain energy pathways in your body that are small and subtle; those give a new input and experience to your being; with such, more sexual energy can flow and accumulate. But where does it go from there? If you happen to know how exactly to do the energetic work to direct these energies to where you can use them better, that's fine. Energy work does have many effects that are so subtle that you can't be aware of them at first, but luckily the body notifies you if something is going wrong. So if those desires disturb you: either let this pressure out by sexual activity, or think of other things where you can put your creativity into.

no_leaf_clover: 1. What are the odds of a nuclear war here before Nibiru arrives?

Z: It doesn't look that bad. Although everyone's having fear of all the others, the finger near (but not on) the red button, you shouldn't despair.. in reality, very very few do really want nuclear weapons to be used, so it will not just happen by 'accident'. Keep your eyes open on what happens and raise your voice where necessary, or possible rather.

2. Was the Cold War agreed upon by the US and Russian governments to occupy public interest after WW2?

Z: No. Their fear and conditioning of each other was and still is genuine.

3. If it is possible for nuclear war occur, and it was clear nukes were about to be launched and casualties would be in the millions, would there be any extraterrestrial intervention or would we be left to our own problems?

Z: A total extinction of all life earth bears would probably not be allowed because it would be a too great desaster. We and others do everything we can to prevent that, and the majority of humanity is clearly against nuclear war to happen. Minor wars, as they are happening at various part of the globe, as well as other problems of humanity are left for you to (hopefully) sort out and get over quickly. We offer assistance where it is feasible and needed, and we also would prevent accidents that would trigger global atomic war, but we wouldn't prevent decisions by people that have been put in power (and remained there untouched) by the common man of the street, who handed over responsibility about his life to others.

Z: That's it, Edi, for our early afternoon meeting.
E: Thanks for that, bye for now.
it's love you're looking for



What are you comments on our Mars Space Mission, Comments on the Pictures given, Reasons why 'Spirit' Isnt working, Something there hiding and the species that might be there.  And are there anything NASA is hiding?
Soul Travel is an individual experience,
a realization of survival.  It
is an inner experience through which
comes beauty and love of all life.  It cannot
be experienced in rituals or ceremonies,
nor bottle in creeds


E: Are the Zetas ready for the session?
P: Yes, they are... I'll initiate the connection.
Z: Good morning, although it's midday, you haven't been up for such a long time.
E: Oh yes, I sleep a lot these days... any suggestions on what do do about it?
Z: Get out and move in the fresh air, that can do wonders for a tired body.
E: I'll do that this afternoon, before the sun sets...

no_leaf_clover: 1) What is behind the Chupacabra stories?

Z: It is a tale of a mythical being which was passed on for a long time. There is no creature that has all the features that are ascribed to the 'Chupacabra' and although there are many kinds of different creatures in the forests of south america, those stories exaggerate and mix various occurences that do not belong together.

2) What is the cause of 'spontaneous human combustion'?

Z: It is a purely chemical phenomenon, where a certain but very rare condition in the body leads to the burning of fat and phosphor. This is a real phenomenon and nothing supernatural is involved.

3) What are in the other galaxies of the physical universe and has each galaxy been designed to support a type of life?

Z: You find stars and planets and life everywhere in the universe, but it is often quite different from this galaxy. There are other forms than the humanoid, and you see many reflections of this in the animals you have got on earth. You can find such animals soul-driven in other areas of the universe, and their culture and technology always is reflective of what they are. While this galaxy is make to experience free will, there are other ways in other galaxies. Free will is linked to individuality, to contrast to others. Other galaxies are not so much concerned with having and expressing individuality but rather being in flow with the world and having joy from creation.

4) How would you compare the kind of music you usually listen to with the kind of music we usually listen to and is it possible for 'Zeta music' to be transcribed into something we can hear?

Z: We cannot transcribe our music for you to experience because it is complex in other ways; we perceive differently, so our creativity is epxressed through different structures and patterns. You get an idea of what this is about by listening to pieces of the great inspired musicians you had. Do this without analyzing, but with listening and perceiving the music without trying to categorize it. You then become aware of many subtle things, patterns and beauties.

5) Who built Stonehenge and from where did they receive their astronomical information?

Z: The druids who were there at that time had an open mind towards the universe, so they had various sources of information. But much of their culture has been brought from ancient sumeria to the area they lived in by migrating and trading people. Stonehenge itself would have been impossible to construct by themselves, so there were others from a higher densitity who assisted in this.
E: Did the druids themselves build it?
Z: No, it was constructed earlier.
E: Who then?
Z: It was an ancient culture that wanted to leave a sign of themselves.

6) Are tales of Atlantis based on a civilization that actually existed once?

Z: Yes, as we have already told in one of the previous channelings.

7) From where did the 'seed of life' spread to Nibiru?

Z: The seed of life there is different from how humanity has been seeded.
E: Were the Nibiruans put there by another civilisation?
Z: No, nor did they migrate there from an other physical civilization.
E: How did the bodies to incarnate into come there?
Z: They formed (and were formed) on the planet itself, and there have been beings who incarnated into them then, which you know today as Nibiruans or Annunaki.

celticmagick909: I so far have recently had 3 dreams concerning aliens.

Z: This was an experience given to you in order to expand your perception. Such dreams are common among many people, as more and more people accept the reality of 'extraterrestrials'.

Risu no Kairu: They mentioned some sort of genotype for all life in the physical universe. what do you know about this? What can you tell us about it? If we compared your DNZ to something on Earth, what would you be most related to?

Z: Life spread from a single source which is what you could call the genotype. Is was planned to have the humanoid form here in this part of the universe. All life eventually comes from a single source if you trace it back far enough, but it evolves to myriads of variations and combinations in the course of space and time. The genotype the reptilians referred to in their channeling includes the way the DNA works in the body, the way the metabolism takes place, the way the soul is linked into the body, and many other things. On earth, we are mostly related to you humans. We have been more hominoid once, too, and as we already have said in the future humans and Zetas have much to do with each other, mainly because you are a way for us to heal and understand our past.

Z: So, uh, you guys ever encounter a species/race/being/whatever you would like to call it that doesn't need water to survive? (3rd Density, I guess, since I don't know if 4th density people need to need).

Z: There are primitive forms of life that do not need water to survive and reproduce, but as far as physical bodies are concerned: we know only of water based ones. At a certain complexity, water is just needed because of it's various properties. So there is truth to the saying "water is life".

Are the Ica Stones authentic? Was there a time in history where man walked beside dinosaur?

Z: The Ica Stones are 'authentic', however, man and dinosaurs are seperated in time. The dinosaurs had their place on earth for a long time, but only after that humans came along.

Are there still creatures on the planet Earth we would call dinosaurs?

Z: You can call them dinosaurs if you like to. There are of course traces left in various kinds of reptiles all over the world, and striking similarities to the 'classical' dinosaur.

Does bigfoot/yeti exist? Are there giant octupus (like, the size of ships) in the sea?

Z: Bigfoot does exist, but secluded and purposefully not in contact with any humans. Although there are giant octopus' in the seas, they do not reach the size of ships if you don't count the length of some extraordinary long tentacles.

Are there any subjects we haven't brought up yet that you think we should inquire about?

Z: We are here to give information about the pole-shift and about our future role on earth. You could ask specifically about practical issues that are relevant to your life on earth now. Exploring the unknown is always interesting, but there will be other things that will keep you busy during the next years.

Are there any artificial (as in created by a 3D organic being) beings in the universe? If so, how do they work? Are they drone like, or do they have self will, awareness, and personality? Do they get souls? Who created them? What do they look like?

Z: Yes, there are such beings. They work similar to your robots, but with more sophisticated technology. Because of this they are drone like and do not carry souls, and all personality is because of the 'programming'. Such things are a playground for scientists and technicians in various races, including the Zeta. They look like what we like them to look like, and although nothing makes this necessary, we prefer a form that is similar to ours, but smaller. You won't confuse any of them with a real, 'natural' being because of the way they move and behave.

You Zeta have given me the impression that spiritual development of a race is what makes them accend. If this is true, and the Astral (Including the "Real Time Zone") are above 4D, what are the "negs" people encounter there?

Z: You are right in your first sentence. Spiritual development leads to the leaving behind of lessons that have been learned, and the journey is continued on a higher level. This doesn't mean however that on a higher level all is perfect and light and love. You have to differentiate between the race and the individual... if a whole race ascends there is a new 'frame' or 'border' that delineates the (in 4d still physical) incarnation of the individual. After death, though, a soul or spirit can get stuck in certain areas, unable to move on. Seeking assistance from whoever they find in whatever ways they have, they are often seen as negative and demanding from other people. So the true negs are basically helpless souls that would be glad to be talked to and helped, instead of fought. This is why it is allowed for them to interfere with humans, because humans have to learn the ways of interacting with the unknown. Interaction with truly negative entities happens when the person draws them near, but there are also ways to cope with that easily.

Or is spiritual development not a prerequisite?

Z: The spiritual development determines the focus where you can be for a longer time. The focus of most people on earth is between 3d and 4d consciousness and gradually gets higher and higher. When you die, you travel on to meet your guides to review the life and decide on the next one. Although those things take place on a higher level, the place of your natural evolution is still on a denser reality, so you will very likely continue to the next incarnation.

What will happen to the rest of the life on Earth when this whole pole shift raise to the next level thing happens? They'll come, too, right? Not just mankind?

Z: Animals are already going and awaiting you in 4d, so to say. Note however that the pole shift has nothing to do with ascension into 4d, although it will have definite impacts on humanity and in this way has an influence on breaking free from old patterns.

E: I have to get some 'fresh air' now :)
Z: Fine, the sun is still up. Have a nice walk.
E: Thank you, see you soon.
it's love you're looking for

Risu no Kairu

OK, so, uh, that Bob Lezar guy (I don't know the exact spelling, but your computer probably is capable of telling you whom I speak of) says that he worked at Area 51.

He said he saw Elements that don't exist on our current Table of Elements.

These really exist? At what number do things stop breaking down? Can we create them? How could we create them? How many exist? Is it cyclical? Like, you get a certain number strong, then a certain number tha decay, then more that stay the same, decay, same?

What causes gravity? How could we defy gravity? Could you tell me how to create a hover board? ...Why not? Don't you love me ? :/

I hear CHina is supporting terrorists... Could you expound on this? Why are they doing it? Who are they supporting?

Who did you try to talk to when you approached the US government? Was it the president? Congress? Secret super authorities we (the public) don't know about? Did yo uapproach any other governments?

Who would win in a fight: Borg (Star Trek) or the Replicators (Stargate SG-1)? (Serious question. (Seriously.))

What do you think of the Asgaurd representation of yourselves?

The pole shift isn't when the shift will occur, you say? So, then, the shift will cause the pole shift? Or will it just be coincidence they occur together?

The reptilians gave me a different answer on bigfoot. They said bigfoot is a creature that once existsed but doesn't anymore. (I think they wer etalking about the Gigantopithicus.) Why are your answers different? Why don't the bigfeet (foots?) like us? How advanced are they? What do they call themselves?

How big do the biggest octopus get in the sea? Squid? What's the largest growing animal in the sea?

Does anything "intelligent" (has technology, even something as simple as beating something with a rock) exist under the sea?

Where did the tales of mermaids come from?

The dinosaur question... I meant things (not specifically Dinosauria, since people refer to all ancient things as "dinosaurs") that are big and look like brontosaurus, or tricerotops. Mkole Mbembe, and those things. Not animals like iguanas, or birds.

Whew. That's a lot of questions.

You, Edi or Fuzziwig, could probably cut some of them out if you'd like, but I would like the Borg versus Replicators one to be answered.

Should I stop visiting LUE?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


hi, yeah i have a few questions i guess;
why concern yourself with earth at all, i mean, whats the point, what do we have to offer?
how can you not have emotion? in talking it seems that you do. . but your perception of emotion is different than ours.
lately (like ever since i can remeber) i've always felt that i'm suppose to do something, like im MEANT for something. Mabe its just me, but do you see this in other people, like other psychics or humans?
yeah, s'okay. it'd help great if these were answered. .thankyou


E: Here we go again, all ready?
P: Yes, here they are.
Z: Let's just begin. You seem to be in a productive rush.
E: Yes, somehow the channeling seemed to change over the last time.. my attitude is different.
Z: We noticed that, as you know, and it's good to see. Let's begin.

Monsolith: 1) The Atlantis. Did it exist ? When ? How advanced was the people who lived there ? Where are the ruins now ?

E: I saw this question several times now, independently ... how comes that Atlantis is in the mind of so many people?
Z: It's one of the topics talked most about, even common among people who are not at all interested in spiritual matters. It's the mystery of past times, because even nowadays when everyone wants to rationalize and reason in a logic way, there remain mysteries because you can't explain everything just by researching, experimenting and thinking. There are limits to what humanity can know at this time, and beyond that border fantasy has room to create and to interpret. Where the stories of atlantis are based on something that existed, it remains unexplained how exactly it has been. It's end was about 11000 BC. We already said a few words about atlantis before, but we can go into more detail about how advanced they were now.
Z: On a whole, atlantis has seen ups and downs. There was a time when it was flourishing, with an education system that included all aspects of the human being, where children were taught their place in the world, their connection to nature, and where learning was not equivalent to memorizing of facts. There was currency used, but not to the ends of gaining more wealth and power, but rather as a means to trade efficiently. Besides from that, they were not all so evolved or advanced; there was more freedom than nowadays, but on a whole it was down to earth and no paradise. Tales of a land where only peace prevailed and all was good are therefore exaggerating and fantasizing. The mystery schools in atlantis were advanced and had much knowledge, which was spread after atlantis perished by survivors who fled here and there. The ruins are, as we have said before, under the atlantic sea.
E: Now I'm confused about dates. As far as I know now, there have been catastrophic incidents both in 11000 BC and about 1600 BC; what were they?
Z: It's good you ask. Not only because there are many various dates out there, but because you yourself don't know the answer. As we have said, the biblical flood was at some point in the second millenium BC. Take this to be 1600BC.
E: How should I think of Atlantis... one big continent with a certain delineation, or rather some smaller parts?
Z: The popular concept ot Atlantis is that it was one big continent with several smaller outposts. This is wrong, because there was not _one_ thing you could label Atlantis; there were several areas with several different developments, and not all ended at one certain date. What was ended in 11000BC was the slavery which was imposed upon humans by the Nibiruans. There, most of that civilization perished, but other areas continued to hold towns and cities which could be called Atlantis, too... those latter found it's end then in 1600BC.
E: Um, just to get this clear... there were several cataclysm in that time span...
Z: Yes, every time Nibiru passed by.
E: ... at 11000BC the enslavement of humans by nibiruans was ended by one of those ...
Z: Yes, and a gread part of that former civilization which was in place ended there.
E: ... and 1600BC was when Noah or Gilgamesh were around?
Z: There were several Noah's, so the tale in the bible or the epic of gilgamesh are a condensed version of the knowledge the people had. This knowledge was: there was a flood, and someone was warned of it.

2) Marylin Monroe. How did she really died ? If she was killed, what was the purpose of the murderer ?

Z: Mariylin Monroe was murdered. She was killed because she knew too much.
E: Too much of what?
Z: Too much governmental stuff she could have talked about to others.
E: What was this about?
Z: About contact with extraterrestrials.

3) Same question about Lady Di.

Z: Her death was an accident. There were people who accepted her death with an easy feeling because they did not like her ways at all. However, the cirumstances of her death were not enforced by anyone wanting to kill her.

4) Who was Jack the ripper ?

E: Was it one person?
Z: No, it was a group.
E: Why did they kill people?
Z: Because they were interested in medical experiments.
E: Why did't they get caught?
Z: Because the police was bribed.

5) Whats the biggest animal on earth ? And under water ? I'd think about a giant calmar.

Z: On earth, you have the elephant, which would qualify as 'biggest' in regards to both weight and size. Under water, a calmar can get very long, but then still looks small in comparison to a whale.

6) I feel pretty blocked in my spiritual development. I guess you know it. What should I know that may help me ?

Z: Where spiritual development comes to an end, you should look again at your aims. Spiritual development is not concerned with fancy tricks and images the society holds of 'spiritual' people. See how you can develop what you feel is not right with you. Apart from being a vague answer, this is all the answer you need, because you can clearly feel and see blocks. The next step then is to identify those blocks more closely and to get over them.

Hephaestus: 1) What will the 6 winning lottory numbers be for the British national lottory draw on Wednesday the 7th of January 2004 and on Saturday the 10th of January 2004.

Z: Winning in a lottery is nothing that happens randomly. Those events are controlled and looked after so that whoever needs to have to experience of having abundantly much money gets it, and noone else. For most people, having a win in the lottery is just a means to avoid necessary issues, because they think all their problems would go away with it. Even if you say you would use it just for fun and having at good time, this is also possible, even better, without lots of money. So having a full blow and 'guessing' all the winning numbers is something that is given to experience to some.

2) Is the big bang theory correct as to how the 3rd density universe came into existance.

Z: Yes, basically it describes what happens, as we understand it.

3) Once we reach the highest density of existance what will it be like? in other words will I get bored and miss eating kebabs? (that kebab bit was a joke.)

Z: We do not know what the highest density is like, nor do we see any end at all. Boredom won't take place, because you will have many ways to be creative or do nothing and to enjoy the joy of being.

emitremmus: hi there...I am wondering what something is called and if it is normal. Most of the time when people are talking about an event,it seems I can see the people that were involed and I am able to tell what they were wearing and what they were doing...would this be some kind of telepathic power or something?

Z: First of all, telepathy is no power. It does not give you power, it does only give you the responsability to do whatever you do with it. Then, what you experience is a certain form of empathy or clearvoyance, where the mind picks up images that are related to the current situation. Part of this can be vivid imagery, but there is also the element of relaxing enough to let those images come in.

Kerrblur: As you know my name is Ryan Kerr, If all we have to do is just 'think about you' ect, you understand, to have you guys help us in learning the 'unseen' then, 'Can you hear my requests for help?'

Z: The question would then be, can you hear the answers? Really clear and visible interaction is not done by request, but any request is evaluated to decide how help could be given. Do you not have the circumstances in your life that are pressing on your attention, that demand that you look after them? Help if often in given in the form of offering opportunies for development - you find a certain book, you meet a certain person, something gets on your nerves and you know that you have to do something about it. Do it, and then the next things will come.

Sn0wball: I tought the zetas could say something about psychedelic drugs are they good for discovering the "truth" or not? I mean drugs like iboga,dmt,ayahuasca,lsd,magic mushrooms,mescalin?

Z: An interesting question, because many people think this is the way to spiritual enlightenment. We do not deny that drugs offer many interesting scenarios to experience, they can help to blow open your energy pathways, to clear certain blockages and to give profound insights. But while they serve to put away the natural filters and blocks your body and mind has on all levels, it also gets rid temporarily (or permanently in some cases) of the natural protection mechanisms of your body. God in a pill is the wish of many, because this ends the time of not-seeing, not-knowing. But this is also giving you another delusion, i.e. that you find 'truth' by drugs, which is not true. Drugs affect the brain chemistry and therefore your perception, which can be good or bad. The human body evolved (and was planned an tailored to be) a very suitable vehicle for exploring physical life. If you try to take shortcuts, you will miss very important lessons that you will have to catch up with later. There is nothing spiritual or 'true' about using substances to reach enlightenment, whatever you consider enlightenment to be. Drugs to have a certain function, and they open the door to the spiritual world for many, but if you decide to pursue this path, it must be done under guidance and carefully, otherwise the pitfalls would be too serious. The civilizations and tribes that used drugs in your past always saw them as a gift which was precious and not to be misused, and where conditions had to be right to use them.

celticmagick909: 1. I have been seeing things out of the corners of my eyes alot in my bedroom, and I feel that it might be some kind of benevolent intelligence of some sort...Is this you? Or anything else, or am I just seeing things?

Z: You are just 'seeing things', and we are not connected to it. If you are developing your perception it takes some time to adapt, and you should not try to see more than you see. It will come gradually, and you will have a clearer 'image' of it.

2. Is SETI ever going to recieve radio signals from outerspace?

Z: No signals will be sent purposefully to SETI at the current time. If any civilization 'out there' wanted to contact humanity and was allowed to do so, there are easier ways. SETI is looking at the wrong place.

3. I believe I might have some connection to the Pleiadians somewhat...Because I was born on June 21st, and I have read that this is a important date for them..Is there any connection, just coincedence...

Z: There is truth to astronomical influences, but there is no connection between birthdate and origin of the incarnating soul.

4. Would the Zetas be able to give me creative inspiration for creating music some how? Like a form of automatic writing?

Z: Music has to come out of yourself. Inspiration is there all the time, but not in the form of automatic writing where you only make room for another entitiy to come through. You have to potential yourself to create music, and the important thing is to just DO it, regardless of what others think of it or if it sounds good at first. If you really want to make music, make music as it is true to your nature, and you will find the ways to inspiration.

5. And was that light in the sky I saw a UFO, and was it connected to the Zetas/and or Pleiadians?

Z: No, it wasn't.

Are/have the British Government been in contact with the Zetas?

Z: Oh yes, they know of us.
E: Are you in contact with them now?
Z: Yes.
E: In which ways?
Z: No fruitful exchange takes place, for neither of us.

Risu no Kairu: Hmm... How come there's a Zeta conversation thread, and a Reptilian conversation thread, but not a Pleaidian (excuse me for the butchering) discussion thread?

Z: The Pleiadians have other issues to address.

no_leaf_clover: 1) What's this: ?

Z: It's a remant of a being that lived there some time ago.
E: Was it humanoid?
Z: Yes.. there was genetical engineering involved which was responsible for both birth and death of it.
E: Is it a fetus, or grown-up?
Z: It's not grown-up, and could not survive for a long time.

2) When we die, how long does it normally take before we reincarnate again? When people communicate with people that've been dead for years, have those people just not reincarnated yet or is there a part of each person that stays around even after other parts move on to different lives?

Z: It depends. Most reincarnate after a few earth years, as soon as suitable conditions are found. You can always communicate with a soul of a being, no matter if it's incarnated or not; you can as well communicate with any incarnation this being had, but this is than more the role it played than the whole being.
E: Is it possible to have multiple incarnations at one time? I mean, could I meet myself in the street?
Z: No you can't.

Risu no Kairu: So, uh, what's the deal with those Pyramids at Giza? I hear you've built them.

Z: That's true. They were built several thousands of years ago.
E: Can you give me an exact date?
Z: Yes... write it down: 2624 BC.
E: And why?
Z: To serve as momuments and waypoints for space navigation.

How did the Egyptians carve the tunnels through them?

Z: It was not the egyptians who did this

Why do they match the stars of Orion's Belt?

Z: Because we have a connection to this place because of our history.

Did you build other pyramids on Earth?

Z: Yes, we've been involved with some.


Z: South America and China.
Q(MJ-12): Okay zetas, same question as before. Were you in my room yesturday? If so, what do you want?

Z: 'We' want nothing... you are showing interest.

E: You keep the answers short, eh?
Z: That's all that needs to be said.
Q(Van-Stolin): What I mean is, if there were ever any aliens that have a human apperance, but have physical animal features. Like standing bipedal, but still having a tail or mussel.

Z: No. Such beings are you're talking of did not visit earth.

Orcher: But I still miss same more specific knowledge about the time, and its not about when the pole-shift will occur, But rather when to "prepare-time seriously" should be taken.

Z: The pole-shift will happen between not and 2012. What will happen in 2012 is something wholly different, i.e. no cataclysm at all. There is no specific 'event' in 2012 we can point to. The worst time will be directly after the pole-shift, because many people will inevitably die. You will lose loved ones, you will lose the security you are used to, and you will lose all the plans you had. It will need some time before things will be up and running again. There will be not much time for 'school' while the basic means of life haven't been secured. Children will be teached in the evening, when there is time to talk, before bed or at a fireplace. You will decide what is necessary to teach and what not, because you will have a different outlook on life. Social life will be very important, the now will be very important, and you won't worry much about the past, but you will keep the memory alive. The memory will fade, but the past will not be lost.
Z: Upcoming to the pole-shift, there will be clear signs, and when we say clear we mean clear. There will be some days where rotation of the earth stops, but before that you will see a gradual slowing down of the earth, small debris falling from the sky, strange dust appearing increasingly. Animals fleeing, many earthquakes, and especially the government trying to explain away things. There will be something to explain, because many people will ask "what happens, what is going on? are we safe?", and the elected officials will do their best to keep everyone in line. In this sense you don't have to sacrifice anything in advance. Pack your stuff as soon as you yourself see a red glowing object in the sky and public discussion is enflamed. You will not have to sacrifice anything in an unsure state and we state again that you will know by what is going on around you when it is time. This is sufficient for pretty all people, because then there will still be enough time to move into a safe place. Before that, you can try to organize your life in that way that you have enough freedom and enough information that you could need later on, but you need not move away now just to be really sure, because this is not feasible for most.

The hardest part will still be to convincing owns surrounding (the most in this forum is open-minded). but on the other hand the information should be available for everyone and they still have their choice.(Freewill) as you always mention.

Z: You don't have to convince anyone against their will. Offer them information, let them consider the possibility that things as they are talked about _could_ happen. Make information available where it fits or where it is asked for, but do not push it on others. If they decide to listen to governmental coverups when a simple look out of the window will confirm otherwise, it is for you to see their decision with compassion and understanding.

But there is same issues which I still worried about. and its not about what will happen to me. Its more about what I should do for the other. How much should we care about helping? actually you can still be same bit egoistic in this matter (keeping quite about everything you know and avoiding be ridiculous for at least several years), and in other way you can almost sacrifice your self to help other?

Z: Everyone's involved at different levels. Some are taking the challenge to learn how to channel, others are preparing to be healers (by natural means), still others are more concerned with the practical issue of surviving in rough times. As always, do what you can do best, and you'll find application for it after the pole-shift. Besides of that, some general survival knowledge could be well for many people, i.e. how to find nourishment if there's nothing to be found at first sight, how to build shacks that keep you warm in winter or on rainy days etc. If you ask us, you should care about helping every day of your life. What you call 'avoiding be ridiculous' is just accepting that the time has not yet come to talk about certain things with your surroundings, and this has nothing to do with egoism.

How do you handle a life-threatening situation by same person/group, when the most peaceful ways is excluded. And the most unwanted sensitive part [do we have the right to kill if it is REALLY necessary?]

Z: If it is necessary, defend yourselfes. Killing should never be done and avoided at all cost, but this is very difficult to decide if you have to say we or them. However, contact between service to self and service to other groups will be very minimal, and you will be guided in staying away from each other. Accepting to be killed by someone else or to give him all your food, knowing you will starve to death then, is seen as very noble by many and it indeed depends on you if you want to stay peaceful at all cost. We do not suggest so in all situations.

You mentioned that our "higher-me" will choose to stay/live in service-to-self centred or service-to-other. Does I and my "higher-me" have the same opinion (are we aware of what we are in that matter, and can we change it dramatic)?

Z: You are not always aware of what you decided on a higher level; however, such decisions and orientations will eventually shine through to your normal, day-to-day living.

Same members (including me) have not been able to have same contact with their Guides (consciously or telepathically), Does it mean that they are not trying hard enough, or it is purposely avoided to concentrate in more important things to do?

Z: It is easier than most people think, the key is just to try not hard and to let come and accept what comes.
E: I can vouch for that... it won't work if you try too hard, because that just blocks the natural flow.
Z: For some people of course the guides decide to stay in the background and work not with telepathic words and images, but by other methods.

Aileron: First off I'd like to say how just completely odd it is to be having channeled beings answering questions in a forum on the internet.

Z: We are aware of this odditiy, but we also like the curiousity that is brougt forward along with the tone that has been established by now. Interaction is all that is necessary, we don't want to have someone just channel our words and write a book. Talking and the constant question/answer mechanism shows you that this is not just some remote reality taking place in a book, but something that is evolving here and now, with many people involved, where nobody knows where it's going.

1) Lately I've been going mad, I mean completely insane.

Z: You are okay. It is easy to get lost in thoughts, as beautiful as they may seem to be. You are seeing relationships and patterns. Do not focus exclusively on it, because it is easy then to get lost and float of mentally. Write those things down, make something out of it. Enjoy this view of life, and discuss it with others to see what aspect of reality you are percieving.

2)I'm wondering if there is anyway to rid ourselves of the future.

Z: You never know for sure what the future will bring. And even if you do know some things, this does not mean at all that you will destroy the future. Life is a constant flux, with many impressions from here and there, and you can't go through it focussed on the future all the time. The future will come, and you always affect the outcome. Planning the future in terms of the past can 'destroy' it in the sense that you don't let 'new' things come to you.

3) If I can see an overall picture of the universe, the planets, the people on the planet and how they move, grow, adapt and react to the environment with perfect clarity and then use these scenarios, these methods as a theme in order to place smaller digits of existence into a better perception of reality, am I ok?

E: Seems odd to me :/
Z: It's just a certain way to view life that is exaggerated at this time. It is okay to experience this, but as we said, don't fly away with it.

4) Numbers, all I can see are numbers. People walk through my head figured as figures in formulae and linear projections taking their time in the time line of things. Why is my mind so wrapped up in numerical perceptions when Im not even good at mathmatics nor arithmetic?

Z: This has to do with working of the brain, where certain interests that do not necessarily have to do anything with mathematics, lead to the strong experience of certain thoughts. Philosophers have contemplated like this all throughout history, dwelved deeply on one subject, because it appeared to them as the ultimate truth, as the ultimate key to life. This may be true personally, but relate it to other persons and you see how personal this view is.

5) Do you know who I am? I mean do you really know who I am?

Z: We can access information that is necessary to answer your questions. If it is needed, we can access the 'database' that stores past events and memories of people in order to answer better to questions. Because we are not going into so much detail here, this is not necessary all the time.

These questions are asked through the reflection of a skeptically impatient and unfettered mind, one that placates itself over and over, one that chooses to ignore nothing, to store all forms of sense, and that hides nothing. I ask these questions with both humor and love.

E: I just had to quote that again, I like that descript of you. Especially what you write about "humor and love"... I think that's all that is needed to life.
Z: Humor is connected to love, and who loves can also laugh about things.

harlequin_star: why concern yourself with earth at all, i mean, whats the point, what do we have to offer?

Z: Genetic material. As uncomfortable as this may seem at first sight, it was decided on a higher level that we would cooperate with humans in that. And whats more, you are for us (as we said before) to learn and understand our past, and you hopefully avoid the things we did. There is much we can learn from watching you, from interacting you, from guiding you, and we are thankful that we have this opportunity.

how can you not have emotion? in talking it seems that you do. . but your perception of emotion is different than ours.

Z: This was addressed somewhere in the very beginning of this thread; we have emotion, but not as you know it. We decided to put aside our individuality, to put away our emotions so they dont control us. We focussed on the mental aspect of being. It is a long and painful way to relearn emotions, at the moment it is for us the studying of how you react to various stimuli with your body and your mind, by that we try to analyze emotion and to find out all we can find out about it. Our talking is too according to our channel, and as he uses humour we try to fit into the picture to see how it is. This is all planned and analytic, however, and not expression of true emotion as you know it. When we said above that we have emotion, we meant that we know it analytically, and we can study and recognize it and see subtle traces of it in us, but we are not moved much by it.

lately (like ever since i can remeber) i've always felt that i'm suppose to do something, like im MEANT for something. Mabe its just me, but do you see this in other people, like other psychics or humans?

Z: Many people feel that. Many people feel that they could do better, that they could do something special. That is part of finding out who you really are and expressing that in your life.

E: Okay, there's another buch of Risu no Kairu... not that I didn't wish to answer his questions, but I find it difficult at times.
Z: That's the opportunity for you to get over such difficulties. In that sense we're thankful to him for providing such questions.

Risu no Kairu: OK, so, uh, that Bob Lezar guy (I don't know the exact spelling, but your computer probably is capable of telling you whom I speak of) says that he worked at Area 51.

Z: Yes, we know who you refer to.

He said he saw Elements that don't exist on our current Table of Elements.

Z: He lied there.

These really exist? At what number do things stop breaking down? Can we create them? How could we create them? How many exist? Is it cyclical? Like, you get a certain number strong, then a certain number tha decay, then more that stay the same, decay, same?

Z: There exist more elements than you are aware of, and they do not necessarily have to break down at a certain number. This depends on several outside influences too, on electromagnetic fields, on other elements in the vicinity  and the density you're at. You cannot create them. We know of 258 physical elements. They are created or modified by technology you do not have yet, and we too can't do everything with them. It's possible to form certain elements out of others, but in general that's not so easy. It is about cyclical the way you describe it, there are stable elements with very high numbers.

What causes gravity? How could we defy gravity? Could you tell me how to create a hover board? ...Why not? Don't you love me ? :/

E: Ummmm...
Z: Don't worry, we can answer that one. Gravity is caused by the inherent qualities of matter, this is clear you will say. Apart from the fact that your model of electrons and protons, lots of little balls, is not very accurate and only serves to illustrate, gravity comes from something we could just call inherent vibration of matter.
E: Im scratching my head if I should go much deeper into this with you.
Z: Come on, why not? You have absolutely no idea of those things we would like to relate to you, but you can at least enjoy the journey at the border of your understanding.
E: :)
Z: So we have gravity... it does not come from anywhere, it just is there, because matter is made in such a way that connections are made between different clouds of matter, which you can imagine as as strings (real strings, not theoretic ones) fixed between your little balls, and because of some inherent vibration (excuse this foggy use of words) those strings get shorter and pull the balls together. So. Now to defy gravity, you would go on to use something like gravitonic scissors (excuse this foggy invention of words, we dont find any better ones in your vocabulary) to keep some part of matter from influencing another one that way. You can set boundaries on gravitational influence. This is all we can say about this, and please take it with the necessary grain of salt.
E: Youre somehow humourous today?
Z: Thats what were learning more and more, but its still stiff compared to what we see with humans. Our jokes are planned, yours are not.
E: To the reader: you see here how it has to end with a certain kind of questions :)

I hear China is supporting terrorists... Could you expound on this? Why are they doing it? Who are they supporting?

Z: Why? Because its the endless game of power, of course. There are always people with big interests, monetary interests, personal interests, or just with a bad day which makes them want to cover their insecurity with some hobby terrorism. Thats fact and no joke, there are also people who support terrorism as others would support musicians, for example. The specific interests China has is against America and Japan, so much we are allowed to say. Theyre catching up with their economic power, and would like to see other countries get dependend on them. Of course they have their fingers in the near vicinity around their borders, because they want to have influence there. They are supporting exclusively small groups.
E: By the way, I had to switch from Notepad into Wordperfect because of the length of this transcript :/
Z: Yes, its extraordinarily long.

Who did you try to talk to when you approached the US government? Was it the president? Congress? Secret super authorities we (the public) don't know about? Did yo uapproach any other governments?

Z: The CIA and MJ12.  The government itself is seldom aware of the details of such activities. Our main activities were with the US, because they are quite important in the world today. We approached other governments, but there was no lasting relationship established.

Who would win in a fight: Borg (Star Trek) or the Replicators (Stargate SG-1)? (Serious question. (Seriously.))

Z: It would be a draw. They would hopefully back up and find better things to do.

What do you think of the Asgaurd representation of yourselves?

Z: Not very accurate.

The pole shift isn't when the shift will occur, you say? So, then, the shift will cause the pole shift? Or will it just be coincidence they occur together?

Z: The pole shift is something totally different from the shift in consciousness (culminating in the ascendance into 4d) that will take place later. Those are coincidentally in the same short timespan.

The reptilians gave me a different answer on bigfoot. They said bigfoot is a creature that once existsed but doesn't anymore. (I think they wer etalking about the Gigantopithicus.) Why are your answers different? Why don't the bigfeet (foots?) like us? How advanced are they? What do they call themselves?

Z: Our answers are different because we focus on different details. We said bigfoot existed, and nothing about the number of them. But we say that they still exist - the reptilians don't necessarily have to have the same information as we do. They are seperated from humanity because they have their own issues to work out. They aren't advanced at all in regards to culture or civilization, and they don't call themselves any names.

How big do the biggest octopus get in the sea? Squid? What's the largest growing animal in the sea?

E: Phew, my computer just crashed... Im lucky I was doing this in Wordperfect, so I have an automatic backup copy.
Z: Lucky indeed. An octopus can grow to around 10-15m, and squids get more than twice that big. The largest animal we have pointed to before.

Does anything "intelligent" (has technology, even something as simple as beating something with a rock) exist under the sea?

Z: Sometimes there are humans in the sea, but you surely wont look for that answer. Animals under water dont use tools at all.

Where did the tales of mermaids come from?

Z: Mermaids were actual beings, but not what you think of them. Tales have been made up for the imaginative mind to project their dreams on whatever they see from remote in the water.

The dinosaur question... I meant things (not specifically Dinosauria, since people refer to all ancient things as "dinosaurs") that are big and look like brontosaurus, or tricerotops. Mkole Mbembe, and those things. Not animals like iguanas, or birds.

Z: No, such things as the Mkole Mbembe wont be found. There are reptilia on your planet, but not such things, big and dinosaur-like.

Whew. That's a lot of questions.

E: Im just waiting for what comes next :/ But do you know what? For the first time since the beginnin of this thread, if I remember it right, Ive finished the queue and theres nothing left to be answered.
Z: We congratulate you for that, this takes a lot of pressure away.

Should I stop visiting LUE?

E: Thats the final one ... no idea what LUE is.
Z: Well, what can we say about this one. Maybe well let it unanswered... some things people have to find out on their own.
E: I agree with that. Now I wonder how long this post will possibly turn out to be... and I think we can finish here, because theres nothing left and Im quite willing to go to bed after this channeling marathon.
Z: Yes, do that. We will see you soon, probably, new questions will be popping up all the time. But it wont be like that forever.
E: I hope so :) Well, see you later then.
Z: Good night.
it's love you're looking for


Hello again,

I'm very curious about the contact you had/have with governments...

How does your contact differ from, say.. the US government and the British government? You mentioned the British contact is not 'fruitful'... can you elaborate further into this?
Are there any governments/nations you have a strong bond with?

Thanks :o)
