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Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions

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Originally posted by chill
[Jess promise me that you will not delete that one post. Maybe we should delete our other sexual back and forth converse later on, as this will upset Mayatnik. I'll wait for your cue. Your sex questions are legitimate though.

I won't delete it. The reason I deleted that one sexual post was because the more I thought about it teh more convinced I was that the recipient would be upset by it.

I still want to know about the Zetas sex life.



>Originally posted by Hephaestus
>Question 6: What are the origins of the Aryan race?

Robert Morning Sky (a native american) refers to
'orion' as 'ari an'. Aryan is very similar to
that and orion.
Don't worry about me, I've got all that I need. You know how it feels, not minding the time passing by. I've got all and more, my smile, just as before, is what I carry with me now, yes, *I* am free.


For chill and rhinegirl, i think that in fact the zeta said that the fusion of both species won't happen until a few hundred years, so yes it's after the pole shift and everything but we won't see it nor experience it in this life. So no problem for me at least ;)

My question about the new species is :  what would we look like ? Because the zetas are doing the "prototypes", so we humans don't really have the possibility of telling them what we'd like ... Will we be more like zetas but with a human sexual organ or like totally human-looking but with a zeta brain (so no physical changes from the exterior) ?
- Ama et fac quod vis -


Well this thing is for certain, there aint no way my higher self agreed to this genetic mix between humans and zetas and there aint no way my offspring from now to the generations of the future would agree to it.
If my children and childrens children etc get genetically altered against their will i'll be angry. [|)]
Humanity should be left to evolve by natural means and not via genetic manipulation and the creation of hybrids.


Originally posted by Hephaestus

Well this thing is for certain, there aint no way my higher self agreed to this genetic mix between humans and zetas
and there aint no way my offspring from now to the generations of the future would agree to it.
If my children and childrens children etc get genetically altered against their will i'll be angry. [|)]
Humanity should be left to evolve by natural means and not via genetic manipulation and the creation of hybrids.

I couldn't agree with this more. I think this should be an option for us however I don't find it particularly comforting that the Zetas are out there planning our genetic future. I find it quite unsettleing actually. You know, I hate to sound petty, but I have 3 children and when they have children and so forth I would like one of them to have the chance to look back on family albulms and say "that was my great great great grandma, I believe I look quite a bit like her" NOT " that is the alien who altered my gentic makeup so I have quite a few of his features"


Heh some people never shut up... do they? [8)]

Anyhow... I got a few more questions:

1.)  "How much" conditioning do I have left to shed?  And how do you suggest I go about shedding it?

2.)  You mentioned that we are made up of many souls, and that we together make up a soul, and that this goes on on infinate levels.  Are the souls that make up me, individually a being with perception?  And the souls that makes them? And so on.. in both directions (souls that make up me and souls which I am a part of)?

3.)  You also mentioned that there are entities that listen to prayers, and either help or send thoughts of love.  Does God, The Prime Creator, work in this way?  Or is "he" just the creator and leaves his creation to exist?

4.)  I'm not sure (conciously) why I want to have telepathic contact with my guide, but I have been trying to listen, but often doubt myself thinking that I might be "crazy"...  So when I do receive answers, I do not know if they are my own thoughts or a message from my guide.  Am I receiving messages from my guide, or does she (pendulum told me my guide is female) think I am not ready or doesn't plan to have direct contact with me?

5.)  Now that you told me how your species is, I don't know why I decided to incarnate as a human instead of a Zeta [xx(].  My question is:  Do souls also change in density like bodies?  And can an entity incarnate into a  higher density body?

6.)  I feel as though the body is a being itself, and as a vehicle undergoes a lot of bashing, while the soul is "inside" protected and learning.  And the body has no choice but to serve its purpose.  And if it was meant to have a flattened tire, it cannot change that even if it knows more that would make it otherwise.  As an example, even though I know of THIS (everything that I've learned from here) and makes sense to me, my body (ME) is still crippled by that flattened tire when I try to move foward.  The flattened tire may be physical, like a disease, or perhaps HEAVY conditioning.  With all respect, I do not see this as fair, the body suffers just so that the soul can learn, and evolve.  Does the body receive any "compensation" for this?  And what do you think about this?

7.)  Sometimes you use underscopes (I think that's what they're called) in your channelings.  I do not konw what these are or do, but I think they express something that is beyond what the reader would usually get from the words without underscopes.  Like quotes... italics or bold.  so what is their purpose? :)

I also want to say that I amstarting to see the pieces of the puzzle fall together, and want to thank everyone that is involved... Zetas.. Mayatnik, Edi, Fuzziwig.. Pleiadeans, reptillians...  And I better stop here, I don't want to write many many names down.. So thanks :)


(i've edited to try and sort out the bold and to add something)

Hi SilverSlider, these are good questions you have asked and seeing as the Zetas have encouraged questioning i hope they get answered. I have a list of similar questions/contradictions that i may post soon but i wanted to add to one you have posted here. Someone (no, not the MI5) gave me a link to another forum that Mayatnik (the original channeler that came to astral pulse and trained others) has posted on and i have been reading his posts on there also.

This is somewhat of a delicate situation because i know some of my posts about Mayatnik, his guides, and the channeled information has been seen in a "negative" way by some on here. And perhaps at times i have been a bit too antaganistic. What i am saying is i post these things not as some kind of personal vendetta against Mayatnik (who i genuinely feel to be a nice person who really believes he has a mission to help humanity) or any other channelers, but because i "sense" strongly that there is something 'just not right' about some of this Zeta/guide stuff. Ok so here goes... sentences in bold are my emphasis.

Originally posted by SilverSlider

I. "White Lie" vs. misinterpretation.

A. From ZetaTalk

For those of you unfamiliar, the "white lie" was the March 2003 date given for the pole shift by the Zeta. This link provides justification for the "white lie". It basically says that the date was given to show everyone how the world governments would react if an actual date was given.

B. From Astral Pulse

Glenn says:
First off, planet X, nancy said you said this would happen may 2003, but this hasnot, how come?
Glenn says:
Z: It was a mis interpretation from nancy, we did not give that date, as we cannot tell when it is going to happen as of yet, but the people on Earth will know when it is going to heppen because of the signs

(McArthur: bold doesnt seem to be working but the sentence i wanted to was "we did not give that date, as we cannot tell...." etc)

So, one minute the Zeta intentionally gave false information, and another minute it's the fault of the channeler.

Now i would like to see how this contradiction is answered (if it even does get answered) seeing as Mayatnik and the other channlers and their guides claim to be in close contact and are verifying everything posted. But to add more to the question here is a quote from a post by Mayatnik (and the link) on another forum dated 25th September 2002 (this is, of course, before the prophecy failed and Nancy (the Zetas) came up with some excuse for it);

Mayatnik says: The Zeta Talk website (channeling the Sirians / Zeta / Igigi) has been announcing for the last two years that the Earth will have a Pole Shift in 2003 – which will mark the end of the world as we now know it. The Pleiadians – for whom I channel through my guide - are fully aware of this 2003 End-Time date, but the Plan was for the Zeta to announce the actual date, since they are the ones who will be involved on the physical plane to take the planet through the transition. The Pleiadians, as overseers, will be co-ordinating events and will be dealing with this from the Higher Realms, and will play a key role as the Photon Band covers the Earth, in 2012 leading to the start of the planet's transfer into 4 th Density."

There are then zetatalk quotes given in the same post where they clearly give the 2003 date. Here is the link to that thread

edit: Also see this thread regarding this claimed "Photon Band"-

About the excuse given for this "white lie" (or wrong information) i have this to say. They make some paranoid claim they did it to show that even if they gave the correct date the governments would do nothing to warn the people. But do they really expect the governments to take these people seriously anyway when they are just another whacko cult? Especialy now they have been proven to give false data?

And so what if the governments did not tell the people? Surely the Zetas would give the date as far in advance as possible so that those who do believe them will have as much time as possible to prepare for such an event? But no, now there will be no dates given whatsoever. Probably because the Zeta cult wouldn't be able to withstand another failed prophecy and their gullable followers would be leaving in droves.

(edit: and just to prove their "white lie" excuse is a load of bull there is a quote from the zetas on the link given that says;

We are telling you, that even if the governments of the world were to shrill the alarm, starting today, that the people they govern would brush off the truth. )



No thanx to your Greys, Reptilians, Zetas, and the rest of the interdimensional motley crue of spiritual rejects.


P.S. I've found that some of teh goetic demons will willingly catch and eat zetas, reptilians, pleadians, etc.

Originally posted by MJ-12

Mayatnik on the Astralpulse:

I have just finished working on a very difficult website, where many wanted to learn but were hampered by the negativity of the few with their loud sceptical voices who sought to rubbish everything. However, the job was done, in what was required for that 'stage' of what our channelers – Edi, Fuzziwig and myself were given by the guides to do. How many more could have been Awakened if it hadn't been for the loud snoring of some that drowned out our voices that tried to explain about the New Dawn that lay just beyond the curtains of confusion that hid the Light to them in their darkness of slumber!




Dear Whoever does the channeling here[:)]

I have a question about the poleshift. As you know the earth is rotating at a slight angle will this angle be changed in the poleshift as well, and is this a sort of "repair" on earth, what causes it and why. I apologise for not having read the thread in its full length and ask that if these questions have allready been asked that you feel free to cut and paste. Any comment will be appreciated.


Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Jess, are you a Goth ?
I have known a few.
They're nice people in disguise.


?? I would never be that pretentious. When one discovers true darkness one can take joy in it and then one no longer feels the need to be a goth.

Ya shoulda heard me poem regarding the abyss that I told to a goth, freaked him out. LOL!

Originally posted by chill

Jess, are you a Goth ?
I have known a few.
They're nice people in disguise.


Hilarious post, Jess, as usual.

I think that if we want to post here we have to ask questions to the Zetas. So make sure that in the post-script of your next post, there are such questions, at least one. Then I think they'll let us off the hook.

QUESTION TO THE ZETAS : Do you play chess or Monopoly or similar games after you've gathered around a good meal and wine ?


Originally posted by chill
QUESTION TO THE ZETAS : Do you play chess or Monopoly or similar games when you gather around a good meal and wine ?

QUESTION TO THE ZETAS: I hear the reptoids won't play cards with you because you CHEAT! Is that true and if so then why do you CHEAT at cards?



Quesion: How do the Zetas suggest the Israeli / Palestinian situation be resolved? what method should be employed to secure peace between these two nations and peoples? [:)]


Question to Zeta: Is the United States headed for a civil war or major shift in power structure in 2004/2005?


Zeta Conversation

E: I'm reluctant to channel now.
P: No, you're not, it's just that you don't know how it will be received.
E: That's a point. Anyway, I wish to clear up some things.
P: The Zetas can tell you about that. Should I connect you?
E: Please.
Z: Hello.
E: Hi. Can you tell me something about the status on those forums, what about the channelers, the channelings, and so on?

Z: You've had a great deal of turmoil and emotionality from many sides which was expressed in this forum. This was unavoidable because such things have to be experienced sooner or later in all those who were involved. What is happening on this forum is that changes and transformation have been catalyzed a bit by those channelings, which brought a different wind into those forums, and through the personal interaction that resulted from it.
Z: The 'bad' or 'evil' attitudes, as they are called sometimes, need to be transcended sooner or later, and this is just one opportunity to do it. As all interaction is. For the channelers as well as for the ones who are reading it. You have noticed how, while channeling, you have come to see some of your own blockages and how they relate to your life. People reading this (or other material) are having the same experience, where something they read just stirs them up.
Z: Such upstirring is okay, but there have to be ways of expressing it without hurting others. You too were at times not careful in your words but this has to be seen with compassion from all sides. Compassion and love is so missing at times that it is sad to see how people don't try to understand each other because they think they have it all right. We aren't pointing on anyone in specific here. Nobody is excluded from 'errors', everyone goes through life in order to experience and this is why there are opportunities, sometimes painful, to work up the past.
Z: This happens on an individual scale, where two people are interacting to clear out emotional baggage. This happens on a larger scale, where belief systems are reevaluated and cleared for large groups of people at once, even for whole humanity. This happens on a planetary scale, where the history of humanity has decided about all the factors that are at play at the present time. This includes the involvement of higher beings in the evolution you are experiencing, and is also including the genetic engineering we have already talked about. And because there has been some discussion about it, we will now explain this topic further in order to clarify.

Z: First: This is nothing done against the will of humanity. Those who are mocking about it often know nothing about it's nature and how the decision process is made. One factor in this decision is humanity itself. Earth will be a place for service-to-other beings in the future, when the planet has evolved into fourth density. This means that it would also be appropriate to have a body that is suited for 4d. Is the human body suitable at it's present form? No. A vote has been collected from all beings who will be incarnating on future earth about the genetic engineering that is to be done in order to 'upgrade' the present form. This means taking the good things you have and don't want to miss, like sex drive and emotions, cutting back the things that are viewed as 'not suitable' after due consideration (we are NOT the single instance in this decision process), like hair that grows abundantly, or emotions that are taking over the human body beyond control.
Z: We assure you that there is an aim behind that which the ones who will be incarnating on earth will be comfortable with. Genetic engineering on this scale is nothing that is being done lightly, which makes it clear that there are strict guidelines from higher levels that have to be followed. We are watched in our work and we cannot push anything on humanity. This is the second factor in this decision, the guidance from higher realms which is following a plan. And the third factor is ourselves, because we are the 'engineers' and are in this way deeply connected to the whole project. So you have three factors that decide what is to be done: you, humanity; us, the Zetas; and beings from higher realms who are overseeing things at large.

Z: Then we will want to explain about how this process is done. There will be a gradual blending, in the next centuries, of the species. After the pole-shift, there will be communities populated only by humans, only by hybrids, and only by zetas, with mixed variations occuring more and more frequently over time. The human body will just not be reincarnated into so frequently anymore because it will miss the advantages of the hybrid bodies. There is in no way any living body being 'merged', so a question about if the 'merging' hurts is senseless. It happens by reincarnation where you choose what bodies are inhabitated. From this point of view, it would be senseless to say this is done against your will, because you always have your will to choose where you incarnate, with the restrictions that are imposed upon it that are necessary for your personal growth. People who do not want to mix with hybrids or aliens on earth will be undisturbed as they wish and can continue their lifes as long as they want this way. However, the general course of action will be that the hybrid form will eventually replace both human and zetan bodies. This will take some time but is clearly what has been decided upon.
Z: As far as disgust or resentment about the new forms is concerned: the decisions are made according to the wishes of the majority and you won't miss, as we have said, the things you hold so dear. You will be improved, not deteriorated, there would be no sense in genetic engineering otherwise.
Z: So there is no sense in lamenting. We couldn't do anything against the greater plan (which includes free will) anyway, this is a place where free will prevails, free will needs to be respected at all times, which also means that nobody can always do as he pleases to. This includes also the concept of 'divine will'. So you can hide behind fears about what is being presented or try to understand what is happening and why.
Z: We can go on to the questions now.

Kalonek: 1. You said i'll find out more about guidance soon, but do you mean by myself, as i continue to practice the pendulum and my energy and mental exercices or will it be independant from my action, like something planned for me ? Will it be very clear to me ?

Z: It will not be independent from your actions because all plans for a life depend on the will of the person to carry out those plans and to go along the side-roads that are offered every now and then. The opportunities are always presented, huw mow much someone is willing to learn from it and how far to travel down the road depends on individual choice. The depth of experience is somethinf you choose. So you have the opportunity now to learn about 'the guides' in general and to make this a prt of your life, if you decide. This is not something clear that comes bombastically into your life, because nobody is out to impress you that way. All depends on your own will to explore new frontiers, and clarity will come from that with time.

2. You have mentioned two times "easy ways" to prevent us from bad spirits or any negative entity, could you develop more on this theme ? What is your technique ?

Z: We don't need a technique. You can only be influenced by bad spirits if this is what you agree to on some level, for example by being agressive you pull agressive behaviour into your life. What is surfacing in dreams if often the very product of the choices you make about your reality. Someone from this forum recently complained about having dreams where they are attacked, and tries to link it to the "channeled beings". We advise in this case to see how own emotions and feelings serve to produce the things they are experiencing. It is up to them if they need someone to 'fight' against. If you go out with an attitude that seeks negativity, it is no wonder if you encounter it.

3. Are the chakras "opened" or "closed" or is it more a question of stimulation. I l mean are there like a mecanism, or more or less simulated like an organism (which i think) ?

Z: The chakras are "opened" or "closed" depending on your psychological make-up. How you are, this means how you think, feel, live, dream, and experience things, is deeply connected to this and directly affects it. Stimulation is only a temporary effect which brings the blocks in the energy body to consciousness and allows them to be worked upon by releasing the associated feelings. Only this work will lead to chakras being more open. You allow as much energy in as it is possible for you to handle, and where a stronger energy flow would bring up repressed emotions people often choose to cut back the energy flow to avoid unpleasant feelings and memories.

4. Is yoga a good thing to develop our energy body ? Is it really effective ? Is so how does it work (energetically speaking) ?

Z: Yoga is good, yes. Among the many forms of yoga, every has its advantages and is suitable for many people. If you are talking about the 'physical' form of yoga, which was made popular in the west some time ago: it works by bringing about more flexibility of the joints and the muscles, strengthening some areas of the body and exercising 'unused' body parts. Along with this comes a good control of the body and learning to feel the various body parts. There is much more behind yoga than just physical movements, as they only prepare the body for further things. There is a connection between energetic blocks or held-back feelings and bodily tension. If you break up tension in the body by streching muscles or consciously feeling a body part, it is very easy to break loose energetic blocks and tension in order to release them through conscious work. This is facilitated by breathing deeply, which energetizises and at the same time relaxes the whole body. The meridians and chakras are also effected by this. Because the physical body is a 'mirror image' of finer bodies at a higher level, the energetic levels affect the physical bodies, this is why blocks eventually result in illness. But at the same time, working with the physical body also affects the finer bodies to a certain extent. So yoga fits in well in treating the physical vehicle. A big part of how yoga works is in breaking up tension and allowing free movement of the joints, keeping the body smooth and functional. Muscular flexibility is a prerequisite for good energy flow.

4 bis. What is for you a good alimentation for us humans to be at the best of our potential ? How much sport should we do also ? Is our body capable of healing himslef of everything (including his own disfonctionment, like in cancers, or less important acnea for teenagers - have you more info on this by the way as it remains very mysterious in definitive to our own scientists) ?

Z: What you eat affects you strongly. A healthy body needs the input of various plants and herbs which serve to unfold the DNA in you in a proper way and which also cure certain illnesses. Today's education tells much about nutritional values, vitamies etc., but all this is not necessary in order to have a good diet. The instinct tells you most of what you need to know. You are drawn to certain things and pushed away from others. You can try this by going to the supermarket and seeing how you react to certain foods just by looking at them. How does a conserved tomatoe feel, compared to a fresh one? Does the fresh one feel 'pure', or like being treated with any toxic substances? You can develop your intuition that way. You do not absolutely need meat. Some say you do, this is because it takes some time to evolve away from it until the body adapts. But it is perfectly possible to live without eating meat. It's not necessary however. Eating from the point of intuition is a good idea. Look what is growing in your area at what time of the year. This is most probably suitable for the climate you are living in. Seasonal food is linked to what is needed at a time.
Z: Sport should be done when your daily activity doesn't keep you fit in other ways. Don't overdo it without guidance - too much sport done wrongly can be bad for your health, but normally the body notices you before something goes wrong. A regular activity, like jogging in the morning, is very efficient in keeping you fit even if you don't run for hours. For example, 20 minutes every morning are enough for most people. Bear in mind that many are also happy to do no sports at all, but in those cases you have to be a bit more careful of what you eat. If you want to be fit, you can either do so by doing sports, or by doing other activities that are stimulating for your body. If you don't do sports, or have physical activity in general, you just restrict the possibility of your body to perform heavy tasks when it is demanded. If you don't use the body, it will become more passive.
Z: Your body can do perceived 'miracles' in healing itself, but there are limits. When ages of careless living suddenly come to appear and manifest as some terminal illness, you cannot change the whole past and the effects it has just by having positive thoughts and eating a few herbs. But your body is capable of staying healthy. Part of your health is dictated by your environment, by your choices on where you live and what you take in. The other part comes through your inner attitude which also affects what is going to manifest in your life. If you are deeply longing for being looked after and being cared, you could 'manifest' an illness that makes this happen, in order to have this experience. If you have an unconscious will to die, you could get cancer. Such illnesses can be changed by you attitude, as you can very well affect your body by your thoughts. Acne can also be healed partially by your attitude, but is often due to hormonal changes that are happening. In this case a good diet, hygienic measures, and a "don't-care-attitude" is a good way to go. Illness is generally only a result of finer causes that are not visible to the eye, so ... yes, you can potentially heal yourself from anything, or not get ill at all.
Z: What is important to know about illnesses is that they are always a learning experience which makes it obvious that something has to be learned, no matter at what level. So don't only seek to get rid of it, but try to learn of it and heal it. Illnesses are choosen in a sense, as are all obstacles in life.

5. How does telepathy work ? How are the feelings and thoughts bring to the other person ?

Z: This happens via the higher self.
E: In all cases?
Z: No, just as long as the physical body is not able to do it properly. The higher self can bring down messages it receives and integrate them into the mind of the human body that way. The other way is to sense it with your body, but this is not what your body provides many well evolved natural facilities for at the moment. It happens mostly on an intuitive level.

6. Do you have to learn telepathy or is it a natural ability since birth ?

Z: For us, it is natural and just comes with time the same way you 'learn' to speak. It is no ability that is learnt, but something that is inherently in us and unfolds because of stimulation.

7. How do you vehicule complexe concepts by this way, like liberty, freedom etc as it doesn't have an object ?

Z: Those subjects are built up by experience. If you think of liberty, you know what it is without having the letters of the word in your mind. You can think about liberty without referencing the word at all. There is an object, namely the associated experience. To put it in easy terms: you can think of such a word as having a certain signature, an energy pattern that makes it recognizable. If a thought is to be transmitted telepathically, this energy is transmitted and evokes the memory of the same experience in the recipient. If this memory is not there to the same extent as in the transmitter, it is necessary to clarify through further interaction - the same happens when you talk with words.

8. How do you master your subconscious while doing telepathy ? Any techniques we could use ? 'Cause i'm getting "parasite" thoughts when trying to talk mentally to my guide that are starting to annoy me ...

Z: Let those thoughts come, consider them and let them go on then. They are coming because they are surfacing and because you are integrating a new view into your life. This brings up 'forgotten' associations and repressed things from the subconscious which have a purpose in being there. The technique could be to meditate and clear your mind of such stuff, for getting conscious of what you are. The subconscious contains many patterns you have accumulated in your life and when you are changing things those patterns show resistance and make themselves known. Those "parasite" thoughts are best dealt with by being conscious of them. That way, they will subside quickly.

9. You didn't answered on what happens when one of yours die. Aren't you sad ? How long do you live ?

Z: We are sad, yes. We appreciate the time that was spent together and would wish to prolong it, but we accept that everyone has to move on at some point. We live longer than you, generally, with a span of up to 200 years if you want to compare.

10. Who decides the number of clones that has to be made each day ? Do you have a total control over your population this way ? How many are you up there ? :)

Z: Such decisions are based upon the requirements of new incarnations, requirements of parents and the availability of ressources and suitable environment for children. There is a group of us who is responsible for these decisions. this group is elected based on their understandings and their education on the needs of the whole. We have total control over births in our population this way, yes. Numbers are difficult to relay for vague questions. The term "Zeta" can encompass many groups, there are also negative Zeta, there are groups that are not connected to us in any way anymore, and there are many 'branches' in evolution. To give you a picture of what we refer to as 'us', you can count many tens of thousands who are involved with the earth project directly, millions who are related to those closely, and several billions (where a billion is you could call 'Zeta'.

11. Do you do any sports ? Do you have any games or whatever like this ?

Z: Yes to both.

12. Not a question but just that i would like to point that some of your answers (not mine but in general) made me laugh :) You get good at humour lol (eventhough you told us it was planned, but who cares if the result is what was expected - we plan too sometimes ;)) !

Z: Thank you for that. In our interactions with humans we adopt our attitude as necessary, and a 'joke' here or there is able to break up the stiffness that is otherwise usually seen with us.
E: I get a chuckle from such things.
Z: This also influences it, because the channel has a word to say in the presentation of the channelings, too.

13. What do you think about humans generally speaking ?

Z: We respect you like parents would respect their children, having images and dreams about the future. You are going through rough times now where the essence of people is often hidden behind a mask that was put up out of insecurity of operating in this world. If you see the true being behind a person and accept this with compassion, you can get an idea of what we see humans to be. We see potential, we see many old souls who have lived through countless experiences, and it is just a matter of time until the fog clears up and people can live what they are. In this sense, we are waiting patiently for you to grow up in the natural couse of evolution, until you consciouly are part of the greater universe around you.

14. Did you chose Edi, Mayatnik, Fuzziwig and the other channels purposefully (like it was planned for a long time to talk to THEM particularly) or because they were the first ones who were enough developped to handle this at this time ?

Z: Both. Certain people were and are on the 'list' to do certain things in life because it was choosen and agreed upon before incarnation. This is an agreement where people say "yes, give me this opportunity!". Not all chose this opportunity, though, and you have seen that it depends much on the individual and how far they want to go. It could have all been different, but this it not the case. How much people are ready to go into the depth of what is offered decides on the course and the outcome.

15. More of a question for Edi : Do you hear the zetas talk in your head (and if it's the case in which language :)) or is it more like a very strong feeling of the answer but without real words ?

E: I hear them talk in my head, telepathically, and I'm doing the channelings directly in english, hearing word by word. Although I hear words, there is also a more 'detailed' feeling which comes along with the words and helps me in better understanding what is presented and what is about to come next, to keep me focussed. I could do the channelings in my mother tongue (german) and translate them later on, but I found it easier and more 'live' to write them directly in english.

McArthur: 1. What is your opinion of the fact i have suspicions you may not be what you claim to be and will this affect any future answers i get from you (if any)?

Z: Our opinion is that this suspicion is valid because you cannot know who is talking here. However, the word 'suspicion' suggest prejudice which hinders you from uncoloured examination of what is presented. Instead of making clear examinations and conclusions, you are often leaning to prove what you believe to be true, which explains why not everyone was happy with the tone by which you worded your objections. The answers will be affected in the way that the channeler is more likely to be careful about exact wordings in order to avoid misunderstandings where possible. Our answers to you or anyone else are not affected to any more extent than it is necessary for us to take into consideration the viewpoint of the person that is asking, which influences the answer of course. Suspicions you have play no special role in this.
Originally posted by Edi

Z: Think about your definition of emotions. We do feel love and compassion. Is it necessary to have bodily requisites for this? No. We have 'buddies' and contacts and a social structure, we have relationships, and we are far from alone. Zeta guides are caring about their proteges, and we are delighted when things work out well. When we are said not to have emotions, this is true,

2. In this paragraph you say that it is true you have no emotions but if this is true then how can you feel love and compassion? I would be interested in how you deal with this contradiction. Thanks.

Z: Emotions and feelings are not only the results of bodily reactions. If you love, you get a feeling in your stomach, you experience increased energy flow through some chakras, you get weak knees possibly, you have problems in getting out any straight sentence. The heart rate increases, hormones are being released in the body, your mind seems unable to focus, things along those lines happen with those who experience a strong feeling of 'love'. Let's stick with this feeling for now. There are many aspects of love, but this is not important here. It is not right if you define love only as something the body can experience, because the soul and spirit are also factors in this. So how can you feel emotions, if not through the body? We have no or very little bodily reactions to emotions. This does not prevent us however from experiencing those at a deeper level, which may or may not be ovbious to you. This experience is not so striking if you compare it to your way of having strong emotions, but real nevertheless.

3. Also i would like to know what you know about what is called in certain Occult circles as the "Eighth Sphere" or "Dark Star" and its inhabitants. i.e. Where it is and what these beings are like.

Z: This exists, but is not what it is said to be in those circles. It is said to be a place where souls are trapped and destroyed. There are celestial bodies that have been wrongly linked to those terms, which are symbolic. The occult works by symbolism. Although it is pulled together from true insights, the concept of the "Dark Star" as it is seen in such circles is not something that exists as such.

[...] is called reverse-psychology.

Z: We are not out to confuse or to 'sell' anything, but to clear up things by having a free flow of questions, answers, and resulting discussions.

harlequin_star: ~1)I was wondering about the TV show stargate sg-1 and if the show itself is there to sortof discredit what is actually going on so that the public won't believe that stuff like that is actually happening (i found too many commonalities such as the crystal skulls, etc)

Z: The idea is not the one of discrediting. It is true that certain forces would like to ridicule what is going on, but in this case (and in many others) there was inspiration about things that are happening which came to being expressed in films then. The writers and producers were inspired to make such ideas known to the public in order for them to be better acceptable later on.

~2)were you and i and my guide speaking a few nights ago, i would very much like you to acknowledge that please.

Z: Yes, with the necessary amount of conditioning and colouring. This is the filter everyone is working through. Everyone can talk to the guides, however, clarity in perception and interpretation is not automatically there. You can read what we answered before to you, as it still applies.

~3)did atlantis sink because of their greed over crystals, or was it that they defied the gods, or is it both. i think you've explained it before though. Oh! and, is atlantis located on earth or is there some sort of portal that leads to another planet where the city was actually located.

Z: 'Atlantis' was brought to an end because the development there was not suitable for the free will of humans to be expressed because they were suppressed. Atlantis was located on earth, spread over various areas. There were other stages of human development not on earth which are sometimes mistaken for atlantis, and some confusion and misinterpretation stems from this.

taom1234: There are certain terms in Divine realms of consciousness that are only known from higher guides. This is why I asked you repeatidly some questions. Would it be correct to assume that you zetas are not from Divine realms of consciousness, but instead are beings who are technologically more advanced than us but not neccesarily spiritualy more advanced than some?

Z: We are the 'next level' above yours, this is why we do not have answers to anything. We have our ways for describing reality and are not so much used to symbolical and mysterical schools where certain meanings are used for a small group of people. It is valid if you ask us such questions and we will answer them from our knowledge, but we cannot take into consideration all systems of thought that have been set up and used. If you focus on the content and not the packaging that should be no problem. We are spiritually more advanced than you, not only technologically. This is why we are in fourth density, with an eye already in the fifth.

I have thinking about all the answers and it seems that you Zetas are learning as we are learning. Are you maybe very developed in your minds but not your hearts, such as many of our scientists? There are so many Alien species perfoming terrible experiments on humans and I sometimes think about our scientist here on earth. If we let them loose in a spaceship they would do the same thing becasue most of them do not have any knowledge or connection with their spritual nature becasue of they way they have been brain washed by their education.

Z: What you say is true. We are learning on our own stage, facing our challenges and overcoming them after time. We neglected parts of us that need to be attended to before we can go further. However, we are not cold or in any sense uncaring. In all the work we are doing at earth at the present, we have a greater aim in view which still leaves room for valueing the individual. It is impossible to progress in confusion and distrust, but there are many beings out there who chose this way, and interact with humans if they are called upon. If you invite alien species of bad orientation to do with you whatever they want, your will is likely to be followed. It is necessary though not to see them as enemies but as the ones who were less lucky on their path and still need time to find their way. We are working with such compassion and respect and would wish that humans develop this attitude on a larger scale.

I am aware of the intergalatic presence protecting our Planet, but at the same time, it seems so many Aliens can do as they please here as well, so I am not sure as too what type of protection is being implemented.

Z: The protection is through your conscious choice. Many unconscious bonds are surfacing and you attract experiences into your life you didn't expect. However, there is protection at all times to ensure that nobody is bothered against his free will, as we have stated before some times. This is a place where you can invite all sorts of influences on your planet, and many are still undecided about their choices because they don't see clearly yet what they are in. If it would be allowed to any groups of beings to just roam throughout the galaxy doing whatever they want, chaos would result. Such activities are made impossible by massive beings who control the general course of evolution and define laws and rules around it. 'Lower' entities just cannot do anything against it. If you can trust in anything, it is that there IS order in this universe.

McArthur: claimed that the poleshift was to happen last year sometime around May/June and were telling people to prepare for a cataclysm etc. Can you please explain how you got this wrong considering all the supposed planning that had gone into this? Do you now have a different date for when the poleshift will happen and when is it?

Z: This date was given purposedly. It was obvious from the available material that no pole-shift would happen at that time. No different date will be given, and we have explained why.

I have heard the excuse that the date will not be given to stop the Governments from misusing this information but if you are here to help humans survive such an event as this then surely you will give as much advance warning as possible wouldnt you?

Z: We can choose between two possibilities: give a date in order to satisfy a few people who have no orientation otherwise. But this would also mean that the governments would use this information in order to murder many millions of people. The other possibility is to trip the goverment up so they lose their power. A few will be disappointed because no date is given, but a date is not necessary in any case. We gave all the warning and information that is necessary to survive the pole-shift, and this still holds true.

p.s. A white lie is still a lie.

Z: Yes. So what? Where the lives of many people are involved, decisions have to be made on how to keep losses at minimum. If you do not agree to this, we don't care.

harlequin_star: ~are zetas, pleaidians,humans, and or anyone else descendents of a single source. .basically, are we all related in a certain sense?

Z: There is one point of creation for everything, as we understand it. The development along the way is complex. Souls form here and there, descend and ascend, races mix and bring up colonies, until you can no longer trace it back easily. But the simple answer to your question is: yes. The zetas, pleiadians and humans are further related by stemming from the same original human form, along with other interactions along the way.

~what is your relationship with the pleiadians?i read this one theory that the pleaidians came to earth and took on human form, and before they left earth there was one who remained and supposedly that was jesus. .have you heard of that, and what is your opinion, please?

Z: The pleiadians have indeed been on earth in human form in many instances. Jesus came from a higher density than the pleiadians. Our relationship with the pleiadians is that we work together on the earth project and that they are also assisting us where we need help and guidance and where they can help us. We are however not as intensely guided as you are and more left to self-exploration and -creation.

FistOfFury: 1. What are your thoughts/opinions on President Bush's presidency regarding terrorism and foreign policy? Do you have any advice for Mr. Bush?

Z: He's causing much damage. He is used as a puppet in many cases and scenarios in order to further polarization and fear. He is for a big part a puppet in a bigger game, but not 'innocent' as he submits to power-games. Our advice would be to step back and reveal what has been done wrong and why.

2. What are your thoughts/opinions on Mel Gibson's new movie "The Passion of The Christ"? Gibson's movie has sparked alot of controversy. Do you believe he is being an anti-semitist?

Z: This question cannot be easily discussed without the 'danger' of tripping on preconceived notions about this whole issue. This is a problematic theme that has been going on for many centuries where much hate and rage has been accumulated on both sides. There is no point in calling people anti-semitic or not as long as the past is not acknowledged with the aim to understand each other and to live in peace in the present. The controversy the film sparked was not so much because of the things that were presented but because of the latent feelings in people which got triggered by that. Antisemitic thoughts are occuring frequently, but not without cause. We don't want to accuse people because you can see who they are through their deeds. The problems with this issue are others than anti-semitic traits in film makers.

2-2. Can you give us any info as to how accurate Gibson's version of the story is in relation to what really happened? (What really did happen?)

Z: Without going into too much details (which would need some more time to research for the channeler until he can fit everything in the background), this version of the story is exaggerated. There were overemphasized roles of various parties in order to make it more suitable for screen presentation, and many images that are traditional and not necessarily true have been relayed. Details on more specific things would need further questions, we can't write a long essay about it this way because of the nature of channeling. What really happened is distorted in the popular view and banished from the popular teachings for the masses, only to be found in minor sources here and there.

3. What are your thoughts/opinions regarding the RIAA's fight against "digital piracy" (MP3 downloading). Will I go to Hell if I download a few MP3's of my favorite band? What about a new song that just came out? Should I stop downloading MP3's?

Z: The root of the problem is that the artists aren't honoured anymore for the products they make. A few get pushed to the top by the commercial mechanisms who are not after good art, but after prestige and influence. While some artists get pushed this way, others do not get the opportunities they would deserve. If artists don't get anything back for the long time they spend in doing their stuff, it gets more and more difficult to earn a living from it. Hell only exists in your mind, but you can choose to support your favourite artists either by alternative ways of distribution that show here and there in order to compensate the artists, or you agree to pay too expensive prices so that eventually a few percent of it reach the original artist. Support alternative ways of distribution of music and show respect for the effort behind it.

4. and last but not least - Are you allowed, and can you give me any information about the soul that was Bruce Lee, specifically his new reincarnation, or any other info?

Z: No, we are not allowed. Different incarnations are to be seen as seperated, and drawing connections between them except for healing purposes serves no aim. Because of this we will not comment substancially on such questions.

Just a little question for our zeta friends : about 2 1/2 hours ago, an earthquake of 5.1 on richter was felt where i live in east of France, and also in Switzerland and in west Germany. It had never happened like this before. Is it one of the major changes that will take place little by little with the upcoming pole shift ?

Z: Yes. Things like this are increasing in frequency and happening in places where it is not common.

Btw, and this is for anyone here, could someone (or even the Zetas themselves if they wish to) could sum up clearly what is going on with the pole shift ? I mean i have read many things on it and it's quite confusing : is it caused bu Nibiru or i don't know which space object or because of some cloud of photons as i've read elsewhere etc ?

Z: The pole-shift is caused by Nibiru, which changes the layout of your earth as it comes through the solar system because of forces that are interacting between those two. The photon belt is something different that effects the earth in a longer time interval. After coming in line with the earth, the photon belt caused a series of phenomenal sun flares in 1987. There is a massive amount written about this already on the internet and in books.

Oh yeas another question for our helpful Zeta friends : do you know about a certain commander Ashtar Sheran who is channeled by Cathy Muller and her group ? I ask for he talks about the same subject as here (ascension of humanity in 2012) but there are some differences, or at least themes that have never been talked about here, so is he a trustful source for you ?

Z: This source is not trustful in our advice. The general ideas are used to get a message across that we see not as beneficial and is misleading.

Mrsix: I'm taking it that alot of the food which will be readily available will be pre-packaged food that has been salvages from stores, etc.. Alot of the packaging of this food is not biodegradeable.. What are your thoughts on this? Should we worry about it? put it all in a pit and burn? I suppose at the end of the day, it's one of our lesser worries, but I was curious all the same :o)

Z: The amount of this is not in any sense significant. There will be lots of other wastes to be cleared up by a coordinated effort, so if you deal at first with this packaging in a way that isn't bad for nature it should be okay. This includes storing it in safe locations until there are means to get rid of it by technology, which will eventually emerge. Burning it is not recommended, as this would be unnecessary stress on the ecology, even if a small amount is burnt.

dfuzer: Well MrSix, while I am not sure myself how much I believe or disbelieve, I would imagine that in the case of a poleshift, given enough time for our "normal" resources to run out, such things as packaging will become extremely important in general survival. Imagine the advantage you have with weather protection etc. with water mostly-impremeable plastics. If you are going to be traveling you will want to "pack" things and possibly preserve certain types of foods. Carrying water will be an issue as well.

Z: Such things will be very beneficial in the beginning. However there must also be long-term aims considered where you build up things from what you have at hand. The knowledge is there on how things must be packaged in order for foot not to rot etc., but it needs also the knowledge on how to do this with little material and little leftovers from the 'old world'. Weather protection can be made from natural products, where cloth can be impregnated by wax, or animal skin can be used in order to fend off water. Creativity will be the only way forward.

taom1234: Can you Zetas Astral Project and do you have direct access to the Akashic Records?

Z: We can astral project, although it is not a regular habit for everyone. We focus on what is to be done in our physical environment, but there is a group that pursues this field intensively in order to learn about it. The awareness about astral projection is spread among all of us. We have monitored access to the akashic records in our function as guides of people and in order to coordinate certain actions we take. This access is monitored by higher level beings.

Why does the Canadian government and so many world governments spray us to death in our skies with Aluminum and petroleum (chem trails). They have essentially ruined our summer skies with filthy clouds and we never get to see many stars anymore becasue of all the haze.

Z: Partly this is done to influence the populace, and to try out chemicals to see what influence they have on the weather. People would often like to control nature instead of cooperating with her. What's more, it's an efficient means of getting rid of toxic substances.  A big part of it is experimenting with weather patterns to see how they can be effected and (hopefully for them) controlled, but this won't be possible.

Is it just me or are most people in this world completely stupid? It does not take much intelligence to notice the chemtrails, yet most people still believe they are normal jet fuel evaporation? What happened to the human race? It is as like most of the people in this world are hypnotized into stupidity and can't reason or think for themselves anymore.

Z: Many people are not used to thinking for themselves. Noticing such trails is not the difficult part, but recognizing them for what they are is. Nobody ever hears about them normally, and wouldn't believe it in any way. Why should the government ever do such things to them? Absolutely unimaginable. Conspiracy theories. - But they have to wake up sooner or later. The sooner the better.

joyrex: The topic of brainwave entrainment has been up also at Astral Pulse forums and I'm interested in this rather newly discovered phenomenon. So, is it beneficial for humans to use these entrainment technology and are there any dangers attached to it? Does it actually work / modify the human brain, or is the effect merely placebo? Does it serve any importance in our general development and is it possible to achieve certain abilities of the mind faster when using it? Do other beings aside humans use this technology of binaural sound and if so, could they confirm or complement the information we have found out about the technology?

Z: It is possible by such techniques to modify the human brain and to bring the awareness into certain states which are linked to the brain patterns. The benefits are known in this, and the dangers are at the moment mostly found in overdoing it. The Zeta use sophisticated means of manipulating brainwaves in order to get subconscious information to people or to get them out of body in order to teach a certain experience or information. This goes beyond the use of sound and uses fine-tuned electromagnetic waves in order to acquire the desired result. This technology is not crucial for development but an interesting addition to it. Abilities like astral travel or meditation can be trained with that if necessary.

Hephaestus: Thankyou for the information Edi, your 'service to others' is greatly appreciated. I shall await the answer to previous questions I asked before asking anymore so as not to overbear you.

E: I'm not sure if this a joke or meant seriously, but I guess you're just teasing me a little :) but then, I dont know you at all. I'm not overbeared, but what I can do is limited and the atmosphere I encounter affects my work.
Z: Take the words as they are written

chill: [Osho...] The guy is dead. Is it possible to channel him ?

Z: No, in general we do not agree on channeling of individuals whose life is finished. It is possible to reach the greater part of what he is, but past lifes are essentially... past, and that's it.

Osho didn't deny that what he presented had contradictions. Of course he was clever. Of course he was not enlightened. Osho was the master of rethoric, but he had many interesting things to say.

Z: This is why we said 'This does not mean he is not wise, or does not know about spirituality'; in this sense the links you posted are a welcome contribution for anyone who would like to know more about him. No matter if the presentation is 'good' or 'wrong', the subjects that are talked about by him are worth discussing. Some find truth and guidance in his words, but we see it only as a starter.

Risu no Kairu: I recall the Zeta saying somerthing about 4D and "Real Time Zone" being similar...

E: Sorry for not coming back to this question earlier.

So, this Fourth Density is where? Between 3D and "Real Time Zone?" In an astral projection people skip 4d and go above it?

Z: No, that's not it. You can see 4d as a tuned-up version of 3d, which is at a higher 'vibration rate' in those terms, where everything has evolved to a higher level. In 4d you are beginning to see non-physical entities more commonly, though, and at 5d you have left behind the physical embodiement. The realm where you experience astral travel can be seen as somewhere around the lower edge of 4d, but not 4d itself. Those projections are subject to what is allowed for people to experience. The mind is free to travel with those restrictions.

Where do these density levels and these "planes" all fit into each other?

Z: Both are a partial description of a continuous spectrum. Part of the confusion comes from the fact that the astral is not a specific density, but a part of 4d - not full 4d though, this is why it is at times so easily manipulated by thought or an area where your imagination can go wild. At a certain level, there is stability where you can call it fourth density. The planes are just 'aspects' of the density levels. The best model at your point of understanding is that the density levels are just different realms with different properties, and the planes are your subjective experiences of parts of those densities, according to the make-up of your being and what is allowed at the time for you to see.

taom1234: Did you Zetas write what is known as "The Urantia Book"?

Z: No.

Hephaestus: Why is there a fleet of ships currently heading toward Earth from Zeta Reticuli?

Z: There isn't.

McArthur: I was wondering why the questions i have asked so far in this thread have not been asnwered. could you explain that for me?

E: I've not had time to attend to those questions until now.

Also you mention that we are 3D beings but we are taught in basic science that we are in fact in 4 dimensions. Time, according to Einstein, is the 4th. Could you comment on this please?

Z: The scientific or mathematical understanding of dimensions is different from the spiritual one. In a mathematical sense, a dimension is best described as a degree of freedom of movement; the dimension of a given vector space is the count of elements in the vector space basis. This is what is taught in basic science, because the calculations in physics use the four properties of matter which you recognize as the 3 coordinates in space and the time coordinate. This model is used to identify certain points in this 4-dimensional vector space, and it is suitable for certain applications in physics. However, this is different from the concept of dimensions or densities as it applies to describe reality in spiritual terms, which includes the description of several different realms of experience. People without mathematical background who are using the term 'dimension' tend to think of it as a certain place, a different universe, or similar, because they don't know the mathematical meaning. So in using this term to describe other realms of existance that have totally different properties to the one you know, confusion can result. This is why the term 'density' is more appropriate, because it avoids confusion and also gives the image of 'dense' and 'fine' shades of reality - it conveys a more suitable implicit meaning.

AstralWiz: I was wondering if the person claiming to be channeling God,in one of the topics, is really doing such? I have always thought of God as some sort of being that is in a high plane of existance that we can't actually talk to, but is still there. Is he canneling some other sorce, maybe a negative sorce? It is a thread that has been getting a lot of attention. So if you could clear this up for me that would be great.

Z: We have already commented on it, but we do not wish to interfere further in this matter. Clearness comes only from examining what there is, not from any outside source that tells you about it. We can only point at things, the questioning and understanding has to come from your side.

rhinegirl: That's why its getting so much attention. WE are trying to discover teh motivations of teh entity in question as well as the motivations of teh channeler.

Z: In this case, judge by the impact on people. You can best 'discover' motivations by interacting.

Hephaestus: Question 1: Lately ive been having bad dreams. Do the Zetas know the reason for this? and what I must do to prevent them in future?

Z: In your 'bad dreams' things are coming up to be experienced which are not let out during the day. The nature of those dreams tells you what it's about. If things are bugging you in your dreams, see what relations you have to them in your daily life. In your case those are symbolical representations which are coming from your inside and have connections to outside circumstances you're not at peace with.

Question 2: Did humanoid life ever exist on the planet Mars? if so what were they like and what happened to them?

Z: Yes, there was humanoid life on mars. They were similar to you in appearance. There were several colonies once who carried out their karmic conflicts and past issues which eventually resulted in the destruction of the ecology and all life there. The souls there eventually came to earth to continue their evolution here. Today, you are still busy as a whole with clearing up those past patterns you carried forward from Mars and other areas.

Question 3: Is it possible for a 3rd density being to ascend (when the photon belt arrives) and bypass the next density levels and go straight to the highest density?

Z: No. Except exceptions who come down from the highest density in order to assist, only to go back later to the place they came from.

Question 4: People often see beings that are often called shaddow beings or shaddow people, the most notable form is a shaddow form of a man in a trench coat wearing a hat who most often stands at the end or side of a persons bed. I have heard these beings have attacked people whilst they lay in bed and other times just stand there and stare at you for long periods of time instilling fear in its victim. What are these shaddow beings? why do they attack people? why do they stand there stareing at you? and how can a person defend against these shaddow beings?

Z: One question: why does someone staring at you instill fear? This is a sign that it is a common psychological occurence where fear is projected outwards. If you think there are lots of evil beings standing besides people's beds all night waiting until they seem them and panick, you are wrong. Interference by 'negs' is not as common as you would like it to be. So the best defense against both projected and real outside 'beings' is to face your fears and your inner unrest. This shadowy beings will cease to appear if you get experienced in introspection in order to make peace with yourself.

Question 5: Who destroyed the tower of Babel? and why?

Z: Most of such towers were destroyed by the Annunaki before they had to leave Earth. The rest was quickly gone in natural cataclysms, as nobody was keeping it up anymore and every wiping of traces was welcome.

Question 6: What are the origins of the Aryan race?

Z: We don't consider them a seperate race. There are several influences to this group of people, resulting from crossbreeding and wandering among the various groups on earth and also the fact that foreign souls incarnated on earth frequently. There is no single origin to anyone. Especially what you call the Aryan race is a mixture of many different souces on earth, and not a single influence from the outside.

Question 7: What being spoke to moses on the mountain?

Z: It was an alien, in modern terms. A spirit guide.
E: Any name?
Z: The name is not important as it would not further understanding.
E: Did the being have a name?
Z: It was given names, but did not present itself with one.

McArthur: Hi, James in another thread says you might be able to get some answers to the following for me Edi if you wouldnt mind?

E: I will do what I can.

I would like information about the Planet the corporeal Pleiadians inhabit. If there is more than one planet just pick any for now.

Z: There are many planets. Earth is one for example.

1. Which star does it circle in the Pleiadian system (i.e. their sun)

Z: The pleiadian system with it's suns supports physical life on many planets. There are always pleiadians who incarnate in the physical, so it is no problem to pick one. This one circles around Alcyone, the central sun.

2. How far away from their sun is their planet.

Z: About 2.8 times the distance sun-earth.

3. What is the angle of their planets axis (i.e. ours is 23.5 degrees).

Z: About 17 degrees.

4. What is the circumference of the planet at its equator.

Z: The planet is bigger than earth, which accounts for about 1.5 times the circumference.

5. Does it have polar ice caps.

Z: Yes.

6. What kind of atmosphere does it have (i.e. what differences if any to Earths).

Z: There is more oxygen in it. Winds are more turbulent in the upper atmosphere, but this is barely remarkable at the surface. The general layout of the atmosphere is similar because plants follow a similar pattern there. Certain elements that are often occuring in this area give the atmosphere a slight purple hue. You have rain, winds and storms there. Weather happens.

7. What seasons does it have (i.e. similar to earths as in Summer, winter etc.)

Z: There are weather changes throughout the 'year', but the populace there doesn't divide it up in seasons as you do.

8. Population size.

Z: About 780 Pleiadians living there.

9. What is the estimated mass of their planet.

Z: 4 times that of the earth, approximately.

10. If there is more than one planet revolving their sun, as in our solar system, how many and how many are inhabited.

Z: We know of 8 planets, where 2 of them are inhabited.

11. Are there any main differences to our planet and what are they.

Z: The planet is very similar to yours. Most of it's makeup is identical, but there are a few elements you don't find on earth. Vegetation is primitive but still evolved, there is little animal life. The main difference is that this planet has a different role in bearing physical life than earth. The purpose there is to reexperience physical sensuality for pleiadian souls who need this in their further journeys.

SilverSlider: I. White Lie vs. misinterpretation.
A. From ZetaTalk

For those of you unfamiliar, the "white lie" was the March 2003 date given for the pole shift by the Zeta. This link provides justification for the "white lie". It basically says that the date was given to show everyone how the world governments would react if an actual date was giv
it's love you're looking for


Hello Edi, and the Zeta.

First off I have a question.

1. What you would reccomend I should do in order to speed my development? I mean such as in communing with my guides, and with you.

2. Could you tell me anything about the Tuatha De Danann? Anything extraterrestial related? And did any extraterrestial groups have any contact with the Celtic peoples such as the; Druids?

3.  Is this book; The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage, based in fact, and was Lyssa Royal actually channeling alien beings.
4. And my last question. Will the Wisconsin area of the USA be safe during the poleshift?

Euphoric Sunrise

I purposely haven't asked any questions relating to personal experiences or spiritual growth yet, but i'm now interested to see how they might be answered.

1. The experience my mother told me about, when i was a child and stopped her crossing the road - what was that all about? What actually happened there?

2. Lately, i've had a lapse in the practical side of my spirituality, most notably astral projection. What do you contribute this to, and do you see it as something i need to overcome, or is there a reason i have stopped?

4. I'm a little hazy on the history of human beings. I can't quite get a clear picture of all of the events i've read about. I would just like to get a clear idea of who you think created us, who you think altered our DNA, were we ever actually those multi-dimensional "librarians" i asked about before, and if we were, how long ago was that?
Sorry if that question is a bit unstructured, i did my best [:P]

These are jsut some old questions i don't think i recieved answers to, sorry if i did and just missed them or if they were missed for a reason, but i thought i'd give them another shot:

5. I recently read a book by Whitley Strieber (sp?) called "Communion" where he remembers, through hypnosis, instances where he was abducted. I remember him mentioning something about the image of an owl as a memory he thought was to screen his mind from remembering what really happened. Do these screen memories exist, are they created by the ailens or the humans, and do the Zetas create the memories? If so, is this done so as not to scare the humans?

6. Another question regarding Whitley Strieber: Do you know if he was abducted? If so, was it by the Zeta?

7. I've read abotu instances of triangles in relation to ET experiences. What's the significance of the triad, or the triangle symbol? Is it simply symbolic or does it give off some kind of frequency?

8. Can you give us any information on the 12-strands of DNA mentioned in "Bringers of the Dawn?" I realise this book is channeled by Pleiadians, but i figure you must have some information. What exactly are we capable of with these 12 strands active? Are many human's in the process of being aligned and remembering?

I've just thought of another question. If it's too late, i'll just post later on when i might have som other questions, but i'll just slip it in here for now. Apologies if it's already been answered.

9. The band Tool, especially on their latest album, seem to be heavily influenced by the occult. I've read things like the drummer using the fibonacci sequence in his drumming, and how they organise the instruments so as they form "shapes" (sorry if that's too vague) etc. Does the band do all these things on purpose? Do they have any particular aim in doing so? How does this effect the music (eg. make is more powerful)? Is there any special sequence to listen to the songs on their Lateralus album that does something in particular?
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


Firstly, thankyou Zeta's for answering all my questions,

and thanks to Edi for Channeling.. keep up the good work! [:)]

I have another question please :o)

I was wondering about music..
What does music say about a person? I write music myself, but I can never really do something different to what I normally write... I only continue to write music in the same style (if that makes sense)
Is it possible for you to listen to the music I have finished writing (incase you're unaware, the finished ones are MP3 on my computer), and tell me what it says about me? Any suggestions? I read on an earlier thread that you enjoy music... how does this music affect you, or does it mean nothing? I like looking for inspiration in different ways, so any suggestions would be marvellous [:)]

Ta muchley :o)



Originally posted by Edi
Hephaestus: Thankyou for the information Edi, your 'service to others' is greatly appreciated. I shall await the answer to previous questions I asked before asking anymore so as not to overbear you.

E: I'm not sure if this a joke or meant seriously, but I guess you're just teasing me a little :) but then, I dont know you at all. I'm not overbeared, but what I can do is limited and the atmosphere I encounter affects my work.
Z: Take the words as they are written

I was giving you a compliment and I have noticed you often get a LOT of questions and you dont always have the time to answer them all so I was trying to wait a while before asking further questions. Reading back on it it I guess it does sound rather sarcastic but it was not meant to be.

Further Questions:
1) What is the most powerful weapon the Zetas have? as far as im aware the most powerful weapon humans have is a 100 megaton nuclear weapon. What do the Zetas have?

2) Have the Zetas ever tried to contact me? (and I dont mean through this board via answering my questions in this thread) if not why not, if yes then why?

3) I think I have a damaged right kidney from drinking too much alcohol [;)], is there any way to heal my kidney?

Originally posted by Edi
Hephaestus: How do the Zetas suggest the Israeli / Palestinian situation be resolved? what method should be employed to secure peace between these two nations and peoples?

Z: The only necessary method is: communication. Showing concern for the hurt and needs of the other. If people are heard, they will stop to make themselves heard by other means.

4) Can the Zetas please expand on this with more details on how to deal with the situation.


After reading all of the Zetas words. I have determined that the Zetas know extremely little about humanity and are making huge generalizations and assumptions based on huge leaps of faulty reason.


The Humble Master

Hi Edi and the Zetas, I was wondering, it's all very rosy listening to people like Edi talk for you, but I was wondering if you could ask the Zetas if it is possible to learn how to speak to them ourselves. I would love to talk with these beings and learn from them.


Originally posted by The Humble Master

Hi Edi and the Zetas, I was wondering, it's all very rosy listening to people like Edi talk for you, but I was wondering if you could ask the Zetas if it is possible to learn how to speak to them ourselves. I would love to talk with these beings and learn from them.

I think you should be aware that opening yourself up to these entities is giving them an open invitation - one that is unlikely to be able to be closed.

Risu no Kairu

You seem to treat the ability to have an out of body experience as a novelty that has no real use. Isn't that how all of this  came about, though? A Zeta guide tried to get a group of people to  project?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/