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Messages - Hagethuriel

The link is to methods to examine the Godhead within each of us .

"Within you there is a sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime and be yourself "

I never charge . I have no client .I did try to copy it here instead but I was told by another staff member to link instead because the material was too long . Please excuse me . 
Spirit Guides

No one walks alone. We are always surrounded by guides and angels . We also have other angels and spirit that come to walk with us in our lifetime . They may have a brief isolated visit , come back regularly  or they may walk for a certain time with us and then move on. We are all spirit experiencing a human condition until we return to the Spirit World and live once more with God in Heaven .

Each of us has a main spirit guide and a guardian angel that have been with us since birth .We might also have a healer guide and teaching guides in the form of Ascended Masters . These are not personal guides but special ones that love humanity and have dedicated themselves to teaching students around the world .Quan Yen and White Eagle often come to new aspirants on the Spiritual Path .

We can have assigned doorkeepers and gatekeepers and healing angels too . Sometimes we have Melchiezedekian angels that help us to open the portals and to seal us from harm when we sit in meditation circles .

We have assorted relatives and friends in spirit that will rock up on occasion around us too. They cannot be with us the entire time . Spirit continues to learn when they cross over and they need time to attend to theier own development too . They love us, they watch over us and they check in to give us a message or to send love and support .

Muses are specific talent guides that change as we stop practicing or when we become much more accomplished in the talent they influence in us  . So if we give away a skill like the violin that muse leaves us . But if we become talented that one may step aside and allow a more advanced muse in that area to help us get better still .

A medium may see your guides and angels in a reading but you will want to confirm that yourself . You can also learn to see them and to hear them . You should  learn to communicate with your guide . Once you see a sign that they are there ask if it is them and wait for the answer . Learn a "I am here" sign from your guide and learn a "confirmation BIG YES" sign too . These are the most important tools to help you communicate to begin with yes no questions and to ask and see if you are right .

We are all surrounded by angels and spirits of loved ones and teachers .

Spirit Guides :

    Meditation to meet and communicate with main guides :

CDs for contacting your guides in meditation  :

Understanding Your Angels and Meeting Your Guides by Jon Edward


Communicating with your guides through Automatic Writing :
I work as a hermetic mystic , alchemist and medium . I learn directly from mahatma and in clairvoyant viewing of the human energy body . I offer free readings and learn from each one I give .

However the nature of the primary three stones is well known coming to us historically from taoist alchemists , medieval alchemists and modern Qi Gong masters as well in contemporary works . Robert Bruce for example outlines the importance of these 3 energy storage centres in his work MAP .

But I believe my group may be the first to author the nature of the fourth stone although deceased mystics have hinted at its appearance . After the four open the Tree of Life is like the Almond Tree and the stones flourish . 4 columns of smaller stones appear around the main column . These allow for the extension of the human energy body and raise the consciousness of humanity .
The apertures which allow energy into the body are above and below the spinal chakral column about 6 to 12 inches . Some call the one above the alpha aperture , star point and soul star for example . Names for the lower aperture include ;omega aperture , earth point and  earth star .

Kundalini energy causes these apertures to flood , fill , spin , undulate and seem to fall closer or further away  also .

When the heavens stone opens above the spinal chakral column a ring of olive sized energy centres will manifest on its "equator ".
*Try to develop your clairvoyance in awake state during meditation
* Try to develop your energy body in awake state using energy raising exercises
   ie NEW or Qi Gong or similar ones
* In Projection try using your brow centre and not the physical eyes
When the sunstone is fully developed , it is possible to project from the centre and front of it as the higher self . The higher self will appear with the face of the projector and a yellow white form like butter . This projection can be called out of some sitters to see what they look like in remote view and to help with the readings .
Quote from: applemac on March 22, 2007, 03:49:53
what are truely the major defining characteristic differences between the 2?
Imho Astral Projection is the projection of an astral double to the middle realms of RTZ, Ethereal and Astral Planes  . Mystic Projection is the projection of any of diverse forms to the lower and higher realms .

OBE is the out of body experience which may be any form of projection including but not limited to AP or MP .

A human can project from any of their stones .
The primary stones are available to all humans
moonstone ~ MP
sunstone ~ HS
earthstone ~ AP

As the human develops the energy body building up the light quotient they manifest more stones which allow more projections

Many authors have developed hierarchies and scales to ennumerate the planes , dimensions or realms .

Edit : opinion retracted 

My peers and  I have gone beyond what Robert Monroe and Franz Bardon did . We project regularly at will  in circle . I have also met many globally online who are capable of doing this instinctively .  I feel all humans can attain these levels with energy body development , routine meditation and practice in projection .

The Highest Plane is variable according to ability and experience.Franz Bardon was not able to cross the abyss that is the last he wrote about before his death .Robert Monroe died before he got to the universal mind but his institute continues to map beyond that level .The highest I have read about is the 16th dimension but I am not sure if I  agree with that labeling yet. I feel that each generation is able to go beyond the constraints of previous generations because each generation is born at a slightly higher vibration and thus capable of much more .

Monroe Institute does not give away these materials they are a business and they charge and ask students to withhold information from public consumption .

The realms themselves are free .These are attainable by all humans . Other metaphysical authors  have also suggested scales or hierarchies ennumerating these as  planes , dimensions or focus levels etc.
Notably the Alice Bailey , Franz Bardon, Dr. Joshua Stone ,  James Hurtak and Jim & Jackie Lindsay.The names or numbers of the realms are not always agreed upon though .I have attempted to merge the labels myself .Here is a correspondence chart I  have authored with dimensions compared to Robert Monroe Focus Levels and dimensions by other authors ;

~Ain Soph Aur
~The Hands above the Crown
~Kether~The Crown
~secret "invisible" and "hidden" realms
~Daath ~The hidden sepiroth
~Top of the Wheel of the pyramids
~Across the abyss to the next wheel of life
~Om Shallah the realm of Living Sound and the Crown of Shallah
~The Other side of the Cone of Consciousness
~Operation of Ley Lines of Infinity
~Manifestation  Grids
~Tunnels of Eternity
~Universal Mind Focus 34-35 is the locale having group consciousness
~Devic Chambers
~Human made spirit homes
~Focus 27: Afterlife free will resembling earth
~Ashrams of other worlds ie Reptilians beyond the trajectory of Ursa Major
~Window on Edge of Universe
~Entrance to Hells for Students of the Occult
~Plane of Heavens Focus 24,25,26: Belief Territories of Afterlifers
~Human and Spirit cooperative
~Manifestations of  Metaphysical Colleges
~Temples of Wisdom
~Gates of Death
---Pillar of Light of God and Goddess consciousness
~ Focus 23: "stuck" confused unaware ghosts
~Plane of Elementals , Devas ,Thrones , the Vortex ,  Elohim Council
~Human Manifestations ie ashrams of live humans
~Called the Pleaides  lies on a trajectory off that star group in Taurus
~Called Sirius lies on a trajectory off this star
~Focus 21: The edge of time/space - contact other energy systems.
~ Blue Lodge of what is called the Arcturians of Sirius
~Floating Island Temples
~ Group Monadic Soul - Meeting Higher Self
~Temple of Zodiac and Great Clock
~Focus Level 15: State of no time
~ Dragon Temples

~ Logoic -Shamballah --Temples of Light
~Ashrams of Chohans Great Pyramid
~Golden Chamber of Melchiezedek
~Underground Temples
~Atmic Plames
~Monadic- work with guides , mahatma , chohans and archangels
~ Astral Hall of Learning – Spiritual King's Chamber over Luxor
~Focus Level 12: A state of expanded awareness
~ Astral Lower
~Focus Level 10: Mind Awake/Body Asleep
~ Physical
~Focus Level 3: increased mental coherency and balance
~Sub Ethereal
~Totemic Earth Wisdom
~ Lower Plane of Chaos and "Hell on Earth "
~Magick Elemental Realm
Monroe Institute does not give away these materials they are a business and they charge and ask students to withhold information so it is hard to come by .Higher levels beyond what he attained himself have been mapped out at his institute .

If you search the archives here you will find a lot of discussions about the focus levels and about other hierarchies of the dimensions and realms ;;msg217997#msg217997
If you have specific questions,  ask .

I am confident that all humans can attain the realms found historically with dedication to pathworking which involves energy body development and meditation . I have gone to the higher realms with many capable peers and I continue to find peers globally . Imho , each generation expands the consciousness more as humanity slowly evolves spiritually .
Quote from: DarkCloud on March 02, 2007, 18:09:42
What exactly causes blockages in your system and how are they best dealt with?
Energy Blockages come from incomplete passing of energy thru the energy centres ,
a build up of negativity , stale prana and energy toxins from acts of non love recieved or given to others. and existing physical medical conditions causing a reaction in the human energy body , psychic attack and attachments , etc .

The best way to clear energy blockages is thru the subtle gentle use of energy where the pain is to cause it to flow into and then from that spot until it runs fast ,clean and clear . Try to open in protection , deep cleanse energy with breathing from crown down ,then raise energy into heart and from there to dominant hand . Exude clean energy from the dominant palm to the ache and place the opposite hand on the other side of that body part . Cause energy to flow from one hand to the other as you inhale then stop exhale and reverse the flow . With each inhalation bring fresh energy thru the pain , with each exhalation send energy from the pain . Drinking lots of water , stretching , avoiding smoke , reducing fat and meat consumption will help as will yoga , swimming and meditation . Systematic breathing and energy exercises will prevent blockages from building up .
Quote from: Frozen Spirit on March 18, 2007, 13:32:38
  It seems I get very tired very fast, almost to the point I could fall asleep on the spot.  It makes it extremely difficult to concentrate whenever all I can think about is falling asleep.  Typically, I will practice roughly half an hour then sleep for about two hours.
Here are a couple of ideas ;
1. You could be using up too much energy ie without raising it first , just pulling from your own storage centres . Instead try opening in protection , Deep Cleanse Breathing crown down & then raise energy from the feet up .
2. Energy work should make you feel stronger .What work are you doing ?
3. You could be entering a deep trance state which will make you tired .
QuoteAlso,  I have been getting severe migraines with any kind of telekinetic practices.  I am getting good results during the practice, just afterwards is when the migraines hit me.  They typically only last about an hour, but does anyone know what could be causing this?
Headaches can come from blockages . Try to gently push energy thru the head from the point of pain thru the head and back again to the pain . Do this by placing one hand on the pain and one hand on the opposite part of the head . Draw energy into the crown with each breath to the heart out the dominant  arm to the palm to the pain thru the head and to the opposite palm  Exhale then .Now send the energy in the opposite direction . With each inhalation breathe from the crown with each exhalation let energy come out of the pain . Continue until the energy runs clean , clear and fast .
QuoteI was reading power of internal and I found out that we have 3 dan tien. If that the case, does that mean I should store all 3 of them and use one of them for practice?

QuoteRobert Bruce discourages storing the two higher dantiens. He says that the lower dantien will fill the higher two autmatically.To do other wise could cause serious imbalance.
Use New Energy Ways to store energy in your lower dantien.

Robert continues to examine and sometimes  revise his theories on the storage centres which he also described in MAP.
Newest  Book Energy Works

I believe that the stones or tan tiens are much more important than the chakras. I recommend daily deep cleansing breaths from crown down to toes exhaling thru energy centres in progressive stages as shown here below .Basically . open in protection and make the deep cleansing breaths count . Bring each breath down from the crown swirling in new clean fresh vital prana .Concentrate with the eyes closed look within thru the 3rd eye .

Bring energy into one stone at a time so that with each exhalation,  the will , the visualization and intent is to open fully all the windows of that stone to breathe it clean .

If there are blockages , there may be pain , so pull back .Open more slowly with less light and energy more subtly . When your breath passes clean , fast and clear thru and energy centre in this case the stone , then it is clean and you progress down to the next stone .

When the breath moves effortlessly thru a stone in one or two breaths than you can try the next stage forward . It may take months to be able to open unto the next stage , or years . But if you have no blockages and you do not smoke and if you are young and healthy than maybe you will be able to breathe thru stage 3 in each stone the first day you try these exercises .

So initially only the front core of the stone will work . But over time the centres will open like a sieve allowing energy to fkow thru the body decreasing stress, pain & negativity and increasing the immune system love , light & clairience .

Breathing thru the Moonstone
Platinum blue , water , female , heavy , dark , wet,cold,  magnetic , passive energy called Shen
intuitive , psychic , clairient
surrounding the blue and indigo chakras
crowned by the violet chakra which sits beneath the chandelier or crown of the Goddess
nadis grow upwards and downwards from here
over this is an aperture called the alpha aperture , star point etc
1 nose & mouth ~ anyone can do this
2 3rd eye , nose & mouth ~ the 3rd eye will be harder to "exhale" energy  thru  but efforts will be rewarded  this will greatly open clairience
3 back of head , ears,3rd eye , nose & mouth

Breathing thru the Sunstone
Pale Yellow  , fire , male , lighht , bright , dry,hot,  electric , active energy called Chi or Psi 
vital essence , life force , connectivity , relationships  , emotional 
surrounding the green and yellow chakras
1 from the centre of the heart ~ we do this instinctively
2 purging from the back of the heart
3 opening around the heart especially on either side under the arms

Breathing thru the Earthstone
Salmon Pink Orange  , Earth , male , heavy , dark , damp, warm , electric , active energy called Ching
creativity , sexual , regenerative , grounding   
surrounding the orange and red chakras
1 from the centre at the navel  ~ we do this instinctively
2 purging from the back , behind the navel 
3 opening around the stone especially on either side at the hips
over a square alchemical structure which has been called the thone of God
the nadis grow here upward and downward 

The chakras feed the stones naturally but we must breathe light and fresh prana into them in order to  lift the vibration , to continue development and enlightenment . Think of the spinal chakral column as a great straw which is the central core thru the stones lacing them like a beads upon a cosmic necklace . As the light fills one stone it spills over to fill up the other stones . It is only when the primary three are engorged that we are able to manifest light into the subsequent stones .

The fourth stone to open is not so well known .
Breathing thru the Heavens Stone 
chartreuse green , Air , female , light , bright , damp, cool ,magnetic , passive energy called ??
connectivity, pathworking , inspiration ,   
surrounding the white and violet chakras
1 from the centre at the front
2 purging from the back
3 opening around the stone especially on either side
the nexus and nouse grow here upward and downward
forming the white /silver cube joining to the black /gold cube

After you deep cleanse in this manner , raise energy from the bare feet on the floor up thru the body to the heart which is the pump of the energy body .  If anyone is interested in ideas to raise energy thru the stones please ask .
Quote from: cesm23 on March 23, 2007, 20:07:46
i have two questions about spirit guides :1. Is it possible to meet or see spirit guides in hynagogic imagery/image streaming ? Because sometimes i see faces in there, it's like i am dreaming, only that in the back of my mind somehow i know that i am awake and not sleeping.
Ask if it is your guide . Ask for a confirmation sign.Try using a pendalum . If you search archives here you might find links
Quote3. This one isn't exactly related to spirit guides, but it's something that almost no one is able to reply to me : is it possible to develop clairvoyance or ESP by practising to remain alert by inducing or trying to control hypnagogic imagery ?
Yes it is , all can develop clairvoyance thru meditation , energy raising and practice seeing in dim light thru the 3rd eye .
Quote from: FadeEsdrasX on March 30, 2007, 11:59:12
Ah yeah I'm still new to this forum. I have another question thats been n my mind especially from last night's meditation.

At times when meditating my body will jolt around from what feels like pulses in the back of my head. I don't know why they do this and even at tames there is a high pitch sound. Also when i grow tired and close my eyes For a brief second or two i see clear as day whats in front of me. But i know my eyes are closed. I'm confused and don't know if its good or bad.
It is good and normal. Imho ,anyone can develop clairvoyance  over time . The continued development of the human energy body affords even greater clairience . There exists a predictable continuum of clairvoyant development . Most will see best clairvoyantly in dim light with the physical eyes closed and looking thru the third eye . This third eye is the core of the brow energy centre but it is not the only clirsentient centre . Intime  a reciprocal one develops behind the third eye . Then a ring of centres will eventually manifest around the crown.This image was culled from the net . I don't recall the original address but the artist has instinctively rendered an apt depiction.

Quote from: Curious39 on March 07, 2007, 13:45:18
people attempting to project while under anesthesiological care.  They are unable to do so.
I feel that many do but without recall .I work in a group of  mystics. My peers have had surgeries and recalled NDEs and other OBEs under anesthesia . I had spinal fusion 19 March 07 and recall my exit and re-entry and some of the journey between . My mystic mate Jodie recalled quite a bit during surgery last year also.

QuoteThe fact that this does not occur makes me wonder if we are merely exploring our own physical mind during AP / OBE, etc.  If *that* is the case, does our consciousness reside IN the body?  Does it expire at physical death? 
It does occur . I feel most of us project in dreamstate without recall also.I have been to the homes of deceased spirits with my peers .There can occur  a RIP eventually for the spirit which becomes non engaged .But other spirits choose to work and evidence of this continued consciousness occurrs in the ancient mahatma.

Imho, only the soul reincarnates, the spirit lives one life as the personality and will then exist as a spirit after death .
Quote from: hello_kitty on March 11, 2007, 11:09:19
"Stellis,  a blue silver is good and also mirris will make a silver reflective akashic wall."
is stellis a colour? do you mean i should visualise a colour?
yes a colour and a specific elemental energy

stellis ~ silver blue, like lapis lazuli , female, passive, indirect,magnetic,dark, cold ,water & akasha
mirris~silver black,like a mirror , female , passive , indirect, magnetic, dark, cold , earth & akasha

visualise , draw into the body from the feet , pump thru the energy body to the heart and manifest that elemental hue thru the hands

Send a pulse of energy out the crown and out the feet then seperate that into two beads of energy and wrap them in either direction to form a cylinder around you above you and below you . Draw a bead of energy down a neg in orange fire colours to cleanse or bind them . Visualise self in a sphere ideally . Then bind the neg in each stone at the heart , on the groin and on the head
Quoteneg ?
neg is a negative entity of any kind
Quotewhat stone?
There are 3 basic stones
head moonstone blue water
chest sunstone yellow fire
pelvis earthstone red earth 
Quotewhat is the white brotherhood?
google it
a white light spirit warrior and dreamstate college society that is open to all genders and races

Quotei actually had a dream where i was trying to make these vampire beings and these dragon begins  to get along.and it worked for their children and family's for a while and they were very nice to eachother. kind of funny to think about, a very absurd dream.
Dragons are a kundalini archetype and  these are student lightworkers in projection  dreamstate
Vamps drain energy from others physically or in projection or dreamstate
I don't see the group as enemies per se , though their values are distinct .
I see entities in RTZ, ,lower and higher plames , I have seen them  in NDE too.
Here is a meditation technique that we use in circle for development ;,313.0.html
Quote from: hello_kitty on February 20, 2007, 11:30:23
i was taken over by them, and they where everywhere. somehow even if i know it's a dream i cant get the tornados or vampires ect to go away, i try to make them go away but i don't believe they really will so nothing helps, and im often one of them in the end. i stopped wearing my pentagrams necklaces cause they dont help, and ever since i put one on my shelf in my room it's started again im thinking of throwing them all away.

i have very little experience in practicing magick, what can i do to make it better?

I believe you . Imho , you are learning warrior lessons in dreamstate and what you say is typical of others who have done the same . You must learn protection and learn to use your light weapons to dispel rather than destroy . Have no fear it is useless and harmful . Instead have faith and learn to call the angels and learn to shield , filter and protect . You have freewill if it is getting too much , you can quit by telling your highest source and guides that you are not accepting that pathworking at least not at this time . I suggest though that first you learn about the White Brotherhood and the warrior temples in Shamballah where people project nightly in dreamstate to learn lessons of love and light . The White Brotherhood needs another name really . It has to do with white light not skin and both genders and all races are represented within it .

You can send energy easier in projection and dreamstate . Draw energy down the crown and out the heart around you and those you rescue . Throw energy out of the arms like a light saber but remember to let the energy flow thru you like reiki healing rather than allowing it to drain your energy , become the channel .
When you want to hide then manifest a wall of dark behind which your heart and brow will not shine out . Stellis,  a blue silver is good and also mirris will make a silver reflective akashic wall . 

Send a pulse of energy out the crown and out the feet then seperate that into two beads of energy and wrap them in either direction to form a cylinder around you above you and below you . Draw a bead of energy down a neg in orange fire colours to cleanse or bind them . Visualise self in a sphere ideally . Then bind the neg in each stone at the heart , on the groin and on the head . If you must attack make sure it is
not a human and cut the head or horns off . Heads on demons can regenerate and attacking can provoke them . Michael the archangel is a no nonsense protector who is easily called and will send everyone back to the body for example . If you cannot hear yourself call or see any help arrive do not fear call again and have faith . A trick of the demon attached human is to shield you too so that you do not see or hear and give up trying . They eat fear and rage and anger . They do not like love ,pink bubbles are love energy and joyful giggles .

a brief revision or intro to energy
Fire :orange , gold , amber , yellow is  easily emitted from sunstone at heart i& palms ; cleanses negativity
Water : purple , blue , silver , emitted from palms and brow centre and mouth ; shields , heals , protects
Earth ; red , pink , brown , black , emitted from palms and navel ; grounds , lessens sensitivities
Air : green , white ,aqua emitted from palms and throat ; purifies , lifts vibration

Before you dream if you need a break then say it aloud and when you say your prayers ask to be rested and delivered safely the next morning without harm .

Ask specific questions and I will do my best to help you recall why you chose this path and how to help yourself recall skills and feel faith instead of fear . It is important work and quite heroic. I know many peers who do this routinely and can hook you up with some names that go online too . I am confident that you will find peers on any metaphsycial forum. Some are reticent to come forward though and others like you do not recall their dreamstate lessons and service .

Protection is a safe idea,18381.0.html
The basal developmental stage is 7 well known chakras on the spinal column . There are of course numerous minor chakras on the limbs and some believe in negative chakral centres below the red chakra .

Despite divergent beliefs , it is agreed that there are 3 energy storage centers called stones by European Alchemists and some Kaballahists and also called tan tiens by taoist alchemists .

Chakras  ------Supporting Stones
-------Platinum Blue Moon Stone
--------Pale Yellow Sun Stone 
---------Salmon Red Earth Stone 

The pre indigo human was said by some metaphysicists to open bottom up if male from red up . Some males were born with two open . And females supposedly opened top down with 2 or 3 open  . I suppose that may have been true . I feel that anyone born after 1980 imho is born with all 7 spinal chakras open already .However,  there are still inherent differences in pathworking which may have less to do with gender of incarnation than in previous generations.

So some open their 8th chakra at the crown but some open it at the base . I believe that these open very close in time together though. The one that opens below the red one is rose coloured and will appear at first to be 4 teeny vortices of energy descending from the chakral column .

Above the crown chakra 6 to 11 inches ,  is a vortex which appears clairvoyantly like an os but when open like a small metal emergency fire sprinkler on a ceiling . I call this the alpha os some call it the soul star .
Beneath the hips and bum again about 6 to 11 inches there is a reciprocal vortex /os which opens up into the body like a spray bottle spritzer in a fountain like manner.I call this the omega os and some call it the earth star or similar names .

Energy enters the spinal chakral column thru this os pair further imbibing the subtle body layers with light energy which will raise the vibration to allow further clairience and will cause increasingly more sophisticated energy centres to develop the human energy body .

Another belief is that the basl 7 spinal column chakras can be enumerated by the nested layers of light that imbibe them and by this one can measure their growth . This may have been a useful exercise in the recent past but it is no longer necessary as humanity experiences a global alchemical contagion  and slowly evolves the human energy body , I feel that most have gone beyond the enumeration of the chakras altogether and should now focus on the stones instead .

I believe that a number of humans globally have opened chakras , both above and below ,like this ;

% 18 crystal  the space between below hell above heaven the Kether Chakra
* 12 silver  bowl  cave like cap
# 08  white cube
+ 07 violet  crown
= 06 indigo  third eye
   14  sapphire extended forehead brow centre
# 05 blue     mouth
+ 11 (aqua)  throat
* 16 (emerald)  cap over heart
= 04  chartreuse heart
# 03  yellow   solar plexus
+ 15 (amber) navel   
= 02 orange  subnavel
= 01 red       sacral
+ 10 rose     genitalia
* 17  ruby     thigh as yet unformed suspect it will cap between the earth and sunstone
# 09  black    a table then a cube it slides as the magician grows in length in the energy body
* 13  gold     the mystic heart and the golden bowl beneath the hanged man which shatters upon death
% 18 crystal  the space between below hell above heaven the Kether Chakra

=  colours right hand
+  colours left hand
#  colours left glove
*  colours of right  glove

Imho , the first 7 rainbow colours ; red , orange , yellow , chartreuse green , blue , indigo , violet
are followed in pairs as above so below in this order ;

white , black ; these are like cubes and seals on the os they are flexible and they move
the necklace of cosmic stones to cross the abyss

aqua , rose   ; aqua on the throat and on rose the genitalia as 4 coned vortices

silver , gold   : as hemisphered caps the silver crystal cave above the crown the golden bowl below
and is the reflected golden heart of the mystic

sapphire , amber : the amber manifests between the yellow and orange chakras on the abdomen the sapphire opens a secondary brow centre 

emerald , ruby : emerald opens into the sunstone bisecting the body like an internal hemisphere the ruby lies dormant and unclear in its purpose but I suspect it will cap the earthstone and complete the futher bisection of the human energy body as the golden bowl did before it .

By this,  I mean there is a tree of life in the magician and another behind him in the Aya of Sorrows . When these are fully imbibed that is the completion of the Emerald Tablet . Above and below the mirror are the magician and the hanged man feet to feet . Behind the  Aya of Sorrows is a lady feet to feet with her . These 4 trees of life and thei supporting roots completed become the Ruby Tableaux .

On the chakral column there are the primary 3 stones which are soon joined by 3 more behind it , as amber , aqua and purple . Soon they each become a column of 4 green above the central and rose below the rear one . Then the body begins to manifest a colum of 4 on the right as ruby , emerald , silver and gold and on the left as sapphire , topaz , ebony and ivory .When all 20 are in bloom then each manifests a 5th stone . When there are 25 stones above there is a reflection of 25 more below in the mirror which is the floor beneath the magician . A crystal crowns the lot of them .

The white silver one is one clasp joined to the black gold one as the other clasp . These open and close the cosmic stones so that aligned the energy body and consciousness slip across the abyss to cosmic portals .

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Aura seeing
March 09, 2007, 04:49:11
I agree with the polarities comment . I feel like forces repel and opposites attract .

In this case ;

the right thumb is akasha in it primary stage but is always
female , magnetic , heavy , dark , cold , wet , slow , passive
the left index is rose earth in its primary stage and is
male , electric , heavy , bright ,warm , damp , fast , active

whereas the left thumb is golden amoris in its primary stage and is
male , electric , light , bright , hot , dry , fast , active
The right index is air chartreuse green in its primary stage and is
female , magnetic , light, bright , cool , damp , slow , passive,188.0.html
Hi Dan ,
Quote from: Cerrak on March 06, 2007, 23:34:39
I can feel it starting via a sensation like a rolling or spinning and would wake up fighting it by focusing on a lighted area until it passed.  If I was to close my eyes it would continue feeling like I was being pulled in.  Eventually it would happen less and less and now I am older and it rarely happens.
imho , this sounds like you were projecting in OBE and by recalling it and fighting it you stopped spontaneous OBE or perhaps just the recall of it .

QuoteThe sensation happend (the spinning or rolling) and then the darkness before my eyes started to get brighter, the best way to describe it would be like looking at the static snow on a mistuned TV, but it was different, a lot finer.  Then in the center before me a face appeared and looked at me, It looked like my son.  As I looked, I felt a movement like I was turning or rolling away from this point and at the same time my daughter woke up and so I had to wake up as well.
Imho , this sounds like your kids are raising your vibration and wakening you back up to your development and pathworking . Higher  vibration kids born after 1980 typically do this to their slower indigo parents . I also feel that they are projecting in dreamstate and want you to come out and play in the astral with them .
QuoteDuring this whole time I was hearing like a rumbling or rushing sound which is hard to describe, and quit as I awoke.
This imho , sounds like astral wind a typical symptom during OBE seperation .
QuoteAny help or suggestions would be appreciated.
I would suggest reading the FAQS , stickies and searching the archives here at AP . Also males lying  in the fetal pose on left side will facilitate vibes especially if you line up the steles of seth which are the lower legs and also the forearms . Open in protection , deep cleanse crown down  , sit on the edge of the bed and power up feet first to crown , lie down slowly into the fetal pose and close eyes , look thru the brow centre at the exit point and when the vibes begin ,seperate by rolling out , pushing off ,or as you do .
yw  :-D
Quote from: sylversun on February 24, 2007, 00:57:02
How have some of you, come to be aquainted with your higher self?  A form, a presence, a light?

I have met mine in meditative trance with peers as a mystic in circle .