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Hello.  I just thought I would add a little.  I am not someone that reads much about chakras or the like.  Nor, have I read much about Robert Bruce's Energy Work system.  But, I have communicated a number of times with Robert.  He's a smart and knowledgable guy.  So, I have a good impression that his Energy Work system is very good.  Personally, I am rather sensitive to so called energy -- visually and physically.  I interact with it in many ways, much of the time.  But, frankly, everyone does.  They just don't realize it.  It's just to varied degrees.  Based on my experience, energy work (I'm using that term generally ... meaning, learning how to clear, built and interact with energy, etc.) is extremely useful for basically everyone one does.  It's like saying: "what use is air? or food? or moving?"  Well, except that energy may be broader in some ways than those.  Yes, we can live with minimal understanding.  But, energy affects everything we do -- from athletics, to creativity (e.g., painting, singing, writing replies to posts on web sites :-)) or whatever you may do.  For me, I like to focus on how to use energy for sports ... it's wonderous and very effective (e.g., helping the body to integrate and function as a unit, helping the body to follow a smooth and direct flow, causing the body to quickly direct force via energy impulse, etc.) ... but, these are just a few examples applied in the context of sports.  I would like to emphasize that it is just really useful in many ways.  It is totally concretely useful ... in my opinion/experience.  In my opinion, there are many paths one can take to work with energy.  Robert Bruce's energy work is probably a good place to start.  Personally, I tend to do standing poses that are essentially qigong standing poses ... though, I tend to do them more based on how it feels.  I suppose that I would also like to add that whatever you do, it is probably good to follow what "feels" good to you to do.   If some energy work feels good ... that is likely great for you.  This might vary based on one's set of circumstances ... Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth ... Or, I suppose 0 cents worth, since its free
Hi.  I have some thoughts for you.   I suggest that you try doing some gi gong standing pose for at least about 10 minutes.  You can watch TV when you do it too ... at least, I do that.  I think it will help you to get flow and build energy.   In addition to that, if you want to feel so called chi, then i think it helps to a) ask to your deeper self to feel it (i.e., it is more a request and relaxing than focus or control ... think of it as if your deeper self that controls your heart and all the little processes in your body will respond once you are relaxed), b) have faith and belief that you can feel it, and c) remember that this energy is everywhere (try to really visualize it ... more like you know it is there and are focusing on it ... as in your "attention" will be on it by doing that ... not controlling ... but, attention to it).   Also, it really helps to add slow movements to the body.  Like moving your hands as through a sea of chi.  AND, it helps to think of your hands and fingers as being kind of like antenaes that both receive this energy and transmit ... both, or either based on your request to yourself and your focus of attention.   This is all much like Tai Chi.  Anyway, if you have any questions, let me know or send a personal message if you want.  I have much experience with this .... Good luck
One more thing, I would like to note that I am typing quickly, I when I say something like it is "foolish" to process something or the like, I don't mean to imply that anyone here is being foolish.  To the contrary, I think that folks here are rather smart, open minded and the like ... I love that all the folks here are trying to work through these unusual experiences.  This path is like a riddle sometimes, i think.  A kind of comical one at that.  Anyway, I have also had many similar thoughts and I am also not entirely certain myself.   When I say that something is "foolish," I mean for folks to contemplate whether such an activity really makes sense.  Thanks...
Thanks "Astral-Trea."  First, I would like to emphasize strongly that I agree that so called negative experiences (whatever you want to call things) are readily avoided by doing that which I originally mentioned ... i.e. 1) focus on love and 2) re-focus one's attention elsewhere.  That is essentially the same thing as others are saying here, but others are, I believe, being less specific.  That is, by embracing in the knowledge that these things don't exist and/or cannot harm onesself, one tends to embrace in love and focus elsewhere.   But, I think it is more helpful to find answers.   I also think exercises like building walls, etc., are helpful, but I still tend to think that the key is love and attention.   Second, I believe that Robert Bruce considers negative things as having substantial impacts on folks.   Perhaps, they won't bite one's head off like in a horror movie, but if you read Robert's information, he does suggest a lot in terms of emotional problems, such as, e.g., depression, etc.  Basically, things like draining energy, etc., in my opinion, are real risks.   Anyway, we are all not afraid of cars, or bears, or bees, but we all have learned to live in a world with those things and how to avoid them.  I think this is perhaps similar.  They are essentially a non-issue much of the time.  Most of us dont have to look left and right to avoid bees or bears at every step.   But, to foolishly march along proclaiming that they don't exist is, I think, kind of silly and presumptive.   Again, i am not saying that they do exist, nor what "they" are ... whether entities, energy phenomena, parts of ourselves or imagination, but I do believe tthere is a good likelihood that some problems can occur and that it is best to have good idea of what one faces ... i.e., by problems, i mean mostly things that might affect one's energy body, which might lead to well being, happiness, and perhaps health in some ways ... even perhaps, just getting a headache, or whatever.  Anyway, for me, I am highly energy sensitive, and I feel energy from people, trees, whatever very intensely, and I feel it thru my body, etc.  As such, I also tend to have some perceptions that seem to suggest some activities or instances as maybe having negative impacts, such as, e.g., draining, etc.  I tend to think that the so called enegy body or whatever term one wants to use is very complex and way being my current grasp ... But, I think it is unwise to make presumptions about how all is and works, unless of course one is holding the blueprint of the original design of all things ... in a fashion that such can be readily observed and referenced (i.e., to all those that hold that we all know everything at our core ... which, is perhaps or maybe even probably true ... but, foolish to profess as such, I think). 
Hello again.  As for the inquiry from "Bedeekin," I have not referred to any Deamons.  Personally, I think so many people out there speak in such absolutes with very little bases to go on.  There are many things one perceives in various states of mind, and grasping onto ideas or beliefs is, in my opinion, one of the greatest things that holds people back.  I believe that it is critical to growth to avoid making inane assumptions of any kind.  I do not say that there are deamons (whatever a deamon is by the way - would it be a horned goblin, or would perhaps an frightened person in a dream state's energy body be a deamon, or whatever else).  I do say, however, that there are perceptions of various things and clearly various interactions of very complex and hard to fully grasp kinds (e.g., energy wise, etc.).  Whether or not such things we "perceive" are real or not is very hard to say.  However, I do think that at the same time it is foolish to emphatically say that nothing dangerous or risky exists, and that the world is free and safe.  Then, why not just walk freely into the jungle.   There are beatiful trees and birds and the sun will shine on you 99% of the time.  In reality, we all do not know very much.  But, we do learn bits at a time, and some of us learn some more bits than others.  I was suggesting a very useful and real way to deal with issues.  Also, by the way, I also believe that there "might" be other issues that even just relate to one's energy body due to OBEing.  That is, I think it "might" be possible to negatively affect one's energy body in some ways doing OBEs frequently (well, doing some improper things perhaps, like very forced/jarring exits from sleep, etc.).  I am not certain about that, but, based on experience, I do wonder about it, and I think it is kind of fools talk to assume that all is free and clear.  To be honest, I have read very little.  I have grown by personal experience and found a few high end folks (such as, e.g., Robert Bruce, who, by the way believes fully in so called neg entity risks) that I can discuss matters with at a much higher level -- i.e., there are not many folks that have a great depth of OBE experience, energy body experience (e.g., sensations of all chakras, etc.), kundalini experience and more.  I've found that some knowledgable folks do frequent this site.  But, perhaps it is hard to identify to new comers.  As I recall, Xanth seems to have a good depth of experience.  I also have a good depth of experience.   But, I have read very little.  And, I realize tha tI don't know all that much too.  Or, rather with all of my experience, I am able to see that there is much more to the picture that is well beyond me.  I am not really up to speed on various common theories, etc.  Personally, I think it has both helped my growth, and, at times, slowed it.  But, overall, it has brought me far and in the manner that feels the best to me.  Personally, I would recommend that all folks just proceed at there own pace, rather than following advice on the Internet- unless, such advice resonates very strongly with the person. 
Hi.  It sounds like you are having very normal experiences.  And, these things can be very scary.  Personally, I tend to think that it is probably a bit foolish to go headstrong into things without caution.  For me, I am in my 40's, and I have had perhaps thousands of so called OBEs.   I am not certain, but I do tend to think that there are perhaps some risks that many people disregard.  However, I also don't think that the risks mean that one should run for the hills.   I think it is helpful to learn how to avoid the risks.   Perhaps, it is similar to walking along a roadside on a sidewalk instead of running back into one's house in fear of cars.  For me, within the early stages of the dream state, I would often confront things that scared me (seemingly, negative entities).  The way that worked for me was to 1) focus on feelings of love and 2) redirect my attention.  In short, love seems to perhaps really be "empowering" -- kind of like being in harmonic oscillation with the world.  Scary things seem to just melt away once one embraces this power and also turns one's attention elsewhere.  The attention aspect is key too.  By simply thinking "good bye" one seems to be able to move away from scary things.  Anyway, so that is perhaps a way for you to enter this state and to know how to remain on the sidewalk.  Anyway, there are many wonderful steps along this path.  For me, the initial OBE state was very exciting since it felt like such an enormous "change."  But, there are more steps too.  For example, perhaps someday you will start to experience some of these things in the waking life -- i.e., there are wonderful aspects that are applicable to daily life in wonderful and helpful ways -- such as, e.g., interacting with so called energy/chi/prana.  With all of these experiences, I also believe that it is very important to avoid making assumptions -- for example, if you get into the OBE state and see your grandmother, or Jesus, or the Pillsbury Dough Boy, don't assume that you saw what you perceived.  Life is complex and it is best to go with the flow, to embrace in faith and to observe along the way ... well, from a safe vantage point on the sidewalk.... Anyway, don't worry.  This is all really wonderful.  Enjoy.     
Hi.   To be honest, I am not entirely certain what you are experiencing.  It does not sound like a complete kundalini rising event.  It is my impression that such an event is typically rather slow (perhaps minutes) and feels like a snake slowly rotating around and penetrating the body from the root chakra.  That is what I have read and that is what I experienced, albeit only up to my navel.  But, I do have kind of bursts now ... which sound a lot like your explosion.   And, in a near sleep state, I had a burst that sounds much like you said too.   But, not exactly.  Anyway, I tend to think that my bursts are kind of pre-kundalini events that are perhaps caused by kundalini.  Actually, that was a thought I had and also suggested by a kundalini active person too.  So, it might be that your issues have pre-kundalini type of thing going on too.  But, I am not really sure.  Anyway, if your violent rocking was caused merely by chi blockage, then I tend to doubt that you would so quickly clear it and have kundalini rise.  I think this stuff tends to take its time ... blockages clear slowly, and kundalini takes time to rise when we are ready ... usually, at least.  But, you may have kundalini starting to seek to rear its head ... Anyway, if so, I tend to suggest not to rush it.  It is perhaps more intense than you expect and seems to sometimes cause problems if raised too early.  Anyway, I am also thinking that perhaps you could help smooth things out a little by practicing some Tai Chi and perhaps focusing some exercising.
Hi Sanjay ...

Glad to hear things are stabilizing.  In general, I have found that when I faced new blockages, my experiences were somewhat different ... albeit, with parallels.  And, I have found that sometimes the same blockages resurface, although, so far, not as substantially, or, at least, such that they clear more quickly.  I think it is because they relate often to emotional issues and we perhaps have tendencies or habits that rekindle such issues.  But, as you find that you tend to move through the issues, then the worry tends to subside too, which seems to help get thru things more too.  I actually had some strange heart pulses for a few months.  It freaked me out.  I went to a cardiologist and they even saw the pulses, but in the end, it turned out to be benign and it stopped once cleared.  Well, its not fully clear, but it has kind of changed.  Now, I tend to get bursts in the whole chest/spine area sometimes.  But, it is kind of controllable too, and not the heart any longer.  I understand that it might relate to kundalini ...

And, on that note, of what is the difference ... well, I tend to try not to worry to much about figuring these things out.  I think it is so hard to know and that at best we probably just have approximations ... well, at least, along the way we are always really guessing at the next steps.  So, I think it is probably helpful to perhaps try to figure things out a bit, but not to dwell too heavily on it ... again, go with the flow.   But, I don't mean to be totally blind to things, just to more have faith and you willl probably see or understand what you need to and can ask questions from time to time as needed.  I think things tend to transition slow and steady and nicely when one takaes it slow and follows the flow.

As for kundalini, I believe it is an energy at the base of the root chakra that releases and travels upward.  I believe it is perhaps similar to chi (same as prana) but perhaps different source or whatever.  But, i think kundalini is not to be  approacahed too recklessly.  For me, I believe those things because I have experienced some of it.  I had kundalin raise to about my navel a few times (over a year ago), and I have experineced kind of kundalini burst (hard to eplain).  It seems to perhaps travel to blockages na to stop.  I think kundalini will rise once all the blockages are clear.  But, kundalini seems to be extreemely powerful and real.  Like an elecric socket.  And, that it really can affect the body greatly.  I believe my heart pains and bursts in the chest relate to heart chakra issues that are being and need clearing. 

As you  "rocked" based on request,if you are curiuos, you can perahps ask to feel kundalini.  But, I strongy recommend that you dont push it.  It is kind of enticing.  I try to take it slow, but I still find that sometiems I have asked for feeling it more.  Now, when I do, I tend to almost immediately also feel pain in the heart chakra ... which seems to be a reminder that it is perhaps dangerous or unwise to rush it. 

Anyway, good luck.  Hard to type longer since i can no longer read what i am typing on this screen! :-)


Hi.  This still sounds like normal chi (or whatever you want to call it).  But, I think it does perhaps have some pre-kundalini type of stuff with it too.  Personally, I think I am in a similar situation with strong chi and pre-kundalini activity.  However, for me, it feels balanced and withotu worries.  Anyway, I also think these thngs are best to avoid trying to make too many assumptions -- like whether "it" is intelligent.  I think that is a pitfall of many.  What is the "it?"  It might be a deeper part of you.  It might be the chi itself.  It might be something that we altogether cannot grasp.  Anyway, there does seem to be an intelligence as you indicate.  But, I would be wary to make assumptions, as those could lead one astray, like following answers blindly, misunderstanding context and responses, etc.  To be honest, I think the answer might be even more complicated ... like that there are multiple sources and/or that the answers are not really always being given accurately, but to guide you.  So, just be careful and mindful.  As for all these things, learning to control is the key.  But, control is not really control, but learning how to relax and looking to or away, kind of like making requests to that intelligence.  Also, the intensity of your rocking can vary a lot for different reasons, such as, e.g., related to blockages you might have.  For example, the body tends to rock (even intensely) if chi flows through blockages.  And, things like standing near masters or the like can impact that flow ... as can standing in a crowd, near a tree, etc.  There are many situations that can affect you ... inclduing emotional states, diet, sleep, and more.  Anyway, I recommend to look into Qigong and Tai Chi. Those are two practices that help one to balance chi and to appreciate the nuances more.   Anywya, I do however think that it is important to try to keep this all in balance, and a HUGE part is to GO WITH THE FLOW, relax, and adjust one's focus via requests, etc.  Good luck .... send a request if any other questions ... good luck. 
Hi.  This sounds like normal chi stuff.   It can be very intense like this at times.  I does not sound like kundalini.  Kundalini is even more intense.   Anyway, this type of experience will come and go and vary.  It likely involves a combination of increased chi flow and blockages.   Basically, just try to relax and go with the flow.  Try to identify where the blockages are, and kind of relax into them.  Anyway, there is more to it than that ... but, that is the gist.  Don't worry about it though.  Anyway, feel free to ask questions directly.  I have a lot of experience with this ... Mostly, relaxing and going with the flow is the best way to deal with it.

Hi WiZe.  Thanks for the reply.  While it might relate to your friend, I am guessing that it probably relates moreso to a general issue that you have in relation to some emotional relationships or ties.  That is, I think it is probably more core to you present life.   It is my impression that most pains -- especially persistent ones -- relate to blockages which relate to, in many cases (especially, in the heart chakra), emotional issues.  And, the heart chakra tends to relate to relationships ... typically, releasing when things are essentially let go -- such as, e.g., when you start to love people and situations regardless.  Anyway, so you are probably in a position where you need growth to clear this.  And, it likely will take time ... weeks at least.  And, in response to your note that it is probably not kundalini because you have learned about yourself recently, I apologize, but that kind of does not make sense.  It is my impression that you are using the term kundalini incorrectly.  Basically, kundalini is a very specific energy that only arises in rare cases and with rather extreme impacts/affects.  Regular chi flow is extremely significant too ... but, just kind of about 10,000 times less powerful (of course, I'm just tossing out a number, but it is rather extremely different).  Anyway, best wishes to you.   
Hi.   Sorry, I think perhaps some of your comments sound a little mis-directed.  But, I really like a number of the things you are saying and doing.   First, I think that focus on building energy is very helpful and great to do.   I started to do that about 6 months ago, and it has been wonderful.   The best way to do that that I know of (and, which seems to be widely considered to be the best way among many knowledgable folks) is to do some qi gong standing poses.  Those essentially "charge" your energy body.  That helps you to build health, focus, etc.  But, it takes time and patience.  10-15 minutes a day is fine.  But, doing 30 mins to 1 hour a day is much better.  You can watch TV at the same time (as long as not stressful show).  And, as an FYI, it helps you to require less sleep.  So, you can try doing later at night and you might find that you feel better when you wake up.  Although, perhaps not ... depends on the person, sleep you need and how well you are doing the poses, etc, I expect. 

If you are focusing on one chakra a long time, then the root chakra is probably best to do as it is more grounding.  So, that is good.  But, I agree that focus on a chakra can perhaps burn energy ... i think it depends on what you are doing.  Energy is complex and hard to fully grasp.  I think most people, even experts dont know much and that there are vast levels of information unknown to us ... folks make too many assumptions.  I feel energy very intensely whenever I focus on it ... within seconds ... all the chakras, etc., and yet I really dont profess to know too much. 
Sometimes, it is good to focus on all the chakras to get them kind of working in synchronization, I think. 

Anyway, I suggest tath you try not to make too many assumptions, go with the flow, etc.  You have much to learn and there are few here that you can gain gret depth of insight as to the underlying workins of the energy body ... probably, one reason no posts were made until now in reply. 

Anyway, stand, stand, stand.  if done well, it is super wonderful, very dynamic feeling of flow, etc.  Good luck.
Hi.  I have had some similar issues.  Personally, I doubt that you need to do anything so special, like AP, to identify the issues.  The heart chakra tends to relate to relationship issues, like spouse, family, friends.  For me, it also seemed to relate to work issues, wherein my hopes and expectations were kind of lost.  Anyway, to release this, I found that I needed to really focus on that which bothered me and try to excude feelings of love and to let it go.  As I did that, over time, the problem diminished.  Actually, this worked so well that I would even get a kind of oozing pulsation from the heat chakra as it released.  Anyway, my problem/pain was kind of problematic in that it even caused my heart to beat intensely.  I saw a cardiologist and all.  Now, it is fine.  But, i still need to be mindful and similar pains ... albeit, less can arise that i need to do the same to relieve sometimes. 

Anyway, you also said that what "kundalini" arrises to the heart his causes pain.  Are you sure it is kundalini?  People so often use that term losely.  I am guessing it is not, unless you are feeling an intense/painful coil up from the root chakra.  I have experienced that only up to about the navel.  It was kind of akin to having a pole shoved through one's core ... nothing like common buzing, etc., of chi flow.

Anyway, I realize that chi flow can be rather intense actually, causing muscles to contract, etc., but kundalini is like an elecrtrical outlet ... if it is kundalini, then your blockage might be something to take very seriously as the kundalini can perhaps cause problems -- like my heart issue or worse, I believe.

Anyway, good luck.

Oh yes ... one more thing.  Even "IF" you do see some shadowy entities, there is really a rather low risk of anything bad occurring.   Its not like folks are sucked up by shadow creatures.  You don't read about that in the news too much.  Most likely, nothing will happen ... So, your risks are very low.  I think, at the worst, they might be a bit like bugs ... feeding on little bits of excess energy we give off.  Things like stress and fear might be like sending food off to them.  Of course, that is just a maybe.  They might also have absolutely no impact on virtually anyone.  Nevertheless, I do know from experience that they can be freaky to see.  And, last, who knows really what they are ... while seen as "entities," they might not be ... so, not really worth the worries.   Turning on the lights (and maybe turning on happy music) and remembering to feel love and faith are all you need to do.   Well, other than to eat well, exercise and do your homework!
Hi.  I have answers for you.  If you have more questions, feel free to send me a direct message.  First, Xanth is correct.  You are perhaps just unduly scaring yourself.  However, I understand that you want to know how to deal with them regardless.  So, I will provide explanations that have worked for me.  I had similar experiences for a long time.  And, now I have no worries at all.

Basically, the technique is simple.  First, when you see such a thing, you should embrace in feelings of love and try to feel love for the world around you (not necessarily love for the shaddow being ... although, that is perhaps okay ... but, i would not direct your attention soley at it as you will see it kind of conflicts with the next part).  Second, when you see such a thing, you should say goodbye and focus your attention away from it.   Turning the lights on is helpful, as is happy type music (especially, kids songs).

This might be hard to appreciate.  But, you are where you are thinking.  If you spend time worrying about these entities, then you are probably just increasing the chances of seeing them.  It is perhaps like searching the woods for a bear in fear of a bear.  If you fear the bear, stop looking for it.   Also, I think it is actually worse than that.  I think it is more like searching for the bear with food for the bear to eat.  Here, your fearful energy is probably enticing to some entities.  As you can see, I advised to focus on love.  Love is power.  Most neegative entities turn away from such power.  Love is ind of like you being in harmonic resonance with the power of the world. 

Anyway, next, the world is full of scary things.  Bears.  Ticks.  Bacteria.  Guns.  Cars.  You have no real reason to fear these things, however.  You have the power to step out of there way.  Of course, if you sit in the road.  Or, if you try to feed bears.  Or, if you call out into the night for scary shadows, then you might increase your risks.

But, have faith.  Life works.  You "are" able to stay very safe.  Just sit tight.  Relax.  And, trust yourself.  That is, trust your ability to refocus and pull yourself into a different place.

Anyway, sleep tight ... don't let the bed buggaboos bight. :-)

Hello.  This doesn't sound so strange to me from my experiences.  First, the idea of identifying actual information is common.  It took me perhaps 20 years before I concretely saw information that was accurate, but once that happens, things change.  As for the so called "entity," you are seeing, that is nice.  It is also somewhat common.  I suggest that relax and go with the flow.  You are starting to see some great things about life.  I do suggest, however, that you try not to assume too much.  For example, i would not hold to steadfast to the actaul reality of that which is in the room, and/or what you think you see.  There may well be wild and miraculous aspects to it, but they might not be what you think they are at this time ... very close, perhaps.  Anyway, I just think its best to stay objective and go with the flow...
Hi.  Yes, I think it is good not to name things too.  I have largely avoided things like that too.  Although, I have gravitated to using some terms since it helps in communicating sometimes.  Anyway, I tend to think that the biggest problem with using terms, etc., is that they are typically approximations of things that we don't really fully understand.  Basically, I think it is very important to avoid making premature conclusions or assumptions about things.  One example of making inadvertent assumptions can fall in use of common terms as such often come with baggage from assumptions of others, etc.  But, as another FYI, you also might find that you need to be cautious about holding too strongly to your own assumptions about things as you develop ... for example, if you find yourself holding too steadfastly to an ideal or belief, or the like.  Personally, after 30+ years of this type of development, I can look back and see times that I may have swayed one way or the other.  I think one can sometimes sway to thinking that one's own views or ideas are more correct or something when one steps into great success compared to others ...  For example, I think if one has success using drugs, one can possibly push a bit excessively in that direction.  Anyway, another thing I found was that I often thought that i had made great leaps at different stages, such as, e.g., in doing so called OBEs (note: I really dont like that term), in doing successful remote viewing, in feeling/manipulated so called energy, etc.  But, I now tend to really feel a lot smaller with all of this stuff -- i.e., there are people with far more more depth and understanding than me (in many areas) -- albeit, harder to locate in the moras of folks out there, i think.  Anyway, I suppose that I have a suggestion/thought for you.  I tend to think that our abilities to grow in these areas is strongly tied to our abilities to function as we are intended to, and that things like diet/exercise are enormous in those areas.  For me, I find that, e.g., eating raw/natural veggies is very helpful, as well as exercising.  I don't consider myself a naturalist (i.e. another definition that i dont like).  I consider myself to be someone that eats food ... but, I just don't assume that something is food after we process it and stick it in a box.  Anyway, take care.  Kindest regards, Steve
Hello again.  I find your situation to be rather interesting.  Basically, it appears that you are rather naturally and rather comfortably moving forward with significant energy flow, etc.  In particular, it is interesting that you are having the kundalini flow as you are.  Well, at least to me, since I only have limited kundalini flow.  On the other hand, I have a lot of energy flow.  Actually, I have a similar flow that you describe sometimes too.  For me, feeling energy flow has been very enjoyable.  I also very much like to kind of focus on energy from others.  Basically, you might find, or have already found, that you can feel a lot of energy from others, whether people, trees, etc.  Anyway, there also seems to be a lot of practical applications for all of this stuff too ... whether, communicating, playing sports, maintaining health, etc., well, which is, of course, obvious since it can basically help with everything. :-)  But, some things are more noticable.  Also, I recently discovered Tai Chi, which is really great for all of this.  I recommend that you check it out if you have the time.  Anyway, as I mentioned, it appears to me that you are younger ... probably, 20s or so?  As such, I'm guessing you don't have as many energy blockages so to speak, and, hence, one reason that kundalini seems to be flowing readily within you.  At my age, I have a lot that i am working through. :-)  Anyway, I know you didn't ask, but as for the weed, I would recommend to maintain a very healthy lifestyle, from diet to exercise, etc.  I find it to be very helpful.  Of course, its probably natural to eat the weed.  :-)  Anyway, take care.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Tiny White Lights
October 26, 2011, 17:57:34
Hi.  I think this is parallel to seeing so called energy.  I see white dots too; well, to me, it seems more like seeing millions of little dot-like pixels.  Basically, they move along with your intent, etc.  So, the actions you are describing seem to be an example based on your intent.  I'm guessing that if you tried, you would see auras, etc., too.  Actually, I noticed these dots many years before i even knew what they were ... or, what i now hypothesize that they are ...
Hi.  Sounds good.  Out of curiosity, when you talk of Kundalini, are you specifically referring to the energy that arrises that originates from a point below the so-called root chakra region?  Sometimes, people talk more loosely about so called kundalini ... Anyway, good luck with things.  I too am a self learner ... but, for me, every once in a while, I will ask people things ...
Great, it sounds like you are keeping balanced.  Have fun.  As an FYI, I don't read much about this type of stuff.  I actually started to activate my chakras before I even knew what a chakra was. :-)  For me, a harder aspect was learning how to integrate this type of thing into my life ... many people cannot relate.  But, there are many people that don't seem to have that difficulty.  I'm guessing that you are younger (i.e., I'm nearly 50).  If you have any questions as things progress, feel free to shoot an email.  Regards, Steve
I'm guessing that its energy body stuff... if i focus on it, i can get throbbing pulse kind of just above my ear and towards the back of my head too.  anyway, it seems to me that the energy body is rather complex, and that there are ranges of feelings related even to each chakra.  as i think about it, i am wondering if there are some smaller chakras at the location you are referring to even.  anyway, i'm really not sure what your experiencing, but for energy stuff, it really can vary a lot.   Anyway, good luck.
Hello.  This sounds like normal energy body feelings.  This happens to me a lot ... most nights when I go to sleep.  Sometimes, it is very intense.  It is, e.g., very intense if I am overcoming an ilness or if I am rather tired.  I initially worried, like you, that it might lead to problems.  But, I think the main problems it could lead to is worry of problems.  :-)  Basically, rule no. 1 is to go with the flow of energy stuff ... not to make assumptions and to relax and have faith.  And, rule no. 2 is if you desire to decrease sensations, such as, e.g., if it gets more intense than you are comfortable with, then a) consciously request to yourself (e.g., higher self) to decrease it and b) turn your focus and attention elsewhere (e.g., read a book, watch tv, or the like).  You might still feel limited buzzing, but it should decrease a lot.  If you focus on it and think "oh no, that's intense!!!" it could perhaps just add to the intensity ... or at least make it unpleasant.  Anyway, have your chakras activated already?  To me, this technique seems to work well at the onset of any new energy activity -- such as, e.g., heavy heart chakra palpitations, intense 3rd eye stuff ... and, even kundalini stuff.  As for kundalini, this definitely does not seem to be kundalini stuff.  I'm just starting to experience kundalini events.  so far, it seems extremely explosively intense ... what you're talking about is akin to having a nice little electronic vibrating massager inside your bones, while kundalini is more like just taking the electric cord of the massager and directly connecting the wire to you from the outlet.  Anyway, that's kind of a joke, but, frankly, a decent comparison... take care, steve
Hi Orion:  That's great.  Its all very nice stuff.  As for all your experiences, I think you will find that they will vary a lot over time.  As you, I intially would focus a lot on how certain areas vibrated or throbbed, etc., but now there are so many different areas that do lots of different things at lots of different times, and based on lots of different things (such as, e.g., just a simple thought/intent).  So, for example, the idea of feeling higher up is great, but over time, you may readily be ablet to move into and out of such feelings.  Anyway, I would recommend to go with the flow, observe, grow and enjoy.  Regards, Steve
Hello.  I am familiar with such feelings.  I do not believe what you are experiencing is so called Kundalini.  But, to be honest, I am not certain.  For me, I do not have a great degree of experience with so called Kundalini flow ... although, some, I believe.  I do, however, have very much experience with so called chi flow and all the chakras.  I get a similar feelign of flow as you mention.  But, to be honest, I sometimes have wondered if what I am experiencing is a softer Kundalini flow.  I doubt it though.  I have had some extremely intense flow from root chakra, up to stomach, which was, I think, so called Kundalini.  It was very intense, like a rotating rod moving up.  The warmth and general flow seems different.  But, I am not sure if it is entirely.  Perhaps, kundalini and flow at smaller degrees too.  Anyway, I suggest that you relax and "go with the flow" ... :-)  As for Kundalini, I think that is maybe best to approach slowly ... I can get it to flow again if I try, but I tend to not do that out of caution.  I think one wants to be very clear of blockages and to flow easily up before doing that.  As you have this flow already, maybe you have less blockages that old foggies like me.