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Messages - Frank

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Anyone heard from Frank?
September 16, 2005, 19:11:22
Yes, was rather amusing to me too, lol.

The old health issues have been bothering me of late. But I'm sure it's nothing I cannot overcome.


It's me and I am (sort of) back in the land of the living.

Thank you to all for their understanding.

With kind regards,

I do sincerely apologise for the lack of newsletters but it is a fact that I have been enduring some rather serious personal problems of late. I truly am sorry if this has inconvenienced you.

Ha ha ha, computers, who'd have 'em, lol. What a flaming problem those darned machines have given me of late. Simply cannot believe the computer hassle I've had the past few weeks!!! Anyhow, here I am and it's gone 3am in my time zone so I'm off within myself soon. Will be back with a bang proper next week.

Apologies to anyone who has been expecting a reply to a post or an email as I just haven't been able to get online. It's great to be back though.

"...but unconsciously, we react to the android as if she were a woman."

Ha ha, sorry scientist old chum there is only one yardstick I would consider significant regarding my reacting to your android, "as if she were a woman". Got another several hundred years of development at LEAST to go. The real things are just too "real" if you get what I mean. LOL.

Hi Acolyte and welcome to the forum.

Hope you like it here!

Hi JemKey and welcome (again) to the forum.

Best of luck!

Hi Rick and welcome to the forum.

Hope you like it here!

And I look forward to helping you with your goals.

Hi and welcome to the forum.

Hope you like it here!

Welcome to Members Introductions! / hey
July 29, 2005, 18:49:26
Hi Kitty and welcome to the forum.

Hope you like it here!

Hi Ridion and welcome to the forum.

Hope you like it here!

Hi Angie and welcome to the forum.

Hope you like it here!


This is the healing place and this section of the forum, as you have obviously completely failed to recognise, is a special place where people can offer their prayers to people who are in dire need of healing.

Subsequently you have been moved to Chat.


Sorry folks, have had computer problems and subsequent difficulties getting online the past couple of weeks, but the hardware issues will be sorted soon. I just borrowed a friend's computer to stick this notice up so I've got a limited time window. But regards to everyone and it will be Phasing as usual before not too long.


I've been absent the past few days as I'm having awful computer problems at the moment. I think my old laptop is finally giving up the ghost after nearly 7 years.

I'm really surprised to see the latest crack-pot idea that I am in some way against the book Astral Dynamics. Anyone who would care to search through my past posts will see that I have actually recommended this book over the years. In fact, I have never said a bad word against it and it is the only traditional kinda mystical-orientated book that I actually recommend.

Problem is, fanatics of any description are never really interested in the truth. They only see the world through their own very limited perspective and the original poster is certainly no exception.

Also, could I please remind "themandude" that registration on my newsletter is a voluntary act. If you do not like it then DO NOT SUBSCRIBE. In other words, do not choose to subscribe to my newsletter and then play the martyr. Like you are reading it under duress. That's a tactic the religious zealots have played over the years and people like myself simply do not fall for it anymore. Unsubscribe yourself by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page and follow the simple instructions. It takes just 3 mouse clicks.

Anyone subscribing to my newsletter gets a link to the previous issues that they can read at their leisure. If they do not like what they see they can readily unsubscribe. No one is in any way "forced" to read my newsletter.

I have made my anti-mystical position very clear and have given a number of reasons why I dislike mystics-release-gurus. For example, I present evidence of the situation regarding the mystic-release-guru known by the name of Sai Baba that Robert Bruce has associated himself with in the past together with his followers, such as the member we used to have here who called herself "red catherine".

Sia Baba is a suspected sex offender, child molester and serial rapist who has been the subject of reports by the British Foreign Office and UNICEF (among other agencies such as the French government) warning people of his devient activities. I reckon, however, this is just the tip of a very large iceberg of sexual and other devients who abuse their positions of presumed authority to prey on the unwary in all manner of respects.

Below I present just one of my posts of many, on the subject of the book Astral Dynamics:


I found the book very useful in that it got me projecting into the RTZ for the very first time. Prior to reading the book I had had hundreds of "astral projections" over many years, but the RTZ had always eluded me.

Astral Dynamics contains ever so many hints and tips and good all-round general information, you cannot help but pick up benefits from it. I'm not at all into the mystical or energy-work side of things, but the book piqued my curiosity about "chakras" and I had a whale of a time exciting these energy centres. It's immense fun.

Welcome to News and Media! / Bush Sucks.
July 18, 2005, 19:40:45
It looks like gun control isn't going very well in other countries like England if crime rates are going up after they are banned.


You have to please realise that it was NEVER LEGAL to carry a handgun in England for the purposes of self defence. Carrying a gun or a weapon or anything that could be constituted as a weapon for self defence in England has ALWAYS BEEN A SERIOUS CRIMINAL OFFENCE.

There is NO SUCH THING that crime is suddenly going up because guns have been banned. In the sense that we all once had guns and we were defending ourselves and now we can't... so criminals have free reign. It simply is not the case. IT WAS NEVER LEGAL to carry a weapon for use in self defence. Whether that weapon be a firearm, a knife, a stick, a whatever.

Welcome to News and Media! / Bush Sucks.
July 18, 2005, 19:31:04

Much of what you say is a moot point as far as I am concerned as I live on a continent where is has always been illegal to carry a handgun for the purposes of self defence. What happens in America happens in America. American gun-control legislation has no bearing whatsoever in Europe.

What I mean is, people in Europe are not somehow "clamouring" to carry handguns because people in America have them. We all live very happily without the need to carry handguns. Crime, of course, does happen here. But most people accept that more handguns are not the solution.

It is an interesting statistic that crime, generally, is largely the same in Europe and America. It's just a fallacy that guns protect you against crime. If I knew you had a gun I'd come up behind you and smash you over the head with something hard and heavy. You wouldn't stand a chance. By the time you came to reach for your gun you'd be unconscious, lol. How can that "protect" you. The crime protection element is pure fallacy. To me it's just ego tripping.

I've noted your comments regarding the uses of guns, but what Leyla and myself were questioning was the efficacy of continuing to create and promote the use of a device the primary purpose of which was to kill another human being. Taking your examples, it may well be the case that people enjoy collecting these devices. However, that does not detract from the fact that their primary purpose is to kill. I may enjoy collecting cars, but that does not change the primary purpose of a car. In my view, what you are doing is confusing an object's common use with its primary purpose.

I would agree, however, on your point that guns are but a tool. Yep, they are a tool that are specifically designed to kill people. Unlike other tools that have a different primary pupose but, in the wrong hands, they can kill, such as a knife, for example. But the primary purpose of a gun is simply to kill. It has no other purpose. I cannot drive to work in a gun. I cannot chop vegetables with a gun, I cannot fly to America in a gun. There is only one thing a handgun can do and that is to kill.

Again, it is only natural that in contemporary society that people are begining to question the efficacy of continuing to create and promote the sale of devices, the sole primary purpose of which is to kill other human beings.

I feel that perhaps I'm alone in protecting myself against more powerful and darker forces.


The above belief construct you have subscribed to is the root cause of your problem. Cancel your subscription to that construct and it will all simply go away.

Welcome to News and Media! / Bush Sucks.
July 18, 2005, 11:32:15

This "guns" debate that forever appears to be raging in the USA is a bit of an emotive one it would appear. In England there is no such argument as guns have never been legal to carry for self-defence anyway. Most people in England have simply agreed with the prevailing policy and arguing over it has never held any significance amongst the general populace.

I'm sorry you appear to be getting upset but I think Leyla was being rather tongue in cheek. Plus, I (for one) think she made a good point. What she is looking at, and I too think this is a valid approach, is the actual specific primary purpose of a handgun, as compared to some other device or thing.

For example, I enjoy preparing fresh food and have a large, razor-sharp kitchen knife that I use to chop all manner of fresh foods in the preparation of my dishes. This knife is more than capable of slicing someone to pieces, but its primary purpose is as I describe.

Now, taking the example of a handgun, what is the primary purpose of a handgun? It is to kill people plain and simple. It has no other use. It's not like a car, where it is possible to lose control due to some very unfortunate circumstance and end up injuring or even killing someone. A handgun is simply designed to kill people, full stop.

As such, I think it is only natural in contemporary society that people are beginning to seriously question the efficacy of continuing to create and promote the sale of devices, the sole primary purpose of which is to kill other human beings.


You need to prepare to hear all manner of pops, bangs, shouts, roars, screeches, tearing sounds; people calling your name, hearing music coming from nowhere; all manner of taps, knocks, sounds like a door slamming, booms, whistles, whispers, laughter, screams, etc., etc., etc. As Knightlight says, don't read into it too much as these random events tend to be all par for the course. :)

Naturally, if you start to get something that sounds significant then by all means spend a little time trying to track its source, or whatever. Perhaps it may lead to something interesting perhaps it won't. Nothing ventured then nothing gained as they say. But random stuff is to be expected and it's best to simply ignore it as these are, by definition, just one off events, just meaningless random noise.

Hi Beth:

To an extent, I would agree with you regarding the sensations. But with many, many people, the experience is not quite so clear-cut. I would suggest that the character or nature of the original poster's experience is fairly typical, and one is often left wondering that classic question.

I would liken it to the phenomenon known as a "false awakening" where a person, to all intents and purposes, absolutely believes they are awake and alert within the physical. They have gotten out of bed and going about their normal day... and then they wake up for real. Myself I have even had false awakenings where I have dreamt I had a false awakening and woke up for real, chuckling about thinking of remembering when I had a previous false awakening, but I was definitely not fooled this time. But the whole thing was a false awakening. :)

As such, the only way a person can "prove" the experience to himself or herself is to gain knowledge of an action that is unconnected with themselves. For example, in one RTZ projection I had fairly recently I was outside and saw a large van making a delivery to the bakery. I popped back to physical, threw on some clothes, walked down the road to the bakery to check and there was the van.

The feelings people perceive are largely a question of expectation.

My projection experiences for years were characterised by heavy vibrations and some terrifically intense sensations of movement. These symptoms occurred no matter where in the general consciousness scheme of things I was projecting to. RTZ or "astral it didn't matter. In those days I still subscribed to the "all is astral" construct, but even when I began expanding my knowledge about the wider reality and began encompassing the idea that there might be different primary areas in consciousness, the intense sensations remained.

The intense symptoms only started to subside when I began seriously analysing the process in an attempt to understand it more fully, and to try to slow the whole "exit" process down. In doing this I realised these intense sensations were all largely unnecessary. I had gotten myself locked in a mental construct where I was having sensations because I believed sensations were necessary. This realisation that I could have non-physical experiences sans sensations came as some relief. Now my experiences are accompanied with an absolute minimum of sensation.

In the background, I typically perceive a very light buzzing kind of crackling slightly hissing sound. I describe it as the sound that high-voltage electricity pylons make when the air is very humid, which is about all I get these days in the first 3 areas. Primary Focus 4 is something else again. In this area it is not possible to objectively perceive anything, although you can become a sound if you wish, which is rather entertaining.

As regards the question of being locked in a PF3 construct or not, there are a few things you can do to check. :)

A person locked in a construct is in the unfortunate situation where they are releasing a particular mix of emotion that is creating a certain kind of objective scenario. Then they are reacting to that scenario in a particular way. But that particular way of reacting causes that same particular mix of emotions to be released, which causes the person to react to the scenario in that same particular way. So that same particular mix of emotions are released, so they react to the scenario in that same particular way... etc., etc.

Of course, within the physical people can become locked in these kinds of weird circumstances in dreams. But it isn't long before the alarm clock goes off, or some physical demand comes along and the person snaps out of it. But once someone is sans physical then different rules apply.

There is no need to eat or to excrete, no need for sleep, and so forth. So for someone caught in a loop there is nothing much that will come along and make a demand, break their attention, thus snap them out of it. For example, if there was a need for sleep then, after 20 hours or so, the person would get tired, fall asleep, and thus break the construct. Or they would end up starving hungry, or eventually get a severe need to use the bathroom, or whatever. But no such thing applies and people can become locked in these kinds of constructs for what we would gauge as a time period. This time period could be from minutes to even hundreds of years. There are no hard and fast rules.

The solution is to somehow interrupt a person's thought patterns to make them start thinking of something else. As they do so, the objective circumstances they keep repetitively finding themselves wrapped up in will dissipate.

There are many people resident within the upper branches of PF3 who try to help people free themselves from this kind of predicament. Plus, you get people such as myself who regularly project to this area and see it as a challenge to break some of these constructs in which people become entangled. Some people call it "retrieval" work and I too use that term loosely. But in doing so I need to make clear that I do not subscribe to all these whacky notions that these people are "stuck" and that "souls can get left behind" or "souls can die" and all that jazz. That's just a load of mystical bunkum.

No one gets "stuck" and everyone will eventually realise they are in a construct of one description or another!

You don't have to be caught in a "loop" as I call it. You can be of the view that when you die you go to "heaven". So you end up living in a "heaven" construct that fulfils your expectations and/or is in accordance with a person's particular religion. But eventually people start to question the validity of their circumstances. Thus the framework of the construct is gradually laid bare and people progressively gravitate to the upper branches. Many times with the help of the people already resident within this top region.

Note: when I use the term "top" or "upper" to describe this region I don't mean in a superior sense, like this top region is more "spiritual". If anything, quite the opposite is the case.

The people who are engaged in the spiritual/religious/mystical constructs are the ones caught lower down, which is kinda ironic when you think about it. This is the main reason why I, personally, detest any kind of religion or mysticism. These kinds of belief constructs are presented within the physical as a boon to progression in the non-physical, when in fact they turn out to be a barrier. But within Primary Focus 3, you can also see that many more people are disengaging these days with no particular mystical or religious beliefs, and are thus finding the progression through transition very much easier to achieve.

Hi Ben:

I have to be careful here to make clear that I have no way of knowing how representative my Primary Focus 3 experiences are in this respect. Quite simply, the area is HUGE. So say I have had experience with 2 thousand people on the lower branches, as I call them, of the PF3 tree. This 2 thousand may account for 10% of people (highly unlikely!), 1%, or 0.0000000000001% (perhaps looking more likely). I really have no way of knowing. Well, not yet at any rate.

So when talking about what happens, please realise I currently have no way of knowing how representative my experiences are. What I can say is my experiences broadly tally with both the experiences of Robert Monroe and Bruce Moen. Plus, all manner of experience is represented there.

Within Primary Focus 3, a mystic will typically see all manner of fantastic mysticism. A religious zealot will see all manner of religious zealotry, members of the fluffy-bunny brigade will see fluffy bunnies galore, and all manner of other circumstances are represented. Not that there is anything inherently wrong in this. Each to their own I suppose. The problems have only arisen due to one bunch of mystics or religious zealots claiming that their particular slant on reality is the only one or the "right" one. When in reality none of them are right at all.

When you come to learn how the subjective structure is actually set out, within the lower branches of PF3 absolutely every action, idea or thing is represented, no matter how whacky and wild it may be. Eventually, of course, people move on from engaging in this kind of action. They get it all out of their system and gradually gravitate to the upper branches of this area. They may revel in some hollow-heaven for what we would gauge as a time period, which could range from just months to maybe a thousand years, or whatever. There are no time constraints as there is simply no time.  

Now, as regards the people I have come across engaged in some kind of construct, yes, from what I have seen they create the characters for themselves. Together with all manner of buildings, furnishings, decorative effects, etc., etc. Never underestimate the power of the mind in terms of its creative abilities! Though I have no way of knowing whether the characters people are creating are actually representations of the very same people they were living with in their physical life, but generally I guess it would be safe to assume so.

Often you cannot actually objectively perceive the other characters that people are creating. You can latch onto the idea that the person believes they are interacting with another person around them. But it is their own mind created reality. As such, it is not always possible to merge with the same energies they are aligned to, in order to see what they are seeing exactly. Sometimes you can but often you can't. With experience, you can gauge their general circumstances as you begin detecting the energetic signature of the people you come across. This is an ability you pick up after a while that enables you to tell what their emotional state is.

You can often "see" their emotional state as well through the colours that surround them. People who are fearful often have great whorls of grey clouds around them. The other thing is I can actually "taste" fear. Sounds a bit daft when I say it but it makes a lot of sense when I'm actually in the circumstance. If I come across a person locked in a fearful construct, I can often "taste" the whorl of fearful emotion before I see it.

However, that does not mean that every other person that people interact with in this area of consciousness is their own mind created reality. No, I am now talking primarily about the beginning branches. There are zillions of people on the mid to upper branches all interacting with each other in an objective sense, just as we all do within the physical. The upper branches of PF3 are VERY physical-world like indeed, even better in fact on the top-most branches. In my mind I call it the supra physical. Sort of like the physical on steroids, lol.


Yeah, I know but thought I'd better mention it as people might start getting the wrong idea, especially where talk of Primary Focus 4 is concerned. :)   Thing is, it's darned difficult for me to explain as these kinds of experiences are relatively new for me, not so much PF1/PF4 overlays but PF4 experiences proper. Note: I now use the term Primary Focus for the main areas, as people were getting a tad confused between those and the Monroe individual focus states.

Primary Focus 4 of consciousness is the subjective source of all the actions in consciousness. You see, the energy for our actions has to come from somewhere. We don't just create something from nothing. An idea, for example, is an action in consciousness. It is energy with a particular direction, you could say. Now that energetic action had to be sourced from somewhere, in the sense that the raw energy didn't just come from nowhere.

When we look at ourselves in terms of energy, what we are is essentially a human energetic transducer that converts raw subjective energy into objective becomings of all manner of description. I wrote a little piece on PF4 in relation to a question about reincarnation a little while ago and much of what I said in that piece is relevant. So here it is:

When we project within subjective reality, each of us typically places ourselves in the position or anticipation of facing objects. But when you enter Primary Focus 4, you cast off all notions of "things" and begin merging with the underlying subjective energy. That same energy, down the line, as it were, will ultimately split off here and there (again all in a manner of speaking) and create a "thing". That thing could be a soccer ball, a human being, a house, a plant, a giraffe, or whatever.

Now, in merging with energy, I do not mean you are merging into a vast pool of nothingness. On the contrary, typically, you are merging with a specific action of energy. I suppose you could say, in a very broad sense (and only in a very broad sense) you are merging with a "thing" but a thing in terms of its conceptualisation, or it's source in other words. And that source of all that is within our system is Primary Focus 4 of consciousness.

So, ultimately, all "things" can be traced to an action in energy, the ultimate source of which is Primary Focus 4. So you could say that Primary Focus 4 is the area of the action of the thought before it is created. But again, only in a manner of speaking because, from the Primary Focus 4 standpoint, there is no before. All simply is. The concept of "before" comes into it as the action is engaged further "down the line" as it were.


I just spoke to Doug and he says he's fine and it's definitely not me. :)


I realise you were joking but, for the record, I've never actually taken any of the mind-altering drugs, or smoked weed, that kind of thing. I used to drink moderate amounts of alcohol on a strictly social basis. But that's about it.

In terms of actions I was doing, I'm talking about just simple ordinary stuff like breathing, moving a finger, that kind of thing.
