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Messages - Ashfo

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Talking with the Higher Self
September 30, 2003, 00:23:39
Who here has ever "talked" with their subconsciouss or "higher self"

I was meditating last night and I decided I would try to attempt it.. I asked it to open itself to me. I questioned how I could tell if there really was a seperate-but-at-the-same-time-joint relationship in my head and the "thought pattern" came to me - my mind translated it into the word "believe".

I then asked what I needed to do in order to foster our relationship and improve our communication... the answer was "learn".

Anyone else communicated with their higher selves? I've read of people who claim to have such a good relationship that their higher selves will guide them day to day.. as in... "dont park there, that other parking meter has money on it."

First of all, hello everyone... It's been awhile. I doubt there are many left from when I was here, but however....

Several months ago I had an experience I can only relate to as a flashback of a previous life or of a tapping into a collective unconsciouss.

I have had CAT brain scans, EEGs and visited various specialists and neurologists over this incident and none of them really have any clue.

I am looking for someone, or some institution, that studies this particular type of phenonenom. I thought somebody here might know of a place where this sort of thing is investigated... The simplest way I could put my experience would be as a "Shift in Conscioussness".

Any replies would be appreciated...

- Ashfo
Hey everyone! It's been a long time.... RL has been busy and whatnot, and I sort of got sidetracked from the whole AP business and moved towards my interest in drugs. After revealing some of my AP activities with my friends (like being able to experience "trips" without drugs) it made me realise that in the long run I dont want to rely on drugs for these experiences as there is no question that they do damage your brain in some way or another. Anyway, this post has nothing to do about that....

I had an experience about a month back where I was staying in an apartment in Sydney and, after about a quarter of a bottle of tequila, had a really frightening experience.

I cant remember the very end of the night, but I am told I went to bed around 1am and here is what I remember from that moment onwards....

I had a dream that I was with my gf in a battleship in Pearl Harbor, and suddenly had a realisation that I knew something wrong was happening - I knew the Japanese were coming but they hadnt arrived yet. Realising this I took the steps that you would think rational -> Try to find the general and let him know. There's one problem. I woke up. Sort of.

As far as I can work out I woke up about the time I was leaving the battleship and left the apartment I was staying in, saw the exit sign in the corridor and figured that's how I'd get out of the battleship. As a sidenote, before I saw the exit sign I looked in a door and saw a munitions cupboard - upon inspection the next morning the cupboard in that exact same place was a broom/cleaning cupboard.

At this point I was completely immersed in the dream... I didn't see the real world, only my minds interpretation of what the real world would look like in a battleship - if that makes sense... Like the corridors were made of steel, not wallpaper, and it seems as if only the very necessary of my sensory inputs were being taken notice of by my brain - as in, there is a corridor here, but apart from that make of it what you will. As my dream progressed my sensory input heightened until the end when everything was pretty close to normal, but this increase in "realism" I can only ascribe as linear.... In no way shape or form did I suddnely "wake up" during this whole experience.

Anyhow, I ran to the exit and was soon on top of the apartment complex running around buzzing all the apartments trying to find the general. My voice was frenetic and to anyone but myself it must have looked like I was tripping my head off. I was completely self absorbed in this belief that I was in Pearl Harbor and the Japs were coming... at this point there was not even an inkling that this might be some sort of extreme sleepwalking.

So, after running around a while and hiding round bushes staying out of the "Military Police" (aka security guards) way I found myself - for no reason at all - jumping onto someones balcony. By now I thought I was a spy in Japan getting intelligence for the American forces. I thought I had jumped onto the balcony of a Japanese general and was going to photocopy some things.

I knocked on the sliding doors. Dont ask why. And, as if by the hand of God, a Japanese man appeared at the doors. I was totally bonking freaked. I have never been more scared in my life.... I realised it was up - I was caught and, being not in uniform, could be taken as a spy. Ever wonder how scared spys being caught must have felt? I now know.

I held my hands up to show I had no weapons and quickly looked around the balcony and seriously considered jumping the 3 stories to the ground. Scary excrement. Luckily I didn't and after a few minutes a security guard appeared, took a look at me - a 16yr old with no shoes on, just a pair of wet dirty pants and shirt and promtly called the cops.

The cops did the whole "bloody stupid kids on drugs" talk to my old man when we got back to my apartment and the typical power tripping "we can send him back to New Zealand for this" business. They asked to see my passport and all sorts of stupid things... and apparently I told the cops that I was on my way to a peace protest in the middle of Sydney.... nevermind the fact the apartment is like a 3hour walk away... and this was at about 2:30am in the morning.

By this point I was slowly.. waking? I dont know.... Slowly coming round to understanding what had happened. That's about it... I know some of you people are quite experience in the dreamworld and perhaps this belongs more to the Lucid Dreaming board (if it still exists) but the post also serves as a bit of a catch up for anyone who might still be here.

Any thoughts, ideas, insights are really welcome.... I'm kinda scared it could happen again and I might jump off a cliff thinking im bungee jumping or something, although I'm fairly certain it was a one off thing.

What do you think is symbolises?

I have heard many different interpretations but I would be interested to hear yours.


- Ashfo

"You are First Cause. You are a portion of the great energy. And you, yourselves are thought manifestations of what you think you are."
This happens everytime...

Whenever I get some really good sensations going (falling, rolling out, rope, whatever) I usually find that I hold my breath. The second I start breathing again it like "pulls" me back to my body and because I was holding my breath it means I start breathing heavily = more awake.

Heres the catch.... If I try do visualization exercises while breathing they dont work because I feel like I'm still "attached" to my body and the second they get really intense I usually need a breath of air and it "pulls me back"

Agh, anyone else have/had the same problem? Any solutions? Any ideas....


- Ashfo

"You are First Cause. You are a portion of the great energy. And you, yourselves are thought manifestations of what you think you are."
I think relaxation is a part of my technique that needs to be really improved.... currently all I do is progressive muscle relaxation (tensing and untensing muscles from top to bottom).

What else do you guys do? Any tips.....


- Ashfo

"You are First Cause. You are a portion of the great energy. And you, yourselves are thought manifestations of what you think you are."
My thinking on this is fairly straight-forward and obvious and I'm sure many of you have had similar thoughts...

Basically I think age has a factor on how successful you are in projection and how easy it is to project for the first time. Sorta like the longer your mind is exposed to the physical world the more ingrained physical alertness and associated ideas become, therefore making them harder to break - e.g project. However if at an early age you try to push the boundaries you find it easier and as you grow your mind comes to accept things other than the physical.

a) How old are you,
b) How long did it take you for your first projection (or are you still trying?)
c) How easily do other related ideas come to you? e.g energy work, LDs etc.

a) 15
b) Still trying, to be honest haven't tried more than 15 times in the 4months i've been trying. I like learning lots before jumping straight in - I've already learnt some harsh lessons.
c) Very easily. The first time I hardly even tried to project, rather just to relax entirely, I think I very nearly projected. LDs and other strange occurences (mind awake, body asleep for one) occur regularly (weekly) with little effort put into them.

Awaiting your answers!

- Ashfo

"You are First Cause. You are a portion of the great energy. And you, yourselves are thought manifestations of what you think you are."
I rememberd reading Frank reached this state.

The night after I read his post I had an experience..

I "woke up" and was in dream-consciousness, realising that i didn't have a physical form at all. Eventually my mind began to come around to full consciousness and my first reaction was obviously to try and get back into my body.. I hadn't rationally thought it through, just realised "whaaaaaa this is not normal ". I scrambled to feel something, anything physical... Eventually I felt as if my hand grabbed my crotch, but nothing was there.. Well, I mean it was like the shape of a womans - and it felt like concrete hard. My "hand" connected to it and it just felt bizzare. My hand and my crotch both felt like solid metal.. I think this perhaps may have been my energy body? Anyhow, I kept struggling and eventually I felt my legs.. not in the normal sense of feeling, but rather a knowing that they were there... and they were vibrating extremely strongly until I "awoke" properly with my legs abruptly kicking around in my bed.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

"You are First Cause. You are a portion of the great energy. And you, yourselves are thought manifestations of what you think you are."
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Thoughts on Thought.
June 11, 2002, 04:21:56
Firstly, I would have posted this in the Integral Philosophy board but I really wanted you guys to read this... Please do, strangely its important to me and I'd love feedback.

Frank has stated often "thought is a primary energy". I've thought alot about this and come to some conclusions.

I'm saying Thought is not a primary energy, but the primary energy. Everything is Thought or created by Thought.

The idea of a collective unconsciouss is extremely important to understand for this to make any sense. Onwards....

Physics and the "laws" of our universe that have been proven by repeated experiments in controlled conditions are the by-product of physical humans Thoughts. Let me explain...

Whether you believe we evolved or we were created, humans learnt about "gravity", "forces", "material properties" and our Thoughts on these things concreted them into human existence. Obviously the first man didnt think gravity worked as a force of 9.8ms^-2, but he realised that he was sticking to the ground and this Thought entered the collective human unconcsciouss where new humans also realised they were sticking to the ground and the Thought strengthened. Through the ages man put these Thoughts into physical "laws" which further concreted the Thoughts.

The Thought that we cannot fly or stick our hand through material objects etc etc is so strong in the collective human unconscious that we could never break that belief even if personally truly believed we could - even though we could never truly personally believe that in this dimension unless our unconscious was removed... more on that later.

The "basic laws" of this dimension are concrete Thoughts in such a large percentage of the collective unconsciouss population that these cannot be broken - however there are Thoughts that are also powerful but not as concrete - a prime example being religous belief. When these Thoughts become strong a part of our "reality" can change - such things like Marian Apparitions and "miracles" can occur. It is important to realise these are merely manifestations of Thought.

Now comes a very important idea... Death is often thought by those in religous and spiritual circles as the release of the Spirit, and that might be so to a certain degree, but more importantly it is the release of your unconscious mind from this dimensions collective and the acquisition of your unconsciouss by the collective in the next dimension.

Now in this new dimension - the Astral you might call it - the collective unconscious Thought is that Thought is the primary energy, there are no "physical laws" and that the world is governed by Thought. Because of this Thought you are able to change things with Thought and alter your "reality". You might want to re-read that :)

When we project into the Astral dimension we are actually unplugging our unconscious from this dimensions collective and plugging ourselves into the Astral dimensions collective. That is why OBEs are often labeled as a life altering experience - the realisation comes with the Thoughts from the new unconscious collective.  

"paranormal" events can occur three ways;
a) By the manifestation of huge Thought, eg religion.
b) By unplugging our unconscious from this dimensions collective.
c) Outside interference

a) Was explained up and fairly self-explanatory

b) When projecting we not only unplug our unconscious from this dimensions collective and into the Astral but also "project" our conscious mind to the Astral dimension. To change things in our dimension we must do the first but reverse the latter, that is to keep our conscious in this dimension.

That is extremely difficuilt to do, the reason why to become adept at Magick or any other "paranormal" work takes years of practice and why many who do manage to accomplish this describe a feeling of distachedness from this dimension - that is, of course, because their unconscious is in another.

c) Outside interference is the reverse of b). An entity from another dimension must leave their unconscious in their dimension but project their conscious into ours. Logically this would sound incredibly difficuilt, but practicaly it would be incredibly easy - because your unconscious is in the Astral you know Thought simply is. So you think you can unplug your conscious, and you do.

I've been thinking about this for a little while, and to me it all fits... anyhow, I gota go do some damn Physics homework or I'll get another coupla detentions.. Such a depressing thought after something like this :P

Thoughts, feedback.. please something!

- Ashfo

"You are First Cause. You are a portion of the great energy. And you, yourselves are thought manifestations of what you think you are."
Firstly, this has nothing to do with any of the pro-American anti-American statements in the Sept 11 thread.

I just truly believe that Bush and Blair have done less for peace than about anyone in the world - to argue attacking terrorists will lower the chance for war in the future is pure irony.

So anyway, I believe there are many more deserving prospects...

To protest,

- Ashfo

"You are First Cause. You are a portion of the great energy. And you, yourselves are thought manifestations of what you think you are."
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Free Energy
May 26, 2002, 23:16:40
Free Energy exists, of that I have no doubt.

I have seen it myself working in one of Dr Adams (NZ scientist) machines - this particular one required 10W to keep it going and created 210W - obviously creating "Free Energy" equal to 200W.

Some questioned as to why if FE truly exists it hasnt been exposed, and the answer is quite simple. There are four huge obstacles in the way of FE:
* Governments
* Corporations
* Wealthy Families & Central Banking Ins.
* Every single one of us

Expanding slightly; Governments want oil. They get huge revenue off it and in NZ something like 7% of all tax is collected off petrol. Corporations, obviously oil (but generally all) make money off oil. Wealthy Families and Central Banking Ins., cant really be bothered explaining.. it's on the link below. And every single one of us, because as citizens we dont push for the exposure of the FE devices and its implementation in general.

I agree that the terminology "Free Energy" is most probably incorrect as the energy must (probably) come from somewhere, however I am not saying it really must. We simply dont know enough about the universe to guess such things.

As a sidenote, some FE experimenters think that it taps into the "Aether" field or some such.. though I haven't really gone that far into it :)

- Ashfo

oops, forgot to add the URL... here it is:

"You are First Cause. You are a portion of the great energy. And you, yourselves are thought manifestations of what you think you are."
Welcome to Astral Chat! / 6000 posts!
May 20, 2002, 03:08:56
I just saw this at the bottom of the Forum listing and thought I'd steal the honour :P

303 Members have made 5999 posts in 12 forums, with the last post on 20 May 2002 08:46:52 by: Frank.

- Ashfo

Update:  303 Members have made 6000 posts in 12 forums, with the last post on 20 May 2002 09:08:56 by: Ashfo.

Last night while watching a classic Rugby game between the Crusaders and Highlanders (two super 12 teams - which as an inter country regional competition) I commented on Wilsons imminent retirement and entry into NZ Cricket.

it was just announced today (the day after) Wilson has indeed retired from Rugby and will now be playing Cricket for Invercargill in the coming season.

That was his last game.

- Ashfo

It was suggested to me that I try Reiki 1...

Does anyone have some good websites/rescources on Reki 1?


- Ashfo

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Telepathic Ability?
May 12, 2002, 23:22:12
My Grandfather recently suffered from his second stroke and is in terrible condition - just got home but cannot move without the help of at least two people, cannot talk, etc etc...

I know its a long shot, but does anyone here have experience with talking to people through the mind?


- Ashfo

P.S: Remembered correct terminology, changed subject :P
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Jobs?
May 10, 2002, 19:45:19
I thought it would be interesting to see what jobs different people here have... I am only a student at High School and recently finding it difficuilt in subjects such as Physics :P

Im interested as to how many of you are involved in spiritual jobs (I suspect few) and what other proffessions are here.

- Ashfo

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Woah!!!
May 09, 2002, 22:50:02
Ive only been looking into OBEs and AP in about the last two weeks and havent really been doing any energy work aside from the odd MBA (been waiting for RBs book which is in the mail) or OBE induction.. just reading up and finding good rescource webpages.

I also realise you have probably all read many of these sorts of experiences and Im not expecting any replies, but I felt like I needed to share it with people who would understand and not just go "ohh.. yeah.. "coool" ".

Last night I was just listening to tool - lateralas - with the lights off before I went to bed and it was so incredibly... awesome ^_^. After probably 10 minutes of music I felt tingling in my soles and figured this was most likely some sort of energy - I did some of the energy hands exercises and felt the "rushing water" going through my legs.. i managed to extend the feeling up to my hip and then through my side to the shoulder where it "joined up" with the energy which had just recently come from my palm... I also noticed that my right side was significantly stronger than my left in the intensity of feelings.

I messed around with these feelings a little - did loops like passing energy from my hand down into my foot, through my leg and side of body, arm and then back through again... I could just feel like a wave of heat feel where I guessed the energy would be... I then tried "passing" energy between my hands and found it worked well... I could feel the heat leave my hand and then go into my other. This felt strange to me as I thought energy couldnt be passed through air... however,

Eventually I settled down and noticed my body becoming much much less responsive until I was in a paralysis state... and it felt like my whole "being" was in my mind. From here on I remember the music seeming to emanate from my head rather than the speakers and feel the music pulse around inside my head.. I just went with it and after a little while I got some vibrations in my head.. just about where the energy centre (I forget its name..) is between and above the eyes.. These vibrations quickly spread to my whole body, intense and small extremely fast waves.

Then a "tunnel" appeared in my vision (I had my eyes closed this whole time,) I cant explain it any further.. it had no physical image but I could see it was a tunnel and I felt my mind pulling from my body and going through this tunnel... I felt myself detaching and then recoiling from the strange feeling, falling back into more consciouss thought.. from there on it sort of mellowed out to just energetic feelings until I turned the music off and went to bed.

I guess it took me by so much suprise because I wasnt expecting anything like this.. and I havent really done any work on this..

Anyway, thanks for reading... :)

- Ashfo

Welcome to Dreams! / Lucid Dreaming?
May 05, 2002, 03:57:04
have only recently become interested in paranomal events and OBEs (like about a week), so I know very little, but I was reading up on Lucid Dreams and realised I had had something very similar to these before, without knowing it... they never followed the same format, but it would always be rather close, and strangely enough seemed to happen almost every time id be having a "dirty" dream and about to wake up... :P Perhaps my mind didnt want to give it up.


I would start to feel myself wake up, then have a conscious realisation that im "losing" my dream while still actually being there (though from here on things would tend to drift apart) and I wouldnt want to lose my dream, so I would desperately try to cling to it, deciding what to do in it till everything fell apart and I would feel myself eventually going from my world to the real world...

I was told that in a lucid dream you couldnt move your body, and I tried to, and managed to wiggle my big toe, but that was about it (these only last for what feels like 10-15seconds so its really hard to determine, especially when your afraid that by trying to move you might wake up).

Strangely enough this happens MOST days that Im able to wake up freely rather than to an alarm, but no matter what I try Im not able to stay in the dream state.. is this because im waking up and simply cannot sleep any more?

Any help on techniques to stay in this state would be GREATLY appreciated... :)

- Ashfo

Lenation is a term given to this art on another website I visited, I dont know if there is a more commonly used term or not, but basically "lenation" is the art of slowing down times passage in your mind... I was told by one person that he could slow down enough to see the individual frames of a movie and commented that he was a boxer and that it helped him tremendously.. as you could imagine.

Anyone know about this, heard about this, have any references on this?

I doubt it as Im pretty sure its fairly unknown, but if you do have something please post.

- Ashfo

I have only recently become interested in paranomal events and OBEs (like about a week), so I know very little, but I was reading up on Lucid Dreams and realised I had had something very similar to these before, without knowing it... they never followed the same format, but it would always be rather close, and strangely enough seemed to happen almost every time id be having a "dirty" dream and about to wake up... :P Perhaps my mind didnt want to give it up.


I would start to feel myself wake up, then have a conscious realisation that im "losing" my dream while still actually being there (though from here on things would tend to drift apart) and I wouldnt want to lose my dream, so I would desperately try to cling to it, deciding what to do in it till everything fell apart and I would feel myself eventually going from my world to the real world...

I was told that in a lucid dream you couldnt move your body, and I tried to, and managed to wiggle my big toe, but that was about it (these only last for what feels like 10-15seconds so its really hard to determine, especially when your afraid that by trying to move you might wake up).

Strangely enough this happens MOST days that Im able to wake up freely rather than to an alarm, but no matter what I try Im not able to stay in the dream state.. is this because im waking up and simply cannot sleep any more?

Any help on techniques to stay in this state would be GREATLY appreciated... :)

Thanks, and I just think this forum is great... Im gona buy Roberts book tonight :)

- Ashfo

Im a new member, as so many seem to be, and I havent read Robert Bruces books but I aim to do so as soon as possible.

Ive been going through the techniques here: and have found it really difficuilt. I was startled to realise that this process of MBA is exactly the same I used when having my braces tightened - an often uncomfortable and painful procedure - I imagined I was my big toe and I could actually feel the sensitivity of my mouth decrease, so I believe it is real. My problem is that I cannot get the "tingling energy sensation", such as the techniques of imagining a paintbrush in your mouth. I feel nothing... just plain nothing.

I managed once to get a slight feeling of "brushing" against my thumb but Im finding this frustating and difficuilt... any tips?


- Ashfo


Welcome to Astral Chat! / explanation for tk??
September 30, 2003, 00:12:46
Errrr static electricity?

Static electricity is when an object becomes charged... Are you somehow suggesting there is a charge great enough between the human and the object.. and even so... how come it would only effect just that one singular object... Where would the charge originate from?

I dont think so...

NI's "pool of energy" theory is probably more "realistic".
Below is a copy of what I posted several months back.

I mean... anyone that might actually be interested in what I experienced. All the doctors I have been to so far treat my case with a sort of "god damn it I have to spend my time looking into this bizarre episode when I know it will lead nowhere" attitude.

I just thought that somewhere there might be somebody interested in hearing of what happened to me...


I had an experience about a month back where I was staying in an apartment in Sydney and, after about a quarter of a bottle of tequila, had a really frightening experience.

I cant remember the very end of the night, but I am told I went to bed around 1am and here is what I remember from that moment onwards....

I had a dream that I was with my gf in a battleship in Pearl Harbor, and suddenly had a realisation that I knew something wrong was happening - I knew the Japanese were coming but they hadnt arrived yet. Realising this I took the steps that you would think rational -> Try to find the general and let him know. There's one problem. I woke up. Sort of.

As far as I can work out I woke up about the time I was leaving the battleship and left the apartment I was staying in, saw the exit sign in the corridor and figured that's how I'd get out of the battleship. As a sidenote, before I saw the exit sign I looked in a door and saw a munitions cupboard - upon inspection the next morning the cupboard in that exact same place was a broom/cleaning cupboard.

At this point I was completely immersed in the dream... I didn't see the real world, only my minds interpretation of what the real world would look like in a battleship - if that makes sense... Like the corridors were made of steel, not wallpaper, and it seems as if only the very necessary of my sensory inputs were being taken notice of by my brain - as in, there is a corridor here, but apart from that make of it what you will. As my dream progressed my sensory input heightened until the end when everything was pretty close to normal, but this increase in "realism" I can only ascribe as linear.... In no way shape or form did I suddnely "wake up" during this whole experience.

Anyhow, I ran to the exit and was soon on top of the apartment complex running around buzzing all the apartments trying to find the general. My voice was frenetic and to anyone but myself it must have looked like I was tripping my head off. I was completely self absorbed in this belief that I was in Pearl Harbor and the Japs were coming... at this point there was not even an inkling that this might be some sort of extreme sleepwalking.

So, after running around a while and hiding round bushes staying out of the "Military Police" (aka security guards) way I found myself - for no reason at all - jumping onto someones balcony. By now I thought I was a spy in Japan getting intelligence for the American forces. I thought I had jumped onto the balcony of a Japanese general and was going to photocopy some things.

I knocked on the sliding doors. Dont ask why. And, as if by the hand of God, a Japanese man appeared at the doors. I was totally bonking freaked. I have never been more scared in my life.... I realised it was up - I was caught and, being not in uniform, could be taken as a spy. Ever wonder how scared spys being caught must have felt? I now know.

I held my hands up to show I had no weapons and quickly looked around the balcony and seriously considered jumping the 3 stories to the ground. Scary excrement. Luckily I didn't and after a few minutes a security guard appeared, took a look at me - a 16yr old with no shoes on, just a pair of wet dirty pants and shirt and promtly called the cops.

The cops did the whole "bloody stupid kids on drugs" talk to my old man when we got back to my apartment and the typical power tripping "we can send him back to New Zealand for this" business. They asked to see my passport and all sorts of stupid things... and apparently I told the cops that I was on my way to a peace protest in the middle of Sydney.... nevermind the fact the apartment is like a 3hour walk away... and this was at about 2:30am in the morning.

By this point I was slowly.. waking? I dont know.... Slowly coming round to understanding what had happened. That's about it... I know some of you people are quite experience in the dreamworld and perhaps this belongs more to the Lucid Dreaming board (if it still exists) but the post also serves as a bit of a catch up for anyone who might still be here.

Any thoughts, ideas, insights are really welcome.... I'm kinda scared it could happen again and I might jump off a cliff thinking im bungee jumping or something, although I'm fairly certain it was a one off thing.

There is no doubt drugs are bad to some people. They effect everyone differently and as such are unpredictable in nature.. for example if you're a "super-male" with XX (I think?) chromosomes they bring out the animalistic nature - primarily that of anger and agression.

However, if you use safe drugs (that you've tested personally) in a good environment and mindset, with good trip sitters, they are an incredibly empowering tool for the mind. I think many people dont give drugs the respect they deserve. Every trip of mine I plan carefully and make sure has a high chance of success. Because of this I have only had an incredibly positive response from drugs.

There are also some inherent problems with drugs... some people have enzyme deficiencys which mean they cant metabolize them correctly... It is often those who have never tried drugs before and on a New Years Eve buy some bad E off a street dealer, pop it and end up in psychosis for a week.

Meh. Just my two cents.
