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Messages - Astir

Uhhhhh...... :? No. It is you.
I wish! BUT it's been more of the opposite...for probably hundreds of thousands of years.  
Quote from: BranStark on April 19, 2015, 20:48:17
How could you possibly know all of the above, without being able to look at the whole picture outside of your current life?

When you are very ill, you can see into that of which others cannot.  It is a different reality.  You wouldn't ask how...if you could imagine that kind of life.  Born sick, walking down a path into more illnesses and diseases than a doctor has ever seen in one body. 

Yet, I know I have experienced all of the goodness and beauty over so many becomes sort of okay to suffer every single day.  Watching people turn away, because they don't know how to be near you anymore, without experiencing pain themselves. 

Everything crumbles eventually. 
The final life is a long, slow death. 
I know I deserve peace after...
I have been here since 2004. 
It was recommended that I join, by a friend.

These days I cannot experience AP.  That part of my brain has dissolved or something.  Sometimes, I still receive visits from what I believe to be ghosts, and I am increasingly clairvoyant...but the fun is gone.  I really wish I could still project, have OBE's and remote view.  I still come here, usually at least a few times per year, trying to remember how I once was able.
No.  Never.  Burning up the last of my karma in this life.  If I could have known how painful this last one would be...I would have divided it into three, at least.  The worst hasn't even happened yet. 
Sounds like The Hag.  Many times I have seen only her hands and feet...pale and skeletal.  People have seen her for centuries when in a state of sleep paralysis.  She wears a veil.  I couldn't see her face.  Typically when she visits, something extremely frightening is to follow.

I have to avoid usually gives me dark, violent dreams.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Unable to sleep???
April 17, 2014, 06:01:00
I like that theory, but cannot think of anyone who would dream of me all night.  :-)
I only crave the company of those who need me the least.  Hahh.

That is also how people want to learn...when they want, how they want, where they want. 
Unless I am asked for advise, I won't offer it. 
I think the majority don't care to teach and prefer to lead quieter, easier lives.
Gathering seems counter productive, if ascending soon is the ultimate goal.  I want to let things be.  No more "karmatic ribbons".  I sense they might wind around everything anyway, or they are already there by whatever connection.
Does anyone else experience this?  For me, this has intensified very recently.  Simply being inexplicably drawn to other old souls.  I am perpetually torn between cultivating deeper relationships and silently severing ties.  I adore all of my friends of course, but most in low doses.  A handful of them I find myself often thinking of, and desiring to see.  But even when I want to make plans to visit, I just can't, or if I do...I back out.  I'll want to talk to them, and then I prevent any possibility.  My apprehension is unceasing.  I think the scales tip slightly in favor of my yearning to be unattached...but it's a paradox, because I am already attached.  Deeply.  And with a few, I was instantly. 
None of us should be concerned with regard to that specific medication.  It is extremely difficult to get even a legitimate prescription now days.

Here's a little background that should dispel some concern...without mentioning the name.
That medication is not one that anybody could easily sell or buy on the street.  Not simply because no one could make any money off of it, Doctors usually have to see you three times before deciding you need it...and then it's over $17 per pill if you do not have insurance that will cover it (many providers won't, it's too new).  The FDA did not approve of it for use in children and no doctor under any circumstance will prescribe it to anyone under 18.  It's becoming increasingly more and more difficult to get a prescription.  

It does have the longest list of side effects I've ever seen, with a high rate of people experiencing one or more.  Kind of outweighs it's own benefits, it appears to be more dangerous than amphetamine based prescription drugs.  

I do have Narcolepsy, and was able to afford it for a time.  If you actually have Narcolepsy, of course it is beneficial.  They are getting to a point where they will only give it to you if you have classic Narcolepsy, a rare condition.  Also, no one who really needs it would be inclined to share it  :-P

It is not a drug that will make you "trip" or feel high... case anyone was wondering.
Quote from: rem92 on March 24, 2012, 15:51:29
nights before, i dreamt that i killed some random guy, and then cooked his meat, and ate him ( WTF),

Why am i having this crazy bloody dreams?

I am sorry you're dreams are disturbing you......but this one made me laugh so hard I snorted. 
Maybe it was the way you worded it.  I feel like I should thank you for cracking me up.  I don't laugh often...dark sense of humor.

They say a certain amount of visual input throughout the day affects the texture of your dreams.  Try watching some funny movies or TV shows before bed, avoid video games and stay away from sleep aids.  I don't know if you're old enough, but simply one alcoholic drink stops me from remembering anything while I sleep.

I can't prod it now.
He mentioned it first...Stunned, I blurted that I never remembered the astral very well.  Still, it could also be an amazing coincidence, where we have the same experiences so far on a similar time line with completely different astral partners.  As he described his own accounts I felt myself rapidly begin to remember my own.

I remember the place most.  It's like a tomb, with walls so black I'm not sure anything even surrounds us except space, but there is one large, open window.  The window is always behind him so he's only a silhouette. a warm light pours through.  I have tried to focus on his face to see his eyes...everything either fades with the warm glow or else I close my own eyes.  The contrast between the light and the dark is so striking, besides the intense waves of emotion, that part is easiest to remember.  Though I'd say I remember maybe the equivalent of five or six seconds...broken apart.
I never have sex dreams, because I always decline every proposition.  It's weird, though brief, what I can recall most with these instances is my feeling a profoundly deep love.  I also have zero recall on the initiations or the endings.  All of my memories take place in the midst.  The place is always the same.
Old thread...
Pertinent question.

Is it possible to be having sex with someone you know on the astral and not be fully aware of it later...if say, you have Astral Alzheimers as I do?  I get feelings that I've done things.  Fractured pieces always flash back to me once I am awake...not enough to know for sure.  And I'm not about to ask this person if I am doing...what I think I am doing. 
My main things right now are a lot of kale, Greek yogurt and larabars...and they make me grumpy.  But I don't mind being grumpy, it's often mistaken for shrewdness.  I might actually just be a curmudgeon.  Hard to tell. 

Meat, when I eat it makes me less horrid, as does chocolate.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: a thought
March 13, 2012, 02:10:54
This is a little different...but, I believe, electrical based.
A friend and I at work were talking about X men...which always leads to the question of what powers you would want to possess.  It was a moment of imaginative indulgence, but we decided to see if we could crash the computer network at work.  So we closed out eyes, placed our fingers on our temples and focused, while trying not to giggle of course.  A half minute later, we could hear a panic at the registers.  Every computer "took a dump", and lines of angry customers grew.  We were both pleased and horrified. 
Made me think of this scene from Scott Pilgrim  :-D

Scott: Yeah, I think garlic bread would have to be my favorite all-time food. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly, without stopping.
Ramona: Then you'd get fat.
Scott: No, why would I get fat?
Ramona: Because bread makes you fat.
Scott: (with a mouthful) Bread makes you fat?!
Count calories.  Count them on a typical day...whatever the total, subtract 500 calories and try to stick as closely to your new count as possible. 
Or just avoid bread.  :-)  I only eat it once every couple weeks or so.  When I stopped I lost 10 pounds and it hasn't returned.
Good luck!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Your life!
March 01, 2012, 21:35:26
All I really need in life is to afford my medicine. 
A few cures for a few things would also work.
They had to put me in another room until I stopped I wouldn't scare the people in the lobby :D
Sometimes I wish I had more impacted wisdom teeth that needed removed...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Your life!
February 29, 2012, 21:47:43
My job does make me too tired for many things I used to enjoy.  I sleep hard, and infrequently...mostly because I am a nocturnal human working a full time day job.  I don't want to sound ungrateful that I have a job and good friends at work, but it isn't working with me.  Money isn't enough.  Mentally and physically I feel shattered at the end of each day. 40+ hour a week gigs don't seem like they are supposed to enable spiritual growth.  They seem like they're intended to stifle it.  All of that is secondary...I beginning to worry about my body.

I work until my bones ache...just to have medical benefits for my aching bones.  I would not be able to afford all of my medicines without medical insurance, and unfortunately I literally cannot live without the most expensive one I need.

I would do anything if I could work part time and still receive medical benefits.  I feel like I'm years are coming off my life, from pushing myself to do what others in perfect health do.  I'm fulfilling my job requirements, sure, but there will be a price that I will have to pay.  I can't seem to find a different job...I think I have the last one!
When I was a kid I remember seeing more colors (when awake). Tints actually, like using gels in a Diana F + camera. 

I think it's funny that if I am not wearing my glasses in my dreams...I can't see.  It's the same if I have an OBE and don't have them on...everything is blurry.  It's my brain of course, messing with the experience.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members' Artwork
February 26, 2012, 03:58:26
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: "Gender"
February 26, 2012, 03:38:10
I think gender is only physical, people can choose to identify with it, or the opposite...or neither.  For being a tiny, delicate woman, I am slightly more masculine than 99% of the males I run into.  It's hard to say if it's because I have an older brother who shaped my brain, or if I've been predominantly male throughout my past incarnations.  It feels like the latter. This is likely my first run as a woman based on my inability to handle "feminine stuff", like menstruating (you may laugh).  I have never fainted...but that occurrence -- on a regular basis -- has driven me closer to blacking out than anything else ever has.  I've been doing this for 16 years!  I'll bet I won't get used to it before I'm menopausal.
It seems like karma may have been originally introduced or possible redefined by early Christianity...back when the Christians were the trailblazing hippies.  Only because the consequence of sin was institutionalized by them...and at the time they didn't want anyone on earth to live unburdened by this principle.  Kind of like how they adopted pagan holidays to slowly convert pagans. 

I think everyone who can own them should own chickens...even though they are basically evil dinosaur birds.  Eggs fill in lengthy gaps in meat consumption for me.

I usually eat meat once or twice a week.  Mostly fish. I take tons of vitamins and eat tons of other types of protein anyway,  but I still get symptoms of moderate malnutrition.  Sounds crazy, when you live in western society being malnourished and protein deficient, but my gut situation is complicated.  I have extensive intestinal scarring/damage from celiac disease, crohns, and for added fun, a touch of bowel endometriosis.  Needless to say I have issues, namely malabsorption.  While I don't eat much meat I've become an opportunistic eater and I will now eat anything as long as it is free of the dreaded gluten molecule.