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Topics - Astir

Does anyone else experience this?  For me, this has intensified very recently.  Simply being inexplicably drawn to other old souls.  I am perpetually torn between cultivating deeper relationships and silently severing ties.  I adore all of my friends of course, but most in low doses.  A handful of them I find myself often thinking of, and desiring to see.  But even when I want to make plans to visit, I just can't, or if I do...I back out.  I'll want to talk to them, and then I prevent any possibility.  My apprehension is unceasing.  I think the scales tip slightly in favor of my yearning to be unattached...but it's a paradox, because I am already attached.  Deeply.  And with a few, I was instantly. 
Has anyone tried either of these alone or together to improve lucid dreaming?  I know some might see this as is!  I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with these supplements...or the product known as "dream boost".  I am trying them to improve the quality of sleep/memory but read they enhance lucid dreaming and OBE's.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.  I'm basically desperate for refreshing sleep and lucid dreams are a huge bonus. I've tried various things that make me too tired to function for the entire day.  It's as if I don't achieve REM each night during the work week.

I am also hoping to avoid having intense, psychotic if that is a common side effect I won't bother.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Is love metaphysical...
January 22, 2008, 00:35:44
I'd like your thoughts. I want there to be love beyond biology. It's been on my mind lately, you might be able to guess why  :-P So, I have been asking many people in the past few weeks, and the love they describe to more like my definition of lust (perhaps everyones definitions are dissimilar and only based on experience). My recent observations sadden me a little. I want a strong bond with someone, and biological attraction alone will never suffice.

Welcome to Dreams! / insects....
July 31, 2007, 20:26:05
...eating holes in the palms of my hands...three dreams, three nights in a row.
Have at it, what do you think it means besides nothing  :-P
(I have no clue where to post this.)

Say you know a person and are very close to them, they are a loved one/family member. You know them well, you experience the full spectrum of emotions in the relationship. But whenever you become angry at them, or think something negative about them (even if it's only critical)...a picture falls off the wall onto your head, you run into something you swear wasn't there a second trip over nothing, stumble, hit your head, stub your toe, the cat runs across your lap and scratches your legs...instantly following your negative thought.

You never become seriously injured but you reach the point of eventually trying to think only good things about that person. You offhandedly joke about it with a mutual friend or family member who -- strangely enough -- claims to experience all the same accidents and incidents right after thinking any negative thoughts about the same person.

What is it about this person that would cause these things to happen to their friends and loved ones? Is it related to their karma? Could it be a protective entity? Could it be their loved ones guilt in thinking negatively? Is it some kind of witchcraft? :-P What do you guys suspect?
I can go out of body fairly easily these days...but I have trouble leaving the house. When I am able to leave I don't remember how I did, and when I try to leave I can't imagine how I can. I'm pretty sure I use windows...not the door for some reason.  :-P
While I was out today I thought briefly on the state of my body with a touch of concern. My best guess is that I do not roam too far from my body because of health issues that I I keep close.

It's hard to convince myself that I'm safe no matter how distant.  :|
Welcome to Dreams! / Tombs and ruins
December 04, 2006, 17:38:57
I keep dreaming about visiting tombs and cemeteries ages old...lately everything has taken place in an old ghost town or ancient city and I am by myself. Ordinarily this might disturb me...but I guess I am simply more disturbed when I dream my cats walk through walls  :-P Anyway, enough about cat portals...

There is an undeniable nostalgia in these dreams, considerable depth. But most of all there is a peace in these places. The vivid nature of them makes me think I might actually be projecting to places. That I might be remembering people, revisiting the resting places of souls I once knew who have since left earth...perhaps when I should have. Or maybe they are still here but have chosen to forget everything, even the faintest...
The familiarity in them is strange.

I've projected into other peoples houses a few times, mostly on accident (I think O_O) I certainly never begin with a mind to do it. One house, I had the voice of some entity call out to me...they knew I was there, and asked me who I was. I never saw them though because I hid in one of the bathrooms for a while and never replied D: It was so vivid I didn't feel I could leave the place without finding the front door. And then of course I could not find the front door. I hadn't come in any door...But I did have some mysterious intention of being there. I had walked up the street past other houses, right to the beginning of the driveway. I stared at the house a while and then suddenly I was just inside.

The owner had little pet birds, a swimming pool, and a long driveway that wrapped almost entirely around the house. I could paint pictures of what the rooms looked like, because it was like being any place while conscious. I did draw the layout of the downstairs and the yard.

I have one question to ask you who reads this. Just in your opinion, was it likely someone that I already know somehow? I've projected into peoples houses (that I know), and woke them up a few times on purpose. But with this session I really felt like an intruder, and I wasn't able to see who the home owner was because I was too chicken to leave the downstairs (someone was upstairs, never came down...but there was a considerable amount of pacing going on above, probably the being that called out).

Oh, and after exploring a little while at first I had done something...I don't know for sure what (made a sound, aggravated the birds) and alerted this being of my presence in the house.

It probably sounds mild compared to more horrific astral experiences, but I was scared out of my mind to the point of getting stuck there for a while. I haven't had anything astral spook me for some time.

I do wonder why I never saw the being...
Maybe they weren't supposed to be there either  :-o  :lol:

I can remember projecting all of three times in the past six months. Every time there was the same electrolyte imbalance right afterward. I usually have a partner with me, someone who can verify our exchanges. By my friends account I project far more often than I can recall, an unaware projector for the most part.

Funny thing is, those times that I remember which I (up until recently) thought were the only few occassions I had projected...I woke up with an electrolyte imbalance that's the worst I've ever had or had heard of. I couldn't even stand up without fainting. I had tunnel vision for hours.

My friend...same friend...told me what was wrong after a doctor friend and I were trying to figure it out for hours. Problem solved after seemingly ineffective litre upon litre of water all I needed was a gatorade.

is this typical or...?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Palmistry/chiromancy
June 24, 2006, 13:19:21
Let's talk about it...

Can anyone here read palms?
I've never had mine read. I'm curious.

I know it's a pseudopsychology...not sure if I can totally believe in it. But even if it's just for fun it appears my hands will have much to say. They only look 80 years old. O_o

Anyone else have ancient palm syndrome? :P
I grew up with the constant fear that average people could read my thoughts and sense my feelings...and this was causal of the fact that I knew that I could do it. When at school and around certain people I used to imagine with all my mental might, a brick wall to keep them out. I used to push thoughts and feelings away, afraid that someone would know exactly what they were. For years I didn't know what to call it, what it was...then one day when I was 7 or 8 my father told me that it was empathy, and that people in my family had very intense empathic abilities. After I knew what it was, yes, I was able to lighten up and see the benefits. Even though I've had my fair share of traumatic incidents because of it.

At the age of 10 I was left emotionally scarred after dealing with a teacher that hated my everliving guts for a good year. She hated me because I was from another state -- one she did not like -- if you can believe that. She wanted to clout me day in and day out, and I had never done anything wrong. In fact I was terribly shy. I developed migraines at the age of 10, threw up at school due to anxiety. Threw up BEFORE school due to anxiety. Missed school because of it. I was scared out of my mind...scared of her because I knew exactly how she felt about me. I had a warped concept of school and teachers for a while. But then as life usually delivers them, good people came along and helped changed my thinking again.  

Only lately have I begun to struggle with it once more. I am becoming an extreme empath...I can shield all emotions, but as of late shielding is not enough. Just sensing what people are feeling everywhere is making me crazy. I get on a crowded bus and I become extremely overwhelmed if I do not focus on blocking it out. Just sitting in a mall on a saturday, I feel like I'm going to faint. I'm being thrown into an emotional sludge every time I go out in public. I can handle my own feelings and a few others at a time...but I cannot handle dozens and dozens of other peoples feelings all at once.
I'm becoming a recluse. When I'm home alone -- unless there's an argument upstairs amongst the landlords family --. I am alright. My own emotions are all I can handle anymore...then again...even they are too much lately.

I do enjoy going to the cinema for a good movie on a crowded night. People are fun during movies. It's like riding a wave of unified emotions scene to scene, beginning to end..
Right. So that is how I've eliminated the possibility of it being a social anxiety disorder. Though I am quite sure if my other experiences keep up, I will develop one. And then how will I explain THAT to a psychologist?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance...and for reading all this.
I have stomach problems and always have. I have maybe two days a week where I'm not hurting all day.
This morning I was dreaming that I was doubled over in pain, (this has become a recent trend) and when I woke up the pain was excruciating. What I'm wondering normal is this? Is it at all? Should I seek a doctor? I have seen doctors about this. They are no help, they just say I'm allergic to too many kinds of food and that is my problem. But I'm in pain even when I don't eat anything.
I didn't really know where to post this...

I appreciate any kind of advice. Thanks for reading this.
Welcome to Dreams! / Spacecraft
March 19, 2005, 11:14:52
I have a reoccurring dream that I am operating/flying an alien craft wholly with my mind...But try as I might I cannot exit the earths atmosphere. In the dream this is very frustrating.