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Topics - Robert Bruce

G'day Folks!

I finally have some stock in hand, and autographed copies of PPSD and AD
are now available. A shopping cart will soon be set up on the website.

For now, you can order by logging onto and doing the following: (Note that Paypal uses a Secure Server, so you are totally safe. All prices are in US dollars).

*Go to

*Select to 'Send Money'

* Insert this address =

* Fill in the correct details and amount (See the 'extra information' at the end of this post)

*Use your credit card.

*Make sure you have your address and payment details correct.

*Make sure you include the 'country' to send book to, and 'who' to make autograph out to.

*Click on continue.

*Here's a handy Yahoo currency converter you can use to check prices against your local currency.


Please Note:

* All prices below are in US dollars.
* OS = Overseas
* PnP = postage and packing


PPSD: (weight = 700 grams)

Book price = $23.00 US

Overseas PnP: Economy Airmail = $7.00 US (per book)
Express Airmail = $10.00 US (per book)

Australia PnP = $5.00 US (same for up to 3 books: prepaid bag carries 3 ).

*Total for one OS book: Economy Air = $30.00 US
Express Air = $33.00 US

*Total for one book ordered from within Australia = $28.00 US


Astral Dynamics: (weight = 900 grams)

Per Book price = $23.00 US

Overseas PnP: Economy Airmail = $10.00 US (per book)
Express Airmail = $13.50 US (per book)

Australia PnP = $5.00 US (same for up to 3 books as prepaid bag carries 3 books for same price)

*Total price including PnP for one OS book: Economy Air = $33.00 US
Express Air = $36.50 US

*Total price including PnP for one book ordered from within Australia = $28.00 US

*For cheaper copies (not autographed) go to through link provided on

*Please note that author has to pay to ship all books from the USA, all the way to Australia, re why they are more expensive than other sources outside Australia. Author is charging the standard Australian retail price.

* Delivery Times:

*OS Economy Airmail = up to 40 days from shipping date.
*OS Express Airmail = up to 10 days from shipping date.

*Aus: up to 10 days from shipping date.

*Books will be shipped to customers within 7 days of receipt of order, interdimensional weather permitting.

*Orders with faulty addresses or payments will be refunded via paypal's 30 day refund facility

*No refunds will be given after books have been shipped.

*Customers 'must' include their full address, plus the destination 'country'.

*Please include 'who' to make the autograph out to for each book ordered.

*New Zealand customers: please pay 'OS Economy Air' rate and books will be shipped 'Express Air'.

Take care, Robert.

G'day Folks!

Please spread this around to all your friends!

I am booked to appear on Art Bell's radio show, Coast to Coast, next week, for a 3 to 4 hour live interview.  

Note that if you want to listen live on the www, or to the archives, I think you have to pay $6.95us per month for access (cheaper for longer access). But this provides a great service and they no longer get clogged, so you can 'always' get on to listen to live shows and etc. They also provide help so you can record shows on PC. Well worth it for the superior service and access, methinks.

Take care, Robert.

ps, SEE below for details.


Robert, we are confirmed for Wednesday, Feb. 20th, 11:00pm-2:00am PST (Pacific Standard Time) -- which is Thursday, Feb. 21st, from 3:00pm -6:00pm in Western Australia.  This will be the actual on-air interview with Art Bell.  Art will be calling you during his commercial break at the top-of-the-hour.  The program starts 6 minutes past the hour. Typically, he will interview for the first two hours and then open it up to callers for the final hour.


G'day Forum Folks!

Just a note to welcome you onboard.  This forum is designed to handle all energy work related matters. This includes NEW Energy ways subjects, plus all primary centre (major chakra) stuff.  Basically, 'anything' relating to energy work is welcome here, including discussions of strange energy sensations that may relate to OBE or other things.

Take care, Robert.

G'day Folks!

Just a note to welcome you to the OBE forum.  This is not designed to replace the existing astral research forum, and I will still be checking into that forum regularly.

The new OBE forum is for OBE related matters only, although things pertaining to lucid dream and etc are considered valid subjects.

Take care, Robert.


[?]I originally posted this as a seperate topic but I have deleted that and reposted the question here as it is better served to me and others as a question and not a seperate but quite alike post elsewhere... so here goes.

Now I know that Hinduism and Buddhism are seperate and enlightening theism's in their own right. But I notice a lot of similarities and was wondering if one of the major differences between Hinduism and Buddhism is that Hinduism is more spiritual whereas Buddhism is more philisophical?

Also, where did Buddhism draw its influence from Hinduism mainly or was more interdependantly thought out?

Thanks for your answers in advance.
QuoteOriginally posted by Robert Bruce

G'day Folks!

This topic is for the open discussion of things that relate to Islam, but do not fit the theme of 'friendly exploration'

>so I take it we can think critically in this thread and discuss the darker more shadowy aspects of islam and it's associated company?
> ever Read Why I am Not Muslim by Ibn Waraq?

Thanks Robert, Great idea to seperate the two. Much more organised. I would like someone to explain the concept of Karma to me. I had a Hindu gent relate to me that in Karma there is no self will. If you are a murderer its Karma if you are a good person its karma. You in this life is only a result of past choices and "you are what you are" . It confuses me. It is like the statement that whatever you believe is the truth for you. Is this related to the casts and if so how.
Regards Mustardseed
Dear Robert,
I bought one of marks CD's some time ago and and here's the contact info that came with the CD.

BMV: mark Vandekeere
818 Catalpa  drive
Royal Oak, Michigan

his website is:

I hope this helps
September 17 Update on Maoli

Today Maoli had a successful tracheotomy and returned from surgery this morning, alert and much more relaxed than when the tube was in her nose.
Now perhaps the reason I am involved at all, is to see if indeed a miracle exists for Maoli. After her CT of 9/13, the physicians were divided into two camps as explained below:

1.) Those who felt that the non-enhanced CT represented 5 areas of tumor, based upon the fact that the rise in the tumor marker, AFP, had to be explained and the five lesions, even though bright on non-enhanced scan, fit the most likely diagnosis of metastatatic disease. This seems to be confirmed by one neuroradiologic physician and recent acquaintance of mine who concludes that to base the appearance of a metastatic brain lesion, based on the radiographic appearance of the primary (i.e. the hepatic lesion enhanced with contrast), is fraught with error, as there are physiologic changes that can cause such lesions to scan brightly without contrast.
2.) There is a second group of consulting physicians that feel that the non-contrast scan could be misleading, as areas of hemorrhage could be confusing the picture. Maoli was treated with heparin while on the heart-lung machine, and that carries a risk of bleeding elsewhere in the body (including the brain). It was felt that a repeat scan would help to determine if some of the areas represented bleeding while the large left frontal lesion may indeed be tumor with or without hemorrhage.
3.) My feeling was that there were areas of bleeding and that tumor could not be ruled out in the small deeper lesion and the large left frontal lesion. I based my reasoning on past experience but not with this particular tumor. It is new to almost all involved and the oncologist could find only one previously reported case of brain mets in the Japanese literature, and one case reported outside of Japan.
4.) A discuss was held on what to do if the areas turned out to be tumor rather than hemorrhage. It is possible to remove the accessible left frontal lesion by working carefully within the tumor but being in the dominant (left) hemisphere, there is a risk to critical areas of speech and motor power to the right arm and leg. The right extremities are affected and speech cannot be determined at the present time. The small right frontal lesion is near the surface and amenable to surgery. The tumor beds (remaining after surgery) and the small deeper lesions may be candidates for focused-beam radiotherapy (the Gamma Knife).
5.) New lesions could be found on repeat CT scanning and if so, further treatment may be contraindicated.

The consensus at this time is to repeat the CT and note the appearance of the areas in question. A new lesion will certainly implicate tumor but a decrease will certainly suggest hemorrhage. That scan will be done in the next few days. The chairman of the department of pediatric neurosurgery will consult. He is a neurosurgeon of known repute and if he feels that these lesions represent tumor, he will give his opinion on the possibility of surgery and/or radiotherapy.

If there is to be a miracle in this case, the next few days are vital to Maoli to make this happen. Will the combined efforts of many affect the situation? We certainly hope so.
The odds were against her when she became one of one million births per year to be affected with hepatoblastoma and the rising AFP, currently ascribed to the appearance of the five suspicious areas in the brain are again odds against her survival. If some of the areas could possibly be hemorrhagic and not tumor, that will be great fortune for Maoli. If not, could surgical or radiotherapy play a role? These are the unanswered questions at this point.

We thank all of you for you concern and assistance in this matter. I will keep you posted as developments occur. The father reports that she is very comfortable, alert and watching television with interest. Pictures will be posted soon.

With best regards,
Dr. T
I will try Robert.  That's all I can say.  I experienced self healing once very successfully and that healing originated from myself.  I don't know if I can do it, but like I said, I will try..    

It is horrible when children suffer.

Sincerely, Blossom

Just wanting to learn....
Contest's over" border=0>

Here are the winners (so noone forgets to claim his prize [:P]):

Anna of Klosterneuburg, Austria
Megan of Mahwah, NJ
Melinda of King George, Virginia
Joe of EAST St Kilda, Australia
Julie of Wichita Falls, TX
Keith of Applecross, Australia
Meredydd of Dalton, MA
Gil of Canebeds, AZ
John of Medfield, MA
Terry of Evans City, PA

Get more info & read the questions/answers at:

(so far there are 4 questions posted... I think a new one will be posted everyday until they're all online)

I've been a lurker on this forum but for some reason this particular topic caught my eye.

I'm still very new energy work let alone PSD! But I'll do what I can :) Actually not sure what to do... I'll just do what comes ;P

I sincerely wish Romero and Pearl all the best


Hi Robert ;)

Ah... I'm going to argue with you on this one.

While Greg was not fair IMO, I also do not think it is fair to say that your response did not include biting public ridicule.  

It is wrong, in my opinion, to be a bully; and, it is also wrong (once again, IMO) to provide bullies space to hurt others, or to expect that one cannot be allowed to effectively defend oneself... however, I also think that it is not honest to call giving someone a strong dose of their own medicine (done quite effectively I might add) a polite philosophical and/or intellectual exersize, no matter how big the words or how well they happen to fall together.


G'day Robert!

Woould you happen to know whether Art's show is streamed over the Internet live at all?

Alot of radio shows are these days, it would be great if we could listen to this as it happens!

Take care!



This new forum was necessary to separate the several topics that the original astral research forum was handling.  This, as you may have been aware, was causing a number of problems and arguments between people holding opposing viewpoints.  Hopefully they will be less of this once people setting into the new forums.

Hey Robert !

Nice Forums

Hmm, that different viewpoint issue...
One should do a bargain with negs, so that doubting people can get a
30 day trial-posession completley for free !!
Wouldn't that be great ??

Take care and keep up the good work !

p.s.: Admin, I found a bug :) when I clicked on preview & closed the window again and clicked on preview again it says "there is no text to preview"