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Hi all. I've been absent from Astral Pulse for a while but have been researching, days on end, during Winter break. I feel I've been getting messages over the last few months to begin studying for this "transition" foretold by many religions as well as the New World Order and Illuminati. These are my findings:

1) The Illuminati exists. They are a satanic cult of humans guided by "demons" through demonic pacts. A disturbingly large portion of famous, wealthy, and economically/politically/militarily powerful people got to their status through demonic pacts. It's not hard to find info on the families of the Illuminati or prove to yourself that they've had their hand in most major atrocities of this world. At this point I'd be wishing for blissful ignorance if I didn't know 9/11 was an inside job, the world governments are a virtual stage play, and the Illuminati agenda is coming to fruition: a one world, fascist government with a ruling (most likely possessed) elite and micro-chipped population under their control. This may sound familiar but I'm beginning to connect this on a more fundamental, spiritual level. Every dream has a theme and ours is no different.

2) The music industry is the Illuminati's propaganda wing to the younger masses, primarily Rock, Hip Hop and mainstream music in general. I've watched countless music videos littered with satanic imagery and signals it's mind boggeling. Pyramids, the all-seeing eye, devil horns, snakes, and other demonic symbols are just laid out for the masses to see but not give a second thought over. I used to think these videos made no sense. Why don't they reflect what the song is about? Why is Kanye West rapping to a very blatant virgin sacrifice in Coldest Winter? Why is Rihanna simulating masturbation in You Da One? Why has Lady Gaga donned the most grotesque looking costumes I've seen in my life? Why is Katy Perry acting out eventually selling her soul to the devil post-New World Order in ET? They are crafted to brainwash, of course. They are setting the stage. What do we know about Source (Tao/prime creator/collective unconscious/Brahman/Yahweh, etc.)? Like attracts like and thought equals action. They are setting the stage and using our mind (humanity's mind) to program their reality into yours. (Think Astral Pulse Island on an epically larger scale. KEEP THIS IN MIND.)

3) Given 1 and 2 it's apparent (to me) the Illuminati is doing it's best to merge their reality (Biblical Hell) with the reality of Earth. 2 describes how they're doing it visually and audibly. Now I'll tell you how they're doing it emotionally. Emotion is what connects us to Source. Unconditional love is the unifying energy of this entity. I'm sure a lot of people here already know this. In order to entrap us they had to first make us forget our ties to Source (birth/death cycle started with Adam and Eve, first demonic pact) and hence, cut us off from unconditonal love. They introduced the sciences to separate a grounded mind from Source. We no longer felt Source, we questioned it. So people just did whatever they wanted. Is their a Source? Hmm, I don't know so let me go rape, murder, and stomp over people to achieve my goals! Let me be self-serving! Let me be the piece (human with limited senses/ignorant) because I don't remember ever being the Pie (Source.) This is simply what a demon is. A demon is the foolish aspect of consciousness that prefers to be the piece, not the pie. If you're a piece and wish to be a piece (ignorant) you are cut off from this unconditional love energy because it is of the whole metaphysically, not of the parts.

4) So if a demon is cut off from this infinite energy, it must feed off whatever it can find. It sinks into realities like water through cracks in a roof. It takes hold of the weak minded and guides toward the ideal goal of sequestering all consciousness in the particular reality. As before mentioned, it fools it into thinking there is one reality so it never realizes it can escape to Source (why are aliens from a distant world in "this one" reality so heavily promoted?), thus creating a stable energy source of pain and fear for those who turn away from Source. Our reality is infected with this problem and the mass energy is dragging us down into the reality of demons. I'll expand on this in a bit.

5) The demons' safety net is Christianity. I have done research which shows that Jesus was really just an avatar (incarnated form) of a demon performing sorcery to gain alliegence. I can not emphasize this enough, Jesus is not your savior. Do not claim him as your lord, this is no different than a pact with a demon. If you don't now realize the theme of this life is "You are not a servant to anyone" than I hope you learn it soon, because depending on Christianity when times get tough is the second prong in a two pronged attack by the demons. This reality is designed to have the western world be logical (one reality) and yet keep Christianity (concepts of Heaven/Hell) in their back pocket. I feel this means something.

6) Through prophecies (Mayan, Biblical, etc) and what I already know to be true I'm critical thinking of how all these facets of reality that are intricately related will tie together for the transition. I've read in several sources that extra terrestrials will reveal themselves soon and claim to be benevolent. These will be demons in disguise. Their arrival and deception may help solidify the sinful, self-serving, Source denying ways of the public. I read also they will cause mass death within this reality. Atheists will be some of the first to die. They don't remember Source but still they wouldn't claim servitude to an extra terrestrial. If you have no pact with a demon you are in no real danger of a demon! Now this is when my revelation came, Christianity in the back pocket. The public that was led to believe there wasn't a Source (through a Catholic Church filled with satan worship and pedophelia) will start believing in "a" source out of fear and desperation. Suddenly Jesus Christ reveals himself to the Christians, Allah to the Muslims, Hindu gods to the Hindus and so on. These are all demons who wish to make demonic pacts with those who worship them thereby denying Source. Two pronged attack.

7) To recap, the atheists have been killed and all the demonic pacts brought on by self-servers and worshippers of things outside themself (idolatry/denying Source) are trapped in the one reality, one world government. Somewhere along the way the population is microchipped to solidify their separation from Source. Ahh, don't forget anyone spreading ideas of the Source within will be killed too. An efficient system has no leaks, right?

8 ) Now I'm going to explain what will happen for those who know of the Source within. As the mass public drags us, quite literally into a hell realm, we will not fear. Fear is for the ignorant, and we are not ignorant. We will not agree to serve ANYTHING outside of us. Again, Source is within! We have a love for ourselves, and a joy for humanity, Earth and for all consciousness that pervades the universe. Like particles in merky water heading down a sink drain we will rise from the water, suspend in air and be the gods we were originally. Those who can't see passed their self-serving ways (bringing us down to a hell realm) and giving into false gods (sealing their fate in said realm) will go down the drain. More specifically, they will carry on in the New World Order and be subject to the same birth/death cycle.

9) As potential folks described in 8, I'm not sure we will see this New World Order. As our frequencies rise the self-servers and celebrities and politicians and the wealthy who've succumb to this disease will be absent. We will feel renewed in body, mind and spirit. The Earth and the universe will take on spectatular brilliance that had been lost by the oppression and we will carry on in a new, glorious reality connected more deeply with Source.

On the whole, this is what ether and GodsProxy had been trying to tell us and they were right.

I wake up around 6 am Monday morning. I had meditated the night prior and am in a mood to have a non-physical experience, so I force myself to hold off sleep. After 10-20 minutes of meditation I fall asleep and enter the void with near, if not full awareness. With sufficient focus I find myself ascending from above the treetops into my backyard. I catch a bird's eye glance towards the southern horizon and notice a vast ocean which doesn't belong. Seeing a random ocean from the vantage point of my neighborhood isn't an uncommon occurence. Anyway, I stick the landing in my backyard and notice it's a regular cluster-f of old looking furniture and possessions. This isn't a totally new experience either. I start feeling around what looked like an antique dresser with a picture frame and unidentified knick knacks on top of it. I do this with the sole intention of remaining in the experience, as added stimulus seems to help keep me grounded in the environment. It works for a while, but soon I find myself back in the void.

I pop out in my bedroom. A perfect time to check the playing card that's been face down on my desk for several weeks. I walk over to the desk and notice objects I've since moved but luckily the card remains unscathed. I pick it up and observe numbers appearing and disappearing as I try to improve my perspective. I even see the grinning face of a Joker card at one point. It was a lot like looking at one of those pictures with lenticular printing. With no conclusive answer, I integrate back into the void. Later on in my OBE sequence I try again and see a 6 at the top of the card and a 9, or inverted 6, at the bottom. My intuition in the weeks leading up to the experience was that it was a 6, so I settle on that. (It turns out it was an 8 of spades! Boo-urns.)

I'm back in the void and attempt to put more "oomph" behind the focus technique that'll push me out of it. I'm out again in what I initially think is my backyard. Whether this is a random assumption or a forgotten aspect of this particular memory I can't be sure, but the environment I remember is nothing like anything I've seen in my area. I find myself walking towards a lake, possibly an ocean but I think it was landlocked. A giant rock is sticking out of this body of water. It's maybe the size of a typical two story house and has water shooting out the middle, much like a fountain. The bright and vivid nature of the environment is inspiring. It had a middle of the jungle vibe to it. While I'm taking this in I notice I'm with 2 or 3 other people, and we're walking towards this lake. "What's this place called?" I ask an unidentified girl not too far to my right. "Fah-nah" she responds. That's a weird name for a location I think. I follow up, "How do you spell that?" She rambles off a few letters that don't quite match her first answer phonetically. Hmmm, whatever.

Towards the end of the longer sequences it's not unusual for me to have to remind myself I'm in the non-physical. At one point I'm walking down the staircase from my bedroom and realize there's absolutely no tension or weight bearing in my leg muscles. I'm still in the non-physical, I think with enthusiasm. I walk into the kitchen and in the bathroom I find my mother getting ready for work. We have a brief dialogue but I don't remember it, as my attention is on the nature of the non-physical state itself. I observe this state as I feel it. I note how the environment and I feel electrically charged compared to the physical. I conclude with the thought that this is better than any recreational drug I've had in the physical. Not long after I return to the physical and with a post-projection body buzz and a few new memories, feel like a million bucks.

Thanks for reading and as always, discussion is welcome.
It's 4 am. I awaken with this uncomfortable energy and can't fall back asleep. I naturally project with the "wake back to bed" method so when I do eventually pass out I hit sleep paralysis. I'm on my side which is not a normal projecting position for me. This may be why I have astral vision and can see a fairly accurate depiction of my bedroom, but have trouble escaping the paralysis. I struggle to move but to no avail. I recieve a mildly threatening yet hazy vision of a guy attacking me in third person, and not long after hear a typical creepy laugh. I wake up at last and, relieved, embrace control of my body.

I switch positions onto my stomach and soon end up in a much friendlier vibrational state. I see the backyard through my bedroom window and like second nature, rocket out over it, over the trees, marshland, brook, and train tressel behind it. The rollercoaster effect never gets old. I have a few episodes of a similar nature during this OBE sequence.

I now integrate into a location I identify as the woods not too far from my house. I see a stump and what looks like a piece of firewood sitting vertically on it. For some reason I instinctively focus on the piece of firewood. With a bit of effort it flings backwards and lands on the ground. This brings me a strange sense of accomplishment like I completed a "challenge" so to speak. As I type this and think about it, I've never bothered trying to manipulate astral objects through thought alone in the past. I'm guessing this could've been a lesson designed to help me pursue that aspect of the practice?

I find myself once again looking out into the backyard from my bedroom window. Typical, except this time I'm staring into a completely warped version of it. It's a sunny day. Everything is green this time of year in the physical, yet there are no trees. There is no brook that I can discern, just a wide open plain like you may find in the western states. The train tracks still exist, though possibly distorted, because the focal point of this experience is the train on it. When I first see it from my window, I'm taken aback. The boxcars on it are very grotesque in shape and design. I can't help but think of a lobster claw when trying to remember their appearance. I'm curious and fly over to the moving train.

The locomotive is red, sleak and modern looking like the kind used for public transportation. There are symbols and writing covering it that catch my interest, as they seem to be middle eastern or indian in origin. I begin trying to sound out any familar letters/words as the train passes. One of these words appeared to be "buWo" or "buWu."

I'm back in my bedroom and I guess I have full use of my body instead of being a point of consciousness. For a change of pace, I walk out of my bedroom, down some stairs and out the front door. I see it's just after sunset but not completely dark. It's also raining and I can feel the humidity in the air. I figure I'll go directly across the street to an old neighbor's house that was recently abandoned. Why? It's an abandoned house so buried treasure of course!

I make it to the front lawn and notice I can't simply hop this particular barrier in front of me, a fence if I recall correctly. Suddenly I hear a female voice say verbatim, "You are not aloud to go here." She sounded like one of those GPS voices... nothing threatening but firm enough for me to back off. Still, it made me question if there are really "privacy barriers" placed on different locations near the physical. I return to my body right after this.

Well hope y'all enjoyed, any discussion is welcome. :-)
This is a pretty remarkable event... Obama, the CIA, Navy Seals, etc. sure know how to get the job done. I've always been fascinated with the whereabouts of this guy and wanted to try remote viewing his location. Now that he had a few caps busted in his butt the other day I'm planning to try to meet up with him in the Astral tonight. Chances are slim, but hopefully a few of us can give it a shot and maybe even come back with an experience that is at least marginally relevant. I'd be interested to know what part of the Astral he's currently residing, what potential pain he may be going through if any, etc.  8-)
Hey all. It's been a while since I had the habit of posting my experiences so I figured I'd share one from this morning in addition to the method that is currently bringing me consistent success. Up until about Monday I was having difficulty sparking frequent projections, and the few I got were pretty lackluster in substance. My method was basically meditate a few times a day (mindless meditation is my specialty) and hope to fall into projection later that night. Last week I figured I'd try a more pro-active approach... keep the daily meditations as the corner stone of my practice but utilize the "early morning wake-up" method in addition.

Usually I fall asleep around 10 pm and wake up naturally around 2-3 pm. From there I force myself up and smoke a little pot while watching Three's Company (for some reason late night and classic sitcoms go together like pb and j to me)... not enough to get ripped, just enough to relax the body while the brain fog leftover from sleep lifts. After about an hour I do some more mindless meditation, maybe about 10-15 minutes, before falling asleep. While falling asleep I keep my body limp and my mind quiet as if I'm attempting to project, but the intent is to fall asleep into projection thereby skipping the trance state.

This morning, I found myself in the pre-projection state as planned. With consistency I'm noticing exit sensations subside over time from internal vibes to ascension/descension sensations to simple phasing. So with ease I integrate into a scene where I'm just staring at a black computer screen in front of a wall.

Now I've been experimenting with astral meditation lately, especially in etheric projections where the scene is boring but I have control over my movement enough to be still. I did this a few nights ago while becoming lucid/fully aware in a dream where I was sitting in my living room staring out the window. It was evening and Rocko's Modern Life was on the tube! I was amazed at the detail and antics of the cartoon characters but my primary focus was to maintain the experience through mindless meditation. Eventually I could feel my focus forcibly tear itself apart like smoke dissipating into the atmosphere, a neat experience in itself.

But anyway, I took that theme and carried it over into my experience this morning with the computer screen. Astral meditation allowed me to integrate from the drab colors of this etheric environment to a vast scene where the colors were simply alive... no stops in the pre-projection state in between. I found myself flying from near ground level up over a city in the middle of nowhere. Beatiful mountains decorated the horizon in the distance on a bright, sunny day. When the experience ended I integrated into a false awakening where I was using my computer to look up the city I believe I floated over. This was Salt Lake City, Utah. When I woke up for real, I looked up Salt Lake City and was amazed at how accurate my perception was. I mean I'm from New England so exposure to this city is limited. Honestly, the city could've been any city in the mid-west near a mountain range, but since Salt Lake City was brought up via my dream intuition I'll stick with that.

Oh and the pic below of SLC really resonates with my perception of that experience.

So yea I guess the moral of the story is A) the early morning wake up method really is excellent and should be used if other methods aren't working and B) astral meditation is a great way to find yourself in more interesting environments. Nothing new, just wish to endorse these ideas. Thanks for reading and feel free to respond.  :wink:
I've been having projections for about a year now. The bulk of them have consisted of me flying around my backyard, outerspace (briefly), other known places, and some unknown places. I've had many experiences ranging from fun to interesting to creepy... but they are all pretty ordinary in that they lack any spiritual significance.

I want to discuss metaphysics with the gray aliens! I want to be taken for flying saucer rides to advanced civilizations! I want to be taught philosophy by a buddhist monk at the top of a tibetan mountain! I want to learn lessons about the foundation of our reality!

I mean last night I woke up at 4 am, meditated a bit, fell asleep and projected... ya know what I did during the projection? I trudged through the marsh near a brook behind my house, hoping to get to the other side before the OBE ended... I didn't make it. My point is I think I'm ready for some more enlightening experiences but I'm not sure how to go about it... more meditation? A certain technique or affirmation? If anyone was in a similar rut and got out of it to have more fulfilling projections I'd appreciate knowing what you did. Thanks.
One night maybe a week ago I was OBE flying over random houses and was amused when I heard what sounded like a guy talking over the radio. I heard what I believe was "Route 115" and immediately thought it was a guy giving a traffic report. I also heard the word "Yemen", a middle eastern country, which probably corresponded to some world news. Has this happened to anyone else? Is it possible to pick up radio frequencies while out of body? I mean they were completely independant of my thoughts.

Also, I find a common theme in my OBE strings is that at some point I find myself watching television... sometimes it's porn or a sitcom I couldn't identify, but more often than not it's a cartoon. The last unidentifiable cartoon featured dogs of various breeds though I can't remember what they were doing.

In that same OBE or one before it, I actually saw my deceased great uncle and that was the first time I saw anyone in OBE who wasn't alive. I remember calling out his name but don't remember him responding.
Last night I did some relaxation techniques and meditation. Around 4 am this morning I woke up from an interesting dream. I was looking up different websites about mescaline (don't ask why, I haven't been thinking about the stuff) on this large computer screen in an unfamiliar house. I came across the equivalent of youtube which featured a cartoon show about "mushroom people"... thin cartoonish mushrooms with giant mushroom caps on their heads. The show centered on them taking psychadelic drugs and the viewer watched through their distorted reality. The show had an old, nostalgic vibe like the Smurfs but also had a magical aura to it that I couldn't even begin to describe. Other stuff went on in the dream but my recollection is hazy. I woke up thinking, "Damn how come this show was never made in reality?"

I went back to sleep, and the subtle vibes took over. I immediately placed focus on intensifying. Afraid I was going to lose them and wake up I imagined I was going headfirst down a steep slide. That seemed to do the trick, as I was integrated into a strange scene. The best I could describe it was of a large, abandoned cement building. No floors, just four walls and a high ceiling. I remember hanging on a chain (or rope) dangling maybe a foot from the ceiling. When I let go, I felt myself sink to the ground. I let go and subsequently reached for this chain/rope several times. This place already gave me a creeped out feeling. At the time I wished I could've integrated into that cartoon show I described before.

I eventually landed on the ground which wasn't a typical floor you'd find inside a building. This was dirt covered, rough terrain that you'd find outside. At that point I was alone. I called out to anyone willing to interact, but used phrasing that seems strange to me now. Though I don't remember what I said, it's almost like I used a different language. Suddenly I saw a small entity off in the distance, maybe twenty feet away. This is the first time my request to meet with any sort of entity was answered during a projection. I approached it. It was maybe 7 inches tall and looked much like the Travelocity gnome. It was like a rigid figurine. No facial expressions, no body movement. It even seemed poorly painted, which speaks to how inanimate this entity looked. Immediately I got a strange vibe from this thing like I couldn't trust it, but I tried to be polite/friendly. Suddenly another similar figurine-like entity approached. This one had short white hair and no facial hair, looking more like a toy doll than a lawn ornament. I forget most of the dialogue but I recall one of them bringing up the profession I'm working through college to enter. I thought it was strange how he brought it up so randomly, but I played it off like, "Oh, what a coincedence." I guess at this point I got lost in the interaction because I completely forgot normal questions like, "WTF are you?", 'Where am I?" etc. They seemed like they were trying to manipulate me and butter me up. For some reason I felt highly threatened after a third one showed up, though I didn't get a good look at it. They may have rushed me or something, I don't exactly remember. I grabbed the first one and couldn't find the others. I thought "Oh crap they must be behind me!" Freaked out, I feel an itch on the back of my heel. I jerk myself out of bed... I'm awake.

I'm guessing these things were negs, but looking back I can't remember any specific thing that confirmed my paranoia. Perhaps I imposed these feeling on them and let subjectivity take over. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks.

Last night before falling asleep I did about twenty minutes of meditation (which I try to do every night.) This helps a great deal in the quality and quantity of my vivid dreams, and increases my chances of spontaneous OBE. This morning I awoke around 5 am and decided to further meditate. After a good ten minutes and feeling my chakras well stimulated, I let myself fall asleep.

I entered a vivid dream where I saw two huge rafts (with a ton of people in each) on a rocky, almost moutainous seacoast battling gigantic waves. They almost looked like they were white water rafting but in a much more extreme form. I saw this from the vantage point of a helicopter looking down on it. It was almost like one of those "most dangerous moments caught on tape" type of shows. The "storyline" was that they were in a fatal situation and the waves were going to send them plunging to their watery deaths. I thought to myself something to the effect of, "I'm glad I'm not in their predicament." All of a sudden the weather calmed and a strong wind lifted the rafts in the air and floated them further out into the ocean where the people were safe from the damaging waves. I felt the "floating" sensation firsthand.

Suddenly I'm back in my body, on my stomach, and the vibrations begin. I'm able to focus enough to intensify the vibrations... suddenly I feel one leg float upward, and then the other. (This in itself is a huge revelation for me because I never believed you could enter a projection by "peeling" your astral body away from your physical. Prior to this I had always entered projection without feeling any specific body part pull away. It was my general awareness which had always left. I fluffed off beginners who used phrases like "My head was stuck" as having a faulty, "literal" perception of leaving one's body. Now I know I was wrong.) With me on my stomach and both astral legs floating in the air I did what you'd call a "push up" which successfully separated me from the physical.

Next thing I know I'm in a vast field dotted with trees surrounded by a thick forrest. It's a sunny day. I will myself forward a good twenty feet and notice a cemetary in the distance to my left. It sits on a piece of the field which is tucked in the forrest a bit. At this point I have a strong feeling that I've been here before, but in waking reality it's unfamiliar. In front of me I see a gravestone. I want to read what it says, so I get closer. In front of the gravestone are small purple flowers which I brush to the side to get a better view of the writing. The writing itself is aqua in color. I read the words but am unable to make sense of them, or at least translate them into thoughtforms I could later remember. I do remember vividly reading the year "2008." I brushed the purple flowers to the side several times, possibly to improve my view. Each time I did this the lettering would change, and at one point disappeared altogether. The OBE ended around here.

Another word that may have appeared on the gravestone is the word "contaminated." I say this because following the OBE I had a false awakening where I was explaining to someone what had just happened in my OBE. I told him I saw the aforementioned word, and he explained what it meant. I don't even have a single visual of this false awakening but I remember those few details. I'm not sure I can trust recollection in false awakenings following OBEs, which is why I can't be sure if this part was accurate.

Was this some sort of afterlife realm? I didn't see any people or animals but the setting had a peaceful vibe to it. Thoughts are appreciated, thanks.
Hey all. I've been having a bunch of vivid lucid dreams lately but nothing on the OBE front til yesterday morning. Around 5-6 am I awoke from a lucid dream, then fell back asleep with no intention to project. Immediately I realize I'm out of body in the main hallway leading to my front porch. My mom is in the computer room next to it on a chair and reading a magazine. I try getting her attention in the hopes of her noticing I'm out of body. I believe we have short dialogue but can't remember it. I "float" over to her and look at the magazine... it's a magazine about candles. I look at the page number, hoping to remember it and later validate it... all while not taking into consideration that it's early morning and my family is asleep in bed. The page number is a pain to read. I remember it reading "989" but it would change slightly everytime I shifted off and back on the page.

Interesting thing about this experience is that I never felt any vibrations. I believe this was what they call "phasing"? The transitions from one projection to another was a lot smoother and took less effort while in the darkness of sleep paralysis.

Next thing I know I'm behind my house following a brook upstream towards a train tressel that crosses it. I was floating inches above the water, before phasing out.

I experienced bilocation throughout much of this OBE string. I would realize my body was holding tension and would try to make my body go limp as best as possible. This action seemed to intensify my OBEs.

Now I'm flying through the downtown area of a small city in which I go to college. I see no people, just buildings which I'm fascinated by because they seem exactly like their real life counterparts. At one point I'm floating over this vast fountain-like pool, believing it is part of the real city. In retrospect, the city has narrow water canals but nothing like the layout I envisioned.

At one point, around this time in the OBE string, I view this small, brown dog which is pretty stereotypical in appearance, wandering around on pavement. It has an orange reflective type of vest on it's back almost like he's used for some type of road construction. I feel like he was a lot more involved in my experience then I'm able to recall, because I remember hovering over him thinking that I had previously viewed life through his eyes. My view now changes and I see this type of grey scottish terrier-type dog. At this point I feel I'm switching to experiencing life through this dogs' eyes, so to speak. In retrospect I don't remember experiencing "being" either dog but those were the thoughts that were presented to me.

Now I believe I'm outside of a diner in the downtown area of the small city, with this scottish terrier and another dog (could be the brown dog but I don't feel like that's the case.) I feel like I'm somehow watching them. All of a sudden my vision "cuts to a scene" of this vicious long-haired greyhound which I vaguely remember seeing earlier on in the OBE but can't place the point in time. I basically have the feeling of "Oh no!" I know this vicious greyhound-looking dog is bolting for the two other dogs with the goal of tearing them apart. The next thing I know this greyhound basically crashes into the other two dogs outside the diner, rendering all three dead. The greyhound's snout was basically bent at a 90 degree angle sort of in cartoon-like fashion, which was pretty messed up. I picked up the third smaller dog which basically handled like a soggy pillow, again not realistic. I dropped the lifeless astral critter, thought "Oh well" and went into the diner.

In the diner, I see a decent amount of people eating. One skinny balding guy looks at me sort of nervously, as he's seated at his table facing the entrance. I walk up to him and slap him in the face... don't ask me why, I guess I'm impulsively violent in the astral. I see food at his table and question whether it's possible to taste things while OBE. I have/pick up a fork and stick it in the first thing I see. If I had to describe it it looked like a salsbury steak on some type of bread. I bite into it and indeed it did have a meaty taste, but I'd describe it almost as a "mock taste" if that makes sense. At that point I wake up.

Well that's all for now. Til next time...
This is day three of being clean off the pot after approx. four years of living off the stuff, having weaned down over the last few months. It's a struggle... but one of the cool side effects has been really vivid lucid dreams. It's like temporarily living in someone else's life. Though lately they have been psychologically uncomfortable they're interesting nonetheless.

Last night I dreamt I was walking into the first day of class at some college... the setting was completely different from any school I've been to. It reminds me of an old, medieval-style English school where wealthy Brits enroll their children... something like Hogwarts from Harry Potter. My father (who wasn't my father in real life) was walking me and my brother (I don't have a brother) to class and giving us instructions, possibly how to behave. He was a pretty strict individual, the kind that'd be easily aggravated if you disobeyed him. I ended up in my first class where our desks were situated in a circle. The crazy thing... Kate Winslet was teaching the class! While I admire her work in Titanic she isn't someone I ever thought I'd dream about, let alone as a teacher. She sat behind her desk in the opposite corner of the class throughout the entire experience.

She called on me to read a passage from a textbook that I for some reason didn't possess. I was pretty embarrased that everyone was prepared with a book but me. I asked a student next to me if I could borrow his... he seemed willing to help out. He pointed out where to read, but the lettering was strange. It was almost like renaissance calligraphy. The designs distracted my ability to decipher the words. I read a few words but sounded like a retard, feeling more embarrased. I laughed it off and told her I was color blind. She moved on with the class, which I have a strong feeling had something to do with Shakespeare. I remember wishing I had a textbook so I could get mine autographed. Therefore I realized she was famous but thought it was acceptable for her to be a teacher.

For some reason I was in a different position in the class because I was sitting next to this girl with purple hair. I went to adjust my leg for some reason but ended up touching hers without realizing. She gave me a response like I sexually harrased her, but more like a "Who are you to touch me, you dork" type of deal. She looked at her friend two desks down (who was smoking hot... I wish she existed in real life) who gave her a "You told off that dweeb" reaction. I was pretty crushed. I remember wishing that I was somewhere else, and I woke up.
Hey all... figured I'd share a few experiences that have happened over the last couple weeks.

First off, a few days back I did my meditation/energy work for about fifteen minutes, which has basically become a nightly routine. Before going to bed I had Family Guy on the television. As I dozed off I guess I fell into some type of paralysis because I was getting an auditory hallucination. My dad was joking about something, and I heard him say the word "nipples" quite clearly, lmao. I woke up within seconds thinking how random (though not farfetched) hearing that was. No more than five seconds pass and I hear Peter Griffin on Family Guy say the word "nipples" in a random joke. I was stunned...

The night prior to that I experienced a lucid which turned into an OBE. First thing I know I'm being called into a crowded room by a member of my extended family. I walked in and sat on a couch next to my cousin, and someone else sat beside her. I remember being in the presence of my Uncle and his wife's sister's husband, as well. Now I'm pretty anxious, as I usually am with my dad's side of the family. I remember wanting to get out of there. I told some kind of joke, whatever it was they laughed, and I up and left. I went into another room which I think is where I OBE'd because I started trying to read things on tables and such. I passed through what may have been a hallway, thinking how real everything looked and felt. I came into a room with a large window leading outside. I instinctively removed the window with the intention of getting outside. I'm pretty much an expert at removing astral windows, now. That's all I remember here.

This passed week I realized how "authentic" lucid dreams can be. If OBEs feel like stepping into a virtual reality, lucid dreams feel like stepping into another life. A couple days ago I had a lucid where I met this child, who couldn't have been older than 7 years old, in his backyard. This reality or how/why I was there didn't factor into my thought process. I get the feeling we engaged in some sort of recreational activity, and his yard was fairly active with imagery I can't recall clearly... perhaps a jungle gym and typical childrens' toys. I remember being blown away by how mature this kid was and how well he could communicate, though I can't remember anything we talked about. He invited me in his house, where we sat on his couch. I was laying down on my side on one end and he was sitting on the other. I guess subconsiously I wanted to get a good look at him so I reared my head towards the opposite end of the couch, and now his profile is burned in my memory. Anyway next thing I know, his dad walks in and another male of similar age (other guy looked jewish) came in behind him and went straight to the kitchen. I saw the jewish lookin' guy look at me through the reflection of something, perhaps a kitchen window. I get a sense they were home from work. The father didn't look thrilled that I was there. The kid explained the situation though I don't recall dialogue. I remember saying something to the effect of: You have a cool/smart/bright kid.. "you raised him well" (quoted words I sad verbatim.) The guy seemed okay with everything, but grabbed an empty plastic cup and asked who it belonged to. The kid shrugged his shoulders. I woke up at this point thinking how realistic the scenario was...
Last night before sleep I did some meditation/energy work, figuring I'd wake up later in the morning and project... well I fell asleep and went straight into the vibrations. My instinct was to try to wake up immediately because the intent wasn't there... after a while of struggling to free myself of paralysis I gave up and went into projecting... I remembered a prior intent to meet my spirit guide when I was brought to this strange video-game like message... I haven't played video games in years but it was like when you're playing an RPG game and approach a civilian or w/e... and in the bottom of the screen it shows the guy's face in a box and next to that a message, such as information to progress in the game, etc. Well the face in the smaller box was this older man's with grey hair and moustache/goatee. I forgot the message but remember it sort of creeped me out... I thought... well this sure as hell ain't my spirit guide. It came complete with video game-like music as well. Could it have been a message denying my access to a spirit guide? I've had several OBE experiences so far and out of the few times I've requested my spirit guide no entity presented itself. Is this normal? Some insight is appreciated.
Lately I've been having a few OBEs here and there but nothing incredible or groundbreaking... a week and a half ago I had a lucid dream which I'm positive turned into OBE. I remember flashes of images from the show UFO Hunters were running through my mind when suddenly I "come to" and look out my bedroom window to see a bright strip of light off in the distance... automatically I know it's a UFO. I feel a great sense of amazement. After losing a good amount of lucidity, I now find myself leaping towards the sky from the tree tops in my backyard. This isn't a consious decision, but in retrospect the reason could've been a) Something to do with seeing the UFO that triggered this urge or b) my prior intent to leave Earth's atmosphere in OBE carried over into my subconsious. An interesting note while I was leaping towards the sky is that I recieved a message (telepathically I guess) basically saying my efforts were useless... this had no negative feeling attatched, but was presented as factual if not slightly humorous. I haven't been able to actually meet my spirit guide yet, but could that have been it?

Next thing I know I see my cat (who's been dead for maybe a year now) walk down my staircase and I think I may be OBE at this point because I know she's dead, and I can feel the roughness of her face as she's nudging my hands. For some reason I wonder what would happen if I violently shake her and act on this (a random impulse I think... I'd never did that with her in real life)... I hear a small wimper and the experience ends.

Last week after waking up around 3 am I went down stairs to my living room couch and did some energy work... it seems all I have to do is meditate a bit, fall asleep and I'm guaranteed to get the vibrations. My intent in the vibrations was to visit the African Savannah but I'm brought to my front porch instead... immediately I think of my last mission to exit the atmosphere. I take off into the sky, and wonder if I could find the constellation Orion. I notice that the sky is littered with perfectly arranged constellations and has a deep bluish glow to it. It's interesting how the pattern of the sky can dictate the feel/emotion of the experience... in my last OBE string the sky was pitch black and white dots in what I call a "pocket cluster" represented stars and gave off a sort of creepy vibe. The sky in this experience gave me a warm, magical feeling. I looked down and saw the roof of my neighbor's house across the street and it was surprisingly accurate.
Hey yo... Astral 3:16 here with another interesting out of body experience to share. It all started when I woke up around 2:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. I thought I'd watch some Family Matters on the tube and do some energy work. After a while I felt pretty tired and with school and work the next morning I decided to fall asleep. Soon I found myself in the vibrations... I felt a gravitational pressure that I can only describe as a "lift off" sensation. I tried to intesnify the vibrations but nothing happened and a corresponding release of that pressure, or "landing" resulted... waking me up. I watched a bit more television, passed out again, and the real fun began. I felt the vibrations and this time I took full advantage of them...

In the vibrations I remembered my intent to explore outerspace. The first thing I remember is looking out the window of this unkempt building/house I didn't recognize. I believe I was on the second floor or higher up in this building and it was night. Most likely relating to my initial intent, I wanted to get a view of the sky. I looked at the window pane and noticed a "sun symbol." I interpreted this as the actual sun reflecting off the window and thought how strange it looked in the Astral, or this particular plane at least. The sun symbol had a deep reddish orange color and looked ancient in style. In retrospect this "episode" had a really mysterious, creepy aura to it. I ended up seeing this symbol again later on in the OBE string on some form of apparel.

I remember reintegrating in my house several times, every time it was dark outside and all the lights were on for the most part. At one point I begin talking just to hear myself talk, but I didn't know what I was saying just that I heard/felt myself talking. I remember suddenly being in my bathroom and looking in the mirror, witnessing my astral self for the first time. I began checking for certain marks on my face, noting the differences... I actually anticipated checking a certain blemish expecting it to be an exaggerated, grotesque looking feature but that wasn't the case. While in real life I have relatively long hair (for someone with short hair) and a beard, my astral double had really short hair and was clean shaven. My facial features also looked different, but obviously similar enough to let me assume it was me. I want to say I looked like how I would if my mother had me with some other guy. I hear how some people see an idealized version of themself... that wasn't the case with me. I thought I looked a little on the dorky side.

At one point, whether following the bathroom mirror episode or not... I began experimenting with holding onto my awareness in order to extend the episodes. It seemed like I was "clouding out" of these reintegrations quickly so I made it a point to focus on a second to second basis. I managed to cross my kitchen floor and open the backdoor of my house, fighting the forces that wanted to end the episode. The backdoor is as far as I got.

Again I'm not sure where exactly this fits into the OBE string but it was around this point... I was walking towards the backdoor (again) and my dad walks in the house with a stern expression on his face. He has a good sized hole in his head... nothing gory or realistic... just a black hole. He walks by me without acknowledging my presence. This was creepy as well, but I wasn't the least bit fearful.

Okay now I reintegrate once again in my house and pass through the wall. Finally I'm outside. I feel I need assistance so I call for my spirit guide and nothing happens. I look up in the sky and search for the moon as a point of reference to exit Earth's atmosphere, but I can't find it. Instead, I find this random "pocket/cluster" of stars in a certain location of the sky. I figure it's better than nothing, and begin willing myself towards them. I start to feel like I'm entering space though the visuals get really hazy from here. I attempt to look back at the Earth and try to see it, but my vision is too blurred to appreciate anything. I do remember thinking 'Wow, my consiousness is here and my body is way down there." At that instant I felt a kind of snap-like release of static elecrictity almost like stretching a rubber band as far as it could go and releasing it. That was the end of the episode, and a few relatively dull OBE false awakenings occured until I woke up.

I have to say this whole OBE string had an aura that left me with this awkward, creeped out feeling... like "Man I don't think I'm cut out to experience these types of feelings." But that only lasted until I snapped out of it. Still I hope to experience more bright, cheery OBEs in the future. Thanks to all who read this.
Whats up, guys. I'd like to report another OBE I had no more than a few minutes ago that was quite interesting to say the least. Before that, I'd like to share a lucid dream I had maybe an hour or two beforehand, and another I had a couple days back.

Okay, so I'm in this "episodic dream" I like to bring up often. This place is always very urban... highways, buildings, I even find myself in the occasional classroom or jail. Interesting to note, I've been getting vertigo inside these dreams like when I'm standing on a high place such as the top floor of a skyscraper. A couple days ago I had an episodic dream finding myself in a hallway lined with jail cells. Each cell seemed to contain some kind of bad entity though I didn't have a good look at any of them. When I walked passed one cell, an entity rushed me from the cell and latched onto me, immediately startling me and waking me up. I felt like I was being tested, as I said to myself (in waking life) before that point that the scariest thing happening to me in the astral would be some freakish thing making a rush towards me. I felt like I was being tested in some way.

Flashforward to this morning and I find myself in a lucid dream on a highway suspended very high in the air. Any further description of the setting is pure assumption. I'm with my father and we're justing standing in the middle of this setting. I hear absolute carnage... men are screaming bloody murder in the distance and I can pick out the indivual voices/cries for help. The information is brought to my attention that firemen are burning alive, whether in a building or car fire I can't specify. It is what I hear in this dream, not what I see, that makes it interesting. I hear a woman's scream amongst the mens'. I ask my father if it is indeed a woman and he confirms. I say, "Well I guess she's in the minority." I attempt to cross the highway to peer over it for a view of whatever happened but I get a feeling of vertigo and back off. I wake up in awe... my father was a call firefighter and regularly dreams about fires and destruction so I'll be touching base with him to draw possible similarities. It's also interesting how similar this dream is to my Hogan/Austin double suicide dream, and how apathetic my dream self responds to tragedy.

Okay so I woke up around 3 or 4 am, did light energy work, and fall back asleep. I'm in a lucid dream in some school setting. I somehow OBE out of it and find myself flying out over an open field with a brook which is directly behind my house in real life (which I just now recall.) Flying over this brook is something I had wanted to do while OBE so I'm glad I got a taste of that. Now I find myself flying out over this larger river in a sort of urban environment, possibly the same in my lucid dreams. I notice these pink flowers floating over the water like lily pads. The scene was stunning. I find myself moving towards a building and something "said" to me something like, "you are about to meet the head librarian." Sounds good, so I end up in this library where a thin, older woman is standing. She started saying stuff, most of which came off like a warning. I remember clear as day her telling me something must be done for the sake of "the children... and you" (that quote is all I remember from her verbatim.) I got the sense that something was wrong with the astral world, and the children wouldn't be able to experience it. I remember her saying "...and you" in a smarky manner as if I was taking part in a child's activity. Whatever lady. At one point I was in a classroom where I remember one of the students insult me, though that happened somewhere towards the end of the dream sequence and was insignificant. After the lucid/OBE I end up in a false awakening... I'm in a truck with this brown haired woman (maybe mid 30's?) and she's driving down a road I could vaguely identify in real life. I'm trying to remember what went on in OBE so I could get home and journalize it. I ask the woman if she could speed up. I wake up for real at this point, and here I am. Well I appreciate anyone who read this far. Please don't hesitate to drop a comment, question, etc. Thanks again!
Okay so a couple days ago I had another morning OBE where I was moving towards my computer room in my house. After that I "woke up" in my living room (I was sleeping in my bedroom) and tried a few more times to OBE. I noted how it was strange that I was awake and still able to attain vibrations with ease. I woke up in my bed to find I had been OBE'ing the whole time. Funny how an OBE can turn into a false awakening if you don't catch yourself.

This morning I woke around 4:30, did VERY little energy work, watched some George Lopez, and fell asleep an hour later. I immediately felt the vibrations coming and at this point it's basically become second nature from there. I'm proud of that considering I was in the "I'm afraid of what might happen" category a few months back stemming from childhood experience. Well anyway, I intensify the vibrations and feel myself falling... great feeling. I end up moving through this tunnel that has a high videogame quality about it. It looks very much like a computerized sewer system, only one you'd navigate a videogame character through. I remember concentrating less on the environment and more confirming that I was fully conscious, and indeed I was. I end up at the end of this tunnel and want a change of setting so I turn on the vibrations. I'm pretty sure I saw Stewie Griffin from Family Guy standing on a platform in that scene just seconds before I left.

Okay now I'm fluttering just below the living room ceiling over this old recliner that hasn't been in my house in years. I say fluttering because my visual perspective could be analagous to that of one of those flippy books... the image is changing but the subtle difference in overlap causes a lack of "visual stillness" for lack of a better term. I move towards the front wall and try to go through it with the intention of being outdoors. I am unsuccessful after several attempts. I decided to open the window and screen and man did that feel realistic. I somehow step through the window and find myself on a grassland which I quickly lossed sight of. I asked for clarity but the OBE ended and I woke up.

I have to note that I was on my stomach and my left forearm was tucked under it during. Maybe someone can verify this, but my body seems to be more sensitive to physical pressure during OBE. It sort of felt like someone grabbed the left side of my stomach and was ripping into it. I mean it wasn't THAT painful but it was definitely bothersome. Any questions, comments, and insight is much appreciated thanks!
What's good, fellow AP'ers? I just had an exciting string of OBE experiences that I'd like to share before it falls out of my head. First off, I haven't had any recalled OBE's since my last thread that reported me moving down my neighborhood road distinctly thinking "Wow! This is more real than reality." Over the passed few weeks I haven't done more than a half hour of light meditation here and there. Last night I ended up passing out at 8 pm and waking at 2 am with about a halfhour waking time in between. At 2 am I felt like I wasn't going to get anymore sleep so I stayed up watching Nick At Night reruns. Around 5:30 am I was still a little tired and with class not starting til 9 am I thought it was the perfect time to OBE!

I laid on my back, worked on muscle relaxing and exit techniques for a good ten minutes. One of these techniques is what I call the "elevator" technique, which has been elevating (no pun intended) my trance states recently. Obviously this entails one to think about laying in an elevator that is going up. I used a particular elevator, one in a elementary school where I work in town. That subtle rising feeling seemed to do the trick, for me anyway. At a certain point I figured I'd fall asleep and if my prior work had any effect I'd OBE spontaneously. I rolled on my stomach, pass out, and sure enough I did!

Before I fell asleep I heard my mom wake up to get ready for work. After I fall asleep, I OBE, finding myself sitting on (what I believe is) the pantry room floor next to the kitchen. My mom is busy getting ready for work but confronts me. She looks younger and has darker hair. She is wearing a black top and blue jeans which isn't her usual look. She asks me in a slightly peeved, accusing tone, "What's the problem?" I respond in a sarcastically polite manner, "There's no problem." That is our typical relationship, but I was a bit surprised she wasn't more eager to meet her son's astral double, haha. Anyway still with her different appearance planted in my thoughts I ask, "How old are you?" She passively responds, "60-75." Umm, I didn't ask for a range, but okay. Even more strange is that she just turned 53. I was about to question her response but thought there are more important quesions to ask. Before I could think of any, the OBE ended and I was in darkness.

Next thing I know, I'm moving away from this large hotel (or just a building but it had a hotel vibe) in the middle of a tropical ocean. The hotel is sitting on a small rocky island big enough to support it's surface area. While I'm moving away from this picture I hear this upbeat, hip hop music playing. It wasn't a song I've ever heard before but I loved listening to it at the time, very uplifting. I tried to remember the lyrics as they were in English, but I forgot.

Throughout these OBEs I kept returning to the blackness, or hypnogogic imagery. At one point in this state I heard my dad joking about something. I was trying desperately to focus on OBEing and considered this a nuisance so I didn't make an effort to make sense of what was said.

Okay so I'm in the blackness and recall the elevator technique. I suddenly appear in the school in which the elevator I use to exit is located. Specifically, I open my eyes to find myself in the school's hallway with stunning clarity. I notice that the paint colors on the wall and floor designs are extremely pale like something you'd find in a nursery. I move down the hallway and take a left and I turn into the gymnasium of a different elementary school in which I work.

Now I'm not sure if this is directly after the gymnasium or a different setting, but I find myself walking into a crowded room where people are sitting. I'd guess it looked like a bus station the way people were sitting and talking to eachother. At this point I remembered back to what I've read on "waiting rooms" and OBEs and recall determing whether this was the type of situation where these waiting people would ignore me or confront me. I noticed everyone was pretty much doing there own thing, not noticing me and acting like your average group of people. I walked up to one lady and either called her a swear or acted rudely. I'm thinking for that instant I had the "I can do anything I want" mentality, but felt remorseful after saying it. I thought, "was this any way to give a first impression in the astral?"

Those were the events I remember, though I vaguely recall flying around outside my house at one point. I remember I kept asking for clarity at different points but that seemed to work only a fraction of the time. I do believe the idea that the more calm you are, the more vivid the setting will be. That was proven to me with the pale-colored school hallway scene. I also want to say that I was on my stomach for this and experienced shoulder pain throughout the last half of the OBE string. I remember on a few occasions acknowledging the dull pain and wanting to wake up to adjust it. Anyway that is my latest story, I'm excited that I remembered a whole lot more than last time. It's funny how you can wake up and briefly forget, than it hits you like a ton of bricks and you're rushing to your computer keyboard. Anyway, I feel I'm making true progress with this being my second OBE. Please leave a comment if you've read through, thanks!
Hey what's good? I'll start off by saying that I was very prone to astral projecting as a kid. I didn't understand concepts of sleep paralysis or anything like that which led to a lot of sleeping problems and frustration. Anyway it ended up disappearing in my teens (though I've had post-sleep paralysis since) and I forgot about that part of my childhood until recently when I came across astral projection. I became interested in solving that mystery so I took up meditating. Right now I've only been able to achieve lower trance stages, but the pre-sleep paralysis that triggered my childhood projecting has returned. I've been working through the childhood fear associated with the pre-sleep paralysis, and have been able to intensify the vibrations that come with it. However I have never reached OBE, always seeming to wake up after the vibrations.

At the same time I've been getting these "episodic" dreams for at least a year, definitely since I did a report on them in a college psych class two semesters ago; on average every other day if not more. The setting can change, the characters can change (often I don't know them), but the feeling (what I refer to as "atmospheric identity") is unchanged. The settings are earthly but strange. I'm usually carrying out some normal human/social action in these dreams which is why I think I very rarely recall them. More often than not I wake up with the "feeling" of the episodic dream, and a notion that things happened in its' context.

It is when something exciting or abnormal happens when I pick up on it easier after waking. In one of these "episodes" I was walking with my dad down a street and point to a couple strange beings (aliens in the dream, though they had a stuffed animal-element to them) in a tree. Another time I saw a vast row of huts along an elevated lawn-like roadside and recieved the information that they were wigwams in Chicago. I had an idea what wigwams were, but I didn't think it was strong enough to be correctly represented in my subconsious mind.

Since I've been meditating, these episodic dreams have been getting more strange, even more lucid. I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with pro wrestling but you should know these guys... a couple weeks ago I had one of these episodes when I recieved the information that Steve Austin killed himself. I'm assuming it was a shot to the head because I remember knowing distinctly his head couldn't be shown during his funeral. Soon after I learn Hulk Hogan also passed by his own fault (though in his case calling it suicide would be an assumption on my part as it wasn't specified.) After learning this I remember being with my dad looking at Hogan's dead body mangled on a dirt covered ground in a setting I don't even remember. His body had a cartoony element to it, and the primary emotion wasn't shock or fear, but awkwardness. I remember saying distinctly, "At least his head is still intact" verbatim. I woke up with that sentence echoing in my head, surprised I said it. I don't remembering saying anything so distinguished in these dreams previously.

The other night I believe was another step closer to my dreams gaining lucidity. This time I was in the ocean at night. I remember I was around people I may or may not have known, but my cat (which was put down maybe a year ago) and my dog were swimming in the water having a grand old time. This may or may not be considered part of the episodic dreams because it had a more magical, joyful atmospheric identity. I was carefree, and remember tilting my head up to look at the night sky. It was covered with a layer of low, hazy clouds but the stars were in abundance. They were visible and bright, shining through the clouds in a way I don't think is possible in reality. I thought about calling this an OBE because my field of vision corresponded to my action (looking up.) On the other hand I didn't know I was dreaming, and didn't have any empirical feeling beyond sight. I settled on classifying it as a lucid dream.

This brings me to this morning. I took a nap around 8 pm last night, woke at 11 pm, and went back to sleep around 1 am. At one point I vaguely remember going through the motions with my episodic dream when suddenly I'm out of body heading down the road just outside my house. It is daytime, and unlike reality there isn't any snow on the ground. Immediately I think, "Wow they aren't kidding when they say this feels more real than reality!" The part I remember distinctly had to last for no more than a few seconds, but it was incredible. Everything just seemed to be so perfect looking and more 3D-like. I remember willing myself to move on my own accord but I guess I lossed control because that's all I remember. I vaguely recall being inside another house and in different areas of my neighborhood, whether real or belief system, OBE or not.

Following the OBE I had a false awakening. I'm pretty sure I didn't awake in my bed, but where ever I was it didn't stop me from assuming I actually woke up. I began trying to recall what happened in the OBE. I remember recalling the last place I ended up in the OBE was an airport (I vaguely remember being in an airport in passed episodic dreams.) However I'm not sure if my OBE recall in the dream corresponded to the actual OBE or was just "mental garbage" because I don't remember an airport in the OBE-portion of the dream. I awoke around 3 am, blown away by what happened and too excited to sleep for a good part of the night.

I've been on this forum, read up, and wondered how it was possible for some of you to differentiate the boundary transference between dreams, lucid dreams, and OBE. My conclusion is there is a fine line between what makes a dream lucid, but the distinction between dreams and OBEs is definite. Sorry if this was a bit long, but I hope to share and document future OBEs here in the future as I improve my ability to explore the astral world. I'd appreciate any questions, comments, or insight. Thanks.