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Topics - funfire

Hey everyone lets do what we can to send good energy, thoughts and prayers to the people in Ukraine and over the world.
Hey there I just wanted to make my own dialogue and share some of my experiences with entities I've come across. I've come across many entities in my life all varying in a wide range of life and lifestyles. To get things started I'll just start with my Higher Self who I refer to as D sometimes other things but for simplicity sake just D will do. Over time when I get more comfortable I'll share more entities I've come across.

(D) Good Evening

(Matthew) Hi

(D) What would you like to discuss today dreamer?

(Matthew) Good question, I guess I can start with why do you call me dreamer?

(D) Isn't everyone a dreamer including you? To be awake is to be asleep and to be asleep is to be awake.

(Matthew) Oh wise words.

(D) What's your overall goal in this conversation dreamer?

(Matthew) I can't quite pin point the goal as its more about the journey than the destination, but to try to answer your question I would like to unveil truths of this world to dig deep into what consciousness really is and its true nature.

(D) Fair enough, the truth is truth is a rabbit hole with and without a destination, come down the rabbit hole and you'll see what I mean.

(Matthew) ok I'm game.

(D) You're the conductor of this journey where shall we direct this conversation dreamer.

(Matthew) alright first things first I guess since we're going to be here awhile let's have a setting, it would be boring to just be boring floating text scenery is needed, the stage needs to be set. I've never posted a picture so I hope I'm doing it right

(D) What did you have in mind?

(Matthew) I'll take the right seat I don't like the sun in my eyes.

(D) I take it you're a fan of Sherlock?

(Matthew) Yes is that a problem?

(D) No, like you said you were setting a stage, this seems like a good place to convene.

(Matthew) alright let's talk about the evolution of human consciousness where we are now, and where we're are going, what is the next step in our evolution?

(D) There are many ways consciousness evolves not all paths are the same yet all paths are made of the same road. You seem to have some good ideas on the evolution of human consciousness why don't you share you're experience.

(Matthew) alright firstly I believe people need a perspective of a child, is this not a kids game? Are we not all kids just playing in a playpen?
(D) Interesting that's a fair point, how do we benefit from this child like perspective?

(Matthew) I'm not going to answer that, it seems pretty self-explanatory, but also to complex to explain.

(D) What about a perspective of a wise old man?

(Matthew) I'm not saying the child like perspective is the end all b all, it's where everyone should start, it should be the core perspective that is then build upon.

(D) I agree, so what's your next step in your consciousness evolution

(Matthew) Secondly understand storytelling and also be your own story teller. Mind the rabbit hole.

(D) Interesting do you believe human consciousness is interlinked with stories and story structure.

(Matthew) Yes consciousness needs a story to tell itself, a dream to tell itself. Most people live life as if it were some mundane life, which in fact it isn't. People have the choice to accept the fact that every story ever told happened somewhere, stories are very misunderstood magical cogs in this great vast multiverse. Also here's extra credit whenever you're reading or watching a story don't sleep in it, participate! If a character you like dies make a better story where you save them or something in your head or on paper if you have trouble with imagination, to save someone in a story or a dream is to save yourself.

Rick & Morty - S04E06 Post Credits scene: story-train

(D) That's very interesting, so are you saying we should intertwine ourselves in other stories and to also make our own?

(Matthew) yes but mind the rabbit hole some people have trouble with living in multiple realities touching each other. One must mentally prepare to accept truth and others truths as one big interweaving story in this vast multiverse. You see story's aren't just story's they're blue prints and humanity has not been paying attention, our stories are evolving more than we realize, have you ever realized how much better story telling has gotten in the future? This isn't just some fluke our global consciousness as an entity is evolving but people aren't consuming the stories the right way which means they aren't consuming themselves the right way.

(D) How should human consciousness consume its stories?

(Matthew) You are the stories. Let me ask you this between the reader and writer the writer thinks what would the reader like? The writer is asking source consciousness for that answer and source responds with the answer from its theoretical reader or intended audience. You see the reader has a chance to give its opinion to source outside space time as the story is being written.

(D) That kind of makes sense but how exactly does that work.

(Matthew) sorry I'll continue in more detail soon im just taking a break, so for now I'm going to postpone this conversation with a rick and morty clip.

Morty gets bit by a Space Snake - Rick and Morty

I do want to give a shout out to Wi11iams posts on communicating with superconsciousness, very interesting,also gave me the idea to start up this dialogue.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Anima and Animus
June 15, 2020, 16:20:10
The Anima and Animus I always found to be an interesting Idea. it has to do with the other side of yourself depending if your male or female you would be focusing on the opposite gender. I sort of took the Idea as what would happen if you took this anima or animus as some form of mental partner or a girlfriend or boyfriend if you want to look at it that way. I find the science very interesting I was curious if anyone here has fiddled with the concept.


^This is just some anime opening that I feel explains it very well in some sense.
Welcome to Writers Corner! / To be continued
May 06, 2020, 22:24:43
Hey its been a while, long time no see, I still come on this forum a lot I just rarely post. Curious since this is the writers corner is it ok to use this forum as some sorta story platform for myself? If possible probably want to pin this so writers corner doesn't look like it's getting spammed. My storys arn't the most formatted so you might not always be on track with them.


Welcome to Dreams! / Funfire's Dream journal
October 08, 2018, 08:23:05
I think its about time I started doing my own dream journal! I love reading about other peoples dreams, but it's a bit unfair of me to read into other people dreams without displaying my own, so I'll reciprocate.

honestly nothin like a bit of a nightmare to get me motivated in creating a dream journal lol! classic spooktober  :-o

I'm going to post the dream in its own post, so imma post this then write out the dream.  :-)

Over the past couple months, I have been having a lot of fun with phasing. trying to have a sort of control over my dreams isn't my strong suit, and honestly thats fine, I get more important information from dreams if I just play their story.

So one kewl thing I learned on how to increase phasing, is creating a sorta bridge or a connection that will allow you to phase much faster and should allow a much more immersive experience.

These are just what worked for me, don't feel as if you need to do the things I did.

it took a lot! of trail and error to find what worked best for me, So here's my bridge. (I had found, or created) an entity that I sought a partnership with on the other side through phasing. of course I'd pefer female compainons since I'm a male so I created a female entity, I decided Since I created this entity and it was made with Love in mind, I would keep her in mind every day.

I could go over the Details of this Entity, but i'll save that for another day. I will leave hints to what she/he has been called before. some relevant Code NAmes (Christopher)[Male],(Christina)[Female]. I wouldn't get to hung up on these names tho.

This is like a transdiemnsional (romeo and juliet lol), but no seriously this method actually has been showing major improvements and results. Ever since I made contant with this Entity, their has been a literal entanglement effect across what seems the entire universe. After creating a Loving relationship with this entity, I found out a lot more on how the universe also works, I never thought I'd be able to gain information from what could seem like a mirror of myself, but I have gained so much understanding through her.

The reason why I say found, and created becuase it takes 2 points to make a connection. This entity I found seemed to be around longer, or is at least not affect by time heavly like us. I'm finding clues and msg's that were left from her influence.

I'm curious if anyone has done the same?

So uhhhh, its been a bit since I was able to post, had issues that needed to be resolved.

Obviously things are changing, and it seems others are seeing this too.

I'm curious to see how our future will play out.

What are your thoughts on the matter? and or do you not see the tables turning?
Man! i've been here so long, but havn't made an introduction. Reason being is that, I find introductions to be the scariest thing I could ever do be it here or in something like school, or first day to anything of that matter.

I'll start listing off myself in ways I find kewl.

Born 02/06/1998
Live in Phoenix
Left Handed
Love the Color Green!
I only Fear miscommunicated Love, and I only Love true Love.
I am a "scrub" virgin who, was so crazy I found her in myself.: After he found her, he could not truly find this love in anyone else, but only fractions.
I feel as if I have truly nothing more else to find, as I have no more wants for myself.
The only other thing I could ever want is for everyone else to be happy with myself included.

I proclaim to be nothing, when i am something. However, in many eyes people see something and never their own nothing. (It's just an imagination as an {idiot} would say, an extremely Far sighted answer as always.) Imagination is what truly seperate Man from beast, If you neglect your own imagination then you already lost and a beast they will be.

I can accept my worst and best parts about me with Love and if I can do that, anyone can, and everyone could accept the worst and best in each other and themselves, many problems would be solved; [however this may create a few unheard of problems.(I can go into this later)]

The Only problem I only see now is how people are miscommunicating at an unhealthy rate. Some of this is being midigated through what could be called the (trumps fake news movement) giving people at least a glimpse into their own hells and what they think is right and wrong. But this (movement) is also a faliure in its true execution possibly dividing people even more, who never had as much love as those who were blessed with LOVE.

America seems almost as if its own (majority grouped psychology) is that of a joke(tell me if im wrong). It's like people arn't allowd to take their own lives seriously!  Jordan peterson has also a similar msg, in that if you don't deal with yourself seriously!(now!!!) [an example{because schooling in america never did!!!}] You will very much regret it in the future.

I do have much more to say! But im going to end it here for the moment.  :wink:

LOVE  :-)

I am open to all questions as well!
Welcome to Writers Corner! / 2. The. US.
July 13, 2018, 13:14:19


Too the Winners(understanding)(Love)

Too the Losers(understanding in defeat)(Love)

I have come greedly out of Love so I can write the names of myself in all who see the truth.

Just another dreamer to another.

All are true winners!

Their is a light at the end of the road. 4 I truly found her. (True Love).

I've discovered this little secret a couple weeks ago.

sorry for the vagueness, im just really happy   :lol:

please excuse my infinite arrogance.


Wow it has been a cool ride. what is to come to truely understand what you are(consciousness). I was never able to accept I was conciousness because I was always trying to find the logic in all the maddness in people and the universe. I finnally understand though, why we are in what seems to be that exactly oppisate to that of the dream. I looked into particle physics to find the randomness that particles express. I looked into the macro into our universe, and wonder why it doesnt look random at all.... I then realized I was gravely mistaken. it is because the fastest thing we can see is light, this makes anything outside our solar system not 1=1 communication with the (relative)observer. this does including our close relative(solar systems), Like (Aplha Centauri) it is so close but the data we recieve from it will always be 4 years old. This means infinite unforseen problems beyond our solar sysetm. As people can see the univese expanding, we only see that, as we are only getting information from photons(light). This means that because we are not recieving information directly, from light, A true experience(experiencer) must go beyond that of just light(what is true nothingness?). as what it is to OBE/Dream is to create an envioment/ or the envioment creates a 1=1 relations ship with the observer(or)envioment. it is when one truly becomes lucid, one is in full control of their envioment. but I understand being lucid is now not the (exact) same as an OBE.
I would call what we live in a lucid experience. An envioment that confroms to my own intent, but i needed to find all logic then drop it to see what it was to be nothing. it was from the perspective of nothing/(no ego/you). However dropping my logic and myself, was the wrong step i found...... I needed to accept myself, and the deepest insanitys, in myself to see, I was really a good person. To understand now that I was a truely good person, I understand that everyone thought of themselves as the good person always(which is good but you can't learn by always being good, You have to love true evil to accept... well at least accept who I was.(I have never done anything like super bad btw( in the physical anyway..) I accepted myself, the insanity and the logic, and this is great! for what would be true enlightenment..... but its funny.... cause true enlightment was honestly a pretty halarious joke/and something extremely serious. You have to truely accept the truest evils in yourself to accept yourself,(as logically humans only did horrid things because they were in an envioment that encouraged their own awful behavior)(it was always out of the love of self(love of survival(love)) That anyone could love true evil as I can't see evil in what is just logical for anyone to do in their situation.)

It's more of like i've now stopped being lucid and im now just always in the OBE. as my imagination has infinity increased with my own acceptance of my own insanitys(just as i will still always accept all logic that this universe throws at me/us).

literally this experience is just so anyone can get enough disccomunication that, they wont kill themselves( as a halariously..but as extremely sad sucide is.... I know what its like to truely accept death.) for has one ever truely experience what it is to die? if u dont know then u havnt died yet...))) because of it, its that with the understanding of true discommunication you can understand true love, and  this helps form the best mind set to handle all discommunication that can only be handled be logical love.

if anyone couldn't understand this, i can always bring up our logical universe and then point to all illogic it comes from. be it human sciences or myself or any human condition). saying human sounds demeaning..... but I don't like to look at myself as (many people(or even just 1)  have no faith in.

sorry if it's hard to understand where im coming from. it is to rip all refrences from ones self to become the best refrence. as the only refrence anyone ever was....., was love....

I can say after 20 years I finally feel.. awake heh heh....  :lol:

:evil: :-D 8-)

If anyone can get this refrence lol "I'm not a psychopath, im a high functioning sociopath."  :-)

Last note (im fine btw) <<< just for anyone who didn't think I was fine. As I cant help but Infinitly worry about people, i need to put this out for anyone who, has those deep anxeitys. (I'm Fine)(you're fine)


Just an idea^ :lol:
So most of the time when I'm semi lucid or lucid in a dream I feel that at times I can't effect the environment at all. Now I found some tricks like opening a door and picturing what you want can mostly work the problem is that I don't always find a door. Sometimes I can sorta hover or like decrease gravity so I can sorta bounce around. However besides that I find that most environments I end up in are very concrete and it's really hard to influence them while lucid. When I'm not lucid this doesn't seem too be a problem. Most of these lucid dream by the way aren't using any method it's usually when I just find myself sleeping. If I do wake up for 10 or 15 minutes I can usually enter the non physical/lucid dream and do what I want.

If you guys know any tricks to getting complete control of a dream I'd love to know.  :-D
over the past year I've found that understanding my dreams seem to give me hints or details to my future this does not include all my dreams though as some can just be random or I don't understand their meaning. these hints or details usually only for the day i wake up in. I find the feeling of the situations in my dreams matches how my day will pan out over the next 24 hours. I find it very cool but even though i know whats going to sorta happen I cant really stop it or change course. This has really helped keep my confidence that the non physical is something that is real and exists outside the physical mind.

honestly some times I can guess things correctly very often depending on the situation and feeling. I cant really tell if its me being really open minded or just being able to sorta get some sorta non physical sense to predict the outcome.

I don't record my dreams because I'm a bit lazy but I'm thinking I should to see what else I can learn from these dreams.
As you can see from the subject [ V/ +1 Perspective x V/ +1 Reality = V/ +1 Experience] this is in fact true however these can all be arranged differently to explain your perception reality and experience.

Perspective living in a Reality creates an a experience or memory.

there is 1 perspective to every human but it in itself a variable waiting to be solved by progress. This Perspective is relative to reality and experience and vice versa. There is also 1 Experience you can get from 1 perspective and 1 reality over the course of progressive time.

I put +1 to show infinite progress. and V as relative variables to Perspective, Reality and Experience.

However through the 4th dimension perspective then uses it's own experiences to create reality with relative experience.

V/ +1 Perspective = V/ +1 Experience/ V/ +1 Reality

This is the theoretical formula that explains true reality, perspective and experience is equal too 1 and everything in between 0 and 1 is countable infinity and this is where progress comes in.

Here's an example so say your some average 3rd dimensional Joe at said moment and lets just say his perspective to him is 1 which is true, however to true 3rd D reality it could be .000000...0001 this answer right here would be called true 3rd D perspective relative to experience in 1 true 3rd D Reality.

However [ true Reality= true experience/ true perspective ] this would look like 1=1/1 and it would also be right. but from the beginning as starting consciousness we don't realize this off the bat until we understand progress.

Progress is the will of the Perspective relative to reality and experience to get from 0 to 1 through countable infinity.

However what is true Reality, experience, and perspective well they are all relative to each other. However because True Reality, Experience, and perspective are all relative to each other there has to be a variable because they are 1 but you can never truly get to 1 because there is progress and progress could be said variable.

as soon as you get to 1 you find yourself back to say .999999... because 4th D True Reality, experience, and perspective is always growing and progressing. just as is our Perspective relative to our Reality's and experiences.

So everything that has happen in our Universe has already been solved from the beginning. That is because This 3 dimensional reality is at 1 relative to progress and has already been perceived with 1 true perspective, the 1 whole theoretical creator. but True experience is also unique and could be said to be every perspective from every living thing in this 1 true 3 dimensional reality and that is Equivalent to 1 True 3 dimensional Perspective.

It is because this universe has already been calculated that we're living in it relative to progressive time.

1 Reality = V/1 experience/ V/1 Perspective

V representing number of living perspectives and experiences in our 3 dimensional reality. they are divided by 1 because we don't have an exact number of perspective and experiences and V is everything between 0 and 1. but in the theoretical end their all 1 true perspective, Experience relative to our 1 true 3 Dimensional reality.

time moves forward so 1 true 3rd D reality can get to our true 3 dimensional 1 Perspective and Experiences.

People try too connect to this 1 within the 4th dimension and they find it but because of true progress their always one step behind so they can move one step forward.

True progress seems to be in itself a true constant for our 3rd and 4th dimension.

Progress is also not just getting to 1 but how you got 1 which is why everything is relative to Perception, Reality, and experience.

4th Dimensional view

[V/ +1 Perspective x V/ +1 Reality = V/ +1 Experience]

[V/ +1 Perspective = V/ +1 Experience/ V/ +1 Reality ]

[V/ +1 Reality = V/ +1 experience/ V/ +1 Perspective]

our 3 Dimensional view

[1 Reality =  V/1 experience/  V/1 Perspective] Relative to place in time.

V would be the variable of every living things perspective and experience from 0 to 1

every living entities perspective and experience added together is how you get to 1 in experience and perspective in our 3rd Dimensional Reality.

So what do you guys think of this idea? does it seem right or if I may have missed something. or you could just be looking at this very confused which I don't blame you.

I've realized during school that If I could just look at something I can mentally touch it with my non physical hands. This only works for me if my hands are not receiving much input in the physical. It's like another way to remember a feeling. I imagine if my non physical hand were say on my water bottle it would feel like it would if I were actually holding it. If I could see how much water was in said water bottle I would be able to instantly calculate for the feeling of weight. Because I have felt so many things like weight, textures, hot/cold, pain and nothingness I'm able to usually able to come up with the right feeling just by having the intent to feel said object. If I were to see something I haven't touched or felt before I can still simulate what it would feel like if I were to touch it with very high accuracy.

With this ability it makes it easier for me too immerse myself in the non physical or the thought itself.
Every person is on the same level, relative to perspective. It's ok to know when someone is less aware than you at said X and you could help them get to your level relative to your perspective. However if you think your better than them at said X you put yourself at a disadvantage by underestimating their own perspective, therefore underestimating progress itself.
Life is like a school. We're all waiting to get out of class but there is so much to learn right in front of us. Some one can get an A and someone else can get a D however the kid who got a D can learn from his mistake and grow from it in relative time if they choose too. Ask questions or for help and your bound to find an answer relative to the question. The fear of making mistakes is the worst fear of all. dreams are like going home to your more personal life. It's because we can progress and learn we exist. No matter how long we stand still we will eventually get from point A to point B and from point B to Point Z. It's everything in between that we can call reality or an experience and we grow from each of these.

You wouldn't be you if you weren't here now. I'm glad to be alive each relative second.
What would you like to do in the non physical if time weren't an issue and you had astral awareness the entire time.

examples being what reality's would you create? who would you save from there own reality's? what would you want to learn? etc...
So over the past years I have had really nice dream recall. my recall skills still did vary at times depending if I was keeping up with my dream journal or not, but I usually don't forget when I encounter something outside my original realm of thought in the non physical. I'll just be mentioning some random encounters and other things that have been interesting.

1. So there was this one time I had a dream with 2 unknown alien entity's. this dream started of with me wanting to have an obe however I was in the non physical already I just wasn't fully aware. It seemed that me and some other humans were on some ship or in some facility and our intent was to escape this odd gloomy futuristic lab of sorts. so on are way trying to escape we find ourselves being chased by some big dark 9ft alien creature. So as we were all fleeing from this dark creature I just kinda gave up. I thought why even run I'll just confront this creature and so I did. The creature stopped running at me and stopped and was just looking at me. however out of no where some weird blue liquid alien came from behind the black creature. the blue liquid creature bounced right on top of me and I was kinda in him and then it jumped to somewhere else I cant remember. however I realized that my body changed and It was all made out of liquid in humanoid form. the feeling was one of a kind I literally felt like I could move and do things but I was also fragile and could sorta splash apart if hit by any object. I then woke up soon after

2. I've been trying to experimenting with be barely being conscious in the physical and also in the non physical. Once when I was trying out the wake back to bed technique and found myself in the trance I usually feel when i'm dreaming. I then proceeded to just barely open my left eye to see what I could do while in this state. I then tried to put some intent to try to create something and I was able to hallucinate or bring into view some small human like entity. this entity was trying to interact with me but I only awake for 5 or 10 seconds before i closed my eyes and lost my awareness in a dream. I'm not sure what the entity wanted.

3. My most aware experience was about a year ago. I was sleeping in my grand parents basement in because our family was having summer vacation up where my grand parents live. So I go to sleep on this small bed and I find my self floating up with the bed up from the basement (I found it very interesting on how similar the dream was to the where my grandparents live). however I ran into some wooden stair railings and phased through them by some how by lowering my awareness. I go to the kitchen and was not attached to the bed anymore. I was curious on what I could do so I tried raising my energy level to see what would happen. I started floating but came back down cause I felt exhausted doing whatever I was just doing. didn't really have any clear intent at the time but to explore and see what I can find. I run out of the house its bright out I then find this girl for some reason I ask if she's my spirit guide or something and she looked at me weird and didn't want anything to do with me. I don't know if there was something I missed but I found myself running back to my grand parents house. its dark out as I was running home there was some other kid who running the same path I was but was like a reflection and he said we should get back or something. I found my self Irritated with him for no reason. I get to the house however it's very dark and ominous I enter the house it's almost pitch black in there. as I ran inside I started going up the stairs to the second story but back flipped off the stairs because the pitch black darkness was kind of terrifying. I sprint for the front door to get out I open it and some dark disfigured humanoid entity jumps out and scares the hell out of me and I woke up. I feel I could of progressed much further if I wasn't afraid of the unknown at the time.

4. I realized in some of my dreams that have low light or a heavy amount of darkness effects how I interpret the non physical and how it reacts to me.

First off thank you EscapeVelocity for posting on how to deal with a lucid dream is too go with the flow.

Link too the post I'm referring too.

One of the issues I would have with an LD, or NP is when I got in control I would neglect the dream. I would always think what would I want to do instead of what the dream and or my subconscious wanted me to do. I'm surprised I didn't realize this sooner... I can also confirm for myself that this is one of the ways I've been unknowingly sabotaging my own progress, because the few NP experiences that I went with the flow ended up being long and rewarding than most others. I'm not saying that every NP experience has too go with the flow but I can't believe I didn't think of that sooner.
Hi i'm new to astral pulse so sorry if i ask a lot of questions. For starters i have had a couple out of body experiences however all of them were really short but i noticed somethings that i remember. Also since I still have not had a good long out of body experience i cant tell if they are false awakenings or an OBE and i haven't confirmed seeing my body or the silver cord so sorry if they may be lucid dreams.

1. i projected in 2 seperate occasions for a couple of seconds seeing that everything had a light blue tint does this seem right or were these false awakening because it seemed real.

2. Once when i was sleeping i then felt my hand push against something then i opened my eyes and it was my floor then i flipped my body over and started to try to make out what was suppose to be my room but everything was out of place was i just dreaming or is that how it's suppose to be.

3. i'm curious on how some people project do you stay awake but keep your body still until you project or do you cling to the thought of astral projection while you go to sleep?

4. silly question but is it possible If you were to become very skilled at astral projection can you become aware of both the physical world and the astral planes at the same time?

5. also from doing some research I've been really confused on this thing called the Kundalini energy i get its some huge like energy that can help you with astral projection is this true? if so i've been trying to raise it but haven't really felt any huge surge of energy besides feeling the vibration of trying to astral project.