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Topics - Michael_E


Using high speed cameras the photographer took note as to the form crystals made within the water when coupled with concentrated thought.

We are over 90% water, its a wonder what our thoughts can do to us.
Its one thing to take a verbal warning from nutritionists about how unhealthy eating too much fat, smoking, coffee, and lack of excersize are to the heart but last thursday i got to see the results up close and it left much more of an impact.

we had two bodies to disect and look at: one who was a heavy smoker and one who wasnt. when the doctor cut across an artery at the heart from the smoker it was like cutting into bone, we could hear the scalpel rubbing against the calcified plaque, kind of like nails across a chalkboard.

Upon looking at the bodies lungs, the smoker's were black and had what felt like marbels in the lower areas whereas the non-smoker's were largely pinkish with some blackish patches caused by pollution and no marbels. The marbels in the smokers lungs turned out to be cancerous which the person apparently wasnt aware of.

After seeing the differences i cant believe cigerettes are still allowed to be sold.
A lot of time i hear advice given to newbies that astral projection takes patience and is not easy and it can take up to a year or three months or 90 days to get a decent experience but how many people actually do achieve that goal in that amount of time? What if thinking that it is something that is not natural or easy or will most likely occur in a set amount of days is what is limiting people from having oobe now, tonight? Maybe its the thought of depending on a method that is keeping people from projecting as natuarlly as they want. We dont need a method to breath or dream so why need a method to project?

Is it a coincidence that some people i know who have picked it up right away were also initially taught that projection is simple, easy, natural and possible tonight and every night there after if that is what they sincerely thought to be true, hmmm... what do yall think?
When i hug people i feel energy raise up to my heart. While out of body i felt like hugging my surroundings and this is what happened:

I had woke up to turning sensations and had use of my rtz arms and sight. i imagined a rope coming down from the ceiling above and two came down for some reason. Reached up with my rtz arms and pulled myself out. i slid through my room's window and stood outside my home by some trees. I looked around at my surroundings and felt energy raise up to my heart in the same way and feeling that it does when hugging someone. All of a sudden i felt like hugging someone but there was no one around to hug, so i reached out my arms and pulled them towards myself in an attempt to hug empty space. Upon doing that my surroundings began being pulled towards me, sort of being stretch out like rubber.

I went more with the hugging feeling and the ground, the buildings, the trees, the sky and stars all started being pulled and abosrbed toward and into me. When the trees and ground and everything else is absorbed it becomes a part of the raising energy to my heart. Feelings of closeness and acceptance fill my heart as it begins to pulsate expanding and contracting. with every expansion my surroundings are pulled more quickly towards me and my heart feels like it grows in size. The feelings of closeness become very profound and completely take over, my heart expands one last time and the raising energy releases into my whole body. The only thing i can see now is light, the feelings of closeness becomes too intense, i feel like i am going to pass out, i do, and wake up covered in sweat, snot and drool, what a nice way to end an oobe.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / google
December 03, 2004, 00:39:13
go to and type in failure, then hit im feeling lucky instead of search. do the same thing for weapons of mass destruction and take a close look at the page.
Scans of Monks' Brains
Show Meditation Alters
Structure, Functioning

All of the Dalai Lama's guests peered intently at the brain scan
projected onto screens at either end of the room, but what different
guests they were.

On one side sat five neuroscientists, united in their belief that
physical processes in the brain can explain all the wonders of the
mind, without appeal to anything spiritual or nonphysical.

Facing them sat dozens of Tibetan Buddhist monks in burgundy-and-
saffron robes, convinced that one round-faced young man in their
midst is the reincarnation of one of the Dalai Lama's late teachers,
that another is the reincarnation of a 12th-century monk, and that
the entity we call "mind" is not, as neuroscience says, just a
manifestation of the brain.

It was not, in other words, your typical science meeting.

But although the Buddhists and scientists who met for five days
last month in the Dalai Lama's home in Dharamsala, India, had
different views on the little matters of reincarnation and the
relationship of mind to brain, they set them aside in the interest
of a shared goal. They had come together in the shadows of the
Himalayas to discuss one of the hottest topics in brain science:

The term refers to the brain's recently discovered ability to change
its structure and function, in particular by expanding or
strengthening circuits that are used and by shrinking or weakening
those that are rarely engaged. In its short history, the science of
neuroplasticity has mostly documented brain changes that reflect
physical experience and input from the outside world. In pianists
who play many arpeggios, for instance, brain regions that control
the index finger and middle finger become fused, apparently because
when one finger hits a key in one of these fast-tempo movements, the
other does so almost simultaneously, fooling the brain into thinking
the two fingers are one. As a result of the fused brain regions, the
pianist can no longer move those fingers independently of one

Lately, however, scientists have begun to wonder whether the brain
can change in response to purely internal, mental signals. That's
where the Buddhists come in. Their centuries-old tradition of
meditation offers a real-life experiment in the power of those will-
o'-the-wisps, thoughts, to alter the physical matter of the brain.

"Of all the concepts in modern neuroscience, it is neuroplasticity
that has the greatest potential for meaningful interaction with
Buddhism," says neuroscientist Richard Davidson of the University of
Wisconsin, Madison. The Dalai Lama agreed, and he encouraged monks
to donate (temporarily) their brains to science.

The result was the scans that Prof. Davidson projected in
Dharamsala. They compared brain activity in volunteers who were
novice meditators to that of Buddhist monks who had spent more than
10,000 hours in meditation. The task was to practice "compassion"
meditation, generating a feeling of loving kindness toward all

"We tried to generate a mental state in which compassion permeates
the whole mind with no other thoughts," says Matthieu Ricard, a
Buddhist monk at Shechen Monastery in Katmandu, Nepal, who holds a
Ph.D. in genetics.

In a striking difference between novices and monks, the latter
showed a dramatic increase in high-frequency brain activity called
gamma waves during compassion meditation. Thought to be the
signature of neuronal activity that knits together far-flung brain
circuits, gamma waves underlie higher mental activity such as
consciousness. The novice meditators "showed a slight increase in
gamma activity, but most monks showed extremely large increases of a
sort that has never been reported before in the neuroscience
literature," says Prof. Davidson, suggesting that mental training
can bring the brain to a greater level of consciousness.

Using the brain scan called functional magnetic resonance imaging,
the scientists pinpointed regions that were active during compassion
meditation. In almost every case, the enhanced activity was greater
in the monks' brains than the novices'. Activity in the left
prefrontal cortex (the seat of positive emotions such as happiness)
swamped activity in the right prefrontal (site of negative emotions
and anxiety), something never before seen from purely mental
activity. A sprawling circuit that switches on at the sight of
suffering also showed greater activity in the monks. So did regions
responsible for planned movement, as if the monks' brains were
itching to go to the aid of those in distress.

"It feels like a total readiness to act, to help," recalled Mr.

The study will be published next week in Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences. "We can't rule out the possibility
that there was a pre-existing difference in brain function between
monks and novices," says Prof. Davidson, "but the fact that monks
with the most hours of meditation showed the greatest brain changes
gives us confidence that the changes are actually produced by mental

That opens up the tantalizing possibility that the brain, like the
rest of the body, can be altered intentionally. Just as aerobics
sculpt the muscles, so mental training sculpts the gray matter in
ways scientists are only beginning to fathom.

See also:
Up until recently i had not had too much success with rope, i figured out why  through this experience.

I had woken up to warm fluid sensations running through my body, i could move around my rtz arms and see through my eyelids but nothing else and couldnt pull myself up at will. At this point i decided to do rope and floated up very easily and freely, i was very surprised how the projection went so smoothly, no shooting out like a bullet, no drunken stooper, no spinning out and thumping on the floor no getting pulled and stretched out. For some reason i hadnt thought of doing rope from the point in which astral sight kicks in but it worked like a charm.

Up until the past few oobs ive had i had been concentrating on rope as being what will get me into the state of mind that will project me out, but it doesnt seem to work like that. I feel kind of dumb saying this because im sure its been said by those who have gone before me but getting the method to work isnt the hard part of oobe, instead it seems to be the easiest part. The "hard" (i speak for myself of course) part is getting into the state in which the exit method will work easily. when astral sight pops up its a good time to do rope anytime you can move around your rtz arms within your body doing rope is a good idea. i think most of our time when trying to project should be spent obtaining the state of mind most conductive to getting out probably through relaxing and deepening trance as much as possible.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / levitation movies
October 27, 2004, 00:14:15

The objects are levitated using no energy input ie. a battery, and would levitate probably forever if left alone. This is done via diamagnetism, in which minute amounts of intrinsic magnetic properties(electrons) are expeled from the object and repeled by a magnet. more details about that at the link towards the bottom of the page.
this is from the kundalini support network yahoo group. i thought it was something well said about anger that yall might like reading:

I, likeyou, and like many other women, face a real dilemma when a spiritual path seems to indicate that releasing anger is necessary, especially when the spiritual work itself seems to be bringing the anger to the surface! I am wary of recommending to anyone that they let go of anger before they have really had a chance to have it and honor it. But i know. too. that i can get attached to anger precisely because it feels so good. In my closest relationships the question is always should i say something or let it go. Different answers every time. S lately ive been praying evert time i get angry aqnd this helps-- if i do choose to say something it comes from a less personally wounded place and sometimes my words are even constructive.

This is an ongoing, unfinished and extremely important project for me and I'm really glad you brought it up. ***

Dear ****, *, *** and the other private posters,

I agree. Setting up safety zones/boundaries/rules before beginning to dive into anger is paramount. I bet Angelique has some very cogent words to say about trust in potentially dangerous situations. There must be absolute trust between the facilitator and a person rediscovering their anger. I say rediscover because babes are natural at expressing raw anger. Adults, uncomfortable with anger teach children in many different ways to stifle it.

Some people will be able to begin walking the path alone. Most wont. In my own experience, my anger was trapped under something very calloused. After wearing away the callous, the anger underneath was pretty raw and I was like a kid with a new toy, cause yes, it does feel good when it is coming out.

I have had my own definite healing experiences from doing my own anger path. After one session, I walked by a mirror and stood transfixed as I stared at myself. My eyes had become very clear and bright. Since then, a lot of bodily aches and pains have left. I no longer have high blood pressure.

IMO, mastering the energy of energy is just like learning to ride a bike. It takes practice, People will fall down, have accidents, but they gotta keep gettin back up on the bike. Be circumspect in using anger as a tool of desturction ( a valid use IMO). i think this is because anger calls people into action. Anger in and of itself is not the problem. Its what people decide to do with it is.

Being irresponsible in _expression of anger is inexcusable. Such a powerful emotion can be a channel for good and for transformation. I have discovered I am never angry for the reason I think. And other people aren't angry at me for what I did. It's not my fault that they get mad. I can't make other people angry unless they hand me the power to do so. What triggers the anger is not the what appears on the surface. Normally, I feel angry when I feel afraid of loss. I feel small and helpless, or I feel less than. How dare they make me feel that way!!!!!!! Generally, anger arises out of a fear I have found. People who are angry are telling me they feel unloved in some core way. This includes me. Adults are just wounded children in that respect.

It's hard for me to get a good 'mad' going for longer than 10 minutes these days. I have to work really hard to make it last a half hour. I have become too adept at self examination and discover the core of  the anger very quickly now. THe anger is diffused almost  automatically.

THe anger burns away the old fears and reveals more of my true essence. THe anger remains until the fuel (the fears) are gone.. . until the next fear is discovered. Will I still have anger when there is nothing to fear? I think so cause this is a powerful emotion of creation.  

Don't beat yourself up for being angry. That doesn't help. If other people are offended by your emotion/energy... too bad. Don't apologize for how you feel. If they react to the energy its because they have a problem with that energy.

Again, act responsibly with this powerful energy. It's possible to be very angry and hurt no one including yourself in any way. I have seen some anger that was truly terrifying (particularly from men) and its awesome. We are powerful beings. These expressions of anger were done in a safe place with particular rules.

I learned to stand in the current of the anger and let the energy  flow around me. Its possible if I stand in nonresistance. I choose instead to become fascinated by this awesome creative/destructive power.

It feels like a hot, desert wind.

Yes, it does take practice to not be overwhelmed by the a runaway horse. Ride on top of it (surf it) and be one with and feel and respect its power until it dissipates. It does dissapte if allowed to express itself. As I have said before, it comes, its here, it goes.

In my experience, the problems and dangers come when I don't let it go. Stay on for the ride and get off when its over.
In beginning to express your anger, my first suggestions would be to discover your motivations for not getting angry in the first place.  It usually is to please someone or some credo. Ask yourself what really makes you mad. Decide what you are going to do about it. Journaling helps...screaming into the wind helps, talking with  trusted friends who love me helps. What comes up may suprise you. When I began to walk the anger path. . . the only thing I could think of that makes me mad was I didn't know how to be mad. And I couldn't say it out loud very convincingly either. I was really pathetic. So there is a lot of ground here. Put me in a room with a group of people and we could go lot further along the path than just read about it.

IMHO having awakened K is big advantage.

This path can feel very scary at first. Like riding a horse at a dead run with no reins and no saddle (been there, done that) Trust your body wisdom and your higher self to place you in an experience where there is only room for victory.

My favorite mantras for this kind of work when the Tidal waves begin to crash over me.... I *feel* afraid and I *am* safe... Remember to breathe. Holding your breath blocks the release of energy.

Hope this helps.

Welcome to News and Media! / Cars that run on air
October 02, 2004, 19:51:15

supposed to be good for short distances for all you city drivers.
a good book titled: Have an Out-of-Body Experience in 30 Days:
The Free-Flight Program

Harary is a known parapsychologist and has done some amazing work on remote viewing. Its a good buy and only 6 big ones.
heres a link to the event:

A great opportunity to hear from some excellant keynote speakers including joe mcmoneagle (an expert Remote Viewer can get over 60% success rate) and Dr. Ray Moody.

Minister gets 30 months in boy's death
Judge also bars him from performing other exorcisms
Posted: Aug. 17, 2004
A Milwaukee minister whose attempt to perform an exorcism ended in the death of an 8-year-old boy was sentenced Tuesday to 30 months in prison and 7 1/2 years of state supervision for the botched ritual last August.

Hemphill Trial

The sentence bars Ray Anthony Hemphill, 46, a former maintenance worker with no religious schooling who conducted services in a strip-mall sanctuary, from attempting any more exorcisms during the next 10 years without formal training in the practice. Circuit Judge Jean DiMotto said the prohibition, and the extended supervision, were needed to protect Milwaukee from Hemphill's unorthodox religious practices.

"The community cannot risk another child being hurt, much less being killed, in a religious ritual," DiMotto said.

Altogether, the sentence meets the 10-year maximum Hemphill faced after a jury convicted him in July of child abuse - recklessly causing great bodily harm.

Hemphill was also ordered to pay $1,224.75 in restitution.

He spoke only briefly at the sentencing hearing:

"Your honor, I'm truly sorry for what happened to Terrance Cottrell Jr. That is what I would like to say. Thanks."

The boy had been coming to prayer services at Faith Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith, 8709 W. Fond du Lac Ave, for about three weeks. They were intended to cure the boy's autism.

The services, Hemphill told police, ran an hour or two most nights and involved close physical contact, sometimes with his body lying across the child's torso. But on Aug. 22, 2003, he noticed that the boy, who was being held down by his mother, two other women and Hemphill, had stopped breathing. Hemphill called 911 and performed CPR, but Terrance died.

None of the other three has been charged for her role in the death.

District Attorney E. Michael McCann said his office decided against homicide charges because the state would have been required to show that Hemphill realized his actions presented a "great likelihood" of causing great bodily harm or death to the boy.

An autopsy found that Cottrell suffocated and the jury found Hemphill responsible even though his attorney, Thomas Harris, argued that the boy had toxic levels of medicines in his bloodstream.

Harris contended that his client needed only probation, with a stayed prison term hanging over his head, to keep him from endangering others. He spent more than 30 minutes laying out the reasons Hemphill's is "not a prison case," including his client's peaceful nature and good intentions in holding the ceremony.

DiMotto said the child's death requires at least some time behind bars.

Afterward, Terrance's mother and father each said they agreed with the prison sentence.

"He's doing some kind of time, that's his punishment, but for killing a child, that's kind of low," Terrance Cottrell Sr. said.

Cottrell's mother, Patricia Cooper, said, "He would still be here today if I never would have taken him to that church."
Welcome to Metaphysics! / telepathy drills
July 19, 2004, 09:04:44
here is a transcript to a good wworkshop on telepathy. its really long but good if you are really interested in telepathy.
I was at a psych convention with a friend and had just gotten a seat. chated a little with my friend when one of the women speakers started  talking i looked up at her and suddenly saw a dark, drab green in front of and above her head. inside  the green on her left side  around her eye were three green balls with a lighter colored  greenish  yellowish  color on the inside, the perimeter was a darker green.  From what i read in books a dark green is someting not too positive, but she as speaking very enthusiastically and her face and  body language didnt really show some negative mindset.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Robert in NYC
July 13, 2004, 10:44:12
Robert Bruce is coming to the big apple in october. Im wondering how many here from the metro area would go to one of his week long worrkshops.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Eh, food for thought
June 30, 2004, 14:55:07
It is commonly thought:  that afterimages are generated by
colour depletion, of the rods and cones in the eyes, caused by
staring at one colour for too long.  This generates the
reverse, or negative colour, of that colour.  An afterimage
stays in sight until this colour depletion is corrected, and
the eyes return to normal.

Now, you could say that my eyes are becoming depleted of the
colour blue, by continuing to do this, thus more easily
generating the yellow aura.  So, I turn around and look at a
red shirt hanging on a hook behind me, on the other side of
the room.  This time, a clear, dense, bright-green aura
appears in just under five seconds.  This is _far_ too short a
time to generate an afterimage?  Now, when I am on what I
call, a clairvoyant high, the auras of colours appear to me,
almost the instant I glance at them - within one second.
There is no appreciable delay at all, they are just there,
ballooning out from colours, as I look at them.-RB

It could be possible that RB is able to control the anatomy of the nerve cells in the eyes so that the threshold or the point in which it takes for the rods to become depleted become less. This would not be on a conscious level but by activating the goal processing aspect of our minds by saying to himself "lets see how long it takes for me to see how fast I can see an afterimage" he could be physiologically setting up the stage to minimize the threshold of the depletion of the rods whatever color they are being stimulated by. So, it wouldn't be a matter of it being biologically impossible for the rods to be depleting at the rate he is viewing them being depleted, but that no one has really tried to add an aspect of intention on how fast they could see an afterimage the way he did in the original findings(20 seconds or so) on how fast the rods can be depleted.
After finding out that it is possible to see touch by closing the eyes and lightly pressing in on them (the stimulus this time being touch instead of light, will be perceived and interpreted by the brain as amorphous lights or spots, try it yourself if you don't believe) I thought it might be possible to do something of a similar fashion with auric sight. How would it be possible to receive feedback of an aura's presence with the eyes closed? In the same way that our eyes can give us feedback in the form of visual output(amorphous lights) of the fingers pressing against the eyes(touch), perhaps the brow chakra can give us some kind of feedback of the presence of the subtle energies it receives with the physical eyes closed.

Like the touching the closed eyes experiment we could close the eyes and this time, open and active the brow chakra and place it touching against the aura. Doing so could provide some info on about how closely related the two structures, eyes and brow chakra, function. Give me a hollar if you are willing to try this out with me.
It was a rough night for me i couldnt sleep, tossed and turned the whole night. I lay over on my back around 4:00 am and i felt trance sensations kick in, the wierd part was that i was wide awake. I started feeling very heavy and i couldnt move my body but my eyes were still open and i was wide awake fascinated at what was happening. Around my legs i felt something gooey like a thick gel, I tried moving my arms to get myself back in control but they wouldnt move. So, i took out my awareness arms and brushed the gooiness away, when i looked down at my legs at the gooiness i saw black and white stripes surrounding my legs, it reminded me of the pattern you see on zebras.

All the while i still have my eyes open and am looking around as if i were wide awake. I decide to see if i could see my awareness arms thinking it would be amazing to see something like that while physically conscious. i passed my awareness arms in front of my face and saw the two shadowy limbs pass by. After i had cleared away the zebra stripes and saw my arms i got suddenly very tired, regained control over my body rolled over and went to sleep.
Sometimes i feel like some negs will harrass and be buggers and astral baddies because they are asking for help. so who out there has a story to tell about a time when you felt like your lovin rays of light did some good for a neg? one example:

Some years ago my mother had been having frequent nightmares. She would often wake up in the midle of the night in a cry for help that would also wake me up. during one of her nightmare nights and after everything had been settled down, i projected and went to her room to find a big fat grey/dark cloud with dirty yellow eyes hovering and circling around my mothers bed. The dark cloud had noticed me but didnt seem to care and because of that it gave me time to take a mighty upward reach into light and love that shone out of my arms as gold and white light into and at the grey cloud. the ceiling above the dark cloud opened up into another source of very bright gold/white light which i was steering the cloud toward. But alas the dark cloud started writhing and resisting in which i chose to let it go and way it went. low and behold my mothers nightmares were reduced very much after that night, but not completely.
Since i have been going through a dry spell of astral activity i decided to take a rest from trying to do it at all lately.I asked some questions concerning astral projection:

Should i begin attempting to astral project starting tonight?
(this was dissapointing i expected to get a yes thinking the answer yes would be a form of encouragement)

Should i not attempt projection because i am scared?
(fear has been a major contributing factor to my dry spell. Again i expected the answer to be yes because of that)

Did i get an answer no because you know that by telling me not to that it will only make me want to do it more?

Seems like the pendulum knows a lot about my personality. If anything now i am more interested in projecting than letting my fear keep me from it. Thanks Mayatnik!

Welcome to Magic! / seeing faces in a mirror
October 02, 2004, 20:07:48
ive looked at my face a certain way in the mirror so that it would look like it would change form sometimes looking like it is someone else. and  the same can be done looking at someone in front of you. it can be kind of funny to start noticing the changes as they are happening, but do you mean you see another face over your shoulder while looking in the mirror?
Some what terse article!

The original version is located on the Times see: -,,1-2-1275534,00.html


S [:)]

Useful link for comparitive study:
people who do remote viewing usually enter a trance state and get little tastes or flashes of a target and write that or say outlound what they are seeing.

The target maybe experienced in the same way hypnogognic imagary is experienced, sometimes youll only get a flash or taste of someimagry during the hypnogognic state. the hard part is that hypnogognic imagry can be somewhat random and might not have anything to do with a target but then again a successfull hit on a target often seem random as well. for example you may get a flash of a needle which is random and later find out the target was a picture of the empire state building.
When did they discover that afterall? Why only now they decided to give the news and why we cannot see the spacecraft?

Maybe this is lie, and they just want to atract attention....

(but it would be nice if it were true)

I've noticed this from time to time too... in fact, once, I was online at the same time as the person I was Pm'ing to and they seemed to keep disappearing so I thought that person was not getting them... I must have retyped the message 4 times.  I finally concluded that it must be that when the other person deletes a message, it is also deleted from your inbox/outbox.  I don't know if I'm right, however.

Hmmmmm..looks like a dog with a really bad case of the mange..[:P]

Or how bout a Tasmanian Devil, with a really bad case of the mange?

I would confirm that as a perfectly legittmate Aura sighting.

The keys are you were fairly tired, shocked a little by being wet, then you got to completely relax while sitting down (and I bet reading Astral Pulse was very sophoric?).  And I bet you weren't really trying?  Just sort of sitting there mentally rubbing all 3 eyes [:)] ?

Aura's are indeed 3 dimensional, and they move with a life of their own when the person is awake and active (sleep seems to somewhat static?).  Too bad you couldn't have asked the person if they had an injury in their left side?  I've done that before on impulse [;)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Illusions
July 13, 2004, 19:43:20
That was a cool site! [8D] There are a lot of nice optical illusions, and great links for even more visuals.

Welcome to News and Media! / Poll shift??
July 13, 2004, 08:37:48
There is some info at

It is going to happen some time, maybe soon. There are a number of disturbances in the magnetic field already, at least one low orbit satellite has been damaged when passing through an area where the field has collapsed (mid atlantic) and being subjected to solar radiation as a consequence.