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Topics - spiral

Anyone read "The Handbook for the New Paradigm"?
3 Volumes have been written and you can read them all on line.So far I have only read the first two, but I highly recommend them.

N.B: A paradigm shift is a change in attitude, none of that weird demon war stuff!

If anyone gets around to reading them let me know what you think, I'm really interested.
Ever heard of people who can remember (and apparently verify) previous lives that they have lived?

I heard of this a while ago and have just found this website about it..
Check out the library on the site, there are some pretty weird articles.

I am aware of the risk this thread has of launching into another reincarnation debate, but for those of you (and I am one) who don't expect to be reincarnating after this life time, do you have any ideas to explain this one?

I'm just curious about others opinions on this phenomena.

Hi Spiral, there was actually one on the news a few months ago in Queensland I think that crashed near a small town where people at night on there verandas saw it and heard the explosion.  Probably around the same size I would think.  But unless it hits a house it isn't big news. [;)]
Welcome to Dreams! / Whats the difference?
June 16, 2004, 01:08:23
I believe its pretty much what kind of awarness you are trying to achieve, regardless of how you get there.
Okay, so I've come across some other material that could explain what happened here.

When people are sleeping and they are obliviously wandering around in their dream world (somewhere between focus 10 and 21) they can unconciously phase through into other peoples "reality".
Apparently this is not so uncommon and could explain alot of "ghostly" encounters.
Maybe the black swirly stuff he saw on the hallway was a crossover (like a glitch in the matrix)into focus 12 or something.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / psychic body guards
December 21, 2003, 02:47:24
I have read tons of stuff that the goverment did with Psyonics. I havent heard of that but it could be true