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Messages - urshebear

I have actually been thinking about this exact question this week.
OK so of course I had heard about it and have tried to think positive and all that but today was differant. Today I watched the movie and today my life has changed....

A few weeks ago I cleaned out my wardrobe and got together a massive box of clothes to sell on the online auction site "trademe"
The auction sold for $51. I was hoping for $100 and I felt like it was worth at least $300 but I wasn't expecting it to get that high as I thought if someone wanted to spend that amount on clothes wouldn't they want to buy them brand new??
Anyway I was pretty guttered that it only sold for $51 but the lady who bought them never contacted me (I gave her two weeks and nothing)
So I re-listed it.
Today was auction day and after watching the secret I have been focusing all day on getting over $100 for my auction. I visualised the bids going up and imagined the money in my bank whenever I had the chance and whenever I remembered I repeated it my head.
but every now and then my mind would say over $300 so I just went with it.

My auction that originally sold for $51 just sold for $510 dollars....EXACTLY 10 TIMES MORE!!
Maybe the question is not if she is good enough for you, but are you good enough for her?
Whore is a pretty harsh word buddy. I am slightly offended that you would refer to any female as that, let alone a girl you like. don't judge a book by its cover.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: dream crystals
February 03, 2012, 23:27:36
yep  :-)
Here's a dream I had the other night.

I was in a crystal shop looking at crystals. One of the shop keepers called me over to a small group she was talking to about a certain stone.
Before she began I suddenly realised that I was holding my arm above my head and I couldn't pull it back down, I wondered how long it had been like that. It hurt and it felt like my arm muscle was really being pulled.
I started to scream "help me! please someone!"
I asked everyone in the shop to pull it down for me, at times I felt like it was going down but when I looked, It was still up over my head!
still screaming I ran outside. I saw a really big man and I said "Please just hang from my arm, you wont hurt me. just hang from it please I cant get it down!" He hung from it with his whole weight and nothing! I was so afraid.

I woke up....I was on my back and my arm was up over my head! I don't think I had ever slept this way before? I find it strange that my dream body detected this? Maybe I can try to do it again to trigger a LD but don't know if I want to in case it started driving me crazy again and I couldn't wake myself up lol.
Lionheart maybe she came out of body because when you see somebody who is delusional or who is having drug induced delusions they are in fact still in body.
One of my friends said to me the other day "I wouldn't completely discount what a crazy person says. If they are saying or seeing "crazy" stuff it is infact real to them whether the delusions come from their subconscious or something else"

QuoteLionheart, you should try to help those people 
Agree it would be cool to try but would you get anywhere? I imagine the task would be very draining. If I was advanced enough to get to places like this I would like to try too.
I think it sounds like you are getting a lot of crossovers some maybe from your subconsous I dont know but I dont think API would be such a clutter. I could be wrong, I have never been there and from what I have read most of the people who started on this project have since moved on from it. I guess that is why I imagine it to be pretty dead.
On another note, do you mind if I ask what are they treating you for? and what is your AP method? because when you said
QuoteA PM on the chat screen interrupts.
I kind of got confused?? were you APing right there on your computer??
Has anyone had any results with melatonin? my boyfriend has a presciption so I have tried it twice and found I had vivid dreams but no lucidity or anything so I didnt try it again after that.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: dream crystals
January 31, 2012, 04:20:44

Its supposed to be especially for AP. To help you exit, to help APs last longer and to help you remember.
I bought some but then I lost them before I had the chance to see if they worked. I must get some more, I actually saw some astrophilite necklesses the other day.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: "Gender"
January 31, 2012, 03:56:28
perhaps our souls are both. half masculine and half feminine. yin and yang.
QuoteI'm sick of people or their friends abusing drugs and then telling others how bad the drugs are.
It's like eating burgers to the point you get fat and then say how burgers make you fat.
Then there's people that wont make their own research and buy in to all the misinformation.
And... last but not least people who glorify some drugs and wont speak of the dangers.

nobody can deny that drugs are bad, I don't discriminate though if that's what you want to do that's fine its not always idiots who get into drugs sometimes its the most intelligent minds that just get bored of this reality. People should always live their life to make themself happy.
In saying that it doesn't take long to be addicted and become like that crazy junky who walks up my street sometimes, talking to herself and peeing her pants, selling her body for $3 a pop to save up for her next fix (Not Joking)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Your life!
January 28, 2012, 05:15:11
QuoteI work about fourteen hours a week stocking and cleaning a small grocery store.  My "other" job is to be a stay-at-home dad with my 18-month son.  He certainly doesn't help much with projecting, as he is quite fussy and still wakes up multiple times during the night.

Hey our boys are the same age :)
use his sleeping habits to your advantage that is one thing I have learnt. when my son wakes in the night I get up and settle him then I go back to bed and AP.
I had heaps more OBEs when my boy was a newborn due to his sleeping patterns.

@vedyl cool topic. Its nice to read a little background from everyone. Its also pretty cool that AP is not limited to certain "types" of people. although we come from differant walks of life we can come together to share experiences and also learn from eachother :)

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Your life!
January 26, 2012, 06:01:48
When I was 4 years old I remember attempting to fly, walk through walls etc. I also remember always asking "god" to reveal himself to me so I knew he was real
When I was 9 years old I would say things like "I want to practise waking up inside my dream" theres alot of other "weird" crap I used to think about do with death, afterlife, god, existance etc.

Anyway I was led to all of this by sleep paralysis which went crazy during my pregnancy and after my baby was born. (I had my baby at 20years old by the way)
before then I was an administrator.

Now my son is 18months old and I am desperate to find a job. I am not having much luck but I have been trying positive affirmations lately (I never would have tried that before all of this)
I have also signed up in a metaphysics class but aside from all that my physical life comes first.
Prioritys for me are
1) my son
2) relationships
3) maintaining my household and job hunting
4) self discovery through AP and doing my own private study etc
I haven't heard anything here in New Zealand but you probably all know we have had heaps of earthquakes lately.
QuoteRobert Bruce in his book Astral Dynamics talks about thins and explains this quite nicely actually...

I am currently in the middle of reading this. I really like it, one of the best books on AP I have read so far  :-)
The way I think of it is that RTZ is here and now but its also not lol. like just off but the energy there must be still connected to the physical or how would we explain so many encounters where ap'ers have been seen/felt.
RTZ is still very affected by your subconscious. annoyingly this is why so many of my projections become lucid dreams or at most projections in focus two (subconscious)

you know when you draw a cube you start with one square and then you draw another square above the first diagonally and just overlapping at the bottom corner? That is exactly how I would draw the relationship between physical and RTZ.

(not really on topic but speaking of RTZ) Robert Bruce says something along the lines that there is one copy that just floats above the body or walks around the room in a trance while we dream.
This makes me think because often when I project into RTZ I start walking around and am overcome with tiredness. I feel groggy and drugged, I fall to my knees and I don't know what happens after that. like falling asleep mid obe.

One time I actually visited myself
I exited to RTZ and saw another me standing in the kitchen looking at myself. I cant remember ever being the me that was standing in the kitchen so it could have been me in a dream I cant remember or it could be me in the future. I will only know that if at some stage in the future I project into my kitchen to see another copy of myself crawl OOB.

Then again I may never know and its possible it could have been a creation of my subconscious lol

Bottom line is none of us can tell you and if anyone ever finds out, it will be you. I would definitely say its possible it was you though  :-)
I get this sometimes too. try to keep moving. The trick is to keep your head in the dream. if you do wake up stay as still as possible, sometimes thats how I induce an obe
OK thankyou all, I will remember perseverance is key.  :-)
Thankyou that helps. Is it ok for me to relax in say a lazy boy? I will try sitting up straight though only because if I lay down I will most likely fall asleep haha
I want to meditate but I don't know where to start.

Firstly I hate sitting up straight, its just not comfortable.

And secondly I don't understand what I am supposed to think about whilst meditating? or do I try to think of nothing? Is it OK for me to let my mind wander or not?
We all know drugs are bad blah blah blah but we are referring to the "feel good" factor here and yes the euphoria you get from drugs is hard to beat but you could most likely get the exact same feeling through AP.

The majority of the time, there is euphoria and bliss that comes with AP but like I said its different, Its not the same intense rush. (that's not to say that you cant find that same rush in the astral cause you probably can)

hmmmm I dont think its the same.
Extacy gives you a mass rush of euphoria but its more like a cloudy, wasted euphoria...
AP is more leveled euphoria and you feel clear headed along with it, there is a certain purity that you just cant find anywhere else. (IMO)

Id rather AP

Can I begin noticing whilst in sleep paralysis? I don't have the patience to do it the regular way.
Recently I did this and I was suddenly speeding through a tunnel like slide. The walls of the slide were glowing squares of coloured light. Also a song was playing that was kind of creepy so I mentally changed the song to one more familiar. The beat was spot on but the words were mush...It was a weird experience unlike my normal OBEs.

Also want to mention that I have just moved and got my internet back on and I have to say I have missed these forums so much and all of you here :)