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Messages - Astir

Quote from: phantomviewer
Possible Demonic Extraterrestrials?

There are beings of negative polarity...But the term demonic would suggest that they ARE terrestrial. But I'm sure this is obvious to most. And David Icke is quite mad.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: ...
April 04, 2005, 06:34:24
Quote from: sloof
Quote from: AstirTime does not really exist.

ahh but we call it time

But...It is still something imaginary that we impose on ourselves to explain change.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / INK BLOT TEST
April 02, 2005, 03:18:33
your subconscious mind is driven most by Reserve

You approach the world with reserve because unconsciously, and perhaps consciously, you like to be in control. You keep your emotions to yourself and you may seem mysterious or enigmatic to others.

You're often very cautious about truly expressing yourself. Even people who have known you for some time may find it hard to get close to you.

Your psyche is very deep and rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / hmm
March 28, 2005, 04:05:23
Perhaps I should illustrate what I am seeing for you. I have a photographic memory and I'm an artist. Might as well.
Oh neat. My life certainly doesn't revolve around them so I'm not disappointed by your discovery. If anything it's more interesting. But I wonder what should I make of seeing a vortex in the sky???...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / well
March 26, 2005, 14:57:53
They don't make for very affectionate pets...
Do whatever you like though.
#282 a chinchilla. Sugar gliders make the most frightening sounds I've ever heard. :shock:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / ...
March 23, 2005, 00:04:20
Time does not really exist.
Welcome to Dreams! / ?
March 22, 2005, 00:46:33
Quote from: beavisI dont know which, but amount of certain brain chemicals determines how divergent your thoughts are - how easily they change to a different subject. Sometimes when I know I'm dreaming, I still cant change the dream much. Maybe if you stop trying to diverge (fly above the atmosphere) for a few seconds, then try hard, the chemicals would build up, and you could go higher.

Is there anything that can hinder the production of such chemicals?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Oh
March 22, 2005, 00:41:22
I know those. I first noticed them when I was three. There are other things that form in the sky that I see...Once in a while I'll see what appears to be a vortex.
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / ...
March 22, 2005, 00:32:45
The mind is well. The health is bad. Thank you for asking. =)
Welcome to Dreams! / Spacecraft
March 19, 2005, 11:14:52
I have a reoccurring dream that I am operating/flying an alien craft wholly with my mind...But try as I might I cannot exit the earths atmosphere. In the dream this is very frustrating.
Sleep paralysis is now free of haunts. What is next?
I have never had a night terror without ghosts. Mostly unfriendly ones. If I don't take my medication (which prevents me from entering the stages of sleep in which the terrors take place) I inevitably have something attack me multiple times during the night. I hear a lot about how these experiences are all in the mind, but for some reason the ones I've encountered have driven me to believe it's not that simple...

The main reason being, that they yank me out of my body. After attacks like these, the next morning, I sometimes "wake" beside myself... Outside of my body staring at the back of my head. This is something I've never heard of in people who suffer night terrors. Most of the time people have the incubus attacks in paralysis, this happens to me too but that's only how they start. The things that come and visit me want me OUT of my body and they'll pull on my arms and legs until they force me out.
Naturally this worries me. What are they doing with my body while some of them hold me down outside of it? I haven't the slightest, but they chant and they encircle my bed while a few pin me to the floor.
Frankly I never want to skip my medication again.
Earlier this month, I spent a night at the hospital. It was a sleep study so they could figure out what exactly is wrong with me (even though neurologist and I suspect narcolepsy is the crux of it). I was supposed to not take my medication like usual, so I didn't. Of course I had attacks all night... And a hospital of all places is a lousy one to have them, being that people die within those walls often.

I just wish I didn't have to be on pills to keep ghosts away. I don't like chemical dependency.
I don't think I'll discuss anything with the ones that look like dead bodies laying in my bed next to me... I don't know what the hell they are. But they're the worst. They just lay there and don't move. But I've remedied that problem with pillows... on either side of me. I'm walled in... Can't join if there's no room.

O_O The first one of those I had = me running down the hall into my moms room and hiding in her bed.
Once I was dreaming that a cement truck rolled over down the road two miles from my house. On the way to work the next morning sure enough...
I get the radio frequencies/static occasionally.
It's the all knowing all seeing telescopic eye into the future that freaks me out. Perhaps I'm related to Mothman.
It doesn't function properly...
Actually my body likes life on the edge. Seeing as at the tender age of 19, I have more chronic illness than all of my grandparents put together. The most serious being Juvenile Diabetes which is autoimmune (my body attacking itself). I have to assume my body is trying everything to kill me = P
It sure keeps coming up with new and annoying medical conditions.
I don't fear death. I'm an old soul.
It's obvious I should stop talking about this. Suddenly my night terrors are now more frequent... Up to 10 a night. I wish I could be like the people who do not remember so well...
I've always tried fighting back. For some reason, both spiritually and physically I am weak. Or they are just stronger.
In the hospital when doctors took observations of my sleeping... They did happen to catch me in the midst of an attack. Throughout the duration of the attack the only muscle that seemed to move (actually rather it was a twitch) was my lower left leg. Another thing they discovered was that my eyes were open and perfectly still the entire time, which comes to me as no big surprise since I cannot move them when I'm having an attack. My pulse rapidly jumped up to 180 and remained that high until the doctor came into the room and woke me out of it.
The state I was in was neither conscious or unconscious. Indeed it was in-between the two somewhere. It's the stage which most either bypass or don't stick around in. Being a narcoleptic, I either go right into REM a minute after my head hits the pillow or I get caught in a loop and trapped in the stage that brings visitors...

Unfortunately, I cannot will it not to happen. It's a physiological phenomenon. A symptom of narcolepsy. A device that the dead use to communicate fear.

One thing that I have come to learn is that low music prevents them, not from coming to me but from pulling me out of my body. A light being left on does not help, they have ignored them and turned them off on me before (which is something I REALLY cannot comprehend or explain).

Have good spirits come to me in a night terror? Yes, but it's rare. So rare in fact that out of hundreds of times it's only happened four, and two out of those four times the spirit that was good was cornered with me... Equally terrified of the others.
One of the good spirits once told me that some of these others were not dead... That they were coma patients. This of course only intensifies my fears that they are in search of new bodies to inhabit.
But who knows. The rest of the few good souls who have dropped in were children. Frightened children who attached themselves to my arm I suppose in hope of protection...