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Messages - Sammie

I'm just curious if other people here see bright lights that do not exist in "our world" /orbs. I see them often before I see a spider or randomly above peoples heads or anywhere. Usually they are of blue, purple colour, although other happens as well. I might have made a thread on this a few years earlier but I am still curious. Im not quite sure what they are but I started seeing them when I started meditating.
I daily for 5 years have been seeing messages and numbers very frequently. I know 555 always brings change to me. The other numbers I'm not as clear on even though there are many descriptions from other people. Sometimes I just know things as well.
Interesting how you talk about "out of focus". If I don't figure it out im sure I'll find out what it meant eventually. The question is why the messages have to be so symbolic and not just plain "knowing".
As a younger person myself it is almost necessary to have some social media at times, although I have made sure to include positive vibes and news into my facebook flow.
I do however think people are beginning to wake up gradually, how fast I don't know. I mean look at how people start caring more about not eating animals anymore and allowing people to be who they are and loving who they wanna love. It has progressed rapidly on some fronts in the past few years, although there may be many negative sides to.

Anyone who seeks will find that is what happened to me and ending up in these kind of circles since 2012.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Headspace
August 04, 2018, 14:04:55
I like your way of finding out things for yourself, Lumaza! Also your way of finding value in places other don't or in places where people will not even go because of others opinions. It has motivated me to take a look in places where I would usually not.
Thanks! After writing this I looked it up myself, but don't feel I got the exact meaning of the message in the dream. Although, I'm convinced the white dove had something good about it. It all just felt so strange. I guess in the coming months I may see if I get to know the real meaning of this message.

Now that I think about it. The big white dove had some sort of angelic presence and was the major focus in this scene. It was significant and surrounded by other gray pigeons/doves that were not as much in focus but more in the background. Maybe it is a sign of someone dying and being rebirthed into the spiritual realm being greeted by old friends in the spiritual realm..?
I have noticed this too! It feels very strange seeing people placing value in things that one may consider less in value, such as negative news, online games, fights, phones, computers etc...
I actually think Prince Ea shared a video with similar statement as yours!

I see some friends or acquintances looking at their phones 24/7 even when speaking or being with friends it all just seem so sad and strange to me. Even though I spend much time on my computer I don't like phone and take time to meditate och take a walk in nature often. I also use the computer as a tool for creation and choices rather then being hypnotized by its contents.

I appreciate your message and will share it if I feel an individual may need it and is open to it.
So, watching a video just now I remembered a short segment of a dream I had. I seemed very surreal and meaningful. I had a feeling it meant something while remembering it. It seemed incredibly real somehow. What's more strange is that many of my dreams I remember because I go about my day then something in my day very similar to a segment in the dream reminds me of it, it seems like it was placed there as a reminder.

Now to the short segment of the dream. About 10 doves(I think you call it) with grayish colour landed in an almost complete circle, and then one dove which was kind of white and three times bigger those who landed before it. This "special" dove landed 3 seconds later in the middle of the circle. It did something very strange with its wings. It lifted them high above the head for a few moments as I saw in a video just now, although both at the same time.

Anyone have any clues what the heck this was about? It seemed very meaningful, most of my dreams are just a result of my thought or my day but this seemed very different.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Headspace
August 03, 2018, 01:12:57
This morning I woke up in my "headspace". It's usually what some seem to call black void or sometimes for me it can be red it seems.
At first I thought I was awake, because I had just woken up and was sleepy relaxed and I thought I think I could feel my body but I don't remember actually feeling it.
What made me realize I was still not really back in this reality was the fact that as I thought I was woken up already I decided in my mind to get a bit more alert.
Then all sounds from "real life" came back and I realized I had tuned out from those/was tuned out b4 deciding to kind of become more alert. This happened twice and
im beginning to wonder if I actually have many more chances to exit/project than i've recently thought. I almost end up in this space every morning but feeling like im actually awake
today made me think that maybe that I might have been able to exit many times if I just tried as it seems my thoughts have made it seem as though I'm awakw(and I don't wanna roll down on the floor for real).
Cool experience, nice work with the A/C.
I have on many occasions in a lowered conscious state in dreams successfully astral projected in the world of that dream. This happened again tonight.
It is literally exactly the same as in this world but just a more "flexible world" which is basically another reality but have some similarities. Anyone else astral project in their dreams too?

I find it strange it happens in my dream but sometimes in "the real world". Notice that im not talking about astral projecting from within a dream as many times mentioned on this forum.
Every time I got closer between remaining conscious while falling asleep it feels like im narrowing down to that point. First falling asleep, then waking up "too much" then getting closer to the point you need to be at. Although, this takes a lot of energy out of my body somehow. When waking up I feel worse than when I went to sleep doing this and takes one day to recover.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Meditation
June 14, 2018, 20:01:39
I have meditated a lot. I am curious as to why I never seem to be able to exit through meditation, realxing, letting go or just not thinking. I can easily get to a dream stage or at least receive a few random images at times. I can fall asleep temporarily just to get back to focus. I usually completely tune out from my surroundings after a while but still not, not even when I wake back up in my mind during this. Only times I usually project is when waking up from deep sleep during night-time. Anyone more experienced who has any idea why this is so? All I got to do is find myself waking up from deep sleep and then I can exit but not during the day and light sleep, relaxation or meditation...
I said those words this morning, and heard a beep like a machine started inside my head... very weird...
I have keeping a dream journal noting down the important stuff for like every day in 2 years. I have not necessarily noticed I remember more dreams. Memories of higher dimensions fade in this reality if you don't write them down though, mostly. I usually only remember the important stuff unless it feels like  I've been in another reality for years or so.. The most important factor for me remembering dreams seems getting A LOT of sleep. Too little will make me forget most.

Another thing I have noticed is all my dreams have a feeling of love in them, much unlike the life here. I love going to sleep mostly, because I usually have some sort of feeling of love in all my dreams. Is anyone else experiencing this too?
The past 2 years I have been hearing a specific tone in the morning/night. It usually comes before the sun rises and comes in waves. I sounds sort of like some vibration and seems
to come from within my mind or head(I tried putting hands around ear). It doesn't go away until I have slept a few hours again. It is nothing like what Ihave experienced when exiting the body
it is something else, has anyone else experienced it?
Haha, it was a joke. Phoenix no longer has a name so that person is nameless.
I suppose Phoenix has become Nameless.
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / Questions
May 13, 2018, 13:46:53
What happened to Lionheart and Phoenix? Their accounts have been gone for a while now.. Also why were there so many posts 2013-2015 and then it seemed to go downwards?
Yesterday I was meditating after recently having reduced my regularity a lot. I was  visualizing being in a corridor with rooms appearing randomly on the sides of it with different doors. It was white spacious and bright. There were big windows on both ends. Eventually I entered a room and started drifting into sleep, when I suddenly began spinning out of this visualization to somewhere else, but that kind of stopped because I noticed this(consciously). I then shortly got a feeling and blurry image of a clear blue sky on another planet full of love(felt like a memory I don't remember). I then kind of fell asleep for a few minutes.

Experience 2: I woke up randomly in middle of night still a bit tired. I went back to sleep on my back focusing on my breath or darkness behind my eyes to exit(potentially). Instead a song I've been listening to started going through my mind and soon enough it had become "real", as my consciousness deepened and decreased. The lyrics(the important part) changed from "we all have a hunger" to "we all have a number", "they're all numbers" or "they all have a nuber"(I don't remember which). Then I entered what I would like to call the rare observatory black space. This is a state where I can not think, but only observe. It is a deep black space. In this space I have previously on two occations met a guardian angel and a elemental being. I last in this space 2-10 seconds usually and then fall asleep but somehow remember it anyway. I have only reached this space when going to sleep also. Although this time I saw three stars forming a triangle. It seems kind of cryptic considering "they're all numbers" playing before.

Any input?
Yes thanks. I made the point also saying I don't understand everything in that reply. I have known this answer of love for years, but only recently I have actually begun to understand it a bit more, even though I had a period in 2012 when I was understanding love more than now.
Well, I don't understand what you meant by "would have no reason to exist" in response to my reply. For me it seems contradictory to my statements.
Eh doesn't matter, thanks for all your replies though!
I am confused unfortunately.
wait what?