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Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Re: watch
January 01, 2008, 13:50:38
Hi astraluminated,

I cant really give much more details as it didnt last very long, only a few seconds

She was standing outside what looked like a large public building, white with columns at the front. It was night time and she looked like someone from a japanese anime film. There was a detective there aswell, briefly, you know the stereotypical image from the old movies with the hat and the long coat.

And on watches, when I was younger my mum would seem to stop watches working, we used to call her the kiss of death to watches! Interesting it could be energy related
Havent had one, but by coincidence I'm reading The Tenth Insight by James Redfield and I'm at the point in the book where the characters are discussing it at the moment. A friend of mine committed suicide this year and it made me wonder what he would have seen at his life review. He was/is hilarious and talented but passing over at such a young age has deeply affected his friends and family.

I havent really had one myself but I do think about it sometimes. I'm sure I'm going in the right direction now but there are some obstacles in the way at the moment. Some have started to clear today though, which is really nice!
Even if you have the best intentions, it still smells like spam to me. Like others have said, we're still here after numerous previous doomsday predictions.

If you had a vision it could easily be a symbolic message for you, the good elements of yourself trying to overcome the bad elements
Quote from: catmeow on September 20, 2007, 07:40:27
Derek Acorah has now more or less been outed as a fake.  Cieren fed the researches some info on a character called "Kreed Kafer" (anagram of "faker derek") and lo and behold Derek went into lots of detail about this "Kreed kafer" character!

Yvette calls him a "fake b....".  That's why he was dropped from Most Haunted.

I've seen him live and he puts on a good show.  Quite likeable, but fake I'm afraid.  His theatrics on Most Haunted became laughable with all the possessions, and peaked when he got possessed and blurted "Mary loves willy... Mary loves willy"!!!  Was he taking the p... or what? !!!  :-)

I quite like him, he livened up MH but is a fake i'm afraid....

He's off? Oh man, he was the only one who appeared to have ANY knowledge of the occult. I finally gave in a watched a few shows, the rest of them are useless.

"Ooh, its a bit scary in here, I'll get my digital camera...." 

You cant photograph astral phenomena with physical equipment. D'oh! And the average horror writer has a far more extensive knowledge of the occult than all of them put together. When talking about ghosts, none of them mention shades, shellls, vitalised shells, etheric doubles etc and I dont think the word astral has ever been used!
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Re: fedual era japan
September 17, 2007, 13:53:25
This sounds awesome, anti gravity and underwater ninjas hehe
Actually, one of my first thoughts on hearing of his passing was that it is possible to go and visit him, and this made everything a lot easier to deal with. Because of all my astral/spiritual interests I now find it quite easy to deal with death now.  I've been meaning to visit him for a while now but I've been a bit slack with things. Thank you for your post though
Quote from: Novice on September 05, 2007, 16:48:45
Another thing to consider in the karma debate is that an individual who has understood a part of his karma, may be put in that situation again not for their own personal benefit, but rather as an example for others. Haven't you ever seen someone in a terrible situation and they do something that absolutely moves you because it is completely opposite of what most people would do? They 'take the higher road' as they say, even though society would have completely justified a more retaliatory response.

My understanding is that karma is not reward/punishment. It is about lessons learned. You will find that you repeatedly face the same situation over and over again until you change your reaction to the situation. Once you do that, you find these situations fade from your life.

I'm not sure I believe in karma as it is currently understood, but I do believe in the general concept of it.

A friend of mine commited suicide a few months ago, he jumped off a cliff.  At the funeral his dad was smiling. He'd been to the cliff top a few days before and said his goodbyes, made his peace. He didnt even wear a suit to the funeral. He was happy to meet the friends (us) who had brought happiness into his life and treated us to a meal afterwards. He even suggested we visit the area with his walking group as we shouldnt deny the beauty of that area just because of the tragic event.   

Such strength of character just blew me away, especially on such a sad day
Look up The Etheric Double by A E Powell, should give some answers
I moved out of a shared house in July and there are still some rent issues. £10k is missing (!) and as one of the peopel that originally signed up myself and my gurantor(my dad) are in line to foot a big chunk of the bill. Any ideas of how I can manifest something to help?   :oops:  Really could use some help!

I think he meant that its possible to travel into space (and lots of other places) - by astral projection. The wink is definitely a good sign :-)
I think it was kundalini aswell
Quote from: nozondeiru on January 11, 2007, 00:58:40
You people scare the living daylights out of me.

How about a more rational explanation?  For whatever reason the number 11 catches the eye?  It's probable that everyone encounters 11 with the same frequency as you, the difference between everyone else and you being - besides the fact that you are insane and they aren't - is that they don't notice it like you do. For all you know, you have encountered the number 77 many more times than 11, but you simply haven't noticed it the way you have noticed 11, which is, for some strange reason, much more liable to grab your attention.

You're gona check the time a few times in a day, and its a lot easier to find 11 than 77 on a clock! :-D

I see 11.11 quite often (most days now) and find it comforting, that I'm awakening and that the help is there if needed
It can be a lot to get your head round to start with... But here's one point of view that might help; Some souls travel in groups, and reincarnate together. It could be that your friends will not only be with you in this life but future ones aswell, hows that for alone? :-)
On waking this morning, I had some hypnagogic imagery. A few faces and then a cartoon (comic book style) woman in the dark with long dark hair blowing in the wind, it was really cool. And I saw thru my eyelids for a couple of seconds :D
Seeing thru eyelids - only did it once but that scared the ++++ out of me at the time. I'm looking forward to doing it again tho :lol:

How does tumeric tea help? I'll give it a try if its caffiene free, i wont be able to sleep otherwise
This is what I understand, and I'm no expert.

The killer and the victim met because of their actions to date and that led them to cross paths. How they deal with the situation is not predetermined, and how they react/interact will affect their futures accordingly

Also, isnt there a saying something like, "Karma frees a wise man and binds a fool"?
Your doing NEW for a few hours a day? What other results are you getting?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Chaotic aura.
August 22, 2007, 16:55:19
The aura is constantly changing, but if you are calmer your aura should be also. Try some meditation, and Man - Invisible and Visible by C W Leadbeater is a good source of information
Quote from: Clinton on March 31, 2007, 10:12:32
I use a simple technique that requires no stilling of the mind or visualization (too lazy for that)

All I do is focus my attention on a highpitch whistle in my head, as time goes by it becomes louder (no effort)

I relax, stare at my innervision and contemplate on how safe I'll be and what it is I want to do, or where I'd like to go.

After a while I can sense my physicall body falling asleep, I start to buzz... (what a rush)

A lifelike picture forms, it becomes bigger and pop, I'm there. I do a lot of space flying.

I normally ask my Divine Mother or Father to take me where I need to be, I then do my superman thingy (transporter with me)   

I chat to my guide, whenever she feels like responding to my call (once I caught her sunbathing)

This sounds like you have a good method, relaxation is the key anyway. and you caught your guide sunbathing - thats great haha!
As well as a couple of projections I've had dreams about projections and borderline WTFs. I think I know what you mean about the energy, the first time I projected it scared the **** out of me! My heart felt like it was going at an impossible rate, I felt very hot and the vibrations were really unnerving. Well done for controlling the energy though.

The exit sensations are impossible to convey to someone who hasnt experienced them, and they are not 'physical' in the usual sense so you cant really prepare yourself for the shock. Sounds like you're getting there, and making good progress tho!
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Death
July 22, 2007, 22:07:56
I agree with Stookie. Death also means change in the tarot cards
My first proper astral experience I jumped and managed to hover with my face about 2 inches from the ground lol

The longest one I managed to do was flying by a over a lake on a sunny day, it was beautiful.
I've had sex dreams, lucid and non lucid, and I've converted a dream into a projection and managed to fly a couple of times but it never crossed my mind to combine the two...

Sounds like a lot of fun, I'm gona have to try it!  :lol:
congrats on giving up smoking!  Have a read of The Astral body by AE Powell, it mentions the effects. Something by CW Leadbeater also mentioned it.
I finished reading the Celestine Prophecy  a week or so ago, and the synchronicities that i noticed were awesome!  Cool stuff has been happening to me every day.

It is possible to see auras, but it takes practice though, not like the "concentrate and you'll see the whole thing" method they describe in the book