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Messages - Riddle

1) This technique - The Infinity breathing - is connected to the cleansing of the physical vessel from disharmonic energies and filling the cavities with the substance of the creator's light. It also evokes more thought forms of the new creation from the higher spheres and it fixates them to the physical reality as well the earth's core. You could try this one, if you want to get new functioning ideas. There are three things actually – three tools.
In the left hand we achieve the sword of the 7 virtues with the energies of the 5 high rays, which wait to be integrated in the precise moment (which could as well be now).

2) These are described here, the rays and their qualities. In the right hand we achieve the holy grail, which opens  a portal to well being which unlocks the whole abundance of creation. You need to imagine how the cup gets filled until it starts pouring then you need to imagine how you take everything you need from it but also to share it generously with the other and then finally! ta raaa, the heart, the centre of the solar power consists of solar plexus, heart, thumys gland and throat. In the centre of the solar power we insert a crystal heart of pink quartz, a lotos flower  is inside this heart and in the core of the heart there is a spark of the violet flame of transmutation, don't doubt that you are ready for these gifts and declare to yourself that you will use them for the greater good of everyone. Repeat three times "I am ready".
Many etheric shields were positioned around the heart to protect one from the pain and the negative energy, the bombarding, but now that you place the quartz heart there you know that its safe and appropriate to open widely your heart centre which is the door to  your inner divine self /essence.The violet flame is put there as a filter to harmonize every residual energy which is not synched with the divine song of your heart. This way you can also emit more love towards other people, so in a way this heart replaces the shields which protect but block the way to the divine self. Now the centre can both be open, so the flow can pass freely and in a protected way.

These two pics are a way to use the heart – reaching balance in the world of opposites.
The I am presence directs downwards a cell of light through the crown chakra, the cell goes to the solar plexus. Concenrate your conscousness on the essence of the heart, draw vibrating energies through the root chakra and your feet, the cell of light becomes representative of your whole phsysical vessel, all deformations go to the light cell, which gets enclosed in the heart an d you let them follow their pat, the breath of infinity spreads in the body – you remember the medula oblungata thing, the cell bursts in the solar plexus and takes its path in the ether. Then you enter the point of peace in the centre of the pin heart and start the infinity breathing. A flow of crystal diamond pyramid infliltrates through the crown chakra and fills empty places with light
Utter "it has been done" 3 times.

Links to schemes of the techique:
I wanted to share my opinion on the battle of duality. I constantly hear the asserted opinion that without the day there can't be the night, that without evil there isn't goodness, that the two extremities are necessary so that they can complement each other and keep the balance. However, I believe this is not exactly so! The battle of duality is a scholar programme, that was allowed with the objective for developent of the experience and proficiency of a soul, even its ordeal. This does not mean that the duality is the only principle used for creating worlds, for testing souls, and for gaining experience. If you start believing that this is the absolute prinicple, you would not be able to get balanced, as you won't be aiming to the centre but to the dance of the cluster of mass chaotioc emotions.
The idea is, when you see evil, to declare the position of neutrality and light. This is how balance comes, the balance that many people believe is achieved by the batte between good and evil.  Yet have you noted that those who partake in the battle can't really be balanced, because on the inside they feel stormy emotions that drive them into brawls.
And at the same time people explain it to themselves that this is what is neessary in order to equilibrate the scales, maybe because they want to get revenge, to show the world who they are and assert a position. I believe that the participants in such storms stand only on the one side of the scales. I would define it as scales with only 1 platform. And it starts weighing down, sinking.
When you have lived in this illusion and realise that the divine is harmony, light and unison, you start feeling you don't need to suffer anymore as experience, and you start aiming to get back to the centre, and then to remain there.
Maybe you start believing that somewhere, beyong the world of time and space,  matter, feelings and organisations are in a different form that we haven't believed that existed.
Duality, I believe, is not the absolute structure of physical and astronomical laws, but a decor of a scool scene podium, where every single one of us is trying to rediscover themselevs, to enrich themselves, to that at the time of the new exhale of the Creator, what the deserving disciples have created as Co-Creators at the time of the inhale, to be spread once again.
Maybe the goal  is to get enriched and to arise where we have descended from but different. And then, to deserve to create in the eternal Breating of God.
When I ride by the tide of music, on Creation, I feel that everyithing is exaclty that - a never ceasing inspiring creation, where everyone is a brave adventurer who promised themselves and God to Be. And to Be Love.

ps. Anyway, this is the choice of the soul that needs to be respected and not underestimated - to live in duality until it decides to move on to another form of experience. I would not delve into the topic whether the potential for unlocking duality remains, as I have not gathered enough evidence. The power unlocked during duality, should not be unterestimated, either.
What I personally believe the approach towards God should be?
I think that a common error made by mankind is believing blindly in one book or a religious text.
Whoever has the connection with God will be able to connect through the text too, as their heart sings in universal harmony - and they find what they seek. I don't intend to say that books are harmful, I am far from that thought. It is thanks to the books that I know what I know. However, I want to narrow the example only to the case in which people get trapped in dogmatic beliefs.
This is the catch. Books are interpretations of people. Even if they aren't, words can reflect different points of view and bring to thousands of interpretations of one and the same word, based on the personal experience and dominating spectrum of emotions of the interpreter.
When we trust a book, even several books, we shouldn't do so in an absolute literal sense. We need to seek with our heart the truth, to keep silence from what we instill in our thoughts that we understand, and to listen instead. To be open to what is being given to us intuitively.
It is another question whether the books have been a successful channeling or philosophical understanding. I won't be starting a debate about the authenticity, as the person that has a correct mindset will find the soil for spiritual flowers even in the harshest circumstances; they will find the grain of truth and will water it, they will make the text noble, so that the book itself will raise its vibrations, as books are living intention and word.
This is why the main rule is that one should be in a constant state of searching and never to believe they know everything. We can't even see our full composition of our own bodies. How could we grasp the complicate spiritual physics of God then? I think we should first understand the simple truth of Love before diving in the deep interpretations.
The idea is to ascend by remembering our divine origin, but in a new, original way. So, when we don't succumb to extremities, especially the ones that require blind obedience before authorities and rejection of the different point of view, we will follow the path to understanding God. Yet we need to be unbiased and to open our hearts to love.
I personally believe that the right teaching is the one that leads to a simple truth - it is not important how much you know but to be loving and compassionate. Not to impose yourself over others and to help. And to know how to protect yourself  because you need to protect yourself first and then the others.
Even if someone is wrong according to you, you need to remember that a spiritual teacher would not judge their disciple for the disturbances, they would patiently wait for them to get ready and in the right moment, they would lead them to the truth.
Especially with personal example and not dry theory.
If you would like to, we could do the following.
Many etheric shields have been placed around the heart in order to protect it from pain and negative energy, so we need to place a pink quartz heart in the centre of the solar power (solar plexus, heart, throat and thymus gland). So that it will become safe and practical to open up the heart centre that is the door to the inner godly nature. Let's put a lotus flowre and the violet flame of transmutation as a filter that harmonises every residual energy that is not synchronised with the divine song of the heart. So now the centre can be opened so that the free flow can pass protected. Now you don't need to close your heart anymore and pile up residue.
You only need to repeat 3 times that you are ready to receive this gift and to use it for the common good - yours and of the others'.
So, I have been reading this book "Connection with the Light". A doctor from my country, Diana Mechkova, has developed the gift to channel the beings of Light, and her bond is especially with Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and the Pontiffs of Light, as well as the Holy Spirit and Archangel Michael's Armada.

The book is a very powerful mantra. I can feel how it emanates Purity, it Heals and Protects. It is a Divine Shield.

The forces of Good have been helping me all along, and now all the disgusting holes in my etheric body (or, wherever they were exactly) have been cured, and my mind is clean, clear, free. Well, sometimes the past is echoing its projections of what it used to be, but still. Now, with this Holy Scripture, I feel I am closer and even more protected. I am so grateful for their guidance, course of healing and that they never abandon(ed) me.

Ever since I was so stupid to evoke the devil, I have felt utter despair and NOTHING is more important to me than Goodness and its power to heal and protect! I am so glad this book enhanced the effect so much!!

I am so happy that this book has entered my life! I welcome it, embrace it and live by it.

My mind has been clearing itself from my angry, self-loathing thoughts, and my Mission, Inspiration and Mystery have been replacing the nothingness I had become.

This book thaught me how to pray. I don't know how, it's like the Holy Dove landed on my Heart and now I feel truce in the prayer, I believe in it.

Maybe It's because for the first time, I haven't been romanticising the connection with Pure Forces, in the image of the Beautiful Graceful Male.

Virgin Mary truly is a Saint! I am so happy now I have connection with her! I feel reborn!

May this prevail.

Hello, guys.

I wanted to share more of my experiences related to aliens.

So, this one time I had just gone to bed and I was lying there still but I wasn't even sleepy yet. I.e. my brain hadn't initiated the transition to the state of slumber, where you are unaware of your surrondings and then your soul suddenly goes on a journey where apparitions are something normal. No. I was just in my day-time firmly down to earth condition.

Sometimes, when aliens enter my house, the feeling is as if my consciousness "shifts" its focus to their location and is capable of perceiving their presence or even seeing them. This is exactly what happened. I was lying in the opposite direction but I clearly saw "grey" aliens, only, they were short, just a bit taller than my bed. They approached me, and just as I was about to turn around, still awake, I remember how they spirited me away.

Until recently, I thought they abducted my soul and that my body that remained on the bed got slight visuals of what was going on. Now I think it was vice versa. I think they took my body to their ship, as I remember how my soul was floating a bit above my bed and I could feel how they put tubes around my neck and how a gasseous transparent liquid got transfused.

Then they returned me to my bed. I would have been teriffied but they had infused in me a "drug of relief", i.e. I felt incredibly calm and secure despite the experience.

My consciensciousness would snap out, would disappear into blackness, where I was not existing at all, just void and nothing, then I would return to myself and my surroundings again. This would repeat a couple of times.

I don't remember the rest of the night.
I decided to share my letter to an authour that channels Archangel Michael:

"Hello again!

I finally sat at my computer. I kept telling myself to leave you in peace and that I am overwhelming you but the flow is like a hurricane, and I feel like I need to tell you these things, I am not alone in this.
I wanted to share with my, Mrs Vezane, another song that is very crucial to what is going on with me.

So, I have evoked the "devil" when I was younger, and I encountered the accumulated essence of evil, or whatever it was, just scenes of holes in repetitive geometrical figures, disgusting and disturbing imagery. I didn't know what I was evoking back then. I was a misguided child, who wanted to discover the purity of God, felt that something was lacking but for some reason when I called the angels in the 10th grade they didn't manifest themselves. I think I had to go through the syndrome of the "satanic youth" that just found vampires, cults and so on, cool, without really realising I just liked dark expression of the night but nothing satanic or brutal. I was infested. I think the angels wanted to study this ill thing, whatever it was, in order to .. do something. To change something, to heal some patterns.One night, I saw the imagery of lizards and other water reptilians running aroud my spine, and an eye of a crocodile manifesting itself, stealing my vision, my eyes. I saw rituals of these things inside of pyramids, like the Indians who made sacrifices, with blood flowing inside the pyramids,and on the botton people becoming pain and every form of discomfort and agony, and they on top, nourishing temselves from their youth. Then they said they were going to enter my room, something like an ant would attack me and kill me brutally, and I saw two figures (they were probaby humans but I was "possessed" and a drug addict at the time) with robes running down the stairs of the opposite building. I froze and prepared myself, did something like a theatre, accepting the truth, and waited there whole night, on my  knees, with my hands like the gesture of the lotus position, and nobody came but the bravery I had back then gave me so much confidence,as If I had withstood all the forces of "evil" or distortion on this earth and I felt strong enough, as if I could transform vast amounts of energy, because I had withstood so much pain, it was real martyrdom, I felt like the modern Jesus who suffered to cleanse and reveal patterns to the high dimensions for them to further deal, not that suffering is a good thig, but it DID unlock vastness of energy capable of transforming (now that I've read two of your books, I also got acqainted with the attributes of Light and thanks to you for the first time I can construct good and not ill pattterns). I also watched a series where one man had practiced meditation for such a long time at the end he burst into something unbelievable and I could feel this strength flowing through me, and I use it now for purposes of transforming the Earth as by your teachings.So as you know, the paradox with Christianity is that people go pray, cry, but don't really feel they can't be helped, and feel as if God weren't there or did not exist. One day I went around the curch, hvered there, aligned the Femminine Mother God energy waiting to arise after the millenia of oppresion in the Muslim regiouns, and they aligned in peace with the christian manifestation, oh my god ave maria started playing on the TURKISH episode my grandma is watching RIGT HOW, while I am typing how Muslim and Christian faith have intertwined into one and the same.I played this song I have attached and I imagined how God appeared, and I saw him, with the Inner Eye of Wisdom how he appeared in this Christian church, unlocking the disbelief and turning it into belief, and he was an elderly yet young sage. If you could join me and enhace his emanation for people to feel it , I would be grateful. I entered the church physically and the priest was doing a ritual and I spread my arms like wings, they looked at me shocked and I said "shhh , Archangel Michael", and pointed at his icon there, and winked my eye. A scary old man, almost inhuman, like Toma the Disbeliever, was conveniently there, approached me and started insulting me that in the church you should only make the cross sign. Then Michael told me that nothig ever disrupts the true peace of a church, it may cry but the faith remains, and that he is there to protect an insecure angel like me in a moment like this, when I felt the ignorance dominating over me through cruelty.I hope you found it interesting.

* I mean, I did align the energy of the mosque and the church, their mother and father aspects into one and the same, enhancing the motherly love that was oppressed for a long time.*"

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members Pictures
August 01, 2017, 08:20:51
Thank you! ^_^
Here is a picture of me in full size.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Riddle
July 30, 2017, 12:39:19
By the way, guys, I wanted to show you the result of my aura scanning: I got white aura! This is what it looks like. Apparently my stongly charged chakras are 5 & 6 (if I recall correctly) which are the link to the spiritual world, and my least charged one is 1, which is the link with the Earth - that's why I tend to worry so much, I need more contact with this reality, more stability. And I have some sort of thinning around the throat, my immune system needs to get stabilised. Uhm, she said other things as well but I kind of forgot them. :D
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members Pictures
July 30, 2017, 11:56:12
Boyana 2

Yeah, basically, that's me.
P.s. - I don't know. When people describe their experiences, they always tell about peaceful loving souls surrounding them, giving them guidance, about love being the main source beyond. But all I have experienced is negative. I've even dreamt Jesus mocking me once, and they describe him as a super advanced kind soul. ?? When I ask for guidance and protection, I immediately have an experience such as the ones described previously. I still try to hold on, relying on the stories of the others, but now it's been way too much and way too bad, and I'm starting to ask myself some troubling questions. What is with these attacks? Hm..
Besides, having read Szaxx's story of the bad lands and PlasmaAstralProjection's story about Howard Storm, my fear increases drastically... because bad lands do seem to be a real thing...
There has been a strange sequence of visitations during lucid dreams or sleep paralyses that kind of freak me out. Maybe I have already mentioned something similar but I don't remember.
So, there is always a bad entity (let's call it this way because I have no clue what it actually is) that covers up as a relative of mine. The sleep paralyses proceed with the entity rushing through the door and trying to rape me while in the form of my relative.
In lucid dreams there has been more variety before the attempt of raping. There have been times when I've had entire dialogues that seemed like normal dialogues that I could have with my deceased relatives before they transformed into the raping thing. Once the entity transformed into something that looked very demonic (not saying it's a demon - because I kind of don't believe in them anymore - it just had the exact same appearance) with a mouth like a black hole that sucked in my hands.
It's really frustrating because it kind of scares me that when I die I will face such entities. During some of the dreams my awareness was pretty high so I can definitely imagine stumbling upon such a thing when I pass on.
Once there was my grandfather who looked at me in peace, he was glowing in beautiful light and he suddenly transformed in this thing.
Another time my grandmother was looking at me in a sad and maybe a bit shocked way and then she transformed in such a thing.
There was this time when someone even told me from behind: "Do you notice it's always the same?"
Once someone told me in a sleep paralysis that when I passed on, I would get to know the meaning of all of this. But I don't think it was a spiritual guide, because there was no compassion and warmth in their words, which sounded rather cold and indifferent.
I've had a visitation when two alien-looking creatures ate? my legs and it hurt. It's like they dug a hole with their mouths in my leg and it hurt.
I dreamt someone telling me these were temporary forms that fall apart easily, but I don't know if I understood the message well.
And today I had a lucid dream where I was stuck in my bed and someone made something like an eye surgery to me and told me I suffered from symortosis. When I googled it, nothing appeared.
There is a continuation with the story about the aliens.
So, I find myself during a very vivid dream in some place that seems like an operating room and I see a dog that suffered burning damage on one of the beds. There are people who are trying to save him but one of his legs bursts into flames and his eyes are decaying. It almost feels like they are not helping him, unlike the first appearance of things, but they have organized it especially so that I could see the grotesque experiment on the dog. Then I find myself before a 'doctor' and I try to explain to him some of the mental problems that I sometimes have but then something touches me on the back and I scream "Pleeease, get it off me!!" It felt like an octopus. Then the dream transforms in a sleep paralysis where yet the same alien that once spoke to me tells me "You have to give it back" I ask "give back what", he answers "Something that isn't yours'' and I wake up.
Thank you, Lumaza, that's a nice perspective there. I will check out all the topics, they will be very useful to me! I do feel there is the element of teaching in what's happening to me, only I do not completely understand the lesson. Maybe it needs more time before I finally shape out the whole picture...
I have been questioning myself about this sexual frustration as well but the best I've come up with is that some creatures just like molesting me until they managed to traumatize me with it. It's not that I believe in the Bible, don't get me wrong, I think that most of the writings are out-dated and ridiculous. But since I have seen appearances of creatures that addressed themselves az Michael and Azrael, I thought that they might be real, apart from the bible, and even apart of the term "angels". But I do believe that some creatures may pretend to be them, so my question "Are they real?" came out mostly of despair and pessimistic hope. What I truly believe though, is that some entities like playing around with me, and I wish I could know their names and nature and why are they bothering to bully me so often at night. I mean, I havent been watching scary stories, I try to think more positively yet there is always the same scenario...
No, I don't meditate.
I also sometimes think it may just be my subconsciousness. It always follows a similar pattern, a rush through the door, imitating my relatives or something I consider scary and finally - hurting me physically by pressing my body. But when I heard the voice telling me "you always do it to her" I started considering that it might be an entity that has access to my fears and intentionally imitates them.
I haven't been watching scary movies for a while! Thing is, scary things have been imprinted in my mind very much and the print seems to have long-term effect on me. I have watched a scary movie for these greys as a child and fear of them never, ever left. Not that I have been scared of them every day, but when this fear arose again it was with the same stength as initially.
By the way, I ALWAYS have bad experiences. I don't remember having one without at least a glimpse of something morbid about it...
Ookay, so a couple of new occurances have been happening lately. First I was visited by something like aliens. I mean, it was outright aliens, if the case isn't that something else took the shape of aliens especially to scare me. They looked like the greys and came out of the walls like in Silent Hill 4 (it creeps and scares the hell out of me), then another one took me by the foot and started licking it, then another one came through the door and pretended to give me my morning pill. After this sleep paralysis I've spent nights of horror being afraid to fall asleep, hoping that no one would enter my door the next moment. I mean, I've always dreamt of visiting an alien spaceship but still, I don't want visitors just popping up in my room in the middle of the night. XD
And then yesterday it was very interesting. In a first sleep paralysis there was something with a very huge thongue that started licking my hand and it felt like my hand was burning. Then I woke up and after falling asleep again, a Chinese man (I guess the same entity having taken a Chinese form that resembles my ex-boyfriend whom I detest) approached me and started moving his finger on my skin and it made me have this burning sensation again. It was kind of scary. Then I asked him whether Archangel Michael and Azrael were real and he responded me "yes". which may be a lie, as well, though. Then all of a sudden I heard angelic singing in my head and I felt the presence of Michael or someone who pretended to be him. He supposedly chased the creature and said "You always do such things to her". Then the creature pretended to be my mother who wanted to give me a book about Slava Servyukova? And then it pretended to be Azrael leaving my room. This entity has come so often and the style is always the same: always taking the form of my relatives and rushing through the door to scare me, pinching me, mocking me and in general, I wonder why he is always abusing me like that.
Then I were left alone with Michael and we shared a moment in silence then he visualised a tunnel with a sign "Warner Bros productions" because the character from Fantastic Beasts and where to find them reminds me of him, and I felt like I went through this tunnel and I woke up in the room.
It was a very subliminal moment for me. Could it be that Michael is real? But then, why did I have the slight feeling that he didn't really chase the creature, that they were both mocking me? Could it be that he pretended to defend me but in fact they are always playing around with me? Who are they and what do they want from me...? This is not a question for you guys, I know there ain't a way you could know the answer, I am just thinking out loud.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Riddle
March 23, 2017, 18:27:49
Thank you for the information! I will definitely check them out, this is priceless.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Riddle
March 23, 2017, 13:12:10
Szaxx, as you are someone who has experienced a lot out of your physical body, I will ask you: do you think when you have travelled while being detached from your body you already know what it would feel like after death, or do you think it would be different?
Why would you stop believing in reincarnation? I am curious to hear your reasons.  I mean, if we managed to get here once, what's the problem to do it another time?
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Riddle
March 09, 2017, 12:20:04
Okay, since I am not sure whether to ask this question, I will do it here. Have you guys communicated telepathically? What is it exactly like? Can the others read your mind in the non-physical reality? In a sense, if you want to hide a though, would you be able to do it or the other one will automatically read it? Sometimes I feel I would be embarassed if others had access to some unpleasant sides of mine, which I would rather keep to myself.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Riddle
March 03, 2017, 11:26:13
I absolutely can't imagine what living without breathing would be! It just seems so suffocating.. have you experienced it during AP? What if you want to imitate breathing for old times sake? Would it be possible ?
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Riddle
March 03, 2017, 09:29:58
Now I feel more encouraged! By the way, do you think that after death we keep breathing after we have lost the physical need to do so?
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Riddle
February 28, 2017, 15:52:08
Yeah but  I don't know if you've read the story Szaxx shared but if he hadn't been capable of solving the problem and banishing these entities, who knows were they could have dragged the inhabitants of this place and what they could do. I am kind of in shock now, don't want to meet them in any place, ever. It is exactly creatures of this kind that I am afraid may reach me.
By the way, Szaxx, how come do you know such specifics, what are you by education?
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Riddle
February 28, 2017, 13:47:55
Oh my God. I can't believe what I just read. :O
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Riddle
February 27, 2017, 17:03:51
Thank you for the advice! Is there a topic (topics?) in the site where I can read about some stories, experience of your projections?