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Messages - Guyspie

Quote from: ThaomasOfGrey on October 04, 2017, 01:13:52
I think it is more like the hyperbolic time chamber from Dragonball.

That sounds like a better way to say it

Quote from: Visitor on October 04, 2017, 07:24:25

My bets advice would be to use self hypnosis and master that ability.

By putting yourself into deep state you open channels to subconscious which can store all manner of info.  It's one reason so many students are now learning to study with music playing on in a deep relaxed state. 

That sounds like a easier idea I'm gonna look in to that
Very interesting. I'm not really looking for limitless information I'm just looking for faster way to learn what I need. I figured maybe since in the spiritual world time is basically nonexistent (from what I figure anyway). I could get to that point where I could get to use the akashic records and learn everything I want in a night.
One question I came up with is can you astral project and in a night or a couple of nights learn anything you want about any subject (and I mean anything from simple math to quantum physics). My first thought was since I'm in college learning all about the subject I'm going to school for. Which is air conditioning btw, and now that I think about it it's kinda funny trying to use a advanced spiritual technique to learn about air conditioners  :-D. After thinking about it for a minute i thought why stop there I could learn music, science, math, history, and all sorts of stuff. I've seen on forums and blogs people "reference" this but never actually talk about it in depth. I've even heard a level on the astral plane where it has every piece of possible information of the universe stored I'm really curious about this. Tell me what you think and if you think it can be done
Quote from: Lumaza on June 19, 2017, 18:50:14
Yes, there was likely a "unconscious" lesson there, but even more then that, it was a new experience.

We come here to this physical realm to experience all kinds of things. We go there to the "other realms" for the same purpose too. Some experiences come in the form of "life's lessons" or Guidance and aid us in our physical manifestation here and overall evolution period. Others may be more like other realms in "Otherworlds"  and contain all kinds of unique adventures and quests. But in the end, they are all "experiences". 
Makes me wonder if all these little worlds are pockets created by our subconscious or if they existed long before us
Quote from: Lumaza on June 18, 2017, 18:30:45
Initially, I was completely aware I was Dreaming. But that had to become a "afterthought" if I wished to stay where I was. I learned that too much focus on the fact that we are consciously aware in a Dream will lead to a early exit from that Dream simulation.
After a while, you learn to hold the "semblance" and that creates a balance of sorts.

I didn't get the "urge" to leave at all, even though there were some trying times during the entire scenario. So, truthfully I don't know if I had the ability to leave or not. The click ins and outs showed that there was some kind of "recess" in between the changing of the years. But not once did I fully awaken during this "lifetime" experience, until my morning awakening that is.
Do you think you were supposed to learn something from it or do you think it was random
Quote from: Lumaza on June 18, 2017, 02:52:50
I find that yes, it is.

Here is a link to a great thread. describing some very long "NP" (non physical) experiences. My name at the time here was "Lionheart". The thread was started by a Moderator here named Stillwater.

I know you mentioned on another thread here how these threads were very lengthy. Many of the threads on the Astral Pulse Forum are lengthy, but they are loaded with helpful info as well. So, it does pay to read the whole thread.
Almost any question you have on Astral Projection has already been answered here somewhere on this Forum. Many of the same questions have been answered repeatedly.
The upper right hand corner "search engine" is very good for finding these answers. Just use "key words".
Those 2 stories you and Stillwater have given me a better idea how all of this really works. But I got two questions that I was thinking about while reading this. Were you guys fully aware that you were both asleep while you were living these lives? And did you both have the ability to leave when you wanted to? I know Stillwater was talking about how he was stuck there but he never described himself trying to leave the school
Is time nonexistent in the astral realm? Like if I astral project can I make a few hours seem like a few days/weeks/years? Of course I mean with enough practice and mastering astral projection.
Quote from: Lumaza on June 15, 2017, 19:15:30
I think you might like this thread here Guyspie. It has some great replies and posts in it. It speaks of the "progression" that you undergo in this practice.;msg364736#msg364736
Wow that is a Lot of reading. I read a pretty good amount some stuff in there I can understand, other stuff in there I'm not quite ready to understand yet, but I do get what he was saying that's there are things you can and cannot do, or at least you can't do until your more experienced.
With millions of people astral projecting you'd expect to see people more often but I guess I'd be wrong.
Quote from: ThaomasOfGrey on June 15, 2017, 17:09:03
My experiences have all been very similar to normal reality sex. My understanding is that astral "sex" is something pretty different where the emphasis is on the emotional connection and melding of minds rather than a physical sensation.
That's what I kinda figured anytime I ask this question anywhere else I get the same long drawn out answer about how it mixing of energy and all that crap. Which when I picture that in my head it sounds complicated
Quote from: ThaomasOfGrey on June 15, 2017, 16:25:19
Once you have mastered that you should be free to break the scenario or manipulate it.
This is a better way to put what I was talking about. I want to cool stuff like fly and stuff like that. When I lucid dream I'm about as limited as I am in the real world. But my main problem is that I can't leave my body when I become aware. It's kinda like I'm stuck in the dream.
when astral projecting how often do you meet other people who are also astral projecting in the physical world and the astral planes?
Does it look like normal physical sex or like 2 different energys mixing together or something? I haven't astral projected yet so I haven't had astral sex. I was just curious about what you usually see and feel and how different it is from normal sex.
So before I can control the dream I have to let the dream happen as it is? And like just get used to being aware
So I'm really interested in astral projection. I read a lot about it and I want to become really good and do stuff like go on adventures, travel through time, fight demons, and meet other people on the astral planes. But I'd been trying to figure out the best way for me. I tried many techniques of the traditional way by laying down and staying still till your bodies asleep but your awake and you just float out but I can't stay still that long I like to move around. I can get to the vibration but thats about it. So I thought I'd master lucid dreaming to the so I can make it automatic that I astral project every night. I've been keeping a dream journal, trying to focus before I go to sleep, setting a alarm in the middle of the night and some other stuff. Haven't been able to lucid dream lately but the time that I remember lucid dreaming. It didn't matter if I knew I was dreaming or not. I still had no control. The people in my dreams didn't do what I said, no matter how much I concentrated I couldn't control anything, and I couldn't leave my body.
My question is, is there a way I can get more control when I lucid dream and is there any better techniques for lucid dreaming.