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Messages - WalkerInTheWoods

Quote from: Lexy on May 14, 2011, 01:26:24
In terms of environmental impact, I think it's more a factor of excessive consumption. It's not necessary to eat a pound of meat everyday to live. It's just too much. They have to cut down rainforests just to make room for more & more cattle. People eat more meat then what is needed or even healthy for the body or the planet.

This isn't just about producing meat. Land has to be cleared for new fields to grow produce as well. This is more of an effect of people being disconnected from their food. It wasn't that long ago when most people grew atleast some of their food on their own land. Within a community almost, if not all, of the people's food was grown. It was consumed fresh and at its peak, supplying the best nutrients as well as energy.

Now few people, atleast in the US, grow any food at home. It isn't that they don't have the means, it is that they just don't. I drive around and see acres and acres of nicely mowed lawns. There are houses sitting on atleast 1 acre, though many times a lot more than that, with nothing but grass on them. What do they do with that grass? They just mow it. What a waste! If they wanted just grass the least they could do would be to put a cow or goat (or a few) out there to eat the grass and keep the 'lawn' trimmed and neat. Then at the end of the season they could have some meat, or have milk most of the year. A few animals do not require a lot of space.

If they wanted to, they could be growing atleast some of their food on a small patch of that, or all of it. In the time they spent mowing their yards they could have put time in growing some of their food. This would not only reduce the need to destroy forests for new mega fields, it would also provide them with fresher, healthier food and create a more stable and sustainable food supply.

Again the only reason we have these problems is because of industrial agriculture. Farming spread out in the form of small farms is much more environmentally friendly. Large concentrated mono 'crop' operations cause a lot of problems because they are not natural.
Quote from: Stillwater on May 04, 2011, 15:26:40
I think it is necessary to twist a lot of the facts in a grievously biased way, however, to say that it is the same to eat plants and animals, and that the treatment each receive are equivalent. As has been mentioned, animals kept on most farms are more or less in constant torture. And people do differentiate between how they treat lifeforms of different kinds of development, based on their perceived mental experiences; case in point- most people don't feel bad about stepping on an ant, but would think twice about crushing a dog under a giant dumpster.

There are economic arguments to make as well. Consider all the bio-matter that must be cultivated, transported, and distributed in order to feed and raise an animal to kill. The cost of all the produce it eats is hundreds of times the nutritional value of its meat. If we put the same resources we put toward raising livestock into producing vegetables and grain, we could feed the entire world many times over, rather than just barely, and having many in constant starvation. There are also massive quantities of energy consumed and pollution resulting from keeping the volume of livestock we do. It has been said that given a choice between getting rid of every motor vehicle in the country, and getting rid of the livestock industry, the latter choice would be vastly more beneficial in terms of energy and pollution.

It is indeed a lifestyle choice, but I think it is a vast misrepresenttion of reality to say it does not matter which you choose, and that there are no other consequences for the world.

I use to be a vegetarian (and at points vegan). I read all their propaganda. While this is true to an extent, that extent being only looking at factory farming, it isn't entirely true. Environmentally speaking factory farming is devastating. However this is true of raising fruits and vegetables as much as it is of raising animals. Is having toxic waste lands of fields of genetically altered crops where fields are sprayed with all kinds of herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers really any better?

The problem is not with the animals, or the vegetables, but how it is done. A system that is as close to nature's way as possible is the best system. I have done both, raising food with no animal input. Both the animals and plants thrive and produce healthy food when they are combined.

In fact, meat (especially beef) can be one of the most environmentally friendly food sources if done naturally. Cows on pasture need very little to no outside input. As long as they have grass to eat and water to drink they are good to go. They don't need anything else brought in. They eat the grass and fertilize the field. It is a beautiful system.

Put some chickens out there with them and it is even more complete. Chickens eat bugs and seeds in the field. They love to dig through the cow poop looking for bugs and seeds. This aids in the fertilization by spreading it around (and providing their own). Also they help control flies by eating their larva in the cow poop.

Ok, maybe more information than some wanted so I will stop there. Eat a vegetarian diet for any reason you want, but don't think you are doing so for the environment. If your food source is factory farms regardless of what the food is, it is not good for the environment. The most environmentally friendly food system is one that mimics nature and nature uses both plants and animals.

I think the best diet is one that is local, fresh and natural. That can and is going to vary depending on where you live.
Hello  :-)

Is anyone on here skilled with locating things, or being able to see what happened to something? I am needing some help and will greatly appreciate any that can be given.

I have read Mantak Chia's book about cultivating sexual energy and have been practicing it for many years. I think it is a great practice as it really goes beyond sex, although it is great for that exercise as well. It helps you become aware and develop your energy body. Nothing wrong with feeling good while doing energy work is there? :)

You don't need a partner to do the practice or experience orgasms. You don't even need to be having sex or sexual stimulation even to experience orgasm. You can do so just while working with your energy. It does take work to get the awareness to be able to concentrate on your energy, especially while having sex. But it is certainly not impossible or all that difficult.

I can see one using sex and cultivating sexual energy to use for astral projection. I haven't done it while having sex but I have talked with someone who has. Storing the energy for later use in astral projection can help.

This is nothing new or secret. Each chakra is associated with a vibration and color. This information should easily be found online for free. When meditating one will make the sound (vibration) of the chakra. I don't know about them actually recording a chakra.
If the class is free with no obligations then it could not hurt to attend at least one class to see what it is really like. You might enjoy it. If not, you can look around for another class that might suite you better. But you won't know until you try.
Holy Cow, no wonder they don't read the bills they vote on. Anyone follow the links to try to find out what this bill says? geesh
Quote from: no_leaf_clover on October 26, 2006, 13:04:38
If surfing the web, watching TV or reading a newspaper was banned, but you knew you could still do it without much risk of punishment, would you give it a shot? Assuming that you have much interest in what else is going on in the world outside of your community, anyway; perfectly understandable if you do not.

Whether or not LSD deserves to be illegal isn't even a discussion, imo. Maybe making it illegal to drive on it or for people to behave erratically in public would be reasonable, if any laws for the sake of general safety are ultimately legit in the first place.

And I think we all realize that Congress is not exactly a moral or even wholly logical authority of any sort.

I was simply stating the reality of the situation, not that I agree with it. I think that as long as they are not hurting anyone else adults should be able to consume whatever they wish. I would much rather have some serial rapist locked up in prison away from society than someone that takes weekend acid trips.

This brings up a question. If I know I have an alcohol problem and that LSD can help, why should I go to the doctor and pay the high doctor bill and probably a lot for the LSD when I could got get some from someone else at a much cheaper cost? And they wonder why healthcare is out of control.
Quote from: RunLola on October 26, 2006, 15:50:46
but it's not illegal if you get it from the doctor...

Is it not? I was under the impression that was even illegal, and that this was just an authorized study. I am not up on all the laws though. That is atleast something if you can get it from a doctor ...
You certainly like drugs don't you, Lola. ;) lol

Seriously if one dose helps a lot of people that is great ... except it is illegal.
I want you to find me. Don't you like to play hide and seek? :)

I never really paid any attention to stealth mode or whether someone is currently online or not.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: sins, karma
October 25, 2006, 07:52:50
Good is a relative term. So what standard do you wish to measure yourself against?

Whether demons exist or not is irrelevent. You are responsible for your actions. No one can make you do something you don't want to do. Focus on those things you want to do. When thoughts you dislike surface, observe them but don't be part of them, and simply let them fade. If you dwell on such thoughts they then have power over you, as you are submitting to them. Practice awareness and be aware of all your thoughts and actions.
Maybe you should read some articles/books on the energy body, then see if there is another more common term used to describe whatever it is you are trying to get across.

If I had to take a wild guess I would assume you are talking about chakras and are sensing the more active ones in people. Though we all have the same chakras, different ones may be more active in different people.
Peeping Toms everywhere rejoice.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: breakup
October 19, 2006, 09:03:53
Quote from: Sadd-e Eskandar on October 18, 2006, 23:23:27
Because the only person i need is myself?

We are all connected. What effects one of us effects us all, in some way. You do need to love yourself, but how will you treat others if you only love yourself? Loving others brings you more love.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Like.... Omg?
October 19, 2006, 09:00:08
Or getting up from the computer and getting some exercise to take care of the mental fatigue.
Quote from: Zarklon on October 19, 2006, 08:31:34
For example:  I realized the house was getting messy for a couple of days... While staying high for that whole week I just really didnt feel like doing much of anything like cleaning.. but is that the pot?  Not completely.. its just me being lazily stoned.. I could have gotten up and cleaned but I would have pretty much wasted a good high.

I can be like that and I don't smoke pot. lol I don't think that smoking it really is the cause, it is just an excuse.

What is an "average pot head"? Most I know that smoke it are not those you think of when you think of a pot smoker. I have been surprised to find out some of the people who do smoke. Marijuana is not nearly as bad as we are lead to believe.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Movie: Flatliners
October 18, 2006, 07:35:02
I saw it many years ago and I don't remember everything about it. I recall it being pretty good, though it is a Hollywood movie. I think it is mostly about paying for your wrongs or what you feel guilty about. It really does not resemble any real life NDE's that we read about.
Quote from: Goober on October 16, 2006, 21:28:12
Why would you advise not to?

Because plants are living things and I do not find it right to take that which is not given from other living things. But you do not have to take from them to benefit. Just go out to a place with a lot of plant life and just "feel" the energy, but don't take it.
Well today is the day. I guess we will see or not or not ever really know.  :-P

But doesn't UV cause cancer?

Quote from: Spawn_Xe on October 03, 2006, 06:47:05
how ever stupid this sounds... and incredibley unlikely...

the thought of atleast a million people thinking positivley for one day isnt such a bad thing eh?

I agree.   :-)
Quote from: davio28 on October 16, 2006, 07:36:48
Actually now i think about it, it ca nbe used to describe reincarnation too.  Transmigration really just means the movement of something from one place to another so really it could mean reincarnation too.

I forgot where i read or heard this as it was years ago.  But iam allmost sure that i heard it was possible for one soul to leave a body and for another to enter.  I expect this doesnt happe often but is something which is possible.

You never know i could be completely wrong on one soul leaving and another taking over a body!!!  Has anyone else heard of this before??

I have only heard of it from fictional sources. I have read from others' experiences about them finding others trying to take over a body but were unable to do so. Personally I don't think it is likely as I think the idea that the physical body is like a car that we can get out of and leave empty so someone else can get in it is wrong. When we project I don't think we are actually leaving anything, we are merely raising our consciousness to become aware of more than the physical.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: reasons?
October 17, 2006, 07:04:13
Go with what you feel is right for you right now. You don't have to meditate all the time if you feel it is not what you should be doing. Sometimes you may feel that meditating is what you should be doing and other times you may feel that you need to be doing something else. It really does not matter what path others have taken, just try to be true to yourself.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: breakup
October 16, 2006, 06:41:52
Quote from: Sadd-e Eskandar on October 15, 2006, 18:28:03
Attachments and love for someone only leads to suffering, love only yourself.You are all that you will ever need. :-)

Why only love yourself? Why only love one other person? Love everyone, give everyone love, and you will receive a lot of love in return.
I don't advise taking energy from plants, you don't need to. Just being around them can be of benefit as described above.
Quote from: davio28 on October 16, 2006, 00:36:11
I thought transmigration of a soul was one soul taking over the physical body from another soul.  I also belive it can refer to what most people call reincarnation.

I pretty sure it is where one soul leaves a body and enters another while the previous soul of the body would presumerably leave.

If that is the case then I don't think that is possible.