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Messages - Swimmingbear

Wandering Indigo,

In one of your previous posts you mentioned a method for gathering energy that you learned when you were young.

Would you mind sharing exactly what that method is?

Robert Moss is a powerful shaman and an excellent teacher.  He has written several very good books that I highly recommend.  He also does dream workshops all over the place.

He definatley encourages the use of the imagination.  He would say that if you are not seeing something just use your imagination to make it up.  The imagination can act as a device to prime the pump as I am sure that you know.  In theory what begins as imagination can quickly take on a life of its own. (very similar to a run down) I understand that the imagination can be just as powerful as experiencing something in a very real way.  In any case I certainly could use my imagination to journey for a solution but have not made the transition from actively imagining to just sitting back and watching things happen.  (more specifically I mean having a specific quest or intention...then putting the drumming on and just watching to see where it takes you.)

As a side note I really do know that it is possible because after a break in my sleep cycle I have experienced this type of thing first hand. (no drumming etc. just falling back asleep nice and slow. What begins as me imagining a journey or scene becomes completely real for me.

I guess I was hoping that shammanic drumming would be a way for me to have those types of experinces at will.  Perhaps I just need some more pratice and experience.


I have tried shammanic journying many times and have even been to a few workshops but I have not had much success as of yet.

When you journey how close to is it to phasing?  I mean do you see things vividly and feel like you are actually experincing your surroundings?

The cd you mentioned caught my attention because I thought perhaps the drumming combined with the bineral beats would create a more potent effect than just shammanic drumming alone.

I noticed that runlola recommended this CD.

Has anyone had any interesting experiences with it?

Sounds interesting....I might experiment a bit with that.

What has been working well for me lately is a long break between sleep cycles.  For example going to bed around 7 or 8 and getting somewhere around 12 or 1 and then going back to bed around 3 or 4.  I have had some success with getting up for as little as an hour before going back to bed but I am able to project much more consistently when the break in my sleep is 3 or 4 hours.

When I go back to bed at 4 in the morning I can just feel that special state coming on so much more quickly.  Another thing I like about this particular strategy is that there is very little to do.  I just relax and the process seems to just happen by itself.

I know that using sleep cycles to A.P or Lucid dream is a very well known method but I am curious if others have had success with longer breaks in the sleep cycle versus shorter ones.


How long did your session last?

I read in one place that a person could start to feel the effects (see things) in a few minutes.  In another source I read it could take a couple of hours before things really start to kick in.

Is there anyone who has experience using the ping pong ball method that could give a few pointers or explain things in further detail?
The time it took etc..

Perhaps it is silly but I thought I read somewhere it was the position favored by the Eygptians for projection.
Speaking of positions.....has anyone tried the 37.5 degree incline position?  Did it make any difference?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Hi
October 24, 2005, 21:25:50
If you don't mind could you list the various methods that you have tried?
Perhaps there is something that you missed.
I would agree with your triggers for the most part.
What has made the biggest difference for me so far is the timing of when I attempt to project.  Early morning after being up for a bit seems to do the trick for me.

Thanks Sploosh!
Many of my projections have started off with one of my astral arms beginning to float up. I have now trained myself to try and roll out of my bed anytime I feel my astral body floating or shifting.

Have you had many projections or was what you shared a common experience for you?

How do I get to your blog?
A most excellent quote by Deepak.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / BWG help
February 26, 2005, 20:30:25
I have the Brainwave generator cd rom and I can't seem to access the 25 programs it comes with.
I have followed the steps on the cd-rom and everything has installed correctly.
It seems I have to register with Bwg before I can get the presets to work.
I know that I am missing something.
Thanks for all the tips and advice.
I will try to really relax my face and head before projecting.
I will also try rubbing my astral hands on my head when I am stuck.
I will let you know how it goes.
Often times when I begin to project my feet and legs float up above my head.  I feel like I am doing a headstand.  If I try to move I usually lose the projection.
Is solving this problem just a matter of energy work?
Any tips or advice would be appreciated.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Andali
February 13, 2005, 22:31:44
Give this a try.
Go to bed around 8 or 9 and then get up at 2 a.m.
Stay up for 2 hours.
Now relax and get into your mind awake body asleep state.
When you feel your there try to roll out and get up.
Perhaps you will find yourself out of your body.
Keeping in mind that what works best varies from person to person, what works best for me is the interrupted sleep method.  When I really want to project I will get up after sleeping six or seven hours, stay up an hour or two and then go back to bed.  It seems to work best when I go back to bed between 4 and 5 a.m.  When I go back to bed all I try to do is relax, and fall asleep slowly.  This method works for me a  very high percent of the time.  
The most effective A.P. method for me is the use of interrupted sleep.
Going to bed early, 8 or nine and then getting up around one or 2 and staying up about 2 hours is the pattern that seems to work the best for me.  Upon returning to bed I relax my body and just try to go to sleep slowly.  I usually start to feel my astral body begin to shift after a short time.  My hands are most likely to move first.  Sometimes I get stuck and can't get my head out.  Other times all I need to do( once I feel my hands move) is slowly swing my legs out of bed and stand up.  
I usually project about a couple times a month and have several other times (during the month) where I get partially out of my body.
Once I get out I usually follow a set route to get out of the house.  Once I get beyond this however I often lose the awareness that I have and it becomes more of a regular dream type experience.  Has anyone experienced and overcome this type of situation? If so how can I sharpen and prolong my awareness while projecting?  Is it just a matter of concentration?  Any comments or advice would be appreciated.
I just finished reading about the new book and it looks great.
My question is how large of a factor will the brain wave generator have in regards to the success of the program.  The reason I ask is that I do not have daily access to the net.
Will the program still be worth while for someone like myself?
Is it possible for some of the cd-rom materials to be transfered over to a regular cd?  I am not sure if that would make the price of the whole package become too expensive but as for me I would still be willing to pay extra for something like that.
Thanks for the reply.
The mind awake body asleep state indeed seems to happen much more quickly for me with interrupted sleep. I have tried waking up early and then going back to bed after being up for various amounts of time, from a few minutes to a few hours.  I think what works best just depends on the person and how quickly/slowly they naturally fall asleep.  Right now, although a little inconvient  a longer amount of time awake before I return to bed is more effective for me.  Hopefully I will be able reduce the window of time that I stay awake in the future.  My goal is to eventually be able to project whenever.