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Messages - Dansk

Welcome to Dreams! / dialog in dreams
April 13, 2005, 17:31:35
I've noticed lately that in my dreams I will say something and when I apply it to life I find it to be really... appropriate, I guess thats the word. For example: for a little while I've had this kind of apathetic "who cares we all die in the end anyways" attitude and then I had this dream. I was stuck on an island in the dream with a bunch of other people and a couple of us had to go search for something deep in the jungle. (I think I've been watching too much lost) As we started out I realized that I didn't know any of the path in the jungle and this other guy had to lead the way. I remember saying "Well, as long as I'm stuck on this island I might as well learn the paths." And that little statement has meant so much to me over the last week. Does this happen to anyone else?
Welcome to Dreams! / Dreaming about telekenesis
April 13, 2005, 17:17:22
I've had a couple dreams about telekinesis. I've also had some about telepathy which were very very interesting, almost a whole new experience.

As for your dream although you want to, it might not be about telekinesis itself. Maybe it's about something else... like not being recognized for something you've done? Or feeling like you haven't been rewarded for your hard work? Just a thought...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / INK BLOT TEST
April 01, 2005, 18:11:50
I got peace too!
Well it could be that if you are seeing it out of the corner of your eyes you see a little part of something that resembles a person, for example the color of a shirt, the position of the object, etc. and then your mind fills in the rest, but when you look directly at the object you see what it really is. Kind of like a blind spot, your mind just fills it in.
My dreams are very detailed. Sometimes I'll have dreams about TV shows or movies that don't exist and once I had a movie-like dream that even had credits at the end. I'll also hear songs that I've never heard before. Often in my dreams I'll have a different set of memories, for example in my dream I'll remember going somewhere with someone from the dream but in real life I've never been to the place and the person doesn't exist. Some people believe that dreams are where people are most creative.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / UNDER 18 AP goers
March 07, 2005, 16:09:22
Quote from: Andali27The problem I think most of us have is that telling our families would mean, in their eyes, admitting to being some kind of psycopath.

I guess I'm pretty lucky because my parents, well my dad mostly is really open to these kinds of things. He has even helped me learn some new stuff, like how to read minds (although I find that term rather crude), different kinds of meditation, and how to sense different things (mostly about their pasts but also what their really like on the inside) about random people. The only down part is that he can practically read my mind, so when I get really mad at him I always try to send my anger towards him so he knows just how mad I am (I am horrible, I know).
Welcome to Astral Chat! / omg this is truly strange
February 24, 2005, 13:58:24
Remember that the mind can find patterns even where there are none.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / UNDER 18 AP goers
February 24, 2005, 13:50:21
I am 15 years old. And I'm a girl just in case anyone was wondering.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Psychokinesis
February 20, 2005, 12:12:11
Well a friend of mine kind of taught me how to calm people down when they are freaking out. I say kind of taught me because I haven't completely mastered it yet, but for the most it works and could probably be adjusted. But if the person is touching you then it doesn't seem like it's his emotions you want to change but his actions. When he does that you could try to project your emotions of anger toward him, try to yell "STOP" through your emotions. Or you could just yell "Stop!" every time he does it. And when you say touch what exactly do you mean? Does this person actually hit you or something? Does he have a mental disability?
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Incarnations.......
February 13, 2005, 19:19:57
Is it possible that you because you missed your friend, you subconsciously sought out a similar person, someone like the friend you lost?
Welcome to Dreams! / Interesting Dream
February 12, 2005, 14:53:57
Just thought I'd share a dream I had: Last night I had an interesting dream. I was in my house and it was the middle of the night. I got out of bed and went into another room down the hall (it's not there in real life). For some reason I knew that I would find the answers to a some question in there. In the room towards the back, was a dark mirror. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at it. I saw flashes of four different faces. All looked rather familiar. The only one I can remember clearly was the face of a young man. He had really light blond, slightly wavy, hair almost to his shoulders. Anyways after the images went away I realized there was a woman standing next to me looking into the mirror as well. I seemed to know her from somewhere but I can't say where. She had a long reddish dress on and dark curly hair. I asked her what she saw and she told me, it was something that would happen in the future. What she told me seemed to be the answer to the question but I got mad at her and told her she was wrong, that I wasn't going to do that, no matter what she foresaw. Then I think there were other people in the room telling me she was right and I was wrong and I should just except it. I refused to believe them.  I can't quite remember what happens after this.
This dream felt a lot different from my normal dreams, it feels more like another dream I had a while ago in which I had also received an answer to a question I had asked before falling asleep. But this time I hadn't asked for any answers and both times the answers I had received were wrong.
Thanks for the reply!  :D
A friend of mine told me about some kind of meditation a while ago and I was wondering if anyone else had tried/heard of it.

Here is a brief description:
First you get into a trance.
Then you start focusing on your third eye chakra and a deep blue color.
Then I think you are supposed to be on at an ocean.
The ocean is really dark and stormy with giant waves and at the horizon is a white veil.
You swim toward the veil, without becoming overwhelmed with fear an what not or turning back and something really "cool" is supposed to be beyond the white veil.

I've tried doing this before but I couldn't get into a trance so it didn't work. Any thoughts on this?
Quote from: Fat_TurkeyChronokinesis - altering the PERCEPTION of time, not time itself. Theoretically near impossible; it could take you half a century to learn.

What do you mean by lentation?


Wait, so chronokinessis is altering the perception of time? (sorry, I don't know much about it)  Would that mean that if you were to perceive time as moving extremely slowly, would you yourself be moving at that same rate?
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Salutations!
January 07, 2005, 20:12:22
Congratulations on projecting! It's cool to see younger people here.  (I'm 15) The other morning I kind of projected but it was kind of messed up. Oh well.

Happy Projecting!
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Greetings
January 07, 2005, 20:03:30
Hi! Welcome to the forums! I hope you find some interesting stuff!

About the rain... I'm not sure if there is a more spiritual thing to it, but I could be wrong. I really like the rain too. Water is a very calming thing. I have a French teacher who used to teach kindergarten and she said that when ever a little kid would get upset she would bring him to one of those water tables and the kid would calm down really fast. Everyone has something that they find calming and relaxing so maybe thats all it is. Sorry if I have disappointed you  :(
Welcome to Members Introductions! / HELLO
January 07, 2005, 17:16:51
Hi! Welcome!
Welcome to Dreams! / Learning in dreams
January 06, 2005, 12:08:39
I get "dream deja vu" a lot. And sometimes I remember having the dream before but it was a little different, and I think thats not how it was last time. It's really interesting. And sometimes I dream of really random objects and the next day I will see it. My brother, who is only ten, has a lot of precognitive dreams, I'm so jealous.
Quote from: TyciolYour parents name you, so how could you have chosen it?

Well when my mom was still pregnant they read a list of names off and the one that I kicked on they named me. So I guess it could have just been a coincidence but it's still a neat idea.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hello
December 24, 2004, 18:11:19
Hey! I know what you mean about this place. Its kind of like a haven for me, somewhere where people aren't asking what I'm on all the time. lol  Hope you learn some interesting stuff!
Welcome to Members Introductions! / hello
December 24, 2004, 18:08:40
Just wanted to say I like your name.
Well I'm not really sure about choosing one's parents but I chose my name before I was born, maybe thats why I don't hate my name like a lot of people I know do.
Twice this week I became lucid while dreaming. Both times I had been looking at the ground in front of my while walking. The first time I realized I was dreaming (while still in my dream) I could feel myself sleeping in my bed. Knowing I was about to wake up I held off for a minute but then I woke up. The second time I knew I was dreaming and I started to be able to feel my physical body, I feel to the ground (in the dream)  and almost woke up but somehow stopped it (then I decided I would fly around for a bit :D  ). Has this ever happened to anyone else? Is there a way I can get better at it, or is it one of those "practice, practice, practice" things?
A day or two before 12/12 I became very aware of my surroundings. I was helping my grandmother fix her glasses when I became completely amazed by the glass. I could feel it, really feel it. The way it "moves", everything. I could feel the inside as well as the outside. When I got home I went to my room and closed my eyes and just tried to feel the room around me. Sometimes I walk around my house with my eyes closed and see how well I can get around, usually I can kind of "see" how far away the walls are and doors and such but its usually off by a little bit. Any ways when I was sitting in my room it was almost the same with the glass. I was much more aware of everything, and could almost make out specific items on my floor. Then I walked around the house a bit with my eyes closed and was much more aware of where everything was including people, even when they moved and looked at me.  Now (12/17) I am not as good at it as I was a week ago, so I am not sure if that had anything to do with the 12/12 thing or not but it was very interesting all the same! I also wonder if it was that or if it was my thinking about it and I subconsciously become more alert and aware so that if there was a change I would be able to recognize it... hhhmmm.......
Welcome to Dreams! / Sharing Dreams
December 16, 2004, 15:42:49
Have you ever had the same dream as someone else? A couple years ago I had a dream that my friend was in and the next day I was telling her about it and about half way through it she said that she had the same dream and even told me some things I hadn't told her yet. So has that ever happened to anyone else?