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Messages - MFInsane

I would definitely say it was an obe or ap.

If at any time you even question whether you were actually awake or in an obe, you are in an obe.

If you can think cognitively while in a state beyond physical wake, you are in an obe or ap.
My mom does sometimes. Very rarely .
Naturally when we are phasing in to obe from physical we are going to hear and see things we normally do not.

We are opening our 3rd/spiritual eye. This eye is what connects all of us together.

So if a spirit is thinking of you or trying to get your attention while you are meditating or slipping in to obe, you will hear or see a RV of them.
My mother 56 years old and an ap'r herself.

She does not have them as frequently as I, but she does.

So, she thinks they are "Pretty wild".
I too have some ap experiences with music.

Most of the time I create the music in my head from a song I heard. It is so neat because it is so intense. Better than surround sound.

I have heard the radio to in the past. I know it was a radio because it had several different songs with commercial interruptions.

The neat thing about music is that you can fly around in loops where ever you are to the sound of it.

Allot of funny replies.

I had this LD along time ago on lsd.
I was walking in to this house that was getting smaller with every step I took. I turned in to this room and saw a clock. It was one of those Big Ben clocks that have the bells on top and legs.

Anyway, the clock had a face, human like. It was smiling at me almost an evil kind of grin. The clock then started to walk to me. I stood still and watched it till it got right beside me.
It then bit my leg. I tried to shake it off like you would a small dog. I then woke up.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Body positions
November 28, 2005, 21:27:20
I have never heard of any type of position being able to protect you from evil. If it works, then amen to that.

As far as positioning it is best to be in a comfortable one. If you cut the circulation of to an arm or leg you will be pulled back to your body sooner than you want.

AP time is short enough without body functions and disturbances making them any shorter.
I know you all will laugh, but this really did happen to me in an ap about 9 years ago.

Anyway, I saw on the news a group of people committed suicide because they thought they were going home to an alien god. I think it happened in Calif.

I fell asleep on the sofa shortly after watching the news. After the report of these people. I woke in to obe. I saw myself on the sofa. I got up and walked around and then noticed a bunch of people sitting in rows of chairs. They were all looking at this strange man with a hooded cape on. When he turned to look at me I noticed he had 3 eyes. I remembered the alien suicide report on TV at that moment.
All the sudden this 3 eyed man touched me. I then felt this lump growing out of my forehead. I touched it as it kept growing.
It was an eye. I got scared, I thought,"OMG, I do not want an eyeball in the middle of forehead."
I then tried to squeeze it out, like a zit. It took a few times, but it finally popped out. I had it in my hand. It was an eye. Blue to be exact.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / "professional" trippers
November 26, 2005, 01:56:24
As MJ stated;
It is very important to know what is true and what is not. That is so very important in ap/obe. It is very easy to become mislead by your thoughts.

My point is that ap shows us we have a spirit/soul. We can leave our bodies at night and do what ever. That is a spiritual experience to me.

The bottom line is that depending on your individual belief system your ap's will vary. Your mind influences them. So, if you believe in God, you will have Godly experiences, and ect... for what ever belief you have.

Well, here's my 2 cents;

 I think you have a  misconception about Christianity. Like Muhammad was, Jesus was also a messenger for GOD. The writings in the Bible state nothing about worshiping Jesus, only following the morals and laws he gave to us by GOD.
Jesus was a prophet given to us by GOD to help put us on the right spiritual path. This is also what Muhammad did for you.
In fact The Lords Prayer says nothing about Jesus in it, yet Jesus gave us that prayer. Jesus, like Muhammad wants us to love others, be good, ect.. Jesus also wants us to worship God, not him, but only GOD.
Anyone that worships Jesus and not GOD is not a Christian, but very mislead.

It does not matter how you came to GOD, whether by Jesus, Muhammad or the crazy man on the street corner. What matters is that you know he is almighty and hod him higher than anything else in this world.
There are many stairway that lead to heaven. We can take anyone of them. Just as long as we do, that is what is important.

As for obe/ap affecting spirituality;
I became aware of GOD more after I started having these experiences. In fact I pray and ask GOD for guidance threw them at times.

I also think allot of people have ap's and think they are LD's, and the opposite. The difference between the two is in any dream you can not take control of it or be in a state of full consciousness. In an ap you can change anything at any time by just thinking about it.
I am most certain that you were in obe.

The fact that your wife grabbed your hand does not surprise me either. When people sleep together it is common to have things like that happen. Everyone had a soul, but not everyone is fully aware or awake while their body sleeps.

More than likely your wife Incorporated taking your hand in a dream. She more than likely will forget it even happened.

People that have ap/obe capabilities are in a sense more spiritually in tuned. They have stronger minds therefore stronger souls. This is what makes them fully conscious at sleepy time.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / "professional" trippers
November 24, 2005, 01:41:32
It is a very spiritual learning experience for any one no matter how advanced they are.
I have seen myself several times in the ap, body and all.

I usually notice my astral body when i change my cloths.
For instance; I like to change my outfits by thinking of wearing beaded stuff or leather, ect...
This is one of the fun things I like to do in the astral plane, change my appearance.
Too cute!!!

I have had obe's that I had to pee in. The funny thing is when I woke up I had to pee.

I think if a person had bad gas during an ap it could make them feel like farting in the ap also.
I think the white light for a person crossing over is going to be more eternal than the white light we may see in our ap's.

These lights lift us to higher planes that we can not reach our selves.
The white light at death may be even brighter because it takes the person to the ultimate highest plane of all.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / strange OBE
November 24, 2005, 01:14:08
I think we become the person we focus on in obe. For instance if we are thinking of any certain thing it is amplified to a point that makes it real.
This applies to anything in the ap world.
Music is a way of enhancing our spirit.

Think about certain songs that move you more so than others. Music is a way of uplifted our souls to place that nothing else can.

In fact some of most memorable obe's have been filled with beautiful music.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Science and AP
November 24, 2005, 01:06:44
Science as we know it is proven facts mixed with unproven theories.

Spiritual sciences are unproven theories that are made real only by the individuals life experiences. With this in mind; we who have the ability to ap and obe have been proven that it is real. It is our own individual reality.
I would have to say that if a book created by the scrolls of several different books that can with stand the test of time and; still be "The Best Selling Book" today, has got to have some sort of spiritual protection and truth to it!
Definitely false awakenings!

I sometimes have several of them a night.

It gets very confusing. I think I am awake every time. At least until something really strange happens.
Hmmm, Yep! Really wierd!

I had an obe a long time ago. 21 years ago to be almost exact. I was awoke into obe to see this huge green creature lifting the roof off of my bedroom. It was like he was peeling the roof away. While he did this he was looking at me and smiling with a huge grin. I really was not scared, just shocked to see such a thing.
Hello All!

 I am very new to the group!
In fact this is my very 1st reply to any topic. I am impressed. I am a very religious person. I have been a faithful christian most of my life, and it has been confirms threw my obe and ap experiences that there really is a GOD and a Jesus.

I do, like you, believe that Revelations was written while John was in an obe state. I also have read other scripture that tells us that we, as Christians will possess many gifts of the spirit. This includes ap and obe. I can not quote the exact scripture, but I am going to definitely look for it now!

I also feel that these spiritual gifts have always been around. The problem was that people thought of them as being evil. Therefore, those whom possessed these obe gifts would not speak of them because they did not want to be out casted or persecuted for there gift.
Look at Salem and the witch hunts. Can you imagine what any one a few hundred years ago would say to us now?

Times have changed so that we can now express these truths. The truths that have always been around but never told.

I also believe that it is impossible to become an Apr's and not believe that there is a higher power. It comes with the territory!