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Messages - Javier


Are right , but unfortunately in my case is the only way to add new content to Laxman . Because as you will see in the capture, I always get that error message , regardless of the PC on which you connect . I am resigned addition is not a critical issue for me, otherwise I am very satisfied.

Reference mini SD card
Hi Drexal

As an alternative to buy online you have to DealExtreme , I'll leave a link with various vendors and products according to your need . :wink:

Laxman supports Mini SD card, but you can use an adapter containing a micro sd card. According to the manufacturer references works just as well.
example :
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / :(
December 22, 2014, 21:18:36
It is a pity that this failure will be presented on glasses. Fortunately after nearly two years the mine still work very well. As a recommendation will never recommend bend or press in any way, because the construction is sealed and the naked eye can not handle simple repair.
Heart I hope you get yours repaired.
taking this instance: I invite you to create an active community blog about Laxman type, because unfortunately the mark is unable or unwilling to exploit this route. For thus we can enrich our experience with others.
The laxman a card type that is hard to find, are called Mini SD Card. Here you can find a list of alternatives, but only to Mini SD adapter using a micro SD card. There are only mini sd, but are much more expensive.
This is a message to Doc Sky. I resent their interventions on Laxman, if to look like they came just to make a counter-advertising in this thread, which certainly speaks of the device. I know I'm just another user in this forum, however, I can not avoid irritated by constant attacks and disadvantages versus Procyon says he personally investigated this device but I was not attracted by the cheapness of its construction and design of the year 80 ', no offense. I end this comment inviting Doc Sky to reemplantee available regarding Laxman, and that their comments are constructive and not vice versa, otherwise there should be a forum for the Procyon which is where according guess will be better received.

PS: Laxman, is the best device I've used to date.  8-)
Hi LionHeart. I've been disappeared long time, and good about Laxman I can say that is a great dispositvo with their pros and cons.
First I have resulatado very effective to reach levels of relaxation that I had not experienced before, to the point of feeling like I'm snoring being aware of the same, (that was the session "CreateTheta"). Since I started using I noticed a change that I can not define, is something of a lightweight, like something had been left behind, it is strange, perhaps due to the release of stress. I also been very useful to prepare before an exam or just to study. Land use sessions "Learning". Currently I'm following day the session "ALPHACLASSIC" as I read it is best to focus only on one during a period of approximately 21 days, which is the time needed to take hold of new neural connections in the brain.
Cons: On the hardware seem right, I noticed only small imperfections in the finishing of the unit, which in no case impair their performance. Now with regard to the hearing, initially used included those who came, but the volume was too high for me so replaced them each Thechnics brand helmets.
I have had problems accessing the internal memory of Laxman in windows 7 and in general, so I decided to buy an adapter for miniSD card, which is using the device and thus allowing me to add new sessions.
Overall I am very satisfied with the purchase of Laxman, as I mentioned earlier noticed changes in me, and mental clarity not previously perceived, a practical example and that surprised me is that when typing on the pc, did fluidly no errors, a situation that caught my attention. This has been my experience with the dispostivo, and I have faith that with time the results and changes will become more noticeable. I would like to share their experiences also notice improvements at the level of memory, concentration? ....
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / White Balance
August 12, 2013, 14:11:19
Malvasia Hello, I just checked the factory settings and mine is: RED Power (95.0%) Green Power (90.0%) Blue Power (100.0%).   :-)
LionHeart clarified that the views on the Laxman corresponds to another user who bought on Amazon. Personally I can not comment because I have not to come to hand, when the time will give my impressions. Although I can say that after much research, I decided on the notorious Laxman manufacturing quality above all others that are within the price range.

I have always been interested in the brain's hidden potential, I think that's the point of creation, and the doors to higher knowledge.
The 25 or so will my Laxman I'm eager to experience.

PD: (sorry if there is any error in writing, use "google translate" to translate from Spanish)
Thank you all for answering my questions, I tell you already ordered and is coming to my country (Chile), unfortunately the cost of the product be added the shipping, but what the hell ... is the only way. I want to know what you think of this review that made ​​a person who bought the Laxman, is the way to copy now:

"Top of the line", "state of the art" -- sort of -- if you want to add your own sessions, it requires a MINI SD card that it rather difficult to find (eBay sells a few ). There's plenty of room in the case for the regular cards, so this is poor design and it really needs to be upgraded. The session editor could be improved in several ways, such as enabling exact frequencies of choice rather than only the standard 440A scale. Also, the ganzfeld goggles need to be larger with better padding/seal around the edges. The LED system could well be replaced with video goggles to enable unlimited programming, such as images ( yantras, words &c ) and the full spectrum of html colors. The earbuds suck. A total headset ( integrated goggles & earphone ) would be nice, if only as an optional accessory. Oh well.., some other decade perhaps... I've been waiting 35 years for this and I can't make one myself, so I'll make do. After all, it is very effective anyway....

I also take the Fairywindblues welcome in this thread, I am excited to know that there are people like me with anxiety levels reaching inaccessible to ordinary mortals. Sounds like a great idea what you mention about creating a YouTube channel to share your experiences, because as you say there is no information regarding Laxman, and if there is inconsistent to have a better idea of the potential and the results laxman can be achieved with use.


Hello Gentlemen

Lionheart congratulate you all the information you give so selflessly. Take to ask anyone who has bought his Laxman on Amazon, I could tell who was the seller? Marks General Services perhaps?. I would be grateful to help me because I want to buy and want to know how reliable is the seller.

Atte Javier