Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I feel like I'm almost 'stuck' to the bed. It feels like a sort of magnetic pull especially around my head and I can't move. The air feels thick and heavy and I can hear a sound like if I was listening to a seashell - the wind, the sea, etc. I feel and hear the same sounds and sensations in False Awakenings. In those situations I would wrest myself up from my bed, the atmosphere would clear and I would continue my dream/projection without any fuss. What I do here is I keep my mind awake until I tire myself out eventually. It's a split-second decision to make before panic sets in.
It feels like I might be wasting a chance to finally have that elusive conscious projection. I can think clearly then and I actually consider this but my fear always gets the better of me in the end. Basically I'm asking how close I would be to a full-blown projection if I let it run it's course naturally i.e. what to expect and actually if it's worth pursuing in the first place. Also obviously what method to use once I've made the decision to go further.
It feels like I might be wasting a chance to finally have that elusive conscious projection. I can think clearly then and I actually consider this but my fear always gets the better of me in the end. Basically I'm asking how close I would be to a full-blown projection if I let it run it's course naturally i.e. what to expect and actually if it's worth pursuing in the first place. Also obviously what method to use once I've made the decision to go further.