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Welcome to Dreams! / big revelation thing
January 17, 2013, 22:54:55
This is kind of a dream, and kind of not. It resembled the astral at some point but I figured I'd put this in the dream forum.

First, the other night I dreamt I was at a party, and I was uncomfortable around everyone. Big party, socially awkward, etc. I didn't know what to do. Then, among the people, there was this lizard guy who walked up. He leaned close and said "Be above them. Regard them as dirt." The lizard guy wandered off. I thought about his advice, and spent the remainder of the party talking down to people more and more, and found myself less awkward - in fact I gained more and more social status because of it.

I woke up and thought about it. Treating people like dirt. I guess the advice worked fine in the dream, but seemed stupid in the physical. Here you face hostility and risk if you screw with people, and I don't want the trouble.

But in a dream, these people couldn't physically stop me. In fact we get stuck in a non-lucid state because of perceived peer pessure in dreams.

So a few nights later, I remembered the advice "regard them as dirt" as I went to sleep. In fact I decided that people should freeze and stay silent in my presence. I'll tear them apart if they don't. I thought about this while falling asleep, just to see what happens. I found myself talking to someone about an emergency. It was a tense situation. I was mostly following along but then I realized that I had suddenly been put in this situation. This wasn't my body, this wasn't my life. Another mind had apparently been swapped out of this body and I was put in. I then woke up. Trippy.

I went to sleep and tried again. This time I went lucid in a dream and started shoving people around. It was working. They did as I told. Peer pressure no longer kept me submissive to the dream state. I was aware and free to do anything to them.

I've learned that dreams are sometimes worlds where you wake up and fall asleep, and go to the next world until you arrive in the physical. Sometimes an insight in one world can give you more control over another.

I found myself in a new scene. It was a golf field and I was spectating. The preѕident was playing golf. He kept missing the ball and dropping the club, doing badly. I was heckling him with political commentary, still having that 'treat them like dirt' mindset. Normally I wouldn't act like that. Some people interrupted me and had me come with them

I didn't suspect that they might be security guards of some kind, or that I might be in a bit of trouble. We went to a small dim garage. It finally occurred to me to think "Wait, who are these people? Where are we going?" But it was too late to run. Inside the garage were 4 previous preѕidents standing around and chatting. This was becoming uncomfortable. This place was unfamiliar and apparently not physical. I had to make my way around the preѕidents in the tight space, brushing against them. It was nerve-wrecking to be this close to a bunch of dangerous people like this.

Someone said "They're just actors."

There was a strange dark car, and a security guard opened the passenger door and had me go inside. I remember her features and everything - black ҏolice outfit, dirty blonde hair, 30-ish. She was having me get in the car like this was a typical thing. This felt like trouble, but it was interesting. In the same night that I had followed a reptilian guy's advice and conquered the dream state, now I was being taken away to gosh-knows-where.

The car went forward onto a foggy road. It was completely automated. The fog became more thick until it engulfed everything and the car disappeared.

I found myself in a quiet grey space. I was thinking about transcendance (or ascendance or whatever) and the levels of reality where people go once they rise above the others. I don't know why I thought about it - I don't even care about that stuff. I'm just a researcher. But I thought... could I go to those higher places?

The fog started to clear and I found myself in a familiar place behind some buildings I used to live near. It was quiet. It was snowing lightly, felt warm, and there were low cumulous clouds overhead, grey sun shining through. There were no cars on the road - no noise anywhere. This was a special level of reality people have ascended to, over the lower levels of reality such as the physical and dream levels. (this is one of those things I was aware of without being told) There were people walking around, wearing mostly white. (looked grey in the dim light) I looked around and noticed most of the people in this place were oriental. Not many white people up here. Pfffft. Being reckless, I bumped into a Japanese lady and knocked her down. She just looked up and smiled in a detached manner.

They were entirely detached from physical bumps and knocks. Very different from the people in the lower levels who I could abuse and they would appear offended or scared. These people just didn't mind. I had no desire to treat them like dirt.

I was just looking around and internally asking questions.

I remained aware that this was a dream. I was aware that everything was a dream. The 'physical' just has rules that beat you down better than the other dream worlds.

I looked at the clouds and wondered where the highest ascendant people were. (another thing I don't normally care about. In fact I don't regard anyone as 'above' or 'below' so I think I was being told what to ask here) And I wondered why we never see the ascended types among us  A presence gave a simple answer: "Because they have no form." Pffft. They can't just create an avatar and say 'hi'? I started to realize this presence was with me all along, and it didn't seem to want to answer all the questions I was throwing at it. I was lifted to the clouds and on the way up I was passing between some pillars. I found myself at an even higher place. I looked below and realized I was over the arctic, miles in the air. I could even see an aeroplane far below and I could fly faster than it over the mountains. Flying around distracted me for a minute or so.

Then I looked at the clouds and wondered again about the ascension stuff. I got the feeling I could 'see' the ascended ones if I tried. A black blob or an opening in space appeared for a moment and disappeared.

"You cannot comprehend what they are."
His explanations were annoyingly short. I then started to realize that the ascended guys are the driving force of our environment. They control the situations we're in. At some point they ceased to be unique people and transferred to a new state where their minds would drive the environment from the outside instead of existing in it. Evidently, the alchemical symbols are the way people talk to them. Different forces respond to different symbols.

I then woke up. Welp, I got some useful answers that night.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Reality glitches
September 13, 2012, 03:22:13
This is becoming somewhat of a buzz on a few sites. People are recalling historical events differently from other people - and not just small details. The most famous one is, a lot of people say Nelson Mandela died in a prison. They can recall the newscasts and people's reactions and everything. But here we are in a world where Nelson Mandela is alive.

Here's a quick list of the alternate memories people have:
- Nelson Mandela died in a prison
- The guy at Tienanmen Square actually got run over by the tank (seen on video)
- Jane Goodall was killed by a poacher in the 80's
- Mickey Rooney died, eulogy was given by other actors and everything
- The U.S. has 52 states (was taught in schools)
- Billy Graham is dead
- geology differences, such as China being above Russia, and New Zealand being northeast of Australia

Anyone here recall any of these events this way?

There's a few possible explanations. I'm going with one that I'll call 'tuning drift'.  Long story short: There are different fields where different realities take place, and instinctively we tune into them. (the longer story takes pages to explain) Over time it's very possible for a person's tuning to drift, and they end up in new areas of reality, where people mostly look and act the same but a few things are off.

clues of entrapment
I'm going to get a little more speculative below. Pardon if I go off the deep end but I consider this a good possibility.
Something we've noticed is, a lot of disinfo agents (people hired to spread lies for criminal groups) are popping up and discouraging investigation into the phenomenon. Some came up with elaborate stories to explain these alternate histories, but their stories can be debunked with a web search. One agent said there were two guys at Tienanmen Square who stood in front of tanks, and one got run over (thus some people saw another video) but after researching it, you'll find no information about a second guy who got run over. That's a pretty thoughtful story to come up with just to debunk a phenomenon like this, isn't it?

If someone is discouraging investigation, that usually means there's a crime being committed. So, one has to wonder why criminals would want to hide a phenomena like memories of an alternate history. Why can't they just let this little thing go?

We know how criminal groups have been poisoning the food and water supply, mostly with conductive metals and materials that disrupt the pineal and other areas of your brain. Your pineal is import to controlling your field of interaction, and conductive metals further disrupt your field (I believe they absorb waves as they do in machinery, lowering the energy of your field or narrowing its bandwidth). Additionally they've been imprisoning people who can tune into other areas of reality (calling them 'schizophrenic' and locking them away), killing off family lines of people who are naturally skilled at shifting and interacting with data fields (the 'witch trials' and ongoing atrocities that phase them out of the gene pool), and taking violent action against people who use or sell psychedelic drugs (or even mildly mind-enhancing drugs). So today we have people who can't naturally astral project and some who don't even have dreams.

I'm thinking, criminals have gradually trapped people in a narrow bandwidth of reality. We're free to walk in all directions (most of us) but we are nonetheless trapped in a very small space. That's what it seems like
I was in a trance the other day and realized that I was using a lot of energy. Physical energy - I actually have to go into my trances a half-hour after eating, otherwise I'll run low on nutrition quickly, and my ability to to function and telepathize runs dry. These trances use a tremendous amount of energy just for etheric biological systems.

I've also noticed that dreaming requires a lot of energy. Sleep itself conserves energy, but when you're dreaming, your etheric form is going to other places and using energy to function. Sometimes you'll be in the middle of a great dream and you're able to fly and be free and do things, but gradually your freedom wears off as your energy depletes. You start to have complications flying, you can't move as fast, sometimes there's a predator coming for you that you can't seem to avoid, then eventually you wake up. I've noticed this pattern happening many times.

We've always thought of energy as only going toward physical actions, but that's seeming less true. You actually need to have heightened energy to sleep well. If your energy is too low at night, you can't sleep properly and instead go into a sort of stupor with no dreams or bad dreams, and wake up feeling bad. Conversely, when you're awake and feel a little too energetic, it's actually the jitters resulting from a lack of energy (adrenaline released so you don't get dangerously low). See, when your energy is genuinely high, you feel calm.

I'm wondering if we belong in a heightened, calm, trance/dream state, but we 'wake up' and revert back to our everyday state of mind when we run out of energy and need more.
I was reading a book that had an interesting take on pulsars, citing some studies that suggest pulsars are giving off intelligent signals, and how the mass-marketed explanation about neutron stars has been debunked every which way. I thought this was an interesting idea.

Any further input on this? I'm posting here because people here could ask around in the astral and perhaps gets some answers. If pulsars are being used as galactic information outlets, then what are they saying? What's the code?

I have some skills with telepathy and I find that information on the cosmos is easy to receive, so I'll be trying to get some answers as well.
I found this trick for triggering a brief trance: I'll get somewhat relaxed, then start thinking of something really complicated, like a program I'm stuck on, and I'll keep stressing my mind to think about it until my heart rate goes up. And then, I let my mind go blank. For some reason, this creates a trance state that lasts for a few seconds, complete with foreign sounds and images going through my mind.

I want to figure out how this works. My normal method of going into a trance involves arousal and relaxation, and it works for longer, but I can only do it once a day at most. I'm not sure why these methods work, but I'm guessing the increased blood flow (oxygen) to the brain is keeping it alert while it shifts into a lower state, giving you control of new areas of the mind that are normally accessible only while asleep.

I've heard about people having increased heart rates before an astral projections, so I'd like to study this further. We might come up with a method that lets people access psychic abilities quickly, and without foreign substances
I see a lot of interesting things in dreams and trances - especially trances - so I'll mark them down here.

Today I fell into a trance and I saw this symbol - a white pyramid, and I understood it symbolized a 'third branch of Sirius'.

This is interesting because a few days ago, I had a trance that showed Sirius B splitting off from Sirius A - as in, the stars used to be one until some time ago. I understood that the Sirians did this on purpose - splitting apart. There was a civil war, I think, and many Sirians split off by making their own star and putting a planet in its orbit. Thus we have the binary star of Sirius - 2 branches.

So today's trance goes off and says there's a third branch symbolized by the white pyramid. This is funny because I read, the other day, that there was a third star in Sirius supposedly seen by an astronomer (though never confirmed). Sirius was represented by three symbols in ancient Egypt: the obelisk, the star and the half dome. (pretty odd that one star would have a 3-part symbol, isn't it?) Sirians apparently had a lot of involvement in ancient Egypt as well as the modern world - Washington DC and capitals in other countries are littered with their symbols. Our flags have their symbols, our money has their symbols, and there is this constant use of the number 3 in political symbolism (always 3 colors on the flag for instance, no matter the country). Perhaps this 3rd star is real. Could anyone verify this?
Question: Does anyone know about life at the edge of the Solar System? Like Pluto and Neptune, and other planetoids? Something seems to be going on out there.

I ask because I was trying a new method of telepathy the other day and got a strange 'response'. I wasn't sure whether the response was reliable, because the new method was risky. I asked about the planet Nibiru - nothing specific, I just wanted any info because I've had a lot of dreams about a red, dangerous planet nearing Earth. All my life I've had those dreams, and now I wanted to know if it's the same planet Sitchin translated out of the ancient texts.

A response said the red object is "a planet from Nibiru", which confused me. It might have meant 'a moon from Nibiru' (sometimes telepathic messages interpret oddly as words), or perhaps a planet belonging to the inhabitants of Nibiru, or maybe 'Nibiru' was always a name for 'Sirius' while the red planet had a different name. Either way, I wanted to know more.

I asked the question again and got a new response. I was mentally flown to the edge of the Solar System, and there's was this blue haze out there. In the middle of the haze was a dark planet, and numerous space stations. Machinery everywhere, space craft hangars, war crafts, everything very active.

I came back and wasn't sure what to think. I was using telepathy while awake, so I was less certain about it than when I'm in a trance. Imagination can get in the way more easily. There was something familiar about this hazy area of space, however. I've seen it in other dreams. There was always a fight going on there, with crafts blasting each other. I was even in the cockpit of one

Then I remembered Pluto, which is out there at the edge. I've seen it before in a trance state - I saw a dissection of the planet where the inside has a very secure living area, and the surface had dome-covered cities, again very secure. It was clearly very inhabited and used almost like a star ship. A voice said there was a war on the planet, and the inhabitants were beginning to lose. Again with the war at the edge of the Solar System.

This was intriguing, so I looked for more info telepathically. I asked what my relation is to this fight and maybe the inhabitants of Pluto. Funny question, I guess. The answer was "third officer".

That sounded pretty outrageous. Some kind of military rank, apparently. I said something like "What?" and got an unclear response. Among the information, a voice said "your insignia" which is a word I'm unfamiliar with. I looked up 'insignia' and the definition says "a badge or distinguishing mark of military rank, office, or membership of an organization; an official emblem."

Now I remember numerous dreams I've had of the inside of a space station that didn't appear to be anywhere near Earth. There were war crafts inside, and I remembered computer interfaces and plans. I remembered how I've had this instinctive knowledge of the Solar System's planets and comets as long as I've lived, often seeing them in books and thinking those NASA pictures don't justify how alive and active the planets are. And I always had this nagging urge to 'go back to space'

So I'm searching all over the web for clues about Pluto before I speculate too much. I've seen one account where a person saw the buildings on Pluto and some glowing humanoids, but that's it so far.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / The data layer
September 23, 2009, 20:56:32
I always wondered how astral projection is possible, how telepathy is possible, how a person can move an object using his mind, see the future, interact with the past - and I never found any explanations. Quantum mechanics offers hints, but that's all.  I never got my answers until I studied psychic humanoids - the ones who truly understand the physics of psychic phenomena. That's where I heard about a thing called the 'data layer', from which visible reality can be controlled.

The data layer is an abstract layer of the universe that is - literally - the code that creates what we see. Our physical universe is still real, but it's a bit like a computer program, and the smarter life forms out there - the psychics - are like the programmers and hackers. The more you know reality's codes, the more control you have, the more rules you can break.

That's how psychic phenomena works. This is mentioned in the Lacerta files, where a Reptilian causes a pen to jump telekinetically. She explains that this in done by manipulating the pen from the data layer, which filters through the physical layer and causes the physical pen to jump. She is essentially hacking the physical. In another record, there was a Zetan explaining how they copy and duplicate DNA. He said they don't just study the atoms, because there is a lot of data in DNA that humans don't see, because we only see the atoms (we perceive space as nothing but space). There is a 'lower' level of space containing more information, and that level controls the atoms with total precision.

The trouble is, humanoids try - and fail - to explain the data layer in human terms. We view the universe as nothing but XYZ space, but they see the underlying codes. So it always puzzled me as to what the data layer is and how it fits in with our visible universe.

The answer came when I was studying astrology - how data from a nearby planet can influence our behavior. After enough studying, it all made sense.

What it is
We measure things in height, width, mass, speed, distance - space measured with space - and that works fine most of the time. There are flaws in spacial measurement, however.  When you're trying to measure space on an atomic level, these systems begin to fail. For example, sometimes an atom teleports through another atom, sometimes a particle exists in two places at the same time, sometimes a photon shows up as a particle and sometimes it shows up as a wave. These particles follow rules different from solid objects.

When you get to the lowest level of space, measurements become useless. It can only be understood as data - numbers and variables that define how the universe creates the atoms and objects.

The smarter humanoids know this data and they can create tools and develop skills to manipulate it. Where we use our hands and heavy tools to manipulate reality, a psychic uses codes. Because your mind (spirit) is based mostly on data, anyone is theoretically able to do these things.

People see Zetans walk through their walls the way ghosts do, and even pull the human through the wall. This is puzzling because both are solid, atomic beings. The reason it's possible is because there are data fields in every object, controlling how the atoms organize and behave (for example the wall beside you is held together by a field) Zetans and other psychic types alter their data field so their atoms no longer respond to the wall, and they can do the same to the person.

Remote viewing
Remember where I said space measurement begins to fail on a sub-atomic level? That's because the data layer has little respect for space. If you're skilled enough, you can set where you are and read data from 10 light-years away, provided you can correctly track the data and translate it into visuals and sounds. An unskilled psychic gets information jumbled, and an average person fails at remote viewing because it's like reading computer code.

If you can read an object's data from afar, you can also write it. Like Lacerta said, you track a visible object to the data layer and change its codes. I imagine, if you want to make an object jump, you add an element of momentum to its properties. (I'm not sure that's how it works) Reality then translates this into a physical action. The same method can theoretically be used to make an object light, make it melt or even set it on fire if you change the codes correctly

Astral projection
This, I'm less sure about. When other humanoids talk about astral projection, they call it 'projecting your consciousness', implying that the astral form is your consciousness data. They also refer to your soul as your 'mind'. A Zetan said our minds (souls) exist as fine data and not visible atoms, and Lacerta said our intelligence does not exist in our brain at all. So what I assume is, astral projection is similar to remote viewing (accessing data from afar) except your mind data has become disassociated with your atomic body, and is able to traverse reality in the form of fine data.

The reason projecting is complicated, I think, is because your mind data is entwined with your DNA and chakra fields, so it's hard to separate because you rely on them. Separating for too long can cause your mind to deteriorate unless you're especially skilled. (you become less and less able to perceive data correctly, less able to think, and you revert to an incoherent dream state) Lacerta adds that a spirit simply dies after a while of separation (assuming you don't find a body to rely on), but I think this form of death is a long and gradual process, based on what I read about ghosts.

Time travel
Another subject I'm less certain about, but I've heard people say they've done it. I think, if there's a level of understanding where space begins to lose meaning, there must also be a level where time begins to lose meaning. If you know the codes deeply enough, you ought to be able translate high-level codes (current, time-based codes) into past and future data, and even interact with them if your system is good enough. (this would perhaps involve complex changes in the high-level code that essentially change the past and future)

How psychics read and write these codes is still mysterious to me. Some humanoids have tools that manipulate data, some are genetically geared for it so all they have to do is 'tell' an object to move and their mind alters the necessary data. Some have actually converted their planet into a system of fine data so that it understands and responds quickly to thoughts, allowing them to create any kind of fantasy from it.
I've been reading where humanoids talk about DNA and harmonics, saying most of the 'code' in DNA cannot be found in the atoms, but in the harmonic frequencies keeping those atoms together and creating the helix waves of DNA. More interesting is that our chakras, apparently, govern genetic harmonics.

It's also known that you can change the properties of an object by altering its harmonic frequencies. There's a sort of 'code' in every object that can be read and written through modulation.

So I'm thinking that's what we do in an astral projection. You feel the vibrations coursing through you before you project, then you (usually) come out looking similar to your physical form, so perhaps you're creating a harmonic copy of yourself. I did notice spirits are sensitive to modulation patterns such as electromagnetism.

Just theorizing. Anyone have any data about this?
I always hated synchronicity - when two things happen at the same time that couldn't be a coincidence. I always wondered, 'what good is it?' Maybe you're thinking of a guitar and suddenly that same guitar appears on TV. It's neat but I figured, all it seems to do is distract you.

But something happened the other day. I had just gotten off work (at a store) and was setting in the break room, half-awake over the table, with the store music playing overhead. I can't remember what I was thinking at that moment (you'll have to excuse the vagueness) but the very phrase I thought about suddenly played on the radio. At about the same time, I fell asleep, and in my 2-second dream I saw a COMPLETE explanation behind this synchronized event. Again I can't remember what it was, but it was a message related to the phrase I heard on the radio.

So when we see synchronicity, apparently we're only seeing the physical holograph of a bigger message, but our stunted human minds only pay attention to the holograph, and we're left wondering what it meant.

Just a neat thing I found.
I've been reading through this book where a hypnotist would put people into a trance and have them recall things from Earth's past (often through channeling), and something caught my attention. A few of the patients were talking about the Atlanteans and how they functioned as psychics. One was describing how they stored information, saying they didn't have computers and didn't do a lot of writing, but instead stored everything in energy streams. And as such, archeologists can't dig up any writings by them.

BUT the information is still supposedly there for psychics to access.

How about we give that a shot? There has to be a gold mine of info on psychic abilities there. Perhaps we could get into those files and pick up where they left off

EDIT - A little further into this book, the entity being channeled says these files "Will be of great benefit to your world." Sorry I don't have the book's title anywhere. It was an e-book and I only got screenshots
Any thoughts on rescuing Earth from certain doom? Here I'm talking about the cultural conflicts and wars that are about to kill us, not only the natural disasters to come. We've all seen the warnings. I've personally had two entities intervene and tell me Earth - particularly the US and Europe - are headed toward doom for a multitude of reasons.

What can be done?
 I've been thinking the realities we see in dreams are not independent realities, nor hallucinations. I think they're all facets of one underlying reality, and that the physical is also just one facet. By this, I mean a person in the physical will also appear in other facets, but will appear differently according to that facet's version of the underlying reality.

Hard to explain. It's like the 'planes' metaphor except the planes are different ways of displaying one set of data.

What does everyone think of dimensions?
I'm no expert on the astral, so I'm curious.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Spirits=aliens?
August 05, 2007, 19:43:08
^ I was reading this and something caught my eye.  He saw a flashback to Earth's past, in which a race of humanoids became stranded on Earth, somewhere around India.  But his description of the aliens sounded very familiar to me... The aliens were almost weightless and had bright, starry, flexible skin; they were ageless and immune to disease.

Just like human spirits.  It's a perfect match.  I've spent years studying the human spirit's structure and behavior, and these aliens were exactly like us, minus the human body.

He implies that they were our ancestors, somehow.

He says they were wandering Earth's terrain at the end of his flashback, barely able to live in the environment.  I wonder if the aliens stumbled across early humans and learned to possess and control those humans, creating a symbiotic relationship and spawning the half-human/half-spirit hybrids we have today.

We're able to leave our bodies at night.  Doesn't it seem strange for a species to do that?  There's almost no way for a race to evolve the ability to leave itself.  It's counter-evolutionary.

Wouldn't that be strange, if we're these stranded aliens now living in human bodies, jumping from body to body as one dies and the other is born.  It would explain why we have these angelic inhuman forms that are millions of years ahead in evolution.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Dynamics of memory
October 17, 2006, 11:09:00
The other night, I had a dream wherein was whisked through the galaxy, seeing the stars fly, all in really nice detail.  I noticed how each star had a distinct magnetic field.  These fields didn't pull me against them, but rather, struck me with different emotions.  Each star had a different set of feelings associated with it. These feelings seemed to indicate the life forms of that system.  Most feelings were alien to me, but as I reached the far edge of the Milky Way, I saw a cluster of red dusty stars with a very distinct feeling. Their fields were chaotic and uncomfortable, and while looking at them, I saw a memory of their past. (I can bore you with the details but they're not that important)

This happens when spirits pass planets in astral projections as well.  They say each planet gives off a field that reflects its condition.  These magnetic fields, apparently, aren't just there to gravitate moons and planets.  They tell a story of each star system's past.
^This page answered many questions I had about magnetic fields.  It mentions several ancient texts which recorded Earth's polarity reversals in the past.  They say every human on Earth suddenly loses their memory when Earth magnetism reverses.  They forget who they are.  Atlantis collapsed during the last polarity reversal because everyone's memory was erased, and they reverted to barbarianism.  The only people who remained normal were the masters, who preserved their magnetic fields using merkaba shifts, thereby keeping their memories.

So it seems your memory is directly linked to your magnetic field.  When you lose your field, you lose your memory.  If I had to guess how this magnetic memory works, I'd say your neurons and movements affect the field and record what you do and think.  This info then cycles around and recurs in your mind.

Honestly, it would explain a lot. It's known that a person can lose half their brain but keep all their memories. People have gone through every form of head trauma, and though they temporarily forget the past, the memories often come back later. Memory 'loss' is regarded more as psychological repression. Because of this, atheists are left scrambling for alternative explanations on how the memory works, since it appears to be nowhere in your brain. You should see their theories on 'memories embedded in DNA'.
If your actions are recorded in your magnetic field, this means your actions are recorded in Earth's magnetic field as well, plus the Sun's magnetic field and the galaxy's overall field.  Planets and stars will, in fact, have memories of any thought or action taking place in their field, whether or not they have any matrix to comprehend these memories (they probably don't think much).  This could explain how collective consciousness works from planet to planet.

The drawback is that a magnetic field affects different levels of reality (spectrums/dimensions) differently. For example, when you go to sleep, you shift down on the spectrum, where you read lower memories and have a hard time remembering when you were awake.  You can remember other dreams just fine when asleep, and you remember waking memories when awake, but you forget dreams when awake and vise-versa.  Your sleeping self becomes a different person, and because you spend less time sleeping than awake, your sleeping self is younger and less aware.  If you're 21, for example, your sleeping self is only 7 years old.  On top of that, your frequency rises as you get older, so it's hard to remember being young.  Frequencies even shift throughout the day.  By the time you're an adult, your memory is all over the spectrum and quite hard to read.

Just thought I'd mention this little theory.
What do you look like as a spirit?  Your color, your structure, material?  Are you cloudy, solid, or translucent?  If translucent, can you see anything under your skin?  Are you red? Blue? Black? Or some other color outside the normal spectrum?

Furthermore, how do things look from a spirit's perspective?  Brighter? More precise?  More blue or more red?  More or less color?  I'm trying to figure out how a spirit works and it'd be great to have input from different people.
So I'd like to probe everyone's deep knowledge for a moment.  We talk about souls a lot around here, obviously, but where do you suppose they came from?

My greatest guess is they originated in a star system somewhere, probably pretty far away, probably a long time ago.  It'd be nice if I could study a soul and come up with a more detailed theory on how its formed, but I'm a little too attached to my cellular body and don't have much luck leaving it.  Plus I hear the soul tends to hang around the back of your head, so, yeesh.  Sucks when the essence of your existence is so hard to see.

One big issue is whether cellular life preceded energetic life, the other way around, or both formed separately.  There's a slew of possibilities:
1. We came from - maybe - an animal somewhere out there who spawned a personal spirit as a means of evolutionary preservation (invincibility of complete death) and we came from there.
2. A species evolved to live on a higher frequency due to harsh low-freq conditions on the planet, and was able to come here at one point or another.
3. We originated on a higher frequency (ie. the star system theory) and invented cellular life manually, but Earth's materials could only produce low-freq bodies.
4. A species somewhere had a dying environment and needed a means of interstellar travel.  Invented souls capable of holding memories, living in space and shooting over long distances almost instantly.  (The soul is a very advanced, very capable thing; we might be some sort of technology.)
5. Cellular life AND energetic life came about separately, but energetic life forms learned to alter cellular forms so we could control them.

And of course a bazillion others.

I personally wouldn't believe for a minute that cellular life originated on Earth (on its own).  It's very young, the system is very young, and the possibilities are one in a trillion.  In the time this would take, countless other species from older, more suitable planets could have come to Earth and left its mark.

The soul itself is a real smoking gun for this; our very essence is something capable of moving near or past light speed between planets, systems, and can go unharmed by the vacuum of space.  Could something have just popped up out of an Earthly human's body one day with all these capabilities?  I doubt it.

I guess it's a tad pitiful that the mainstream evolutionary theories have complete ignorance of energetic life and millions of other factors. I didn't feel like setting around whining about it, so I thought I'd correct it.

Anyone else have any input on the makeup of the soul or where it came from?  I'm no expert on what it's like outside the body, so it'd be cool to have more real facts to work with.