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Messages - Faerydust


It's in congress this week (and voted on in less than twenty four hours), that telecom companies are trying to gain control of the net, which would allow them to charge us for posting pics, downloading, and also dictate which sites we can access or not access...
Their greed has obviously grown out of bounds, and they aren't happy with their slice of the pie.
AT&T is the main company mentioned. I'm personally boycotting them.

Please visit the address at the bottom of this messgae to sign the petition to preserve net neutrality and keep their greedy paws off of our right to free speech, and internet freedom.

They are counting on people to sleep on this.
You can also place a call to your local congressman to let them know you aren't trying to hear it.
There is power in numbers, those with a darker agenda have proven that.
Your number will make a difference.

I visited the local library in hopes that they will generate flyers and spread the word. You could do the same or similiar and visit schools, or spread the word in the workplace, etc...

Place a call to your local congresswoman/man. You can likely find their contact info in the blue pages of your phone book or online.
Do this between today and early early yomorrow.
And spread the word. Remember power in numbers.

The beauty of Astralpulse could be a thing of the past if this passes, along with other valuable places and items on the net. This affects you, and everyone. Think about it.

Peace Eternal
Sorry to hear it.
I have heard that can happen because the subconscious brings you into its terrain when you dream lucidly.
Mine were okay but I had little power to change things in them, and ended up losing consciousness of being lucid.
I ended up changing the avatar because it was too big.
I think I will enjoy it here.
I haven't had an AP yet. I'm starting out with lucid dreaming which I have done before.

*Faery whisper: To the Guardians of the forum*
Sorry about the oversized avatar . I uploaded a new one within the right parameter  :grin:

*Waving my little wand*
Be joyful and full of light all!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Found another one
March 15, 2006, 02:04:37
I've found another.
I haven't tried it yet.

They say they give free readings here too :grin:

*Faery giggles*
Quote from: kiwibongaDoes it "work?"

Dunno yet
*slight shrug*
I don't see why it wouldn't.
I'll be working with it alot and report back.
Quote from: SelskiHi Faerydust

What a pretty faery you are!  :grin:

Welcome to the Forums - have a good look around and enjoy yourself while you are here.


Bright Blessings Selski!

Thankyou for the warm welcome.
Thankyou for the compliment on my avatar. I thought she was pretty cute too :wink:

This forum has such naturally and uncontrived good energy.
I will recommend it.
This kind of good energy flow is a bit rare from what I have experienced on the net.
There are a few sites that actually take the time to give you truly free readings.
No catches. really.

Some get back to you faster than others but here are the addresses I know of. (quick turnaround usually) (chatroom live readings) (friendly readers) (friendly, can be a tad slow for picture readings but really accurate) (can be slow sometimes quick turnaround)

Do you know of any others?

Quote from: thesickmoonBrightness to you, too!

Blessings 'thesickmoon'!
:grin:  :grin:  :grin:

I love your sig. Quite clever. :wink:

When I was exposed to extreme negativity (it was quite bad, and most of my chakras were off, half the time I could barely feel my body, and was so ungrounded I thought I would feint after doing dishes, I worked with Angel cards, not for the situation I had found myself in in particular, but just to work with a new deck I'd recieved.

The Archangel Micheal card (which lets you know you are protected from lower energies at any given time), stuck with me, and I set it out on instinct.
Whenever things were rough, my eyes were drawn to it. I could be thinking about something else entirely, and my eyes would be drawn to that card, shortly after that some resolution had presented itself, and I was indeed protected from the worst...

I recommend Archangel Micheal for serious matters like negs that are bound and determined to leech off of you or worse.
Angelic power is just as strong as its reputed to be.

This interesting program opens right up and well ... you'll see :wink:
It is a way to program your subconscious to lucid dream.
Bright Greetings Solstis!
Just a quick ' How do you do'.
