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Messages - Skippy

Welcome to Astral Chat! / My forums
August 27, 2008, 15:08:36
I hope the sharing of links is allowed here - I've just today finished creating my own astral projection forums and am trying to publicise them.

It is not my intention to draw anyone away from this site. I still visit and read posts even though I haven't posted in a long time. I'm just hoping to pulicise my site so that hopefully it can get a few members.

If anyone's interested the address is
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Good sign?
June 27, 2007, 20:40:13
Is it a good sign if, when practicing, your body temperature rises (or seems to.)

That's what happened to me a couple of nights ago. I felt the familiar feeling of stiffness and I also felt like I was becoming disconnected, although I was still firmly in my body.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: River Phoenix
June 01, 2007, 20:09:27
Did you think his acting in general was quite good, though, Astir?

I know he's not to everyone's taste. But he seems to me to have been an admirable person. He really stuck by his principles and wanted to protect animals and the environment.

And, although his death was his fault, I still think it was a shame. He was very young and he could have done much more.

And I love his name.

He also seemed quite mature.
Thank you to everyone who kept Warren in your thoughts.

Unfortunately, he died on Sunday evening. According to my sister, he died peacefully, with his parents in the room with him.

His friends have placed flowers at the place where the accident occurred, and they lit candles for him at the school this evening.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / River Phoenix
May 12, 2007, 18:29:57
Are there any fans of River Phoenix here?

I've recently become a fan and have seen three of his films - Explorers (1985), Stand By Me (1986) and Running On Empty (1988).

I think he was a talented actor, and I admire how he stood for such things as animal rights and environmentalism.
A friend of my sister's was hit by a car yesterday; he's in hospital and he's not in good condition. I was wondering if people here could some some healing/positive energy his way? His name is Warren Hay, if that helps.
I've always enjoyed the show, and I own the first season DVD. Recently, I discovered that there are loads of episodes on youtube, and I've started watching them (currently I've watched the first five episodes from the second season.) I'm really pleased to have found them, because I'd never seen any episodes from the second, third or fourth seasons, and it looks like there are a lot more, so I'm looking forward to viewing them.

Anyway, I've really been enjoying watching them. I like all the characters, although my favourite is probably Malcolm, and I think Frankie Muniz does a good job. The show can be really crazy and slapstick and over-the-top at times, which I think is part of the reason I like it. I loved the scene in one episode where Hal, Francis, Reese, Malcolm and Dewey all had a fight with a bunch of clowns after one of them insulted Lois! That was great! And then there was the scene in the last episode of season one, where Hal, Lois, Reese and Malcolm went to a water park (they left Dewey with a babysitter) and Malcolm and Reese were fighting all the time. When they finally went too far, Lois was screaming at them at the top of a slide, and Malcolm pushed her down! And she managed to drag them down the slide with her! Great!
Quote from: Stookie on April 25, 2007, 11:48:47
Stretching yourself farther than you knew was possible and realizing your potentials has more satifaction and joy to it than meeting a famous person or living a fantasy. It's impossible to describe - it's life-changing. Imagine putting on a pair of glasses that makes the world brighter, more colorful, & more beautiful. Seeing it as it is, rather than living a false interpretation of it in your mind.

That may be so, but still, this isn't just any old famous person I want to see - it's the great Steve Irwin! I think it would be a positive experience, because Steve strikes me as having been a fairly spiritually evolved individual - he loved animals so much, and he seemed like such a nice, happy, friendly person.

And from what I've heard about Maurice Gibb and Andy Gibb, they were very kind, friendly people too.

There are other things I plan to do as well - but meeting up with them is high on my list of things to do once I get into the astral.

I think my favourite Andy Gibb song (of the few I've heard) is Our Love (Don't Throw It All Away). The Bee Gees sang that in a 1997 concert as a tribute to him, and it was very moving.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Lazaris
April 22, 2007, 19:32:54

I found this site a couple of days ago. Lazaris is a non-physical entity who has been channelled by a man named Jach since 1974. It's pretty interesting.
Quote from: TalaNay on April 18, 2007, 09:48:14
Hehehe.  Perhaps it is because of that.  You seem very focused and as much as you think of them through the days, I'm surprised you haven't been dreaming about them.

I haven't dreamed about the Bee Gees in ages, but I've had some dreams about Steve Irwin. One of them was only a few nights ago, and it was quite spooky - I dreamed I was watching him in the water at the Great Barrier Reef not long before he died.
Quote from: TalaNay on April 18, 2007, 06:35:51It almost seems like this is a joke and you are seeing how far you can take it.  If that isn't the case, then I'm sorry.

I don't understand why you would think I'm making a joke, though? (I'm not.) What is there for me to joke about? I'm basically just a person who really, really likes the Bee Gees and Steve. And Andy Gibb too.
Quote from: TalaNay on April 16, 2007, 22:50:56
I have to admit that after reading your threads for a few months now, that pretty much contain Stevo, the beegee's and a few others, I hate to think you are being bogus.  I'm not trying to hurt your feelings but you seem either, really young, or just out for a lark....  I don't get you anymore.   Wanna share?

I don't quite understand what you mean, TalaNay - you think I'm being bogus? Bogus about what? What would make you think that?

I am fairly young, anyway - I'm 18. And if, by "out for a lark" you mean "out to have fun", then that's true as well. My sole purpose for learning AP is to have fun. And I really, really, really like and admire Steve Irwin and the Bee Gees and their brother Andy Gibb. That's the reason I want to meet up with them. I want to talk to them, to interact with them. They were good people, really, really nice. I wish Steve, Maurice and Andy were still alive. So when I finally AP, I want to meet them. There's nothing wrong with that.

I know I've referred to Steve and the Bee Gees a number of times, but I'm sure the majority of my posts haven't contained references to them. And the reason that I have mentioned them a few times is because I love them. I think Steve and the Bee Gees are great and I love talking about them. And I do intend to start threads about them in the OT forum eventually.

Jela, what picture are you referring to? The picture of Steve? That's a snake he's holding in that picture. "What a beauty!"
Quote from: Stookie on April 16, 2007, 10:44:58When you're in awe, your not really thinking much about talking to James Brown.

But Steve-o's different.  :-) I actually do think crocodiles are kind of cute, in their way, after watching him.

I should start a thread about him sometime in the Chat section.
Quote from: TalaNay on April 15, 2007, 11:12:56Once you find yourself outside your body and conscious of that fact, I honestly don't think talking to some deceased celebrities will be first and for most in your mind.  But I cannot wait for you to have your first OBE and prove me wrong. :-D

You might be right, but I hope it is one of the things that I do (when I finally get out.) I think it's great that so many people use AP to learn, but I think I'd rather have loads of fun. I'd take time to learn and progress too, but...having fun is what appeals to me more.

Besides, hanging around with Steve Irwin would be most exciting, I think. I taped Ocean's Deadliest,but I have yet to watch it. I think it will be somewhat eerie.
Quote from: jilola on April 13, 2007, 20:44:43Why would one want to have "a psychic fight"? A voluntary nosebleed?

Well, it's not a psychic fight I want to have. I'd prefer to stay away from fights!  :-) I just like the idea of talking to Steve Irwin and Maurice and Andy Gibb. It sounds like it would be fun to me.
Quote from: TalaNay on April 13, 2007, 15:42:49You'd be amazed how quickly that thought leaves one mind.   :)

Does it? I hope it doesn't with me. I'd like to spend some time having fun with Steve Irwin. Speaking of Steve, Ocean's Deadliest (the documentary he was working on when he died) is being shown in the UK on Sunday; I hope to watch it.

I also want to talk to Maurice Gibb (one of the Bee Gees) and Andy Gibb (the Bee Gees' baby brother.) And as for fictional people, well, I'd LOVE to go on the adventure with the kids in The Goonies - "HEY, YOU GUYS!"

I've also become quite a fan of River Phoenix over the past few months - it would be nice to have a chat with him.
I haven't managed to AP yet, and when I do, my main goal is to basically have fun. I'd like to meet dead people, fictional people, and have adventures.

I would like to use this spiritual/AP stuff to benefit myself, though. Is it okay to do that? I hope it doesn't sound selfish, since I'm really only thinking of myself here - but I don't think there's anything wrong with a bit of self-indulgence. Well, I'm not sure that there's really anything wrong with a lot of it.

I do like the idea of using AP to travel to the homes of sceptics, see what they look like, then hopefully remember, and describe their homes to them (note, the people I am referring to are people I know on the Internet, so I would have no prior knowledge of what their homes look like.) Surely that would make them believe in this stuff?
I haven't had these experiences whilst practicing myself, but other people have, and it's completely normal.  :-) It's possible that you're imagining them, but it's also possible that you could be hearing sounds or voices from the spiritual realm, as when you're in that very relaxed state, it's easier for your mind to pick up on those kind of things.

I think this is something to feel encouraged about - it probably means you've come quite a long way.  :-)
Quote from: Petal on April 01, 2007, 15:57:33My boss at work is very sceptic, however he does ocassionally ask questions and doesn't ridicule so I don't mind that at all.

It would be nice if everyone was like that.

I have no problem with people not believing in it. I can understand why they don't - astral projection seems a pretty weird, freaky thing to many people. I think a lot of people can't conceive the notion.

But I don't think it's nice for people to ridicule those who believe, or make fun of them, or be sarcastic towards them, and insult them because of their beliefs.
Lucky you! Several people have outrightly told me that what I believe in is a load of rubbish. I wish they'd keep it to themselves, really. I think it's quite rude to tell someone that what they believe in is a load of crap.

I just wish some people would tone down their attitudes a bit. It can be tiresome.
Thanks for your report, Stookie, it was interesting! I hope you get an OBE next time.

Whenever I hear of sensory deprivation tanks now, I think of Maris (Niles' unseen wife on Frasier) because there was an episode in which she used one.
If you ever tell anyone that you're interested in AP/spirituality/New Age stuff, and that you practice AP, do they ever treat you differently?

I was talking to some people online about it a few days ago, and most of them were completely closed to any of the ideas. Some of them told me that it was a lot of rubbish and that I was wasting my time on it, and in general, they seemed to be unable to comprehend why I would possibly be interested, and why I would want to learn how to AP (which they don't believe in anyway.)

They weren't exactly treating me like I was weird (although I'm sure that must happen a lot with people who talk about this stuff to others who don't believe in it) but there was a general...I'm not sure what it was. It was a kind of, "Why-are-you-into-this-stupid-nonsense" type attitude, and at times, they seemed almost annoyed that I'm interested in this.

Has anyone else ever found that?
Quote from: Principle on March 25, 2007, 01:58:51I guarantee this attraction you seek is more likey to occur if you use your own energy.

Could you tell me exactly what you mean when you tell me I should use my own energy?

I really have no idea how to go about it.
Quote from: malganis on March 24, 2007, 11:35:07The movie explains LOA very well. It's not just positive thoughts. There must be also emotions and inspired action.

There are definitely emotions involved, and I have taken some inspired action, but as far as I can see, it hasn't done anything.

I don't think what I want violates the free will of anything else. I just would like someone to become a friend of mine.
I've read the view that if we continually think positively about what it is that we want in life, and continue to tell ourselves that we have it, or that we are going to get it soon, that eventually we will have it.

There's something that I really, really want (it's not a material object) and I've been thinking positive thoughts for some time, but it doesn't seem to be working. I don't seem to be any closer than before.